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The name of the store is a complex but important part of the business. It will become the main identifier among competitors and important point to be recognized by customers. Success will depend on the name and the chosen development strategy. There are magnet names that attract customers. You can choose such a name yourself or use the services of specialists.

It is recommended to come up with several names, and then consult with others. If a store logo has already been invented, then the name can be attached to it. It will influence the formation of a positive reputation and the process of attracting customers.

The name for an online store is chosen in the same way as for a regular one. But it is worth remembering that it must match the domain name, that is, be free.

Work of professionals

Some do not even suspect that there is a whole direction called naming (English "name"). The Namegis are well aware of the psychology of buyers and the basics of marketing, which allows them to come up with a name to attract buyers the most. You can find them in advertising agencies or on freelance exchanges.

To pay for services will require from 2000 rubles. A more accurate price depends on the company and the experience of the selected employee. If he has experience working with well-known brands, then the fee reaches 20 thousand. Naming services on the site, popular for freelancers, are estimated at around 15 thousand.

You can create a contest on In most cases, the fee for the name does not exceed 3 thousand. An economical option would be a contest-survey in social networks. Additionally, it will attract new customers. However, for a beautiful name, you will have to "go broke" for a prize for the winner.

A great store name can turn out not only for a professional, but also for a beginner. But it is worth remembering that naming is a labor-intensive and tedious process that requires the possession of certain knowledge.

Self naming

Choosing a name is a creative activity in which you can try your hand. Entrepreneurs who decide to save on the name of the store must take into account the principles of its creation.

We warn you right away that the ideal result will not work in 10 minutes of thinking. Don't make rash decisions. A high probability of obtaining an attractive name appears when several naming tools are combined.

Brainstorming is a powerful tool

Brainstorming is considered the most effective technique. It consists in searching for the name of a company of people, which allows you to consider the issue from different angles. Not all people are able to see and admit their mistakes, especially when they are sure that the invented version is ideal.

On the other hand, others will support an idea that may seem mediocre. The main condition is a serious atmosphere and the desire of those present to help in choosing the best name.

foreign words

Good names are obtained from foreign words. An example is the sweets "Bonjour", which is translated from French as "good afternoon", and the online store "bon prix" as "good price". There are many similar examples. Beautiful names from foreign words look stylish and intriguing.

After choosing a name, it is better to consult a person who knows the language from which the concept is borrowed. Sometimes words are used incorrectly or they have multiple meanings. It is also important to take into account the correct sound and the presence of articles.

Merging multiple words

Merging words will help reflect the scope of work. You need to play with words to get an exclusive name. For example, a pet store can be called "LapUsik" (paw + mustache). It is clear that the store sells products for owners of paws and mustaches.

Interesting, but no longer original, will be the names of tea and coffee shops "Chaykoff", "Chaykofsky". The last name can also be attributed to the following method.

Use of first and last names

Stores are often called by simple names: "Mashenka", "Misha's", "Victoria", etc. The owner decides to glorify his own name or his relative. Similar names can be rated at three, as it is unattractive. This ordinary option does not allow you to stand out among hundreds of other stores.

You can use a surname or foreign names. The best option would be a surname that reflects the direction in trade - "Medoff", "Tsvetkoff". For the basis, they use the leading product and, on its basis, come up with a name. Write down all options and choose the best one.

If it is difficult to come up with a beautiful name, then you can immerse yourself in a pleasant environment: turn on pleasant music and think about what your store will give people. The associations that appear are written down on a piece of paper, and then they are selected.


The names of geographical and natural objects - rivers, countries, areas, etc. sound good. For example, a store draft beer"Bavaria", children's clothing "Aist", summer clothing "Malibu", hunting goods "Brown Bear".

You can use the features of the country or locality. Almost everywhere there are unofficial names of the districts, some places are legendary. In Donetsk, there is a beer shop "Dobry Shubin" named after the character of mine folklore. Scotland's local brands associated with the Loch Ness monster are a prime example.

Fairy tale and literary characters

Fairy-tale heroes can be a great name for specialty stores:

  • "Freken Bok"- hardware store;
  • "Elena the Wise"- book;
  • "Mowgli"- children's toys;
  • "Winnie the Pooh"- sweets.

The buyer remembers the good old fairy tales that mom used to read before going to bed. Such names will tune in a good-natured way.

Popular quotes from films or books, puns and popular expressions based on them have the same effect.

Basic requirements for a store name

You can name the store with any word you like. However, it must meet certain requirements:

  • euphony. Each combination of sounds and words is emotionally colored with a semantic load. You don't have to be an expert to identify a melodic and pleasant combination. Professionals have more gradations. They know how to express openness, tenderness, masculinity, accessibility with a sound range.
  • Memorability. The name should stand out from the competition, and sometimes be provocative.
  • semantic correspondence. Remembering the names without an assortment, the buyer will not go to the store a second time.
  • Legality. The name must be free to register.
  • visual clarity. After choosing a name, you need to present it on a billboard. The letters should not be confused - "l" and "m", "c" and "u".
  • advertising perspective. The logo and slogan should be easy to fit under the name.

Brevity is called the sister of talent. A fancy name that is original but difficult to pronounce would not be the best choice for a store name.

To check exclusivity, you can enter a name in the search bar and make sure that competitors do not use it. You should not use the popular prefixes "top" and "vip" - the name will be lost among analogues. It is important that the name evokes desired and attractive images from buyers. They will not only visit the store, but also recommend it to their friends. Word of mouth will start working.

Poor visual perception of a word that consists of letters that do not go beyond the line: o, a, s, k, p, t, l, f. The name must contain letters containing elements that fall outside the line: f, d, c, b, p. Marketers believe that the presence of the letter "and" in the word causes feelings of insignificance or second-rate. The presence of more than 5 characters complicates memorization.

Clothing store for men and women

When a person is asked about the number of famous brands, he will name 10-15, but quickly remember only 2-3. Similarly, with the shops that he visits in his area. It is important that the name is easy and memorable. Of course, the store gets fame not only due to the name, but also due to promotion methods, brand recognition and the presence of good goods.

  • foreign word - "Top Fashion", "Brand Fashion", "New Look", "Fashion house", "Dresscode";
  • descriptive titles - "Your Style", "Fashion City", "Pretty Woman", "Lady", "Wardrobe";
  • geographical name - "Avenue", "Valencia";
  • pun - "DzhemSvit" (jumper), "Freshion" (fresh - fresh, fashion - fashion);
  • neologisms - "Getwear" (to wear).

For an online store, a laconic name with a positive meaning is used - "4 seasons", "Charm", "Fashionable thing", "Carino", "Lady Mart".

