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Leadership style is the manner in which a leader behaves towards subordinates in order to influence them and encourage them to achieve the goals of the organization.

1. Autocratic (authoritarian) style - centralization of power in the hands of one leader; rate on administration and limited contacts with subordinates. The autocrat single-handedly makes or cancels decisions, does not allow subordinates to take the initiative, is categorical, often harsh with people. Always orders, disposes, instructs, but never asks. The new is perceived with caution, in the work he practically uses the same methods. At the first favorable opportunity, he tries to get rid of strong workers and talented people. In his opinion, the best worker is the one who knows how to understand the thoughts of the boss. In such an atmosphere, gossip, intrigue and denunciation flourish.

Style benefits:

Provides clarity and efficiency of management;

Creates a visible unity of management actions to achieve the goals;

Minimizes decision-making time, in small organizations provides a quick response to changing external conditions;

Does not require special material costs;

In "young", newly created firms, it allows you to quickly and successfully cope with the difficulties of becoming.

Obvious style flaws.

Suppression (non-use) of the initiative, the creative potential of performers;

Lack of effective labor incentives;

bulky control system;

AT large firms- bureaucratization of the administrative apparatus;

Low satisfaction of performers with their work;

High dependence of the group on the constant pressure of the leader.

To overcome these shortcomings allow economic and socio-psychological methods of management, characteristic of the democratic style.

2. Democratic style - characterized by the division of power and the participation of employees in management, while responsibility is not concentrated, but distributed in accordance with the delegated powers. Instructions - in the form of sentences, speech is not dry - but a comradely tone, praise and blame - taking into account the opinion of the team. Orders and prohibitions are carried out on the basis of discussions. In exercising control, a democrat pays attention to the end result. Such an environment creates conditions for the self-expression of subordinates, they develop independence - this contributes to the perception of the achievement of the goals of the organization as their own. This style is based primarily on the initiative of the team, not the leader. The interaction between the leader and subordinates is based on cooperation.

Democratic style allows:

Stimulate the manifestation of initiative, disclose creative potential performers;

Successfully solve innovative, non-standard tasks;

It is more efficient to use material and contractual labor incentives;

Turn on psychological mechanisms work motivation;

Increase the satisfaction of performers with their work;

Create a favorable climate in the team.

3. Liberal style - characterized by complete freedom of collective and individual decisions of employees with minimal participation of the head. This style suggests a tendency to excessive tolerance, indulgence, undemanding. The liberal manager usually takes decisive action only at the direction of higher management and seeks to evade responsibility for the unsatisfactory results obtained. In an effort to acquire and strengthen authority, he is able to provide subordinates with various kinds of benefits, pay undeserved bonuses. In relationships with subordinates, he is correct and polite, responds positively to criticism, does not like to control their work, cannot refuse an employee without feeling guilty. He cares more about what his employees think of him. Liberals are unprincipled, under the influence of different people and circumstances they can change their decision on the same issue. He can do the work himself for a negligent subordinate, tk. doesn't like being fired bad workers. The main thing for him is to maintain good relations with subordinates, and not the result of work. Arsenal of means of influencing the team - requests, persuasion. In crisis situations, when energetic actions of the whole team are required, good personal relationships will disappear, but there are no business ones with this style.

Each specific leader cannot have only one style. Depending on the specific situation, different styles are applied in certain situations:

1) Autocratic - appropriate if there are two conditions:

A) the production situation requires it;

B) the staff willingly and voluntarily agrees to authoritarian methods.

2) The democratic style is not applicable under all conditions, as a rule, it works under the following conditions:

A) with a stable, well-established team;

B) with high qualification of workers;

C) in the presence of active, enterprising, non-standard thinking employees, even if there are few of them;

D) under non-extreme production conditions, etc.

Effective leaders respond to situations flexibly, that is, by changing styles. The most effective style in a mobile external and internal environment is adaptive - reality-oriented.

Management grid (characteristic types of managerial behavior):

Labor activity unfolds in a "force field" between production and man. The first line of force (horizontal) determines the manager's attention to production (orientation towards completing tasks at any cost, regardless of the staff).

The second vertical - determines the attitude of the manager to the person (concern for working conditions; taking into account desires and needs). The presence of a contradiction between the two "power" lines allows you to build space and identify five characteristic types of managerial behavior.

