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It has
ancient Greek
origin, which means
Therefore, the pharmacist must have
pharmacotherapy, as well as in matters of medical
ethics and psychology.
In addition, the pharmaceutical market is constantly
new drugs, new technologies
treatment and diagnosis of diseases, and in this
changeable "pharmaceutical" world specialist
it is extremely important to have a fresh and up-to-date
information, as well as to improve their knowledge
and skills.

dispensing medicines and medical products
advice on taking medication
manufactures prescription drugs
receiving and distributing goods
provides conditions for the storage of medicines
prepare invoices and reports
window dressing
places price tags
conducts health education and information work

a responsibility

The profession of a pharmacist makes many demands on a person,
which, as defined by the WHO Vancouver Commission "The role of the pharmacist in
health care system" require the availability of special knowledge, special
attitudes, skills and behaviour.
These qualities are summarized in the definition
a pharmacist providing high quality services;
pharmacist able to assess, analyze and correctly
determine a course of action;
the pharmacist is the link between the doctor and the patient;
pharmacist is a leader, decision maker, capable of
communicate and manage effectively
pharmacist - manager
pharmacist constantly gaining knowledge
pharmacist - teacher assisting in teaching and training
future pharmacists

The pharmacist is a specialist
with a higher pharmaceutical education - a pharmacist. But so only in
Russia, and in Europe a pharmacist is a specialist with higher education, and
pharmacist - his assistant with a secondary pharmaceutical education.
The educational process in the specialty "Pharmacy" is very diverse and
interesting and focused on professional activity pharmacist:
sale of medicines and pharmacy products
production of dosage forms and carrying out mandatory types
intra-pharmacy control
organization of activities structural divisions pharmacies and management
pharmacy organization in the absence of a specialist with higher education

in pharmacy organization different forms of ownership
letting go
at a research institute
in a drug development laboratory
in a drug manufacturing company
(pharmaceutical factories)
engaged in
medicinal plants (procurement units and
pharmaceutical factories)
in the pharmacy warehouse
in the control and analytical laboratory

In today's labor market, a pharmacist
In terms of demand, the profession of "pharmacist" is at 7
HR specialists recruiting agencies and related
departments of employing companies agree that
that the need for qualified personnel in the industry in
will increase in the coming years.

Pharmacy is not only an organization designed to
perform a social function, but also an enterprise
Participation, understanding and attention to the visitor -
key concepts in the profession of a pharmacist.

Literally in a year I will go to work at the first table (vacation of ready-made
drugs and advice on taking and storing) and, finally, in full
As far as I can feel the full significance and responsibility of the profession of a pharmacist.
And then ... what will happen next, in 10 - 15 years, no one knows. Perhaps I will
head of a pharmacy or open my own pharmacy chain, become a researcher
worker and invent a cure for HIV infection or return
to my native college and will train future specialists.
There are many options. Which one turns out to be true depends on
desire to develop themselves in the profession. In the future, I would like to revive

I hope that after graduating from college, I will be able to realize myself in this
profession, as well as to bring their ideas to life.

There is a holiday
Day of the Pharmacist!
only in Ukraine (third Saturday
(October 15).
However Russian specialists do not lose heart
and congratulate themselves, and also receive
congratulations from a lot of information
sites and portals.

The lack of competition in the labor market often allows pharmacists to treat their work in bad faith. Therefore, when making a decision to enroll an employee in the state, it is not so much professionalism that comes to the fore, but personal qualities person, thinks CEO OOO "Rusmedimpeks" Alexandra Igorevna MIKHAILENKO.

Everyone has to visit pharmacies. People go there not only for medicines and related products, but also for cosmetics. The pharmacy industry is developing, and therefore pharmacists and pharmacists do not remain unclaimed. How to get this profession, what are the prospects career development exist in the industry and in general - what qualities should a young specialist have in order to be appreciated in the best pharmacy chains?

What are they being taught? This specialist is called a pharmacist or pharmacist. Professions are not at all identical - in the West, a pharmacist is called an assistant to a pharmacist, a laboratory assistant. And the pharmacist there is a specialist with a higher education. In Russia, the opposite is true. Here it is a pharmacist who is a specialist of the highest category, a university graduate, and pharmacists are trained by secondary specialized educational institutions (pharmaceutical schools and colleges).

