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One of topical issues among entrepreneurs is how to open a gas station and how much it costs. After all, the number of motorists on Russian roads is only increasing every year, and due to savings, such fuel turns out to be more profitable. It is not surprising that, along with the classic gas stations, their alternative varieties are increasingly appearing.

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(()); In order to avoid risks and serious losses, it is important for a novice entrepreneur to familiarize himself in advance with the peculiarities of organizing and conducting such a business, as well as various requirements from regulatory services when opening a gas station. Only having painted in detail all the actions and drawing up a business plan, you can begin to implement the project.

  • Prospects and benefits
  • What documents are required?
  • Site selection
  • Equipment
  • Fuel
  • Recruitment
  • franchise business
  • financial question
  • Reviews

Prospects and benefits

The relevance of gas refueling is obvious:

  1. With the constant rise in gasoline prices, it is becoming less and less profitable to use it for cars. Therefore, people are more likely to re-equip their vehicles with HBO.
  2. The cost of such fuel is much lower, which is convenient for a businessman, because when purchasing it, you do not need to spend huge amounts.
  3. Storage and refueling equipment is also cheaper than gasoline counterparts.
  4. Even with competitive stations, you can count on growing demand and consistently high profits.

But for gas refueling to become a business successful project, you need to think over the main details:

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  • place for its placement;
  • prices and privileges for regular customers;
  • Additional services, which can be provided on the territory of the gas station;
  • fuel quality;
  • undertaken promotional development strategies.

Imagine in detail how the whole process will take place at the gas station. For example, first the passengers leave the car. To do this, you can think of a comfortable area for them to relax or even open a cafe or shop. Will the owner of the machine perform all the actions independently or with the help of an employee? How to arrange transport in a queue so that it is convenient for everyone, access roads and much more.

What documents are required?

One of the most difficult stages even for experienced entrepreneurs is the process of registration and execution of all papers in public institutions. Moreover, to open a gas filling station, there should be a lot of them:

  1. Register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The second option in this case is preferable, since you can expand the business in the future, hire any number of staff and receive high incomes. At the same time, the correct OKVED codes depending on the chosen primary and secondary activities.
  2. If you are renting a suitable piece of land, then be sure to draw up a long-term contract for several years with a fixed price or maximum limits. When buying it, always keep documents confirming ownership with you.
  3. The site itself and future refueling must comply with fire safety standards. Therefore, their verification is necessary both when choosing a site, and to allow the start of activities after the completion of all preparatory work.
  4. With the designer or architect, the desired construction project is developed, which then must be approved by Rospotrebnadzor. This organization issues a permit, without which it is impossible to start any work on the arrangement of the site.
  5. You will also need to coordinate your actions with the sanitary and epidemiological station, the environmental service and the traffic police. After careful checks, they issue a conclusion on the possibility of opening a filling station.
  6. If on the territory of the gas station it is supposed to provide additional services, the presence of a cafe or a store, then you will have to draw up a number of documents for retail trade, opening a catering establishment, etc.
  7. It is mandatory to obtain a license for the storage of fuel and its sale. Such a document is issued by the Ministry of Energy.
  8. Try to think in advance what kind of fuel in terms of variety and quality you will offer at the station. Then conclude an appropriate contract for its supply, preferably for a long time.

When everything is ready and the gas filling station has been built, it will be necessary to pass an inspection by the regulatory authorities, which will certify the workplaces and the safety of the entire territory and equipment. Only then can a profitable and legitimate activity be carried out.

Such difficulties and precautions are due to the fact that gas is a rather dangerous commodity. And during its implementation and even storage, you must strictly follow all the rules, be extremely careful and monitor the work of refueling in a well-coordinated mode. This is the only way to count on business success.

Site selection

One of the most important factors directly affecting the profitability of this type of business is the location of the future gas station. Here you need to take into account many criteria at once:

  • Proximity to highways and key roads with constant car traffic.
  • Sufficient size of the territory to accommodate all the equipment and several customers in line.
  • Availability of convenient access roads for cars and trucks.
  • Nearby there are no various flammable objects.
  • It is forbidden to install a gas station near nature reserves, farmlands and other ecological zones.
  • Nearby there may be a regular gas station and a car repair shop.
  • There should be no direct competitors in neighboring areas.


