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Today, many do not even think about how often they use the Internet in everyday life. Access to the World Wide Web can be for any reason: chatting with friends, listening to music, finding out a recipe for your favorite dish, ordering movie tickets, etc. Of course, gigabytes are leaking one after another, and at some point you have to think: which tariff to choose in order to save personal funds as much as possible? For its subscribers, the Skylink provider, which is also an alternative operator of the Moscow company Tele2, offered optimal conditions that meet all modern requirements. After updating the tariff line, several favorable tariffs appeared at once, but Skylink XL is of particular interest - a completely unlimited tariff for free Internet surfing.

Briefly about the tariff line

We have already talked about Skylink, each of which is focused on a certain range of users. The company's clients will now be able to use the service of transferring unused balances of web traffic to the next period. There is also a tariff "Day in the network" - with a daily payment for services only if you have used them.

Fireproof Internet balances are valid for Skylink S and Skylink L tariffs. If you are the owner of the first tariff plan, you have 8 GB at your disposal every month, if the second - 15 GB. It is likely that these considerable amounts will not be used up by you in full in 30 days, which means that you will be able to use them (and, in addition, get a new package already) next month.

Along with the renewal of the tariff scale in Skylink, the coverage area has also recently increased. Almost 98% of residents of Moscow and Moscow, as well as Leningrad, Novgorod and Tver regions can connect to the services of this provider. Now we can say with confidence that soon the Internet will work stably even in areas where there are no roads and problems with infrastructure. Difficulties in connecting to Skylink and purchasing necessary equipment, according to the provider, should not arise.

Skylink XL tariff conditions

Let's proceed directly to the analysis of the "Skylink XL" tariff. It is worth noting that earlier the tariff with the same name had unlimited Internet only at night. Now you can use unlimited Anytime by paying only a fixed monthly cost.

  • The main "feature" of the tariff plan is a completely unlimited amount of Internet traffic.
  • The cost of the monthly subscription fee is 1190 rubles. Attention: for subscribers of the Moscow region. In St. Petersburg, Tver and Novgorod regions, a subscription fee of 990 rubles is charged.
  • Money will be debited from your account on the first day of each month. We advise you to check in advance whether this amount is available on your account.
  • With the Skylink XL tariff, you can use file hosting services and torrent trackers without any special restrictions.
  • From the starting month of connection, the cost of the tariff will be charged in proportion to the number of days remaining until the end of this month.
  • The tariff plan is valid only with branded routers from Skylink. In this case, LTE450 technology is implemented, which means that high-quality and fast 4G Internet is guaranteed. True, the provider warns customers in advance that in case of high network load, the speed may be slightly reduced.

Features of the Skylink XL tariff

In order for the subscriber to save his own money as much as possible, Skylink offered the following conditions regarding the subscription fee:

  • If you top up your account before the tenth of each month, the monthly fee is automatically debited.
  • After the eleventh day, the cost of the subscription fee is not withdrawn from the account, so you yourself can decide whether to pay with these funds for the current period or leave them to replenish your account in the next period.

With this tariff, you can freely use the original Skylink SIM card - the main thing is to be the owner of the company's router. Internet with a 4G router can be used while traveling in various regions of Russia.

How to connect "Skylink XL"

To become a client of the company, you will need to conclude an appropriate agreement. This can be done without leaving home, directly on the company's website or in the brand's office. When placing an order on the site, make sure that the data entered is correct. When additional questions or problems, you can always seek expert advice online.

Having chosen the Skylink XL tariff plan on the site, fill in subscription form. You will then receive a notification via SMS or email. After that, the manager will contact you to agree on the conditions and clarify the time of the visit of Skylink specialists to install and connect the equipment.


Skylink XL is an interesting option for those who prefer to use the Internet on an unlimited scale: download movies, series and music, play online games, surf the net day or night. The tariff cannot be called budgetary, however, for a fixed price, you will be given a free choice of actions on the network, as well as high-quality Internet according to a modern communication standard.

Mobile tariffs

Skylink is a telephone company that provides subscribers with the ability to use direct and federal numbers. This operator is not as popular as many of its competitors, which are more well-known and widespread in Russia, but it can offer customers both communication and various devices for its use, as well as the Internet.

All Skylink tariffs can be divided into groups:

Current rates

Offers for Internet access

"" - subscribers are provided with 5 GB of Internet traffic for 500 rubles. It is possible to purchase a tariff together with a modem for 1000 rubles. You can make calls and send messages;

"" - 20 GB of Internet for a monthly fee of 800 rubles. This offer is obviously much more profitable than the previous tariff. The cost of a RUIM card is 140 rubles, connection is free. When purchasing a tariff complete with a modem for 1000 rubles. Internet use during the first month will be free;

« » - makes it possible to use the Internet using EV-DO technology, as well as the 1X network. There is no subscription fee. There is advance payment in the amount of 200 rubles. and the price for a RUIM card is 140 rubles. The cost of one megabyte of the Internet is 3 rubles;

"" - 3 GB of Internet is provided for 300 rubles. per month. For more convenient use of communication, the operator offers to purchase a mobile router, any of those offered on the official website. Cost - 1600 rubles. (Not all Skylink tariffs can be purchased complete with special equipment). After purchasing the tariff complete with mobile equipment, the first month you can use the Internet for free;