Point 1.1 corresponds to the behavior of the leader, defined as the minimum attention to the results of production and to the person. The manager does not care about anything, working in such a way as not to be fired (purely theoretical style - occurs in cases when the enterprise closes, the manager retires, and the like).

Point 9.1 - the style of strict administration (autocratic, authoritarian), for the leader the only goal is the production result. Nothing related to the employee (his needs, well-being) is taken into account. Decisions by such a leader are taken unilaterally. Characteristic features are an orientation towards unconditional diligence, suppression of initiative, the search for the guilty, and more. The style is effective in emergency situations (accidents, natural disasters, bankruptcy, etc.), at the initial stages of production development.

Point 5.5 is the position of the "golden mean" between the methods of "hard" and "soft" managers. The manager tries to reach a compromise in everything, at which average results of labor are achieved, there can be no sharp breakthrough forward. At the same time, this leadership style promotes stability and non-conflict.

Point 1.9 - liberal (passive) leadership style. The leader focuses on human relations. Such a leader gives subordinates complete freedom, tries to protect the team from disagreements, but at the same time avoids personal discussion of the causes of conflicts in the hope that everything will work out by itself. The atmosphere in the team is almost family, under the leadership of such a leader it is convenient to do nothing. This style can be effective in a highly motivated team, in creative teams.

Point 9.9 - democratic management style (most effective). The leader tries to build the work of his subordinates in such a way that they see in it an opportunity for self-realization and confirmation of their own significance. Goals are defined jointly with employees, different opinions on how to achieve goals are taken into account.

(Appendix No. 12 "Management Grid")

Questions for consolidation:

1. What is leadership style?

2. What advantages and disadvantages of the autocratic style do you know?

3. List distinctive features liberal style.

4. Key Features democratic style?

5. What types of managerial behavior do you know?

Choose one correct answer:

1. The manner of behavior of the leader in relation to subordinates in order to influence them and encourage them to achieve the goals of the organization is ...

A) leadership

B) qualities of a leader

B) leadership style

D) management ability

2. What are the three leadership styles? (choose one wrong answer):

B) democratic style

B) liberal style

D) communist style

3. In what style of leadership is there a centralization of power in the hands of one leader; rate on administration and limited contacts with subordinates?

B) democratic style

B) liberal style

D) communist style

4. What leadership style is characterized by the division of power and the participation of employees in management?

B) democratic style

B) liberal style

D) communist style

5. Is it effective to use the same leadership style consistently?

Every leader sooner or later tends to one or another style of management. In management today, several types of behavior are distinguished at once, each of which is effective in its own way. The methods and styles of management used by the same person can change, depending on what tasks the leader sets for himself and the team. Therefore, it is not possible to name one, the most effective style of management.

To date, the main styles of management are as follows:

  1. Liberal personnel management line or the principle of non-interference of the leader in the activities of subordinates. A manager who practices this style of work acts as an intermediary between employees and higher authorities. The liberal behavior of the bosses is practiced in teams where employees know their job well, their day is scheduled by the minute, and there is simply no need for one person to make additional decisions.
  2. Authoritarian management style in management. In this case, all working decisions are made "in one person". High demands, constant pressure and control over the course of activities. The authoritarian style is good in cases where extreme situations arise, and it is necessary to urgently make some decisions.
  3. Democratic management style. Managers who adhere to this style can involve specialists at all levels in solving managerial problems. As motivators for work, the boss chooses the opportunity for each employee to realize their needs in terms of self-expression, creativity, and belonging to a team.
  4. Combination of several management styles in management. In practice, it is very difficult for a leader to develop one single leadership style and stick to it. After all, the team consists of living people, and they are all very different. The tendency to one of the behavioral lines in the management consists of the boss's own capabilities: his level of education, work experience, mental qualities, as well as the traditions of the company and the tasks that are solved in this moment.

Basic management models

Leadership, power, and management styles is a broad, controversial topic that regularly gives rise to new theories about effective and ineffective management styles. At the beginning of the 20th century, when the science of managing people was just beginning to develop, it was taken up by theorists and practitioners in different corners earth. As a result, several management models have developed, which, on a territorial basis, have been called the Western, Japanese and American style. Each method is effective in its own way, and at the same time is fundamentally different from the other.