It should correspond to the level of prices, occupied space, assortment, age and social status target audience.

lucky marketing strategy allows a business with an unsuccessful name to achieve success - Harm's (H&F) from English. "evil", but the addition of a suffix and an apostrophe changed the situation. Oh, My is a light and beautiful name.

Women's clothing store

For shop women's clothing the following approaches can be used:

  1. The combination of syllables of the names of the founders - "Marco".
  2. Add the prefix off - "Creatiff", "Brukoff".
  3. Shorten words or use an abbreviation - “TIK” (You And Beauty), “BTB” (Be Better Be The Best), “Tata” (Tatiana).
  4. A descriptive name with a positive accent is "Elegant", "Style", "Fashionista".
  5. Tie to geography - "Little Paris".
  6. Play with words - "MaRUSiya" (emphasis on "rus" - Russian production).
  7. Neologisms - "Rassana", "Druzhestik".

To make the name attractive, some errors should be excluded:

  • Use hackneyed personal names - "Elena", "Karina".
  • Use words with difficult pronunciation or incomprehensible meaning - "Minerva" (goddess of wisdom), "Miscellaneous" (from English mixed).
  • Change famous brands- Abibas.
  • Words with a double meaning or negative perception - "Teremok" (something childish, not adult), "Debut" (incompetence), "Swell", "Soul".
  • The name that does not correspond to the profile is “Royal” (irrelevant for a store in the basement), “Passage” (this is a covered gallery between two streets, and not a cramped room in a shopping center).
  • Use banal foreign words - "Violette".

In addition to an attractive name, you should come up with a creative slogan that will attract customers and motivate them to buy things.

Lingerie store

Women's lingerie stores often carry female names ("Margarita", "Anna", "Maria"), flower names ("Orchid", "Lily") or simply beautiful words ("Silhouette", "Caprice"). The listed options do not carry a semantic load - this can be called perfumery, flower shops, beauty salons. If, nevertheless, there is a desire to use such names, then it is better to supplement them and make them more original - “Night violet”, “Lily of the valleys”, “Lady's whim”.

The name should correspond to the style of the interior - "Boudoir" (retro), " women's secret» (classic style in gentle tones).

You can beat the name of the material or components of lingerie ("Openwork", "Lace", "Pajamas", "Silk and Velvet").

Carefully use erotic backgrounds - "Emmanuelle", "Empire of Passion", "Kitty's Salon". The titles will attract a male audience, but women may be deterred. If the assortment consists of classic things, then the names should not have sexual associations. Women like the names “Vorozheya”, “Cute”, but “Thin matter” or “Transparent hint” are unlikely to make them regular customers.

The name should be soft and feminine. It is not necessary to use growling sounds (s, h, s), which toughen the sign.

Men's clothing store

The name for a men's clothing store should be aimed at the target audience and inspire confidence. To check the selected option, you can interview potential customers. The name should be in harmony with the concept, assortment, style and price category. A small shop called "World of Style" will not be successful. Bad associations are caused by the words "Dude", "Alphonse", "Macho", "Egoist", "Provocateur". It is not recommended to use banal names - "Fashion for men", "Don Juan", "Cavalier", "Look". Successful options include "Dandy", "El Bravo", "Casanova", "Oscar". The presence of a franchise greatly simplifies the choice of name: VD one, TOM TAILOR.

Children's clothing store

The name should target two audience groups: children and their parents. You need to develop a name in several stages:

  • identification of potential buyers;
  • study of competitors;
  • development of several titles;
  • testing the name on buyers;
  • selection of the best option.

A capacious and beautiful name should remain, defiant only positive emotions.

Children quickly remember easy and concise names. If the product is designed for children of all ages, then "Baby" and "Baby" are irrelevant. The name should be universal - "Superman". Do not use abbreviations - the public should understand who this store is for.

Studies have shown that the process of choosing clothes or shoes for children of different ages is different:

  1. from 0 to 3 years, the choice is made by parents;
  2. from 3 to 7, a small initiative of the child is shown, he draws on the choice of others;
  3. from 7 to 12 the child takes active position and independently chooses the goods;
  4. from the age of 12 - a teenager, an emerging personality that requires self-expression.

The name of the store for the first category should be designed for parents, inspire in them a feeling of tenderness and love, which requires buying the best for the child.

The name for the third group should be focused on the child, emphasizing that he is not small.

The last group are teenagers who know the fashion and the cost of many things. They are not attracted by boring names, they tend to express themselves with the help of things. A good name would be "Seven Pockets" (unusual since pants have 2-3 pockets).

Perfume shop

A bright and juicy name should attract others and encourage them to visit it. The main target audience consists of females, so the name should emphasize the resulting effect - lightness, freshness, attractiveness. good options I will be "Sweetie", "Chic", "Coquette", "Charm".

When choosing, it is better not to use banal options, but to come up with an exclusive name. You should not dwell on the examples listed, you need to come up with your own.

You can use compound words:

  • noun with adjective - "Good fairy";
  • two adjectives - "The most beautiful";
  • adjective with a verb - "To be beautiful."

To increase the options resort to tricks. Two columns of words are written on a sheet of paper and alternately sort out the words from one column with the words from the other (“Elitperfume”, “Aromamarket”).

You can use dictionaries of foreign words, having previously specified all the meanings of the selected words.

Shop products

Names are less important for a grocery store than for a fashion boutique. Visitors will be attracted by the reputation of the seller and the range of goods.

The sign must be memorable and catchy so that the buyer quickly remembers the name. Creative names cause a smile and positive emotions:

  • store positioning - "Around the corner", "First floor", "Middle";
  • adjectives that evoke pleasant associations - “Homemade”, “Delicious”, “Favorite”, “Own”;
  • message about the operating mode - "Round the clock", "Always with you";
  • goods sold - "Fruits and vegetables", "Butcher's shop", "For tea";
  • price policy- "Economy", "Budget", "Social".

It should be remembered that a name that is too creative can have a negative impact. A store in a residential area should evoke associations of close and accessible. Larger retail outlets are named for the quality of the products they sell.

Jewelry shop

The Soviet names "Agate" and "Sapphire" are irrelevant today. They are interesting to people for whom novelty and originality is unimportant. The signboards indicating the specialization look trite - “Gold”, “Jewelry Salon”. The buyer transfers the boring name to the product. The name of the store should be original and arouse the interest of passers-by.

The main consumer of the jewelry store is girls over 18 years old. Even if the buyer is a man, he buys a product for a woman. Regardless of age and status, ladies want to have sophisticated and non-standard things.

The name should evoke the image of fine and exquisite jewelry, but be easy to remember. Salon names with engagement rings and exclusive diamonds must be great. Experts suggest using positioning words - "Ounce", "Gold", "Carat".