Considerable costs will be needed for the purchase of special containers and equipment for storing and selling goods. We list what you need to open a gas station:

  1. Gas cylinders.
  2. Distribution station.
  3. Tanks.

It is very important that the equipment supplier guarantees the safety of each element. For an entrepreneur starting a business from scratch, it is beneficial that gas installations are much cheaper than for gasoline.


The main choice is what to buy - propane or methane. Each of them has its own advantages. The first is a liquid gas, more affordable, but the equipment for its storage will cost much more than for methane. But that, in turn, has a high price for ordinary users.

To decide what exactly to trade, it is advisable to study the main demand and the market. And this should be done even before the purchase of tanks and dispensing units, since they differ significantly from each other. It is important that the gas supplier is responsible, does not violate the agreed deadlines, does not unexpectedly raise the price of the product and provides a quality product. The success of your business largely depends on this.


Since the gas station will work around the clock, you need to organize two or even three shifts. Each of them employs a cashier and 1-2 refuellers. There can be one administrator, whose schedule is standard - daytime on weekdays. If the gas filling station is organized as a legal entity, then it is advisable to additionally use the services of an accountant (outsourcing) so that all reports are correctly drawn up.

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To ensure safety, a special controller is hired who monitors the tanks, the refueling process and installations. It is very important that all employees are selected with the utmost care. And although any knowledge and specialization in this case is not required, you need to pay attention to accuracy, responsibility, the absence of bad habits, etc.

If it is supposed to have a store or a cafe, then the staff increases accordingly. You also need to make sure that the refueling area is promptly put in order and always clean. To do this, you can hire a cleaner for several hours a day.

franchise business

One of the options for organizing a business is franchising, that is, turnkey refueling. In this case, an already well-known brand offers you training, assistance in paperwork, ready-made equipment and a permanent contract for the supply of gas. The advantage is that you don't have to maintain a separate promotional activities. Already one name will inspire confidence in most motorists.

The disadvantage of a franchise is only the constant payment of mandatory contributions. But often they pay off the effort and money that you would spend organizing everything yourself. For a novice entrepreneur, this is usually a better deal than correcting your own mistakes, which are often made at different stages.

Here you can download a free gas station business plan as a sample.

financial question

Both the initial and subsequent costs of opening and maintaining an APGS turn out to be significant. The profitability of the business is considered not very high, since the payback does not occur earlier than in 2-5 years. And yet this business is quite profitable and profitable, because after the expiration of this period, you can count on constant high incomes every month.

Every month you will need to replenish fuel supplies, pay for staff, taxes and advertising. Usually this is about 400,000 rubles. The amount of profit and the rate of payback will depend on many factors:

  • how much gas costs on the market and your rates for drivers;
  • well-chosen place for refueling;
  • the emergence of new routes in the district;
  • the level of competition;
  • provision of additional services;
  • economic crisis in the country;
  • the quality of the fuel provided;
  • various bonuses, promotions;
  • operating mode.

In general, experienced entrepreneurs talk about monthly income in the amount of 1 million rubles. This will make it possible to cover current expenses and gradually return the initial investment. But even with such indicators, the payback period will not come earlier than in two years.

Video: AGZS franchise.

To date, the content of gas refueling of cars is quite profitable business capable of bringing good stable income. At the same time, it is important to prepare that the opening of such an activity will require considerable investment.

Therefore, even at the stage of making a decision on the creation of gas filling stations, it is important to draw up a competent organizational plan and make financial calculations of the economic feasibility of future activities.

Registration and organization of business

Like any business, the contents of a gas station must be registered in accordance with all legislative norms. First of all, new activities must be registered with the Federal Tax Service by submitting a special application form to the local inspection. For this business will do one of the following forms of ownership:

  1. IP. It does not require a large package of documents during registration, but in the future it does not provide large-scale opportunities for development.
  2. OOO. Clearance required constituent documents and creation authorized capital, but this form of ownership contributes to the independent choice of the tax regime and the expansion of the client base.

When filling out the application, you should indicate the OKVED codes corresponding to the selected types of activity, as well as put the individual entrepreneur or LLC on record in the unified state register.