"" - the tariff is ideal for people living in the Moscow Ring Road area, they are provided with 15 GB of traffic every month with a monthly fee of 390 rubles. For other Muscovites, the cost of 1 MB will be 30 kopecks. Connection to the tariff is free;

"" - Internet is paid only on the day when the subscriber used the service. The cost of such a day is 49 rubles. The fee is debited from the account from any time until midnight of the current day. Internet is provided using 3G technology. The disadvantage of the tariff is the low speed of downloading files.
Tariffs for making calls

"" - subscription fee 475 rubles. per month. A landline number is provided for communication. Communication without restrictions on any numbers with the code "495", "498" and "499". Calls to the MGTS network without restrictions. The cost of a minute of a paid call is 1.50 rubles, SMS - 1 rub.;

"" - the subscription fee is 2150 rubles. A city number is provided with a RUIM card at a price of 140 rubles. Subscribers have the opportunity to call within 2000 minutes for free. Paid minute over the package - 1.10 rubles, calls to all Skylink tariffs - 3 rubles;

"" - federal number with a monthly fee of 1650 rubles. 2000 minutes are provided for making calls to any numbers in the Moscow region. The price for SMS is 1.50 rubles, for 1 Mb of Internet - 4 rubles;

"" - a package of 10,000 minutes with a monthly fee of 2850 rubles. Subscribers receive a landline number with the cost of a RUIM card and without advance payments. The tariff is much more profitable compared to similar ones without the “+” sign in the name;

"" - subscription fee 2350 rubles. for a federal number. 10000 minutes for calls are provided. The cost of a RUIM card is 140 rubles. Paid minutes - 1.10 rubles, SMS - 1.50 rubles, 1 Mb of Internet - 4 rubles;

"" - no monthly fee. The cost of one outgoing minute is 1.95 rubles, the price of a minute within the network for calls to this tariff is 45 kopecks. Advance payment 200 rubles, RUIM-card - 140 rubles. The tariff plan is beneficial for those subscribers who often make calls to all Skylink tariffs;

"" - in the description of the tariff it is indicated that there is no subscriber, below in small letters - 20 rubles. per day, regardless of the volume of conversations. The first paid minute of communication costs 1.10 rubles, the rest during the conversation - 10 kopecks. SMS 1.20 rubles, 1 Mb of Internet 4 rubles;

« » - there is no connection fee. There is an advance payment of 200 rubles. The tariff plan is very profitable: the first minute for calls within the network costs 20 kopecks, the rest 2 kopecks. Communication with other subscribers of the Moscow region - 2 rubles per minute;

"" - no subscription fee. 1 ruble for outgoing calls to any numbers in the Moscow region, 10 kopecks. – for forwarded calls to numbers within the network. Text messages are also charged at 1 ruble. Medium benefit tariff, suitable for subscribers calling to any numbers in Moscow and the region.

Archived rates

No subscription fee

« » - all calls in the tariff, as well as SMS messages at one price - 1.20 rubles. Connection is paid, it is 150 rubles, an advance fee is 200 rubles. You can make a full unlimited number of on-net calls within Russia: the service fee is 30 rubles, the subscription fee is 199 rubles;

"" - the cost of the first minute for all Skylink tariffs and other numbers of Moscow and the region is 2 rubles, from the second - 1 rub. Connection 150 rubles, advance payment 200 rubles. Ruble SMS. Caller ID is provided free of charge;

"" - the connection is free, the advance payment is 290 rubles, the RUIM card will cost 289.71 rubles. Calls within the network are 1 rub., to other numbers - 3 rub. Internet access at night is twice cheaper. The advantage of the tariff is the ability to connect your favorite numbers (savings on calls - 50%);

"" - advance payment 200 rubles, RUIM card 289.71 rubles. All local calls are charged at 1 ruble. The same cost is set for sending text messages;

"" - the advance payment is only 50 rubles. Calls within the tariff to on-net numbers - 45 kopecks / min. The remaining outgoing calls are charged at 1.96 rubles. Internet access at any time of the day - 3 rubles / MB, SMS costs 95 kopecks. The tariff is beneficial for Skylink subscribers who use and call most often to "International - CIS";

"" - the name of the tariff speaks for itself: it will be beneficial for subscribers who often make calls to these countries. The cost of a minute of conversation will be only 50 kopecks, and to other numbers (city and mobile capitals and regions) - 1.50 rubles. A minute for all Skylink tariffs - 2.50 rubles;

« » - the tariff plan is different favorable price for outgoing calls to other countries. For example, you can call Estonia for 2 rubles, to Europe and some countries such as China, Israel and others - 3 rubles. RUB 2.80 costs a minute in Russia, SMS - 1.72 rubles;

"Easier than simple BOX" - the tariff plan is distinguished by a single price for all local calls, 1 rub. in a minute. Connection is free, advance payment - 200 rubles. Outgoing SMS are charged at 1 ruble.