You can attract customers with the semantic load of the name - "Treasure Island", "Special Day".

The chosen name should be tested on acquaintances or potential customers. They should describe their associations when pronouncing the future name of the store.

Handmade gifts

The name should emphasize not only the presence of products for different occasions, but also their origin (“Gifts from Just Maria”). There is a visual image of the heroine of the telenovela of the same name, which is engaged in heavy manual labor.

Foreign words can be used: Handmade + present = “Handmade present” (gift self made). In the title, you can use separate categories of goods - "Magic Wallet".

Flower shop

The sign should encourage passers-by to look inside. It should evoke a number of pleasant associations: stylish composition, luxurious bouquet, elegant packaging. The name should not be associated with perfume or jewelry.

Interesting names can be found in a color guide or a specialized encyclopedia. The name of a rare flower will give the store an aura of unusualness and mystery.

Naming does not advise using the words "floral" or "flowers". The name should not be "butter oil".

Online store name

The name of the Internet salon requires a more careful approach, since the consumer must remember not only the name of the store, but also its address.

Basic rules for an online store:

  1. The name must be one word. Users find it difficult to enter several words and do not know what to use as a separator: hyphen, underscore, write together. It is better to eliminate the error at the initial stage.
  2. The word must have a simple transliteration. Buyers speak different languages. You should not use the letters "u" and "g" - they do not have an unambiguous analogue in the Latin alphabet.
  3. Transliteration must be understood unambiguously. Often they confuse "n" and "h", "u" and "y", "s" and "c". Not everyone is able to distinguish two "v" from "w" or a capital "I" from a slender "l".
  4. You should not take words with the same spelling, but different meanings when changing the phonetic sound. Errors occur when trying to write words in Latin.
  5. It is recommended to use foreign words that are familiar to the Russian consumer - sale, market.
  6. Make sure you have a free domain with the appropriate name.

Developing a store name turns from leisure into hard work, requiring knowledge of the basics of marketing and consumer psychology.

Do not rush to choose a name for the store. The postponed option after some time will be unprofitable or "golden". A slow and balanced approach will help you choose a beautiful name without the involvement of marketers.

The role of the store name in development trading activities. Naming rules. Agency services and self-development of the name. Naming examples.

The name of the company or store is of great importance. It is difficult to argue with this axiom. Gone are the days when everyone was completely illiterate and stucco figures or pictures were used to designate a store or workshop. Now trading establishments are searched for by name. In the business world, a whole line of activity has arisen that deals with the selection of a name, which is called naming, from the English word naming - name.

The influence of the name on the commercial success of the store

There is a cartoon equally interesting for both children and adults - "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel". There, two letters fell off the name of the ship "Victory", and it turned into "Trouble". And indeed, real troubles began for the crew, which, of course, they valiantly overcame at the end of the film. In reality, the end is not always so happy.

In order for the name to also play a positive role in successful trading, you need to know the basic rules for choosing a name. The rules for creating a profitable name are called naming.

The main sign of the right name for a store or brand is its clear identification among many other names. trade organizations, which makes it possible to determine the features of this particular outlet or chain of stores.

Main types of naming

There are several basic types of name formation for a store:

  1. Abbreviation. Here the name is made up of several capital letters, read as in the alphabet. An example is the name MKT (Computer Technology Store), which is read as "emkate".
  2. Acronym. The name is also formed from capital letters, but according to the principle "as I see, so I read." For example, we pronounce the name TsUM (Central Department Store of Moscow) as “tsum”, and not as tseuem.”
  3. Alliteration. Two or more consonant words are used here. The most famous examples are Coca-Cola or Chupa-Chups.
  4. Allusion. This concept refers to the name with a reference to a famous book, movie character or historical character. As an example of names such as allusions, the Hercules sports equipment stores or the Golden Calf jewelry stores are recalled.
  5. Eponym. This concept refers to the use of the name of the creator of the brand or the owner of the chain of stores in the name. For example, the name of perfumes and shops "Coco Chanel" is widely known. For small boutiques, only names are often used, for example, "Vasya's". The use of names associated with the store rather weakly or not at all can be attributed to the same direction of creating a name. For example, stores with completely different assortments can get the same name "Alyonushka".
  6. Metonymy. Here, a name is used that is associated with a known concept or name. For example, the name "Blue Bay" conjures up expanses of water. It is quite suitable for both a seafood store and a store selling spearfishing equipment.
  7. Mimesis. This is the name of the technique when a rarely used alternative to a well-known word is used in the name. For example, a store of educational literature can be called "AzBukiVedi", and an amber jewelry store "Solnechny Alatyr".
  8. Neologism. Here, combinations of known words are used in the name or, in general, a new word is invented. For example, the name of a bedding store can be created from the words "sweetness" and "bliss". Then together you get "Sladonezh". In general, the client understands the meaning of the word. Fictional place names are all the rage these days, such as "Molokia" for dairies or "Lavandia" for perfume boutiques.
  9. Oxymoron. Here the name is used, consisting of words that have the opposite meaning. For example, an erotic goods store might be called "Toys for Adult Children".
  10. Onomatopoeia. The name is expressed by a sound verb. For example, for a store that sells goods for cats, the names “Kis-kiss” or “Meow-meow” are quite suitable.
  11. Telescoping. Here the name is formed from the merger of two words. The most used example of such a merger is represented by the name "Sokivody". More inventive naming of this kind are the names "Pivoraki" or "Traktorodetal", "Glass Hat" and the like.
  12. Double meaning. This refers to the use of a name with a secret meaning. An example would be the name "Peak of Delight" for a lingerie store.
  13. Anglicisms. So you can call the use for the name of the English language. This direction, especially in recent years, has become widespread. This also includes the use of names in French, Spanish, German and other languages. As an example, we can recall such frequently used names as Hot pizza (Hot pizza) or Golden beer (Golden beer). A variety of anglicism can be considered the name on English language written in Cyrillic. For example, the English name Second Hand in most cases is written as "Second Hand".

    Geography. This refers to the use for the names of real, and not fictitious geographical objects: rivers, lakes, cities, countries, etc. For example, for a store selling collectible stones with Ural mountains, the name "Ural Gems" will sound quite natural, and for a store of down products from Orenburg - the name "Orenburg Shawl".

Basic naming rules

Coming up with a name for a store is, of course, a creative business. Here it is impossible to use one formula by putting the assortment of goods, the estimated age of customers or other characteristics of the trading establishment instead of Xs and Ys. And yet they exist general rules naming, which can help you choose a good name. Experts consider the main rules of naming:

  1. Name uniqueness. You can do without uniqueness only if there is only one store in the whole district or, ideally, located on a desert island. In all other cases, a name borrowed from a competitor or neighbor is unlikely to help recognize it from the buyer. Before choosing a name for your outlet, you need to analyze competitors and the names of their stores. With the same name, your store will be confused with a competing outlet, which is unlikely to contribute to its commercial success. And then, explicit plagiarism is prosecuted by law.