Required Documentation

To run a gas filling business, you will need to prepare a large list of mandatory documentation:

  • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • an extract from the USRIP or USRLE register;
  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • Rosstat information letter with codes;
  • a document confirming the right to own a land plot (lease agreement or certificate of ownership);
  • gas station organization project;
  • building permit from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permissions from authorized organizations: SES, fire and environmental services, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the road inspection;
  • contracts for deratization and removal of solid waste;
  • a license from the Ministry of Energy for the storage and sale of fuel;
  • a fixed-term or open-ended contract with a fuel supplier.

It is important to take into account that the project of organizing gas stations is subject to approval by Rospotrebnadzor.

After that, this authority issues a written permit for the construction of buildings and structures. As for permissions from other authorized persons, their list will depend on the number of additional services that will be provided at the gas station.

So, if it is planned to organize a mini-market or a bistro at the gas station, then an official permit for trade will be required. In addition, before the very opening of the institution, certification should be carried out, all the jobs provided for in it, for compliance with their legislative norms.

Site selection and construction

The location of the future gas station is the most important factor determining the success of its activities. In order to get a rather big and stable profit from the operation of the gas filling station, it is recommended to choose the following places for its placement:

  1. Near active, mostly key roads, with a saturated flow of cars.
  2. Close to petrol stations and car repair shops.
  3. Along the way of new busy highways.

The land plot must comply with all fire safety standards, otherwise the business will be illegal.

In addition, there should not be flammable objects near gas stations, and they should not be located near peasant farms and nature reserves.

Land for the organization of gas filling stations can be purchased or rented, the main thing is that its area is enough to accommodate all necessary equipment. It is also desirable to take into account convenient access for cars and trucks and calculate the maximum number of cars for service.

After that, you can draw up a construction certificate and proceed with the relevant work according to a pre-drawn project. The cost of construction will depend on the size of the gas station and the availability of additional buildings provided (cafeteria, mini-market, tire service, etc.), and the time frame will vary from 6 months to one year.

Fuel supply

After selecting a refueling location and completing construction works it is necessary to conclude a contract for the supply of fuel. In this case, you need to choose one of two types of gas, which will refuel cars at the station:

  • propane, which is a liquid gas. Its transportation and storage requires cheaper equipment than methane, but it has a higher purchase cost;
  • methane, which is natural gas. It costs less than propane, but requires the operation of expensive special equipment.

Even in the process of choosing gas, it is worth talking with its suppliers, analyzing their offers and evaluating their advantages and disadvantages.

There are a large number of suppliers on the gas filling station fuel market that can offer fairly favorable contractual terms for both parties. But you need to choose trusted companies that have good reviews and are able to supply high-quality gas at affordable prices.

Equipment and equipment

The most expensive cost item for opening a gas station is the purchase of special equipment. Its list directly depends on the chosen type of gas fuel:

  1. If you choose propane, then for its transportation you will need to purchase a specialized gas tank truck, and to work with it - a gas distribution station and gas cylinders.
  2. If you choose methane, then you must take into account that it is transported through a conventional gas pipeline, so first of all, you will have to resolve the issue with its organization. Such gas can only be used at special automobile gas-filling compressor stations (CNG filling stations). To supply methane to automobile tanks, gas-cylinder equipment will be required, which will compress the gas under high pressure.

Despite the lower cost of methane, propane gas filling stations predominate in almost every region of the country.

This is due not only to the high cost of special units, but also to the inability to freely and safely connect to the gas pipeline.

Apart from technological equipment, you will have to purchase racks for cashiers, a computer and cash registers. It is also worth equipping a place for waiting for customers and a utility room for workers with comfortable furniture. If you plan to provide additional services at the gas station in the form of the sale of any goods, you will have to purchase sales racks and shelves.


To ensure the smooth operation of the gas filling station, the following minimum set of personnel will be required:

  • cashiers who will work in shifts;
  • refuellers (depending on the number of service counters);
  • guards;
  • accountant;
  • cleaning lady.

Also, a specialist in monitoring the operation of equipment and compliance with safety regulations should be hired on a permanent job in the staff of the APS.

