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Manual for the operation of civil aerodromes Russian Federation(REGA RF-94)

See also Order of Rosaeronavigatsia No. 119 of November 28, 2007 On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules Placement of markings and devices on buildings, structures, communication lines, power lines, radio equipment and other objects installed to ensure the safety of aircraft flights

3.3.1. Daytime markings and lighting of high-altitude obstacles are intended to provide information about the presence of these obstacles.

3.3.2. Obstacles are subdivided into obstacles located on the aerodrome territory and on the terrain within the airways.

3.3.3. The height of any obstacle should be considered its height relative to the absolute mark of the area on which it is located.

If the obstacle stands on a separate hill that stands out from the general flat terrain, the height of the obstacle is calculated from the bottom of the hill.

3.3.4. Obstacles can be permanent or temporary. Permanent obstacles include stationary structures with a permanent location, temporary - all temporarily installed high-rise structures (construction cranes and scaffolding, drilling rigs, supports of temporary power lines, etc.).

3.3.5. The following are subject to daily marking:

All immovable permanent and temporary obstacles located on the aerodrome territory and airways, rising above the established obstacle limitation surfaces, as well as objects located in the aircraft movement and maneuvering areas, the presence of which may violate or worsen flight safety conditions;

Located on the territory of air access lanes at the following distances:

up to 1 km from the LP all obstacles;

from 1 km to 4 km with a height of more than 10 m;

from 4 km to the end of the toll tower with a height of 50 m or more;

air traffic control, radio navigation and landing facilities, regardless of their height and location;

objects with a height of 100 m or more, regardless of their location.

3.3.6. Marking of objects and structures should be carried out by enterprises, as well as organizations that build or operate them.

3.3.7. The need and nature of marking and light protection of the designed buildings and structures are determined in each specific case by the relevant civil aviation authorities when agreeing on the construction.

3.3.8. Radio engineering facilities located on the aerodrome territory are subject to special marking and light protection at the request of the DVT and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

3.3.9. Obstacles that are especially dangerous for aircraft flights, regardless of their location, must have radio marking means, the composition and performance data of which in each individual case must be agreed with the DVT and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

3.3.10. Objects that are shaded by higher marked objects are not subject to day marking.

Note: A shaded obstacle is any object or structure whose height does not exceed the height defined by two planes:

Horizontally, drawn through the top of the marked object, and away from the runway;

A slope drawn through the top of the marked object and having a downward slope of 10% towards the runway.

3.3.11. Daytime markings must stand out clearly against the background of the terrain, be visible from all directions and have two markedly different marking colors: red (orange) and white.

3.3.12. Objects that, according to their functional purpose, should be located near the airstrip and on the territory of the VFR, intended for servicing flights (ATC facilities, BPM, DPRM, GRM, CRM, etc., excluding the control tower):

a) whose projection on any vertical plane has a width and height of less than 1.5 m, should be painted in one clearly visible color (orange or red) in accordance with Fig. 3.26. a;

b) having solid surfaces, the projection of which on any vertical plane is or exceeds 4.5 m in both dimensions, should be marked with squares with a side of 1.5 - 3.0 m in the form of a checkerboard, and the corners should be painted in a darker color (Fig. 3.26. b);

in) having continuous surfaces, one side of which in the horizontal or vertical dimension exceeds 1.5 m, and the other side in the horizontal or vertical dimension is less than 4.5 m, should be painted in stripes alternating in color with a width of 1.5 - 3.0 m. The stripes are applied perpendicularly the larger dimension and the extreme ones are painted in a dark color (Fig. 3.26, c).

3.3.13. On the aerodrome territory of airports and air routes of the Russian Federation and MBL, structures up to 100 m high are marked from the top point by 1/3 of the height with horizontal stripes 0.5 - 6.0 m wide, alternating in color (Fig. 3.26, d).

The number of stripes alternating in color must be at least three, with the extreme stripes painted in a dark color.

On the aerodrome territory of international airports and air routes international importance these objects are marked with horizontal stripes of the same width alternating in color from top to bottom (Fig. 3.26, e).

3.3.14. Structures with a height of more than 100 m, as well as structures of a frame-lattice type located at airports (regardless of their height) are marked from top to bottom with alternating stripes with a width taken in accordance with Table. 3.6, but not more than 30 m. The stripes are applied perpendicular to the larger dimension, the extreme stripes are painted in a dark color (Fig. 3.26, f, g).

Table 3.6

Note: The stripes must be equal in width; the width of individual bands may differ from the width of the main bands by up to ±20%.

3.3.15. A light fence must be provided at all obstacles specified in paragraphs. 3.3.2 - 3.3.14, in order to ensure safety during night flights and flights in poor visibility.

3.3.16 . Obstacle lights must be used for light protection. High-intensity lights are installed on especially dangerous obstacles.

3.3.17. Obstacles must have a light fence at the highest part (point) and below every 45 m. The distances between intermediate tiers, as a rule, must be the same.

On the chimneys, the upper lights are placed 1.5 - 3.0 m below the cut of the pipe. Schemes of marking and light protection are shown in fig. 3.26, h, i. The number and location of obstruction lights on each tier must be such that at least two obstruction lights are visible from any direction of flight (at any angle of azimuth).

3.3.18. Structures exceeding the angular planes of the restriction of the height of obstacles are additionally light-shielded with twin lights at the level of their intersection with the planes.

3.3.19. At the upper points of the obstacle, two lights (main and reserve) are installed, operating simultaneously, or one at a time if there is a device for automatically switching on the reserve light when the main light fails. The standby fire automatic switch must operate in such a way that, in the event of its failure, both obstruction lights remain on.

Rice. 3.26. Scheme for marking high-altitude obstacles.
(Note: A, B are 45 - 90m; C, D, D less than or equal to 45 m.)

3.3.20. If in any direction the barrage is covered by another (near) object, then an additional barrage should be provided on this object. In this case, the barrage covered by the object, if it does not indicate obstacles, is not installed.

3.3.21. Extended obstacles or a group of obstacles located close to each other are light-shielded at the highest points at intervals of no more than 45 m along the general contour. The top points of the highest obstacles inside the fenced contour and the corner points of an extended obstacle must be marked with two obstruction lights in accordance with the rules provided for in paragraph 3.3.19 (see Figure 3.26, i).

3.3.22. For extended obstacles in the form of horizontal networks (antennas, power lines, etc.) suspended between masts, obstruction lights are installed on masts (supports) regardless of the distance between them.

3.3.23 . Tall buildings and structures located inside built-up areas are light-shielded from top to bottom up to a height of 45 m above the average building height.

In some cases, when the location of the tiers of obstruction lights violates the architectural design of public buildings, the location of the lights along the facade can be changed in agreement with the relevant departments of the Air Transport Department.