Pharmacology is the oldest of the sciences, the first systematic information about drugs was "published" in the Ebers papyrus in the 16th-17th centuries BC. e. in ancient Egypt, that is, approximately 3700 years ago. In 372-287 BC. e. the doctor Theophrastus from Greece describes more than 300 medicinal plants, and in the 1st century AD. e. Dioscorides constitutes the first Materia medica (a synonym for the science of medicines until the 19th century, which has survived to this day in this sense for the name of homeopathic medicinal reference books). In addition, this discipline is one of the most difficult - it was, is and will be. The arsenal of medicines used is constantly increasing, which creates certain problems for training.

Modern pharmacology is at the intersection of many sciences - pharmaceutical, chemical, biological, medical. Like all these disciplines, it serves the leading method of prevention and treatment of diseases - pharmacotherapy, and is developing extremely dynamically. This is due to the fact that fundamentally new pharmacological groups of medicines have now appeared, new biotechnological methods for obtaining medicinal substances and new technologies for dosage forms are being introduced. Over the past five years alone, the range of drugs registered in the Russian Federation has more than doubled.

Unlike many academic disciplines, pharmacology cannot be learned "once and for all". It has to be taught and taught - from reference books, on the Internet ... This is understandable, because before giving advice, a pharmacist must himself become an expert on drugs, their possible side effects, contraindications, be able to correctly and competently select a replacement dose. The volume of knowledge in clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy, medical ethics and psychology should be appropriate, the pharmacist's horizons in the field of drugs are much wider than any doctor.

And this is actively used by visitors to pharmacies. As you know, some of them come to the pharmacist's window without any prescription, but with health complaints. Statistics say that young people and middle-aged people turn to doctors only in the most extreme cases, and more often they go to the pharmacy for advice. Of course, a pharmacist does not have the right to diagnose or write prescriptions, but he is obliged to give competent advice.

But in any case, participation, understanding and attention to the visitor are the key concepts in this profession. A good pharmacist gradually develops his own client base, it is she who is the "quality mark" of his work.

The growth of pharmacy chains has caused a sharp shortage of professional staff. The fact is that there are not so many universities in the country that produce pharmacists, and there is a real hunt for specialists in this field. Metropolitan pharmacies are actively recruiting them even from other regions of the country, there are many offers on websites and in newspapers. In a word, pharmacists have no problems with employment.

The salary for beginners in Moscow is $500-600. However, if you take into account all the allowances, overtime, seniority, night shifts, qualifications, there is a lot. There are cases when an ordinary specialist receives a salary at the "director's level". Of course, for this he has to work hard. An irregular working day is one of the features of the work of a pharmacist.

Becoming, for example, the deputy director of a large pharmacy just two years after graduation in this business is quite feasible. Some companies introduce an internal category system for their employees: every five years, employees take exams and increase their status and salary. The purpose of such a scheme is to retain qualified specialists, because they are the main success factor in the pharmaceutical business.

Personnel shortage causes increased concern for young professionals. Network pharmacies are happy to employ undergraduate students, offer them flexible schedule, create their own corporate programs vocational training and advanced training, conduct trainings on various topics - from the study of new pharmaceuticals and ending with the psychology of behavior and work with the client. After all, the popularity rating of a pharmacy sometimes depends on how a pharmacist talks to customers.


( 143055, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Funkovo ​​village, 50, tel.+7 (498 ) 690-88-68 )

Nomination " The world»

"Profession pharmacist"

Zabudskaya Ekaterina Maksimovna, 2 "B" class

Moscow region, Zvenigorod,

district Vostochny, microdistrict - n. 3, d.15, apt.26

Orlova Irina Anatolyevna,
teacher primary school

With. Ershovo


Table of contents

Project passport

Brief description of the project:



    study information from the history of professions, in particular from the history of medical professions;


Project result (product)

information brochure about the profession of a pharmacist.

Stages design work

    The study of educational and methodological literature on the stated topic (October - November 2015) - at this stage, in the process of studying the literature, materials were obtained that formed the basis of the first chapter of the project.

