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A variety of types of construction and all kinds of repairs today are one of the most. One of the areas of business that attracts quite a lot of customers is the production and subsequent installation of gates...

Of course, as in any business, there is competition, but still, the production and installation of gates is worth considering as a small business.

There are two ways to make gates:

The first– production of gates and all components for them independently. For this purpose, it is necessary to have an expensive production base, the entire production process will be carried out on it, it will also be necessary to purchase aids and hire a couple of assistants.

Second option involves the assembly of gates from components. That is, you purchase components from the manufacturer and complete them into a finished product. This manufacturing method is more efficient and requires less financial costs.

In order to start the production of gates from ready-made parts and components, you need a production room with an area of ​​​​50-110 m2, a tool base that includes various keys, drills, screwdrivers, etc., assistants, the number of which depends on the capacity of your business .

Gate types and installation

There are three types of gates to be aware of. Gates are sectional, garage and retractable.

Retractable gate type occupies one of the first positions in the consumer market, due to the fact that they are durable, practical, convenient and very reliable. Now they have learned to install automation on such gates, they do not require increased attention and quality service. The only negative is that such gates require a lot of space for them to roll back.

Gates with sections- the second type of gate. Provide complete comfort and safety, as well as saving space. Such gates are assembled from separate elements of sections and fastened to each other with special hinges.

Thanks to the hinges, the gate can open both up and down, while not taking up much space. Typically, installation is carried out indoors under the ceiling. The gates are controlled by an electric motor, which allows the use of a large structure.

Classic gate. This is the last gate. Their name speaks for itself. Such gates are well suited to each type of buildings, very convenient and easy to operate and install.

Business organization

The main thing you need to learn in such a business is the correct assembly of the gate and the quality of installation. Also, what is needed is a search for customers who will order gates from you. Here you can defeat competitors with a price that should be slightly lower than theirs and a quality that should be an order of magnitude higher.

Create a system of bonuses and discounts, but do not overdo it, because constant discounts will not bring good results. For excellent success, you need high quality your work, the shortest possible time to complete all work and very satisfied customers who will create for you no worse advertising than a radio station, press, etc.

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Iron barriers are durable, decorative and serve for a long time. At the same time, installing metal fences and gates is quite simple. If the fence sections and gate leaves are small, installation can be done independently. All hedges have a similar design, but appearance differ very much.

Types of metal fences and gates

Most often, corrugated board is used for fences: this material is light, fairly durable, neat and quickly installed. The fence from the corrugated board itself turns out to be dense and very closed, but in combination with forged gratings or mesh, it becomes decorative and partially transparent. Gates are also made in this way, if it is necessary to give them lightness.

Increasingly, steel picket fences are appearing: they are mounted quickly, they look great, they do not need additional care. Such fences, when properly installed, last for decades and always look like new. The entrance group is sheathed with a picket fence, as well as a fence, thanks to which the entire fence looks harmonious.

Many people are attracted to forged or welded fences: in addition to high strength, they are decorative and are installed in ready-made sections, which saves labor and time. In addition to the profiled sheet, the fences are sheathed with even steel sheets, galvanized, with laser cutting. By the method of sheathing, they do not differ, the difference is only in decorativeness and cost.

iron fence construction

Any fence has the same design: a supporting frame and a canvas. The frame includes posts and transverse logs, but if a forged fence is installed, the logs are not used. Suitable for supports metallic profile, cement-asbestos or iron pipes, concrete poles, as well as brick. Wooden poles for iron fences are practically not used, since their service life is different.

Installing a fence requires the following materials and tools: a hand drill, a construction cord, crushed stone, sand, M500 cement, a plumb line and a level, a grinder, a welding machine.

The idea of ​​​​a business for installing barriers and installing electric gates is quite relevant at the present time and can be implemented without a large start-up capital.

Nowadays, with the advent of a large number of vehicles, the ability to successfully park your iron horse in your own yard is reduced to a minimum.

Often in the yards you can find "stray" cars that take the place of residents. Yes, and the desire to protect your vehicles from theft and robbery lead to the idea of ​​installing a barrier or electric gate. Since almost every family has a car, it is not a big problem for the whole yard to chip in to install an electric gate or a barrier.

Additionally, we can say about the construction of new housing, where tenants, after the delivery of houses, try to protect their territory with a fence and naturally install an electric gate or a barrier. The biggest problem for tenants is obtaining permits. If you can take care of all the paperwork and get all the permits, then this will help you organize a profitable business.

Obtaining permits for the installation and installation of barriers and electric gates- approval process.

1) Collect signatures from homeowners, including non-residential premises, If there are any.
2) Contact the district office
3) Coordination with the traffic police
4) Coordination with the Ministry of Emergency Situations
5) Obtain permission from firefighters.

