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state needs: internet-conf. / Ros. economy acad. them. G.V. Plekhanov. M., 2010. Access mode:

4. Tazhetdinov S. Features of the market public procurement// Competition and the market: online magazine. St. Petersburg, 2002. No. 5. Access mode:

Features of regional and municipal purchases

The author was made the system analysis of features of purchases at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal unions.

Key words: government and municipal purchases, to set requirements, preference.

N.S. Mirzoyan, assistant, 8-915-690-29-77, [email protected], (Russia, Tula, TulSU)


The category "quality of life" and "quality of service" is considered. The concepts of "municipal function" and "municipal service" are distinguished. A comprehensive methodology for assessing the quality of the provision of public (municipal) services based on the joint consideration of objective and subjective characteristics is proposed.

Keywords Keywords: quality of life, assessment of the quality of the state (municipal service), municipal function, municipal service, index of the quality of state (municipal) services provided.

One of the main strategic goals of state policy Russian Federation over the past five years is to improve the quality and standard of living of citizens. Without improving the quality of life of the population, it is impossible to achieve the competitiveness of the country as a whole. In our opinion, one of the main directions for improving the standard of living of the population is to improve the quality and accessibility of public (municipal) services.

Today, the active development of the service sector is one of the trends of modern Russian economy. In the process of implementing the state's social policy to provide the population with public goods (services in the field of health, education, culture and art, etc.), a reliable assessment of their quality becomes important. This assessment, in our opinion, should be

complex nature, i.e. based on a joint accounting of objective (quantitative from the position of the manufacturer) and subjective (qualitative from the position of consumers) characteristics.

An analysis of the existing methodological support showed that, despite the relevance of solving the problem of improving the quality and accessibility of public (municipal) services,

declared as part of the ongoing reforms in Russia, a unified methodology for their comprehensive assessment has not yet been developed.

The systematization of existing theoretical and methodological approaches in this area made it possible to build a new integrated model for assessing the quality of public (municipal) services. On a larger scale, this technique includes two main stages (Fig. 1).

Assessment of the quality of the provision of state (municipal) services

Differentiation between the concepts of "municipal function" and "municipal service"

Rice. 1. Logical scheme for assessing the quality of the provision of public (municipal) services

Analysis of publications by problems public services shows that in the ranks of scientists there is no agreement not only on the norms of the bill, but even on terminology. Thus, in practice, we are faced with methodological difficulties in distinguishing between the concepts of state (municipal) "function" and state

(municipal) "service".

Despite the apparent simplicity of the task of distinguishing between these concepts, there are significant terminological discrepancies (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The scheme of effective management of the quality of life of the population

Thus, in order to improve the efficiency of managing the quality of life of the population, it is necessary to:

a) work more efficiently (increasing the scope of socially significant results) by providing better services for the least cost;

b) it is necessary that each action of the authority (its functions) can be described according to the principle of “final socially significant result + indicator of its measurement”, as well as that all its functions are carried out openly and transparently;

c) duplicate and redundant functions should be eliminated.

A necessary condition for effective public administration and

quality provision of state and municipal services is the regulation and standardization of the main processes and results.

At the second stage of assessing the quality of the provision of public (municipal) services, it is proposed to rank the projects of municipal targeted programs(based on an assessment of their impact on improving the quality and volume of services provided), which will most clearly and clearly determine the priority targeted programs that are submitted for consideration by the approving body.

To begin with, we will try to clarify the definition of the concept of "quality of service". The analysis shows that the quality of services can be considered from the following positions:

1) as the degree of satisfaction of consumer expectations, it is in this sense that the term is enshrined in the international standards ISO 9000 1994;

2) as the degree of compliance with prescribed requirements and standards;

3) from the standpoint of the compliance of the services provided with their cost;

4) as a total set of technical, technological and operational characteristics, through which the service will meet the needs of the consumer.

The difference between this methodology and the existing ones is the use as a criterion for a comprehensive assessment of the components of the (three-dimensional) quality system:

1) the quality of the content of the end result of the service;

2) the quality of receiving the service, related to the comfort and availability of the conditions in which the service is provided;

3) the amount of resources spent by the consumer to obtain it.

The first element involved in assessing the quality of the state (municipal) service - assessing the quality of the content of the final result of the state (municipal) service - is proposed to be evaluated according to the three most important criteria for the quality of the provision of state (municipal) services, namely:

Service acquisition procedure (% (proportion) of cases correct

executed documents (correctly made calculations);

Time spent receiving the service (total amount of time spent directly receiving the service);

The quality of staff work (professional competence) (number of employees with higher education in this area).

In turn, the assessment of the quality of receiving a service, related to the comfort and availability of the conditions in which the service is provided, is proposed to be assessed according to the following criteria:

Awareness of the consumer about the receipt of the service (% (share) of consumers satisfied with the quality of information about the procedure for providing the service);

Comfort of waiting for the service (number of institutions with all types of amenities, units);

Comfort of receiving the service (availability of technical means per 100 people, units);

The ratio of personnel to the consumer of the service (% (share)

consumers satisfied with the courtesy of the staff);

Opportunity to appeal the actions of staff (% (share)

justified complaints to the total number of consumers served by this species services).

The final element used in assessing the quality of a state (municipal) service - an assessment of the amount of resources spent by the consumer to receive it - is proposed to be assessed according to the following criteria:

Financial accessibility of the service (% (share) of consumers,

able and willing to pay for this service);

Territorial (transport, walking);

Physical accessibility of the service (% (share) of consumers,

living near the place where the service is provided).

The methodology underlying the objective assessment of the quality of the state (municipal) service is proposed to be carried out in two stages:

Stage 1 - calculation of the assessment of each indicator of the compliance of the quality of the actually provided public service with the quality standard of the state (municipal) service;

2nd stage - calculation of the summary assessment of quality conformity in fact

provided state (municipal) services to the quality standards of state (municipal) services for each

institution providing public services.

The priority of each indicator of compliance of the quality of the actually provided municipal service with the quality standard of the municipal service in the summary assessment is established by the executive authority in such a way that their sum for each institution is 100%.

Based on the results of calculating the assessment of each indicator for each institution, a summary assessment of compliance is determined according to the following formula:

Y(^*p1)s n''

where 1 \u003d 1; K - the number of indicators of the municipal service; Bo - a summary assessment of the compliance of the quality of the actually provided municipal service with the quality standard of the municipal service for each institution providing municipal services; -

actual value indicator of the quality standard of budgetary services; N1- normative value indicator of the quality standard of the municipal service; P1 - the priority of each indicator of the compliance of the quality of the actually provided municipal service with the quality standard of the municipal service in the overall assessment.

