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Properly motivated staff can significantly increase sales, which in turn leads to increased profits in the business and, consequently, increases the remuneration of these same hardworking employees.

The main thing is to choose the most appropriate motivation program correctly so that you do not reward your staff for their duties that are already included in wages. A program that is too generous can cost you dearly.

At the same time, if the motivation program is poorly planned, then it will not lead to an increase in the profit of a restaurant, cafe or bar, as the staff will very quickly figure out whether the game is worth the candle.

  • Personnel must understand the essence of the motivation system well. They must clearly know how to earn additional rewards.
  • Bonuses (premiums) should be paid without delay. It is best to make payments once a week or month. The motivation of employees will lose its power if the receipt of remuneration is postponed indefinitely.
  • The organization and control of the motivating system, as well as the processing of the results, should be easy. Even better, if the staff will fill out the necessary forms themselves, which still need to be checked periodically, using a random sampling method.
  • The system should be based on clear measurable indicators that are easily controlled by the participants in the system, and not a phantom share of profits. It is better to motivate profit sharing by senior management, provided that the calculations are very well organized. But line staff such motivation will not interest or inspire.
  • A new incentive program must be introduced gradually and constantly monitor the results - whether sales are really growing, and whether the staff is working better. It should be remembered that cases of fraud and forced sales are possible, which must be prevented. And innovations can negatively affect the morale of the staff.

Staff motivation: 6 types of incentive systems

simple promotion

With a simple promotion, a monetary reward is introduced for each sold position or received hryvnia:

  • a bonus of 5 hryvnia for each sold dessert;
  • 30 hryvnia bonus for each additional bottle of wine;
  • 5% for every 50 UAH of sales.

The advantage of this system of motivation is in the close relationship between a certain action and the amount of remuneration. Sell ​​more, earn more.

Cons - staff can use pressure tactics to sell first bonus positions and as many as possible. As well as the inability to pre-calculate the profit and expenses for bonuses.

Reward for achieving a specific goal

The staff receives a specific task, which is expressed in monetary terms. For example, if you sell more than 10 branded desserts, you will receive a reward of 200 hryvnias.

The advantage of this method of motivation is a clearly defined task and a pre-known budget of the bonus program.

This method will only succeed if the targets are well thought out. If you very quickly raise the bar of goals, then you can come across complaints from employees. If you set a higher goal for the best employees, you can cause a negative reaction from the rest of the team.

collective competition

The team is divided into groups and the group result is evaluated.

For example, the shift that sells the most desserts will share the 600 hryvnia bonus, or the kitchen workers will share the 1600 hryvnia bonus by completing food cost targets for the week or month.

The advantage of such an incentive system is the ability to calculate it in advance maximum cost. It evokes a spirit of competition that is sometimes even more motivating than the prize money itself. Works well in teams with high morale and well-coordinated teamwork.

The downside is that employees with low productivity or motivation and qualifications can lower the performance of the entire group. And then, employees with high performance and qualifications will be dissatisfied and may leave, as their work is not rewarded at its true worth. If the high qualification of an individual employee allows him to receive more tips, he is unlikely to want to share them with the group.

Established Performance Levels

Employees will receive monetary rewards when they achieve a clearly defined goal. For example, participants will receive a bonus for the first 10 bottles of wine sold in the amount of UAH 800; for the sale of the next 10 bottles - 1600 hryvnia; for 30 bottles - 3000 hryvnia.

The advantage is that with this method of promotion, you can significantly increase sales and save on bonuses. For example, the staff sold 19 bottles of wine, which means that the bonus is paid only for the first 10, since the goal is more high level(20 bottles) not reached. You can offer a really large amount of remuneration - this will only increase productivity. So you can safely say that the one who sells 30 bottles of wine will receive a bonus of 3000 hryvnia.

The downside is that the staff can be disappointed if they don’t reach the next bar just a little, say 1 bottle of wine.

Irregular bonuses

In this reward system, bonuses are paid irregularly for performance in terms of one shift, day or week.

For example, a team will receive a bonus of 1,000 hryvnias if they sell 20 specialty fish dishes in an evening. A Sunday bonus can be a dinner coupon or a ticket to the dolphinarium, which will be received by the employee who sold the most salads.

