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With the development of Internet technologies, new models of cooperation between the seller and the buyer have appeared on the market. One of them is dropshipping. What is dropshipping, we detail and in simple words explain in this article.

The concept of dropshipping

In a literal translation, the English term "dropshipping" means "direct delivery". This is a type of entrepreneurial activity, which consists in the promotion of goods by an intermediary. The latter purchases the goods from the supplier after receiving payment from the customer. The key difference between this implementation scheme and the rest is that the goods from the supplier are sent directly to the client.

What it is

Dropshipping is a special form of interaction between the seller and the buyer, in which the dropshipper only forms orders. Dropshipping revenue is the difference between the revenue and the sales price of the seller. Today, this scheme works through the Internet. Intermediaries can be presented both in the form of a specialized website (a group in a social network), and in the form of an online store.

Who is a dropshipper

A dropshipper is an intermediary that ensures the delivery of goods to the addressee. Anyone can become a dropshipper. Requirements for intermediaries are the most minimal. Applicants need to have a computer with Internet access. All issues related to the delivery of goods are the responsibility of the supplier. The delivery can be made on behalf of an intermediary, if it is stipulated in the contract. An intermediary can simultaneously cooperate with any number of suppliers. An intermediary is interested in this form of business, since he can earn money on someone else's goods without risking anything. The supplier with the help of dropshipping increases sales and sales volumes.

Dropshipping system

The business scheme looks like this:
    The intermediary concludes an agreement with the supplier on cooperation under the dropshipping scheme. The terms of the calculation of the margin may be prescribed in the contract. The intermediary receives product catalogs and places them on its website. At the same time, the price for the buyer is indicated already taking into account the margin. The buyer orders the goods from an intermediary. If required, makes an advance payment. The dropshipper pays for the goods to the supplier and indicates the delivery address. The supplier sends the goods to the client. The buyer pays the rest of the cost upon receipt of the item. The dropshipper pays the supplier either at the time of placing the order or after receiving payment.

What is dropshipping in sales

Dropshipping is a simplified sales system in which products at wholesale prices are sold at retail. Previously, intermediaries had to take a long time to collect an order for a certain amount of the same product in order to purchase it at a good price. During this time, some customers may have canceled their order. As a result, suppliers had to buy entire batches of goods from the manufacturer, and then sell them from their website. This is a huge risk. Dropshipping does not involve purchasing in batches. Manufacturers are ready to ship goods to dropshippers in quantities from 1 piece, but at wholesale prices. The online shopper can't check if the item is in stock. But the dropshipper has information about the balances and can indicate the availability of goods on its website. Once the customer places an order, the intermediary asks the supplier to ship it on their behalf.

Who benefits from dropshipping?

First of all, this business scheme is beneficial to the intermediary. It does not require any investment. Very often, the supplier provides a free platform to expand the online store. A dropshipper does not need to maintain a warehouse, an office, he can work directly from home. Even if the scheme does not work, he will only lose his time. This scheme has few drawbacks, but they are all significant. To make money, the intermediary must add a markup to the product. A competent buyer can easily go directly to the supplier. The dropshipper will have to face huge competition. To get the maximum number of orders, the reseller site must be on the first page of the search engine. It is very difficult to do this, especially when you have to compete with the service provider itself. Website promotion costs a lot of money. There is no guarantee that these costs will pay off. Dropshipping is a type of business activity. Therefore, the question arises: is it necessary to register a legal entity to conduct business? Any entrepreneurial activity profit-making should be taxed. Otherwise, there is a risk of running into a fine and criminal prosecution. Therefore, when engaging in such activities, it is better to officially register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Decor legal entity requires more time and cost. Additionally, you will need to keep tax and accounting records. In order not to attract the attention of the Federal Tax Service, it is better to register an individual entrepreneur under the “income” scheme and pay 6% to the budget. This amount will be much lower than the fines provided for non-compliance with the requirements of the law. No IP registration By law, IP status is required only if income exceeds 100 thousand rubles. As mentioned earlier, this choice is fraught with risks. When unscheduled inspection The Federal Tax Service will have to prove that your type of activity does not fall into the category of entrepreneurs who "stably receive income." Books and videos You can learn the details of how the business model works from the inside using training materials. The author of the book "Dropshipping: 3 million rubles in 1.5 years" Christian Akila tells his way to success. Practical advice on achieving goals is presented in the book by Aleksandar Kharkov "The ABC of Dropshipping", and the reviews of people who used them in practice can be viewed in the video material, which is posted on the YouTube channel of the same name.