Evaluation of the results of compliance of the quality of actually provided public services with the quality standards of public services for each institution is subject to qualitative interpretation. In the event that the summary assessment takes a value in

range from 91-100, this means that the services fully comply with quality standards. With a complete non-compliance of services with quality standards, the value of the summary assessment ranges from 0 to 20.

In order to subjectively assess the quality of the provision of public (municipal) services, the method of questioning the population was used, the results of which were taken to calculate the corresponding index.

As an information base for calculating the index at the expert level, four most important criteria for the quality of the provision of state (municipal) services were identified:

K1 - assessment of satisfaction with the quality of the content of the final result of the service;

K2 - assessment of satisfaction with the quality of the service, related to the comfort and availability of the conditions in which the service is provided;

K3 - assessment of satisfaction with the number of resources,

spent by the consumer to receive the service;

K4 - assessment of satisfaction with the quality of parameters

electronic interface for the provision of state and municipal services.

Evaluation according to these criteria is carried out on the basis of a sociological study (questionnaire). The quality of public service is proposed to be assessed on a four-point system. The data on respondents' answers for each criterion (K1-K4) are further subject to quantitative gradation ( high quality service is rated at 10 points, while a low quality score is 0 points).

Next, the index of the quality of public (municipal) services provided (I) is calculated. Based on the obtained values ​​of the index, a qualitative characteristic of the quality of the state (municipal) services provided is given. For 1 = 5 we observe high level the quality of service provision, and in the event that the value of this index ranges from 1< I < 1,9, то это говорит о низком уровне качества предоставления услуг. По итогам расчета индекса удовлетворенности качеством предоставления государственных (муниципальных) услуг формируется «рейтинг» проектов целевых программ на основе влияния этих программ на повышение качества и объема предоставляемых услуг.

Thus, the application of an integrated approach proposed in this methodology makes it possible to obtain reliable assessments of the quality of public (municipal) services with the identification of bottlenecks and develop a set of measures aimed at improving the quality of this type of municipal service.

Bibliographic list

1. On the general principles of organization local government in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of October 06, 2003 No. 131-FZ (as amended on December 25, 2008).

2. Nedelko S.I., Ostashkov A.V. Monitoring of state and

of municipal services in the region as a strategic tool for improving the quality of regional governance: experience, problems,

3. Ponomareva T.A., Supryagina M.S. Quality of services: qualitative parameters of assessment // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2008. No. 1. S. 4-9.

Evaluation of quality of public services

The author reviewed "life quality" and "quality of service" categories. "municipal function" and "municipal service" categories were differentiated. The author offered complex method of estimating the quality of public services, which is based on combined accounting of objective and subjective features.

Key words: quality of a life, an estimation of quality state (municipal service), municipal function, municipal service, an index of quality of rendered state (municipal) services.

UDC 332.1:005.591.6

S.S. Eletskaya, postgraduate student, 8-919-203-96-12, (Russia, Orel, OrelGTU)


The process of formation of technological platforms at the regional level is considered and its features are revealed. Methodological recommendations are proposed for choosing a priority direction for the functioning of the technological platform at the regional level.

Key words: technological platform, modernization of the regional economy.

Evolutionary analysis of foreign and domestic experience of implementation and use innovative technologies allows us to conclude that one of the possible tools for the technological modernization of the regional economy is the development of so-called technological platforms, which are widely used in the EU countries. Technological platforms are created on a share basis for

Implementation of a system for assessing quality and accessibility by consumers

provided public services is effective method study state of the art in the area of ​​service delivery and developing ways to further improve these services, taking into account the needs and expectations of the recipients of the services themselves.

Indicators for assessing the quality and accessibility of public (municipal) services:

In general, timeliness is the time spent by the consumer to receive the service from the moment of request. Timeliness provides that the authorized bodies, institutions and individual officials fulfill their obligations to provide services and perform related procedures within the time limits established by regulatory legal acts.

Indicators of the quality of services, depending on the nature of the service provided, may include: indicators of the accuracy of data processing, the correctness of paperwork, the quality of the service process.

Accessibility consists in assessing the simplicity and rationality of the process of providing services, the clarity and quality of information explaining the procedure and procedures for providing services. In world practice, accessibility is determined by the quality of documents governing the process of providing services and the effectiveness of the current information system, the creation of conditions for people with disabilities. Accessibility is determined by various spatio-temporal parameters. The main indicators that allow it to be assessed are: the number and remoteness of public service points, the work schedule.

4. Appeal process

An important role in the process of serving the population belongs to clear and well-established procedures for appealing against the actions (inaction) of officials in direct contact with consumers.

To assess their actions and establish feedback, it is necessary to provide appropriate indicators that characterize: the effectiveness and efficiency of the process of considering and resolving complaints, the level of consumer satisfaction with the existing procedure and the timing of complaints.

5. Service culture

Politeness reflects the satisfaction of consumers with the attitude of the staff in the process of providing the service, the readiness to provide effective assistance in case of difficulties. Bartsits I.N. Performance indicators government controlled(subjective view of international standards) // Representative power XXI century. 2008.

A study conducted by specialists in 2007 of the data of expert and mass surveys made it possible to determine the system of main factors that have a negative impact on the quality and comfort of public services (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - The system of factors that have a negative impact on the quality and comfort (accessibility) of public services

Some of these factors that have a negative impact on the quality and accessibility of public services need to be considered in more detail. Absence or incompleteness of administrative regulations for the provision of public services. Administrative regulations for the provision of public services provide a clear and transparent description of the process that leads to the intended result. The positive results of the introduction of administrative regulations are: streamlining relations between consumers of public services and authorities; restriction of arbitrariness in the actions of officials; increasing the transparency of interaction between business and government; introduction of clear and understandable decision-making procedures by authorities with the participation of business. Nesterov A. V. Some aspects of the draft federal law "On the standards of public services" // State power and local self-government. 2006. No. 4. S. 35-38.

The lack of systematic and regular monitoring of the quality of the provision of public services at the time of the introduction of administrative regulations can become a critical factor, leading in the future to ignoring their provisions. Therefore, the need for systematic and regular monitoring becomes obvious. The monitoring system, if successfully implemented, can become an institutional source of continuous improvement in financing public services, as well as improving their quality and accessibility to the population.

Non-inclusion of the results of monitoring in the management system for the provision of public services (into the system of planning and motivation). The results of monitoring contribute to more effective decision-making in the system of planning and motivation, while setting the vector of certainty, clarity and greater structure. Moreover, monitoring is a necessary element in the process of public administration, as it allows you to determine both the effectiveness of the system for the provision of public services, and the overall quality of political governance in the country. Obolonsky A.V., Barabashev A.G. Public service (integrated approach). M.: Delo, 2007.