"Unlimited city + Huawei ETS-2052 radiotelephone" - the possibility of purchasing a tariff together with equipment for full use. Providing a landline number with unlimited local communication. RUIM-card 140 rubles, subscription fee 395 rubles, connection 150 rubles. SMS 1 rub.;

« » - a package of 5000 minutes for calls is provided. The price of a minute over the package is 1.10 rubles. Also, subscribers can use the Internet within 40 Mb per month for free. Over the package, the cost of a megabyte in Moscow is 8.56 rubles. SMS - 1.71 rubles. The tariff is favorable while the packages of minutes and megabytes are valid. Subscription fee 2703.38 rubles;

"" - for calls to all Skylink tariffs and other operators in Moscow and Moscow Region, a package of 5000 minutes is provided. Subscription fee for communication - 4756.58 rubles. per month. For Internet access, a package of 20 MB is given. Above the package, the price per megabyte will depend on the location of the subscriber;

"" - subscription fee 1368.80 rubles. Packages of 5000 minutes for local calls and 10 Mb of internet. Compared to other tariffs, it is beneficial due to almost the same services, but a lower monthly fee;

"" - the subscription fee is 2566.50 rubles. 5000 minutes are provided, over the package the price for calls is 1.10 rubles per minute. Internet paid: for Moscow 11.98 rubles/Mb. The package is not very profitable due to the overpriced subscription fee at such a high price for the Internet and the absence of a free traffic package;

"" - subscription fee 2566.50 rubles. The tariff is more beneficial for subscribers located in the Moscow region, since the cost of Internet traffic there is two times cheaper compared to the capital. SMS is free, the cost of the service is 34.22 rubles. per month;

"" - the subscription fee for the tariff is 3764.20 rubles. A package of 5,000 minutes for local calls is provided. The offer is ideal for those who like to send SMS to all Skylink tariffs and other numbers, since they are completely free in this tariff plan and do not have a monthly fee;

"" - this offer is distinguished by the presence of a free package consisting of 30 Mb of Internet traffic per month and, of course, a package of 5000 minutes. Subscription fee 4106.40 rubles;

"" - the tariff has a package of 5000 minutes and 20 Mb of Internet. The subscription fee for communication is 2258.52 rubles. The disadvantage of the tariff is the high price per megabyte in excess of the package: in Moscow 11.98 rubles, in the region 5.99 rubles;

"" - this tariff provides only 600 minutes for calls and 10 Mb for using the Internet. For all this, you need to pay 1711 rubles every month. The disadvantage is the high cost of a minute in the capital outside the package - 4.11 rubles, but the price of a minute within the network in Moscow is 2.05 rubles. SMS are free, there is a fee for using the service - 34.22 rubles;

"" - subscription fee 2737.60 rubles, RUIM card 289.71 rubles. A package of 5000 minutes is given for calls to all Skylink tariffs and other operators and 20 Mb of Internet traffic. International and long distance calls are charged depending on the time of day. The advantage of the tariff in completely free SMS;

"" - for 1711 rubles. per month, the operator provides 750 minutes for calls and 20 MB of internet. The price of a minute over the package is 2.05 rubles, within the network - 1.03 rubles. This tariff is more profitable than the "Golden Mean" with the same monthly fee in that it has a reduced price per minute within the network, as well as a large number of free minutes;

« » - you can use both city and federal numbers. Subscription fee 2395.40 and 2053.20 rubles. respectively. Subscribers receive 10 Mb of traffic and 5000 minutes for calls every month. Lack of tariff in the mandatory payment of the credit system. Price per SMS - 1.71 rubles;

"" - an offer with a federal number for 684.40 rubles. per month. The disadvantage of the tariff is the mandatory payment for access to the IMT-MC network in the amount of 27376 rubles. Subscribers can use 5000 minutes for calls and 10 Mb of traffic for accessing the Internet within a month;

"" is a tariff with which you can use federal and city numbers for 2566.50 and 3250.90 rubles. per month. Subscribers have the opportunity to make free calls within 5000 minutes per month and use the Internet (a package of 150 Mb is provided). The price of a paid minute is 1.10 rubles, SMS is 1.71 rubles;

« » - tariff with federal and city number. Subscription fee 2053.20 and 2395.40 rubles. Internet traffic is provided only 10 Mb. You can call all Skylink tariffs in your home region and other local numbers within 5000 minutes per month free of charge. Advance payment 580 rubles;

"" - federal number with a monthly fee of 1026.60 rubles. The Internet is expensive: over 10 MB of free traffic will have to be paid at 11.98 rubles. per megabyte in Moscow. Caller ID is paid - 102.66 rubles, SMS - 1.71 rubles. It is possible to choose beautiful rooms for an additional fee;

"" - federal and city numbers with a monthly fee of 1368.80. It is obligatory to pay for access to the IMT-MC network (for a city number, this amount is as much as 27,376 rubles). 10 Mb is given for using the Internet every month, for making local calls - 5000 minutes;

"" - provision of a city number with a monthly fee of 1711 rubles. and a fee for the IMT-MC network in the amount of 13688 rubles. The price of a paid minute is 1.10 rubles, text messages - 1.71 rubles. The tariff is expensive, even the cost of a RUIM card is overpriced, and there is an advance payment;