    The name should not copy the signs of other stores

  2. Individuality. Unlike the army, where everything should be unified under one brush, in civilian life, the client prefers a store with an individual name that is unique to him.

    The name should have its own zest, inherent only to this store.

  3. Conciseness. Laconic, short names of one or two words or phrases are easy to remember. Look, everyone famous brands mostly concise. No wonder they say that brevity is the sister of talent.

    Short names are easier to remember

  4. Sonority. It is difficult to pronounce names loud and clear that consist only of soft sounds or hiss, especially if you are counting on a foreign audience.

    This name sounds

  5. Ease of pronunciation. The name should be easy to pronounce. No need to use names that combine difficult to pronounce sounds. For example, if a person cannot pronounce the name of a store, how can he advise another to visit it? And vice versa, an easily pronounced word simply flies off the tongue and is instantly perceived by ear.

    The three syllables of the name are very easy to pronounce.

  6. Positivity. The sign of the store should arouse the desire to go into it. If the name of the store induces sad thoughts, fear and disgust, then it will be difficult for a normal person to overcome himself and enter. On the contrary, the positive in the title causes a corresponding positive mood. Especially if the positive name also contains a particle of good humor.

    I want to go to a store with this name as soon as possible

  7. Versatility. When coming up with a name, you need to rely on a fairly long period of time the existence of the outlet. And for this, the name should be quite universal and provide for the expansion of the business.

    This name is suitable for almost any range of products.

  8. reflection of the specifics. In the name, it is desirable to reflect the product range of the outlet. It is unlikely that the name of a flower or an animal is suitable for a ski and sled shop. Although there may be exceptions. For example, why is the name “Edelweiss” associated with the highlands bad for the ski trade? And yet it is desirable (but not necessary) that a person, having read the name of the store, would immediately understand what he can find here.

    From the name of the store it immediately becomes clear what is sold there.

Legislative framework for naming

The ability to freely choose the name of the store does not exclude the need to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation regarding censorship and advertising.

Art. 1473 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is devoted to the issues of legal compliance of advertising products, a special case of which is the name of the outlet. This article cannot be read in isolation from special laws about legal and individuals which include, in particular, the following laws:

  1. On joint-stock companies.
  2. On limited liability companies.
  3. On production cooperatives.
  4. On state and municipal unitary enterprises.

In addition, the norms for naming firms and outlets are recorded in a number of international agreements, for example, in the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 1883.

These documents, in particular, list the restrictions that cannot be neglected when designing a store name. For example, the use is prohibited:

  • incorrect comparisons with competitors, discrediting their honor, dignity and business reputation;
  • advertising your product using someone else's brand;
  • unreliable advertising, which indicates the non-existent advantages of the product, false methods of its use, erroneous information about the origin;
  • the use of foreign words and expressions that distort the meaning;
  • words and expressions praising smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • swear words and expressions, as well as words calling for violence and cruelty.

And also in the legislation of the Russian Federation there are rules prohibiting the use of names in the name of a retail outlet or company Russian Federation or Russia without the appropriate official permits.

Therefore, when choosing a name, the first thing to do is to make sure that all these requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation are clearly met.

Name creation steps

Coming up with the name of an outlet should be approached as the creation of a specific product that requires going through several stages.

The process of coming up with a name can be represented as the following sequential steps:

  • consideration of the specifics of the assortment of the store;
  • target audience analysis;
  • development of several variants of the name;
  • evaluation of selected names and screening out unsuccessful ones;
  • selection of one name and work on its improvement (modification);
  • registration of the name in official bodies in order to avoid plagiarism.

Consideration of the features of the assortment of an outlet and analysis of the target audience are closely related tasks. For example, if we are talking about sporting goods, then the name suggests itself, which reflects the scope of their application, as well as focusing on their consumers.

Thus, at these first stages, not only the goal that the name of the store should pursue, but also the means are already being determined: the use of the name of sports equipment with the expectation of a youth audience.

In the future, there is a narrowing of the selected area. To do this, the principal criteria for the name are selected, which include:

  • name language (Cyrillic, English or both);
  • number of words;
  • word length;
  • the ability to use numerals, abbreviations, etc.

For example, names of only one word in Cyrillic are offered without the use of numerals and abbreviations.

The process of developing many names is called "brainstorming" by some naming experts. At this stage, it is recommended to involve as many people as possible in inventing names. At the same time, no comments are made on the title at this time, and their quality is not criticized.

Analysis, criticism and screening of unsuitable names is carried out at the next stage after the brainstorming. Then, from the set of names, a few of the most successful are selected. And here the number of "judges" is limited to three - five experts.

And finally, specialists in phonetics and semantics are involved to choose from several successful names of one, the optimal one.

They, together with the customer, evaluate each of the few names that were screened out at the first stages for compliance with the set criteria, individuality, uniqueness, sonority, and so on.

At the final stage, the name can be checked authorities for its compliance with the law.

Naming Services

Even having studied hundreds of articles on the issue of naming, it is not a fact that an entrepreneur will be able to find the right solution, and especially the optimal one. Knowing the rules of naming does not guarantee the creation of a good name for the store. Therefore, in this case, they often resort to the services of naming professionals.

In Russia, the development of names is done by freelancers and many advertising agencies.

Freelance naming

The cost of orders through freelancers, of course, is much lower than the cost of services of specialized agencies. To use the services of professional freelancers, it is enough to register for free on the relevant sites and advertise. Many freelancers will respond immediately. It is possible that among them there may be completely incompetent persons. It is up to the entrepreneur to choose the name from the proposed set of options. Therefore, in the end, the businessman again has to rely on his own strength and trust his own taste. But the cost of freelance services is relatively low. It is from 100 r. up to 10 thousand rubles

Naming agencies

Advertising agencies will cost a lot more. The price for their services starts from 10 thousand rubles. up to 500 thousand rubles True, at a price of 50 thousand rubles. usually it's not just about one name. It provides for a set of advertising services called complex naming. This naming, in particular, may include the registration of a trademark in the ICTU (International Classification of Goods and Services).

Of course, the agencies themselves, when offering their services, guarantee the complete purity of the name, its semantic, phonetic and marketing value, and so on. However, it should be remembered that no most successful name can replace the other aspects of a successful commercial activities. In their absence, the money paid for choosing a name can be considered wasted.

