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In a huge metropolis, it is not so easy to find real homemade products for home use, but you really want to. There are a sufficient number of food markets in Moscow, and each has its own history, rules and pricing policy. You need to lose a lot of time to find a really good place where delicious, fresh and only natural products at affordable prices. Over time, most of the indigenous people have forgotten about the markets, everyone is running to the usual supermarkets, where proper nutrition definitely does not shine, because all the products are brought from abroad, dyed, as if not real ... But I will tell you where in Moscow you you can buy for yourself and your family the freshest products grown on our native land by our rural housewives.

Danilovsky Market, st. Mytnaya, 74 (metro station "Tulskaya"), open Mon-Sat 8:00-19:00, Sun 8:00-18:00.
Previously, it was called the "collective farm market", because in this place you can buy a variety of goodies from local farmers. Here and fresh meat, fresh vegetables and fruits. In general, you can find absolutely everything. The counters and the territory are generally clean and well-groomed, the sellers look neat, always in shape. As for the price, here, in comparison with other markets, it will definitely not work to save.

Rogozhsky ranks, Rogozhsky val, 5, building 1 (metro station "Rimskaya"), open daily, 9:00-21:00.
If you know certain tents in this place, then you will successfully buy here the freshest, tasty and healthy products at very reasonable prices. Here you can find juicy seasonal gifts of nature, a huge assortment of fish delicacies, and farm snacks. By the way, if you are looking for good spices, then look for them in this market, there is one seller who devoted his whole life to spices and spices. He sells whole fees that will greatly change the usual taste of your dishes.

Dorogomilovsky market, Mozhaisky Val, 10 (metro station "Kyiv"), open daily, 8:00-20:00.
This is a real treasure for local restaurants and cafes, because you can always negotiate with local sellers who will also bring their products to your establishments for free. For bulk purchases, especially for a huge family, this market will be very useful. Here you will find everything that your heart desires. Even a rare carom or those same oysters, all this will be brought to you in the best possible way. And what a chic lamb is on this market, a real pilaf will turn out from what they offer there. It is processed using all technologies that help to preserve everything beneficial features meat and extend its shelf life. The very atmosphere of the market is quite friendly, sellers can give a good price, or even give something away.

Secret Asian Market, Kashirskoe highway, 61, building 3-a, (metro station "Domodedovskaya"), open daily, 8:00-19:00.
This small market is not so easy to find, it is located behind the building of the Moskva shopping center. If you prefer Asian cuisine, real and genuine, then definitely go there and you will understand everything yourself. There, even the air is soaked through with the presence of Asia. Everything you need, even the rarest, you will definitely find there. The most unusual fresh and canned okra, aloe, okra, passion fruit, noodles of various varieties, and even cane sugar.

Riga market, Prospekt Mira, 94/96 (metro station "Rizhskaya"), open Mon-Sat 7:00-19:30, Sun 7:00-17:30.
This market is considered to be an entire landmark of the city of Moscow, it was repeatedly mentioned in the famous TV series "Brigada", where Sasha Bely began his gangster career. In addition, the most ridiculous and even serious incidents have repeatedly happened there. The market was shortened a little, but the sale there continues to this day. There are not very many vegetables and fruits here, often a meager assortment, but buying flowers in this place will seem, perhaps, the most profitable and memorable deal. The sellers are always inferior, the flowers are quite different, beautiful and always fresh.

Preobrazhensky market, Preobrazhensky Val, 17 (metro station "Preobrazhenskaya Ploschad"), open daily, 8:00-19:00.
In addition to the standard set of products, you can also purchase commemorative wreaths, tombstones and other accessories on this topic. There is a cemetery nearby, so this moment is very convenient, especially on memorable days. In addition, there are always a lot of the highest quality products here: a chic selection of mushrooms, apples, and even dairy products. Prices are listed once, but you can always bargain.

Farmer Bazaar, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 15, building 1 (metro station "Tsvetnoy Bulvar"), open daily, 11:00-22:00.
This rather unusual bazaar format is located in the Tsvetnoy shopping center. It can be called more of a supermarket with a market assortment, because everything goes towards this. You can buy any product, but not quite cheaply, and they can cook it for you right there. Although this option for purchasing products is quite new, it is already successfully popular among modern residents of the metropolis. Bargaining, by the way, is also possible in this grocery market, sellers are inferior.

Leningrad market, st. Hourly, 11 (metro station "Airport"), open Mon-Sat 7:00-19:00, Sun 7:00-17:00.
Unfortunately, only the name remains of this familiar agricultural market in Moscow. In recent years, it has been modernized in a modern way, but there are no fewer buyers. Prices, of course, have risen a lot, but this shopping complex is often visited by curious Muscovites. Especially crowded on weekends when after working week everyone flocks for fresh supplies. The highlight of the market is a generous assortment of all the necessary ingredients for real pilaf, barbecue and even lagman.

