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Information stands are used to place materials: leaflets, news, advertising messages, booklets, etc. both in trade and in the service sector.

Basic types of stands

One of the most common and popular types - stand "consumer's corner". What is placed in it? In fact, this is an information board with pockets. There may be a book of complaints and suggestions, licenses and certificates of the company, information about the company, etc. Most often, such a corner does not carry an advertising load, so many people order inexpensive options. budget organizations: stand for school, hospital, public institution etc.

Usually there are two types of information stands:

  • street
  • Interior

Interior stands are used indoors and are divided into open ( Free access materials) and closed Restricted access. It is used if accidental damage to placed materials or acts of vandalism are possible. For example, in educational institutions

Installation street information stands use restaurants, cafes (menu placement), social organizations(housing and communal services announcements, house management, etc.), posting up-to-date information, etc.

5 basic stand design rules

Successful arrangement of information, placement of accents, the right ways to draw attention to the stand - "the way to the heart" potential clients and business partners.

Let's highlight five key points:

  1. First of all, it is necessary define main goal . Why do you need an information board? What is her "mission"? The answers to these questions will help you get the right focus. But more on that later.
  2. To attract attention. The external design should attract the eye of people, cause a desire to come up to find out "what is so interesting there." It was revealed that the visitor, passing by, stops his gaze at the stand for no more than 5-10 seconds. This means that during this time you must convince him to come closer and get acquainted with the information. What are the means of attracting attention? An original form, a bright element or backgrounds for the design of a stand, an unusual presentation of information: comics, infographics, etc.
  3. Human attention is selective. A person cannot pay the same amount of attention to many subjects at once, so you need to place accents: what the reader should see first of all, what then - as auxiliary material. If your task is presentation of the company's product, then the focus should be on him and his advantages. Use illustrations, photographs, infographic diagrams - visual information is perceived better. If you decide to post information about the company itself, then, first of all, the logo, brand, corporate colors, etc. should pay attention to themselves. It makes no sense to add “empty” decorative elements that do not carry a semantic load, because your goal is not only to attract, but also to keep the reader. Therefore, the design should be logically related to your main idea.
  4. The number of visual accents should not be large. Otherwise, the person's attention is scattered, and the person will not be able to concentrate on the material that you want to convey.
  5. Updating information is very important. All news, up-to-date information and announcements should literally be “striking” and be replaced by fresh messages in time. Don't forget to add invitations to ongoing events, etc.

The stand, in some way, is one of the components of the "face" of any organization, regardless of whether it is commercial or public. The success and favor of visitors and future potential customers depend on how competently the information place is designed.

Stands in public buildings

A creatively designed stand in color design is only half the battle, as it is very important that it conveys important information to the visitor. Of course, stands made in bright colors will look convincing, but if you place this information object in the wrong place in the room, it will turn into nothing more than an ordinary decorative element of the interior.

Creative booth attracts the attention of visitors and guests more

You should try to place the stand in the busiest area in order to attract the attention of as many people as possible, but with a certain delicacy so that it does not “irritate” the eyes. Such places are usually foyers in schools, theaters, hotel lobbies, etc.

The format of the stand can be diverse, depending on the purpose of the building

The area of ​​the information screen of the stand should be commensurate with the total space of the room, without cluttering it with its size, delicately conveying the necessary information.

Read also:

Section: For personnel service

We offer you a wide range of stands for various tasks solved by the personnel departments of enterprises, such as attracting and training employees, informing, decorating HR corners, honor boards, rights and obligations of employees, and much more. For a colorful design of stands, you can order a CD "For personnel services" with posters and pictures for the personnel officer's corner. Order branding (logo of the organization). You can buy stands for the personnel department of your organization by contacting our managers, delivery of stands is carried out throughout Russia

Thanks to functional and design features prefabricated stands you can:
1. Add to this stand hanging pockets for teaching and handouts.
2. Change the color scheme of the stand elements.
3. Order large letters.
4. Place on the stand Place regional or corporate symbols on the stand
5. Purchase racks for outdoor placement of the stand.
6. Order thematic sets of A4 posters and handouts (color and b/w).
7. Gradually build up, build your individual information space by acquiring individual elements of the stand.

The price includes stand assembly.

HR application is official document, which, in accordance with the norms of labor legislation, must be drawn up in a certain way, include a number of details (name of the employee, date of compilation, signature, etc.). An ordinary employee does not know (and should not know, this is not part of his official duties) how to correctly write an application for vacation or dismissal. To do this, there is always an HR inspector in the company, who is obliged to explain and help draw up the document. Now, when the phrase "staff turnover" is known firsthand to any specialist in the personnel service, and applications for dismissal and admission must be written daily, a lot of time is spent on dictating statements and explanations. Today's article will be devoted to how to optimize the time of the personnel service and stay within the legal framework.