Multiple interdepartmental interaction (lack of a "one stop shop" system). One of the most effective ways consideration of citizens' appeals is the conduct of procedures on the principle of "one window". In this case, one body or employee has the right to request, receive and “aggregate” information from other bodies that are obliged to provide it. In this case, there is a concentration of documents and decisions in one organization and one employee in response to a citizen's appeal. Multiple interdepartmental interaction appears to be less efficient and effective. This is supported by the fact that the "one window" system integrates the management process, centralizing a number of functions and thus eliminating their duplication. As a result, on the one hand, this system creates the prerequisites for reducing administrative costs, on the other hand, it expands the access of citizens to participate in programs operating in the region. The basic principle of the "one window" system is a one-time appeal and prompt decision-making by an official. Applying to the "one window" system is not mandatory and is carried out by the voluntary decision of the applicant.

So, the quality of the final result of the service is understood as the requirements for the final result of the service in terms of the service's compliance with the standard and regulations in terms of completeness and timeliness of its provision (for example, the consumer receives a complete set of required documents correctly drawn up and completed in accordance with the standard in accordance with the standard). , correctly calculated allowance, etc.). Indicators for assessing the quality and accessibility of public (municipal) services:

1. Timeliness and efficiency

2. Quality of public service provision

3. Availability of public services

5. Service culture

4. The appeal process Ivanov N.N. Service sector management: an infrastructure approach. St. Petersburg: SPbGUEF, 2001.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2012 No. 1284 “On the assessment by citizens of the effectiveness of the activities of the heads of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies (their structural divisions) and territorial bodies of state non-budgetary funds (their regional branches), taking into account the quality of the provision of public services by them, as well as on the application of the results of this assessment as the basis for making decisions on the early termination of the execution by the relevant managers of their official duties» citizens are given the opportunity to evaluate the quality of public services provided by migration units.
Citizens who have received a public service can evaluate the quality of its provision by sending SMS messages, answering a telephone survey, leaving ratings through electronic terminals in multifunctional centers, authorities, non-budgetary funds and on Internet sites.

The assessment of the quality of the provision of public services is carried out according to the following criteria:
1. time of provision of public services;
2. waiting time in the queue when receiving public services;
3. courtesy and competence of the employee interacting with the applicant in the provision of public services;
4. comfortable conditions in the premises in which public services are provided;
5. availability of information on the procedure for the provision of public services.

Evaluation is carried out on a five-point scale. At the same time, 4 or 5 points are considered as a positive assessment, from 1 to 3 points as a negative one.

1. Using the services of the Internet project "YOUR CONTROL".
2. Using cellular communication.
3. On the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
4. By filling out a questionnaire when receiving a public service at a personal appointment with a direct visit to the department of internal affairs.

The procedure for assessing the quality of public services using the services of the Internet project "YOUR CONTROL".

The electronic Internet service of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia "Your Control" provides citizens and organizations with the opportunity to leave ratings, reviews and opinions on the quality of public services based on the results of their presentation by the relevant territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Thanks to the site, government officials have the opportunity to see their work through the eyes of public service recipients, compare themselves with others - and, on this basis, make specific decisions to improve work.
Since November 2017, registration on the Vash Control website is possible only through the all-Russian portal of public services (using ESIA). That is, in order to be able to leave feedback on the quality of services provided, a citizen must have an account on the portal.

In order to leave a review about the quality of public services provided, you must:
1. Register and enter the site using the ESIA
2. Find the agency where the service was received.
If you received the service at the MFC, then you need to find the department responsible for providing this service in your region.
3. Leave your feedback and your ratings according to the criteria. If you received the service at the MFC, check this box "I received the service at the MFC", and indicate in the text - in which MFC.
4. If you want to receive a response to your appeal, then check the "Reply required" box.
After sending a review on the quality of public services, the review will be checked and sent to the department of the department whose work you have evaluated.
Please note that the reviews left on the site "Your Control" do not provide for requests for information, interpretation of current legislation, etc. Such questions, which are not an assessment of the quality of public services, will be rejected by the moderator.

The procedure for assessing the quality of public services using cellular communications.

1. The migration unit that provided the public service transfers the contact details of the applicant (with his consent), necessary to identify the citizen's opinion on the quality of public services, to the operator of the automated information system "Federal Telephone Center for Collecting Citizens' Opinions on the Quality of Public Services".
2. After receiving public services, the federal telephone center sends a short text message to a citizen with a proposal to evaluate the quality of the provision of public services.
3. A citizen communicates his opinion on the quality of the provision of public services by sending a response short text message to the number determined by the operator of the federal telephone center; Sending a short telephone message is free of charge for a citizen.
4. An employee of the federal telephone center can call back a citizen and conduct a survey according to all of the above criteria.
The evaluation results are sent by the federal telephone center to information system monitoring public services;
5. A citizen who expressed a desire to participate in assessing the quality of the public service provided to him, who left his contact details, but did not answer a short telephone message, can be interviewed by an employee of the federal telephone center according to all of the above criteria, in accordance with the Methodological recommendations.

The procedure for assessing the quality of public services on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

1. To assess the quality of the provision of public services, it is necessary to go to the page on the Internet at:
https://mvd.rf /Deljatelnost/emvd/quality_form
2. Fill in the required fields using reference books.
3. If available, indicate proposals for improving the quality of the provision of public services by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
4. Write your Surname Name Patronymic.
5. Pass a computer test used to determine whether a user of the system is a human or a computer.
6. Press the "Submit" button.

The procedure for assessing the quality of the provision of public services by filling out a written questionnaire during a direct visit to the department of internal affairs.

A questionnaire form on paper is offered for filling out by applicants who have received a public service in the migration unit.
The survey form filled out on paper is taken into account only if the applicants fill it out with their own hands.
In order to reduce the time of the survey and ensure the convenience of citizens when filling out the survey form, employees, federal state civil servants and employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation participating in the provision of public services are given the right to fill out the fields of the survey form:
- the name of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
- the address of the structural unit in which the public service is directly provided;
- name of the public service.
When filling out the survey form, only one
of the proposed answers according to the criteria:
- assessment of the efficiency of the provision of public services;
- assessment of the waiting time in the queue when receiving public services;
- assessment of the competence of an employee of the internal affairs body of the Russian Federation interacting with the applicant in the provision of public services;
- assessment of the comfort of the conditions in the premises in which public services are provided.

If available, it is possible to mark proposals to improve the quality of the provision of public services by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

All fields (except for proposals to improve the quality of public services) are required. In the absence of an assessment of at least one criterion, the survey form is not subject to accounting.

The identified indicators for assessing the quality of public services are used by departments responsible for monitoring the quality of public services and managers in order to improve the quality of public services.