Cheryomushkinsky market, Lomonosovsky prospect, 1/64 (metro station "Universitet"), open Mon-Sat 7:00-18:00, Sun 7:00-16:00.
Among other food markets in Moscow, it was Cheryomushkinsky that fell in love with its friendly attitude, good service and reasonable prices. A very tasty selection of dried beer preparations, simply unreal crayfish, awesome bream and roach. It's worth it to stand in line for these chic baits. Prices for such a delicacy are quite democratic, regular customers always have discounts.

Warehouse La Maree, Volgogradsky prospect, 32, building 3 (metro station "Volgogradsky Prospekt"), open daily 10:00-00:00.
There are long queues here to buy the most delicious seafood delicacies. This is the richest food market in Moscow, where all this is in bulk. Want live lobsters? No problem! Do you want oysters? Here in bulk! Do you dream of trying dorado or turbot? Come! All this goodness in La Maree is enough for everyone.

Sevastopol market, st. B. Yushunskaya, 1a (Sevastopolskaya metro station), daily 9:00-16:00, some shops work according to their own schedule.
Perhaps the most gloomy and unkempt food market in Moscow, with weak nerves it is better not to look into this place. This place is quite dirty, gloomy atmosphere, boorish sellers who try to sell low-quality spoiled products. The market itself is located on the 12th and 13th floors, already by the smell you can understand what is being sold there. But if you get it right, you can save a lot. This place is also valuable for the fact that there is inexpensive rice from China, noodles from Korea and the rarest Asian fruits.

spanish house, Yaroslavsky market, ave. Mira, 122, bldg. 1 (metro station "VDNKh"), open daily, 08:00-19:00.
This is a very interesting food market in Moscow, where there is a wonderful shop with a Spanish theme. Directly, in front of your eyes, real Spanish sun-dried tomatoes will be made to you. Also, you can buy no less delicious freshly baked buns with baguettes. Also, buyers are offered a choice of the rarest wine, which can also be tasted.

Market LavkaLavka, Nizhny Susalny per. 5, building 10 (metro station "Kurskaya"), open Mon-Fri 11:00-21:00, Sat, Sun 11:00-20:00.
The market strategy itself is the absolute sale of only natural agricultural products. But, strangely enough, the local authorities do not give way to this rather promising project. Several attempts were made to open big market in the center of Moscow, all of them, as it turned out, were unsuccessful. Well, in the meantime, there is no single huge place for the distribution of natural products, this process is carried out in original stores LavkaLavka.

Eat for health!

The majority of Moscow restaurants are purchased at the Dorogomilovsky market. Many merchants have free delivery, and porters with carts move around the market itself. Here you can find literally everything: from Antonov apples to Spanish jamon. And what is on the shelves is not the whole range. Here you can get durian, and carom, and oysters. It is believed that Dorogomilovsky has the best lamb in the city. The meat stalls are located in the center of the covered market. Lamb carcass can be purchased there for 270 rubles. per kg, shoulder blade - 220 each, loin - 420 each, fat tail - 250 each. Conditional prices. For beautiful eyes, you can get a discount of up to 50%, regular customers, especially if you know a couple of words in Uzbek - up to 80%, they can even give something for the holidays. It is not the buyer with the seller who is talking here, but the person with the person.

Danilovsky Market

It was an ordinary collective farm market until it was reorganized two years ago. Now all the counters are equally neat, there are benches for tired customers around the edges, the sellers are dressed in uniform. Above the meat rows hang detailed maps of carcass cutting with translation into English. In general, Danilovsky is one of the most expensive markets. Meat here starts from 300 r. per kg, tomatoes - from 100 r.

In the 1990s, it was possible to buy products from Soviet cooperatives “from parsley to the Kalashnikov assault rifle” on Rizhsky. It was there that Sasha Bely from the "Brigade" began to engage in racketeering upon his return from the army. In 2004, a suicide bomber exploded near the market near the Rizhskaya metro station, and the Moscow government decided to close the shop (officially declaring that the attack had nothing to do with it). Now, people from all over the city come to the Riga agricultural market for inexpensive various flowers. Vegetables and other products here are also very good, but the choice is small.

Until 1996, the Rogozhsky market was not profitable until it was bought by Avtoprokat LLC and launched in 2000 already in the status of a shopping complex. Passing through it, you find yourself in a courtyard where seasonal vegetables, berries and mushrooms are sold. Opposite is another pavilion, which houses the Black Pearl store with a very good selection of fish (crucian carp - 80 rubles per kg, pike - 150, flounder - 250). To the right of the main pavilion is a farmer's one at number 13. You can buy vegetables, meat, poultry, and spices there.