The fifth point is the most difficult procedure and often the whole snag is obtained with the firefighters. They refer to the law on "Fire Safety Rules", article 23, which says: "Roads, driveways and entrances to buildings and structures must always be free for the passage of fire equipment ..."
If from a legal point of view you can help tenants resolve the issue with permissions, then they will certainly become your clients.

The production part of the business plan.

If we talk about the production part of this business idea, then you need to list the options for security equipment that your future competitors offer today:

1) Lifting garage doors
2) Automatic barriers
3) Automatic entrance gates
4) Anti-parking modules
5) Swing gates from corrugated board
6) Automatic folding barrier
7) Automatic sliding gates.
8) Swing electric and non-electric gates
9) Rolling systems - auto and manual control
10) Sectional garage doors
11) Sliding cantilever gate

Additional services can be:
1) Sale of systems for sliding, sectional and swing gates
2) Video surveillance - sale and installation
3) Service maintenance barriers and automatic gates
4) Sale of components for barriers and electric gates
5) Sale and installation of speed bumps

Regarding automatic equipment, we can say that today there are manufacturers on the market who have proven themselves enough to make their products in demand. Today, there are practically no problems associated with the influence of weather conditions on the operation of automation. In this regard, not all companies that are engaged in the installation and installation of barriers and electric gates manufacture them on their own. More often there are offers for the sale of security equipment and access restriction systems with prices indicated taking into account installation.

Installation price.

If we talk separately about the prices for the installation of barriers, then we can give an average figure of 8,000 rubles. but the price varies according to additional equipment and installation difficulties, such as remote power supplies.
They produce access restriction systems, both in Russia and abroad, and both are in demand.
Approximate prices for barriers, including installation:

Russian manufacturers barriers
1) With a departure of 2 meters - 25,000 rubles.
2) 3 meters - 30,000 rubles.
3) 4 meters - 35,000 rubles.
4) 5 m. - 45,000 rubles.
5) 6 m. - 50 000 rub.

Foreign manufacturers of barriers
1) 2m. - 45 000 rub.
2) 4m. - 60 000 rub.
3) 6m. - 70 000 rub.

Foreign barriers with a large share of vehicle congestion, such as parking lots, parking lots, territories of enterprises, airports, railway stations.
1) 2.5m. - 150 000 rub.
2) 4m. - 170 000 rub.
3) 6m. - 260 000 rub.

Automation for swing gates costs about 130,000 rubles.
Road automatic barrier about 170,000 rubles.

Among automatic access control systems, barriers and sliding gates are in the greatest demand. Barriers are popular because of their low cost, unpretentiousness and ease of use. Sliding gates are also due to the relative ease of use, unlike swing gates, which require constant cleaning from snow and dirt, plus free space for opening.
In warehouses, roller or lifting type doors are more used, also to save space and ease of use.

How and where to start?

To start organizing your business on the installation of barriers and installation of electric gates, you can start small and offer only the installation of barriers by purchasing them from the manufacturer. To get started, you don't need big investments, you just need to look for clients and learn to understand the bureaucratic side of the issue. Over time, you will be able to expand your list of customers by offering the installation of electric gates and fences. By the way, if your business goes well, then read , this will help you increase your profits and expand the range of services offered. You can also buy fences and railings from manufacturers, and earn only from installation.


Summing up, we can say that this business has great potential for development and start with two like-minded people who have an amount equal to the price of one barrier. Over time, such a case can develop into serious business with warehouses, workers, their own vehicles, and most importantly with their own production, and you can produce almost any of the products you offer. Good luck to you!

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Hello friends and colleagues. My name is Nikita, I'm from Volgograd. For 3 years I have been building fences,

gates, gates, as well as other metal structures. I suggest you learn this craft and start earning

140,000 rubles a month and even more.

The main types of fences that are most popular are fences made of corrugated board and chain-link mesh, in

they are mainly ordered and the emphasis during training will be on these types of fences.

Let's talk about profitability this business and I'll give you some numbers.

The perimeter of a standard suburban area is 6 acres - 100 meters (20 by 30 meters plot). Standard kit, which

order for such a site - a gate, swing gates and the fence itself. Sitaem - cost for the client of the entrance group

(gate and gate) 20,000 rubles (cost 5,000 rubles) and from each meter of the fence you get 500 clean

600 rubles (cost 800 r, price for the client 1400-1500 r per linear meter). We have a total of 100 meters

multiply by 500 r = 50,000 + 15,000 for the entrance group - 65,000 rubles net income for one area. By deadline

such a fence is installed by a team of 2 people in 5-7 days. If the client wants a sliding gate - price for the client

40,000-60,000 rubles, your net income from sliding gates is 20,000-40,000 rubles.
In a good scenario, from only one site that you enclose with a fence, you can earn about 100,000

Consider the situation with small orders. For example, 30 meters of a corrugated fence are installed in 1.5 days,

net income of 15,000 rubles.
In more detail, I can give you all the calculations personally when communicating by e-mail or by phone.