    Selection of the most significant information about the profession of a pharmacist (December 2015) - the result of the analysis of the studied material was the selection of information for compiling an information brochure.

    Drawing up an information brochure about the profession of a pharmacist (January-February 2016) - based on the information received at the previous stages, the proposed product was compiled.

Project Logistics

This project required a computer., multimedia presentation on the topic “Profession of a pharmacist”, handout: Information brochure on the profession of a pharmacist, a reminder for students.


Now it is very difficult for us to decide what profession to devote ourselves to in the future. We still know little about what people of different professions do, where the professions came from, and why they are needed. The most familiar are the professions of our parents and relatives. My mum- pharmacist. This is a very interesting and difficult profession, but few people know about it. Therefore, I decided to dedicate my project to the profession of a pharmacist.

ATinterview professional self-determination begins to be realized by students already at the age of 14-15, i.e. in grades 8-9.

Most high school students do not have sufficient knowledge about themselves and do not have the necessary information about the existing options for realizing their professional intentions.The choice of a profession depends on the interests and abilities of each student, the demand for the chosen profession in the labor market, and the possibility of career growth. It seems to me that the profession of a pharmacist- is one of the most important and the right professions, especially now, when the life and health of many people depend on drugs. In my opinion, a higher pharmaceutical education is one of the most promising educations in our time.

Therefore, in my work, I have collected information about what a profession is, about the history of the development of various professions and about the profession of a pharmacist in order to introduce this an interesting profession students in grades 8-9 of our school.

Objective - renderingeffective information career guidance support for high school students.

project product became an information brochure about the profession of a pharmacist. This brochure contains concise information about the profession, examples of specialization for the pharmacist, as well as information on educational institutions where you can get a higher pharmaceutical education.

Project objectives:

    study information about what a profession is;

    collect information from the history of professions, in particular from the history of the medical professions;

    form an idea of ​​the profession of a pharmacist;

    create an information brochure about the profession of a pharmacist.

Stages of project implementation:

    The study of educational and methodological literature on the stated topic (October- November 2015)- at this stage, in the process of studying the literature, materials were obtained that formed the basis of the first chapter of the project.

    Selection of the most significant information about the profession of a pharmacist (December 2015)- the result of the analysis of the studied material was the selection of information for compiling an information brochure.

    Preparation of an information brochure about the profession of a pharmacist (January-February 2016)- based on the information data obtained at the previous stages, the proposed product was compiled.

    Description of the project, preparation of presentation material (February-March 2016).

At the stage of creating a project product, we prepared information for the brochure "Profession Pharmacist". We thought over the format of the information brochure, selected the necessary information, decided on the design, selected pictures on the Internet. We tried to make our brochure bright, colorful and informative.

Pharmacist - marketer of a pharmaceutical company

This specialist collects and analyzes information on expanding the range of products of a pharmaceutical company, the activities of competitive pharmaceutical companies, and drug promotion strategies. [ 8 ]

Pharmacist - process engineer at a pharmaceutical plant

The pharmacist, working as a process engineer at the plant, must control manufacturing process, procurement and control of storage and consumption necessary for the production of materials, improve the production process and reduce its cost, monitor compliance with the rules for the production of medicines. [ 9 ]

How to become a pharmacist?

In order to become a pharmacist, you need to study chemistry, physics and biology very well at school. After school, enter the pharmaceutical faculty of a medical institute, university or academy.

At the institute, you will have more than 30 different subjects, for example, 8 subjects only in chemistry, biology, microbiology, pharmacology (the science of the action of various drugs) and much more.

In the last year of the institute, you need to decide which specialty you want to get, and try to get an internship in the appropriate direction, as well as write a diploma corresponding to the chosen specialty.

My mother graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (now the Yaroslavl State Medical University).

According to the diploma, my mother had 8,562 hours of study at the academy.

Chapter 2. Project product - information brochure about the profession of a pharmacist

At the stage of the actual implementation of the project, we prepared a brochure on the profession of a pharmacist.Based on the data obtained at the previous stages, the proposed product was compiled - an information brochure about the profession of a pharmacist.We thought over the format of the information brochure, selected the necessary information, which included:

a) definition of the profession of a pharmacist;

b) what does a person of this profession do;

c) collected information about examples of specialization for the pharmacist;

d) compiled a list of higher educational institutions where you can get a pharmaceutical education;

e) selected a list of specialized subjects for the profession of a pharmacist and information on what exams are required for admission to universities.