  • DepotWPF;
  • IQ Marketing;
  • Brandlab;
  • Omnibus;
  • direct design.

In addition, to make your brand recognizable in the market not only by name, but also by various elements of external design (signboards, billboards, firewalls, video screens, plates, signs, etc.) 2019 there is a promotion for promotions in stores.

All these companies, in addition to naming, offer branding of goods and services, market research, design of all types of advertising, logo development, packaging design, etc.

Table of concrete examples of the most successful names depending on the specifics of trade establishments

Item No.The specifics of the outletExamples of successful names
1. Baby clothes
  • baby confetti,
  • dress cat,
  • "Wardrobe",
  • "Little Fashionistas"
  • "Shoe-clothing",
  • "Stylish girls"
2. Toys for kids
  • City Toys,
  • children game,
  • "Ocean of toys"
  • "Fun Market"
  • "Toys from the tiger"
3. Slime toys for kids
  • "Lick",
  • "Sweet tooth",
  • "Slimy-Smiley"
4. Flowers
  • La Rose
  • "Don Buton"
  • "Flower Corner"
  • "Wonderful Bouquet",
  • "The Temptation of Color"
5. Cosmetics and perfumery
  • "Beauty Formula"
  • "ABC of beauty and health",
  • "Women things",
  • "Reference"
6. Korean cosmetics
  • "Cosmetics from Korea",
  • "Korea for Ladies"
  • "DDK" - "Precious Gifts from Korea"
7. Natural cosmetic
  • Biocosmetic,
  • "ECO WORLD",
  • "NTK" - "The natural world of cosmetics"
8. Alcoholic products
  • alkoboss,
  • "Living Water"
  • "Alkonaut",
  • "Russian alcohol"
9. Wine
  • time for wine
  • In vina veritas,
  • "Vinoteka",
  • "Visiting Omar Khayyam"
10. Beer
  • pivdar,
  • pivbar,
  • "Beer",
  • "Jolly Joe"
  • "Remember Youth"
11. Gifts and souvenirs
  • perfecto,
  • "Perfect Man"
  • "Darissimo"
  • "Miracles in a sieve"
12. Handmade souvenirs
  • "Author's Fantasies"
  • "Skilled Hands"
  • hand made
13. Confectionery
  • "Plushkin House"
  • "Bye Bye",
  • "Kolobok"
14. Candies and other sweets
  • "Your Candy"
  • "Sweet Romance"
  • "Sweet table"
15. Fish
  • "Seafood",
  • "Living Ocean"
  • "Rybtorg"
16. Meat
  • "Meat-Eater",
  • "1000 Calories"
  • "Elixir of Power"
  • "Myasnab"
17. Meat semi-finished products
  • "Dumplings for Olezhka",
  • "Once-and-ready"
  • "Cook Yourself"
18. Dried fruits and nuts
  • "Nut Gnaw",
  • "Dried Fruit Paradise"
  • "SFO" - "Dried fruits and nuts"
19. Tea and coffee
  • "Coffee table",
  • "Chayff",
  • "TeaKof",
  • "Accidental Meeting"
20. Vegetables
  • "Vegetable segment"
  • "Fat Carrot"
  • "Garden",
  • "Vegetable store"
21. Eco products
  • "Ecopoint",
  • "health center",
  • "natural food"
  • "Big Guy"
22. Goods for fishing
  • "Karas",
  • "Pike",
  • "On hook",
  • "Fish"
23. Shoes
  • "MOVS" - "We will shoe the whole country",
  • "ShoesLand",
  • "Ponogovshchina",
  • "ODD" - "Shoes for all roads",
24. Sneakers
  • "Crossomere"
  • "CrossHouse",
  • "Sneakers-Sneakers",
  • "Sport shoes"
25. bags
  • "Bagbags",
  • "Sumkin yard",
  • 77 bag,
  • "MS" - "My bag"
26. Books
  • "All the Wisdom of Life"
  • "Book store",
  • "book market"
  • "Shop of the Wise Men"
  • "Bookosphere"
27. Plumbing
  • "Brownie",
  • "Aquarius Naley",
  • "Santechmaster",
  • "SanMore"
28. Second hand
  • "Recyclable"
  • "Another life",
  • "Fashion Clothes"
  • "Forget-Me-Not"
29. Bed sheets
  • "Soft Kingdom"
  • "Night life",
  • "Dream-in-unison"
30. fabrics
  • "Patch",
  • "Tkanopol",
  • "Woven Country"
31. Knitwear
  • "ShopKnitwear",
  • "Warm area"
  • "Convenient place"
  • "Family Affairs"
32. auto parts
  • autohelp,
  • "Automaster",
  • "Carburetor",
  • "Road Passions"
33. Construction Materials
  • "Domostroy",
  • "Friend of the Brownie"
  • "Construction of the century"
  • "Material",
  • "Builder"
34. Handmade decorations
  • "Hand Glitter",
  • "Hand Beauty"
  • "Chic and shine",
  • "UU" - "Unique Jewelry"
35. Bijouterie
  • "Clip",
  • "Ring",
  • "Earrings for my baby"
  • "Brilliant Life"
36. Jewelry
  • "Golden Scallop"
  • "Yuvelirtorg",
  • "Golden age",
  • "On the Golden Porch"
36. Tobacco products
  • "World Pipe"
  • "Shakydym",
  • "Snuffbox",
  • Delo Tobacco
37. Household chemicals
  • "KhimByt",
  • "House Chemistry"
  • "Charge it!"
  • "HB" - "Economic chemistry"
38. Household goods
  • "Mistress"
  • "Hozdvor",
  • "Papa Carlo"
  • "Hammer and sickle"
39. Sports Equipment
  • "Treadmill",
  • "On your marks!",
  • "Sports World"
  • "Afloat",
  • "Sportodrom"
40. Sports nutrition
  • sports food,
  • "Snacks for athletes"
  • "Food of the gods",
  • "Healthy Eater
41. Furniture
  • "ComfortROOM",
  • "My furniture"
  • "Furniture Islands"
  • "Stylish furniture"
42. Tableware
  • "Ding-La-La"
  • "Crystal Chime"
  • "Plate",
  • "Parnas Posudas"
43. Watch
  • "Time is up",
  • "Our Hour",
  • "Tick-Tock"
  • "Time Clock"
44. Stationery
  • "School and Office",
  • "clerk",
  • "Pen and paper"
  • "Desk Stuff"
45. Needlework, yarn
  • "Golden stitch",
  • "Modern moira",
  • "Needlewoman",
  • "Golden Pen"
46. Art materials
  • "The Magic of Colors"
  • "Stop a moment"
  • "Painter",
  • "Shop of miracles"
47. Christmas goods
  • "Under the tree",
  • "Gifts of Santa Claus"
  • "New Year's Surprise"
  • "Snow Maiden"
48. Wallpaper
  • "Home clip",
  • "BothRocked",
  • "Motley Ribbon"
  • "WallpaperForMe"
49. doors
  • "Apartment watch",
  • "Door Defense"
  • "My door"
  • "Door Beasts"
50. Phone accessories
  • "Hello",
  • "Battery",
  • "On the wire",
  • "Telephone Explorer"
51. Weapon
  • "Shot",
  • "Hunting more than bondage",
  • "For the rabbit"
  • "StopShootI will",
  • "Gunsmith"

Choose a name for your store so that it becomes one of the factors in its successful development- It's not that easy. The issue of creating a suitable name must be approached with all seriousness, applying naming rules for this. And only on the basis of these rules, you can independently or using the services of specialized agencies choose a name that meets most of the necessary criteria.

