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Many people like to take a steam bath in a Russian bath. This is not only a pleasure, but also a very beneficial procedure for health. It is impossible to imagine a Russian banya without a steam room and a birch broom. Business for the procurement and sale of birch brooms will always be in demand.

The leaves and buds of birch contain tannins, essential oils, vitamins A and C, phytoncides. Birch brooms help to get rid of pain in joints and muscles, perfectly cleanse the skin, accelerate wound healing, have a calming effect on the body, and also improve mood.

At first sight broom business is seasonal. However, this is not quite true. If you can prepare a sufficiently large supply of brooms in the summer, you can trade them all year round. As a rule, by the end of winter-spring, the price of brooms increases.

It must be taken into account that there is a certain period for harvesting birch brooms. The Internet contains a lot of information on this issue, however, a lot of inaccurate or conflicting information. It is necessary to harvest brooms in different regions in different time. Usually in Russia, brooms began to be harvested immediately after the feast of the Holy Trinity until mid-July. Exact time blanks of birch brooms can be determined by tasting the leaves. As soon as they stop being sweetish and start to taste bitter, it's time to harvest. Another way - you need to take the edge of the sheet with two fingers and pull it towards you, if the sheet came off along with the leg, then it's too early, and if the sheet remains on the branch, and only the edge of the sheet comes off, then it's time to cook brooms. The brooms harvested at this time look fresh, are stored for a long time, do not fall off. There should be no earrings on the branches. The time for knitting very high-quality brooms is only 2-3 weeks, but in general, brooms can be knitted until the leaf turns yellow.

So that the leaves do not darken and fall off during storage, it is better to cut the branches in dry weather: the leaves wetted with rain or morning dew will curl up and quickly deteriorate. Experienced harvesters take branches growing in the middle part of the tree - they are the most flexible. The branches in the lower part of the tree, as a rule, are coarser and sticking out, in the upper part they are slender, but harsh. In order not to cause great harm to the trees, it is better to take branches not from one, but from several trees.

Harsh branches are laid inside, they will form the basis of the broom and allow you to keep the shape. The softest and most flexible branches with abundant foliage are placed on top of the hard ones, as if wrapping them around the frame. Having correctly folded the broom, form its handle, clearing the lower branches of excess leaves and side shoots. Usually the length of the handle is about 10-15 cm, which allows you to firmly tie the broom in two places with a rope. It is better not to tie with wire, because. it burns the fingers, and the ends of the wire can injure the hand. The length of the broom is usually 40-60 cm.

There are several ways to dry brooms, but a prerequisite is not to dry in the sun, because in the sun the leaves lose their aroma, curl into tubes and burn out, quickly fly around after steaming. Best option: dry and store brooms in a cool, dark, dry, ventilated area, hanging or folded. The dressing room or the attic of the bath, as well as a balcony, a garage, a closet are ideal for these purposes. Sometimes brooms are dried in a haystack (who has such an opportunity). To do this, brooms are laid with foliage inside the haystack, and with handles outside. In this case, the broom takes on a fan-shaped shape.

Practice shows that in a day one person (having some experience) is able to impose at least 100 brooms. If we are talking about the preparation of high-quality brooms for a discerning buyer, then it will be possible to tie much fewer brooms in a day. At the same time, if you yourself knit brooms for sale, then you won’t earn much money. Firstly, you will not be able to impose a lot of brooms; secondly, the period for harvesting brooms is not so long. However, as always, there is a way out of the situation.

Practically around every city there are many settlements, towns, villages, the inhabitants of which are sitting without work, because it is simply not there.

You can organize the purchase of birch brooms from the rural population, and sell them in the city.

Transportation is required to implement this idea. Suitable and Gazelle with an awning, and a minibus, and just a car with a trailer. In order not to make trips in vain, you can stick announcements in advance in those settlements that you plan to go around about the planned purchase of birch brooms. It is necessary to indicate the date of purchase, place, time / period of time, price for one broom. You can specify the basic requirements for the broom (already dried / fresh; length, thickness of the handle, length of the handle (cleared from branches), etc.). color photo a real broom as a sample will not be superfluous. In general, you need to take into account that the population will simply carry a bunch of birch branches tied with a rope, asking for money for this. By experience, you will eventually find conscientious suppliers with whom you will work in the future. You can deal with low-quality brooms simply - if the branches are fresh, then you buy at a lower price, so that later you can tie them into high-quality brooms.

