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Dear colleagues!

We probably have not noticed what has happened to us since the opening of today's conference. We have had a musical miracle. Now we have heard echoes of Shestakovich's 7th symphony. This is the measured clatter of some enemy battalions. We heard the motives of Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven. The harmony of the most different styles just raged in this room. At least I heard it. And I would like, if there are high worlds somewhere, then let Nikolai Dmitrievich Kondratiev hear it too. It is characteristic that in music there is a theme, in music there are chords, in music there is improvisation. I did not prepare for the performance, but Yuri Vladimirovich somehow inspired it, and the theme of inspiration, which embraced us all, gave rise to my little musical improvisation.

I want to say that the work of Nikolai Dmitrievich, his life can evoke many different chords, many different themes, but I would like to press on three of them now. It's a theme of subjectivity, it's a theme of generosity, it's a theme of mastery.

The theme of subjectivity is related to the fact that we are analyzing the very deep objective works of Nikolai Dmitrievich. However, he considered all these things in terms of absolutely practical, if you like, managerial or, more precisely, strategic.

At one time, Lermontov wrote the following lines: “No matter how you interpret Voltaire or Descartes, the world for me is a deck of cards. Rock mosque, I play, and I apply the rules of the game to people. Such approaches in those years of the beginning of the century, in the 1920s, were not just popular, they were the fashion, they were the dominant of the accepted approaches to economics, management, etc.

Nikolai Dmitrievich approached this situation from a higher position because subjectivity can be considered at three minimum levels.

The first level is the level of practical planning of corporate activities. Whether it's TNCs, whether it's 400 or 7 levels of influence, there is very tough planning everywhere.

Level two is the level of planning through rules. And in fact, the modern rules in which economic entities operate are largely determined by national states and international norms. And, in particular, the situation that awaits us - accession to the WTO - will significantly distort, change many parameters of the regulation of economic behavior.

But there is also highest level planning, it is a conceptual modeling of the development of the world. And in this regard, Nikolai Dmitrievich was the author of very serious, far-reaching approaches for decades and hundreds of years of scenario design of economic development. And this must not be forgotten.

The second theme, the second note, is the note of generosity. And the point is not what conclusions Nikolai Dmitrievich drew, if he had mastered the achievements of physics, quantum physics, mathematics, game theory, etc. that are contemporary to us. It is obvious that the basis scientific work- the principle of leapfrog. We stand on the shoulders of giants, then others on each other's shoulders. And so the development of science does not stop.

And in this regard, the fact that 110 years after his birth, we are still inspired, from our consciousness and subconsciousness, we pull out some ideas developed by him, it means that he still helps us to create, and this is his inexhaustible generosity. We can say that Nikolai Dmitrievich, his work, is the Kastalsky key, which still overshadows us, inspires both Pushkin in literature and Nikolai Dmitrievich in science, and not only economics, but also in many related sciences.

And the third moment, the third note in this chord - I would call it mastery. It's not that manuscripts don't burn. After 80 years, they may still be in the archives, and for sure we will still discover something important from Kondratiev in the archives. The point is that mastery presupposes the personality of the author, the personality of Nikolai Dmitrievich. It is no coincidence that the thought sounded here that Nikolai Dmitrievich is a moral example for new and new generations. When there is no Korchagin, no Morozov, no Matrosov, new heroes are still needed to follow. And not the idols of the crowd, not the idols of pop music, which is now almost flooded the air, but this kind of people, people, their lives.

Now we are planning to publish in the journal a unique work that emphasizes the extraordinary palette of Nikolai Dmitrievich, his creative palette (the fairy tale was first published in issues 2-3 of Economic Strategies in 2002 - author's note). He is actually a composer, and a musician, and a poet. In addition, he is a storyteller. That tale, which is still little known, tells of a certain kitten, Shammi, who set off on his journey. He was tired of this calm, uninteresting life, he gathered a company - a rooster, a donkey, a horse. And together they go to the land of Ainazhda. This country of Ainazhda is like an ideal of a future possible arrangement, which, probably, will never be achievable, but to which one must strive.