First, let's start by compiling a list of key recruiting applications. Here he is:

1 group of statements

one). Application for a job

2). Letter of resignation for own will

2 group of statements

3). Annual leave application

four). Leave application at own expense

5). Application for issuance of a copy of the work book

6). Application for a certificate of employment

3 group of statements

7). Transfer Application

eight). Application for maternity leave

9). Financial Assistance Application

ten). Resignation letter

This list contains only the most common and required employment applications. Depending on the specifics of your company, other forms may be added. For example, if dismissals are often practiced by agreement of the parties, then the personnel inspector should draw up an application form and include it in the rest.

Secondly, we will divide the above applications into groups according to their number in the total number of forms: 50% -1 group, 40% -2 group, 10% -3 group. In other words, since the application for resignation of one's own free will is more in demand in any company, there will be five times more forms of such applications than forms of applications for pregnancy and childbirth.

Thirdly, in the personnel department it is necessary to place a visual stand with examples of filling out forms. To place the stand, choose a place in the office where the employee can sit down at the table and at the same time have a great view of the stand. You can also post examples employment contract and agreements on material liability; they will not take up much space, but they will serve as a reminder of the basic rights and obligations for existing employees of the company and will be a model for newcomers to fill out. Recommended especially important points highlight on the stand with bright color and exclamation marks. This is due to the fact that, unfortunately, the level of personnel culture in our country is still quite low. Most employees are unaware of the administrative and criminal liability that may follow in the event of a violation of labor laws on the part of personnel officers, the head of the company, and are extremely careless about personnel documentation.

Next to the booth, in a separate folder or on the counter, ready-made forms should be placed, preferably in separate files. To print applications, use the employer's letterhead, so employees are more disciplined, do not wrinkle applications, and it is more convenient and pleasant for HR specialists to file documents in the archive. For example, on an already printed form there will be enough indentation for puncturing with a hole punch and flashing a list of personal files for subsequent archiving.

All employees should have free access to forms both in print and in in electronic format. It is most convenient to submit an electronic file with statements to the employee in one of the following ways:

When applying for a job at a corporate address Email the employee, along with the welcome speech of the company's management, introductory documentation, is sent a file with all application forms;

The file with the application forms is posted on the company's internal website with a "read-only" function for all employees and with an "edit" function for personnel officers.

After testing the system proposed in this article in central office the company should introduce it in the branches, representative offices and subsidiaries of the employer. Thus, it is possible to start building a uniform system personnel document flow in the entire group of companies, holding.

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From this article you will learn

  • What is meant by the design of information stands in the library
  • What design does an information stand for a school require?
  • Who is best to entrust the design of an information stand

Designing information stands - it would seem, is a fairly simple matter. When the sole purpose of such an object is to convey information, there is no need to invent anything special. It will be enough to arrange information and images so that it is convenient to perceive them. But in fact, everything is more complicated. Of course, the design of information stands does not require a professional design approach, special ingenuity or imagination, but it is important to remember that there are subtleties here that affect the effectiveness of such a medium. What do you need to know about design in this area?

Who needs information stands and why?

For many establishments important role plays a high-quality, neatly designed stand with information. All stores must have a "Buyer's Corner" - that is, a board on which the consumer protection law, registration certificate, contact details of the company, etc. are placed.

Each company has the right to display on its territory information that it considers important, useful for customers and employees. It can be her data, mission, purpose, contacts, fire regulations and so on. Such things testify to the success of the company, increase loyalty to it. To achieve these goals, a simple and affordable type of advertising is well suited - an information stand.

By designing advertising and information stands, you communicate with potential consumers your services: talk about new products, promotions. And after the information stand turns into a Board of Honor, it becomes an image component that allows you to promote the brand, positively influencing the level of employee loyalty.

An information stand is a simple and important way of influencing a certain circle of people, it must be used! But what is this one?

This is a flat design on which information and documents are placed. They can be displayed in pockets or attached to the board itself. The dimensions of the carrier vary depending on its functional load, location.

The information stand can perform the following functions:

  • Informing. Its main task is to transfer important data to a specific circle of people.
  • Propaganda. When designing an information stand, books, brochures with information are inserted into pockets: price list, price reduction, principles of collaboration, etc.
  • Compliance with the law. Representation of laws, other normative documents, labor protection instructions, rules.
  • Exhibition opportunities. Exhibiting examples of your product.
  • Hall of Fame. Submission of information about the organization, goals, strategy, data about employees and their merits.