The financial component of the business

The basis of the financial part of the gas refueling business is high figures of start-up capital for its opening. Therefore, when drafting such a commercial activities it is very important to pay special attention to each item of the initial investment. In addition, when calculating the main economic indicators such activities, it is important to take into account not only their significance, but also the influence of many organizational factors on them.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The amount of start-up capital for opening a gas filling station, subject to the registration of a land plot for it in a long-term lease, will average 12 million rubles.

Most of this amount will be spent on construction - 7 million rubles and the purchase of special equipment - 5 million rubles. The remaining funds will be used to pay for registration, paperwork, the first month of rent and other unforeseen expenses.

In the future, the amount of current expenses of an average gas filling station will be 600-700 thousand rubles. It will include the cost of wages and deductions from it, the lease of land and the purchase of fuel.

Size of future income

The size of the future income of a gas station will depend on its mode of operation and the occupancy value. As a rule, a small gas filling station, which has two service columns and is located on the outskirts of the regional region along the highway, is capable of generating revenues of up to 1 million rubles per month.

Payback period

As a result, in the case of land lease, net profit gas refueling will reach 300-400 thousand rubles per month or 3600-4800 thousand rubles per year. This means that the payback period for such a business is approximately 3-3.5 years.

Due to the fact that the business of maintaining gas filling stations is recognized by law as a particularly dangerous activity, to open it, you will need to go through many instances and collect a large package of documents.

In addition, in this case, it is important to take into account large amounts of capital investment.

But, if you choose the right place to place a gas station, good suppliers of high-quality fuel and organize a competent marketing policy, then in the future such a business is able to bring high income.

Gas filling today is a fairly cost-effective and popular option for your own business. At the same time, it requires serious start-up capital and is unlikely to suit a beginner. So, how to open a gas station, what is required for this, and over what period you can recoup your investment, we will find out further.

How much does it cost to open a gas station

Opening a gas station is practically no different from a normal one. The main difference lies in the purchased equipment, which must be checked by the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. To open a gas station, first of all, you need to create a business plan. It should take into account all expenses, and add a small margin for unforeseen expenses to the amount received. The following is an example calculation:

  1. . Decide for yourself whether you want to buy or rent a site for a business. Each of the options has its pros and cons. For example, paying monthly rent can be a heavy burden, especially at first. In addition, the owner of the site can demand his property from you at any time, if the lease term has not been agreed in advance. One way or another, the cost of renting is much cheaper than buying, and is about 3 million rubles.
  2. Construction . The cost of construction depends on your project and the desired size of the gas station. In addition, the price will be affected by the availability of additional services for customers, for example, a minimarket, tire fitting (see), etc. The average cost of construction fluctuates between 6-8 million rubles.
  3. The documents . One of highlights, since opening a gas station without proper permits and confirmations is simply impossible. The collection of documents is not only a lengthy, but also an expensive process, which, depending on the region, may require from 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles.
  4. Equipment and raw materials . The internal arrangement of your organization is carried out almost before the opening. It requires another 3 million rubles.

14 million rubles - that's the average cost to open a gas station. Approximately 1 million rubles can be added to this figure as an amount for additional unforeseen expenses, for example, if the profit received at first is not enough to purchase raw materials or pay rent, etc. In addition, it is important to take into account the salary of staff, which averages 25,000 rubles per person. Thus, if the staff consists of 5 people, this is already 100,000 rubles per month.

We collect the necessary documents

Proper paperwork is the most important thing you need to open your gas station. The collection of documents is a procedure that requires visits to a number of various organizations, collecting additional papers and, of course, a lot of time. You can do this yourself or entrust the entire process to specialists in collecting documents, who will do everything for you in a short time for a small amount.