After that, we decided on the design, picked up pictures on the Internet. We tried to make our brochure bright, colorful and informative.

This brochure provides concise information about the profession, examples of specialization for a pharmacist, as well as information about educational institutions where you can get a higher pharmaceutical education. For students who are interested in this profession, the profile subjects necessary for passing exams in the form of the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Examination are indicated upon admission to the Faculty of Pharmacy of the selected medical institution.

The main difference of our project is that it:

    contains up-to-date information, which means it is relevant;

    easy to use, which means that any student can use it independently.

At a meeting with students in grades 8-9 of our school, I told the guys about the profession of a pharmacist. I tried to draw their attention to the versatility of this profession, a wide selection of vacancies and areas of activity, described the pros and cons of this profession, handed out leaflets about the profession of a pharmacist (The leaflet is contained in Appendix 1), answered the questions of interest to the children. Students who expressed interest in this profession received career guidance brochures. (Appendix 2). And I also advised the guys to study well and wished them to successfully pass the exams and make all their dreams come true.

This project has been postedon the school website/ and anyone can use it.


There are many professions, all of them useful, meaningful and connected. For example, pharmacists help create and make medicines available to patients. A doctor knows what a person is ill with and how to treat him, but without a pharmacist he will not be able to provide a person with the necessary medicines. The profession of a pharmacist is interesting and multifaceted, you can work in production, in a laboratory, do science or, like my mother, register medicines and work in an office. Mom says that the registration specialist knows everything about the drug, because all the information about the drug is listed in the dossier.

The profession of a pharmacist allows the graduate to have a wide range of vacancies and activities, and therefore have excellent career prospects and good salary which is very important in our time.

Having completed the project, I would like to note that it is still not a universal tool, since to take into account all the diversity individual features each student is impossible. It is necessary to understand that this project is able to help in the professional choice of those students who have pronounced professional inclinations and show a special interest in the study of certain disciplines. But still, in my opinion, our meeting with high school students pushed the guys to , publishing house "AST"

Lisitsyn Yu.P. History of medicine. - 2nd ed. Moscow: Geotar-Med, 2008

Wikipedia site article "Pharmacy", link:.

Wikipedia site article "Profession", link:.

Wikipedia site article "Pharmacist", link:. .

Attachment 1.


Profession Pharmacist

Pharmacist - is a specialist with a higher pharmaceutical education, working in the field of production, storage and sale of medicines.

Specialist who received a secondary pharmaceutical education- pharmacist.

A pharmacist has a wider choice of activities than a pharmacist, and there are more opportunities for further career growth.

What does a inspector do?

The specialty of a pharmacist is multifaceted.

Having higher education, this specialist maybe:

    be a hospital pharmacist and provide medical institution necessary medical supplies;

    engage in clinical research and study the effects of drugs;

    engage in research in a chemical laboratory;

    be a process engineer at a factory and supervise the drug production process;

    be a clinical pharmacist and consult on the use of various drugs

    engage in sales, that is, active promotion of the drug on the market;

    be a marketer and develop a strategy for promoting drugs;

    engage in registration of medicines - work with the dossier and interact with regulatory authorities in order to obtain permission to use the drug in the country;

    and much more.

However, you can not rush anywhere and go to work as a first-time pharmacist. Primate -this is the person you meet at the pharmacy checkout. A pharmacist can also be a first-timer, but this job provides invaluable experience that is important for understanding the characteristics of the pharmaceutical industry, and therefore useful for further career growth. By the way, unlike a pharmacist, a pharmacist can later become the head of a pharmacy.

Where can a pharmacist work?

A pharmacist can work in any organization related to the production, storage, sale, clinical use or research of medicinal products. This includes hospitals, research laboratories, warehouses medical goods, pharmaceutical factories, pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies.

Most pharmacists connect their lives with pharmacies. However, great prospects open up for pharmacists in pharmaceutical companies, where you can register medicines, participate in the creation of a new drug, vaccine or dietary supplement, or devote yourself to marketing and sales. As a rule, pharmacists in pharmaceutical companies earn very good money and do not regret the chosen line of work.