It is important to remember that if you managed to design an information stand that can attract attention and convey information to the reader in an understandable language, its effectiveness increases several times.

The main parts of the stand are a shield and fasteners, with the help of which information is displayed. As the latter, the appropriate fittings or plastic pockets are selected. Under the base is usually plastic. Suitable PVC 3-5 mm thick.

Pockets are made flat for one or two sheets and voluminous for placing leaflets, brochures. They are made of transparent plastic with a thickness of 0.5-3 mm.

The size of the pocket is standard A4 or any size, based on your needs. The number and format of pockets is determined by the customer.

In fact, information stands are made from a wide variety of materials, in all sizes and shapes, with additional presentation functions.

In other words, if you order an individual information stand, you will always receive new and non-standard products.

What are the requirements for the design of an information stand

According to Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, the owner of the company is obliged to draw up a “Consumer Corner”. The term "information stand for the client" is not considered formal. In reality, each option will do: “Consumer Corner”, “Information for Visitors”, etc.

Regulatory authorities do not look at this point, since it is not fixed by the Law. However, they check what information is communicated to the client.

The law defines the list of data that must be placed on the information stand:

  1. the name of the body that registered the IP;
  2. the presence of registration of the activity of the entrepreneur;
  3. information about accreditation in government agencies, licenses and other permits.

In the "Corner of the consumer" must be the following documents:

  • The law on consumer protection in the current edition, taking into account changes and additions. It is better to buy its printed version. In this case, the inspectors will not have questions.
  • A copy of the IP registration certificate.
  • Licenses, if the IP has them.
  • A copy of the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Book of complaints and suggestions (stitched and numbered) with the data of the head. Posted not in without fail, but is provided at the first request of the consumer.
  • Rules for consumer services to the population (for individual entrepreneurs who are engaged in relevant activities).
  • Data on the location and contacts of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • List of categories of people eligible to be served out of turn.
  • Information about the prohibition of the sale of certain products to persons under the age of majority.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological safety rules (for individual entrepreneurs working in specialized areas).

The information that must be on the stand may be determined by local regulations. In this case, when designing an information stand, it is necessary to be guided by federal law, the norms of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The information available on the information stand is divided into the following groups:

  • Normative legal acts: Federal Law, government decrees, laws regulating specific sectors of the economy.
  • Information about the seller, indicating the legality of his activities, extended rights to carry out work, sell services and specific categories of products.
  • Sanitary rules (in the case of the sale of food products and for public catering).
  • Other information (brochures about products, current promotions, etc.).

The law does not say that it is necessary to post information about the assortment, price list, quality certificates. However, this information must be available at the points of sale, provided at the request of consumers and during inspections by regulatory authorities.

Fire safety rules and an evacuation plan must be in all commercial premises. They are used when designing an information stand or located in another accessible place.

Everyone knows that the Book of Complaints and Suggestions is an integral part of the stand for the buyer. According to the law, every consumer has the right to leave a record. The administrative staff makes it possible to do this in a relaxed atmosphere, sitting on a chair at the table. Employees cannot ask the visitor for a passport or any form of identification. One should not be interested in why a person leaves a complaint or a suggestion.

The obligatory presence of an information stand for buyers is supported by liability for violating the law. Failure to provide information will result in certain sanctions. For violation, an administrative penalty is provided in the form of a fine in the amount of 1-3 thousand rubles (for individual entrepreneurs).

Checks compliance with these requirements Rospotrebnadzor.

The legislator generally gives the norms for the design of an information stand. Not general requirements by name, format, location. These issues can be resolved by the entrepreneur at his own discretion. However public services will evaluate the accessibility, completeness, convenience of the stand.

What rules are kept in mind when designing an information stand

Rule 1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the main goal. Why are you going to put up a bulletin board? What is her "mission"? The answers to these questions will help to correctly place the accents. We'll talk about this below.

Rule 2. Attracting attention. The external design of the information stand should attract attention, make you come up to find out what is written there. It is estimated that a person, passing by the stand, stops his gaze on it for only 5-10 seconds. That is for this a short time it is important for you to convince him to come closer and get acquainted with the information. What are the ways to get attention? Original form, bright element, stand backgrounds, extraordinary presentation of information: comics, infographics, etc.

Rule 3. Human attention is selective. A person is not able to pay equal attention to a large number of objects at the same time. Therefore, it is important for you to prioritize: think about what is best for him to see first, and what later, as supporting material. If your task is to talk about the company's product, then the focus should be on the product and its benefits. Use illustrations, photographs, diagrams, infographics - visual data is perceived better.