3.3.24. The distribution of light and the installation of obstruction lights should ensure their observation from all directions within the range from the zenith to 5 ° below the horizon. The maximum luminous intensity of obstruction lights should be directed at an angle of 4 to 15° above the horizon.

3.3.25. Obstruction lights must be of constant red emission with a luminous intensity of at least 10 cd in all directions.

3.3.26. Flashing white lights can be used to illuminate isolated obstacles located outside the areas of airfields and not having extraneous lights around them. The strength of the barrage in a flash should be at least 10 cd, and the frequency of flashes should be at least 60 per minute.

In the case of installation of several flashing lights at the facility, simultaneous flashes must be ensured.

3.3.27. The light barrier should be switched on for operation during the period of the dark time of the day (from sunset to sunrise), as well as for the period of daylight in case of poor and degraded visibility (fog, haze, snowfall, rain, etc.).

3.3.28. Turning on and off the light barrier of obstacles in the aerodrome area should be carried out by the owners of the objects and the ATC control center according to the specified mode of operation.

In case of failure of automatic devices for turning on obstruction lights, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of turning on the obstruction lights manually.

3.3.29. Means of light protection of airfield obstacles according to the conditions of power supply should be related to consumers of electricity of the first category.

It is allowed to power the obstruction lights through one cable line from the power buses of power receivers of the first category of reliability.

3.3.30. Obstruction lights and light beacons must be powered by separate feeders connected to the busbars of the switchgears. Feeders must be provided with emergency (backup) power supply.

3.3.31. Light barriers must be securely fastened, have access for safe maintenance and devices that ensure their exact installation in their original position after maintenance.

3.3.32. Airfield sections not suitable for operation at night must be marked with obstruction lights at the beginning and end of the sections. At the same time, on unsuitable sections of the taxiway, the taxiing lights are turned off. The obstruction light must be of constant radiation, red in color and have a luminous intensity of at least 10 cd.

3.3.33. Obstacle lights installed on objects located on the take-off and landing courses of the aircraft (LBRM, BPRM, KRM, etc.) must be placed on a line perpendicular to the runway axis, with an interval between lights of at least 3.0 m. The light must be of twin construction and luminous intensity of at least 30 cd.

Document's name: On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules for the radio equipment of aircraft flights"
Document Number: 119
Type of document: Order of Rosaeronavigatsia
Host body: Rosaeronavigatsia
Status: current
Acceptance date: November 28, 2007

On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules "Placement of markings and devices on buildings, structures, communication lines, power lines, radio equipment and other objects installed for security purposes.



In accordance with Article 51 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 12, Art. 1383; 1999, N 28, Art. 3483; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; N 45, Art. 4347; 2005 , N 13, art. 1078; 2006, N 30, art. 3290, 3291) and clause of the Regulations on the Federal Air Navigation Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.03.2006 N 173 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 15, art. 1612; N 44, art. 4593),

I order:

Approve and put into effect the attached Federal Aviation Rules "Placement of markings and devices on buildings, structures, communication lines, power lines, radio equipment and other objects installed to ensure the safety of aircraft flights."

A.V. Neradko

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
December 6, 2007
registration N 10621

"Placement of markings and devices on buildings,
structures, communication lines, power lines,
radio equipment and other objects,
installed for security purposes
aircraft flights"

I. General provisions

1.1. These Federal Aviation Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) determine the organization and procedure for placing markings and devices on buildings, structures, communication lines, power lines, radio equipment and other objects installed to ensure the safety of aircraft flights.

II. Day marking of obstacles and objects

2.1. Daytime marking (hereinafter - marking) is applied to all objects located within the boundaries of the planned part to the edge of the airstrip, as well as to obstacles in the form of buildings and structures protruding beyond the established transitional surfaces, the inner horizontal surface, the take-off and approach surfaces within 4000 m from the lower limits.

2.2. The absence of marking on monuments, places of worship, buildings outside the airfield fences is allowed. It is also acceptable to have no markings on pipes and other red brick structures and on objects "obscured" by taller marked immovable objects.

2.3. The marking is applied to air traffic control (hereinafter referred to as ATC), radio navigation and landing facilities, excluding the command and control tower (hereinafter referred to as CTC), intended for servicing flights and located near the airstrip and on the territory of the air approach strip.

2.4. Marking of objects should have colors - red (orange) and white.

2.5. Objects to be marked and having practically continuous surfaces are painted:

a) in one color (red or orange), if the projections of the surfaces of the object on any vertical plane have a width and height of less than 1.5 m;

b) in a checkerboard pattern with rectangles (squares) with a side of 1.5-3.0 m, if the projections of the surfaces of the object on any vertical plane are or exceed 4.5 m in both dimensions, and the corners are painted in a dark color;

c) alternating in color stripes 0.5-3.0 m wide perpendicular to the larger dimension, if one of the sides of the object in the horizontal or vertical dimension is or more than 1.5 m, and the other side is or less than 4.5 m, and the extreme the stripes are painted in dark color (Appendix N 1 to the Rules).

2.6. Objects (pipes, television and meteorological masts, power transmission line supports, communications, etc.):

a) at a height of up to 100 m, they are marked from the top point to the line of intersection with the obstacle limitation surface, but not less than 1/3 of their height, with horizontal stripes 0.5-6.0 m wide, alternating in color. The minimum number of alternating stripes - three (Appendix N 1 to the Rules);

b) structures of frame-lattice type located at airports (regardless of their height) are marked from top to bottom with stripes alternating in color (Appendix No. 1 to the Rules);

c) at a height of more than 100 m, they are marked from top to bottom with stripes alternating in color (Appendix No. 2 to the Rules). When marking, be guided by the ratio of the height of the object and the width of the marking strip given in Table 1 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules.

III. Obstacle lighting

3.1. Objects in the form of buildings and structures, communication lines and power lines, radio engineering and other artificial structures protruding beyond the internal horizontal, conical or transitional surface, take-off surface or approach surface within 6000 m from their internal boundaries, must have a light fence ( hereinafter - light protection).

3.2. The absence of light protection on monuments and places of worship, as well as on objects "shadowed" by a higher immovable object with light protection, is allowed. (The application of the "shading" principle is set out in Appendix No. 3 to the Rules.)

3.3. The objects of radio lighting and meteorological equipment located on the territory of the airfield are subject to light protection.

3.4. Obstacles must have a light fence at the highest part (point) and below every 45 m (no more) in tiers, while at the upper points of the obstacles at least two obstacle lights must be installed, working simultaneously.

On chimneys, the upper lights should be placed 1.5-3.0 m below the pipe cut.

3.5. The number and location of obstruction lights at each level to be marked must be such that at least two lights are visible from any direction in the horizontal plane.