If you still decide to collect on your own, then here are the documents you need to open your own gas station:

  • First you need to register as an entrepreneur. The ideal option is the registration of an individual entrepreneur: it provides a minimum taxation, is issued quickly and on favorable terms. In addition, there is an option to register legal entity, i.e. companies. The procedure takes place in the tax service. Here you will also need those corresponding to the type of your activity.
  • One of important documents is a lease agreement for a refueling site or a document confirming ownership. It will need to be presented in almost all organizations in the future.
    Pay special attention to the fact that the selected site must comply with fire safety standards, which can be found in the relevant authority. Without this, your gas station will be built illegally.
  • Then it is necessary to prepare the project of the gas station itself. First, you work out the details together with the designer, after which you submit the finished work to Rospotrebnadzor. Specialists must give written permission for the construction of the facility. Without this proceed to further action forbidden.
  • Also, before you open a gas station, you will need to obtain a number of permits. To do this, we turn to the following authorities: sanitary and epidemiological station, fire and environmental service. Additional permits will need to be obtained if you provide additional services to clients. For example, if a food service or a minimarket is open on the territory of the gas station, a permit to sell products will be required.
  • A special license will be required for the storage of fuel and its sale. This document issued by the Ministry of Energy.
  • Then, in order to open a gas station, you will need to find a suitable fuel supplier. A fixed-term or open-ended contract is concluded with him, which should always be at your fingertips.

Before the opening of gas stations, presented in your organization, for their compliance with existing standards.

Should I give preference to franchising?

Franchise work is a fairly modern and profitable option for starting a business, which allows a novice businessman to work under a brand that has already made a name for itself. There are also a number of other benefits:

  1. Help in opening from knowledgeable professionals. You will be able to get advice from experienced people on all issues related to starting a business.
  2. There will be no need to create your own business model - you will be provided with a ready-made one.
  3. Getting fuel from a trusted supplier.
  4. The average cost of start-up capital is reduced, if only because you will no longer need additional advertising, finding the right fuel supplier, etc.

The main disadvantage of this method is that you will have to give part of the proceeds (see also) to the company that provided the franchise. Despite this, franchising is considered more profitable than independent work.

A car is no longer a luxury. Almost every family has one or even two cars. Therefore, the demand for fuel has now reached unprecedented levels. This suggests the conclusion: the fuel business is very profitable. In our article, we will tell you how to open your gas station from scratch.

As for the type of fuel, gas is of the greatest interest. It is unlikely that you will be able to compete with the "gasoline magnates", besides, such refueling will require too big investments. But in any case, you need to clearly understand that such a business idea will require rather big costs.

Choosing a work format

Before embarking on such a project, you need to determine in what format you want to work. It could be like independent enterprise , and the discovery Franchise gas station. What's better?

For a beginner, according to experts, owning a mini-gas station is not the best option. After all, the implementation of this type of business requires large investments, and the promotion and gaining consumer confidence does seem dubious to enterprises, given the large number of famous brands. Therefore, at first you will face such problems as finding suppliers and building a customer base. This means that the risk of bankruptcy will be very high.

But there are also advantages. First, design. You can equip your gas station the way you like without being tied to the requirements of the franchisor. Secondly, the work of the institution must comply with the standards of the company. And thirdly, you will have to pay regularly for using the franchise.

Is it still a franchise?

Many well-known companies offer this service. For example, Lukoil or Gazprom. Buying a franchise of a popular brand, you get a wide customer base, well-established fuel supplies and brand awareness. Obtaining documentation will also be easy. No need to puzzle over the design of the project. In addition, the franchisee can always get helpful tips and valuable instructions if needed.

The only disadvantage of a franchise is the monthly payments. On average, this amount is 30-40 thousand rubles.
Franchise gas stations are the best option for beginners

Business registration

To open a gas station, you will need to register the activity. Easier and cheaper to work as individual entrepreneur, but such legal form does not allow cooperation with legal entities.

As for the package of documents directly for the gas station, the following papers will be needed:

  • Deratization agreement
  • Confirmation of SES on attestation
  • Contract for the removal and disposal of solid waste
  • Fuel Supply Agreement.

You will also need a fire service permit, a contract with the utility service, as well as all necessary internal company documentation.

Land search

To open a gas station, you must select a suitable land plot and obtain permission. The main criterion for a place under the gas station is the presence of a large traffic flow. If the site is located in the outback, a lower price and high-quality advertising will help attract buyers.

How much does a site for a gas station cost? In large cities, the price reaches 15 million rubles, and in the provinces it will not exceed 1 million.