Administrative Services

Important feature public administration - its activities for the provision of public services to citizens and various organizations. The provision of such services is closely related to its functions.

Service is an activity that benefits, helps another. One can name such signs of public services :

they are aimed at the realization of public interests;

have an unlimited circle of subjects using the services;

they are carried out either by state, municipal organizations (bodies, institutions, enterprises, armed units), as well as by other entities;

they are based on both public and private property.

In the 21st century, any state provides numerous services to the population of the country, its civil society, organizations, and individuals. And basically the public services of the state are carried out by the state administration and the organizations led by it. Public services are mainly the activities of the executive branch. And they can be called administrative services.

The variety of administrative services is very large (from garbage collection to rescuing persons trapped under rubble in mines, collapsed houses, lost in the forest). The number of such services is constantly increasing. To better understand the system of these services, it is useful to divide it into parts according to different criteria.

According to criteria like money, can be identified three types of administrative services:

paid (issuance of foreign passports, registration of real estate transactions, etc.);

free (medical, educational, rescue, etc.);

material assistance to the unemployed, orphans, students, the disabled, etc.

providing security (search for the missing, administrative supervision of the police, fire and sanitary safety, road safety, etc.);

social services(medical, educational, pension, housing, transport, etc.);

economic ( antimonopoly activity, small business assistance, subsidies, etc.).

Subjects who implement them. Implemented:

government bodies;

municipal authorities;

jointly by state and municipal authorities (educational, medical, housing and

"Quality Management System for Administrative Services"

1 Systematic understanding of quality: basic definitions

Basic principles for the provision of administrative services

Rights of applicants when receiving public services

The structure of the administrative regulation.

Standard for the provision of public services.

Classification of public services.

Groups of public services by the organizational and legal status of the provider.

Groups of public services by organizational and legal status of consumers.

Components of an objective indicator of the quality of administrative services.

Indicators of accessibility and quality of public services.

Quantitative indicators of access to the provision of public services

Qualitative indicators of the availability of public services.

Legal Framework RF "On the procedure for the development and approval of administrative regulations for the performance of state functions and administrative regulations for the provision of public services" Model for the classification of functions and powers government organizations Canada.

Canada's public service delivery model.

Classification of public services adopted in Germany.

A set of restrictions that impede the measurement of quality, the effectiveness of the provision of public services.

Methods for collecting and analyzing information about the services provided.

Component of a subjective indicator of the quality of public services.

Information methods for assessing subjective indicators of the quality of public services provided.

Indicators of compliance of the actual standard for the provision of public services with the provisions of the approved administrative regulations.

Indicators for informing applicants.

Consumer feedback indicators.

The system of informing applicants on the provision of public services.

Information on the procedure for informing about the rules for the execution of state functions for the provision of public services.

Law on Information, information technology and information protection"(Part 5, Art. 8, federal law).

Ways to provide access to and information about the activities of state bodies.

Providing information upon request.

Presence of citizens and representatives of the organization at meetings of state bodies.

Placement of information on the Internet.

Classification of information materials.

Proposals for improving the system of informing citizens.

Criteria for quality standards of administrative services.

The process of providing an administrative service.

Questions for independent work of undergraduates

1. The meaning of the concept of "social work management".

2. Laws and patterns of social management.

3. Types of functions of social management.

4. The essence of the concept " general functions management".

5. The essence of the concept of "concrete control functions".

6. Elements of the organizational and executive system.

7. Differences model provision and job descriptions from individual.

8. The essence of the concept of "social policy".

9. The essence of the definition of the concept of "effectiveness of social work".

10. Characteristic features of the evaluation method "tasks - results - costs".

11. The essence of the evaluation method "tasks - results".

12. Features of the parametric method.

13. The method of efficiency / inefficiency factors in assessing the activities of social institutions.

14. The essence of the method of identifying the degree of satisfaction of customer needs.

15. Characteristics of sociological methods for assessing the effectiveness of an employee social service(create a questionnaire of closed and open type.

16. Leadership as an aspect of management.

17. Typology of the leader. Basic management styles.

18. Leader in the management process: role, qualities, types.

19. The essence and principles of managing a social institution.

Administrative Services

A person, his rights and freedoms in Ukraine are recognized as the main social value, and main task of public administration the provision of high-quality administrative services to citizens is determined. Accordingly, citizens in relations with the authorities are consumers of services. At the same time, the state, represented by public entities, is guided by the needs of the individual, just as in the private sector, service providers are guided by the needs of the consumer, his requests and expectations.

Modern public administration in Ukraine is seen as a system aimed at providing administrative services to the population. In developed democracies, such an ideology is set forth in special acts:"Charters of Citizens" in the UK, "Charters of Civil Servants" in Italy, "Charters of Clients" in Belgium, etc., but in our country it is still in its infancy. The introduction of public service standards, including administrative services as their varieties, together with a system of indicators and tools for measuring the degree of implementation of the established standard in Europe, is considered the practical implementation of the constitutional right of citizens to receive public administrative services of the same level and quality.

The Institute of Administrative Services was introduced by the Concept of Administrative Reform, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated July 22, 1998.

Concept " administrative service"

Service industry today- this is one of the most promising sectors of the economy, which, moreover, is rapidly developing. It covers trade and transport, finance and insurance, utilities, education and medical institutions, show business, etc. Almost all organizations provide services to one degree or another. However, for many years the institution of services has not received sufficient attention. Regardless of their own desire, every citizen is periodically forced to apply to the public administration for a passport or a subsidy, for registering himself as a subject entrepreneurial activity or to obtain a driver's license, permit to keep and carry firearms, etc.

In public law circulation concept of "service"" is used primarily in the countries of the Anglo-American family of law (Great Britain, Canada, USA) and in northern European countries (Finland, Sweden). Conversely, in the countries of the Romano-Germanic family of law, the traditional approach of the normative definition of the relationship between successful and individuals through the use of categories such as "powers", "functions" and "task" of administrative bodies.

At disclosure of the concept of "service First, let's look at the etymology this term. Service - a special consumer value of the labor process, expressed in a useful effect that satisfies the needs of a person, team, society.

Various definitions can be found in the scientific literature. concept of "service". So, for example, I. V. Zhilinkova understands a service as "a certain intangible benefit that is provided by one person (performer) and consumed by another person (customer) in the process of performing certain actions by the performer or performing certain activities." The scientist claims that for all services characteristic is the fact that they: 1) have an intangible character, and their result does not acquire a regulated form; 2) closely related to the personality of the performer and the process of performing certain actions by him (carrying out certain activities); 3) do not coincide with the actions (carrying out activities) of the performer, but exist as a separate phenomenon - a certain intangible benefit.

V.P. Tymoshchuk defines services as activities to meet certain human needs, which is carried out on the initiative of a person, at her request.