" " - landline phone number. Subscription fee 2053.20 rubles, advance payment 580 rubles, access to the IMT-MC network 6844 rubles. The tariff offers subscribers to use packages of 5000 minutes for local calls and 10 Mb of traffic. Lack of tariff in paid services, such as, for example, caller ID, conference calls and others;

« » - provision of a federal number exclusively to corporate subscribers. In addition, the service "Access to international communication" is provided, the fee for which is included in the amount of communication payment by the credit method. Subscription fee 4106.40 rubles. 5000 minutes are given for making calls to all Skylink and local calls and 2000 for long-distance calls. SMS 1.72 rubles;

"" - federal and city number with a monthly fee of 2053.20 and 2737.60 rubles. per month. For Moscow, 100 is provided, and for the region - 200 Mb of Internet per month. For calls - 5000 minutes, in addition to the package, the cost of a minute is 1.10 rubles. Calls within the Moscow region without restrictions;

"" - city and federal numbers with payment for communication in the amount of 2650 and 1950 rubles. per month. The advantage of the tariff in a low fee for the Internet: 2.50 rubles. per megabyte at night and 4.60 rubles. during the day (from 9 am to 12 am). Classic package of 5000 minutes to local numbers in Moscow and the region;

"" - a subscription fee of 395 rubles. Calls to numbers with the codes "495", "498" and "499" are unlimited. The tariff is also advantageous because the Internet and calls are at a low price. A minute within the network and to other operators is 1.50 rubles, calls within Russia - 3 rubles per minute;

« » - federal and city numbers. Payment: 2225 and 2909 rubles per month. Advantage in Internet packages: 100 Mb of traffic is provided for Moscow, 200 Mb of traffic for the region. Some services are also provided free of charge. For calls - 5000 minutes when communicating with the numbers of the capital and region;

"" - 3422 and 4107 rubles. per month for federal and city numbers. There is no advance fee. A credit payment is required (the amount increases when paying for the service "Access to international communication"). For Moscow 100 Mb of Internet, for residents of the region - 200 Mb. Over a package of 5000 minutes, the call fee is 1.10 rubles per minute;

"" - subscription fee 239.54 rubles. Calls to all Skylink tariffs are unlimited. Within the monthly fee, calls to local numbers are 2.40 rubles, the price for SMS is 1.71 rubles. The tariff is ideal for subscribers who often call on-net numbers.
Prepaid minutes

"" - federal and city numbers with a monthly fee of 500 and 1000 rubles. Subscribers have the opportunity to use packages of 500 minutes for calls to local numbers and 100 SMS every month. The advantage of the tariff is in relatively low prices for outgoing and Internet traffic;

"" - provision of a direct Moscow number for a monthly fee of 300 rubles. For calls within the capital and the region, a package of 60 minutes per month is provided. The disadvantage of the tariff is the high price for outgoing minutes for calls over the package - 5 rubles, but within the network - 1 rub, and SMS - 1.50 rubles;

« » - tariff owners must pay the amount (according to the credit method) 1450 rubles. A city number is provided with a monthly fee of 1676.78 rubles. A big advantage of the tariff is unlimited communication with the operator's subscribers, for other numbers the cost of a minute is 2.40 rubles;

"" - city and federal numbers are provided to entrepreneurs or legal entities. Communication fee - 719 and 1197.70 rubles. per month. Calls to all Skylink tariffs are unlimited. The cost of a minute on other operators: 2.40 rubles. within and 3.43 rubles. over the subscription fee;

"" - federal and city numbers with a monthly fee of 500 and 1200 rubles. The advantage is free calls within the network, as well as a package of 100 minutes for calls to local numbers, 100 Mb of Internet traffic and 100 SMS. Over packages minute 2 rubles, 1 Mb 4 rubles, SMS 1.50 rubles;

"" - federal for 350 and direct for 1050 rubles. per month. A package of 200 minutes for local calls is provided, the price of a minute in excess of the package is 2.50 rubles, calls within the network are free. Ability to connect your favorite numbers;

"" - federal for 900 and direct for 1600 rubles. Subscribers have the opportunity to communicate free of charge within 600 minutes per month with local operators and call Skylink without restrictions. A minute over the package RUB 2.50, SMS RUB 1.50;

"" - a city number with a monthly fee of 345 rubles. The subscription fee is small, but for the IMT-MC network you will have to pay 4000 rubles. The advantage of the tariff is unlimited local calls to landlines and mobiles with the codes "495" and "499". To other numbers, including on-net - 1.50 rubles per minute;

« » - federal and direct number. Subscription fee 500 and 1200 rubles. 200 minutes for calls and 100 Mb for internet access. Calls to all Skylink tariffs without restrictions, a minute of a paid call is 2.50 rubles. 1 Mb of traffic - 5 rubles;

"" - federal and direct numbers with a monthly fee of 1000 and 1700 rubles. 500 minutes for calls and 250 Mb of traffic are provided. Paid minute of a call - 2 rubles, 1 Mb of Internet - 4 rubles. This tariff is more profitable than the previous one, and paid services cheaper;

"" - federal number for 1027 and direct for 1711 rubles. Subscribers can call local numbers within 600 minutes per month free of charge, as well as use Internet traffic in Moscow 25 Mb or in the region 50 Mb. Paid minute of a call 2.40 rubles. Communication within the network in Moscow is free;

"" - federal and city for 1500 and 2200 rubles. This tariff allows you to communicate within 1000 minutes per month for free, as well as use 50 Mb of Internet traffic. Paid minute 1.50 rubles, 1 Mb of Internet 3 rubles. Of this line, this is the most favorable tariff;

"" - the provision of a federal and direct number for 1711 and 2396 rubles per month. 1200 minutes for local communication and Internet packages: for Moscow 50 and for the region 100 Mb of traffic. Paid minute 2.40 rubles. SMS 1.72 rub. Calls and forwarding to numbers within the Moscow network are not charged.