Another option is to rent an existing gas station. This will result in significant savings in initial investment, and do not have to obtain permission to use the land under the gas station. However, it is important to understand that profitable business rarely rented out. Therefore, be prepared for the emergence of hidden nuances at such a gas station.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

The following settings are required for filling operation:

  • 4 storage tanks with a capacity of 20 cu. m.
  • 1 emergency tank
  • 4 columns
  • 1 rainwater tank with a volume of 10 cubic meters. m.

If the filling station will operate on methane, a slightly different set of equipment will be needed. Here, it will be necessary to tie into the municipal gas pipeline and bear the costs of implementing such a stage. You will also need compressors to compress the gas. But methane filling stations are rare.

To automate the workflow, you need software and computer. Also, for the staff it is required to install a change house, a bathroom and equip workplace cashier.

Opening a store or cafeteria directly at the gas station site will help expand the business. According to experts, selling hot tea and coffee with fast food will be a good additional income.

We are looking for suppliers

The next step is to find suppliers. It is best if the equipment and fuel are supplied by one company. Although there are few such companies.

A large number of enterprises are engaged in the production and sale of equipment for filling stations. But before you stop at one, decide what kind of gas the gas station will sell. There are two types: propane and methane.

Propane - This is a liquid gas that is transported in special tanks and enters the gas station in them. Then it enters the refueling tanks, after which it is refueled into the tanks of the car.

Methane - natural gas, which is also used in cooking. It is applied only at automobile gas-filling compressor stations. Transportation is carried out by gas pipeline. Receipt in the tanks of the car is carried out by compressing under high pressure and sending it to its destination.

Methane costs twice as much as propane. But the equipment for it costs twice as much and reaches 50,000 rubles for a specific brand of car. In this regard, we have much more filling stations with propane than with methane.


For the normal operation of the gas station, about 6 employees will be needed working in two shifts: a cashier, an administrator-technician and a gas station operator, one for each shift. The duties of the latter are to monitor the operability of the equipment, its safety and compliance with all norms for the operation of the facility.

Calculate income and expenses

Opening a gas station "Lukoil" or another well-known brand will cost 10-15 million rubles and even more. The volume of investments depends on the locality and the scale of the gas station. The payback period is about 3-4 years. Monthly you can earn up to 1 million rubles.

In the current economic environment, when gasoline prices are becoming prohibitively high for a large circle of people, and the environmental situation in large cities leaves much to be desired, such an alternative fuel as propane-butane is becoming more and more relevant. This gas station business plan will help you create your own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis business and start it from scratch. An example will indicate the main subtleties and difficulties when opening.

Rationale for the business plan

It is planned to organize this business on average or major city with a population of over 200 thousand people. On the this moment in the current region, there are two filling stations of the federal brand and five filling stations of regional companies. The saturation of the supply market for this type of fuel can be assessed as average. We list the main requirements for potential customers:

  • Fuel quality.
  • Compliance with the cost of fuel market.
  • Convenient location and entrance.
  • Opportunity to work with organizations by bank transfer.

To ensure a stable position in the market, it is necessary, first of all, to install information boards with the price of gas and its name. It will also be quite effective to place outdoor advertising on roads with a large number of passing vehicles with directions and other information about the new gas filling station. Working with corporate clients will also be an important part of developing a base of regular customers. Next, consider the risks that may arise in our business plan:

  • Interruptions in the supply of fuel.
  • Low profits or poor demand associated with pricing.
  • Small volumes of sales.

In order to level the first risk, it is necessary to conclude agreements with several suppliers supplying gas to filling stations. To overcome the second difficulty, it is necessary to monitor gas prices from competitors with sufficient frequency and, by analyzing demand and the information received, to pursue an optimal pricing policy. To solve the third problem, it is necessary to carry out promotions to attract new customers, think over a system of discounts for regular customers and conclude contracts with organizations that have cars in their fleet that use liquefied gas as fuel.


In this case, it is planned to attract funds from the investor in the amount of 70%, to use own funds for the remaining 30%.

Since in our case it is planned to work with both individuals, and with legal, the form of ownership is selected LLC.

The optimal taxation system in this case is the simplified tax system of 15%, since most of the costs are for the purchase of fuel, wages and power supply.

For the work of the organization, the main OKVED 50.50 is selected " Retail motor fuel.