  1. Western style of management. Individual responsibility, decisions are made not only at the top, but also at the middle level of employees, business relationship do not mix with personal.
  2. American style of management. Strict observance of norms and regulations, practicality, development of personnel.
  3. Japanese style of management. Continuous staff development, understanding of the joint contribution to the development of the company, a high level of trust of the authorities in relation to the subordinate.

Coaching as a new style of management

Coaching is a kind of business psychoanalysis. This type of business process management appeared relatively recently in the West, and came to Russia only a few years ago. The essence of coaching is that the coach (he is also a business coach) does not delve deeply into the problems of the person being consulted and does not give valuable guidance. The task of the coach is to make sure that the specialist himself formulates his problem and finds ways to overcome it. Today, coaching is considered a very promising direction in the science of managing people.

Methods and styles of management are a broad and open topic for research. A competent leader is one who knows how not to limit himself to only one option, to choose one or another method of personnel management, based on the goals and objectives that are currently facing him.

Every leader has certain style management.

Management style is a relatively stable system of ways, methods and forms of influence of the leader on subordinates in accordance with the goals. joint activities. This is a kind of psychological handwriting of work with subordinates. The famous German psychologist K. Levin described three main management styles:

1. Authoritarian style. The decision is made by the leader alone. He acts authoritatively in relation to subordinates, rigidly fixes the roles of participants, exercises detailed control, and concentrates in his hands all the main management functions.

This style is most effective in well-ordered (structured) situations, when the activity of subordinates is algorithmic in nature (according to a given system of rules). Focused on solving algorithmic problems.

2. Democratic style. Decisions are made by the leader together with subordinates. With this style, the leader seeks to manage the group together with subordinates, giving them freedom of action, organizing a discussion of their decisions, supporting the initiative.

This style is most effective in poorly structured situations and is focused on interpersonal relationships, solving creative problems.

3. Liberal style. Decisions are imposed by subordinates to the leader. He practically withdraws from the active management of the group, behaves like an ordinary member, provides the members of the group with complete freedom. Group members behave in accordance with their desires, their activity is spontaneous. This style is most effective in situations of finding the most productive areas of group activity.

Authoritarian style: Business, short orders. Prohibitions without condescension, with a threat. Clear language, unfriendly tone. Praise and blame are subjective. Emotions are not taken into account. The position of the leader is outside the group. The affairs of the group are planned in advance (in their entirety). Only immediate goals are determined, distant ones are unknown. The leader's voice is decisive.

Democratic style: Orders and prohibitions - with advice. The position of the leader is within the group. Activities are not planned in advance, but in a group. Everyone is responsible for the implementation of the proposals. All sections of the work are not only offered, but collected.

liberal style: Tone - conventional. No praise, no blame. No cooperation. The position of the leader is imperceptibly away from the group. Things in the group go by themselves. The leader does not give instructions. Sections of work are composed of separate intervals or come from a new leader.

Each specific leader cannot have only one style. Depending on the emerging specific situation, a combination of features of various styles with the dominance of one is most often observed. One of the three styles finds its real embodiment in the individual management style.

Control Style Options

Types of management styles



1. Decision making and task definition

Personally by the leader

Taking into account the suggestions of subordinates

Approval and agreement with the opinion of subordinates

2. Method of bringing the solution

request, begging

3. The degree of regulation of the actions of subordinates


Low (maximum freedom of subordinates)

4. The nature of communication between the leader and subordinates

Short, business, dry

Longer, not only business, but also personal

May not engage in communication if subordinates do not contact him

5. The nature of the regulation of the behavior and activities of subordinates

Emphasizes claims

Focuses on rewards

Refrains from regulating the behavior and activities of subordinates

6. Opinion of the head about subordinates

Considers all subordinates to be initially good, flexibility in changing assessments

Doesn't give grades to subordinates

7. The attitude of the leader to the initiative of subordinates

incredulous, negative

Encouraging the manifestation of initiative

Reassessment of the possibilities of the initiative of subordinates

8 Moral and psychological climate in the organization



Extremely changeable

9. Performance indicators of the organization

High quantitative, medium


Average quantitative,

high quality

Unstable indicators

10 Supervisory control over the activities of subordinates



Let us highlight a number of important remarks in this regard:

In its purest form, these leadership styles are extremely rare. As a rule, there is a combination of different styles, but the signs of a single style still prevail;

Among the management styles outlined there is no universal, suitable for all occasions, there is no good or bad. All styles have certain advantages and give rise to their own problems;

The effectiveness of leadership depends primarily on the flexibility in using the positive aspects of a particular style and the ability to neutralize its weaknesses.