Unlimited Internet

"" - the tariff is an offer with a federal number and provides access to the Internet in EV-DO mode. It is distributed with the AnyData ASP-505 communicator (not all Skylink tariffs can be used with this equipment). Subscription fee 1990 rub. The advantage of the tariff in a completely unlimited Internet and the ability to communicate within 2000 minutes for free;

"" - the subscription fee is 7200 rubles. Calls to local numbers, as well as access to the Internet within the capital are provided free of charge. However, the advantage is also that in order to access the network in the region, subscribers are given as much as 6 GB of traffic. Over the package, the Internet will cost 10 kopecks per megabyte - a pretty good offer.

Other offers

"" - an interesting offer in which subscribers can take advantage of the fact that the volume of incoming voice traffic determines the number of free outgoing calls. In addition to the accumulated number of minutes, the cost of calls will be 2.50 rubles. Subscription fee 90 rubles. Considering the conditions and prices, the tariff can be called favorable;

"" - tariff with a subscription fee of 190 rubles. per month. Any outgoing calls in Moscow and the region, as well as within the network in Russia - 3 rubles, 1 Mb of Internet 4 rubles, SMS for 1.20 rubles. Possibility to purchase Internet traffic packages (from 250 Mb) and SMS (from 50 pcs.). The advantage of the tariff is the ability to connect unlimited calls within the network within Russia;

"" - a federal number with a monthly fee of 690 rubles. Subscribers are given 2000 minutes for calls to all Skylink tariffs and other operators in Moscow and Moscow Region. Calls within the network are free. The disadvantage is the high cost of connection - 6500 rubles. Paid minutes for 1.10 rubles, SMS 1.50 rubles.

The Skylink company is expanding its boundaries, creating more and more convenient services and favorable tariffs for the comfortable use of urban and mobile communications subscribers. Of course, there are more competitive operators in Russia, but this company also has its own regular customers who praise the quality of communication and the ability to use the operator's offers in accordance with their needs. Thanks to the opportunity to purchase not only tariff plans, but also special equipment, the company enables subscribers to use its network with maximum comfort, not only making calls, but also having the ability to access the Internet.

An event that has been long awaited has happened: Skylink officially switches to the LTE 450 (Band 31) standard, the CDMA 450 network will soon be closed. Many knew about it, most of the rest suspected. But now we've become aware exact numbers, timing and other details of the "restart" of the brand.

Is this good or bad for us? Existing Skylink subscribers are unlikely to be happy, they will have to purchase new equipment at their own expense in any case. When it comes to using mobile Internet. Voice communication in CDMA 450 will work for the time being, but a decision will have to be made in the fall. As for new users, now LTE 450, they will be happy. Although the prices are noticeably higher than the average for the market, there is no cellular alternative in remote places and the comparisons are incorrect. If compared, then with satellite internet, which is much more expensive. A monthly fee of 1,000 rubles per month for 4 GB of traffic was invented not out of greed, but as a protective measure. So that Skylink is bought only by those to whom other types of the Internet are not available.

And, of course, throughput the LTE standard is much higher, the updated Skylink will give the Internet to a larger number of users. And this internet should be best quality. Provided that there are not too many applicants, but equipment prices and the size of the subscription fee should work here, see above.


The Skylink brand itself appeared in 2003, the “founding fathers” were the Moscow Cellular Communications and Delta Telecom companies in St. Petersburg. Later, about 40 more regional companies joined the project, which previously operated analog networks of the NMT 450 standard. The new digital CDMA 450 standard was very progressive at that time, delighting users with excellent voice quality and relatively fast Internet. But the main advantage of Skylink was and remains the frequency resource in the 450 MHz range.

The lower the operating frequency, the farther the signal travels and the better it penetrates into enclosed spaces (houses, basements, etc.). To obtain continuous coverage, it is necessary to install many times fewer base stations than when using, for example, LTE in the 2600 MHz band. Accordingly, with the same coverage, the network will cost almost the same times cheaper. The capacity of such a network is small, and you cannot serve many subscribers at the same time, but the frequency of 450 MHz is perfect for vast areas with a low population density. In Russia, there are more than enough such areas, and other operators install their BS only in relatively large settlements. Even in the Moscow region there are places where only Skylink works, and there are plenty of places where the mobile Internet is represented only by half-dead EDGE. That is why Skylink had a loyal, albeit not very numerous, but loyal subscriber base.