It remains to determine the sales market. The main channels are baths and saunas (both municipal and commercial). Most likely, they already have their trusted suppliers - but here the laws of competition come into force. You can offer brooms best quality, or a lower price. You can try to take brooms for sale in stores.

You can also sell brooms to individuals by placing an ad in a local newspaper or on a site you visit on the Internet. There are more and more private baths every year. In case of successful expansion of the business, an excellent option would be to enter the markets of another region that is not very rich in forest.

The price of brooms in baths and saunas ranges from 50 to 100 rubles and more. On average, the price of a broom in winter averages at least 70 rubles.

It is up to you to decide what price to set when buying brooms, depending on the place of procurement, and the price at which you can sell the brooms. Somewhere and for 10 rubles they will impose on you as many brooms as you can take away, somewhere for 25 rubles they will not be very willing to bear it.

Too low a price will scare off potential suppliers, a high price will reduce your profit.

To set an adequate price for the purchase of brooms, if there are no competitors, you can focus on the prices for the purchase of berries. For example, you know that in this village they buy berries at a price of 80 rubles per liter. And people willingly give up. However, in order to collect a liter of berries, you will need to walk 3-5 km to the forest and back (about 1-2 hours), and spend about an hour picking 1 liter of berries, carefully feeding the mosquitoes. Total labor costs - about 3 hours. In three hours, a person is able to impose about 20-30 birch brooms, taking into account the trip for the gardens of the village to the nearest forest. Thus, it is much more profitable to impose 30 birch brooms in 3 hours, and hand them over at 10 rubles per broom for a total of 300 rubles, than to spend 3 hours picking berries and earn only 80 rubles.

The key point in this business- this is realization (sale) of birch brooms. No need to be greedy, give in price (within reason, of course), and all your efforts will be rewarded.

More information on this idea for starting and running a business can be obtained.

I will buy oak and birch brooms, as well as with herbal supplements

Online store "Parvenik" is interested in suppliers of products for the bath, as well as in increasing the range.

High-quality products, reasonable price and fulfillment of the undertaken obligations are the guarantee of long-term cooperation.

Quality products: excellent presentation of the offered products, the broom must be dried, the leaf must be fully opened, without diaper rash and yellow foliage, and sit firmly on the branch. The shape of the broom is like a fan, the color of the broom is green, the broom should be fragrant. Bandaging the handle only with twine, double or solid knit (without building ties). Before purchasing from a supplier, photo samples of the products offered are required [email protected] website

Delivery of goods is carried out by the supplier, the cost of delivery is discussed individually. Birch brooms in bulk are not accepted, only in boxes or large packages. Payment for the goods only on the fact.

  • Oak broom "Standard" - total length 50-55 cm, of which the handle is 10-12 cm, the width of the broom is 30-35 cm, weight 160-200 grams
  • Oak broom "Selected" - total length 55-60 cm, of which the handle is 10-12 cm, the width of the broom is at least 40 cm, weight 250-300 grams
  • Oak broom "Extra" - the total length of the broom is 55-60 cm, of which the handle is 12-15 cm, the width of the broom is 40-45 cm.
  • Birch broom "Standard" - total length 45-50, of which the handle is 10-12 cm, width 25-30 cm, the number of branches is at least 25 pieces
  • Birch broom "Selected" - total length 50-55, of which the handle is 10-12 cm, width 30-35 cm, the number of branches is at least 30 pieces.
  • Exchange (barter)

Important information

The minimum order value is from 1000 rubles.

Mini-shop and pick-up point for pre-orders, a five-minute walk from the metro station Altufyevo, Altufevskoe shosse 87, in the room "Repair of equipment". Note: a mini-shop is organized at the pick-up point, the most popular products where you can see andbuy goods by the piece, at retail prices, excluding ongoing promotions.

Same day pickup- every day, without days off, pre-order only!!! Address: Babushkinskaya metro station, "everything for the home" store from 10 to 20:30.

Free shipping order in Moscow, within the Moscow Ring Road - from 3500 rubles.