How and where to start dropshipping to always be in the black

Do you want to sell clothes online, but you don't have the stuff or the capital to buy them? In this case, you should apply the dropshipping scheme. The first step in this direction is to find manufacturers who are willing to provide information about their stock balances. Manufacturers should be searched on the Internet not only in Russia or Ukraine, but primarily in China. In some cases, local wholesale buyers agree to work on a dropshipping scheme. You can trade anything. It is better to choose trendy products for which there will be demand. You should ask the supplier for a catalog with prices, product photos. Study the terms of cooperation in detail. You should create a point of sale if this has not been done before. It can be an online store, a one-page site, a group in a social network. Next, you need to place photos of the goods, but at predetermined prices. After the store is full, advertising is launched. When the client leaves the order, the intermediary selects the appropriate product from the supplier and arranges delivery to the client's address. The latter pays for the goods at the prices of the intermediary, and the supplier ships the goods at the agreed price. The difference between these prices is the dropshipper's income. The supplier sends the goods to the customer and receives his money.

Dropshipping agreement

The terms of cooperation with the manufacturer should be drawn up in a contract. From a legal point of view, this will be an agency agreement. Under this agreement, the dropshipper undertakes, on behalf of the manufacturer, to perform a number of actions on its own behalf, but at the expense of the principal. The intermediary acquires the rights to all transactions made with third parties on its own behalf. If the dropshipper acts on behalf of the principal, then all rights and obligations arise with the manufacturer. In some cases, the agency agreement may not have an expiration date.

Business plan

Supplier search. In Russia, the dropshipping scheme is implemented through the resale of Chinese goods. You can choose things from the assortment of or Niche definition and thinking trade margins. The competition in this segment is very high. It makes no sense to increase the cost by 50%, since the cost of launching the project will not pay off.Creating your own website. The unique design and user-friendly interface are able to attract a large number of buyers. Calculation of the break-even point. Intermediary costs are the costs of developing and promoting the site. Depending on the field of activity, the maximum mark-up can be 40%. Consider an example of how to calculate the break-even point. To recoup expenses and make a profit, you need to sell goods for 350 thousand rubles. To do this, you need to attract 350 customers who spend an average of 1000 rubles. About 12 orders are received per day. If all conditions are met, the costs will pay off in 30 days (350,000 / (12 * 1000)). Increase in the client base. It is necessary to constantly monitor sales and target audience to find potential clients. You can promote the site both through search engines and through social networks, provided that all advertising costs pay off.

Earn money on dropshipping without investment

Dropshipping is rightly considered a business without investments. You can promote the product through the public in the social network. The scheme of work is very similar to selling through an online store. The difference lies in the fact that orders are not received in the "basket" but through private messages. However, this scheme has its drawbacks:
    you can lose customers if the administration blocks the public; it is not convenient to accept payments; there are no tools for qualitative analysis of sales.
You can create a one-page site that will contain information about the product itself, its benefits and customer reviews. The visitor will have two options - to order products or close the page.

Hi all. Today we will talk about dropshipping, what it is and how to make money on it. I will also give several suppliers in Russia who work on dropshipping and talk about how to sell goods using the dropshipping system.

What is dropshipping - how it works

2. Next, you make an online store or a one-page site or a group on social networks(for example, on Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki) and place the goods selected from the supplier there, BUT set prices more expensive (higher than the wholesale price at which the goods are from the supplier).

3. After filling the store or group, you launch an ad and you have buyers who pay for the goods.

4. You place an order for a purchased or selected product from a supplier and arrange delivery immediately to the address of your buyer. You pay the supplier for the goods at the wholesale price specified by the supplier. And you keep the extra charge that you made.

5. The supplier packs and ships the order to your customer.

6. As a result, the client receives the purchased product, the supplier receives money from the wholesale price, and you receive money from the price difference. Everything is positive!

I hope I have explained in detail now. We move on.

Pros and cons of dropshipping


  1. You can start with virtually no investment, because you do not need to purchase goods;
  2. You can choose the best-selling product for many products and after tests;
  3. Well, you will have unsellable goods stale, because you do not buy them;
  4. You do not bother with the delivery, because the supplier takes care of the delivery;
  5. Suppliers already have a catalog of products and you do not need to look for what to sell. You simply select products from the catalog.