Rule 4. The number of visual accents should not be large. Otherwise, the person's attention is scattered, that is, it will not be easy for him to concentrate on the material that you are going to convey.

Rule 5. Updating information is a very important point. All news, current information and announcements should be “conspicuous” and constantly replaced with fresh ones. Be sure to invite to upcoming events, etc.

What can be the design of an information stand in an organization

Bulletin boards in organizations usually serve two main purposes:

  1. Informing.
  2. Formation and maintenance of corporate culture.

Bulletin board, first of all, a way to convey information. And to the members of the firm, and people coming to you. Usually, separate stands are prepared for these two groups; it is undesirable to combine the information intended for them. In addition, if they are in large volume, it is better to spend time designing several information stands than trying to fit everything into one.

Employees are provided with the following information:

  • important incidents, achievements;
  • news;
  • decisions made by management;
  • regulations;
  • vacancies.

Customers or visitors are informed:

  • on the main activities;
  • about the work schedule;
  • about the rules of service;
  • about higher authorities.

But such a source of information has a significant additional function: it creates corporate culture, forms the style of the company, a special environment.

If you undertook to arrange an information stand at the enterprise, immediately decide why you are doing this, what you will hang on it, how often you are going to change the data, who will be responsible for this. In this case, it is best to define responsible person. Otherwise the situation which has developed in one firm is possible.

Imagine - their board is filled with sheets of various sizes, attached with a button or glued, often on other sheets. Some of the information is in color, others are in black and white, and the rest is written by hand. On the sheet "If you need large folders - urgently go to the administrative department" is signed with a colored felt-tip pen: "It's not true - it's all over!!!". All this is like the entrance of the house, where anyone has the right to place their sheet. Or on the wall in a large communal apartment, in which no one is responsible for what is happening. There is no need to talk about the competent design of information stands.

The bulletin board cannot remain a draw. The person responsible for it must come up with a concept, form sections consistent in style, and update the data as they become obsolete. That is, anyone who wants to post news will act through this person. Then everything will be issued according to one standard and will be in the allotted place.

There are a number of basic rules for designing information stands that can increase their effectiveness.

1. Clear structure. It is extremely important that all ads are divided into sections. This simplifies the use of the board - the necessary information is easy to find without rereading the entire text. That is, all blocks need a title.

2. Unity of style. It is better that the design of the stand matches the corporate style of the company. When creating the image of an organization, there can be no unimportant things. It is incomprehensible the appearance, for example, of a blue-blue board in a company with a green-yellow logo. True, it is even sadder when the information stand is only a platform for attaching papers of different sizes with a different design.

3. Choosing the right mount. The method of attaching information depends on the type of the latter and the frequency of replacement, it is also important to remember the required level of representativeness of the media.

When a board is hung for consumers or located in a crowded area where both employees and outsiders pass, it is important to make it more presentable. It is better to purchase such information platforms immediately with standard A4 pockets or a format that is more convenient for you. This option works well if the information is replaced infrequently. If the pockets are made larger, they will fit a lot of handouts that people can take home and review later. It is more reasonable to carry out the design of advertising and information stands in this way.

4. Convenient grouping of information. There are many options for placing information on such boards. It can be divided by topic: on the one hand, information about the company as such, on the other - about its departments. Or choose the principle of updating: half of the board - infrequently changed blocks, the other - constantly. There is no need to place operational information (vacancies, news) and long-term information (mission, ideas) on the same stand. It is also important to understand that small boards seem clearer than huge ones, where everything that is possible is collected. It was said above that large organizations it makes more sense to create a series of stands with information on specific topics. There is no need to strive to make one comprehensive board if you have to publish a lot of information.

Why do we need information stands in the library and what should be their design

The main way to offer library services and the books stored in it is through library advertising. That is, information about the institution, its proposals, resources, allowing to notify the population, increase demand.

Information boards placed inside remain a familiar item in such establishments. Among them, the following types can be distinguished: announcements, posters, plans for organizing events, instructive and methodological posters, etc.

The following methodological instruction for the design of an information stand is intended for the formation of a stand that meets the requirements.

Information stand includes:

  • Basic information: name of the library or library network where it is included, work schedule, full name librarians, the composition of the fund.
  • Goals and objectives of the library in public service organization.
  • Rules for using the library.
  • Service Information provided by this establishment.
  • Information about amateur associations , interest clubs, if any: work plan, goals, objectives, etc.;
  • Letters, thanks, received for achieving results in work;
  • Current events announcements, work plans for the month, etc.;
  • Publishing products.