The territory of the Transfiguration Market belongs to the Old Believer Church. Nearby are a cemetery and shops with wreaths and tombstones. In the market itself, you can meet mournful ladies in black tulle and wide-brimmed hats. The assortment of the Preobrazhensky Market is striking in its generosity: several rows of fresh mushrooms, it seems that there are more of them than in the forest (white ones - from 400 rubles per kg, boletus - from 100 rubles), seasonal apples ("Glory to the winners" - from 40 rubles per kg), berries from cloudberries to blackberries (from 50 rubles per glass) and much more. The price tags are written by hand, with notes like "overeating". Traded mainly by farmers. From the strange - a vending machine for milk (5 rubles - a bottle and 35 rubles - a liter). However, the grandmothers do not trust him: "And then there will be no one to ask."

In the past, it was the most famous agricultural market in the capital. After reconstruction, a typical shopping complex has grown on the site of the former covered rows. Prices have risen accordingly. However, going here has remained a tradition of many citizens, and on a day off the room is crowded. In addition to everything that is in every bazaar, the Leningrad market is famous for its Uzbek rows. To cook the perfect pilaf, barbecue or lagman, just voice your desire to the seller, and he will assemble a set of seasonings for you.

Three main components - price - quality - service - are conducive to grocery shopping. The sellers are like professional bartenders: starting a conversation is a common thing, especially among the sellers of crayfish and dried fish with beer. The rustle in the box is live crayfish from the backwaters of the Volga, the fattest and most delicious. Dried fish for every taste - bream, roach, kutum, Kuban shemaya ... Prices are acceptable - from 15 rubles. per piece

The oldest Moscow market: the first trading rows appeared here in 1712. It is very difficult to run into stale goods or a dishonest attitude - reputation is more expensive. Otherwise, everything is the same as everywhere else - meat, fish, pucks of farm cheese on the same counter with store ones, cakes and sweets, a tea department, fresh bread, dried fruits, nuts.

The brainchild of the Ginza Project on the top floor of the Tsvetnoy shopping center - something between a supermarket, a market and a restaurant - is not a new thing in the world, but it is the first in the center of Moscow. Prices bite, but pointing a finger at the clams in the window and after 5 minutes seeing them on your table is nice for any money. Marbled beef steak, fresh bread, cottage cheese, exotic fruits - you can ask for everything to be cooked on the spot or you can take it with you. Trading is not allowed!

The Sevastopol market is not for the faint of heart. The ugly gray building of the Sevastopol Hotel hides an incredibly true picture of Asian markets. Products are sold on the 12th and 13th floors. For pennies, you can buy Pakistani or Chinese rice, Korean noodles, Asian fruits, Chinese sweets, dried fruits and nuts, Turkish rose honey. The whole building smelled of spices. The authenticity of any product is guaranteed by crooked-toothed Sikhs who do not speak Russian.

The warehouse in Volgogradka became famous back in the early 90s: it was here that live lobsters, oysters, turbot, and dorado appeared for the first time in post-Soviet Russia. Now La Meree is a brand, it is easy to meet famous chefs here. It is interesting to come not only for shopping, but also to see: the space resembles an oceanarium.

The first and so far the only ecobazaar opened in 2012 in Mytishchi. But in the next 5 years, there are plans to equip almost all of the Moscow region with such enterprises. The main feature is the organization of space: streets of dairy products or vegetables with fruits, honey are found at a huge fragrant bakery. Of the outstanding - the monastery shop, "Yoghurteria" - a yogurt ice cream shop-cafe, rich fish, meat, cheese departments and the legendary giant strawberries from the farm named after. Lenin.

If you go around the administrative building of the Moskva shopping center on the right, you will run into a small container booth. There are no signs on it, but people are constantly entering and exiting. Much more space inside. Smells like Asia. Side-by-side rows of exotic goods line the market stalls, both fresh, such as pak choi, okra, and okra, and canned, such as lychee, passion fruit, and aloe. Cane sugar as many as 10 types. A lot of noodles: from the usual glass to orange mango.

The ambitious idea of ​​a full-fledged farmer's market LavkaLavka has not been implemented yet, but the work is in full swing! The motto "Support a local farmer" perfectly explains the concept of the upcoming opening. It will be a room in the center of Moscow with a convenient location. In anticipation of the opening, scheduled for February 2014, you can buy products in company stores. Sellers will tell you in detail what kind of meat, where milk comes from and how dried fruits are made.

Moscow is a huge city with a great history, which is known all over the world. Probably, most of the inhabitants of Russia would like to live in it, since this city is considered a place that can give a person success and wealth. Yes, and in terms of beauty and number of attractions, only St. Petersburg will argue with Moscow. Probably more than a dozen books have already been written about this eternal competition. But in parallel with this, few Muscovites themselves, having lived in the capital for many decades, perfectly know this city, all its interesting places and their history. They can immediately name the Kremlin, Lenin's Mausoleum. And that's all... But only a few people know about the places where Moscow residents visit almost every day, about the history of their creation and development, and about the quality of their products, as well as their reputation among people. It's about the markets. It would seem such a banal place, but for people who are worried about their health and proper nutrition, even such a trifle as going to the market is of great importance. Therefore, this article will focus on the best food and vegetable markets in Moscow. We will provide you with information about the most popular bazaars of the capital, their reputation, the quality and range of their products, as well as tell you how to get there and at what time is the best time to go shopping.