Choosing a name for a clothing and footwear store is an important step in starting a business. In this article, we will look at how to choose a good name for a company and why it is important to approach this matter wisely.

Put yourself in the place of buyers: where you are more willing to buy a new pair of jeans - in Fashionista, Dress Code, Favorite, Alphonse, Fatty, Karina, Fashion Magazin, New Style ?

The first two names immediately tell us what the stores sell. They do not require special knowledge and are easy to remember.

The rest do not report absolutely nothing and have nothing to do with the type of activity of the companies. Moreover, "Alphonse" and "Fat Woman" can cause negative associations among some customers, and "Lubimchik" does not at all look like the name of a men's fashion boutique, but a pet store.

“Before, Fashion Bazaar was called Che Sotka!”

Therefore, you should seriously approach the choice of a name for your company.

How to choose a name for a clothing and footwear store

Introduce your target audience. Are all or part of your product classified as "premium"? Then do not confuse potential buyers with words that hint at savings:

  • Discount
  • Discount
  • Cheap
  • for nothing
  • budget

If the situation is reversed, then it is worth informing customers about the benefits they will receive by shopping in your store.

Think about whether you can use a geo-reference in the name of the store. What is the name of a women's clothing store that is produced in St. Petersburg? Try Nevsky Knitwear. And if the store is located in the city center? As an option - "Shoes on Nevsky". It will work better than Svetlana or Raisin.

Try creating an abbreviation. Add the first letters of your name or the name of a person close to you, combine several words into one, or just invent a beautiful combination - the abbreviation does not have to have a decoding.

Play associations. Imagine what is associated with your business: "Flash" - a clothing store in large sizes, "Shoes according to the weather" - a shoe store for all four seasons.

Use real names. Name a shoe store "Chagall" or "Botticelli" after famous artists, and a clothing store for men and women - "Petrovsky Fashion House" after a relative named Petrov. Turn on your fantasy!

Remember harmony. "Royal style" will look out of place in an industrial area or semi-basement, "French fashion" will cause bewilderment if you are selling Chinese consumer goods.

Study the competitors. Ten years ago, borrowed names from both buyers and entrepreneurs evoked a feeling of elitism: Luxury and Best Brand were dearer to our ears than any Sudarushka. All this led to the dominance of Sapogoffs and Elite Shoes in all the basements of the country. But now the trend has changed: businessmen are no longer ashamed of their “Russianness”. “Little Lady”, “Caravan”, “Globe”, “Planet of Clothes and Shoes”, “Daughters and Sons” and others appeared. English-language names began to sound pompous and cheap.

Remember uniqueness. Knowing your competitors is also important in order to avoid giving your business an already existing name.

Test. We chose several options for the name - ask your friends to rate them and leave the best.

Mistakes when choosing the name of a clothing and footwear store

Remember once and for all: calling a store a proper name or a foreign word is vulgar. What you expect from Elena and Best Dress is not high-quality women's clothing and footwear, but Chinese consumer goods and a fitting room without a door.

Follow simple rules:

  • Don't complicate. A name that cannot be pronounced without hesitation is bad
  • Don't imitate. Do not chase someone else's glory - the market does not need another Abibas
  • Don't be ambiguous. If the store "Cheap and cheerful" has expensive goods, then the name is not in the cashier
  • Avoid platitudes. The prefixes shop, top, vip, elite, best and the like have set the teeth on edge, they smell of musty provinciality

If you are planning to make a website for your store, it is undesirable to use the letters Щ, Ы, Й, Ж, Я, Yu in its name. Otherwise, the domain name will look unattractive.

Examples of successful names for clothing and footwear stores

Perhaps this list of names will inspire you and help you come up with a unique name for your business:

  • Yoke
  • fashion bazaar
  • baby
  • top top
  • Gentleman
  • Slipper
  • 5 pockets
  • golden heel
  • The perfect wardrobe
  • Thing!
  • A person
  • Provocateur
  • Marco
  • TIK (You and Beauty)
  • Dress code
  • Shirt
  • folk clothes
  • Modigliani
  • Sundress
  • With a needle
  • StiMod (Stylish and Fashionable)
  • Get dressed!
  • Outfit
  • Own shirt
  • Inside out
  • housekeeper

Come up with original name for a clothing and footwear store is difficult, but important. Part of the success of your business depends on it - the customer meets the store by the sign. But neither "Economy Shoes" nor "French Fashion Boutique" will be able to keep the buyer if the quality of goods and service is unsatisfactory. Therefore, it is not worth concentrating only on choosing a name for the “ship” - in the long run, popular rumor will spread the rumor about an excellent store, even if it is called “Cockroach Vasily”.

Practice shows that when choosing names for stores, entrepreneurs go through many options for a long time and persistently, guided by their personal taste, priorities, and even purely selfish impulses. Ultimately, the name is "approved" at the last moment before the opening. This approach, alas, does not contribute to the successful start of a business and has a number of negative aspects:

  • First, when choosing, it is very rarely taken into account marketing features commodity group, which will actually be traded. De facto, for a successful start in trading, everything should be done in stages () and in this regard, the name is at the top of the list, but not the first.
  • Secondly, often the chosen name does not provide an opportunity to form a kind of brand and ensure business recognition. For example, the store "Natasha" or "Obuv" cannot claim the title of a brand.
  • Thirdly, the opening of a retail outlet is a very good time for a large and most importantly effective advertising company, but the organization of such an event has its own characteristics, in particular, the facade should look presentable long before its opening. In practice, this means that the name of the store must be received before the work process itself begins to be organized.

Of course, this list can be continued. But it is precisely these aspects that are the main disadvantages in the standard approach to the issue of choosing a name for an outlet.

But the question remains, how to come up with the right name?

In the West, there is a whole science for the selection and design of brands called naming.