If in any direction the light is obscured by a nearby object, then additional lights must be provided on that object, installed so that they give general idea about an object subject to a light fence, and a screened fire is not installed.

3.6. Obstacle lights installed on objects located in the alignment of the runway (hereinafter referred to as the runway), the far locator radio marker point (hereinafter referred to as LTRM), the near locator radio marker point (hereinafter referred to as LRPM), the localizer (hereinafter referred to as KRM), etc. etc., should be placed on a line perpendicular to the axis of the runway, with an interval between lights of at least 3 m. The light should be of a twin design with a luminous intensity of at least 30 cd.

3.7. On objects of great extent, or groups of closely spaced objects, overhead obstruction lights, at least on the points or edges of objects having the greatest elevation in relation to the obstacle limitation surface, should be placed so that the general outline and extent can be determined. object. If two or more edges of an obstacle are at the same height, only the edge closest to the airfield may be marked.

When obstruction lights of low intensity are used, the longitudinal intervals between them should not exceed 45 m, and for lights of medium intensity - 90 m.

3.8. On long obstacles in the form of antennas, power lines, communications, etc., suspended between supports, obstruction lights must be installed on masts (supports), regardless of the distance between them.

3.9. High-rise buildings and structures located inside built-up areas must be marked with obstruction lights from top to bottom up to a height of 45 m above the average building height.

Examples of placement of obstruction lights on structures of various heights and configurations are given in Appendix No. 4 to the Rules.

3.10. At the upper points of the objects, dual obstruction lights should be provided, operating simultaneously or one at a time, if there is a device for automatically switching on a backup light when the main light fails.

The machine for switching on the reserve light must operate in such a way that, in the event of its failure, both obstruction lights are turned on.

3.11. Lights of low, medium or high intensity, or a combination of them, are used as obstruction lights (Appendix No. 5 to the Rules).

3.12. Low-intensity obstruction lights on fixed objects should be permanent red lights.

The intensity of the light should be such that they are visible, taking into account the intensity of neighboring lights and the general brightness of the background against which they will be observed. In this case, the light intensity of the fire in any direction must be at least 10 cd.

3.13. For the light protection of detached objects located outside the aerodrome zone and not having extraneous lights around them, it is allowed to use low-intensity flashing lights emitting white light. The effective luminous intensity in a flash should be at least 10 cd, the frequency of flashes should be 60-90 per minute. All flashing lights installed on the object must work synchronously.

3.14. Medium intensity obstruction lights must be flashing red lights with an effective luminous intensity of at least 1600 cd. The frequency of flashes should be 20-60 flashes per minute.

When used in conjunction with high-intensity obstruction lights, white flashing lights are allowed.

3.15. High intensity obstruction lights must be flashing white lights.

IV. Characteristics of obstacle limitation surfaces

4.1. With regard to the direction of the take-off runway, a take-off obstacle limitation surface is established, which is an inclined plane located outside the runway (Appendices No. 3, 6, 7 to the Rules).

The takeoff surface has:

a) the lower edge of the specified length, located horizontally at the end of the runway, perpendicular and symmetrical to the center line of the runway;

b) two lateral limits beginning at the ends of the lower edge, diverging uniformly at a specified angle from the aircraft's take-off track:

- up to a width of 2000 m and then continuing in parallel to the upper limit - for runways of classes A, B, C, D;

- up to the upper limit of the established length - for runways of classes D and E;

c) an upper limit that runs horizontally and perpendicular to the aircraft's take-off track.

The height of the lower limit of the take-off surface is equal to the height of the highest point of the terrain on the continuation of the runway center line within the limits from the end of the runway to the end of the runway.

For a straight takeoff surface, the slope of the surface is measured in a vertical plane containing the runway center line.

For a curved take-off surface, the slope of the surface is measured in a vertical plane containing the aircraft's established take-off track.

4.2. The conical surface is a surface extending upwards and to the sides from the outer boundary of the inner horizontal surface (Appendix No. 6 to the Rules).

The conical surface has:

a) the lower boundary coinciding with the outer boundary of the inner horizontal surface;

b) the upper boundary, which is the line of intersection of the given surface with the outer horizontal surface.

The slope of the conical surface is measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the outer boundary of the inner horizontal surface and is 5% for aerodromes of all classes (Appendix No. 7 to the Rules).

4.3. The inner horizontal surface is an oval-shaped surface located in a horizontal plane above the aerodrome and the territory adjacent to it at a given height relative to the height of the aerodrome (Appendix No. 6 to the Rules).

The outer boundary of this surface is a line formed by tangents and arcs of circles of a specified radius (Appendix No. 7 to the Rules).

4.4. The approach surface is an inclined plane or a combination of planes located in front of the runway threshold (appendices NN 6, 7 to the Rules).

The approach surface has:

a) the lower edge of a specified length, located horizontally at a specified distance before the threshold of the runway, perpendicular and symmetrical to the center line of the runway;

b) two sides starting from the ends of the inner edge and diverging uniformly at a specified angle to the runway center line extension;

The height of the lower edge of the approach surface corresponds to the height of the runway threshold midpoint.

The slope of the approach surface is measured in the vertical plane containing the runway center line.

4.5. The transitional surface is an inclined combined surface located along the lateral boundary of the approach surface and the airfield and extending upwards and to the sides to the inner horizontal surface (Appendices Nos. 6 and 7 to the Rules).

The transitional surface is a control surface for limiting natural and artificial obstacles, the functional purpose of which does not require their placement near the runway.

The slope of the transitional surface is measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the axis of the runway or its extension.

The transitional surface has:

a) a lower edge beginning at the intersection of the lateral edge of the approach surface with the inner horizontal surface and continuing downward along the lateral edge of the approach surface and continuing along the runway parallel to the center line of the runway for a distance equal to half the length of the lower edge of the approach surface;

b) the upper boundary located in the plane of the inner horizontal surface.

The height of the bottom edge of the surface is a variable. The height of a point on this border is:

a) along the lateral edge of the approach surface, the elevation of the approach surface at that point;

b) along the runway - exceeding the nearest point of the runway center line or its extension.

The part of the transitional surface located along the runway is curved for a curved runway profile or is a plane for a straight runway profile.

The line of intersection of the transitional surface with the inner horizontal surface will also be curved or rectilinear depending on the runway profile.

4.6. The inner approach surface is an inclined surface located in front of the runway threshold (appendices Nos. 6 and 7 to the Rules).

The inner approach surface has:

a) a lower edge coinciding with the lower edge of the approach surface, but having a shorter length;

b) two side borders starting at the ends of the bottom border;

c) an upper boundary parallel to the lower boundary.

4.7. The inner transitional surface is a surface similar to the transitional surface, but located closer to the runway (appendices N 7, 8 to the Rules).