For example, in extreme conditions, an authoritarian leadership style is vital. In the conditions of everyday life, when there is a friendly and prepared team, the democratic style of leadership is successful. The conditions for creative search dictate the expediency of using liberal style elements.

Social management, as we know, is based on the subordination of people to common interests. Sometimes this does not require any official intervention. For example, residents of many houses voluntarily go out on a community work day and clean up the area around it. However, local authorities may not know anything about it.

This example shows that self-government (illegitimate governance) can assist the official authorities in deciding social problems in particular, environmental pollution problems. However, many leaders try not to notice the existence of self-government in their territory, considering it as their potential enemy or competitor (contender for power). In such cases, they use an authoritarian management style, making their decisions regardless of initiatives "from below". This management style is characterized by the fact that the leader forcibly introduces and tries to consolidate his OOC, hoping that this will lead to a solution to the problems facing society. In this case, social tension usually arises associated with the forcible introduction of new values ​​and institutions, as a rule, contradicting the old ones. For example, the forcible introduction of the values ​​and institutions of a market economy led to social tension in a society brought up on socialist values.

The second style of management is democratic, when the leader tries not to show his own initiative, but supports initiatives "from below". In fact, the head of the organization is endowed not only with power, but also with certain resources that he must direct in the right direction, and most of the initiatives "from below "That's exactly what they point to. This style of management is characterized by the fact that the leader, by his decisions, chooses and consolidates not his own OOK, but "naturally" arising in the organization and supported by public opinion. The official recognition and consolidation of such QOCs proceeds smoothly, without social conflicts, because there is support for what is already there.

The third style of management - mixed - is based on a combination of authoritarian and democratic styles, when, to solve some problems, the leader resorts to authoritarian management, and to others - to democratic. This management style is predominant.

Despite the fact that all countries of the world use a mixed style of government, each of them is dominated by an authoritarian or democratic principle. So, in the eastern countries, authoritarian government is predominant, and in the western countries - democratic. It depends on the mentality of the nation and its social values. AT Eastern culture social values ​​dominate (a person must work for the good of society), and in Western culture they are individual (society must work for the good of a person). In Eastern countries, people are afraid of power, considering it evil, in Western countries, power is afraid of people who are always ready to replace it .

Each of these styles has advantages and disadvantages. Dignity authoritarian style management is the ability to maximize the mobilization of society's resources to solve specific social problems or achieve certain goals set by the country's leadership, and to ensure their most effective use. The disadvantages of the authoritarian style are the suppression of democracy, the fear of the authorities, and most importantly, the gross mistakes made with impunity, for example, the privatization of state property, the war in Chechnya, GKO.

The advantage of a democratic management style is reliable protection against making rash decisions and the absence of social tension when introducing new OOKs. The disadvantage of the democratic style is the relative slowness of social processes.

The mixed management style allows you to combine the advantages of authoritarian and democratic styles. However, this requires relevant knowledge.

Leadership style- a set of methods used by the leader to influence subordinates, as well as the form (manner, nature) of the implementation of these methods in order to effectively implement managerial functions and assigned tasks.

The study of leadership style and the very emergence of this concept are associated with the name of the famous psychologist K. Levin, who in the 30s. XX century Developed a typology of individual leadership styles. The German psychologist Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) conducted a series of experiments, on the basis of which he identified three classic management styles:

Ø democratic (or collegial);

Ø conniving (or liberal-anarchist, or neutral).

It is based on giving orders to subordinates in the form of an order without any explanation of the general connections with the goals and objectives of the organization. It is characterized by strict individual decision-making by the leader (“minimum democracy”), strict constant control over the implementation of decisions with the threat of punishment (“maximum control”), lack of interest in the employee as a person. Employees should only do what they are ordered to do. At the same time, they receive a minimum of information. The interests of employees are not taken into account.

This style is characterized by the centralization of power, the leader requires reports on the work performed, and prefers the official nature of relations. The leader maintains a distance between himself and his subordinates, perceives everything new with caution. Due to constant control, this management style provides quite acceptable results of work according to the following criteria: profit, productivity, product quality can be good.