Pros and cons of being a pharmacist

When deciding on choosing a profession as a pharmacist, consider the pros and cons of the profession.

Let's start with the pros:

    Excellent career prospects for a graduate in the specialty of a pharmacist is real.

    A good salary is possible immediately after graduation.

    Opportunity to work in international pharmaceutical companies.

    Consistently high demand for specialists in this profession.

    Diverse range of activities.

Don't forget the cons:

    The profession of a pharmacist requires high level knowledge, mistakes are unacceptable here.

    Whoever the pharmacist works for, his activity is connected with the responsibility for people's health.

    It is required to regularly improve one's qualifications, to constantly study, to keep track of innovations in medicine.

    A wide range of activities is possible in Moscow, or in the city where there is a pharmaceutical plant. Otherwise, you will have to choose between working in a pharmacy, hospital pharmacy and working as a medical representative.

By choosing to study as a pharmacist, you have the opportunity to decide who to work with, but for starters, there is only one thing left - to study hard.

Appendix 2

Municipal treasury educational institution secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects in the village of Demyanovo, Podosinovsky district, Kirov region Profession pharmacist - high prospects and an impeccable future

Demyanovo 2018 CONTENTS Introduction……………………………………………………………………….......3 1. Description of literary sources 1.1. History of pharmacology…… ……………………………………………….5 1.2. Description of profession pharmacist…………………………………………….5 1.3. Varieties of specializations of the profession of a pharmacist…………...…..…6 1.4. Obligations of the profession……………………………………………...…....6 1.5. Who is suitable for the profession of a pharmacist…………………………………....7 1.6. Demand……………………………………………………..…...7 1.7. Salary……………………………………………………...…....7 2. Research 2.1. Survey………………………………………………………………….…....8 2.2. Survey results………………………………………………………....9 3. Work on the product 3.1. Initial ideas……………………………………………………….11 3.2. Design specification……………………………………………………....11 3.3. Product selection………………………………………………………......11 3.4. Product Development………………………………………………………..12 3.5. Finished product………………………………………………………....13 Conclusion………………………………………………………… ……………....14 References……………………………………………………………...15 Applications…………………………… ………………………………………..….16 2

INTRODUCTION The profession of a pharmacist is relevant in our time. It is always present in the labor market and provides an opportunity to develop all the time. A pharmacist is a specialist in the production, storage and sale of medicines. Pharmacists, drug experts, are involved both in the creation of new drugs and in the storage and sale of medicines. It should be borne in mind that a pharmacist, unlike a doctor, in his work interacts not so much with people as with information about various drugs. A pharmacist needs such qualities as responsibility, perseverance, punctuality, good attention and memory. Medications are complex chemical substances and they do not always give the desired result. It often happens the other way around: the uncontrolled use of medications can significantly worsen the state of health. This would almost always be the case if it were not for pharmacists who advise and control what they put into the hands of the client, and also prudently draw up instructions for those who like to buy pills without the advice of a doctor. Problem: I want to know more about the profession of a pharmacist, but I don’t know how to achieve this (see Appendix No. 1). After analyzing the ways to solve the problem, I singled out the most accessible, economical and interesting for me - searching for information on the Internet (see Appendix 2). My project is informational. The product of my project is the presentation "The Profession of a Pharmacist". The information provided in the project can be used by high school students. A pharmacist is a very interesting and complex profession, but few people know about it. Now it is very difficult for students to decide which profession to devote themselves to in the future, and my project will help them decide. To achieve a result, I need free time, desire, mental work skills and patience, as well as information, intellectual, material and financial resources. The purpose of the project: to study the features of the profession of a pharmacist and create a presentation for high school students (see Appendix No. 3). 3

Project objectives: 1. Collect and analyze information about the profession of a pharmacist 2. Conduct a survey on the Internet 3. Learn the rules for developing a presentation 4. Familiarize others with the results of the project and demonstrate the product 4