The Dorogomilovsky market is a source of food purchases for most Moscow restaurants. Many merchants provide the service free shipping, and directly through the market, goods are moved by porters with carts. This place offers a full range of products, from Antonov apples to Spanish jamon. And everything that we find on the shelves is far from the limit of what sellers can offer. In the market you can find carom, and durian, and oysters. They say that here is the best lamb in Moscow. Rows with meat are located in the heart of the bazaar. You can buy a lamb carcass for 280 rubles per kilogram, a shoulder blade - for 220, a loin - for 450, a fat tail - for 250. All prices are negotiable. Subject to good bargaining, you can buy goods at half price, and guests, especially if you know something in Uzbek, can get up to 80 percent. On the occasion of the holiday, something from the assortment can even be presented. Here they communicate not as a buyer with a seller, but as a person with a person.

Address: Mozhaisky Val, 10 (metro station "Kyiv"). Opening hours: every day from 8:00 to 20:00

Danilovsky Market

The Danilovsky market used to be known as the "collective farm" market until it was transformed a few years ago. Since that time, the stalls have been equally well maintained, with benches placed along the edges so that customers can rest. Uniform dress code for vendors has been introduced. Above the meat rows you can find detailed maps of the correct butchering of carcasses (with English translation). In terms of price, the Danilovsky market is one of the most expensive in Moscow. Meat here can be bought from 300 rubles per kilogram, tomatoes - starting from 100 rubles.

Address: st. Mytnaya, 74 (metro station "Tulskaya"). Opening hours: Mon-Sat from 8:00 to 19:00, Sun from 8:00 to 18:00.

Riga market

In the 1990s, manufactured goods from Soviet manufacturers "from parsley to the Kalashnikov assault rifle" were bought at the Riga market. It was there that Sasha Bely, the most famous hero of the television series "Brigada", began to turn his illegal affairs upon his return from military service. In 2004, near the metro station "Rizhskaya", which is next to the market, there was an incident with a suicide bombing, and the capital's officials decided to close the market (officially refuting the general opinion that this was somehow connected with the terrorist attack). Today, people from all over Moscow come to the former "collective farm" market for all kinds of cheap flowers. Vegetables and other products here are also of high quality, but their range is very limited.

Address: pros. Mira, 94/96 (metro station "Rizhskaya"). Opening hours: Mon-Sat from 7:00 to 19:30, Sun from 7:00 to 17:30

Rogozhsky ranks

Until the mid-90s, the Rogozhsky market brought more losses than profits, until it became the property of Avtoprokat LLC, which in 2000 awarded it the status of a shopping complex. Passing through the market, you enter the courtyard, which is famous for selling seasonal vegetables, berries and mushrooms. On the opposite side there is another pavilion, which houses the Black Pearl shop with a large assortment of fish (crucian carp - 80 per kilogram, pike - 150 each, flounder - 250 each). To the right of the main building is the pavilion at number 13, known as the "farm". Meat, poultry, vegetables and spices can be bought here.

Address: Rogozhsky val, 5, building 1 (Rimskaya metro station). Opening hours: every day from 9.00 to 21.00

Preobrazhensky market

The area of ​​the Transfiguration Market is the property of the Old Believer Church. Nearby is a cemetery, as well as a shop with tombstones and wreaths. Directly on the territory of the market there are mournful ladies in dark tulle and wide-brimmed headdresses. The choice of goods on the market pleases with its richness: a couple of rows of fresh mushrooms, which are probably more here than in the forest forest (white - from 400 rubles per kilogram, boletus - from 100 rubles), berries (from 50 rubles per glass), seasonal apples (“Glory to the winners” - from 40 per kilogram) and much more. Prices are written by hand, with the inscription "overeating". Farmers predominate among sellers. From the amazing automatic machine for the sale of dairy products (5 rubles - a bottle and 30 rubles - a liter). But she does not inspire much confidence in elderly market visitors, since then she will not make claims to anyone.

Address: Preobrazhensky Val, 17 (metro station "Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad")

Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 8:00 to 19:00, Sat and Sun from 8:00 to 18:00

Leningrad market

The Leningrad market in the distant past was the most popular market for agricultural products in Moscow. After the reorganization, a shopping complex settled in the field of the old covered rows. Along with this, of course, prices have also risen. However, the hike here has remained traditional for most residents of the city, both on weekdays and on weekends (on Saturdays and Sundays it is especially crowded here). The Leningrad market stands out among the rest with its Uzbek rows. In order to make an exemplary pilaf, lagman or barbecue, it will be enough to inform the seller about your desire, who will independently select a group of seasonings for you.