  1. You have no control over the dispatch of the goods and delivery times. If the supplier makes a mistake, the client will call and write to you as a seller;
  2. You cannot evaluate the quality of the product because you do not have it on hand;
  3. You can not control the balance of goods in the warehouse, because you are not the only supplier and the goods are sold quickly.

Where to look for dropshipping products and what is profitable to sell

Where to looking for?

Dropshipping products can only be found from suppliers who sell dropshipping, or you can find a wholesaler or manufacturer and agree to work with them individually on dropshipping. Look for both on the internet. Also, suppliers can be not only in Russia or Ukraine, but in China. I will talk about this below.

Some dropshipping companies I will give you below, but the second option with manufacturers or wholesalers on individual conditions already need to be worked out personally by you. Not everyone can agree, but nevertheless, according to the reviews of my colleagues and acquaintances, such firms are found and I have a living example.

What is profitable to sell?

Actually, anything. To get started you need. You can also just look at the catalogs of dropshipping suppliers and choose. Such companies usually buy trendy goods for which there is a good demand.

But I will still give a list of products and categories:

  • Clothes, footwear (men's and women's);
  • Children's goods (toys, clothes, shoes, strollers, etc.);
  • Accessories (bags, backpacks, watches, wallets, etc.)
  • Gyroscooters;
  • Bed sheets;
  • Cosmetics;
  • Phones, smartphones, iphone, tablets and other gadgets, especially Apple brands;
  • Electronic cigarettes and vapes;
  • Sports goods (clothing, exercise equipment, inventory);
  • Sports nutrition;
  • Furniture and interior items;
  • auto parts;
  • Electronics;
  • etc.

For the rest, rely only on your taste and the catalog of goods of dropshipping companies.

Dropshipping companies and suppliers for Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries


The site of the company. A platform that not only allows you to sell products through the dropshipping system, but also provides ready-made online stores or one-pagers so that you can start selling right away. You still need to figure out ready-made solutions in the form of websites, but the company's website has a lot of instructions for beginners. Work with countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Maybe some more, but I found info only on this list of countries.

Below is a video about working with them:

Both companies have good reviews and have been on the market for a long time.

How to open an online dropshipping store

There are several options here!

We make an online store on our own or order from a specialist. The store will be on one of the CMS (content management system or engine).

  • The downside is that you need special knowledge and it will be very difficult for a beginner to make an online store on his own.
  • The advantage is that it's easier.

We make an online store on the website constructor. You can do it yourself even for a beginner. The process is pretty simple.

  • The downside is that it is harder to promote sites in search engines on the constructors and you will have a template site.
  • Plus in the speed of creation, you can do it yourself.

Of the website builders, I can advise Nethouse. I wrote about him in an article about.

In both cases, you need to make a website, fill it with goods and start advertising. The links above have a lot of information about how the site should be, how to make it, etc. When orders or payments come in, you will process them through the suppliers listed above under their terms and conditions.

Sale of goods by dropshipping through one-page sites

You can sell not only through full-fledged online stores, but also through (landing page). One-page dropshipping is very common because you choose a trending product, make a one-page website for it, advertise and sell it.

The advantage of this scheme is that you have one product and a one-page site is designed specifically for the sale of this product without the ability to go to other pages of the site and “turn off the path”.

For example, my good friend Roman Kolesnikov for more than 200,000 rubles net profit per month!

Dropshipping social media

This option also exists. You can create a group or public on social networks on Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki and sell dropshipping products there. The scheme is the same as for selling from sites, but orders will not be sent to your basket, but to personal messages and you will be able to accept payment outside the social network.

  • The disadvantages are that it is less convenient on the payment side than selling through sites.
  • The pros are that there are a lot of audiences on social networks and it is easier to attract them. And also, special knowledge is not needed to create a group or public.

I even have an article about . She can help you.

  1. To get started, choose a dropshipping supplier for yourself. Examine the product and terms of work with the supplier. When you 100% understand the conditions and scheme of working with a supplier, then you can start working.
  2. Try checking the supplier with your own order. Buy goods to your address or the address of a friend and check the delivery time, packaging and compliance with all agreed conditions.
  3. Use only, but at first you can use and. With proven advertising methods, you can test your business model faster and more effectively.
  4. Try a little. Do not swell a lot of money at once. Gradually analyze your actions and you will come to profit.
  5. Try to pay attention to those products that you are interested in, because you are more likely to sell them.
  6. Analyze the competition, because in some products it is so high that it will be difficult for a beginner with little money to break through.
  7. In addition to dropshipping, you can also master .