1. Description of literary sources 1.1. History of pharmacology The history of pharmacology has its roots in the distant past. Even before the advent of writing, people learned to use herbs to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation. For the first time, the study and description of the action of herbs was taken up in Ancient Greece in the 4th century BC. Then the business developed rapidly. There were various potions and potions. Each of them was intended to combat various manifestations of diseases. But in those days, pharmacology was not distinguished into a separate branch of knowledge and was considered medicine. The first separation occurred in 1231 in Sicily. Thus, pharmacies appeared, which separated from hospitals, became separate structures, and prices for medicines were set by the state, and not by doctors. Since the 16th century, these establishments have not only produced medicines, but also conducted research in the field of the healing properties of various components. In the 18th century, trends for the emergence of the production of medicines first appear. Since then, pharmacology has been rapidly developing in Europe, new drugs are being discovered. This led to the eradication of a mass of deadly infections, which, fortunately, are not familiar to the inhabitants of modern megacities. In Russia, pharmacology developed somewhat more slowly. The first pharmacy appeared in Russia only in 1547, by decree of Ivan the Terrible. Then pharmacology begins its rapid development. Since the 1819 centuries, as a result of the development of chemistry, new methods for the production of drugs have appeared. Pharmacy business is developing and sow the day. Medicine constantly requires new means to combat serious diseases that mutate and constantly add problems to modern society. Modern pharmacology is a high-tech science that is in constant search for the most effective methods of treatment. 1.2. Description of the pharmacist profession The pharmacist profession is quite diverse in its fields of application. Basically, these specialists are employed in pharmacies, acting as sellers of medicines. But they do more than just function

implementation, but also the selection of analogues, alternatives, etc. Quite often, pharmacists help determine which medicine to choose. The second area of ​​activity can be called scientific processes. This is work in laboratories, research institutes, etc. Many university graduates end up in drug manufacturing companies. The work of pharmacists is interesting and dynamic. After all, these specialists create substances that often help save our lives. 1.3. Varieties of specializations of the profession of a pharmacist In order to get the whole range of knowledge necessary to get the opportunity to work in the specialty "pharmacist", you should choose one of the following specializations:  Pharmacy;  pharmaceutical technology;  pharmaceutical chemistry. These faculties will give you the opportunity to become a certified pharmacist and build successful career in this industry. 1.4. Responsibilities of the profession The range of responsibilities directly depends on the type of activity and the chosen direction in work. 1.Pharmacist-seller. This is a pharmacy worker. Every day, your job will be to communicate with people, answer their questions and select analogues of drugs that are similar in composition to those that were prescribed by doctors. In addition, a pharmacist working in a pharmacy is responsible for keeping records of the receipt and consumption of medicines. In some pharmacies, these specialists prepare drugs according to a prescription issued by a doctor. Also, such specialists are responsible for the proper storage of drugs. Many medicines require special conditions. The sales pharmacist writes reports and is responsible for restocking. All drugs must be available in the required quantity. 2. Pharmaceutical researcher. These specialists work in laboratories. They are engaged in in-depth research of various diseases, processes, bacteria, etc. Based on the data obtained, they create effective methods of combating diseases. Nowadays, the search for effective drugs for AIDS, EBOLA and other dangerous incurable diseases is the most relevant. There are several levels of access and danger of laboratories. Only the most experienced and accurate 6

2. Conducting research 2.1. Poll 1) What is your age?  1314  1516  1718 2) In your opinion, is the profession of a pharmacist interesting?  Yes  No 3) Is the profession of a pharmacist relevant?  Yes  No 4) Is the profession of a pharmacist profitable?  Yes  No 5) In your opinion, is the profession of a pharmacist difficult?  Difficult  Not very difficult  Not difficult 8

6) What is the main quality of a pharmacist? 7) Is the profession of a pharmacist in demand in the labor market?  Yes  No 8) Is it easy to get a job and make a career as a pharmacist?  Easy  Difficult 2.2. Survey results 19 people took part in my survey. As a result of the survey, I found out: The result of question 1: The result of question 2: The result of question 3: The result of question 4: 9

Outcome of the 5th question: Outcome of the 6th question: Accuracy, responsibility, friendliness, love for the profession, kindness, sociability, patience, attentiveness, perseverance, ability to work with clients. Question 7 summary: Question 8 summary: 10