The inner transitional surface is an obstacle limitation control surface for navigation aids, which should be located near the runway of aircraft on the taxiway (hereinafter referred to as taxiway) and other vehicles.

The slope of the inner transitional surface is measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the center line of the runway or its extension.

The inner transitional surface has:

a) a lower edge beginning at the end of the upper edge of the inner approach surface and extending along the lateral edge of that surface and continuing along the runway parallel to the runway center line and then along the lateral edge of the aborted landing surface to the end of the upper edge of that surface;

b) an upper limit located at a height of 60 m relative to the height of the aerodrome.

The height of the lower boundary of the inner transitional surface is a variable and is equal to:

- along the lateral boundary of the inner approach surface and the aborted landing surface - the elevation of the corresponding surface at the point under consideration;

- along the runway - exceeding the nearest point on the runway center line.

The part of the inner transitional surface located along the runway is curved for a curved runway profile or flat for a straight runway profile. The upper limit of the inner transitional surface is curved or straight depending on the runway profile.

4.8. The aborted landing surface is an inclined surface located beyond the runway threshold and passing between the inner transitional surfaces (Appendices Nos. 7 and 8 to the Rules).

The aborted landing surface has:

a) a lower edge perpendicular to the runway center line at a specified distance beyond the runway threshold;

b) two sides beginning at the ends of the lower edge and radiating uniformly at a specified angle from a vertical plane containing the runway center line;

c) an upper boundary parallel to the lower boundary and located at a height of 60 m relative to the height of the aerodrome.

The height of the lower boundary is equal to the elevation of the runway center line at the location of the lower boundary.

The inclination of the aborted landing surface is measured in the vertical plane containing the runway center line.

Annex N 1. Basic marking schemes

Appendix No. 1

"Placement of markings and
devices on buildings, structures,
communication lines, power lines,
radio equipment
and other objects established
for security purposes

by order of Rosaeronavigatsia
dated November 28, 2007 N 119

Basic marking schemes

Appendix N 2. Examples of marking and light protection of high structures

Appendix No. 2
to the Federal Aviation Regulations
"Placement of markings and
devices on buildings, structures,
communication lines, power lines,
radio equipment
and other objects established
for security purposes
aircraft flights", approved
by order of Rosaeronavigatsia
dated November 28, 2007 N 119

marking and light protection of high structures

A - coloring template for the upper part of the cover.

B - curved surface.

C - frame structure

Note: H is less than 45 m for the examples shown in figures 1 and 2. For taller structures, additional intermediate lights are needed, as shown in figure 3.

Number of tiers of lights: N =

Table 1. Marking strip widths

Table 1

Structure height, m

The width of the line

100 to 210

1/7 of the object's height

210 to 270

270 to 330

330 to 390

390 to 450

450 to 510

510 to 570

570 to 630

Annex N 3. Obstacle shading rules

Appendix No. 3
to the Federal Aviation Regulations
"Placement of markings and
devices on buildings, structures,
communication lines, power lines,
radio equipment
and other objects established
for security purposes
aircraft flights", approved
by order of Rosaeronavigatsia

obstacle shading

1. General Provisions

An "obscured" obstacle is an obstacle located in the "obscuring" zone and does not intersect the "obscuring" surface, which passes through the top of the "obscuring" obstacle.

The "shading" zone is formed only by fixed obstacles that are not light and brittle.

If an extended obstruction is only partly located in a "shadowing" area, the remainder of the obstruction must be treated as a normal obstacle to which the "shadowing" rules do not apply.

2. Inner horizontal and conical surfaces

The zone of "shadowing" from point obstacles located within the inner horizontal and conical surfaces is a circle with a radius of 100 meters with a center at the point where the obstacle is located. The "shading" surface passes through the top of the obstacle with a downward slope of 15% (Fig. 1).

The zone of "shading" from extended obstacles located within the inner horizontal and conical surfaces is a strip 100 m wide along the perimeter of the obstacle. The "shading" surface passes through the top of the obstacle with a downward slope of 15% (Fig. 1).

"Shadow" from obstacles located near the boundaries of the approach surface, transition surfaces or take-off surface does not extend to the areas of these surfaces (Fig. 1).

The height of the "shading" surface at a distance L from the "shading" obstacle is equal to

H \u003d Hp - 0.15L,

where Нп is the height of the "shading" obstacle;

L is the distance from the "shading" obstacle.

The distance L is determined from the plan of the inner horizontal and conical surfaces.

Fig.1. To the formation of a zone of "shadowing" by obstacles located within
internal horizontal and conical surfaces:

1 - obstacle; 2 - "shading" zone; 5, 6 - obstacles in the zone of "shading";
3, 4, 7, 8 - limiting surfaces.

3. Approach surface

Point obstacles located within the approach surface cannot be considered as "obscuring" obstacles.

To draw a zone of "shading" from extended obstacles on the approach surface plan (Fig. 2), lines are drawn from the edges of the "shading" obstacle, parallel to the lateral boundaries of the approach surface.

The "shading" surface is formed by two planes, one of which passes through the top of the "shading" obstacle with a downward slope of 15% in the direction of the runway, the second - horizontally in the direction from the runway (Fig. 2). The "obscuring" surface continues either to the point of intersection with the approach surface, or to the point where the lines drawn from the edges of the "obscuring" obstacle (the lines forming the "obscuring" zone) intersect, whichever is closer to " shading" obstacle (Fig. 2).

The height of the "shading" surface towards the runway is equal to:

The height of the "shading" surface in the direction from the runway is equal to:

Fig.2. To the formation of a zone of "shadowing" by a continuous obstacle
within the approach surface:

1 - obstacle; 2 - "shading" zone.

4. Takeoff surface

Within the take-off surface, an "obscuration" area is created by any immovable obstacle (point or extended, but not light or brittle) exceeding the 1.6% or 1.2% slope, as appropriate, as specified in the Aerodrome Airworthiness Standards.

Its inner boundary starts from a line drawn through the top of the "shading" obstacle perpendicular to the axis of the take-off surface zone. The "obscuring" surface is formed by a plane drawn horizontally from the inner edge of the zone in the direction from the runway to the intersection with the take-off surface, having an inclination of 1.6% or 1.2%, as appropriate (Figure 3).

The height of the "shading" surface is: H = Hp.