Delivery of the order in Moscow, daily from 10 am to 11 pm, within the Moscow Ring Road - 350 rubles, beyond the Moscow Ring Road +15 rub./km.

Delivery to Moscow districts: Medvedkovo, Babushkinskaya, Bibirevo, Otradnoe, Sviblovo and Lianozovo is free of charge, with an order value of 1500 rubles

Delivery to boxberry pickup point next to your home, the minimum order value is from 1000 rubles. More than 150 in Moscow and Moscow region.

Convenient: quick order and inquiries via whatsapp +79255045673

today magazine IQR will talk about an interesting and affordable business for every villager - the manufacture of bath brooms for sale. Nature gives materials for making brooms for free (the main thing is not to catch the eye of the forester). So start-up capital is not required for this business. At all. Only your desire to work and earn. The hero of today's business case will tell you more.

How did I get the idea to start selling birch brooms

Good day! My name is Artyom, I live in the city of Chelyabinsk. At the time of starting my business (2013), I was 23 years old. Every season I sell bath brooms. But first things first.

After studying at the university, he ended up in a village called Russian Techa. Looking for some way to make money. It was problematic, at that time there was no way to settle in the city, and Russian Techa is a small village. And no one needed a certified civil engineer here, the last building was built several years ago.

Once, while visiting the city, I saw my grandfather selling bath brooms on the street! After that, I googled what and how bath brooms are made of. I myself am not a fan of the bath and have never used this device. I found a lot of articles, tips, videos on how to properly make such a product. Chose, as it seems to me, the most practical option. After all, my main task was to make as many high-quality products as possible, and do it quickly! Did more - earned more, simple arithmetic.

Upon arrival in the village, he began to actively engage in the manufacturing process. I traveled deep into the forest, away from the highway and the river, which was polluted. The Techa River has not the most good story, to put it mildly. In the post-war period, the Mayak production facility poured radioactive waste directly into this river. Yes, in addition to the territory production association"Mayak" in 1957 there was an accident, known as the "Kyshtym accident". A container with radioactive waste exploded. This led to a significant increase in radiation in the area.

Manufacturing technology of bath brooms

From morning until 5-6 o'clock, when it was already getting dark in the forest, I collected twigs from 40 to 60 centimeters long. And then for about two hours I was directly engaged in manufacturing. I laid out the twigs, tied them up (I spied the tying method on YouTube from “ ulybays“).

Sickeningly monotonous actions, from which you get tired more than when you collect twigs. It helped in the work if I mentally imagined that each knotted bunch of twigs was 100 rubles. Helped out a lot. The next step was to hang the future bath brooms on specially nailed nails in the barn. It was possible to make about 30-50 brooms per day. And so every day, rested during bad weather.

At first he made brooms from birch - out of inexperience, then he began to make oak brooms. It turned out that the second process is easier, and oak brooms are, to my surprise, more expensive. During the summer I made 1000 pieces, while there were no costs, except for the time spent. With the onset of autumn, it's time to sell your product. At this time, I was already living in the city again. For 4 flights he transported the entire batch to the city. The one-way trip took about two hours. I loaded it into the trunk and into the back seat of my car.

First profit

And now the moment of truth has come - the sale of goods. Having taken several samples of his bath brooms, he visited the city bath and offered products to the director. She said that they already have their own supplier. I, having learned the price at which the bathhouse buys brooms, offered mine 10 rubles cheaper and without any papers and. The director didn't resist.

As a result, birch brooms went for 30 rubles, and oak brooms for 50 rubles. In total, about 46,000 rubles came out. This is a month of hard work.

I gained experience, drew conclusions, 46,000 rubles is still a small amount, given that you need to deduct the cost of gasoline. In 2014, I set my sights on retail. I got a job as a courier in one company, saved up a small amount and repaired the balcony - I paid special attention to the seams so that water droplets would not get inside. I also began to save money for advertising, I expected to collect about 70,000 rubles by May, but at the time of the onset of the season I had a little less than 50,000 rubles on hand.

How much can you earn in a season of active work

Somewhere since the end of May, I began to travel out of town, away from the roads and the city. I stuffed the trunk and the back of the cabin (removed the rear seat). Then he carried the cargo to his garage and there he was engaged in manufacturing, he also dried it in the garage, hanging it on an outstretched rope. The batch, which I hung out a week ago, was stored on the balcony. I worked on the same schedule.