Such a stand is posted in a place suitable for reading information. It is recommended to glaze it, especially if it is located outside the premises of the institution. It is important to constantly update materials and announcements so that they do not remain outdated.

What requirements should the design of an information stand at school meet?


Reflect, highlight the main thing that you would like to tell your students and their parents. Re-read, maybe it is better to refuse some of the information or transfer it to another sheet, or something must be added.



Even if your handwriting is perfect, remember that printed text is easier to read. Especially now it is very easy to print several sheets.

Highlight the main

When designing an information stand for parents or children, use color, different fonts. After all, no one, regardless of age, will be able to remember absolutely everything they read. But keeping the main thing in memory is easy. Thoughtful design is easier to perceive and read. Look at this article - it was written based on this principle, and you almost finished reading it and even kept a lot in your memory.


Most often, school stands attract attention with colorful images, modern jokes, “demotivators” and other things. Pictures may not carry important information at all, their key task is to make the stand noticeable


If you choose to post every few months, no one will notice the change. Make it a rule to update your booth weekly. Don't know what you can write about so often? Paste a photo, a joke, interesting story- let your imagination run wild


There will definitely be at least one student in the class who is ready to help you with the design of the information stand. Although there may be more. And together it’s easier to come up with something and create good products.

How to design an information stand in kindergarten

The main feature when choosing a place for the "parental corner" is ease of perception, visibility. Here, focus on the level of the eyes of an adult. You can fill the space above the lockers, at the entrance, on the door. Do you have a free wall? Accommodation will be perfect.

The font must start from a size equal to 14 points. Bright, clear printing, attractive pictures, colorful words - are able to attract the eye. It is better that the sheets are easy to replace, so make pockets from plastic, ordinary files. It's great if you come up with a format that allows you to turn pages, as well as illustrations for memos.

Making information stands is easy to do on your own. If you have the means and the necessary appliances, ordinary plywood will be an excellent base. It will need to be painted and glued. As a more budget option, choose ceiling tiles, as it is easy to cut, which allows you to create any shape. It is easy to make windows for information from a ceiling plinth or photo frames.

The easiest way to design information stands is with self-adhesive paper. So you can attach an A4 file to the stand, and glue a frame of such paper around the edges. Bright, simple, beautiful. If the file loses its appearance, it will be very easy to change it. Invite parents to take part in the design: maybe one of them has artistic talent, then the wall can turn into a stand.

Do not forget that a beautiful, stylish, eye-catching information board is business card groups. Come up with a name for him: “For you, parents!”, “In our group!” or something of your own. The main thing is to be clear and accessible. Communicate with your parents this way. The above techniques are suitable for designing a school information stand, but then it is better to prepare it with a discreet, containing curriculum information.

Tip 1. Choose boards with a soft coating: it is easy to attach sheets to it. Stands with pockets of standard size are gradually becoming obsolete. Not everything that needs to be transmitted today is located on sheets of the traditional format.

Tip 2. The stand must have a title. It is made in the upper part, in the center. Take the usual: "News of the company", "Today with us", "Information". Or choose your option related to your field.

Tip 3. Divide the board in half. In one part, put out daily notices, and in the other - all non-working information: about holidays, congratulations.

Tip 4. Attach headings: "Congratulations", "Vacation", " The best workers”, etc. All news updated every day is also highlighted.

Tip 6 When designing an information stand, try to abandon bureaucratic expressions. Speak simply and clearly. Make sure that your colleagues - from the cleaning lady to the director - understand the meaning.

Tip 7. Decorate congratulations with colored pencils and beautiful postcards. Write them yourself, without choosing ready-made clichés from the Internet. Poems from popular sites with congratulations most often present a sad picture.

Tip 8 Take a place on the board under "Wishes and suggestions." This section will allow you to create feedback with the team. Let the messages remain anonymous, but they will contain information that will not be announced at any meeting.

Tip 9. Approach the design of the information stand creatively, do not stop at templates. Let your creation become the pride of the organization.

Of course, we have only listed basic principles containing almost innumerable options. We hope that the presented material has been useful to you, and you already know how to design an information stand. Surely you will want to choose something that reflects your features: strict, emphasizing the status of the company, or non-standard, to match your establishment, or decorated in such a way as to attract customers. It is not always easy to create something worthwhile on your own, and in specialized stores they often offer a standard product that will suit everyone and everyone. But uniqueness is already the result of creating your own project.