Fig.3. To the formation of a "shading" zone within the take-off surface:

1 - obstacle; 2, 4 - restrictive surfaces; 3 - "shading" surface; 5 - zone "shading"

Appendix N 4. Light protection of buildings

Appendix No. 4
to the Federal Aviation Regulations
"Placement of markings and
devices on buildings, structures,
communication lines, power lines,
radio equipment
and other objects established
for security purposes
aircraft flights", approved
by order of Rosaeronavigatsia
dated November 28, 2007 N 119

Light protection of buildings

A, B = 45-90 m

C, D, E< 45 м

Annex N 5. Characteristics of obstruction lights

Appendix No. 5
to the Federal Aviation Regulations
"Placement of markings and
devices on buildings, structures,
communication lines, power lines,
radio equipment
and other objects established
for security purposes
aircraft flights", approved
by order of Rosaeronavigatsia
dated November 28, 2007 N 119

obstruction lights

Type of
signal (frequency

Peak intensity (in cd) at a given background brightness

Vertical. scattering angle.

Intensity (d) at given elevation angles when block of fire is horizontal


Over 500 cd

Less than 50 cd

10 deg. (e)

±0 deg.

Low Intensity type A (non-
vision obstruct-

Fast. glow

10 min.

10 min.

Low Intensity type B (non-
vision hinder-

Fast. glow

32 min.

32 min.

Medium intensive. type A

cov. (20-60 fpm)




3 deg, min.

50% min.
75% max.

Medium intensive. type B

cov. (20-60 fpm)


3 deg. min.

50% min.
75% max.

Medium intensive. type C



3 deg, min.

50% min/
75% max.

High intensity type A

cov. (40-60 fpm)




50% min.
75% max.

High intensity type B

cov. (40-60 fpm)




50% min.
75% max.

a) The number and arrangement of low, medium or high intensity obstruction lights at each level to be marked shall be such that the object is marked from all directions in the horizontal plane. If in any direction the light is obscured by another part of the object or a nearby object, additional lights are provided on this object and they are located in such a way as to give a general idea of ​​​​the object subject to light protection. If the shaded object does not contribute to the definition of the general outline of the object to be light-protected, it may not be installed.

b) Low-intensity obstruction lights, type C, mounted on vehicles used emergency service or security services are blue flashing lights and the lights fitted to other vehicles are amber flashing lights.

c) Beam spread angle is defined as the angle between two directions in a plane in which the intensity is 50% less than the value of the intensity range given in columns 4, 5 and 6. The beam shape is not necessarily symmetrical with respect to the elevation angle at which the peak intensity value is reached.

d) The elevation angles (vertical) are determined relative to the horizontal plane.

e) Intensity in the direction of any horizontal radial as a percentage of the actual peak intensity in the direction of the same radial for each of the intensity values ​​given in columns 4, 5 and 6.

e) Intensity in the direction of any specified horizontal radial as a percentage of the lower value of the intensity range given in columns 4, 5 and 6.

g) In addition to the specified values, the lights must be of sufficient intensity to ensure conspicuity at elevation angles in the range between + 0 degrees and 50 degrees.

h) Peak intensity should be achieved at a vertical angle of approximately 2.5 degrees.

i) Peak intensity should be achieved at a vertical angle of approximately 17 degrees.

fpm - flashes per minute; N/A - not applicable.

Annex N 6. Obstacle limitation surfaces

Appendix No. 6
to the Federal Aviation Regulations
"Placement of markings and
devices on buildings, structures,
communication lines, power lines,
radio equipment
and other objects established
for security purposes
aircraft flights", approved
by order of Rosaeronavigatsia
dated November 28, 2007 N 119

obstacle limits

Section A-A

Section B-B

Annex N 7. Parameters of obstacle limitation surfaces

Appendix No. 7
to the Federal Aviation Regulations
"Placement of markings and
devices on buildings, structures,
communication lines, power lines,
radio equipment
and other objects established
for security purposes
aircraft flights", approved
by order of Rosaeronavigatsia
dated November 28, 2007 N 119

obstacle limitation surfaces

Surface and its parameters

Runway direction for instrument approach

The direction of the runway for landing on minima I, II, III categories

Runway class

Runway class


slope, %

height, m ​​(relative to the inner horizontal surface)

Internal horizontal:

radius, m

height, m ​​(relative to the height of the airfield)


length of the lower border, m

distance from the runway threshold, m

first sector:

length, m

slope, %

second sector:


slope, %

horizontal sector, length*, m


* This length may vary depending on the height of the horizontal sector.

total length, m

Internal approach:

width, m

distance from the runway threshold, m

length, m

slope, %

Transient: slope, %

Internal transition: slope, %

Aborted landing:

length of the lower border, m

distance from the runway threshold**, m

** Or the distance from the threshold to the end of the runway opposite the direction of landing, whichever is less.

discrepancy in each direction, %

Take-off surface parameter*

Runway class

* All linear dimensions are given in the horizontal plane.

Length of the lower border, m

Discrepancy in each direction,%

Length, m

Upper border length, m

Annex No. 8. Obstacle limitation surfaces additionally established for landing on Category I, II and III minima

Appendix No. 8
to the Federal Aviation Regulations
"Placement of markings and
devices on buildings, structures,
communication lines, power lines,
radio equipment
and other objects established
for security purposes
aircraft flights", approved
by order of Rosaeronavigatsia
dated November 28, 2007 N 119

obstacle limits additionally set
for landing on minima I, II and III categories

1 - internal transitional;

2 - internal approach;

3 - internal horizontal;

4 - aborted landing.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and checked against:

Bulletin of regulations
federal bodies
executive power,
N 12, 03/24/2008 (text of the order and rules);

On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules "Placement of markings and devices on buildings, structures, communication lines, power lines, radio equipment and other objects installed to ensure the safety of aircraft flights"

Document's name:
Document Number: 119
Type of document: Order of Rosaeronavigatsia
Host body: Rosaeronavigatsia
Status: current
Published: Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies, N 12, 03/24/2008 (text of the order and rules)
Acceptance date: November 28, 2007

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Moscow 1992






AGREED Head of the Technical Department L. B. Godgelf

Chief engineer of the Institute

Head of Department


Responsible executor

to, so-called. S.A. Klyuev

The work is the property of SHIP Tyazhpromelectroproekt and is not subject to reproduction by other organizations and persons

Moscow 199 2






to consumers of electricity of the first category of reliability (see PUE in Clause 1.2.G7). The power supply schemes of the wind fence are shown in Figure 2.

3.2 In cases where it is difficult or impossible for specific objects to fulfill the requirement to power the light protection of aerodrome obstacles according to the first category of reliability, it is necessary to identify alternative solutions, taking into account local capabilities and the assumption specified below in clause 3.4, and coordinate these decisions with the relevant territorial departments of the MGA of the USSR or G) of the USSR.

3.3. Light protection of overhead power transmission towers can be powered by capacitive power take-off | from the overhead line in accordance with the recommendations developed by the institute pEnergosetproekt".