Naming (“name” - English “name”) is the process of creating names for projects, stores, companies, brands, websites, trademarks, shops and so on.

Of course, simply studying naming will not work, by and large, naming and the namers themselves (who directly invent) are creative and very creative people. Somehow in communication, one such specialist “managed” to offer more than 100 names for the project in an hour, and all of them sounded very good. But using a number of recipes is quite realistic.

Option one.

Actually, in this answer, we immediately focus exclusively on the selected product group. For example, we talked about how at or, in both cases we are talking about a highly specialized group of goods.

In cases with meat direction you can not think for a long time and use the banal - "Butcher's shop at Peter's" ("the butcher's shop" is already in use, but the addition makes it possible to cheat a little) or "Bacon", "Schnitzel", such names are suitable for both small towns and megacities. For a bed linen store, “Sheet”, “Pled” may be suitable. In a highly specialized business, this approach justifies itself 100%, as the simplest relatively simple name "Hmeli-suneli" will definitely be remembered by buyers or "Spice Shop", although on the other hand you should not overdo it, for example "Spices from Ashot" doesn't look that impressive anymore.

At the same time, practice shows that small specialized stores that have a close relationship between the name and commodity group, are remembered by buyers 2 times more often than their counterparts without such an analogy.

Option two - use a foreign language.

Using a foreign language for the name, you can go in two alternative directions:

On the one hand, use words from a foreign language, this option is quite interesting and at first glance opens up wide opportunities, but it is worth remembering that for most ordinary buyers a foreign language is not clear, as an example, instead of the Russian name "Spices", you can use the English "Spices" or German "Gewürze", how justified is this approach? Of course, it’s hard to say unequivocally because there are separate words that are understandable to any layman, for example, instead of the “Jeans” store, it’s quite possible to write “Jeans”. But here it is worth remembering that most of these kinds of names are widespread and you will most likely have to forget about creating a unique style.

As a conclusion, the use of foreign words when choosing a name for a store must be approached very carefully, it is another matter when creating a new product, but this is a completely different story.

An alternative spelling of the Russian word in Latin, a good example is "Karapuz", in Latin "Karapuz", or "Bacon" - "Bekon". Such a variant of the name for your own store.

The third option is geography.

Using geographic designations works very well for certain types specialized stores, for example, "Bavaria" is perfect for a store-cafe selling live beer, "Paris" for a bakery, but for meat, "Viennese delicacies" is quite suitable.

When using geography or other names, including birds, fish or animals, it is worth remembering the main thing, the chosen name should evoke a strong association between it and the product offered. Moreover, the potential circle of buyers should have an association, and here one should not forget that buyers can belong to a completely different stratum of society (than the owner of the store), with their own interests, education and personal priorities.

Conclusion, when choosing the name of your store, you should very carefully choose among different geographical names or living beings, it is very likely that it will not be perceived by the buyer, and most importantly, it will not cause potential buyers to associate the product being sold.

That's actually on this, the real options for how to name your own shop end, other approaches exist, but they should not be used in trade. After all, it is necessary to clearly understand that the name of the store is its face and it must perform a number of important functions:

  • -easy to remember
  • - to be sonorous;
  • - have an associative relationship with the products that are sold (not necessarily a direct one);
  • - be easy to pronounce;
  • - not have direct competitors;

It is worth remembering that a small business cannot afford the large advertising costs associated with creating a full-fledged brand from scratch, it is too expensive and time consuming. It is much easier for you to use ready-made solutions, of which there are a lot around.

Now, in a nutshell, about the "technology for choosing the name of the store."

  • Rule one - use as many people as possible when brainstorming. Let the names seem silly or non-working. Write it down.
  • Rule two - clearly define the time frame for brainstorming. For example, collect all ideas within 2 weeks. After this period, focus on the already finished and recorded.
  • The third rule - every day, go through everything that is written down and gradually cross it out, take at least one to two weeks for this process. Do not try to choose one among hundreds of ideas written in notebooks.
  • Rule four - "test" the chosen name. We are talking about a real survey of potential buyers about their associations. Of course, before it was much more difficult, but now with help social networks this is easy enough to do. Try to run a survey in the same mail or VKontakte, there are many options.

The name of the online store determines its popularity with customers, your profit and, ultimately, the success of the entire business. Therefore, in this article we will master the science of naming.

Let's just say: in principle, the naming rules of online stores are not particularly different from the naming rules of offline stores. The first online stores were called "Shopping online" etc., but now, as it seems to us, this clarification is no longer relevant. It is clear that if a person went to the page of an online store, then he is online. Therefore, entrepreneurs are given complete freedom - within reasonable limits, of course. We will tell you about the main rules and errors.

Naming rules

1. Accurate hit in the target audience

The name of the online store should hit right on target, in the top ten, in the bull's-eye. That's why choose a name that is consonant with the interests of your potential buyers. If your target audience is young mothers, play on their bright feelings: love for a child, tenderness and care. If consumers of modern gadgets - focus on fashion and progressiveness. If teenagers and youth - speak their language.

good examples:

  • children's goods store "";
  • cosmetics for men "Bro.cosmetics";
  • home goods sweethome - "sweet home".

The target audience differs according to some factors. This is, firstly, age and gender: agree that teenagers should be treated differently than retired grandmothers. The name of the online store for women it is better to choose an emotional one that evokes certain feelings: “Sissy”, “Coquette”, “Huntress”, “Tigress”. For men, more strict names are preferable.: "Gentleman", "Snob". Teens love buzzwords: "Top", "Lol", "Krasava", etc. Do not be too lazy to go to any youth public on VKontakte - you will learn a lot of new things. This name will only scare away middle-aged and older people: calmer, neutral options are suitable for them.

Secondly, your potential customers are divided according to the criterion of solvency. If you have an online store with low prices, emphasize this in the title:"Pricefall", "Discountshere", "Vsepotyshe". Against, if you sell luxury goods, it would be a sin not to emphasize this in the title: it should be moderately pathos and significant. Be careful with prefixes like "Vip", "Elite", "Luxury", etc.: this is already the last century.

And finally social affiliation: subculture, religion, etc. Everything is simple here: it is enough to use words characteristic of this target audience in the name to pass for your own. To do this, you will have to study your target audience in more detail - we are sure that you have already done this!

Good examples:

  • cheap clothing store "Shmotka".

2. Appropriate product name

A person who has landed in your online store - no matter where, from a search engine, a random link or a target, should see on its pages what he expects. Therefore, the name of a women's clothing store should reflect its specifics and not be called, say, “Auto Goods” or “Ryboyzdes”. If an online store operates in a specific region, it will not hurt to reflect this in the name.