Investments in business.

Ideally, you need to have 50,000 rubles for the purchase of equipment, BUT, if funds are running out, you can meet 15,000

20,000 rubles (buy a welder, grinder and little things) and you can start working, but then be sure to buy more

the necessary tool from the received profit.

What does training consist of?

In our weekly courses, we will cover in theory and practice the following elements:

Fences from a professional flooring
- Chain-link fences
- Welded and welded-portable fences
- swing gates
- Gates
- Sliding gates

First, in theory, we will analyze in great detail what the fence, gates and gates consist of. Then we will learn the basic

principles of fence construction: marking the territory, drilling holes for poles, concreting poles, welding

frames of wickets and gates, hinge welding, installation of fittings, installation of sliding gates and much more.
After that comes the practical part, where we will build it all. As a result, at the end of the practical part of the training on

site, you will install a fence made of corrugated board and chain-link mesh, a welded fence, a set of swing

gates and gates, sliding gates. You will learn the entire construction process from the inside.

In the next theoretical part will be dismantled:

Necessary tool for the job
- Construction material: where and what to buy
- Fittings and accessories
- Contracts and acceptance-transfer of work
- Drawing up a budget
- Form of organization (IP, Legal entity or Individual)
- Recruitment
- Communication with the customer
- Resolution of disputes
- Advertising

I pay special attention to this section.
We will consider advertising channels such as:

- Advertisements in local newspapers
- Outdoor advertising
- Yandex.Direct
- Google Adwords
- My.Target and others

The main focus will be on online advertising: website creation + advertising companies, because based on our

experience is the most effective advertising channel for advertising this business. An example of the site that you will receive http://fences-in-volgograd.rf

At the end of the training, you will have a complete set of theoretical and practical knowledge to open your own construction

business. Upon arrival home, within a few years you will be able to purchase (or rent for the first time)

necessary tools and equipment, conclude your first contract and start building! Based on our experience,

to earn 140,000 rubles per month, you need to complete only 2 orders for the construction of a fence on a regular

suburban area 6 acres.

How quickly can you start a business?

Immediately after training, you can start working. all the difficulties and problems that you will encounter at the first facility

we will decide with you together, by phone. No need to worry. that you will be left alone with a new business.

Why is this business win-win?

The construction business has always been profitable business- people always build both in crisis and in good time.
- Any construction always begins with a fence and a protection. This is required by building standards - building object

must be fenced.
- There are tens of thousands of dachas and private houses in each region, and all of them need fencing.

Where and how does the training take place?

Training takes place in the city of Volgograd. On the appointed day you arrive or arrive in Volgograd, we meet

We will take you to the cottage where all cadets will live and study. Course duration - 7 days

Every day, at 8 o'clock in the morning we wake up, have breakfast and at 9 o'clock in the morning we are already on duty. platform. Before noon

we do practice, then we have lunch and we do the theoretical part.
There is no strict schedule as such, everything is done to make you feel comfortable.
Meals for cadets and we organize together on our own - upon arrival of all cadets, we will agree on a list of necessary

groceries for a week and go to buy everything in the store. On average, from one person it comes out 1500-2000 rubles for the entire

course duration.
After graduation, you will also be organized a transfer to the train station or airport.

Cost of education.

Training costs 55,000 rubles. Included in the price:

01 Transfer, accommodation
.02 Theory and practice: construction of fences from corrugated board, chain-links, welded, portable, sliding gates and

swing gates
.03 Bonus: garden furniture
.04 Additional theory: sheds, fences, brick, forged, etc.
.05 Form of organization: IP, LLC, Individual
.06 Work contracts and act
acceptance and transfer of work performed
.07 Tools, equipment - purchase and rental
.08 Basics of creating a working site
.09 Contextual advertising: Yandex.Direct, Google.Evdors, MyTarget
.10 Other Effective Advertising Channels
.11 Free advertising
.12 Video course on creating a landing page
.13 Video course on contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct
.13 Video course on contextual advertising in Google.Advodrs
.14 ​​Video course on advertising in MyTarget
.15 Ready site. You get a ready-made landing page, which has been tested for two years and is completely

debugged, the development cost amounted to 95,000 rubles.
.16 Customized advertising company in Ya.Direct for your region

Estimated start date for training is early or mid-April 2017.

Write in a personal on the forum or by mail [email protected] Let's exchange phone numbers, skype and other contacts and I

I will answer all your questions.

I'll throw a few pictures, if you still need it - write, I'll add it.


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