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Technology is developing rapidly and we are used to communicating with friends and family using mobile communications, internet, social networks. But some outdated types of communication are still in demand, and one of these is sending telegrams. Its indisputable advantage is the fact that you can send and receive a telegram not only in major cities but also in smaller towns. The company provides the service of sending a telegram, and in this article we will consider how this can be done and at what cost.

The history of the telegram

Telegram - translated from Greek means a message that is transmitted far away. A similar message is transmitted by wire or by telephone, and a similar type of communication arose in the distant 18th century. The first telegraph machines printed the text on a special tape, which was then pasted onto a sheet of paper so that it was convenient for the recipient to read it, but already in the 80s of the 20th century, telegraph machines printed the message already on the paper itself and they began to be called teletypes. Two scientists are considered to be the inventors of telegrams: Pavel Schilling from Russia and Samuel Morse from the USA.

How to send a telegram via Rostelecom

As we have already mentioned, Rostelecom still provides the service of sending long-distance and international telegrams. Such a message can be sent both within the country and to countries near and far abroad. It is difficult to find a place in the world where telegraph communication would not be available. You can send a telegram to Rostelecom:

  • at the nearest telecommunication office
  • dictate over the phone
  • at the nearest post office

The most popular way to send a telegram is the second option, since there is no need to go somewhere and waste your time queuing. You can send a telegram with home phone, and from the phone of the organization in which you work. Another plus is the ability to send a message at night, when all post offices are simply closed. The following types of telegrams are accepted by phone:

  • with delivery on art form
  • with delivery on a musical form
  • with acknowledgment of receipt
  • with delivery within the time specified by the sender

The first two types belong to the category Lux or Lux-M and are used for congratulatory messages to please a person with an unusual design of a telegram. The shipping fee will be included on your phone bill. Please note that the telegram cannot be sent from mobile phone.

Still, many users are interested in the possibility of sending a telegram via the Internet online. Here we will have to upset you, since such a possibility does not exist and you will have to use one of the above methods.

As for international telegrams, they are sent in the permitted languages ​​using the letters of the Latin alphabet.

The cost of sending a telegram via Rostelecom

Let's look at the tariffs for sending a telegram using Rostelecom. As an example, we will consider Volgograd region(prices may vary in your region, check them on the official website of the company).

The cost of each telegram word in the "ordinary" category is 2 rubles 90 kopecks. If you send an "urgent" telegram, then each word in it will cost you 4 rubles 50 kopecks. In addition, the telegraph fee will be from 30 to 40 rubles, and you will be charged another 120 rubles for the notification of delivery. If you used an artistic or musical form, then you will have to pay from 20 to 80 rubles for it. As you can see, the prices are very democratic and will not hit your pocket in a serious way.

Delivery times and ways to track the Rostelecom telegram

As for the delivery time of your telegram, they depend on the type of telegram you have chosen. A normal message is delivered within 8 hours, and an urgent message will be received in 4 hours. The maximum period after which the recipient will read your message is 12 hours.

It is impossible to track a telegram from Rostelecom, like a parcel that you sent via Russian mail. There are no special such services, since the track is not assigned to the telegram. If your telegram was not delivered on time, then a company employee can determine its location, but such cases are extremely rare, since delivery times are quite short.

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representatives of the older generation sent and received urgent messages via telegraph on a variety of occasions: congratulations to the newlyweds and anniversaries, news of the birth or other important notices to relatives and friends. now, basically, telegrams are sent as notifications from departments and organizations.

detailed information on the cost and how to send via Rostelecom should be clarified with a specialist in the information support service or by visiting the nearest branch of the company.

judicial telegram

it should be noted that the text of such a notice clearly indicates the purpose of subpoenaing the recipient in court, for example, as a witness in a civil dispute. moreover, not necessarily immediately as a suspect or accused in a criminal case. Details of a judicial telegram The necessary details of a judicial telegram also include a clear indication of the date, place and time of the court session, the names of the judge, and so on.

how to send a telegram by phone or via the Internet?

the content of such a communication service implies: some organizations providing communication services give subscribers the opportunity to send telegrams via the Internet or a mobile phone. such organizations include, for example, OAO Rostelecom and Central Telegraph. sending a telegram through Rostelecom how to send a telegram in this way, users can find out on the official portal of Rostelecom.

how to send a telegram by russian mail

if necessary, you can get copies, as well as notices. tariffs for the provision are: in the case of ordinary and non-urgent 13 rubles. per word, urgent - 22 rubles. for, other varieties, as out of category, extraordinary, are paid for the usual non-urgent in the amount of 85 rubles.

for the word. tariffs for telegrams, the delivery of which is carried out to places of residence where there is no telegraph and telephone connection, as well as those marked "custom", is 40 rubles.