3.4. The obstruction lights of airfield obstacles (see clause 1.6) must be powered by two lines from switchboards of different transformers or from main shields, supply ^ e-! from these transformers, which are independent sources

kami<ри« в 2,а)

Each of the twin lights (see ref. 2.8 # 2.10), and the single lights in turn, should be connected to different lines.

It is allowed to power the obstruction lights through one cable line from the power buses of power receivers of the first category.

3.5. To improve the reliability of the power supply of the fence

telnaya lights of obstacles, not related to the airfield, power | It is recommended that the lighting of lights be carried out with two lines from distribution iobtqV different transformers or from main shields fed from these transformers, and if there is one


Fig 2 Light rail power supply schemes

a- recommended, bi-permissible, 1-bus 380 / 220V of a transformer substation or main point (for airfield obstacles, the power supply bus for power receivers of the first reliability category;, 2- protective device for the power supply line of the light fence; 3- line of the power supply network for the light fence, 4 - apparatus for protecting the group line of the light fence, 5 - group supply lines for obstruction lights.

Notes. I Designations in Figure 2.6 and 2,c are the same as in Figure 2,a

2 The diagrams do not show devices for remote and automatic control of obstruction lights.

k-__""""" li"-’G

transformer with two lines from the distribution dit of the transformer substation or the main shield (Riv 2.6),

Each of the twin lights (see p. 2.8, 2.10), and single lights in turn, should be connected to different lines.

3.6 It is not recommended to power the lights of the light barrier of any obstacles (aerodrome and on the ground) from group shields.

3.7. The power supply voltage of obstruction lights is assumed to be 380/220 V, the power supply voltage of each light is 220 V.

The power lines of lights can be carried out according to the systems three phases and zero, two phases and zero, phase and zero. !

3.8. The light fence should be switched on for work during the period of the dark time of the day (from sunset to sunrise), as well as for the period of daylight hours in case of bad weather.<й и ухудшенной видимости (туман, дымка, снегопад, дождь и т.п.).

3.8. Turning on and off the light protection of airfields! obstacles should be carried out by the owners of the facilities and the air traffic control tower according to the specified mode of operation*

3.10. Enabling and disabling high-rise light protection

obstacles in industrial enterprises, public buildings and structures, it is recommended to carry out from the room from which the outdoor lighting is controlled or from any other room of the building to which the high-rise structure belongs. !

3.11. Obstruction lights control circuits must ensure their automatic re-activation after the interrupted power supply is restored. Push-button control of the device

m M59^
-- lsh

It is not allowed to use them with remote switching on of light protection (magnetic starters, contactors).

Iormotion documentation_| F 14-№lp&| F 14-79

3.12. For high-altitude obstacles located on the ground outside the aerodrome areas (see clause 1.6), it is recommended to provide for automatic switching on and off of lighting lights depending on the level of natural illumination. It should be possible to switch from automatic to manual control.

3.13. Means of light barriers must have reliable fastening, convenient approaches for safe maintenance (ladders, platforms with a fence, etc.) and devices that ensure accurate installation of obstruction lights in their original position after maintenance.

3.14. Electrical wiring to obstruction lights inside buildings can be carried out by any means using cables and wires

with aluminum conductors, taking into account the environmental conditions in the premises and ensuring its reliability.

Outside buildings, light protection lines can be made with unarmored cables with aluminum conductors with plastic insulation (for example, АENG brand), laid in the ground and along the outer surfaces of buildings and structures * In places where mechanical damage to the cable is possible (for example, on the roofs of buildings when snow is dropped and etc.) cables must be protected by steel angles or laid in steel pipes.

3.15. The cross sections of the conductors of the lines feeding the obstruction lights must be chosen so that the voltage at the most distant lights is not less than 95# of the rated voltage of the lamps, i.a. not less than 209 V with lamps for a voltage of 220 V.

3.16. The metal cases of obstruction lights and other metal parts of electrical installations must be neutralized. As a neutral conductor, the neutral working wire of the obstruction lights power lines is used.

wr r "s> MG + "** * -__.____,

Uh6 #true flodn and date baap.au6.S* Drawings and text documents Forte/ BSdrntH Nov OTP

Normative documentation Ф W &2, l mg Ф 44-79


4o1. The most massive objects that require light protection include chimneys and other pipes for various purposes* The following are recommendations for designing light protection for pipes, regardless of their purpose*

4.2. The number of tiers of obstruction lights on the chimney and the height of the lower tier from the ground for chimneys located in the aerodrome areas should be determined in accordance with clause 2.9,

4.3. When the pipes are located on the ground outside the aerodrome territories (see clause 1.6), the lower tier of obstruction lights should be placed at a height of 45 m from the surfaces specified in clause 1.7. Distances between intermediate tiers should be no more than 45 m and, as a rule, the same *

4.4. The upper tier of obstruction lights should be placed 1.5-3 m below the pipe cut.

4.5. For each tier of obstruction lights on the pipe, an annular metal platform 0.8 m wide with a fence 1 m high should be provided.

The organization designing the pipe must provide for the indicated platforms and stairs according to the construction assignment of the lighting designers.

4.6. The number and location of obstruction lights on each site must be such that at least two obstruction lights are visible from any direction of flight (at any angle of azimuth).

4.7. Compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 4.6 and 2.8 of this work on the installation of two lights at the upper points of the obstacle can be ensured by the following two options for placing and powering obstruction lights:

1st option. Installation on the annular platform of each tier of three pairs (i.e. three double) constantly burning lights, shifted along the radii relative to each other at an angle of 120 °, with the power supply of different lights of the pair from two independent supply lines (Fig. 3).

2nd option. Installation on the annular platform of the upper tier of four pairs (i.e. four double) constantly burning lights, shifted along the radii relative to each other at an angle of 90 °, on each platform located below four single constantly burning lights, also shifted relative to each other by 90 ° , with power supply of different lights of a pair of the upper tier and two diametrically opposite lights of the lower tiers from two independent lines (Fig. 4).

4.8. Of the two options for placing obstruction lights on the stack indicated in clause 4.7, it is recommended to choose the one for which the total number of installed lights for this case will be the smallest.

Depending on the

number of tiers of lights on the pipe quantity

lights for each option is indicated in the table.

Number of tiers of lights on the pipe


lights, pcs.

1st option

2nd option

4.9. For pipe protection, it is recommended to use obstruction lights of the 30L-2M type, installed with the glass up on vertically located steel pipes with a diameter of 3/4 "at a height of 1.4-1.5 m (to the top of the glass) from the floor of the ring platform *

4"£0. For the safe maintenance of obstruction lights at the base of the pipe, it is necessary to install a disconnecting device for each line supplying obstruction lights * These devices must be inaccessible to unauthorized persons.