Now you know what dropshipping is, how to make money on it and make a business. And even know some suppliers. It remains only to delve into the study of this topic and try. And the more that this business you can start without investment.

Thank you for your attention! I look forward to your comments!

Dropshipping is a dropshipping business that does not require such an expensive thing as a warehouse. In fact, the business is based on intermediary services between the producer and the consumer.

A classic example of dropshipping is an online store of any Chinese goods. The store in this case is just a showcase for a particular segment of the Chinese market. Such online stores often sell phones, smartphones, tablets, accessories for them and make a profit as an intermediary who collects and processes orders, and also accepts payments. That is, the dropshipping system is intermediary services between the wholesaler or manufacturer and the end customer.

Dropshipping Benefits

  1. The initial capital investment for this type of business is relatively small. They consist only in the price of creating and promoting the site.
  2. Operational costs are also low - site administration and order processing are required, as well as the implementation feedback with buyers.
  3. There is no need to spend money on the purchase and storage of goods.
  4. In the absence of high costs and initial investment, the price of the goods is very competitive.
  5. The intermediary can change the assortment of his store by working with several manufacturers and suppliers.
  6. The buyer receives the goods on behalf of the dropshipper, thus developing the brand of the intermediary company.

Dropshipping Risks

  1. The supplier is responsible for the delay in the delivery of goods or their loss, but the intermediary bears image risks, because the client deals with him.
  2. Due to the fact that the buyer cannot check the quality of the goods in advance, he may remain dissatisfied with them and his claims will be addressed to the intermediary, and not to the manufacturer.
  3. Updated Russian legislation puts tax barriers on the way of import parcels, the value of which exceeds 150 euros.
  4. Many Russians still consider the payment scheme “money in the morning, chairs in the evening” to be dubious.
  5. When working with foreign suppliers, you will have to study the nuances of the difficult Russian currency legislation.

The scheme of the dropshipping system

  1. You need to decide on the specialization of the online store and choose suppliers.
  2. Now you need to create a website and bring visitors to it.
  3. When ordering a product on the website, you need to create an application for its delivery, accept payment and transfer the money to the supplier minus your intermediary commission.
  4. It is necessary to control the delivery process of the goods.
  5. If a defect is detected by the buyer, then the goods must be returned back to the supplier. In this case, the buyer either returns the money or sends a similar product.

Dropshippers usually have several payment methods: plastic card, bank transfer and electronic money. You can organize such acceptance of payments using special services.

How to choose a supplier?

  1. The supplier's goods must be competitive and have a consistently high demand.
  2. The supplier must guarantee a refund or exchange of goods in the event of a marriage.
  3. Delivery times do not have to be short, but they must be completed within the specified time.
  4. Reliability, quality and service life of the goods should not be below the market average.
  5. Product safety is paramount! The product must be safe for the consumer and have all the necessary certificates.
  6. The method of payment with the supplier must match the methods of accepting payments on your site, otherwise difficulties may arise. For example, if you receive only WebMoney or Yandex.Money, and the provider accepts payment exclusively through PayPal, you will pay a decent commission each time for converting one to the other.
  7. Both the dropshipper and the supplier are in the same boat, and how well they manage to interact with each other depends on the success of the entire event.

The field of e-commerce is gradually developing, so dropshipping is a fairly promising direction. Dropshipping is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the intricacies of trade without having warehouse space and a lot of capital, but at the same time getting a high-margin and competitive business.

Dropshipping (or reselling products) is a great way to start your business without worrying about inventory or shipping. The scheme is quite simple: you list a product for sale on your site and, after receiving an order, write to the supplier to send the product to the buyer on your behalf. We will look at this scheme in more detail in our (slightly updated) translation of an article from the Shopify blog.

The hardest part about dropshipping is finding a reliable supplier. But for this there is a great trading floor.

With AliExpress, you can easily find items to sell in your store and not have to worry about inventory or shipping. You can pay for goods at wholesale prices, and the seller himself will send them directly to your customers.

Why AliExpress is suitable for dropshipping

AliExpress is a huge marketplace with a large selection of products that you can sell in your store. Due to the fact that most sellers on AliExpress are overseas manufacturers, they offer their products at a very competitive price.