Address: Chasovaya street, 11 (Airport metro station). Opening hours: Mon - Sat from 7:00 to 19:00, Sun from 7:00 to 17:00

Cheryomushkinsky market

The Cheryomushkinsky market attracts the buyer with three main components - price, quality and service. The sellers here can easily be confused with professional bartenders: starting a conversation is a common thing for them, especially for those selling beer snacks (dried fish and crayfish). The alarming sounds that come from the box create live crayfish from the Volga bays, which are the most appetizing. Well, dried fish is here for every taste (in the range: Kuban shemaya, bream, kutum, vobla). Prices are affordable - from 15 rubles apiece.

Address: Lomonosovsky prospect, 1/64 (metro station "Universitet"). Opening hours: Mon-Sat from 7:00 to 18:00, Sun 7:00-16:00

Lefortovo market

The Lefortovo market is the oldest in Moscow: as far back as 1712, the premiere shopping arcade appeared on this site. Here it is almost impossible to stumble upon a low-quality product or face a dishonest attitude towards the buyer, since reputation is much more expensive for sellers. In other aspects, the market is quite ordinary - fish, meat, farm cheese next to the store, sweets, tea department, fresh bakery products, dried fruits and more.

Address: Aviamotornaya street, 39 (Aviamotornaya metro station). Opening hours: every day from 8:00 to 20:00

"Farmer Bazaar"

Farmer's Bazaar is a creation of the Ginza Project on the top floor of the Tsvetnoy shopping center, which is a cross between a supermarket, a market and a restaurant. This is an innovation for the center of Moscow. Goods are not cheap, but enjoying mouth-watering clams 5 minutes after ordering is nice even for that kind of money. Beef steak, hot bread, fresh cottage cheese, exotic fruits - all this, if desired, can be done literally in front of your eyes. Well, no one forbids bargaining!

Address: Tsvetnoy Bulvar, 15, building 1 (metro station "Tsvetnoy Bulvar"). Opening hours: every day from 11:00 to 22:00

Sevastopol market

The Sevastopol market is a place that is better not to go to the faint of heart. The ugly gloomy structure of the Sevastopol Hotel hides the sad truth of Asian markets. Products are sold on the twelfth and thirteenth floors of the building. Almost for nothing you can buy rice from China or Pakistan, Korean noodles, fruits from Asia, Turkish rose honey, Chinese sweets and more. The whole structure is saturated with the smell of spices. The quality of goods is guaranteed by untrustworthy Sikhs, who, moreover, do not speak Russian.

Address: B. Yushunskaya street, 1a (Sevastopolskaya metro station). Opening hours: every day from 9.00 (some shops from 11:00). They close at approximately 16-17:00.

Warehouse La Maree

The warehouse building on Volgogradka called La Maree gained its fame back in the early nineties, since only here in the territory of post-Soviet Russia could one find live lobsters, oysters, dorado, turbot and so on. Now La Maree is a full-fledged brand, on the territory of which you can easily encounter famous chefs. It is worth coming here not only for shopping, but also to admire the room in the form of an oceanarium.

Address: Volgogradsky prospect, 32, building 3 (Volgogradsky Prospekt metro station). Opening hours: every day from 10:00 to 00:00.


Ecobazaar is the first and so far unique market of its kind, which was opened in 2012 in Mytishchi. But now there is already a plan, following which, in the coming years, almost all districts near Moscow will be equipped with such enterprises. The main highlight is the rational organization of the available space: whole streets of dairy products are created, as well as honey, vegetables, fruits, which are found at a large, smelly bakery. Of the interesting places - the monastery shop, a yogurt ice cream shop-cafe called "Yoghurteriya", huge fish, meat, cheese departments, as well as the famous huge strawberries from Agriculture named after Lenin.

Address: Mytishchi, Veteranov Boulevard, Building 2 (Medvedkovo metro station). Opening hours: every day from 9:00 to 21:00

"Spanish House" at the Yaroslavl market

The Spanish House grocery store is a store with a miserable degree of deception: just before your eyes, just like in the San Miguel market in Madrid, a native Spaniard is drying tomatoes. Adds to the impression and a small but amazing range of wines and sangria, which can be tasted on the spot. The bakery serves fresh and crispy baguettes and rolls every morning. Therefore, even in the middle of the day you can have time to enjoy cheese, bread and butter, jamon and wine.

Address: Prospekt Mira, 122, building 1 (metro station "VDNKh").

Secret Asian Market

Right, behind the body shopping center"Moscow", you can find a small box-container. It has no sign or name, but crowds of people are constantly entering and exiting it. Inside is much more spacious. The whole body is pierced by the spirit of Asia. There are a variety of exotic products on the sales counters: both fresh (pak choi salad, okra, okra) and canned (aloe, passion fruit). There is also an impressive range of cane sugar (about ten types). There is also a lot of noodles here: from the usual type (glass) to orange from mango.