The upside is that in this way you can revive some long-term programs and make the motivational system more attractive. This method can be combined with 1, 2 3 and 4 programs. You can also purposefully motivate staff to sell positions with a good margin.

Minus - irregular bonuses will entail additional costs and may require additional organizational efforts.

Performance Based Rewards

New goals are formed on the basis of previous indicators. For restaurant business this method is not entirely suitable, since the entertainment industry is very volatile, and it assumes a long-term perspective.

For example, the implementation of the annual budget; receiving a bonus by a manager if the level of salaries does not exceed the established amount; a banquet for the kitchen staff, if the targets for six months are met.

The advantage is that you will have to pay bonuses only if there were additional sales. The amount of remuneration does not depend on the case and the principles of its formation are clear in advance.

Cons will appear under the condition of poorly formed goals. For example, if the goal is easily achievable, then it will not greatly increase productivity. Yes, and the bonus is perceived as part of the salary, and not a reward for really excellent work.

In the ranking of the American Inc. The best employers of 2018 fall to companies with high salaries, good insurance and pension plans, and often a cool atmosphere. Unusual bonuses and non-standard methods of motivating employees can be responsible for the latter.

Here are 15 of the most extraordinary.

Employees who choose the right company receive air tickets to anywhere in the world, a free overnight babysitter and ax throwing lessons.

Testament and disposition of real estate

Employees consulting company M2 Strategy of McLean, Virginia has access to probate services, legal assistance, childcare and a 24-hour gym.

Ax throwing lessons

Employees at Podium Business Connectivity Platform in Legia, Utah, have fun with ax throwing, freestyle skiing, bobsledding, and trips to exciting virtual reality theme parks.

Great views and beer

HireVue's headquarters in South Dakota, Utah overlooks the mountains. The interview platform gives employees office pub parties and TED Talk-style lunches.

Sports betting and reality shows

Legacy Marketing employees in Chicago break into teams and place bets on who will leave on a new series of reality shows (such as The Bachelor). Well, for the results sports games they also bet.

Discount on hybrid cars

Employees of the consulting company Enterprise Knowledge receive memberships in fitness clubs, corporate mobiles and up to $3,000 when buying hybrid cars.

Glory in the Slack channel

In the New York company Charity: Water, a High Five channel was specially launched in the Slack messenger to praise employees who have achieved success there. At the end of each quarter, the best one receives a gift.

Beauty and skiing

Retailer (fashion and home decor) has a beauty salon for employees. They also receive tickets to ski resorts, and young parents can take their babies with them to work.

Free iPhone

Financial consulting firm Embank from Dallas to your plan mobile communications adds employees who have worked for 1 year, and after another year buys them a new iPhone.

Bonuses for parents

At software company Outreach, employees with young children—moms and dads—can work half the time from home. The company pays for a night nurse for a child on weekdays, and twice a week for lunch delivery.

Full access

Infinte Energy has acquired the naming rights to the Atlanta arena, theater and forum it serves, and employees can now attend concerts by Justin Timberlake, U2 and Carrie Underwood at these venues for free.

Flight courses

Would you like to learn how to fly? San Francisco-based health technology company pMD is offering free flight courses to its employees.

Relieve stress

Employees Pro companies Athlete have the opportunity to get rid of the accumulated tension. AT retail company The sports goods store for employees has a spa with a massage therapist and a sauna, as well as free breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Air travel and restaurants

Developer service celebrates anniversaries with gifts for employees. Stay with the company for a year - and get tickets to anywhere in the world. Are you in your third year? Eat Michelin-starred food.

Best gift

Buffer, development company software, welcomes new employees with gifts: they receive a Kindle and an unlimited number of e-books.

Housing problem

Boll and Branch (the company makes bedding) gives all new employees a set of sheets, and after six months of work - also a bedroom renovation.

Reading time: 5 min

The bonus system of remuneration is most common in organizations whose main staff is made up of production workers or sellers, as well as in the service sector. This form of payment is most effective for employees whose activities directly affect the company's profits.