Today, at the legislative level, there are many definitions of the concept of service. In particular, in the laws of Ukraine: "On Citizenship", "On Citizens' Associations", "On Civil Status Registration Authorities", "On Immigration", "On Patenting Certain Types of Business Activities", "On Standardization", "On Licensing Certain species economic activity", "On the procurement of goods, works and services for public funds", "On the protection of rights to marks for goods and services" and others.

The international methodology of accounting and statistics currently uses the definition of services, recorded in the guide "Liberalization of international transactions in services", developed by the World Bank in the mid-90s: "Services- a change in the position of an institutional unit that has occurred as a result of actions and on the basis of a mutual agreement with another institutional unit.

In the Law of Ukraine "On the procurement of goods, works and services for public funds" services defined as any procurement, other than goods and works, including training of specialists, provision of transport and communications, development of technologies, Scientific research, medical and domestic services, as well as consulting services, which include services related to consulting, examination, evaluation, preparation of conclusions and recommendations.

It should be noted that the very term "service" in legal acts is used to regulate public relations and is used in the phrases "administrative, state, public or managerial service". The choice of the phrase, first of all, depends on the activities of the subjects of public administration.

The definition of "service"emphasizes the fulfillment of the state's obligations to private individuals, aimed at legalizing the conditions necessary to ensure the proper exercise of their rights and interests protected by law. Such an understanding is more consistent with the new ideology of "serving the state" to a person. In this sense, it is the term "service "makes it possible to clearly define the place of the state and its bodies in relations with citizens.

As we can see, in the scientific literature and in legislation there is no single generally defined concept of service . This situation regarding the definition of the concept of service is explained by the extreme diversity. After all, only the classification of services is based on the International Standardized Industrial Classification, adopted by the United Nations and recognized by most countries of the world, and includes more than 600 of their varieties.

However, service is action, the result of which is inseparable from the activity itself and are consumed in the process of this activity.

A service, like any legal category, has the following signs:

1) a service should be understood as an activity related to the satisfaction of human needs;

2) a service is a material good, since a useful effect of a material nature is created, it has a special use value - a useful effect (satisfaction of human needs);

3) the service does not have a material expression, it is acquired and consumed in the process of its provision, and therefore cannot be transferred to another person in the future.

Generally, any services- this is an activity to satisfy certain human needs, which is carried out at its request (or a type of activity that satisfies a certain human need).

One of the types of services is public services . public services- these are all service activities provided by the public sector or other entities under the responsibility of public authorities and at the expense of public funds.

At the same time, there is also no unity regarding the understanding of this concept among scientists.

Alone The authors understand public services as services provided by the public sector and for the provision of which the public authority is responsible. Other believe that public services should be understood as a variety of services that are provided to the population by bodies state power, local self-government and which can be provided by alternative structures created on the initiative of the latter in cooperation with public organizations. Third public services are defined as services provided to individuals and legal entities by state bodies for the implementation of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in the public sphere.

Summarizing all the theoretical developments on this definition, it should be noted that public services is a public-power activity (or its result) aimed at realizing the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities carried out by the public administration, as well as by alternative structures created on the initiative of the authorities in cooperation with public organizations, and financed mainly from the state or local budgets and controlled by bodies that are endowed with state power.

In the scientific literature, there generally accepted classification of public services according to the characteristics of the subject providing public services:

1) public services are services provided by public authorities and state enterprises, institutions and organizations;

2) municipal services are services provided by local governments, utilities, institutions and organizations;

State and municipal services together constitute the scope of public services.

The concept of administrative reform in Ukraine proposed such a new function of the executive as the provision of "administrative services", and " management services " are defined as "services from the executive authorities, which is a necessary condition for the realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens - in particular, registration, licensing, certification, etc."

By the way, it should be noted that initially the specialists proposed the use of the term "management services", which is more often used in the current regulatory legal acts and covers all types of management services. But the use of this term has been subject to active criticism by legal theorists, since management services are often understood as the services themselves. management process, including in the private sector.

Immediately, we note that the term "administrative services" is not aimed at highlighting a new type of administrative and legal relations between bodies endowed with power and private individuals and legal entities, but on a meaningful reassessment of the nature of their relationship . In addition, while confirming the legitimacy and terminological certainty of the concept of "services" by public authorities, one should at the same time pay attention to the doctrinal certain inappropriateness of characterizing these services as "management". Indeed, here it is more acceptable to focus not on the "power-organizing" aspect of the relevant actions (since "management" is a power-organizing influence), but on the sign that they are carried out by public administration. In addition, there is the so-called "broad" understanding the concept of management services, is in fact identical to the concept of "public services", which also covers services for the provision of which public authorities are indirectly responsible, although they do not provide them directly (for example, health care, municipal, sports and health, etc.).

So, an administrative service is a type of public service, that is, it is its integral component, as indicated by the very definition and signs of administrative services.

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On measures to streamline administrative services" dated July 17, 2009 No. 737, administrative service is a service that is the result of the exercise by the subject of the authority to adopt, in accordance with regulatory legal acts, on the appeal of an individual or legal entity, an administrative act aimed at the implementation and protection of his rights and legitimate interests and / or the performance by a person of duties specified by law (obtaining a permit (license), certificate, certificate and other documents, registration, etc.).

On this occasion, it should be noted regarding the presence in the concept of "administrative service" of the implementation of "legally defined duties", this position is contradictory regarding the specifics of the relations that arise when a person implements the duties assigned to her. That is, the administrative service does not provide for signs of obligation and the possibility of applying coercive measures if these duties are not fulfilled.

G. M. Pisarenko notes that the definition of "administrative services" first of all indicates the subject that provides such services - the administration, administrative bodies.

V. P. Timoshuk and A. V. Yurmach consider administrative service in two aspects:

a) as a public-power activity of an administrative body aimed at providing (legal registration) conditions for the exercise of the rights of an individual or legal entity, which is carried out at the request of this person;

b) as a result of the public-power activity of an administrative body aimed at providing (legal registration) conditions for the exercise of the subjective rights of an individual or legal entity, which was carried out at the request of the person.

A significant part of administrative law specialists consider administrative services various kinds of permissive actions of public bodies on the relevant appeals of individuals and legal entities. We can talk about the provision of administrative services if there are two mandatory conditions at the same time :

firstly, when the authorized body or official, responding to the appeal of a particular subject, has the right to a certain freedom of administrative discretion and the corresponding alternativeness of their own actions and decisions;

secondly, when the subject applying can, at any time and without the occurrence of negative legal consequences for him, refuse to exercise his right to appeal or to execute the decision adopted on the appeal2.