3. Work on the product 3.1. Initial ideas 1. Booklet 2. Article 3. Presentation 4. Brochure 5. Stand 3.2. Design Specification 1. Interesting 2. Understandable 3. Accessible 6. Winning Presentation 5. Meaningful 11 ​​4. Demanding

3.3. Product Selection Criteria #1 Product + Booklet + Article Presentation + + Brochure Booth + Conclusion: I choose to create a product in the form of a presentation, because this idea meets all the criteria I set. №2 + + №6 + + №3 + + + №4 + + + №5 + + 3.4. Product development 12

3.5. Finished product 13

Conclusion The goal and objectives of the project that I set were fulfilled. Product presentation created. Students of 911 classes can use my product to determine their future profession. I like the finished product, and I think that it does not require additional improvement. I have a desire to repeat the work, because I have experience and interest in this matter. In the process of working on the project, I studied: the history of pharmacology, the types of specializations of the profession of a pharmacist, the duties of the profession, who suits this profession, the demand and salary of the profession of a pharmacist. I also consolidated my knowledge in using the program for developing presentations. I was most successful with the paperwork. I did not experience any difficulties in the manufacture of the product. Making a presentation and designing a project was a pleasure for me. I rate my product as "excellent". I made the following conclusions on the work: 1. The profession of a pharmacist is quite diverse in the fields of application. Basically, these specialists are employed in pharmacies, acting as sellers of medicines. But they perform not only the function of implementation, but also the selection of analogues, alternatives, etc. Quite often, pharmacists help determine which medicine to choose. Second 14

the direction of activity can be called scientific processes. This is work in laboratories, research institutes, etc. 2. The work of a pharmacist is interesting and dynamic. After all, these specialists create substances that often help save our lives. They are an integral part of the healthcare system of any civilized country. References 1. Profession "Pharmacist" [Electronic resource] / Electron. // EDUNEWS: access: website 20012018. Electronic mode. 2. Profession pharmacist. Description of the profession. Where to study as a pharmacist [Electronic resource] / Electron. Dan. // electron. Website 2017. Access mode: 15

,  Desired situation: I want to know more about the procession of a pharmacist  Real situation: I do not know enough about the procession of a pharmacist Signs: 1) Increased self-esteem Decreased self-esteem 2) Admiration of others Disappointment of others Contradictions: Appendix 1 16

1) My self-esteem increases when I know more information about the profession of a pharmacist, but this is not so. 2) I want others to admire my knowledge of the profession of a pharmacist, but this is not so. Problem: I want to know more about the profession of a pharmacist, but I don’t know how to achieve this. I want to know more about the profession of a pharmacist, but I don’t know how to achieve this. Appendix 2 No. Solutions Search for information 1 on the Internet 2 Talking with relatives about + 1. Availability of materials 2. Unlimited time 3. Cost-effective 4. More complete study of materials 5. Self-improvement 6. Increasing the level of knowledge 1. Unlimited time 1. Damage to eyesight 2. Fatigue 1. Incomplete study of materials 17

3 of this profession Talking with a pharmacist 2. Not afraid of talking 1. Not expensive 2. Self-improvement 2. Tiredness 1. Fear of talking 2. Tiredness 3. Incompleteness of knowledge Conclusion: based on the analysis of solutions, I choose solution No. 1, because on the this moment he is the most suitable. Annex 3 Goal Tasks Steps Resources Deadline Mark of completion + Develop a presentation “Pharmacist Profession 1. Collect and analyze information about this profession 2. Conduct 1.1. View and analyze websites and books with this information 2.1. Poll: Informational, material 10/30/2017 Informational 11/16/2017 + 18

evt "internet survey in 3. Study the rules for developing a presentation 4. Familiarize others with the results of the project and demonstrate product, material, intellectual, financial Information, material 02/25/2018 + Labor, intellectual 04/09/2018 + "Relevance of the profession pharmacist 2.2.Summarize the survey 3.1.View sites with development rules 3.2.Consult with a computer science teacher 4.1.Prepare the product for demonstration 4.2.Prepare a speech 4.3.Demonstrate the product 19

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

2 slide

Description of the slide:

3 slide

Description of the slide:

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The profession of a pharmacist is ancient history. The first medicines were invented long before they learned to write, so no written recipes of that time have been preserved. But the references to the healers of the ancient period of various civilizations have been preserved, and in large numbers. These respected people themselves prepared medicines, drugs from the means known to them alone, and carefully guarded their recipes. First scientific research Greeks were engaged in the field of pharmaceuticals. Their work was continued by the scholars of Rome. But the separation between doctors and pharmacists occurred only in the 13th century in Europe.