Although AliExpress positions itself as a platform for retail online, most sellers on AliExpress understand that most of their buyers are resellers, so they are interested in dropshipping.

In addition, dropshipping with AliExpress is very simple.

You don't need to purchase products in advance, so you can test different products on your site without any financial outlay. You can start dropshipping with AliExpress even today without investing a penny.

Most sellers on AliExpress upload great product photos that you can use on your site, as well as provide detailed descriptions so you can describe the product in your store.

And, finally, the dropshipping scheme is very simple - after receiving an order on your website, you place an order on AliExpress and indicate the client's address for delivery.

Below we describe this process in more detail, as well as what to look for when choosing a product and seller, as well as how to set yourself up for success. In general, everything is not so difficult.

Why would someone buy a product from your store when they can buy it themselves from AliExpress?

When doing dropshipping with AliExpress, your competitive advantage will not be the price or uniqueness of the products offered. Still, this is arbitrage trading.

Your competitive advantage can be good marketing and proactive customer sourcing. Branding, content creation, and excellent support will also help you raise the value of your business in the eyes of customers.

Store creation

Now that you understand how dropshipping with AliExpress works and what to focus on on your site, you need to launch the site. For this you can use the platform Shopify , it is one of the simplest and most popular platforms for creating online stores. Or you can look for alternative and less expensive options with a free plan, such as Tilda, Shop-Script etc. But do not rush, first think about what exactly you are going to sell. Then you can choose a design that matches your chosen niche.

Niche and product selection

The first and most important step in building your store is to decide on a niche. If you don't know where to start, take a look at the product categories on AliExpress and decide what interests you the most and what you would be most interested in selling.

Once you've decided on a niche, it's time to start choosing the products you want to resell in your store. In our example, we chose sneakers as a niche.

AliExpress sells a lot of products, even too many. To avoid headaches, choose quality products from a reliable supplier.

We have compiled a small list of criteria for choosing the right product. These criteria are not backed by research and based only on our experience, but they can help you find reliable sellers. Here's what you need to pay attention to:

No brands, fakes or imitations. It is better to refuse branded items so as not to resell fakes and imitations. Choose unbranded products. If the product has a logo, then it is better to refuse it, even if this logo is real. It's not worth taking the risk as you are not an official brand representative and you can't be sure if the product is genuine. Because of this, the choice of products for resale can be significantly reduced, so it is better to choose a niche in which the brand does not matter - for example, electronic accessories or clothing.

Free shipping with tracking. Whenever possible, choose products from sellers who provide free shipping with the ability to track the parcel all the way. Read the product description - sometimes the delivery method varies from the amount of the order, and cheap parcels are tracked only in China. Best of all, when the seller provides ePacket delivery - it's not only cheap, but also very fast.

Over 300 orders. If a product has many orders, this indicates several things. First, this product is in demand. Secondly, the supplier of this product is most likely reliable, since some of these orders may be repeated. When searching for new products, you can sometimes sort products by the number of orders.

For the latter, you can use the extension for Chrome - AliExpress Assistant . It is also available for Firefox, Opera and Yandex browser. This extension shows a more detailed seller rating.

Low price and the possibility of a potentially high markup. Depending on the goods you plan to resell, choose goods worth 1-20 dollars (approximately 60-1200 rubles at today's exchange rate). Thanks to this, you risk less if the product turns out to be of inadequate quality and you lose money, and you can also make a large markup on such products and sell them for $20-50 (1200-2800 rubles). For example, on AliExpress you can find sneakers for $20 and sell them for $50. In this way, you will receive 60% of the net profit.

A lot of good photos goods without logo. Just in case, check if the photos are really provided by the manufacturer, and not stolen from another seller. You can do a Google search on the picture to see if the photos were taken by the seller themselves or were taken from the manufacturer.

Friendly and helpful salesperson. Don't be afraid to ask the seller questions before placing an order. A good, reliable seller will quickly answer all your questions. Sometimes you can even get a discount. If the seller does not respond to messages, this is clearly an alarming bell.

Adding products to your store

So you have decided on a niche and products, launched a website. Now it's time to add products. Do not just copy images and product descriptions from AliExpress. If you want to be successful, take adding products more seriously.