After the merger of Tele2 and the assets of Rostelecom, the Sky Link brand, the frequencies licensed by it and Sky Link subscribers legally began to relate to Tele2, by that time there were a little more than 200 thousand subscribers. The outflow was connected, first of all, with the expansion of coverage areas of 3G networks of other operators. Then Tele2 also began a campaign to transfer active Skylink subscribers to Tele2, on the eve of the launch of LTE 450 at Skylink frequencies, it was desirable to unload CDMA 450 networks as much as possible. The frequency resource of Skylink is already limited to a band of only 4.4 MHz, of which 3 MHz is taken under LTE.

"Reboot" and coverage

LTE 450 networks have already been launched in five countries. These are Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Brazil. Now Russia has joined this list. In the Tver and Novgorod regions, LTE 450 has already been launched, in June St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, in July Moscow and the Moscow region.

Next, Skylink intends to evaluate popularity, look at usage patterns and subscriber base growth. In the future, it is planned to cover almost all major regions of Russia with LTE 450 networks.

Coverage map of the Tver region. The sizes of individual "spots" allow us to estimate the effectiveness of coverage of territories in the 450 MHz band, the effective range of the base station is about 20 km.

Novgorod region. Coverage - more than 60% of the territory. You need to understand that as you approach the border of the coverage area, the speed of Internet access drops, but in such a situation, inexpensive stationary antennas will help. And in general, in the summer cottage-stationary version, external antennas are recommended in almost any case, and summer cottages in the "outback", where relatively fast Internet is only via satellite - part target audience Skylink.

St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, covering 65% of the territory. Areas of planned coverage are marked in light yellow. Unfortunately, I did not think to clarify: will this planned coverage appear by the time of the official launch or some time later?

Finally, Moscow and the Moscow region. Coverage of 95% of the territory is declared here, optimistically. By the way, please note: now it is customary for operators to designate coverage not as a percentage of the territory, but as a percentage of the population living in covered areas. Hence the beautiful percentage figures in reports and press releases. It is enough to arrange the base stations according to the district centers, and you can safely write about the coverage of 85% of the region's population with mobile communications.

How and what works

I already wrote about the used frequency band of 3 MHz, which is catastrophically small to achieve high speeds and serve a large number of subscribers. In total, Skylink has 4.4 MHz, but a piece was left for the operation of the CDMA 450 network until October 2016. Moreover, under LTE you can give 3, 5, 10 ... MHz, but so far there is not even 5 MHz. Maybe in the future it will be possible to win something back from the security forces in exchange for their transfer to more modern standard and new equipment. Bye real speeds do not exceed 17 Mbps in each sector of the base station, you are unlikely to see more than 15 Mbps. Moreover, this is on an empty network, with the advent of users and an increase in the load, the speeds will fall. A 5 MHz band would increase the network capacity and speed up to 30 Mbps, but it's too early to talk about it.

The types of equipment offered and the tariff plan should serve as certain restrictions. Skylink routers support all Russian LTE bands, and in the LTE Tele2 network coverage area they will switch to it, freeing Skylink's LTE 450. And the tariff is designed in such a way that people would not even think about connecting to Skylink if other 3G / 4G networks are available. Are these restrictions enough? Don't know. It may be necessary to introduce additional restrictions or raise prices, operating experience will show.

Existing Skylink subscribers of the CDMA 450 network are promised certain benefits and concessions when switching to LTE. You will still have to buy new equipment at your own expense, but within a year they promised the right to use the old tariff plan. For those who will stubbornly hold on to their CDMA 450 phone, the network will be operational until October. If I understand correctly, the mobile Internet in the CDMA 450 network will operate at a speed of 64 Kbps, which will serve as an additional incentive for Skylink subscribers not to delay connecting to new network LTE 450.

Plans and prospects

The company has many far-reaching plans. It is supposed to create a separate corporate offer for large corporations. There is an MVNO Special project for law enforcement officers, which looks promising.

They have already brought to show new models of radio stations, which should provide closed voice encrypted communication, as well as secure data transmission, including video images. The devices support both LTE 450 and the existing TETRA, which makes them universal.

Their other promising projects are M2M contracts, which the company is counting on. These are connections of numerous payment terminals, ATMs, vehicles of transport companies and even traffic lights. A lot here will depend on the availability of terminals, but the Skylink network itself is ideal for such usage models. "Carpet" coverage of large areas is a key plus for the client, and the scantiness of traffic generated by the same payment terminal is important for Skylink.

Finally, the issue of voice transmission. Sergey Emdin, CEO Tele2, talks about plans to implement voice communications in the LTE 450 network in late summer and early autumn. Nikolai Nikiforov's answer to the question about the timing of the launch of the long-awaited VoLTE (Voice over LTE) in Russia is quite consistent with this. Nikiforov replied that the main thing had been done and, in his opinion, it was a matter of two or three months. As far as I remember, the main problem was related to the need to refine SORM systems to listen to the voice transmitted over LTE networks.


So far, it is rather scarce with it, there were only five LTE 450 networks in the world, now there are six. We chose what seemed most suitable for Russian conditions and the current stage of network development.

Two models of a stationary router, priced at 8,990 rubles. Operates in all LTE frequency bands, connects up to 30 devices. Differences - one of the models has a built-in battery with a capacity of 1500 mAh, which provides a couple of hours of operation when the power is turned off. For a summer residence, it can be very useful. The second model is without a battery and is a little more compact. SMA connectors for external antennas are present on both models.