The vast majority of organizations where the bonus payment system is practiced are private firms, but it is also used in some state-owned enterprises. So, since 2011, this form of payment has been introduced at a number of branches of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post for employees of the sales and services department.

In the future, statistics showed a steady increase in the income of branches, which indicates the effectiveness of the introduction of bonus payments. It has much in common with, but with the bonus system, the employee's salary consists of accruals according to tariff rate with an increase in a percentage of the profit, and not a fixed one.

In this, it is close to with the difference that under the commission system, the employee's salary does not provide for a fixed part, including only interest.

Thus, the bonus payment system includes two components:

  • , calculated on the basis of the tariff scale approved by the organization
  • and a percentage of the profit approved by the head and fixed in the employment contract.

In this case, the first component, as a rule, is stable, and the second is “floating”.

For example, trade enterprises practice payment in the form of a daily exit rate and a percentage of general or personal sales.

Pros and cons

The advantage of the bonus payment system is continuous motivation employees for productive work. Since the fixed salary in enterprises with a bonus pay system is usually low, the bulk of the employee depends on how he “hurries in advance” in the current month.

This approach to remuneration may be of interest primarily to young, ambitious professionals who seek to constantly increase their income. Conversely, applicants who are accustomed to a stable salary treat the bonus form of payment with coolness. After all, neither the employer nor anyone else can guarantee that if in one month an employee received good salary, next month his income will be the same.

With this form of remuneration, it is difficult to plan long-term expenses, such as a mortgage.

The main disadvantage of the bonus system is that the company's profit is not always influenced only by the performance of employees. Sales performance or demand for the services provided by the company may be determined by other factors:

  • seasonality;
  • activity of competing firms;
  • nuances of interaction with suppliers, etc.

How to calculate salary?

The calculation of the employee's income under the bonus payment scheme is made according to a very simple formula:

Z = Zt +%,

where Zt is the salary according to the tariff scale (rate), and% is the percentage of profit.

The rate may be , or in the form of a monthly minimum wage. The percentage of profit can also be different: in one case, the total income of the company or its individual division is taken as the basis, in the other, only personal sales figures are taken into account.

Example 1

Citizen Ivanov works as a sales manager for coffee equipment with a monthly salary of 10 thousand rubles and a 3% bonus on the company's total profit. How much did Ivanov earn in the current month if the company's income amounted to 250 thousand rubles?

First, let's calculate the bonus part of his salary. 3% of 250 thousand is 7500 rubles (250000/100 * 3 = 7500).

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In the battle for the best employees, large IT companies and promising startups are not only building chic offices with a bunch of bonuses in the form of free food, comfortable work areas and entertainment (that's how they are), but also offer various useful features that are sure to please employees.

We are in website collected the coolest of them and, to be honest, a little jealous.

9. Bonuses for young parents

The management of many companies is very sensitive to replenishment in
families of their employees. Yes, leader Facebook, young father
two kids Mark Zuckerberg offers his employees a paid
maternity leave for both men and women
(by the way, he
also took breaks from work after the birth of children and helped his
spouse). Parents also get monetary compensation in the amount of $ 4,000 after the baby is born. Both leave and payment can be received, including after adoption.

In company Netflix also provide bonuses for those who have small children: you can agree on a flexible schedule or work from home. And the Swedish giant IKEA provides paid parental leave even for part-time employees.

8. Help in the treatment of infertility

Another unusual bonus, which so far is offered mainly only by such giant companies as Apple and Facebook are financial compensation for employees in the treatment of infertility, as well as egg freezing. By the way, the cost of the last procedure is very expensive and, for example, in the USA it can be about $ 15-20 thousand.

7. Travel at the expense of the company

Some companies try to monitor not only the health of their employees, but also to ensure that they have a good rest. So, to all those who work in a popular rental service Airbnb offers $2,000 annual travel allowance to travel anywhere in the world.

By the way, the leaders of this company try not to get bored in the office: they are allowed to bring their own pets to work, and theme parties are held every Friday.

6. Unlimited vacation time

Already back in 2004 in Netflix introduced the following system: the company abandoned the system for calculating holidays and their strict control. In other words, you can take vacation whenever you want and for as long as you see fit. This option can be chosen by an employee who is doing a good job - of course, management expects projects to be delivered on time.