It often happens that the domain is already registered, and then the entrepreneur decided to change the field of activity. Register another domain name: practice shows that it is better to make a new site once than to lose customers and explain why women's dresses are sold in Autogoods.

Good examples:

  • electronics store Rozetka;
  • "Auto parts-Moscow".

3. Ease of memorization, euphony

The rule “the simpler the better” works always and everywhere. Do you remember Soviet organizations with hard-to-pronounce names - all sorts of "Oblstroykhimgazy" and "Mosselpromy"? It is impossible to pronounce it, it is unrealistic to remember it, and, believe me, they look no better on the monitor screen.

Sympathy is also a must. Remember, in the nineties, wash and go shampoo was briefly popular? Not for long - because the sarcastic Russians made a simple association "louse and head", and the brand's popularity gradually faded. A brand baby food bledina? And the Daewoo Kalos car, renamed in Russia to Chevrolet Aveo? What about Blue Water? All these names have died in Bose, do not repeat the mistakes of their creators.

4. Uniqueness

Before coming up with a name, check to see if a competitor is ahead of you. You can do this by entering the name into a search engine or run it in a special generator - we will talk about them in more detail below.

Seven ways to come up with an online store name

1. Use a surname or a derivative of it

This is how you advance your personal brand and you will be sure that there will not be a second such online store.

Advice: only, we beg you, do not write the last name with an ending in -off. Already have "SmirnoFF" and "TinkoFF", all other PotolkFFs, BulldozerFFs and RolloFFs are hopelessly outdated.

More advice: this method applies only to surnames, it is not necessary to use first names. Imagine how many Elena, Maksimov and Oksan are in our country! Such a name will be faceless and disappear from the client’s head immediately after the tab is closed.

And the third tip: but the middle name, stylized as the name, is a great option. For example, a gift shop "Darynych", seeds "Semyonovna" and others. Such names are close to our mentality.

2. Use word forms and combinations of words or their parts

For example, TexTerra- the land of texts, "MedvedIK"- a store selling huge bears. Abbreviations created from the first letters of words or the names of business owners are also an interesting option.

3. Invent completely new words

Many well-known brands once did this - for example, Lego, Adidas, nivea. Why not make up your mind too? The main thing is that the new name should be harmonious and easy to remember.

4. Use intentional typos

This is not the most common, but quite an interesting way. For example, Phone, PHONEtactics, "Jeans"- Grammar Nazis will be indignant, but the name will definitely attract attention and distinguish the online store from the crowd.

5. Play on words, associations, pun in the title

Names of online stores "Point G", "People's Prices", "Fisheye" play on direct associations that are understandable to the widest range of consumers. Puns "Caviar of words", "There is time" act more subtly, attracting the attention of the most sophisticated target audience. And associations - they each have their own. Take three words: red, three hundred, talking. My associations will be as follows: red - rose, three hundred - Spartans, talking - fish, yours - completely different. Accordingly, there will also be many options for names.

6. Rhymes

The rhyming name is perfectly remembered and gives rise to positive emotions. Good examples:"Baby Potato", "Inexpensive Toy", "Pizza Rizza" - thousands of them!

7. On the verge of a foul

If you want to misbehave - try calling the online store provocative. For example, an online store selling auto parts "Oh go" 100% will attract attention, but what kind? Do not overdo it: carefully monitor the reaction of the audience to such liberties.

How to come up with a name for an online store

1. Brainstorm: sit down and write down absolutely every idea that comes to mind. Then analyze each option or show it to friends and family.

Advice: if the majority of respondents do not like the name, it is better not to insist on your own: the collective mind is usually not wrong.

2. Choose synonyms. This method is suitable if you came up with a name, but it is already taken. If the general concept of the name is clear - just pick up words that are similar in meaning until you find the very name.

3. Contact namers or an Internet marketing agency: they will definitely pick up the perfect name.

4. Use a brand generator or other similar service: , , and so on.

Common Naming Mistakes

  • Transliteration errors. Any name of an online store is also a domain name, and this is where the marketing dog is buried. Try to avoid Russian hissing letters and vowels: “sh”, “u”, “zh”, “ya”, “yu”, etc. In a domain name, they can look cumbersome and cause difficulty when trying to type the address in a search engine;
  • The same Difficulties may arise with foreign words. Let's take the word "boutique" and see how many spellings of it appear in the names of online stores. What is the probability that potential client remember exactly your name and correctly type it in the search bar?
  • Banality. All these top, vip, best - last century draw attention to the title in other ways. And if the goods in such an online store are also far from the elite segment, then it just looks ridiculous;
  • The names mean nothing. I remember how one of my acquaintances chose the name of an online store: he opened a dictionary and began to write down everything beautiful words alphabetically, without particularly bothering what they mean. Adept, apex and alliance were rejected, it didn’t reach the letter B: the businessman was convinced that these names, although sonorous, were completely faceless. "Success" or "Prestige" can be called anything: shop selling bags, children's goods or cosmetics;
  • negative associations. Memoriz travel store - it is clear that memories were meant, but am I the only one who remembers the cult phrase "Memento sea - a moment, and in the sea"? Health Food Store "Gastritis", "Feast of the Spirit"- no comment. Most likely, the namers wanted to be creative and awaken a sense of humor in their clients, they wanted the best, but it turned out as always.

So, you brainstormed, interviewed representatives of the target audience and came up with the name of the online store. And what to do next with it?

To start you need to check if the invented name is registered earlier. This can be done on special services, such as RF-Patent.rf or Znakoved. If the name is free, you will receive a message about its suitability for registration as a trademark.

Any name is trademark, It must be registered with Rospatent by submitting an application there. The state duty for registration is 16,200 rubles for February 2018. A rather large amount, but you will be sure that you are the copyright holder of this title.

  • Don't forget about relevance. If you are a small online store that is just getting promoted, don't use your name "world of bags" or "Planet of Flowers". As long as you have a small assortment, such a pretentious name can cause the opposite reaction from customers;
  • Go over the names of competitors' stores. We do not call for borrowing names - but at least look in which direction to move. If you sell shoes - look, maybe 25 similar stores already have the simple name "Shoe World" or shoes-online - then you have a good chance to stand out from your competitors!
  • In the same time Do not copy other people's successful names. What works for one brand may fail for another. Internet marketing is a delicate thing, and in addition to successful naming, many other factors come into play;
  • Ask your target audience directly. Start a group on social networks and arrange a poll: offer a choice of several options for names and offer to choose the best one. By the way, such a survey can be conducted on your page, and even offline: among friends and acquaintances.

And the most important thing

Even if you come up with a great name - do not stop there. This is just the first step in the success of your business. Focus on the quality of your products and excellent service, do not forget about the comfort of customers - and profit will be with you. Good luck!


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