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The work of the personnel service is associated with the creation, processing, use and storage of a significant number of documents. These documents usually contain information related to the personal data of employees and must be protected from unauthorized access.

The Government of the Russian Federation, in its order dated March 21, 1994 No. 358-R, recommended that organizations (regardless of their form of ownership) include special clauses in their charters (regulations) where to prescribe all issues related to the accounting and preservation of documents on personnel and their timely transfer to storage in the event of liquidation.

It is quite obvious that all this imposes serious obligations on the heads of organizations and officials responsible for ensuring the safety of documents on personnel. This means that each employer must develop a set of legal, organizational and practical measures to ensure the conditions for the storage and use of such documents. About how to organize the "ideal" office of the personnel department, we will be told by someone who knows exactly how to do it right.

We will start talking about how to properly organize the space for storing personnel documents with a reminder that in the personnel service there are actually two independent parts of the documentary fund.

Part 1. Originals and copies of documents created in the organization and coming from other organizations and structural divisions on all issues of the organization's activities, regulations on the department, its divisions, job descriptions employees. A large place in the work of the personnel service is also given to correspondence with organizations and citizens on various issues, materials for checking the status of documents containing personal data, in structural divisions organizations.

Part 2. Personal files of employees and other accounting documents, documents on attestation of employees, etc.

Documents of the personnel service after completion of execution are filed in cases in accordance with their nomenclature. Cases for a certain period of time (usually two or three years) are stored in cabinets in the personnel department. After this period, cases of permanent and long-term (over 10 years) storage are transferred to the archive of the organization, and cases of temporary storage periods can remain in the personnel service until the expiration of the established storage periods, after which they are allocated for destruction with the preparation of a special act.

The main document that establishes the procedure for storing personnel documents is the federal law RF dated October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ “On Archiving in the Russian Federation”.

The main document that establishes the terms of storage of documents is the List of standard managerial archival documents generated in the course of activities. government agencies, bodies local government and organizations, indicating the terms of storage (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558; hereinafter - the List).

The terms of storage of documents specified in the List apply to all organizations, regardless of the form of ownership (Article 1.2 of the List).

The storage of personnel service documents is somewhat different from general rules storage of management documents, since they have a high social significance, many of them serve as confirmation of the employee's rights to social Security, for example, old age and disability, as well as confirmation of his seniority. Most documents on personnel have a long or permanent storage period and are used for reference purposes when citizens apply to archival institutions.


The head of the personnel service is responsible for the safety of personnel documents, and where there is no personnel service, the personnel officer. Therefore, his task is not only the proper organization of work with documents, but, above all, the creation of conditions that ensure their safety.

For the loss of documents, as well as for the destruction of papers before the due date, the current legislation provides for administrative liability. So, for violation of the procedure and terms of storage of accounting documents, an official will have to pay a fine in the amount of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles. (Article 15.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). If tax inspectors require documents, but the organization cannot provide them, then the fine will increase to 15,000 rubles. (Article 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, personnel documents also have a biographical, archaeographic value, serve as a source for statistical generalizations and historical and social research.

The peculiarities of storing personnel documentation in an organization are due to the tasks of restricting unauthorized access to documents containing personal data of employees and effectively searching for the necessary information.

Organization of the premises of the personnel service

Ideally, the office of the personnel service should have at least three adjacent rooms: a room for employees of the unit, an office for the head and a room where cabinets and safes for documents, files and file cabinets are located. At the same time, there can be only one entrance to the office of the personnel department.

If such an organization of space is not possible, then at least the basic conditions should be met.

Condition 1. The premises of the personnel service must be equipped with fire and burglar alarms.

Condition 2. It is desirable that the front door of the personnel department be double metal, and the windows are protected by metal bars.

Condition 3. The room must be spacious enough to, firstly, provide conditions for the work of service personnel, and secondly, there is a place to place cabinets and safes for the current storage of documents.

At the end of the working day, all doors (including internal ones) must be locked with reliable locks and sealed with the personal seal of the head of the personnel service. The keys to the doors are handed over against signature in a special magazine. At the same time, the reliability of the security alarms is switched on and checked.

Arms and disarms the premises of the personnel department head of the service (another official responsible for maintaining personnel work). Cleaning of premises is allowed only in the presence of these persons. Files, folders with documents, file cabinets, machine-readable documents, accounting journals and accounting books, work books are stored in the personnel department during working and non-working hours in permanently locked metal cabinets. It is desirable that each employee has his own cabinet for storing arrays of documents assigned to him. At the same time, seals, stamps, forms of documents and keys from the working cabinets of employees, as a rule, are stored in the safe of the head of the personnel service.