Sometimes I ran into foresters, for the first time I had to part with 2000 rubles, and then I made it a rule to always keep a bottle of cognac in the glove compartment of the car. After that, the foresters stopped noticing me point-blank.

Until July, he made brooms from birch, and then from oak. For the whole season I collected 5000 brooms, of which one third was from birch. At the end of the season, out of 50,000 rubles, only about 10,000 rubles were left, the rest was spent on accommodation, gasoline and other expenses. In September he got a job previous job by courier. At the same time, I printed an ad and started posting at bus stops. I received 30,000 in a month, spent them on advertising, gave 25,000 for ads in local newspapers.

Sale of bath brooms

I sold birch brooms for 70 rubles, and oak brooms for 130 rubles. I made the service “ free shipping to home." It was pleasant and convenient for people to receive bath brooms with home delivery. Word of mouth began to bear fruit. On average, bath attendants ordered 10-30 pieces. Delivered after work, in the evening.

In general, birch brooms were sold for 105,000 rubles, oak brooms for 455,000 rubles, total: 560,000 rubles. I counted expenses for about 100,000 rubles. Net profit per season - 460,000 rubles. We divide by three months that I collected them, it turns out 153,333 per month. What other job in the village will pay you 150 thousand?

I have a schedule. 4 months a year I work with bath brooms, and the remaining 8 months I work in various companies. AT this moment there is an online store, a base of regular customers. This allows us to keep at the level of sales of 4-5 thousand brooms a year.

Pros and cons of business on brooms

I am puzzled over how to expand, there is an option to hire people for the season to harvest and supply brooms to neighboring cities. However, every year there are more and more competitors. Thinking about the pros and cons - it will work or not. The downsides are that there may be problems with the law, and you don’t want to bathe with employees. One is comfortable - you work as you want. Pros, this is of course an extension - more money. But, as I already said, in the off-season I get a job that has turned up, this money is enough for expenses, and with the income from the sale of bath brooms I satisfy my more expensive needs, in particular, in a good house and in a good car.

For good, it would be necessary to open some institution, shop and the like with the money earned. While picking a good option, I plan to put the profit from next year into a business that suits me.

Is it difficult to start such a business from scratch?

He passed on the experience to his friend, who lives in the village, they have 5,000 rubles a month. He makes bath brooms, and then sells them in bulk in neighboring cities. He makes a living doing this, he said that on average, for one season, it comes out somewhere around 300-400 thousand rubles. If 400,000 are divided by 12 months - more than 30,000 rubles come out! At average salary in the countryside, 5,000 rubles is fabulous money. He can afford a lot, unlike his neighbors. He says he is very grateful to me.

If you have a lot of free time in the summer - this is a good option. You can also sell brooms at retail, but I would advise you to simply sell them in bulk, as there are much fewer problems and you get profit immediately after the sale of the goods, and not gradually, as in retail.

Difficulties encountered while knitting brooms for sale: first of all, laziness - it is difficult to force yourself every day for a long time to engage in monotonous actions. We need premises with certain conditions. It is impossible to do this without a car, unless you live in a village that is next to a forest. You have to work hard to get good money in the future. Competition again. However, if you make bath brooms in good faith, serve customers well, then you will not be afraid of them.

This story can be regarded as a guide to action, that is, if desired, everyone can repeat. I will be glad if my story makes someone's life better, changes it. Even the life of one person. I wish you success!

Attachments: from 10 000 rubles

Payback: from 1 month

The trend of mass construction of baths in summer cottages, in cottage settlements has led to an increase in demand for brooms. The business of harvesting and selling them will allow you to earn good money with a relatively small investment. Let's take a closer look at how to run it.

business concept

Bathing has become an extremely fashionable activity. People pay more attention to health, resorting to the experience of their ancestors. Earnings from the sale of bath brooms are based on the sale of simple, but made in the right way, bundles of birch and oak branches. Oak brooms are more valued, although the manufacture of products from this type of wood is easier.

Clients will be:

  • bath complexes, saunas;
  • city ​​baths;
  • private buyers.

You can do the harvesting of brooms on your own, or hire staff consisting of rural residents. Hiring employees will require start-up capital, but in the absence of free finances, all the work must be taken over.