Add your own product descriptions. Descriptions for most products on AliExpress are not written by copywriters, and the description usually does not fully reveal the benefits of the product. In addition, up-to-date descriptions are usually only available on English language, and Russian machine translation in most cases turns out to be indigestible. Creating unique content will serve you well in the long run (because Google ignores copied content) and will allow you to create selling product pages.

Specify the expected delivery time. It's a good idea to indicate on the product page (or somewhere else on your site) that the customer will have to wait at least 20 days to receive the order (depending on the supplier). Most of the suppliers are located in China and the delivery time varies from two weeks to several months, depending on the shipping method. Besides, we all know how Russian Post can work 🙂

Use an app or widget to track your order. Because dropshipping delivers faster than regular online stores, your customers are likely to ask you frequently where their order is. In order for your customers to see the status of the order, you can use a special application for Shopify , or you can add a custom tracking widget to your site postal items, for example, or Post2Go.

Offer free shipping. This can become your competitive advantage. Most sellers on AliExpress ship free or at a low price, so we recommend offering free shipping to your customers.

Specify suitable prices. It is best to quote a price about twice the original price. 50% net profit will make your business viable and will also cover marketing costs.

Add products to the store using apps. There are special applications that will greatly facilitate and speed up the process of adding products from AliExpress to your store. For example:

  • Oberlo - App for Shopify
  • expressfy - extension for Chrome

How to Use AliExpress for Dropshipping

It's pretty simple - when you've received your order, buy the item you want on AliExpress and enter your buyer's name and address. The seller on AliExpress will take care of the rest.

It's a good idea to create a spreadsheet in Excel or Google Docs with a list of all the products in your store, your price, the seller's price, and a link to the product on AliExpress. Thus, it will be easier for you, upon receiving an order, to find the right supplier on AliExpress, as well as to monitor price changes.

Instead of a table, you can use special applications. For example, the Oberlo app for Shopify that we mentioned above will help you order on AliExpress more easily and keep track of price changes. Price changes can also be tracked through the extension AliExpress Assistant.

When placing an order on AliExpress, it will not be superfluous to let the seller know that you are a dropshipper. Then the seller will not put any checks or coupons in the package for your client.

On the checkout page, you can add a message to the seller. We advise you to write a message like: “We’re dropshipping. No promotions & invoices, please!” It is better to write a message in English, since most sellers do not know Russian.

After placing your order, you will soon receive a message that your order has been shipped. The speed of preparing the goods for shipment depends on the seller.

After that, you can change the status of the order on your site and allow the customer to track the package using the method you selected earlier.

Ready! It remains only to wait until your client receives the order. When the package is delivered, AliExpress will send you an email asking you to confirm receipt of your order. This is worth a little delay - make sure that the client has received the package and that everything is in order with the goods. If something is wrong, then you can write to the seller or open a dispute on AliExpress to solve the problem.

What about returning goods or funds?

Most sellers on AliExpress do not offer returns. Therefore, you will need to deal with the return of goods or funds in several ways. Problems when ordering through your store can most often arise due to the fact that the package did not reach the recipient or your client was dissatisfied with the purchase.

If the parcel did not arrive on time, you need to deal with the seller on AliExpress. You can either contact the seller directly or open a dispute through the buyer protection system.

If your customer is simply unhappy with the purchase, we offer a refund. If the product is damaged, ask the client to take a photo and send them to the seller on AliExpress, and solve the problem with him.

Development of your business

Once you've completed a few orders, it's time to start looking for ways to grow your business and make more money.

Over time, you will learn to separate reliable sellers who supply quality goods, from unreliable. Consideration should be given to building business relationship with reliable sellers. This way you can get lower prices and priority in order processing.

Most sellers on AliExpress use Skype. If you find yourself ordering from the same seller often, it's a good idea to ask their Skype contacts and build a business relationship. Show the seller that you can bring him a large number of orders. Then some sellers may allow you to place your logo on the goods, as well as include customized invoices / receipts or inserts with your logo in the package.

Start Dropshipping

One of the benefits of dropshipping with AliExpress is the ability to quickly test and evaluate ideas and products. Not sure if a certain product will be sold? Add it to the site and see if there are orders. No orders? Just remove the product from the catalog and try something else.

Because you don't have to pre-purchase items and check stock regularly, you're running almost no risk. Create a website and start growing your business. And add to the site to promptly respond to customer questions or complaints.

Don't miss the next post. We write rarely, but aptly about support and marketing on the network


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