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They don’t give a check, ready-made cutlets are raw inside, the staff is terrible.

Good afternoon. It so happened that I work at the Novospassky Dvor business center and I have to go to Perekrestok-Express on Derbenevskaya embankment for groceries.
I already left a complaint about how, having paid for the purchase, they told me that the money was not debited from the card (although in fact the money was debited), they say pay more. Once again, I refused to pay for the purchase. The item was not given to me. They didn't want to call the manager. As a result, some woman came up to me, without a badge, but obviously an employee of the store and just listened to my complaint a little (I was extremely calm and kind). As a result, I got nasty and I realized that there was nothing you could do. Employees turn on the mask - deaf and tight and say that there is no one, but they do not solve anything.
They did not give me the purchase, they took the money from the card. (and haven't returned yet).
On the same day, I called hot service Crossroads store service and left a complaint number 14451049 and told the whole story. The manager said that everything was fixed and everything will be solved. They will contact me and refund my money. This story took place at the beginning of December 2015. Today is February 19th. And actually silence. I already mentally gave them my purchase, but the sediment has remained so far. The amount is small, but the very fact of treating people is simply boorish. And as I understand this case is not the only one, because my colleagues also encountered such an "interesting" way of stealing money. So with the world on a thread, it probably turns out well.
So. I had already let go of this situation, as life again forced me to go to the nearest store, that is, there. Because it was urgent to buy food. And here's what happens again. They made a purchase for me (and you will be surprised, but it was the same cashier as last time), I already paid in cash (remembering past experience). And I say, can I have a check. I asked him because I didn’t really know how much I ended up with at the cost of the mug that I chose. That is, I just became interested in myself. And here the cashier turns on temporary "deafness". I ask 4 more times. Each time increasing the volume of the request. And silence.....
I go up to the information stand, I think maybe there is a manager’s phone number or, for example, his name, but there is nothing on the stand ......
After spending 10 minutes searching, I realized that this was a dead place and that I didn’t go there again.

After another 20 minutes, I finally started eating. The food is, of course, ready-made and from the Perekrestok Express store. In short, the finished chicken cutlets inside turned out to be absolutely raw. I even photographed it all. And in the end, for the 500 rubles spent, I didn’t eat anything.
I decided to write this review because this is a terrible place. People don't go there.

Perekrestok is one of the first chain supermarkets in the history of Russian retail. The managing company of X5 Retail Group N. V. is actively using the franchise to develop its network business. This is an opportunity to start a solid business with a high turnover in a very short time. The minimum investment is 7 million rubles, and the payback is about 8 months.

Particular attention in Perekrestok supermarkets is paid to product quality

Information about the franchisor

The first outlet called "Crossroads" was opened in 1995 in Moscow. The supermarket chain developed rapidly and by 2010 had reached the figures of 2.7 billion dollars and 301 points in more than 20 cities of Russia and Ukraine. This number also includes 8 special supermarkets "Green Crossing", which, in addition to the usual goods, offer a variety of delicacies from around the world.

The Perekrestok Express format is convenient stores within walking distance with fresh bread, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, etc. Half of the entire retail space of the establishment is occupied by goods from the fresh and food & go categories. Also in the assortment there are associated goods, such as household chemicals, hygiene and stationery.

Particular attention is paid to comfortable movement around the hall and the choice of goods. The buyer of Perekrestok is a person with an average income, so a democratic pricing approach has been chosen.
The Pyaterochka and Karusel stores belong to the same organization.

The secret of the success of the Perekrestok network

The main idea of ​​the Perekrestok network is to offer products highest quality. In stores, the action "I'm responsible for the quality!" is constantly running. The buyer who finds the goods in delay receives a reward in the amount of the cost of the goods.

Due to the partial outflow of customers and high competition in 2014, Perekrestok was rebranded. The logo has been updated - now an element resembling a clover has been added, as well as a green background. This should prompt the client that the main objective supermarkets are fresh products. Organization trading floor and other areas have also undergone a transformation.

The Perekrestok franchise supplies a wide range of all product groups to store shelves

Franchise Perekrestok - price, features, benefits

Compared to other offers, the cost of the Perekrestok franchise is moderate.

Basic project rates:

  • lump-sum contribution - 295 thousand rubles;
  • royalties - 3% of gross revenue;
  • marketing payments - no;
  • insurance premium - 0.7% of the amount of the credit limit;
  • agency fee - 25% of the turnover (the goods from the franchisor come for sale);
  • the cost of building a store - 10 thousand rubles / m2;
  • purchase of cash and retail equipment -3 million rubles;
  • advertising media and branded clothing - 180 thousand rubles;
  • acquisition of an alcohol license - 450 thousand rubles.

Read also: Conditions and cost of the Sportmaster franchise

The total cost of launching a store for 200-300 m2 will cost 7 million rubles.