What is required for implementation?

The business for the production of brooms for a bath does not require significant costs when purchasing inventory, equipment for a specialized workplace. Of the tools you will need a knife and a small hatchet, as well as strong ropes.

The most important thing is to choose the right material and harvest time. According to Orthodox traditions, materials can only be mined on Trinity, but the business must generate income regularly. Harvesting branches is carried out under certain conditions:

  • extraction time - summer months;
  • warm, dry weather without precipitation;
  • cutting branches is necessary in the morning;
  • suitable birch and oak.

The rods must be smooth and flexible. The number of long thin branches is recruited based on the required number of rods per 1 broom and the total number that is planned to be harvested. Finished products are knitted from the extracted rods and sent to dry.

After a few days of harvesting, a businessman will feel tired from painstaking, monotonous work. To continue, it is recommended to remember that each connected broom will bring a net profit.

Step by step start instructions

To implement a business for the sale of bath brooms, you should follow the algorithm:

  1. Choose an area with a sufficient number of trees of the desired species. It is advisable to select areas remote from the places of civilization so that the extracted rods are not subject to technogenic impact.
  2. Find a place to live for the period of harvesting rods and knitting products. It is good if a businessman owns his own dacha or a house in the village.
  3. If you have start-up capital, hire assistants. Villagers, as a rule, cannot count on high wages. For a modest income, there will quickly be those who wish.
  4. Carrying out preparatory work.
  5. Search for buyers. You can start selling goods by opening a semblance of a stall in crowded places. In the modern world, it is convenient to sell via the Internet, using social networks and platforms for posting ads. To establish wholesale sales, you should establish contact with the nearest bath complexes and simply offer goods.
  6. IP registration.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

To start business development, you will need 20-30 thousand rubles. The main costs will be spent on renting premises (if the businessman does not own them), as well as paying for gasoline to deliver brooms to customers.

Without rent for the premises, the costs will amount to about 15 thousand rubles. for food and accommodation, as well as registration of documents.

Monthly expenses

Regular expenses will be needed if you hire workers and rent a room. Otherwise, every month the costs will be carried out only for advertising.

The average cost of maintaining the business will be about 10,000 thousand rubles (without people and rent).

How much can you earn?

The amount of earnings directly depends on several parameters:

  • the number of prepared brooms;
  • rental and labor costs;
  • selling price of products.

The average retail price of a product is 200 rubles/1 pc. In total, having manufactured 1,500 units in 1 month of work, a businessman can earn 300,000 rubles, excluding expenses.

Payback periods

Based on the above data, the payback period for your business will be 1 month.

Business risks and cons

The procurement and sale of bath brooms is a business suitable for beginners and those who do not have enough capital to invest in their own business. Sooner or later, all products will be sold, and the costs will pay off, so the business involves minimal risks.

  • laborious, monotonous work;
  • seasonality - harvesting is possible only in warm months;
  • it is necessary to monitor the temperature regime in the room where the brooms are dried.

The advantage of such a business is full payback and the ability not to depend on creditors. Earnings are built on hard work and love of customers for healthy lifestyle life.


From the business of manufacturing and selling bath brooms, you should not expect a stable and high income. In regions remote from large cities, the income from the procurement and sale of brooms is enough to ensure a decent standard of living. In the capital and million-plus cities, a businessman will need additional income.

Bath broom business- one of the least expensive niches of production. It has serious prospects, allows with minimum investment secure high profits.

Banya is perhaps one of the favorite places for any Russian. The relevance of such a business is great, and the demand for the services of bath complexes is not decreasing even at the present time. And even though an analog appeared in the format of a sauna, the bath still arouses more interest among citizens.

It is impossible not to note the healing properties of the bath - improving overall well-being, relaxation, bringing back to normal emotional state. That is why the production of bath brooms as a business is not only profitable, but also a useful business format.

Features of the production of brooms

If an entrepreneur has never been engaged in the manufacture of brooms, then his first question will be - where to start his business, what nuances to pay attention to? Start a business better in summer, because it is at this time that the trees turn green. Warm weather is the time to harvest leaves and twigs for future brooms. Preparations are made from the beginning of June.