4.11. When installing a light fence on several pipes not far from each other, in case of technical feasibility, each line can be powered by obstruction lights of several pipes, provided that protection devices are installed on the branches to each pipe *

4.12. It is recommended to carry out the power lines of the light protection of pipes for a voltage of 380/220 V with three-phase four-wire

C I. UL L, l^iulr 0>C7_ U u ||

nymi, with alternate connection of obstruction lights to different phases of the network.

4.13. The supply of obstruction lights of pipes must meet the requirements of paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, the control of obstruction lights - paragraphs 3.9-3.12, the performance of electrical wiring paragraphs 3.13, 3.14, the zeroing of paragraph 3.15 of this work.

4.14. It is recommended to lay two cable 1 of the light protection power supply from the base of the pipe to the ring platforms along different routes, for example, placing the cables on different sides of the stairs.

4.15. Reply boxes installed on annular platforms at branches to obstruction lights must have a degree of protection of at least 1p43.

4)lpmnt ATT


Rio.^. second in option X0Ma power supply eag

th| - the height of the lower tier of lights: for chimneys on the aerodrome territories, it is established by the USSR MGA or the USSR Ministry of Defense; for pipes* located on the ground outside the aerodrome areas Hj = 45 m;

H ^ \u003d H 3 ^ g 45 m, regardless of the location of the pipe

A.V.S - network phase

I - disconnecting device at the base of the pipe

M 4159

Cover Title page Contents Abstract

1. Both provisions

2. Lighting part

3. Electrical part

4. Light protection of chimneys and spring pipes

15 e "o ^ o<




The paper deals with the issues of high-altitude obstacle light protection in order to ensure the safety of aircraft flights by visual detection of obstacles in dark time days.

The main regulatory requirements for light protection are given. the recommended types of obstruction lights are indicated. their scattering on obstacles, requirements for power sources and fire control, the implementation of electrical networks.




For chimneys and other pipes, as the most massive structures requiring light protection, the necessary instructions and recommendations are given.

The work is intended for use in the design of light barriers for high-altitude obstacles.

The work was approved by the State Research Institute of Air Navigation of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (letter L 71/34-622 dated May 15, 1992).


AF format


(o o -__ _ , ^___

W& Y*Signature Signature and date buapaib^L Drawings and text/>s documents Forte! B^drntH Night OTP

Normatibnod documentation FM-£2,lt *> F4Ts-19

I.I. The paper deals with the installation of a light barrier (light barrier) of high-altitude obstacles located on the aerodrome territories and on the ground outside these territories, using obstruction lights of constant red radiation "

The paper does not consider the issues of light protection of high-altitude obstacles located on the territories of the airfields themselves, air traffic control facilities, radio navigation, landing, high-altitude radio engineering objects (antennas and other masts), regardless of their location. The paper also does not consider the issues of light protection using white flashing lights. The design of the lighting protection of these objects is carried out, as a rule, by specialized organizations *

1.2 Light protection of high-altitude obstacles (buildings and structures) is provided to ensure the safety of aircraft flights by visual detection of obstacles at night, as well as during daylight hours in case of poor visibility (fog, haze, snowfall, rain, etc.).

1.3. The work is intended for use in the design of high-altitude obstacle lighting located in the territories indicated in the first paragraph of paragraph I.I.

1.4. The main regulatory requirements for the "device of light-protection of high-altitude obstacles" are contained in Chapter 3.4 "Manuals on the aerodrome service in civil aviation of the USSR"

1.5. The instructions and recommendations given in this paper on the design of high-altitude obstacle lighting are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of NAS GA-86 and taking into account many years of experience in designing light protection for various buildings and structures *

Normative documentation_1 Ф 1ЧЫлmg | Y 14 -75/ \S^-:7T |

1.6. High-altitude obstacles are divided into located

on the aerodrome territories (aerodrome obstacles) and located on the ground outside the aerodrome territories. i

1.7. The height of any obstacle should be considered its height.

that relative to the absolute mark of the area on which it is located. !

If the obstacle stands on a separate hill that stands out from the general flat terrain, the height of the obstacle is calculated from the bottom of the hill.

I.8 Q Obstacles may be permanent or temporary. Permanent obstacles include stationary buildings and structures; having a permanent location, to temporary - all temporarily installed high-rise structures (construction cranes, drilling rigs, supports of temporary power lines, etc.).

1.9. According to NAS GA-86, the need and nature of the light-enclosure of buildings and structures is determined in each case by the bodies of the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MGA) of the USSR or the Ministry of Defense (MO) of the USSR when agreeing on construction. The specified information must be requested, received and transmitted to j lighting designers of organizations - general designers or customers of projects *

M 4159

NOTE: Due to changes in 1991

Tsn& No.subdl Signed and ddma Qygninbein Drawings and text documents Forte! &3ctrne.H Iach, OT.L-

standardization code of documentation F 1Ch-b%lt2, F 14-79

state structures, in this work, where references are made to the MGA of the USSR and the USSR Ministry of Defense, one should mean the corresponding organizations - the successors of these ministries


2.1. For the light protection of buildings and structures, obstruction lights of constant red radiation with a luminous intensity in all directions of at least 10 cd are used 0

2.2. The distribution and installation of obstruction lights should ensure their observation from all directions within the range from the zenith to 5° below the horizon. The maximum luminous intensity of obstruction lights should be directed at an angle of 4-15° above the horizon.

2.3. For light barriers of high-altitude obstacles - obstruction lights of constant radiation types ZSSh-2 are used

and E0L-2M, manufactured according to TU 16-535.086-81, TU 16-535.063-81, with an incandescent lamp of the SGA 220-130 type for 220 V with a power of 130 W * These lights provide the conditions specified above in paragraph "

Obstruction lights of the ZOL type have a red glass dome, they must be installed with the dome up*

The design of the ZOL-2 barrage light allows it to be mounted on a horizontal support surface, the 30L-2M light - to be screwed onto a vertically mounted steel pipe diameter S/4 1 **

2.4. If necessary, light protection of obstacles, distance

1 in the explosive zone of class V-1g (see PUE # p. 7.3.43), due to the lack of obstruction lights in explosion-proof design, after mastering such lighting devices, it is recommended to use lamps of the N4BN-150 type with an incandescent lamp with a power of 100 W and a coating red paint on the inner surface of the protective glass of the lamp.

2.5. On the aerodrome territories, the following are subject to light protection:

a) all permanent and temporary obstacles, the presence of which may compromise or impair flight safety conditions;

b) obstacles located on the territory of the air! approaches at the following distances:

up to 1 km from the summer lane all obstacles;

up to 1 km up to 4 km obstacles over 10 m high;

from 4 km at the end of the air approach strip obstacles 50 m or more high a

2.6. On the ground, outside the aerodrome territories, if it is necessary to install a light barrier (see n, 1.9), obstruction lights must be installed on buildings and structures 45 m high or more.