The market is located at the address: Kashirskoe shosse, 61, building 3a (metro station "Domodedovskaya")

Market LavkaLavka

The grandiose idea of ​​a real market for LavkaLavka farm products has not yet been implemented in practice, but work on this project is in full swing! The slogan "Support a local farmer" best explains the idea of ​​​​the future find. The market is planned to be built in the heart of the capital. The opening of the bazaar, which was scheduled for February 2014, has been postponed indefinitely due to the refusal of the city authorities of Moscow to allocate a plot of 2,000 square meters for this facility. In anticipation of the opening, you can purchase all products in the original LavkaLavka stores. Sellers will advise you on meat, origin of milk and dried fruits.

Address: Nizhny Susalny lane, 5, building 10 (metro station "Kurskaya"). Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 11:00 to 21:00, Sat and Sun from 11:00 to 20:00.

In such a large tourist center as Moscow, there are enough places that are less hype and well-known among tourists, but very important for the residents of the capital themselves, who also have, albeit a small, but history, as well as their own reputation and business card. But, as it turns out, it is not so easy to choose the place where you buy really fresh products for yourself and your family. We hope that this article will help you choose the best market in Moscow, which will suit both your purchasing needs and financial opportunities. Now you will definitely know which bazaar to go for fresh meat and cheese, and which one for flowers.

Vietnamese noodles in the car park

The dark corridor of the parking lot behind the Dubrovka market. Around only empty dirty boxes, cigarette butts and graffiti-scribbled walls. Apart from my Vietnamese guide, not a soul was around. We turn into a back street and climb the broken stairs. The atmosphere of a real spy thriller.

I'm taking the last steps towards my goal. This strange place hides a real Vietnamese market.

There are no Russians to be seen here. Even the mat on the great and mighty, which the Chinese and Koreans do not disdain in the markets, is not heard. Everywhere there are faces with slanted eyes. But they don’t pay much attention to me, I went shopping, which means it’s necessary. I look around - there is nothing here. Vietnamese spicy noodles, sauces for every taste, snacks, lactose-free yogurts, seasonings, fruits. Not only fresh meat. You can't smuggle it through customs.

A pack of noodles - 10 rubles. A bottle of soy sauce from 45 rubles, depending on the volume. Cashew nuts for 400 rubles per kilogram. I'm trying to talk to the owner of the Dunga market.

- Where are you shipping the goods from? Why don't you openly sell?

Why are you interested, - a short Asian frowns in my direction, - buy, come on.

- Big secret, right?

Secret, secret, - Dung begins to get annoyed. - We're taking it for our own people, not for you!

However, after the purchases I made for a thousand rubles, the Vietnamese becomes noticeably kinder. He says that for the most part, compatriots who have opened cafes go to him. And construction workers. Although gourmet Muscovites also drop in, who are not afraid of an unknown product of unknown quality.

For their normal, there are customers. But we carry everything ourselves, without customs. Relatives carry, - Dung reports reluctantly.

Chinatown in Maryina Grove

Since 2014, enterprising Asians have fallen on hard times. Firstly, the migration service began to fully work out its bread. Not only customers, but also sellers began to be caught in Asian markets. Even vigilant guards and bribes did not save. Secondly, the ruble exchange rate is also not conducive to business. The same Koreans with their underground shops began to slowly close. And yet, not everyone was dispersed. On the outskirts of Maryina Roscha, a real Chinese-Vietnamese ghetto has long existed. A sort of Chinatown. Again, it seems only for their own, but if you sit on the tail of a passing Chinese, you will be let through without question.

They make noise around in several languages ​​at once, somewhere behind the counter they butcher chickens (guts are wrapped in a small bag), somewhere they sell small spicy skewers on a stick. You can buy meat and sweets in this market. Separately, there are aquariums with live fish. She will be deprived of her life and quickly disemboweled at the request of the client.

There are also special delights like frozen grasshoppers. You can tuck in here, if, of course, you are not afraid of mistakes in the brand name on your pants and other purely Chinese chips.

Salespeople don't like photographers at all. Stories were told about how some of the paparazzi were thrown out of the territory. I was also asked to delete the picture. But they say here willingly: “We have nothing to fear. No one bothers us, we don’t bother anyone.”

Stolen iPhones at retail and wholesale

But you can get to this place only on the recommendation and with an escort. We are talking about the wholesale market of contraband equipment.

A dozen containers are located in a closed parking area in Vykhino. Security lets only their own. Brand new iPhones, laptops, headphones and other gadgets are in abundance here. Some sellers only have washing machines and microwaves. Others only have mobile phones. They don't interfere with each other.

Different prices. However, it is still cheaper than official retailers. Part of the equipment is imported from countries where it costs little. For example, from Korea or the USA. Some are just stolen.

Nobody talks about it openly here. But if it's about small appliances such as phones or tablets, then often their origin can be illegal, - says the accompanying Peter, whom my comrades from the phone repair service introduced me to. - For example, she steals from a warehouse in Tula, then here - for sale. Everyone understands this and no questions are asked.

People come here to buy in bulk, then to sell the goods on the Internet or in small shops. The price includes the latest models of iPhones and Samsungs. And in general, everything under a high-profile brand.