This idea inspired many other companies such as Twitter, Visualsoft, Pinterest and Virgin. In addition, some of them do not have a fixed 9-hour working day - the most important thing is that the tasks assigned are completed on time.

5. Compensation for education

Many companies are interested in ensuring that their employees do not stop developing. Yes, in Google willing to pay for any course: You can take a refresher course, learn a new language, or take a sewing course - whatever your heart desires.

Starbucks also known for its good attitude to employees: in her coffee shops often work students for whom the company is ready in some cases to fully compensate for the cost of education. And some remain working in the company after graduation, but in a more prestigious position.

4. Celebrity encounters

Ex-employee of the company SpaceX recently talked about how Elon Musk motivates his employees. First, he writes for subordinates motivational letters and occasional speeches. Secondly, invites celebrities to the office who share their success stories and just energize people good mood. Jennifer Aniston, Will Smith, Morgan Freeman and others came to visit the office. And Musk does not restrict employees in moving around the office, so absolutely any employee can see how, for example, a rocket is assembled.

We choose a job not only because it is interesting and well paid, but also because the company has a good team or useful bonuses from the employer. We have all the "goodies" spelled out in labor code and rarely when employers go beyond it. Well, if everything that is supposed to be observed.
Western companies also do not spoil their employees too much. But some interesting bonuses, at least from the point of view of those who live in the US and Canada, the giants of the industry sometimes still have. Here is some of them.

Accenture pays for gender reassignment surgery
In this company, tolerance is such that boys who decide to become girls and vice versa will be paid for a sex change operation.

Adobe gives employees extra rest
popular development company graphic editor closes completely for one week in December and one week in summer, sending all employees on vacation.

Airbnb donates money for travel
Airbnb pays its employees $2,000 a year in addition to their salary. The money must be spent on travel and recreation in housing rented through this resource. In this case, the employee can go anywhere in the world.

Asana pays for additional courses
Asana employees can attend free courses that are useful in their lives and careers.

Epic Systems Corp is giving four weeks of sabbatical
If you work at Epic Systems Corp and you're sick of everything, you can go to maternity leave for 4 weeks, and it will be paid. True, you first need to work in the company for at least five years.

Facebook provides financial assistance to new parents
Facebook pays employees $4,000 in connection with the birth of a child.

Google Helps Relatives of Deceased Employees
The spouse of a Google employee in the event of his death continues to receive half of his salary for 10 years.

Netflix pays for annual maternity leave
Netflix pays new mothers or fathers a year of maternity leave, and also provides those who wish to work part-time or the opportunity to take the necessary time off. Of course, it can’t be compared with the Russian three-year parental leave, but a year is full payment, and we have one and a half - half, and then young parents spin as you like.

Pinterest allows new parents to work part-time
On Pinterest, you can’t spoil a decree - three months and a march to work, but then you can work part-time for a while. In the bourgeois world, this is a good indulgence, in other companies - either work or stay at home.

PwC partially pays off student loan debt
Many graduates of serious educational institutions they graduate with a prestigious diploma and a non-acid loan taken for education. PwC is graciously disbursing an additional $1,200 as earmarked money to pay off the loan.

REI has "WOW days"
Employees of the company can get two paid days off per year in order to use them for active entertainment.

Salesforce gives employees time and money to give to charity
Employees of this company can receive six days of paid leave to volunteer, as well as $1,000 to donate to charities of their choice.

Spotify Helps New Parents
Spotify employees are on maternity leave for six months. After going to work, young parents can work on flexible schedule. The company also pays for artificial insemination operations for its employees.

Twitter gives its employees acupuncture sessions and organizes classes in improvisation
Twitter employees get free three meals a day, but the company also has free acupuncture and acting classes at its office.

Walt Disney lets employees into its park for free
Walt Disney employees can visit Disneyland for free and also receive discounts on branded merchandise and hotels.

These are the goodies you can get by working on well-known company somewhere in Silicon Valley. From 2000 dollars for travel from Airbnb, perhaps, no one would refuse. Do you have anything useful at work besides free cookies and a kettle of boiling water?


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