For example, procedure for issuing a series of permits , licenses, certificates, etc. at the request of the interested person is related to the fulfillment of established requirements by him, provides for alternative use cases authorized body discretionary powers and can be suspended at any time at the request of the subject of circulation without the occurrence of negative legal consequences for him. Equally, the subject of the appeal, at his own discretion, may not use the received document, which will also be quite legitimate for him.

Researchers at the Center for Political and Legal Reforms determine administrative services as public services , which are provided by executive authorities and local self-government, and the provision of which is associated with the exercise of power. They note that the adjective "administrative" refers to the entity that provides services (administration) and the authoritative (administrative) nature of the activities to provide these services.

In the draft Administrative and Procedural Code of Ukraine, proposed by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, administrative service is defined as the result of the activities of an authorized subject determined by regulatory legal acts, carried out at the request of an individual or legal entity regarding legal registration conditions for the realization of rights and freedoms individual, rights and legitimate interests of a legal entity (issuance of permits, licenses, certificates, certificates, registration and other actions).

Thus, the introduction of the concept of "administrative services" significantly affects the rethinking of the content of the subject of administrative law and gives reason to define this category through the relevant legal relations.

So, administrative service - these are legal relations arising from the implementation of the subjective rights of an individual or legal entity upon their application in the process of public-power activities of an administrative body to obtain a certain result.

Figure 10 - A set of restrictions that impede the measurement of the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the provision of public services

Based on the above restrictions, a basic requirement for the quality of systems of indicators of the quality of public services can be formulated: such a system should be comprehensive (i.e. include indicators different types), as well as to the maximum extent, based on the proven pairwise correlations of each of the her indicators.

I). An objective quality indicator consists of a set of the following indicators:

Compliance of the standard for the provision of public services with the prescribed procedure and requirements for the standard for the provision of services.

Expert assessment of the quality of infrastructure related to the provision of public services

Expert assessment of the work (competence, level of service) of employees of public institutions for the provision of public services

Expert assessment of the optimal organization of the procedure for obtaining public services.

To assess objective indicators of the quality of public services provided, the following are used: methods of collecting and analyzing information:

1. The method of participatory observation at the point of provision of public services (will allow assessing the compliance of the process of providing public services with the prescribed standard for the provision of public services in the regulation).

2. The test purchase method (will allow in a real situation to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the process of providing public services).

3. Questionnaire survey of the population and entrepreneurs at the point of provision of public services (will allow for an expert analysis of the quality of infrastructure and the optimality of the procedure for obtaining public services).

4. The method of group interviews with civil servants (will allow assessing the quality of work of employees of state institutions in the provision of public services). (See Figure 11)

Figure 11 - Methods for collecting and analyzing information to assess objective indicators of the quality of public services provided

II). The quality of the process of providing public services significantly affects the assessment by citizens and organizations of the activities of state institutions. It is assumed that the consumers of public services themselves will evaluate the quality of services provided by public authorities in several ways. In this way, subjective quality score includes:

Evaluation by consumers of the quality of the infrastructure associated with the receipt of the service

Evaluation by consumers of the quality of interaction with a public service provider

Evaluation of optimality and satisfaction with the procedure for receiving the service (see Figure 12)

Figure 12 - Components of the subjective indicator of the quality of the provision of public services

To assess subjective indicators during the study, the following should be used: information collection methods:

1. Questionnaire survey of consumers of public services at the point of provision of public services (allows you to collect and analyze information about the value judgments of respondents about the quality of public services, about the problems of interaction with civil servants and satisfaction with the process of providing public services in general).

2. Public opinion survey (allows you to track changes in the attitude of consumers of public services to government agencies, changing the degree of awareness of the population on the problems of providing public services, as well as getting an assessment of the quality of work of public institutions on a wide range of issues of the quality of performance of public functions, the provision of public services).

3. Method of group discussions (focus groups) with representatives public organizations(allows you to collect information about the opinion of representatives of public organizations on the problems of implementing administrative regulations, track their assessment and assess the degree of readiness to participate in discussions of both the administrative regulations themselves and the problems most often faced by consumers of public services, as well as identify proposals for establishing a process for regular monitoring of the quality of public service delivery). (See Figure 13)

Figure 13 - Information collection methods for assessing subjective indicators of the quality of public services provided

Below are the following systems of indicators for assessing the quality of the provision of public services and the procedure for the implementation of administrative regulations, which can be considered in detail in the figures: 14,15,16

Figure 14 - Indicators of compliance of the actual standard for the provision of public services with the provisions of the approved administrative regulations

Figure 15 - Indicators for informing applicants

Figure 16 - Consumer feedback indicators

3.3 Improving the system of informing applicants on the provision of public services

Proposal to improve the quality of informing applicants on the performance of public functions and the provision of public services is aimed at improving the awareness of citizens about their rights when receiving public services, about the procedure for performing public functions and providing public services, and about the possibilities of appealing against the actions (inaction) of public servants, as well as in order to create an appropriate practice of informing consumers of public services about monitoring administrative regulations.

The placement of information on the performance by a public authority of state functions and the provision of public services by them is carried out in accordance with paragraph 2.4 "Procedure for the development and approval of administrative regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation" of November 11, 2005 No. 679. In the subsection of the administrative regulation concerning the procedure for informing about the rules for the performance of a state function (provision of a public service), it is necessary to indicate the following information :

a) information on the location and work schedule of the federal executive authorities performing the state function (providing a public service), their structural divisions and territorial bodies, as well as other state and municipal bodies and organizations, contacting which is necessary for the performance of the state function ( provision of a public service). In the case of a large amount of such information, it is given in the annex to the administrative regulations.

b) reference phones structural subdivisions of federal executive bodies performing a state function (providing a public service), including the telephone number of an autoinformer;

c) the addresses of the official websites of the federal executive authorities on the Internet, containing information on the performance of a state function (the provision of a public service), their addresses Email;

d) the procedure for obtaining information by applicants on issues of performance of a public function (provision of a public service), including on the progress of performance of a public function (provision of a public service);

e) the procedure, form and location of the information specified in subparagraphs "a - d" of this paragraph, including on stands in places where a state function is performed (providing a public service), as well as on the Internet on the official website of the federal executive body that performs public function (providing a public service).

To date, the level of informing citizens and organizations about the progress of administrative reform cannot be considered sufficient. Low level and insufficient quality of informing applicants on the performance of public functions and the provision of public services are due, along with the existing gaps and shortcomings of the current legislation on ensuring access to information about the activities of state bodies, as well as the lack of regulatory requirements for information on the rules for performing a public function (providing a public service), distributed in printed form and (or) posted on official websites, the timing of its placement, as well as other technological, software, linguistic, organizational and legal requirements for all official websites of state bodies and local governments.