They say that before such a market was closer to the center. But the police caught him. Now he's here. In a year they will transfer it somewhere else, - Peter explains.

Sellers look at me like wolves. Nobody calls. A knowledgeable person will figure it out. Peter quietly negotiates the purchase of two dozen MacBooks, meticulously inspects the packaging - suddenly they are trying to sell used ones. Ten more minutes and we're leaving. The goods will be delivered later. No one is taking it directly from this market. They are afraid of the police.

Indian hookahs, Uzbek sellers

Peter offered to take me to one more place. It is difficult to call this market underground. He is hiding in the Sevastopol Hotel. There is nothing left of the hotel. Now it is a huge multi - storey fair with goods from China and India . The degree of legality is a big question. Only in early May, law enforcement officers carried out raids here on the fact of smuggling. But the Indians continue to trade. And how.

They sell everything: Chinese toys, cosmetics, ethnic clothes and, of course, hookahs.

The guys are so insolent that they do not even hide. They sell everything, except that they disdain drugs, although this happened before, - Peter frowns and hides a bag with hookah tobacco in his pocket.

Recently, in this market, people from countries Central Asia Indians began to be driven out. As the “locals” say, every year they capture more and more space. The product, however, does not change. Here is an elderly Uzbek selling yoga mats and various oils. Such is market assimilation.

Where can you buy durian, giant yam, raw tofu, matzah, tiger prawns, fresh bamboo and Indian dal without leaving the capital? The correspondent of the site explored unusual food markets and shops in the capital: Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indian, African, as well as a kosher deli and a halal shop.

Every nation, every people has a set of unique products that are difficult to find outside of their native country. For example, Russians abroad always lack buckwheat, cottage cheese, rye bread, gingerbread and doctor's sausage. Spaniards suffer without jamon, and Italians without cheese and pasta. So the Vietnamese who came to Moscow are looking for fish sauce, tofu, the usual rice, noodles and seafood, the Chinese - chicken feet and pig ears. Indians in Russia do not have enough dal (a type of lentils), Africans - palm oil, yams and flour from it. It is problematic for Jews and Muslims to buy kosher and halal products in a regular supermarket.

It is not surprising that places have appeared in Moscow where you can find such atypical products for our region. Majority trading floors designed only for their customers, sellers in Chinese, Vietnamese and Nigerian places have difficulty expressing themselves in Russian and English, often they cannot even explain the name of a particular product and how to use it.

List of unusual markets and shops in Moscow:

  • Chinese-Vietnamese market in the shopping center "Moscow", metro station "Lyublino";
  • Chinese-Vietnamese trading rows at the market "Gardener";
  • store of Nigerian products "Afroshop", metro station "Zhulebino";
  • halal shop on Prospekt Mira
  • Thai products in the "Shanghai pot", metro station "Akademicheskaya";
  • kosher grocery store "Pardes", metro station "Maryina Roshcha";
  • Indian grocery store, Sevastopolskaya metro station.

Chinese-Vietnamese market in the Moskva shopping center, Lyublino metro station

The Asian market is located on the territory of the Moskva shopping center, one kilometer from the Lyublino metro station, a real Chinatown of modern Moscow. The trading location is not marked in any way, it is located in the building adjacent to the shopping center - a small panel two-story building with a laconic sign "7". The existence of the market can be understood only by the number of people entering and leaving the building through an iron door with large white bags full of food. Inside the premises, a characteristic smell, unfamiliar speech, outlandish goods and hieroglyphs, unusual faces of the Chinese and Vietnamese - create a strong impression that you are in another country.

In a small space, there are about ten different stalls where you can buy everything you need to cook Chinese, Vietnamese or Thai dishes. The market sells fresh vegetables ranging from the familiar tomatoes, cucumbers and apples to longan grape-like durian, ripe mangoes, bok choy leaves, daikon, fresh Chinese mushrooms and more. Live fish, frozen crabs and king prawns, chicken and pork meat are also sold there.

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And, of course, you can find and buy any kind of noodles there - rice, egg or buckwheat, flat, long, udon noodles and others. Nearly every stall has fresh soy tofu cheese, and for fast food lovers in Lublin, an incredible amount of Asian instant noodles, chips and various snacks are sold. All packages are covered with hieroglyphs, and you can often find out the taste only empirically. A little hint: the redder the design of the product, the sharper it will be.

In the Moskva shopping center itself, where any clothes and small electronics are sold on a cosmic scale, there is a food court with a Chinese canteen on the second floor. Each dish costs about 300 rubles.

Rice paper - 80 rubles;
Crab meat - 1800 rubles per kilogram;
Fresh Chinese mushrooms - from 100 rubles;
Tofu soy cheese - from 50 rubles;
Instant noodles - from 50 rubles;
Marinated chicken feet - 50 rubles for four pieces;
Wheat noodles - from 30 rubles per pack.