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Medicines are complex chemicals, and taking them does not always give the expected result. Often the opposite happens: with the uncontrolled use of medications, you can significantly worsen your health.

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It is a specialist in the manufacture, research and sale of medicines. These workers can be found in the pharmacy right behind the counter. The head pharmacist is called a pharmacist. There are several types of organizations where you can meet people who perform such functions. In addition to pharmacies and drug warehouses, there are also organizations that collect and process material for the manufacture of medicines, research institutes and laboratories. Pharmacist, with persistent work and improvement of his professional level, over time, can become a pharmacist who leads a team of specialists in this field. A pharmacist must know chemistry, botany (with regard to medicinal plants), be attentive and responsible.

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The pharmacist informs doctors and patients about the availability of medicines, their pharmacological action, indications and contraindications for use, about comparative characteristics with analogue drugs. Not everyone can do the job of a pharmacist. It makes special demands on the personality of a person. Pharmacists do not have the right to marriage, as mistakes in their work can be tragic and irreparable. Increased requirements for cleanliness make the work of a pharmacist completely contraindicated for a person who is sloppy, inattentive, disorganized and irresponsible. The advantages of the profession: demand in the market, the importance of labor. Limitations of the profession: working conditions (work with harmful drugs), increased responsibility.

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The profession of a pharmacist belongs to the "Man - Nature" type, it is associated with the study, observation and interaction with animate and inanimate nature, it requires a high level of observation and attentiveness. It also belongs to the “Man-Sign” type, as it is associated with symbolic information: texts, numbers, formulas and tables, it requires logical abilities, the ability to concentrate, interest in working with information, developed attention and perseverance. The profession of a pharmacist belongs to the “heuristic” class, it is associated with analysis, research and testing, control and planning, managing other people, it requires high erudition, originality of thinking, the desire for development and continuous learning.

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A pharmacist is a specialist who thoroughly understands medicines, their use, composition and dosages. The work of a pharmacist often includes: Ensuring the work of a pharmacy: its employees and technical part (devices); Tracking the availability of drugs in the pharmacy, taking prescriptions and dispensing drugs for them; Buyer consulting; Preparation of prescription drugs; If necessary, the provision of first aid, etc.

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For the successful development of the profession of a pharmacist, basic knowledge of chemistry, biology, and medicine is necessary. A qualified pharmacist should know: general medicine; rules for the development, preparation, research (analysis), storage, dispensing of medicines; principles of dosage of drugs and the nomenclature of medical substances; principles of dispensing norms for certain drugs (including narcotic and potent formulations), as well as requirements for the conditions and terms of storage of drugs, etc. A qualified pharmacist must be able to: work with medicines; work with medicines; render medical care etc.

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For successful work as a pharmacist, the following professionally important qualities are necessary: ​​the ability to concentrate attention developed mathematical abilities a propensity to work with objects of nature a propensity to work with information developed logical abilities a propensity for service work emotional stability

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A pharmacist can work both independently and in a team, which may consist of several specialists. Most often, representatives of this profession work indoors. It can be offices of companies and organizations, pharmacies. Work occurs mainly sitting or standing, using special tools. As a rule, this is a quiet activity, although the work of a pharmacist can often involve communicating with people. The pharmacist is quite independent in his work. It can make its own decisions within the framework of the assigned tasks, but is limited by the requirements of technology, prescription characteristics and legal norms.

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Medical restrictions for a pharmacist: diseases of the musculoskeletal system; nervous system; of cardio-vascular system; organs of hearing and vision; immune system; various forms allergies; virus carriers (for example, tuberculosis). In the presence of these diseases, work in a profession ... can lead to poor health, as well as create insurmountable obstacles to development and growth within this profession.

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