The mobile router looks interesting and with its telescopic antenna antennas it evokes nostalgia for old portable TVs. Retractable antennas only work in the 450 MHz band, but they work fine in it. Tried with extended and folded antennas, the difference is very big. For other LTE bands, retractable antennas are useless, internal ones work in the router case. The device works in all LTE frequency bands, connects up to 8 devices, the router itself is not locked. The price of the device is 9,990 rubles.


By inertia, I almost wrote the heading “Tariffs”, but here there is really only one tariff. The only and without options, the choice of a tariff plan in the new Skylink vividly reminded me of the process of "elections" in the USSR during the times of socialism.

About "Oh dear!" - see above, second paragraph at the beginning of the review. In my opinion, the price is more than democratic for those who have no choice, and the tariff should work as a “cut-off” for those who have a choice. There is some consumer conflict: Skylink works where 4G networks of other operators operate, while continuing to work where there is neither 4G nor 3G for others. It is logical for us to want a universal solution that works everywhere, but the Skylink frequency band is not rubber. The price barrier is conceived as a barrier that will leave in Skylink only those who really have nowhere else to go. As some consolation for those who hoped for a price miracle, we can remind you that the coverage of 3G networks for all operators is gradually growing, and all more Users start to have a choice.

As for the tariff in Skylink, here the published figure is 0.24 rubles. per megabyte over the package was clearly not born by chance. If you divide the monthly abonentku 990 rubles. for 4 GB (4,096 MB), then we will just get those same 24 kopecks. for 1 MB of traffic. That is, in fact, we have a fixed price of 0.24 rubles / MB with a mandatory payment of 4 GB monthly. Traffic not used during the month is not transferred to the next month. The subscriber is written off on the 1st day of each month, and if you did not use the Internet for the whole month, then you will not be charged a monthly fee for this month. There is nothing more to discuss in this tariff.

Instead of resume

Fundamentally new from this text, "experts" learned little, all this we have been slowly discussing with you over the past few months. But now the specifics have appeared, including prices, coverage maps, approximate dates and types of equipment. We are waiting with great interest for the appearance of the "rebooted" Skylink in Moscow. By that time (July 2016), many subtle details that are still “behind the scenes” will probably become clearer.

Skylink is a Russian telecom operator providing services in the IMT-MC-450 standard. The company's unique technologies make it possible to maintain high speed wireless data transmission in remote locations with unstable GSM coverage. Skylink base stations operate at frequencies of 450 MHz, coverage radius is 20 km. The provider guarantees high-quality signal transmission to complex architectural and underground structures. The Skylink modem will be a salvation or is it another publicity stunt. We will understand in more detail.

In 2016, Tele2 under the Skylink brand is gradually introducing a 450 MHz LTE network in Tver, Novgorod, St. Petersburg and Moscow. The Skylink coverage area is expanding in Ulyanovsk at the beginning of 2018.

Unlimited Internet from Skylink - tariffs and packages

Tariff scale for retail and business clients:

Payment is deducted in proportion to the number of days in a month. When the package is exhausted, traffic in excess of the package is paid based on the used MB. An unused balance is transferred to the next month free of charge if the subscription fee is credited in time (before the 1st day).

Initially, the transferred limit is spent, then the new package provided for by the fee. By changing the tariff plan, the unused balance is liquidated.

The subscription fee is charged according to the following scheme:

  1. When replenishing the balance before the 10th day of the month, the subscription fee is automatically charged.
  2. From the 11th, the client independently decides: to pay for the services of the current or next period. In the first case, you will need to click the "Write off the subscription fee" button. Service connection takes place in Personal account Skylink website (

Using the Skylink router on other networks

The Skylink SIM card provides access to the network through the router of the same name. For data transfer, voice calls and sending SMS through third-party devices, the following restrictions apply:

  • accepting calls in the region of connection - 0 rubles;
  • accepting calls in another city Tele2 - 5 rubles / min .;
  • calls within the Russian Federation - 5 rubles / min .;
  • communication in the CIS - 30 rubles / min .;
  • conversations with subscribers living in the EU - 49 rubles / min .;
  • calls to other countries — 69 rubles/min;
  • SMS within the Russian Federation - 3.5 rubles;
  • SMS abroad - 5.5 rubles.

Free use of roaming:

In the cities of Skylink coverage - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tver, Novgorod. In the Tele2 network (4G network): Voronezh, Kemerovo, Krasnodar, Orel, Karelia, Komi, Mordovia, Tyva, Khakassia. And also Rostov. Tambov, Tula, Ulyanovsk, Yugra, Tyumen.

The company's prospects are aimed at covering the B2B segment, developing a secure MVNO network for security agencies and government agencies, as well as creating a secure M2M channel for transport and financial sphere.

Internet connection equipment from SkyLink

Potential clients The company offers two types of 4G router: home and mobile module (for travelers). Devices are universal. Supports a frequency of 450 MHz and the usual LTE bands (800 - 2600 MHz). With an increase in the download speed, the devices are automatically reconfigured to a new range.

What equipment is offered to individuals?