Rules for working with documents

To ensure the safety of personal data when working with documents, the following rules must be observed.

Rule 1. On the desktop, keep only those documents that you are currently working with.

Rule 2. Keep other documents in a locked cabinet.

Rule 3. Place executable documents in folders, on which indicate the type of actions performed with them, for example, “For filing in personal files”, “For sending”, etc., or the names of the employees who work with these documents. It is good if each folder contains an inventory of the documents contained in it.

Rule 4. Documents with which the work is completed, immediately file in the appropriate file.

Rule 5. At the end of the working day, put all documents, cases, sheets of paper and notebooks with working notes, instructional and reference materials into metal cabinets, safes, lock them up and seal them with a seal.

Rule 6. At the end of the working day, not a single paper should remain on the desktop. Also check the trash can and make sure there are no documents that may be of interest to an outsider.

Rule 7. Seals, stamps, forms of documents, keys to work cabinets, keep only in the safe of the head of the personnel department.

Rule 8. Drafts and revisions of documents, damaged forms, sheets with service records at the end of the working day should be destroyed in a paper cutting machine - shredder.

Rule 9. Computers at the end of the working day, block and disconnect from the network.

Rule 10. Do not leave any documents or office records on the desktop, do not leave cabinets unlocked, and do not leave the computer unlocked when leaving the office.


Place documents on the floor, window sills, in unsorted piles

Document storage rules

In the system for storing personnel documents, two stages can be distinguished: current (operational) and subsequent (archival).

The storage and use of documents from the moment they are created until the transfer of the case in which they are grouped to the archive is called current (operational). The current storage of cases is carried out at the place of their formation. So, the documents created in the personnel service are also stored in it.

Current storage is divided into two subspecies:

  • storage of documents in the process of their execution;
  • storage of executed documents. The current storage of documents means their storage in originals. Therefore, in the personnel services of organizations, orders for personnel are stored in originals.

Storage conditions should ensure the protection of documents from damage, harmful effects environment and prevent their loss. As a rule, for this, metal cabinets, safes, shelving cabinets, etc. are installed in the premises of the personnel department and the archive. To facilitate the search for documents, copies of the nomenclature of cases are placed on the cabinets, and case numbers are placed on the spines of the case covers in accordance with the nomenclature.

If you know that a certain document should be copied with a certain frequency, you can make one copy of it good quality and continue to work with her.

In the premises of the personnel service, in which a large number of documents are stored, stable values ​​​​of temperature and air humidity must be maintained, since it is not so much high and low temperatures and humidity that are especially dangerous for paper, but the frequent change in these indicators. Of course, documents are stored in special folders and behind tightly closed cabinet doors to minimize exposure to paper's worst enemy - dust. It is also advisable to store documents in a cabinet with opaque doors. The point is not only the greatest safety of storage, but also the fact that paper is harmful to exposure to light, especially ultraviolet radiation.


Archivists of the State Archives can check the procedure for storing and destroying documents in an organization, for example, if after checking the experts of the GIT inspection, violations of the rules for maintaining personnel documents were revealed. Also, the archival inspection checks the storage of personnel documents in the event that an employee has applied to the court with a statement about violation of his social rights(cannot get a certificate from the place of work about salary, work experience, etc.)

It is sad to admit, but photocopying and scanning does no less harm to documents. In general, it is not recommended to carry out such procedures more than five times, since this is enough to cause a significant change in the color of the paper and reduce its resistance to mechanical damage. Such an impact is due to the fact that when a light beam passes through the pages of documents, the illumination level is twenty times higher than the recommended one.

Rules for the destruction of documents

One of the stages life cycle personnel documents is their destruction. The reasons are different.

Reason 1. Legal destruction in organizations after the expiration of the established storage period.

Reason 2. Destruction or damage through negligence, as a result of accidents and natural disasters, natural and man-made disasters.

Our reference

The premises of the archive of the organization must be isolated, equipped with security and fire alarms. The required dimensions of the room for placing documents, including personnel, can be easily calculated based on the dimensions (length) of the archival shelf and the average thickness (1-1.5 cm) of a standard case, taking into account that a standard archival rack 2 m high 30 cm has 12 such shelves. The working distance between the racks must be at least 80 cm, fire passages between the rows of racks - 120 cm. Separately, the area occupied by metal cabinets and safes, as well as the average number of cases that can be placed in them, is considered. Having carried out all these calculations, you can accurately indicate what areas of the archive storage you need to accommodate documents.

In this regard, the personnel service has to solve two opposite problems.