Style Features:

Ø the prevailing methods of leadership are orders, orders, reprimands, threats, deprivation of benefits. The interests and wishes of employees are not taken into account;

Ø in communication with people, a harsh tone of communication prevails, harshness, tactlessness, even rudeness;

Ø The interests of the cause are placed much higher than the interests of the people.

Style benefits:

Ø provides clarity and efficiency of management

Ø minimizes decision-making time, in small organizations provides a quick response to changing external conditions

Ø creates a visible unity of management actions to achieve the goals.

Style disadvantages:

Ø high probability of erroneous decisions;

Ø suppression of initiative, creativity of subordinates, slowing down innovations, passivity of employees;

Ø cumbersome control system,

Ø dissatisfaction of people with their work, their position in the team;

Ø unfavorable psychological climate ("toadies", "scapegoats", intrigues) causes an increased psychological stress load, is harmful to mental and physical health.

Use cases:

This is required by the production situation (in critical situations - accidents on the production)

The staff voluntarily and willingly agrees to authoritarian methods of leadership. Subordinates trust the leader, and he is sure that they are not able to independently act in the right way.

This style is effective in military service, in the activities of some public institutions(combat military operations, etc.).

Democratic management style:

Management decisions are adopted on the basis of a discussion of the problem, taking into account the opinions and initiatives of employees (“maximum democracy”), the implementation of the decisions taken is controlled by both the manager and the employees themselves (“maximum control”); the manager shows interest and benevolent attention to the personality of employees, taking into account their interests, needs, characteristics.

The democratic style is the most effective, as it provides a high probability of correct balanced decisions, high production results of labor, initiative, activity of employees, people's satisfaction with their work and team membership.

This management style involves interaction based on trust and mutual understanding. The leader behaves in this case as one of the members of the group; each employee can express their opinions on different issues. Part of the management functions the leader delegates to his subordinates, creates situations in which they can show themselves in the best possible way. The implementation of a democratic style is possible with high intellectual, organizational, psychological and communicative abilities of the leader.

Style Features:

Ø Important production problems are discussed and a solution is developed on this basis. The leader in every possible way stimulates and encourages the initiative on the part of subordinates;

Ø regularly and timely informs the team on issues that are important to them;

Ø Communication is friendly and polite;

Ø With this style, a favorable psychological climate and cohesion develop in the team.

Style benefits:

Ø stimulates the manifestation of initiative, reveals creative potential

Ø allows you to successfully solve innovative, non-standard tasks

Ø includes psychological mechanisms of labor motivation

Ø increases the satisfaction of performers with their work

Ø creates a favorable mental climate in the team, etc.

Conditions for applying the style:

Having a stable, well-established team

High qualification of employees

The presence of active, proactive, out-of-the-box thinking employees

Under non-extreme production conditions.

Permissive management style:

The permissive style of management is characterized, on the one hand, by the "maximum of democracy", i.e. everyone can express their positions, but they don’t strive to achieve real accounting, agreement of opinions, and on the other hand, “a minimum of control” (even decisions taken are not implemented, there is little control over their implementation, a collective method of decision-making is used to avoid responsibility). Softness in managing people prevents the leader from acquiring the desired authority.

Style Features:

Ø communication is conducted in a confidential tone, in a polite manner, the manager is indifferent both to the needs of employees and to criticism addressed to him,

Ø this leadership style is acceptable in creative teams in which employees are distinguished by their creative individuality;

Ø there is almost complete freedom of performers with a very weak managerial impact;

Ø This style of management is characterized by lack of initiative, non-interference of the leader in the process of certain works.

Style disadvantages:

Performance is usually poor;

People are dissatisfied with their jobs

The psychological climate in the team is not always favorable;

There is no collaboration;

There is no incentive to work conscientiously;

Sections of work are made up of individual interests of leaders;

There is a stratification into conflicting subgroups.

This style is justified with a very high competence and responsibility of the staff and poor training of the leader himself. Also in the management of scientific and other creative teams in the presence of strong and disciplined workers.

In general, the leadership style is flexible, individual and situational. He must master all three styles and skillfully apply them depending on the specific situation, the specifics of the tasks being solved, the socio-psychological characteristics of employees and their personal qualities.

Custom Style:

This style is not distinguished by science, but it will always exist.