Today, there is a need to develop unified approaches to effectively inform individuals and legal entities both about the progress of the administrative reform in general and about the performance of specific state functions (the provision of public services) based on administrative regulations.

In accordance with the provisions of part 5 of article 8 of the Federal Law "On information, information technologies and information protection", state bodies and local self-government bodies are obliged to provide access to information about their activities. A person wishing to gain access to such information is not obliged to substantiate the need to obtain it.

According to the provisions of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", access to information - the ability to obtain and use it . At the same time, the provision of information is actions aimed at obtaining information by a certain circle of persons or transferring information to a certain circle of persons; dissemination of information - actions aimed at obtaining information by an indefinite circle of persons or transferring information to an indefinite circle of persons.

It should be noted that access to information on the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies should be provided not only by the ability to obtain such information upon request, but also duty relevant authorities to distribute a certain part of it among an indefinite circle of persons.

The draft Federal Law "On ensuring access to information on the activities of state bodies and local governments" names ways to provide access to information about the activities of state bodies. So, according to Art. 7 of the draft law, access to information about the activities of state bodies and local governments is provided in the following ways:

Promulgation (publication) by state bodies and local self-government bodies of information about their activities in cases established by federal legislation, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of local self-government bodies;

Placement by state bodies and local governments of information about their activities in information and telecommunication networks, including in the information and telecommunication network Internet;

Placement by state bodies and local self-government bodies of information about their activities in publicly accessible places (on stands and bulletin boards, etc.);

Yuri Kozlov. Algorithm for assessing the quality of public services // STATE SERVICE,

2015, №4 (96)


Yuri Kozlov, postgraduate student of the Russian Academy of National Economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation (119606, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 84). Email: [email protected]
Annotation: The quality of public services provided by the executive authorities is the main problem of service development in this area. The aim of the study is to develop specific practical advice to improve the quality and efficiency of the public service delivery system.
The work used the methods of a systematic approach, mathematical modeling, sociological research, as well as various methods of graphical interpretation of information.
A well-built quality management system will allow not only to control the activities of bodies implementing law enforcement practice, but also to ensure feedback necessary for a stable and capable of development of the system of executive power.
Keywords: executive authorities, public services, quality assessment.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of executive authorities is the quality of public services.

The value of quality analysis cannot be overestimated. The results obtained can be the basis for developing policy directions for improving the public administration system. The results of the analysis will make it possible to determine the effectiveness of the decisions made and the activities being implemented.

The author's research in the field of existing methods for assessing the quality of public services made it possible to identify the main problems that impede the improvement of the efficiency of the activities of executive authorities: this is the lack of legislative standards in this area, the lack of general rules assessing the quality of public services, insufficient legal support, and so on.

A review of the main areas of activity aimed at achieving an effective state shows that one of the most difficult tasks is to identify the optimal parameters for evaluating ongoing activities. The effectiveness of the state should have clear evaluation criteria and appropriate methods that would stimulate the desire to improve the quality of public and municipal government[Bartsits, 2011. P. 9].

Modern realities dictate the need to search for new methods for assessing quality, which, in accordance with the principles of a systematic approach, would allow us to consider the complex process of providing public services from the point of view of an inextricable relationship with its components.

Figure 1 proposes a universal algorithm for determining the quality level of the administrative and legal process, based on the use of modern standards and the calculation of deviations relative to the expected level of indicators. The author proposes to determine the quality of the service through consumer perception, that is, the feeling after receiving a public service, to what extent it matches the expectations before contacting the executive authorities.

Picture 1. Universal three-dimensional algorithm for assessing the quality of a public service

An important advantage of the proposed algorithm is the possibility of three-dimensional construction of the administrative-legal process, that is, the assessment of its quality in three interrelated aspects. Thus, the algorithm was based on the technique proposed by K. Mayby and D. Pugh, called the “data collection cube” and which allows you to visualize a comprehensive picture of the quality of the legal process by building a cube in a three-dimensional coordinate system. When conducting an analysis, various factors are taken into account that determine the structure of the process of providing a public service. It becomes possible to visualize what the final result is made up of, to note the weak and strengths, as well as quantitatively express the complex social component of the administrative-legal process. The use of mathematical methods makes it possible to transform complex administrative and legal issues into a mathematical form.

The final clarification regarding the practical use of the proposed algorithm, it is advisable to consider the implementation example State registration Vehicle State traffic inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Object of study and subject area for a practical example were not chosen randomly. Today, as part of the administrative reform, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is being reformed, which is currently this moment is the leader in terms of the number of people transferred to electronic form public services (36 services). This ministry is not only an active provider of information through the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (in the first nine months of 2014, more than 37.8 million interdepartmental electronic requests were processed), but also a consumer of information (2.3 million interdepartmental electronic requests were sent). A special contribution to the achievement of these indicators was made by the General Directorate for Security traffic Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

It should also be noted the work carried out in the department to improve the quality of the provision of public services, within the framework of which an instruction was developed for organizing monitoring of the satisfaction of applicants. A survey form has been introduced containing criteria such as:

  • awareness of the procedure for the provision of public services in electronic form;
  • efficiency and waiting time in the queue;
  • the competence of an employee of the internal affairs body interacting with the applicant;
  • comfort conditions in the room;
  • assessment of the availability of information on the procedure for the provision of services.

However, the proposed quality criteria do not fully reflect the complex structure of the process, since there is no comprehensive description of the public service delivery system. The obtained estimates cannot be compared with the results of other executive authorities, which once again indicates the need to develop a unified standard for the quality of public services and a universal algorithm that allows displaying the multifaceted administrative and legal process of providing public services. So, using the example of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, we will consider the algorithm developed by the author in stages.

The first stage is the creation working group. Particularly noteworthy is the importance of participation in the work on assessing the quality of the administrative and legal process of the executors themselves. Civil servants exercising powers in areas directly related to the process of providing public services have high-quality, reliable information obtained during direct work. By analyzing the parameters of the administrative and legal process, employees, already in the course of implementing law enforcement practice, can track the necessary moments in the formation of a future policy for the quality of public services.

The second stage is the construction of a pyramid of the efficiency of the system of public services for the executive branch. To solve the problem of developing a system for the provision of public services, it is necessary to formulate goals for all areas of activity, that is, to build the so-called efficiency pyramid. Here it should be taken into account that the goals are passed down, and the indicators are collected from the bottom up, according to the organizational hierarchy of the executive authority (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Pyramid of the effectiveness of the system of public services of the executive branch

In order to ensure the successful implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of the administrative and legal process, it is necessary to develop a strategic map that displays all key goals. The main function of the map is a cause-and-effect mapping of goals in the process of implementing a quality strategy (Figure 3).