The opening of the Crossroads point takes place under reverse franchising. This means that the franchisor supplies 80% of the range of goods under an agency agreement. And as a result of sales, the franchisee receives his agency interest (25%).

Business indicators

The main indicators of the attractiveness of the project:

  • payback 6-24 months;
  • average monthly net income- 800 thousand rubles.

Note: practice shows that most supermarkets opened under the Perekrestok Express franchise pay off within a year to a year and a half.

Perekrestok Franchise Benefits

  1. Work under a well-known brand with a ready-made successful ideology.
  2. A single supply center also implies a single settlement center and a deposit.
  3. Ready-made projects for the design of the trading floor, shop windows and the outside.
  4. Developed assortment and pricing policy.
  5. To open outlet run command is provided.
  6. Provision of software.
  7. Training.
  8. Organization of logistics.
  9. Support and control during the first two weeks.
  10. Consulting at all stages - a manager-consultant is assigned to each store.

One of the main advantages of such supermarkets is the fact that goods are delivered by one transport from a single distribution center. About 80% of goods are delivered this way, which greatly simplifies the procurement process.

Franchise Requirements

The franchisor puts forward certain requirements for the premises and the place where the implementation of the new Crossroads is planned.

Place to open a store

Key prescriptions for site selection:

  1. A densely populated or heavily built-up area, as well as intersections of pedestrian or transport lines with active traffic.
  2. Good visibility of the sign from any angle at any time of the day.
  3. The presence of equipped entrances, parking and a comfortable pedestrian line.
  4. The presence of entrances for trucks in dimensions of the Scania type from the back side.
  5. The purchasing power of the population is average or higher - the average check is from 500 rubles.
  6. It is important that there are no such shops in the vicinity of 150 meters.


Key prescriptions for the premises:

  1. Total area from 120 m2.
  2. Availability of utility networks: water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, electricity with a capacity of 35 kW.
  3. Availability of fire safety systems with automatic fire extinguishing.
  4. Lighting: trading floor - from 800 lux, offices and warehouses - from 400 lux, transport passages - from 200 lux.
  5. Availability high speed internet and internal automatic telephone exchange for 5-7 lines.
  6. The presence of an unloading unit for pallets for 2-3 places.

Requirements for the franchisee

The Crossroads franchisee must:

  • register as a legal entity;
  • have enough money to invest;
  • have the required premises on a long-term lease or in ownership;
  • conclude service contracts: utilities, repair and construction, collection, etc.;
  • get an alcohol license;
  • carry out repairs, decoration and equipment of the store.

Note: most of the goods come from the X5 RetailGroup distribution center. However, alcoholic products purchased directly from suppliers. This issue is supervised by the franchisee in accordance with contractual terms with alcohol suppliers.

"Express" does not pull

Perekrestok Express is the weakest format in the structure of X5 Retail Group: in the first nine months of 2017, its revenue decreased by 11.1%, to RUB 7.3 billion. For comparison: over the same period, sales of Pyaterochka increased by 30.3%, to 724.4 billion rubles, Perekrestok - by 19.4%, to 132.3 billion rubles, Karusel - by 7 .2%, to 63.3 billion rubles.

Perekrestok Express also turned out to be the only retailer format that showed a decrease in the average check for the nine months of 2017 to 275.6 rubles. against 281.1 rubles. for the same period last year.

The EBITDA margin of Perekrestki Express is several times lower than that of other retailer formats: 2.1% versus 5.8% for Karusel, 7% for Perekrestok and 9.1% for Pyaterochka in the first half of the year (For nine months, these data are not disclosed).

The network was launched in 2007 as a joint project with a group of private investors, whose names were not disclosed. Initially, X5's stake in the project was only 40%, but the group had an option to increase it. In 2010, X5 Retail Group obtained operational control over the chain, having paid $6 million for another 20% stake. A year later, the company became the sole owner of the chain.

"Perekrestok Express" was the first X5 Retail Group format, the distribution of which the group began to involve franchisees. Since 2012, the group has changed the principle of working with partners to "reverse franchising" - under the terms of the contract, the network participates in all stages of opening and operating stores, and the partner only manages them. Under this scheme, the franchisee does not pay an initial fee and royalties, but his income is limited to a certain percentage of the store's gross margin.

To increase the effectiveness of the X5 format, Retail Group tried to experiment with Perekrestok Express stores: at the beginning of this year, several stores of the chain were transferred under the Eda brand.

Reset excess

Perekrestok Express cannot be called a problem format for X5 Retail Group, it simply does not meet the group's growth prospects, says Uralsib analyst Konstantin Belov. In his opinion, this segment is more suitable for smaller and niche retailers, such as Magnolia or Azbuka Vkusa. “The entire network will not necessarily be bought by one notable player. It is possible that the stores will be sold in parts to small retailers, ”he suggests.