We can say that the individualized style is a creative mixture of all the above leadership styles. The leader uses authoritarianism at certain moments, takes the blow on himself, and bears all the responsibility. Then, in order to solve some problems, he convenes the management of the company and puts a number of issues before them for consideration, i.e. uses a passive, liberal style. And, finally, the leader assigns some of the duties to the heads of departments, including giving them the right to resolve certain issues and responsibility for making decisions, while he himself controls the progress of their work.

Forte this style of leadership: his creativity, because The manager can vary different styles of leadership depending on the situation that occurs in the company.

Weakness: the leader must constantly show a certain flexibility and speed of reaction, for example, if in situations that require authoritarianism, he will show a passive style, then he will quickly lose his influence and authority in the company.

"Multidimensional" Leadership Styles(take into account simultaneously a number of criteria for assessing the behavior of the leader)

Initially, the idea of ​​a "two-dimensional" management style was formed, which is based on two approaches. One of them focuses on the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, the establishment of human relations, and the other - on the creation of proper organizational and specifications in which a person can fully reveal his abilities.

Management grid of R. Blake and J. Mouton.

In the early 1980s, the concept of the "management grid" appeared, created by American psychologists Robert Blake and Jane Mouton.

1,9 9,9
1,1 9,1

Focus on

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Task orientation

The vertical axis of this scheme ranks “concern for a person” (the manager’s focus on employees, their needs, expectations, positive and negative qualities) on a scale from 1 to 9. Caring for people can be expressed in creating favorable working conditions, job security, improving the structure salaries, etc.

The horizontal axis ranks “concern for production” (the manager’s focus on performance indicators- productivity, profit, efficiency) also on a scale from 1 to 9. In total, 81 leadership styles are obtained, which are determined by the degree of manifestation of these two factors. Blake and Mouton describe the middle and four extreme positions of the grid as:

1.1. poverty management (little management): involves minimal concern for production and the needs of workers. The leader makes the minimum effort required to maintain his or her workplace In the organisation.

9.1. work management: maximum concern for production efficiency is combined with minimum concern for subordinates. The 9.1 type leader gives priority to maximizing production results, dictating to subordinates what and how they should do, the moral microclimate in the leader's team is of little concern.

1.9. people management: maximum concern for people is combined with minimum concern for production; attention is paid to creating a comfortable and friendly atmosphere in the organization, due to which a fairly even working rhythm can be maintained.

5.5. control in the middle: the leader finds a balance between production efficiency and a good microclimate in the group. This style is quite conservative, it assumes a system of assumptions that ensure the peaceful coexistence of the leader and subordinates, and an orientation towards a reliable average result in work (both in terms of labor achievements and employee satisfaction).

9.9. collective management: work efficiency is determined high level obligations of people and their interaction. The leader seeks the acceptance by employees of the goals of the organization as their own, thus ensuring high productivity. A high degree of employee satisfaction entails high labor achievements. An atmosphere of universal trust and respect is being created.

Thus, the managerial grid includes two components of the manager's work. The first is attention to solving production problems and tasks, and the second is attention to people.

Blake and Moutton proceeded from the fact that the most effective leadership style - the optimal style - was the behavior of the leader in position 9. 9. In their opinion, such a leader combines a high degree attention to his subordinates and the same attention to performance. The term "production" means not only the manufacture wealth, but also the implementation of sales, settlements, customer service, etc. The researchers considered that professional training and a conscious attitude to the goals of the organization allows all leaders to approach the style of 9. 9, thereby increasing the effectiveness of their work.

Theoretically, the attractiveness of the style in position 9.9 is obvious, but the question arises - what then prevents it from becoming the most common in practice? The German researcher U. Shtopp identified seven main obstacles to its use:

1. low level of education of employees

2. insufficient managerial preparedness of managers

3. low identification of employees with the tasks of the organization

4. unsatisfactory condition information system enterprises

5. low degree of willingness of employees to take responsibility for themselves

6. difference value orientations manager and employees

7. Emotional incompatibility of the leader and subordinates arising from hierarchical relations in the organization.

Most of the listed obstacles are, in principle, removable, but require long-term and serious work, both on the part of the leader and on the part of subordinates (for example, according to parameters 1,2,4). However, among them there are those that practically do not depend on the efforts of the leader (parameters 6, 7). And this means that additional factors that are commonly called situational affect the effectiveness of leadership. This means that in the models of leadership styles being developed, one more variable should appear - the situation. Consider some situational models of leadership styles.


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