Sino-Vietnamese stalls at the Sadovod market

Another site selling Asian goods is located a little further than the Lyublino district - next to the bird market and the Sadovod market. From the shopping center "Moscow" in the direction of the market there are paid minibuses and free ikaruses.

The size of the malls is noticeably larger than in Lublin, in addition to products, you can find Vietnamese barbers and masseurs here. As in the first case, the market does not have any signs or signs, sometimes there are advertisements in Vietnamese, and information in the service parking lot is duplicated in Mandarin. To get to the market, you need to go down the road from checkpoint number 4, it is located opposite the Pigeon Paradise pavilion, about 100 meters away.

The assortment, as well as the atmosphere, approximately coincide with the market in Lublin. True, fresh bamboo, daikon, mango, fresh coconuts, chestnuts and sprouted beans are found here. One of the stalls sold live crayfish and sturgeon.

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The Indian military during a missile test destroyed space satellite, which was in low Earth orbit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in an address to the nation.1 of 5

The owner of one of the pavilions told the site a little about working in the Chinese-Vietnamese market.

“I came from China, this is my store, yes. All products come from China and Vietnam. All my goods have labels in Russian, this is a must. If there is none, I can’t sell,” he said. By the way, in a neighboring shop, not a single product had domestic labeling.

Fresh bamboo - 500 rubles per kilogram;
Durian - 600 rubles per kilogram;
Sprouted beans - 80 rubles per package;
Pig ears - 50 rubles apiece;
Chicken feet - 50 rubles / kilogram;
Hot chili sauce - 250 rubles;
Colored egg noodles 160 rubles.

Only cash is accepted for settlement.

Shop of Nigerian products "Afroshop", metro station "Zhulebino"

The African store is located 50 meters from the metro, at the address: Generala Kuznetsova street, 19/1 (previously it was located near the Kuzminki metro station). The store sells only Nigerian products, the store owners arrange the supplies themselves. In fact, "Afroshop" is more of a beauty salon where they do haircuts, weave Afro-braids, sell false eyelashes, hair and hair dye. And only a small space is given over to Nigerian products. There you can buy yams, slightly similar to potatoes, cassava and plantain flour, Ethiopian soda, palm oil and nuts.

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The Indian military destroyed a space satellite in low Earth orbit during a missile test, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in an address to the nation.1 of 4

Yam fruit - 350 rubles per kilogram;
Cassava flour - 500 rubles per 900 grams;
Plantain flour - 500 rubles per 900 grams.

Only cash is accepted for payment.

Halal shop on Prospekt Mira

A shop with halal products is located on the territory of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, at the address: Vypolzov Lane, 7. The shop at the mosque has a completely typical and familiar look, but its main difference is in the products. In the halal grocery store, you can buy meat and minced horse meat, khinkali, homemade dumplings, corn dumplings, suluguni, cheese, ochpochmak, kaimak, samsa and more.

“Mostly they come to us for meat ..

Among the buyers there are mainly parishioners of the cathedral mosque, as well as local grandmothers. Indeed, they go to the shop primarily for quality meat.

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The Indian military destroyed a space satellite in low Earth orbit during a missile test, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in an address to the nation.1 of 5

Minced horsemeat - 285 rubles per kilogram;
Corn dumplings - 175 rubles;
Homemade dumplings - 384 rubles per kilogram;
Cheese - 470 rubles per kilogram;
Suluguni - 370 rubles per kilogram;
Kaymak - 130 rubles.

Thai, Indian, Japanese and Chinese products in the "Shanghai pot" metro station "Akademicheskaya"

Unlike previous places, Kotelok is adapted and designed for Muscovites. Its owners lived in the countries of Southeast Asia for many years and eventually opened an authentic store in Moscow. It has existed for three years and is located at the address: Dmitry Ulyanov Street, 1/61, there is also a second store near the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station.

The store sells Indian spices, white chickpeas, Thai round eggplant, chili sauce, mangosteen, Japanese duck geza dumplings, smoked eel, Thai rice, silken tofu, coconut jelly, egg noodles, tom yum soup set, fresh shiitake mushrooms , Japanese beer and much more.

White chickpeas - 320 rubles per kilogram;
Gedza with duck - 650 rubles per 600 grams;
Thai rice - 270 rubles per kilogram;
Smoked eel - 1100 rubles per 500 grams;
Bean sprouts - 80 rubles;
Curry powder - 160 rubles;
Coconut jelly - 100 rubles;
Egg noodles - 300 rubles.

Credit cards and cash are accepted for payment.

Kosher grocery store "Pardes", metro station "Maryina Roshcha"

The Israeli grocery store is located at 19/9 Obraztsova Street, exactly opposite the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center. The grocery store is open every day except Saturdays and national holidays. In addition to matzah and hummus, you can buy date syrup, large olives, Israeli cookies, pickled chili peppers, grape leaves, grape juice, tahini and more at Pardes. Most of the products are imported from Israel, they are labeled accordingly. On such goods there is also a label with a description in Russian.


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