I will give the main key semantic point of this very fairy tale. The whole company finds itself in front of a stone where there is a choice: if you go to the right, the path is dangerous, and you will never return from this path. You can wander along this path for a long time, but it is useless. The path to the left will be terrible, Nikolai Dmitrievich emphasizes. This story was written in prison. If you wish yesterday, you will never return from there. And so the whole company chooses the third way. He is an unknown path, very difficult, very narrow, not explored by anyone. This is probably the main and deeply musical parting word of Nikolai Dmitrievich to us. As Lenin noted in his time, the time will come when even 70 "Marxists" will not deal with the problems that will confront society. And Nikolai Dmitrievich predicted that problems would arise that would require enormous efforts of intellects, creative efforts, individual efforts, all kinds of insights. The fact that about 70 of us have gathered here today is probably the fulfillment of at least our minimum debt to N.D. Kondratiev. This is his, in fact, musical testament.

MOSCOW PRIME MINISTER OF THE MOSCOW GOVERNMENTR A P O R I W E N I EOn holding a closed investment competition for the restorationwith the modernization of Czech-made tram cars andorganization of serial production of modernized carsIn order to upgrade the tram fleet of Moscow by restoring and modernizing Czech-made tram cars with high technical and economic indicators and carrying out reconstruction production capacity for their serial production, providing high quality and low cost:1. To the Department of Transport and Communications, the Department of Science and Industrial Policy, the City Order Budget Planning Department, the City Order Department, JSC "Moscow Committee for Science and Technology" (OJSC MKNT) in accordance with the order of the Mayor of Moscow dated 06.10.97 N 794-RM "On clarifying the provisions for holding competitions for the purchase of products for urban needs" until February 25, 1999, to hold a closed investment competition for applicants (executors) for two interrelated projects:- development of design and technological documentation for the restoration and modernization of a Czech-made tram car with the maximum use of world achievements;- development of documentation and carrying out the reconstruction of production facilities at one of the Moscow enterprises with the organization of serial production of modernized Czech-made tram cars, which ensure high quality and low cost.To coincide with the release of the first prototype of a modernized tram car to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Moscow tram in 1999; work to be carried out mainly by attracting extrabudgetary funds.2. Assign the following functions under the closed investment competition of applicants (performers):- the state customer and the state user from the Government of Moscow - to the Department of Transport and Communications;- the city customer - for R & D and the organizer of the competition - for OAO MKNT.3. Approve the composition of the city competition commission presented by the Department of Transport and Communications and OJSC MKNT (Appendix).4. City competition commission:4.1. Within 2 weeks, develop and approve tender documentation packages:- package N 1 - according to the qualification assessment of the participants of the competition;- package N 2 - technical and economic indicators for two interrelated projects.4.2. Based on the results of the closed investment competition, prepare an order of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government with a program for implementing its results.5. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Moscow, the head of the City Economy Complex Nikolsky B.V. P.p. Prime Minister of the Government of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov Application to the PremierMoscow GovernmentJanuary 28, 1999 N 70-RP COMPOSITION city ​​competition committee for the competition"Restoration with the modernization of tram carsCzech production and organization of mass productionwagon with high technical and economic indicators"Chairman of the Commission: Korsak Alexander Borisovich - Head of the Department of Transport and connections Deputy Chairmen of the Commission: Anatoly Yezhov - Deputy Generaldirector of OJSC MKNT Fedorenko Vladimir Vasilyevich - vice-president of the State Corporation "Mosgortrans"Commission secretaries: Apollonov Yury Sergeevich - head of the directorate of OAO MKNT Khorovich Boris Grigoryevich - director of the institute"MosgortransNIIproekt"Members of the Commission: Abramov Vladimir Alexandrovich - Deputy HeadBiryukov Alexander Vasilievich - Deputy Head of the City Order DepartmentOffice of Science and InvestmentDepartment of Science andIndustrial Policy Dergach Andrey Germanovich - Head of the Main Directorateelectric transport of the Ministry of Transport Russian Federation Zhukov Anatoly Petrovich - chief engineerKrasnopresnensky tramdepot Ivanov Vyacheslav Alekseevich - head of the department of petroleum products,energy saving and ecologytransport department of transportand Communications Korotaev Yury Vasilyevich - Head of Mechanical Engineering DepartmentDepartment of Science andIndustrial Policy Kuschenkov Boris Kuzmich - President of the Corporation"Gorstroyelektrotrans" Lyulko Vitaliy Vasilyevich - head of departmentelectric transport GK"Mosgortrans" Meledin Vladimir Konstantinovich - head of the traction departmentelectric drive research institute at the plant"Dynamo" Mironenkov Vladimir Viktorovich - Leading Specialist of the DepartmentExternal Relations Mironov Nikolai Ivanovich - Director of the State Research Institute of Carriage BuildingRussian Federation Ogloblina Marina Evgenievna - First Deputy HeadBudgetaryplanning city order Rukina Irina Mikhailovna - deputy of the Moscow CityDuma, Chairman of the Commission oneconomic policy(by agreement) Sleptsov Mikhail Alexandrovich - head of the department of electric transport MPEI