To obtain a license and permits in various inspection organizations, as well as to train personnel, it is planned to use the services of a specialized organization, the cost of these services will be 1,000,000 rubles.

Personnel search

For the full-fledged work of the filling station, three operators and three tankers will be required, the work schedule is shifted. Before starting work, employees must be trained and receive supporting documents. You will also need a part-time accountant and a director.

Premises for rent

It is planned to rent an area next to the gas station with convenient access for cars. In this case, the lease of additional office space is not planned. The requirements for a leased piece of land are as follows:

  • Asphalted entrance and the site itself.
  • Three-phase power supply.
  • Possibility of installing a gas storage tank and a pavilion.
  • Possibility of installing an illuminated information board at the entrance.

The total area is 100 sq. m. m.

The average rental price is 20,000 rubles. It is expected to prepay the rent for three months in advance.

To start the operation of the gas filling station, it will be necessary to install the pavilion of the cashier-operator and a container with a distribution column for two sleeves. It will also require equipment commissioning. To perform the above works, it is planned to apply to an organization engaged in the sale and installation of equipment for gas filling stations on a turnkey basis.

In total, at launch, you will need 1,713,000 rubles.

Business promotion

It is planned to promote business in two directions: online and offline.

Offline promotion this business is outdoor advertising.

It is necessary to place banners on the main roads and highways of the city, indicate the route map and place information about discounts and special offers. It is also necessary to send commercial offers in organizations that have a fleet of vehicles equipped with HBO.

For online promotion for the B2B sector, it is planned to create a landing page. The following tools are used to promote it: SEO, targeting and contextual advertising.

In total, for the first three months it is planned to spend 150 thousand rubles on advertising. After this period, the monthly costs will be 20 thousand rubles.

Cost calculation

On launch

As originally planned, 70% of the funds are allocated by the investor, and 30% from own funds.


How much does the business bring

The tax base will be:

1,110,000 - 1,041,000 = 69,000 rubles.

Subtract from it the cost of the UST and get: 69,000 - 31,600 \u003d 37,400 rubles.

37,400 x 0.15 = 5,610 rubles will be the monthly tax.

The net profit will thus be:

69,000 - 5,610 = 63,390 rubles per month.

The profitability of the business is:

(63,390 / 1,110,000) x 100 = 5.71%.

This indicator is quite acceptable for this type of business at the first stage. When conducting a competent pricing policy, the acquisition of regular customers profits will only increase. Methane refueling brings a stable income year-round, seasonality has little effect on demand. In addition, the use of gas as the main motor fuel causes less harm. environment and with proper operation increases the life of the internal combustion engine.

Since the driver is obliged to disembark passengers when refueling with gas, you can equip a quick service cafe. A warm room in winter and cool in summer will attract people who, in turn, will buy coffee and groceries fast food, which will bring additional income to the gas station.

Based on a profit of 63,390 per month, we will calculate the payback period, taking into account the fact that 70% of the profit is received by the investor, the remaining 30% will be used to return their own investments: 3,075,000 x 30% = 922,500. This is an investment of own funds for opening .

Profit: 63,390 x 30% = 19,017 rubles per month.

922,500 / 19,017 = 48.5 months. Full payback comes in a little more than 4 years.

Business Outlook

There are several directions for expanding business: the creation of a network of filling stations in the region, with an increase in the number of filling stations, the attractiveness of the offer increases, since trademarks trust to a greater extent, and consequently, sales increase at each available filling station. The second profitable direction is the opening of a cafe for passengers and drivers. The third direction is to open a specialized store selling HBO components and replacement parts.

As an addition to the store, it is possible to carry out diagnostics, repairs and Maintenance HBO systems, this does not require a specially equipped box, it will be enough to install a canopy on one of the walls of the store and carry out diagnostics and maintenance under it. Along the way, the demand for gas at filling stations will increase.


Opening a car gas filling station is a stable source of income with minimal risks subject to all the rules applicable to such organizations. The supply market for liquefied petroleum gas is not very competitive, and more and more motorists are converting their cars to this species fuel, which opens up prospects.

It should be noted that this gas filling station business plan with calculations takes into account the loading of gas filling stations below the average, respectively, with an increase in sales volumes, an earlier payback will come and, accordingly, a greater profit.


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