It is important not only to collect fresh and green leaves, but also to prevent them from starting to dry out. If you want to collect as much "harvest" as possible, then you should involve hired employees.

It is important to properly prepare the room for drying. It should be spacious, with a special temperature and humidity, have good ventilation. Compliance with storage conditions is a guarantee of whether production will be profitable or not.

Drying uniformity will also matter. To achieve the desired effect, you can go one of the following ways:

  1. hang brooms on ropes;
  2. spread out on the floor, turning over at regular intervals (then the broom will additionally take the form of a fan).

After drying, the brooms are folded into bags and placed in a room with hay. It is important that it is dark and cool there.

If the entrepreneur is still undecided whether to open a business in this area or not, he should pay attention to the following positive aspects of the idea:

  • Minimum investment. A novice businessman does not have to look for funds to open a business, much less take a loan from a bank.
  • Demand. Due to the positive impact on health, the bath is becoming even more in demand. In addition, this format of leisure allows you to have an interesting time in a pleasant company.
  • Existence of service life. This is especially true for large bath complexes, where brooms have to be changed at least once a day. If a person goes to the bath, he definitely buys a new broom for himself, and does not use the old one.
  • The simplicity of the sphere. An entrepreneur will not need to receive special education or make incredible efforts. The work on the production of brooms is simple and accessible not only to adults, but also to teenagers.
  • High profitability and fast payback. Moreover, the value of income is impressive even with a small amount of production. Such an enterprise in itself cannot be unprofitable.
  • Availability. For the manufacture of brooms, you do not need any specific raw materials. You can find branches and leaves in any region of the country. And if you make brooms from nettles, then you can collect raw materials right at your summer cottage.
  • Minimum equipment purchase costs. No specialized high cost tools are required. And you can process brooms right on the spot or at home. The tools used in everyday life will be more than enough.
  • Getting income in a short time. It takes no more than 1.5 weeks to dry brooms, after which you can sell products and make a profit.

True, such a business has its drawbacks. The main disadvantage concerns the fact that brooms can be made only for 1-3 months a year. All the rest of the time it will be possible to deal only with their sale.

What brooms to do?

Even before the opening own business from scratch, you need to decide which brooms to make. The most in demand are:

You can make other types of brooms - from fir, eucalyptus and even all kinds of medicinal herbs.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

We figured out the room - it should be well ventilated, dry, protected from sunlight. And what kind of equipment will have to buy a novice entrepreneur? If small volumes of production are planned, then the following tools will be enough:

  • ax (it is better to choose a compact and lightweight model that is convenient for work);
  • knife (it is important that it is as sharp as possible);
  • ropes or threads (for transporting raw materials to the place of drying, tying).

What else to consider when starting production?

The entrepreneur must not only prepare the premises and purchase equipment, but also study the features of work in this area. It will also be important which brooms will be made. Different types have their time for collection, the nuances of collection and drying. Without this, it will not be possible to produce high-quality products, and customer loyalty will largely depend on this.

When choosing a storage room, it is important to find a place near the collection of raw materials so that it does not take a lot of money to transport it. And when working on a large scale, you will need a personal car to deliver products to consumers.

Features of selling brooms

The quality of the brooms is undoubtedly a decisive factor. But we must not forget about other features of production. Even at the time of collecting raw materials, you need to think about who to sell your product to. The main consumers will be:

  • urban bath complexes;
  • saunas;
  • health centers;
  • tourist bases for recreation;
  • owners of cottages and private houses.

You need to work with such clients in a targeted way, offering your services. If it is not possible to attract consumers, you can sell brooms in the city market or on the highway.

Most effective ways promotions will be:

  1. placement of advertisements on special boards on the Internet and in local newspapers;
  2. word of mouth (rumors will spread very quickly if the quality of brooms is really good);
  3. mailing list and creating your own website (suitable for serious businessmen with large production volumes).

Financial indicators

The cost of one broom small town can vary from 100 to 150 rubles. The price will depend on the composition and quality. Even selling 30-40 brooms a day can bring about 90-180 thousand rubles per month. In this case, the costs will be insignificant - in the range of 20-30 thousand rubles. And you can open your own business with a capital of only a few tens of thousands. So it turns out that you can recoup your investments in the first month and actively start making a profit. The main thing is to pay attention to quality and work out distribution channels.


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