Fast Internet anywhere in the Russian Federation will provide a 4G router for travelers. When planning a stationary placement of the device, a 4G router for the home will be an ideal option. Successful purchases!

Terms for business clients

SkyLink demonstrates interesting business solutions:

  • home conditions throughout the Russian Federation;
  • automatic prolongation of services when the package is exhausted;
  • the ability to block the account upon reaching the established limit;
  • use of advance or credit system of payment;
  • provision of the "Promised payment" service, which allows you to credit the account with a conditional amount at a convenient time in order to continue using the service with a zero balance.

Skylink - work away from the city with unstable coverage of ¾G networks or the absence of towers of other operators. For work outside the city, a 4G router H1 is proposed, for trips - a 4G router M1. A set of two directional antennas with mounts ( price 3300 rub.).

How to connect?

Skylink provider provides the ability to connect to the Internet and cellular communication using the SIM card of the same name. The full price of the kit is determined by the selected tariff plan. The paid amount will go to the client's balance and serve as a reserve for paying for user services.

Using the LTE450 range will provide a branded Skylink router: for country house"H1" or travel "M1". If the signal from the base station is weak, you will need to install two directional antennas. The price of routers is 0 rubles, additional sets of antennas are 3300 rubles. Detailed characteristics of the goods are presented on the website. It is enough to open the section "Choose a router", "Additional set of equipment" and "Tariff plan".

Where to connect Skylink?

Use the services of an Internet provider by placing an order for a router and a SIM card on the official website of the company, Skylink counters or Tele2 salons at the nearest address indicated on the map.

Instructions for placing an order on the site

  1. Explore the capabilities of routers.
  2. Pick up an additional set of equipment.
  3. Conduct an overview of the tariff scale by activating the "Tariff connection" option.
  4. Click the "Apply" button.
  5. Fill in electronic form questionnaires with personal information and indicate the delivery address. Check the order details and click on the "Next" link.
  6. After receiving SMS and Email notifications, wait for a call from a technical support employee to verify the information provided.
  7. By phone or email confirmation of the application will come.

To receive the goods, you will need a passport or other document used in the formation of the application.

Video "New skylink LTE-450 router"

Coverage maps of Moscow and the Moscow region MTS, Megafon, Yota, Tele2, Rostelecom, SkyLink LTE are needed to help you choose the best operator mobile internet and cellular communication in the place of our stay.

Very often, you and I have to look for a mobile Internet zone for better access from a wireless network.
For this purpose, a unique 4G map of the coverage of the Russian network was created. Not a constant signal wireless communication often leaves much to be desired and many cellular subscribers get a lot of trouble with the constant loss of the signal.

How to use the Moscow card MTS, Megafon, Yota, Tele2, Rostelecom, SkyLink

  • Yota:
    • Iota 2G signal
    • Iota 3G signal
    • Iota 4G signal
  • Megaphone:
    • Signal Megaphone 3G
    • Signal Megafon 4G
    • Signal Megafon 4G+
  • MTS:
    • MTS 2G signal
    • MTS 3G signal
    • MTS 4G signal
  • Tele 2:
    • Tele2 2G signal
    • Tele2 3G signal
    • Tele2 4G signal
  • Crimea:
    • Signal Crimea 2G
    • Crimea 3G signal
    • Signal Crimea 4G
  • Rostelecom:
    • RTK 2G signal
    • RTK 3G signal
    • RTK 4G signal
  • sky link:
    • Sky signal


To begin with, please note that when you first visit the Internet coverage page, the MTS mobile network zone is enabled by default and you will see the MTS Map 3G-4G coverage of Moscow and your city, region (location) automatically determined by geolocation tools.


At the top of the Map there are buttons of other mobile Internet operators, when clicked, the layer of the communication network location zone is loaded.

In the process of finding and determining the best coverage area, you can layer different operators on top of each other and easily determine which operator suits you.

Color Coverage of the map of Moscow MTS, Megafon, Yota, Tele2, Rostelecom, SkyLink

At the bottom of the Coverage Map there are hint pictures with the color background of each operator. When you turn on the Coverage of several layers of Communication Maps at once, be careful and turn on or off the buttons of the operators to accurately determine the most convenient operator for you - MTS, Megafon, Yota, Tele2.

MTS coverage map area of ​​the city of Moscow

MTS network coverage is updated regularly and our visitors can see the newest map of this mobile operator. The color scheme is distributed in the following order:

Red LTE , pink 3G, pale pink 2G. When you view the map, you see a list of available coverages of mobile operators and the Internet.

On the buttons where a separate selection of 2G, 3G, LTE networks is possible, you can see a characteristic sign next to the name of the operator. Clicking on the button will open a tab with available Internet standards to choose from.

All available communication standards are marked on the photo. By pressing again, you can cancel the selected network, thus forcing only the one you need to boot.

Moscow Coverage Accuracy MTS, Megafon, Yota, Tele2, Rostelecom, SkyLink

Tele2 network coverage accuracy has been fixed, for comparison we recommend going to the company's official website
P.S. - 12/21/2016 - added coverage maps by Rostelecom (2G, 3G, 4G) and SkyLink (LTE-450 MHz. Moscow, Krasnodar and adjacent regions. Coverage is growing - you can always determine more precisely on our map))


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