2.7. Obstacles must have a light barrier at the topmost part (point) and below, no more than every 45 m, up to a height of 45 m above the average building height (see clause 1.7). Distances between intermediate tiers of obstruction lights should, as a rule, be the same*

2.8. At the upper points of the obstacles, two lights (main and reserve) are installed, working simultaneously or one at a time if there is a device for automatic switching on

backup fire in case of failure of the main one.

Automatic to turn on the backup fire should work like this. so that in the event of its failure, both barrage fires remain on.

2.9. If in any direction the barrage is covered by another (near) high-altitude object, then an additional barrage should be provided on this object. In this case, the barrage covered by the object, if it does not indicate obstacles, may not be installed.

2.10. Extended obstacles or their groups located close to each other are light-shielded at the highest points at intervals of not more than 45 m along the common upper contour. The top points of the highest obstacles inside the protected contour and the corner points of an extended obstacle must be marked with two obstruction lights in accordance with the requirements ^ specified in clause 2.8.

Examples of placement of obstruction lights on extended obstacles are shown in Fig. 1 *

2.11. In some cases inside built-up areas, when the arrangement of tiers of obstruction lights violates the architectural design of public buildings, the arrangement of lights along the facade can be changed in agreement with the relevant civil aviation departments.


3.1. Means of light protection of airfield obstacles (see clause 1.6) according to the conditions of power supply should be

MM 59

rfl/hh "neither" A and

Rio.I. Examples of the location of lights for the light railing of extended obstacles A - no more than 45 m, B - 45 m or more.

Towers and masts of communication facilities, according to international and Russian requirements for aviation safety ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and IAC (Interstate Aviation Committee) must be equipped with obstruction lights. With the growth of the number base stations operators, the cost of their equipment and maintenance increases. This makes it necessary to reassess the effectiveness and expediency of using previously developed lighting systems.

Typically, a light rail system includes: obstruction lights (ZOM), surge protection device, lamp monitoring device, DC / AC inverter, power supplies.

The main element of light protection systems that determines their characteristics (energy consumption, reliability, operating costs and equipment cost) is the light source. In accordance with the law on energy efficiency adopted by the State Duma, in Russia since 2011 a ban on the sale and production of incandescent lamps with a power of more than 100 W has entered. A similar ban on lamps above 75 W will come into force in 2013, and production will be completely discontinued in 2014. Currently, telecom operators are replacing incandescent lamps with LEDs, which can significantly reduce operating costs due to the low energy consumption and long life of LED lamps. Comparative data on lamps for ZOM are given in Table 1.

As can be seen from the data given in Table 1, LED lamps (LDL) have a significant advantage not only over incandescent lamps, but also energy-saving gas-discharge lamps. their only drawback is a higher price, which will decrease with the growth of their production. The most common types of LED lamps are available in both 220V AC and 48V DC. When using the latter, equipment costs are reduced, since they do not require the installation of an additional DC / AC inverter to power them. There are several options for catering solutions for STOs (Table 2).

After weighing all the pros and cons, we can conclude that the best option is the power supply of the COM from the DC electrical installation of the communication object. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of introducing overvoltages that occur when lightning strikes a high-rise object, which can lead to damage to the equipment of base and radio relay stations, and communication disruptions. One of the main requirements for the light railing system is the mandatory backup of the power supply, since in the event of a main power failure, a high-rise object at night or in poor visibility conditions can pose a danger to aircraft. This requirement reflected in the Manual for the Operation of Civil Aerodromes of the Russian Federation (REGA RF-94).

An important consequence of the use of LED lamps is the possibility of changing the regulations Maintenance- namely, not a planned replacement of lamps, but a replacement upon failure. In addition, it is desirable to be able to determine at any time how many SDLs from among those installed on the mast are out of order, which will make it possible to make a decision on the urgency of replacing burned-out LED lamps. It is obvious that the full benefits of switching to SDL in skylight systems can only be realized if a system for monitoring their serviceability is used, especially at remote sites where constant visual control is not possible.

The tasks of protecting the power supply circuits of the COM and monitoring the state of obstruction lights were set by the Logic Element company for the engineers of COMMENG DEVICES, and were implemented in the UZK-COM system. The complex includes two modules: protection of power supply circuits of zonal fencing of masts and control of consumed current. Consider some of the technical solutions included in the developed system.

Power circuit protection

The previously known load characteristics and low currents consumed by the lighting equipment made it possible to apply a highly effective two-stage protection circuit included in the power cable break. The device incorporates a choke-decoupled protection circuit that provides high-speed response and protection against high-power current pulses. Depending on the expected level of electromagnetic influences (mast height, number of thunderstorm days per year, characteristics of the communication object), power circuit protection devices of various classes (UZTsP-ZOM II or III), which are mandatory included in the equipment complex, can be used.

Obstruction Light Status Monitoring

As a rule, complete or partial failure of the SDL is accompanied by a cessation or decrease in current consumption, proportional to the decrease in luminosity. Exposure to increased input voltages and high-voltage pulses does not cause short circuits in lamps. A very important property of LED lamps is the stability of current consumption when the input voltage changes over a fairly wide range, which is ensured by the current drivers installed in them. thus, it is possible to monitor the health of the SDL by measuring the current they consume. In this case, the level (or levels) that indicate a violation in the operation of the COM can be selected based on the parameters of a particular object. Information about turning off a given number of lamps is converted into a logical signal and, using the contacts of the opto-relay, is transmitted to the monitoring system available at the facility. The principle of control is quite simple, however, in actual applications, various additional factors must be taken into account, for example, the energy consumption of ceiling lamp heaters that serve to prevent icing. the use of an analog control circuit increases the reliability of the solution implemented in the UKPT-ZOM current consumption control device.

The modules are installed in a standard electrical enclosure (Fig. 1), and can also be directly mounted on site in a cabinet or rack with electrical equipment.

The obtained characteristics of the protection and control system of the light fence:

– low power consumption (< 1Вт);
– power supply from a regular DC EPU;
– prevention of the introduction of impulse noise in the secondary power supply circuits of the equipment, during overvoltages of a natural (lightning) and industrial nature;
– remote control of the serviceability of LED lamps;
- issuance of a signal about an accident, both when the current drops below the set threshold, and in case of current overload;
- automatic return to working condition after the termination of the overload;
– Possibility of two-stage overvoltage protection
– service life not less than 40000 hours
- possibility automatic connection backup power.

In an article in in general terms already implemented device is described. Currently, a group consisting of specialists from several enterprises continues to work on improving both the lighting monitoring system and the light sources themselves. On the basis of uniform principles of construction, element base, standardized units, each operator can be offered the optimal solution for him.


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