Task 1. Destroy documents in order to minimize (or better, completely eliminate) the possibility of recovering the information contained in them.

Task 2. Restore documents and the information contained in them in case of damage or destruction of documents. What methods and technologies can be used for this.

The first task is related to the fulfillment of legal requirements and business obligations for the secure destruction of documents that have become unnecessary for the organization, as well as to address issues related to information security.

The second problem, fortunately, has to be solved much less frequently. And it is advisable to think in advance and draw up action plans to save damaged documents in the event of a fire or flood.

When destroying personnel records, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements defined in the International Standard for Document Management ISO 15489-1-2001 and in Standard 15489-1-2007, namely:

  • destruction must be authorized (i.e., unauthorized destruction of documentation without issuing relevant documents is prohibited);
  • Do not destroy documents related to pending or pending legal action or investigation;
  • the destruction of documents must be carried out with the confidentiality of the information contained in them;
  • all copies of documents selected for destruction, including insurance and backup copies and copies for long-term storage, must be destroyed.

Our reference

Shredding is the most common and popular method of destroying paper documents today. They are attracted by its cheapness, "environmental friendliness", sufficient reliability.

The main advantage is that documents can be destroyed in stages, in addition, it is not necessary to allocate a lot of space for temporary storage of materials selected for destruction. In this case, it is easier to ensure the security of documents and the information contained in them. It is this option that is actively used in the work, and in many organizations the requirement for the mandatory destruction of documents in a shredder is included in the internal regulations.

When choosing a shredder, experts advise taking into account the number of documents liquidated daily.

The recommended daily load is an important factor to consider when choosing a unit. Another fundamental point is how confidential the information is. The level of secrecy of the destroyer and the type of cutting depend on this.

The level of privacy provided by the shredder is set maximum size fragments into which paper or other media is cut.

According to international standard DIN 32757-1 distinguishes between five levels of secrecy:

  • the first level of secrecy is assigned to models that produce strips up to 1.2 cm wide at the output. It is possible to restore a document from such shavings, although you will have to tinker. Therefore, such shredders are used mainly for cleaning the desktop;
  • the second level of secrecy is not much more serious. The device produces strips no wider than 0.6 cm. Due to their affordable price, such devices are quite widespread;
  • Level 3 shredders can be used to destroy confidential but not classified documents. Paper is cut into strips 0.2 cm wide or fragments up to 0.4 x 6 cm. It is almost impossible to restore the contents of a document destroyed in this way;
  • for classified documents, it is recommended to use shredders with an even more powerful, fourth level of secrecy. In this case, the document is cut into fragments no larger than 0.2 x 1.5 cm, i.e., into small chips, suitable only as a building material;
  • and, finally, for the destruction of top secret documents, shredders are produced that produce fragments of the format 0.08 x 1.3 cm. In fact, the document turns into “dust” and cannot be restored even under laboratory conditions.

When choosing a shredder, you need to rely only on the level of secrecy that is really necessary, since the price and performance of the machine depend on this.

Let's not forget that office equipment is not only an indispensable assistant in the office, but also an important detail of the interior. In the assortment of any manufacturer you can find dark and light models of classic or futuristic design. The decoration uses metal, transparent plastic, light indicators of various colors.

Rules for working with visitors to the personnel service

In addition to operations with documents, employees of the personnel department spend a significant part of their time on receiving citizens (employees of the organization, former employees, job applicants, etc.). This type of work should also be strictly regulated, since visitors may pose a certain threat to the information security of the personnel department.

For the convenience of visitors to the personnel department, it is desirable that the premises of the department be located on the ground floor of the building, near the entrance. During the reception hours of persons who are not employees of the enterprise, the entrance to the department should be free.

It is better to control the passage of unauthorized persons into the premises of the department: the visitor is identified by a passport or official ID.


During the reception hours of visitors, perform functions not related to the reception, conduct business and personal negotiations by phone

It is important that the reception of visitors takes place only during specially designated hours. At other times, unauthorized persons, including employees of the enterprise, cannot be in the premises of the personnel department. Reception hours may be different for employees of the enterprise and persons not included in this category. Reception of visitors should be organized in such a way that there are no persons waiting for reception in the department premises.

Make sure that there are no unnecessary documents on your desk during visiting hours.

Receiving visitors is most often associated with conducting reference work: answering questions from visitors and issuing certificates about their place of work, position, length of service. It would be useful to recall that it is not allowed to answer questions related to the transfer of personal information by phone.

Magazine: Everything for the personnel officer, As of: 06/15/2012, Year: 2012, Issue: No. 7

  • HR records management


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