Figure 3 Strategic map of the executive authority

The third stage is the identification of key aspects that determine the state of the system and its assessment from the standpoint of quality standards. Executive authorities, like other enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, must rely on modern standards quality and, accordingly, from their position to evaluate their activities. Thus, the basis for assessing the quality of public services should be based on a standard containing a range of quality indicators. Due to the absence of such a specific list of indicators, it is proposed to use the criteria given in the standard of the Russian Federation - GOST R 52113-2003. However, it is not focused on the activities of executive authorities; accordingly, the above criteria do not fully reflect the specificity of public services. In our example, the author proposes to assess the quality level of the public vehicle registration service in the following three areas:

  • the level of quality of the executive authority;
  • ability to lead - knowledge and compliance with the law;
  • knowledge and observance of professional ethics of behavior.

These criteria must be entered in the evaluation table (table 1) and assessed in three blocks:

  • expectations of consumers of a public service prior to its provision;
  • perception, that is, the opinion of a citizen or organization regarding the compliance of the executive authority providing the service with the listed criteria;
  • importance, that is, determining the significance of each criterion for the qualitative organization of the process of providing state or municipal services.

Table 1. Evaluation of the quality of the process of providing the state service of registration of vehicles in the Russian Federation

In the course of the analysis, 42 registration and examination divisions of the State traffic inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were studied. So, questionnaires were distributed to consumers of this service in various registration departments, as a result, an assessment was made according to the criteria of interest to us. To determine the average score, each indicator was evaluated on a five-point scale, then the indices were calculated. For commercial organizations, offering a wide range of services, with 0.60 ≤ Qi ≤ 0.79 the state of the aspect is recognized as satisfactory, however, given the specificity of the activities of executive authorities, the state of the process of providing public services with such indicators can be considered good.

A visual display of the state of the system is possible by building a service quality assessment cube, where the axes of the coordinate system are the selected aspects of the service (Figure 4).

Figure 4 Cube for assessing the quality of the state service for registering vehicles in the Russian Federation

The position of the cube characterizes the system as follows: 1st, 2nd and 3rd row - unsatisfactory, satisfactory and good state of the aspect, respectively. The calculation of the generalizing index of compliance of the quality of the service with the needs of consumers is carried out as follows:

where β * , β ** , β *** are, respectively, indicators of the degree of significance of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd aspects of the service for the researcher [Sekerin, Sekerin, 1997. P. 43–53]:

where k is the significance rank assigned by the researcher (or experts) for each aspect of the service.

Thus, both the graphical display of the state of the system under study and the calculation of the generalizing index of compliance of the quality of the service with the needs of consumers indicate that the process of providing public services for registering vehicles in the Russian Federation is sufficiently consistent with the requirements of consumers.

However, the position of the quality assessment cube indicates that this executive agency has minor problems of compliance with professional ethics of conduct. Despite the fact that most of the consumers of the public service under study admitted that this aspect is the least important for them, it should be noted that this executive authority is not very capable of creating an atmosphere of hospitality.

Another, larger-scale example is the assessment of the activities of the Main Directorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in achieving socially significant goals (Table 2).

Table 2. Evaluation of the activities of the Main Directorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in achieving socially significant goals

The data presented in the table were subjected to expert assessments, during which such quantities as "perception" and "expectations" were quantified (Figure 5).

Figure 5 Expectations and perceptions of experts

The basis for comparison when calculating relative indicators in this case is the actual, achieved level of the process, that is, the “perception” of experts. Graphically, the state of the system under study is shown in Figure 6. The central position of the cube (level "2" along all coordinate axes), as well as the quantitative expression of the calculated relative values, indicates that over the period from 2013-2014, the Main Directorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has carried out serious work. The milestone of the average level of development of the process has been reached, which is a good indicator, and the low value of the generalizing index is due to the fact that the final achievement of the goal is scheduled for 2018.

Figure 6 Graphical display of the state of internal processes of the State traffic inspectorate

The fourth stage is the development of instructions for managing the quality of the system. At the moment, the role of instructions for managing the quality of the process of providing a public service can be an administrative regulation that regulates the procedure for performing a public function, containing a flowchart of the entire process of providing a public service.

In the future, technological schemes for the provision of public services will serve as instructions. Department state regulation The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, together with the Ministry of Communications of Russia, developed a draft methodological recommendations for their formation and approval. Already today this project is being discussed with executive authorities.

It is also necessary to develop a procedure for the continuous revision of regulatory legal acts in order to timely identify gaps in legislative support.

The fifth stage is the choice of a system for monitoring the state of the process of providing public services. To manage the quality of the system for the provision of public services by executive authorities, continuous legal monitoring of activities is necessary in order to determine the variation of the process over time. Of course, any process must be in a state of control, that is, be predictable and manageable. Given the specifics of the public services provided by the Main Directorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, it is advisable to use a control system with two threshold quality levels (Figure 7).

Figure 7 The system of quality control of the state of the system of public services with two threshold levels.

In the course of the study, cases were identified when the created favorable conditions were a prerequisite for the development of such a concept as " consumer extremism”, which required the definition of restrictive measures at the legislative level. A dangerous trend is the state of the system when its parameters fall below the established minimum quality level. Such conditions generate consumer dissatisfaction, which leads to a conflict of interest.

In the event that the quality parameters of the public service delivery process have reached one of the threshold values, it is necessary to conduct a gap analysis and apply pre-designed corrective actions. The parameters of a well-managed process must be within the established limits; it is such a process that is able to provide a quality public service.

The sixth stage is the logistical support for the provision of public services, which largely determines the final quality of the service itself.

The seventh stage is interaction with the consumer. Activities related to the management of communication with the public are necessary for the success of all state structures. it managerial function within the framework of which the public opinion necessary for state institutions and the image of public administration as a whole are formed, the principles of democratic governance. Good public relations management creates trust, mutual understanding and ensures public support executive authorities, which is the basis of the stability of the state.

It should be noted that the approbation of this algorithm for assessing the compliance of public services with consumer needs has shown that the presented methodology may well serve as a tool for depicting a comprehensive picture of the quality of a service. Further research by the author confirmed the fact that the scope of this algorithm, with a slight modification, can be used to assess the quality various processes in the activities of executive authorities. The proposed methodology must be fixed in legal acts, as well as to develop instructions for its implementation in the activities of executive authorities.


Bartsits I.N. The system of state and municipal government: training course: in 2 vols. T. 2. M .: Publishing house of the RAGS, 2011.

Sekerin V., Sekerin D. Requirements of consumers and marketing // Marketing. 1997. No. 4.

Yuzhakov V.N. Quality of state and municipal services: efforts and results of administrative reform // Issues of state and municipal management. 2014. No. 1.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 601 "On the main directions for improving the public administration system."


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