On February 21, 2011, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev met in the Gorki residence near Moscow with the families of officers of the new look of the Russian Armed Forces.

The Pacific Fleet was represented at the meeting by the commander of the nuclear submarine "K-44" "Ryazan", captain of the 2nd rank SIDORENKO Viktor Vladimirovich and his wife SIDORENKO Tatyana Leonidovna (Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka Territory).

Baltic Fleet - commander of an artillery battery of a rocket and artillery warhead patrol ship"Yaroslav the Wise" senior lieutenant SMOLYANINOV Oleg Mikhailovich and his wife SMOLYANINOVA Valeria Sergeevna (Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region)

Naval aviation - the commander of the ship of the aviation detachment of the transport aviation squadron of the 7055th Guards Aviation Base of the Naval Aviation of the Navy Captain KOTLOVENKO Yury Vladimirovich and his wife Tatiana Viktorovna KOTLOVENKO (Shcherbinka, Moscow region)

The meeting with the President of Russia was also attended by captain 1st rank YAKOVETS Vitaly Vasilyevich, head of department - deputy commander of military unit 92154 with his wife Olesya Vladimirovna YAKOVETS.

northern fleet, Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla were not represented.

The meeting discussed the implementation of the army reform, the solution of social issues, including the planned increase in monetary allowance from January 1, 2012, the provision of housing, employment of the wives of servicemen.

D. MEDVEDEV (excerpts):... Our conversation is not secret, under cameras, therefore You don't need to tell everything, but you can tell something about what else we need to do.

The very order, on the basis of which bonuses are now being awarded to the most trained military personnel, will already move into the category of a permanent form of financial support for military personnel, which, in my opinion, is, of course, extremely important.

When I, as Supreme Commander, made decisions about the new look armed forces, about cuts that go to Armed Forces, I assumed that we need to make sure that those who want to serve remain in the Armed Forces ...

And now the purpose of these transformations is to ensure that those to whom the service is native who considers this a matter of his life, no matter what rank he is - lieutenant or general. My meetings of the last period show that a qualitative improvement in the officer corps is taking place.
Everyone chooses his own path.
Whoever stays will serve and receive a different monetary allowance.
Who quits - he has a different fate, a different life.

He can try to find himself in another life, and the state is obliged to help him in this, it is obliged to create jobs, give him the opportunity, perhaps, to create his own business, to do something else, but do not drag along those who do not want to serve.

I was just talking to your colleagues Nizhny Novgorod, experiment this one was discussed, the meeting was great. Comrades spoke, they said that the one who wanted to leave, he left. They say: “As a commander, it became easier for me, because it is possible to work with those who remained in a normal way” ...

This is not just a professional holiday for military personnel ( approx.- February 23). - This is a holiday for all who defend our country, those who, as they say, as it was said in one famous movie, chose such a profession for themselves - to defend their homeland.

I would like to congratulate everyone who has chosen this profession on the Defender of the Fatherland Day!
For those who defend their homeland, and for their spouses!
I congratulate you once again on the holiday, be healthy!


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