Azbuka Vkusa, according to its representative Andrey Golubkov, may be interested in some Perekrestok Express stores, but no more than 20 objects in Moscow - these points fit the AB Daily format. A representative of VkusVill said that the company was not interested in buying Perekrestok Express stores.

In the West, the format of "convenience stores", in which Perekrestok Express worked, is more common than in Russia, each major player has a network in this segment, notes Deloitte partner Egor Metelkin. In his opinion, Perekrestok Express has no direct competitors in Russia, even AB Daily, Magnolia or VkusVill are focused on a different assortment and a different customer. The Express Format Has Potential Due to the Global Buying Trend prepared food in stores, says Anna Zhdanova, junior director of Fitch Rating's corporate department.

Earlier in early October, it was known about the sale of Karusel hypermarkets to X5 Retail Group under the sale and leaseback scheme (sale of real estate with the subsequent conclusion of a long-term lease agreement with the new owner). The cost of X5 Retail Group hypermarket space, according to INFOLine-Analytics, is about 20 billion rubles.

The work that X5 Retail Group is currently doing is normal process optimization for a company that has always struggled for rapid growth and maximum efficiency, says Metelkin. Both the sale of the network and the reverse leasing of Karusel's premises are an optimization of the group's work, and not an attempt to raise additional funds, ​X5's debt burden is at acceptable level, agrees Belov from Uralsib. The ratio of net debt / EBITDA of the company in the first half of 2017 is 1.8 (a year earlier it was 2.34), 72.8% of liabilities are long-term.

Greetings to all who visit!

I'll start by quoting the network concept from the official website:


Perekrestok Express - convenience stores retail space from 100 to 600 sq.m, located on the busy streets of the city, where customers can expect a large selection of fresh food, ready to eat.

Perekrestok Express is more than food! This is a response to the acceleration of the rhythm of our lives, when a significant part of the population lives in a time pressure mode and does not have time to cook at home.

Why do buyers choose Perekrestok Express?

Accessibility - easy to get to

Convenience and cleanliness of the trading floor, the ability to easily and quickly find everything you need

Good food value for money, low prices in its category for most FMCG products

A range that meets the basic needs of customers and various models purchases

The ability to solve a complex of pressing everyday problems in one place

Warm, homely service, atmosphere of comfort, attention and care

Saving time and effort when organizing everyday life

And now, let's take a look at how things really are. I'll try to be objective.

1. Availability. Indeed, the location of the stores is convenient for when you need to "run" to the supermarket on your way somewhere to buy a small amount of food, for example, a carton of milk or cottage cheese for an afternoon snack at work. According to this indicator a plus .

2. Convenience of the trading floor, the ability to easily and quickly find everything you need. By the will of fate, it so happened that I visited this store several times and in some cases there were difficulties in finding some kind of product, and the staff did not succeed immediately. In other cases, it was easy to find what was required. Here rather minus but still not too big.

3. Cleanliness of the trading floor. There are no complaints here. A plus.

4. Good value for money food, low prices in its category for most everyday products. But in this paragraph, an absolute and 100% lie! The value for money is unique! I have not seen such a ratio in any store yet))) Most of the goods have an expiration date that is already approaching its end. But, despite the fact that formally the expiration date has not yet ended, the products are very often spoiled. I myself have repeatedly encountered this and other visitors have the same impression and therefore they bypass this store. And with the "quality" of products, such high prices still need to be looked for. The prices are much higher than the prices in the Perekrestok chain, where, by the way, I had no problems with the freshness of the products, but I go there much more often. Even in the nearby Magnolia chain store, known for its high prices, the cost of the same items is lower. Let me give you an example: the cost of Bisconti Assorted cookies at Auchan is about 130 rubles, at Perekrestok about 180 rubles, at Perekrestok Express - more than 200 rubles (if I'm not mistaken, then somewhere around 215 rubles) .

5. Assortment. I think that for a store of this format, the assortment is normal. A plus .

6. Opportunity to solve a complex of pressing everyday problems in one place. I doubt it, precisely because of the rather meager assortment of goods. Minus.

7. Warm, homely service, atmosphere of comfort, attention and care. I did not notice, but there are no complaints about the staff. No rating.

8. Saving time and effort when organizing everyday life. Yes and no. Of course, you will save time, but for the normal organization of everyday life, the range of goods should be much wider. No rating.

I would add to the above that quite often long queues line up, but due to the format of the store, visitors do not purchase a large number of goods and therefore this does not lead to large losses of time.

In the supermarket, as well as in the stores of the Perekrestok chain, there is bonus program"Crossroads Club", but for some technical reasons it has not been available for almost half a year.


The circumstances described in paragraph 4 are quite enough to cross out the existing pluses and forget the way not to turn off your way to this store.

I do not recommend the Perekrestok Express supermarket chain to anyone, but, of course, everyone is free to decide on their own

Thank you for spending these few minutes in my company. Hope it was helpful


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