Rostelecom: sending a telegram

Rostelecom provides the service of sending a telegram, and in this article we will look at how this can be done and at what cost.

telegram - translated from Greek, it means a message that is transmitted far away.

a similar message is transmitted by wire or by telephone, and a similar type of communication arose in the distant 18th century. the first telegraph machines printed the text on a special tape, which was then pasted onto a piece of paper so that it was convenient for the recipient to read it, but already in the 80s of the 20th century, telegraph machines printed the message already on the paper itself and they began to be called teletypes.

sending a telegram via Rostelecom: details about the service

does this method of communication allow you to encrypt and decrypt sent/received messages from a business partner, colleague who found out this or that secret from competitors? using a special telegraph machine, it is possible to deliver important information about the round of negotiations in just a few hours, in the form of a shorthand record, and this method of communication is also indispensable for journalists if they urgently need to send a finished report to a newspaper, television broadcasting channel or their boss received secret information.

how to send a telegram

first of all, to send a telegram, you need to decide on its form, it can be ordinary and urgent. using urgent mode, you can anonymously deliver any message without modification.

for this, it is necessary to fill out a special telegram form, marking all the necessary boxes there, where, if necessary, you can order a notification. it is not necessary to leave your contact details for this, a delivery message will be sent to the local post office, which will require a receipt for payment.

when sending important legal documents, it is necessary to fill out two identical forms and certify them with the operator in order to prove the correctness of the original text, if necessary, if an error is made during transmission.

filling forms can be designed in an artistic form, for this there is a special subsection "luxury", which contains many varieties.

this form will require additional payment and will be recorded in the receipt.

how to send a judicial telegram by russian mail

src=" "="" alt="How to send a court order by Russian post">

How to track a telegram via the Internet?

It would be possible to track the telegram, like all other mail, through the website of the Russian Post. To do this, you would just need to know the postal identifier of the sent.

It is always entered in the appropriate field without brackets. It should only be numbers.

And there should be 14 of them in the case of internal messages across the country.

Even now, in the digital age, the telegram continues to be in demand. It is almost indispensable when you need to urgently send a message and make sure it is received. Its advantages will be appreciated by everyone who wants to unexpectedly and interestingly congratulate a loved one, but does not know how to surprise him. And with the advent of a convenient service that allows you to send messages without leaving your home, this service should become even more popular. To send a telegram by phone to Rostelecom, it is enough to know the name and address of the recipient. And sometimes, when the exact address is unknown, the phone number of the person who should receive the message is enough.

Today, Rostelecom subscribers have the opportunity to choose how to send a message. To do this, they have 6 different ways available, each of which is convenient and affordable. Those who wish can:

  • use your home phone (06 or 076);
  • send a message from a mobile (88005050606 or 8126);
  • go to Personal Area user or just to the site;
  • visit the office of the company;
  • use the mobile application;
  • sometimes Rostelecom services are available by mail.

However, keep in mind that traditional forms of submission are only available when visiting the office or using the phone. Only messages on congratulatory forms are sent via the Internet and the mobile application.

The rates are distributed accordingly. The use of a virtual service is more expensive than the usual provision of services by company specialists.

Service TCHK

Service TCHK is the sending of holiday telegrams on special greeting cards. It is available both on the official website and in mobile application companies. To use this service, you must:

  1. go to the service page (in the additional services section);
  2. open the submission form;
  3. enter information about the recipient and the sender;
  4. choose a suitable postcard or upload your own;
  5. write down the text of the message;
  6. pay for the service.

The cost of sending depends on the city where the congratulations are sent and the selected image. Subscribers will have to pay from 250 to 410 rubles. The money will be debited either from the client's balance or from the mobile account. In the second case, an additional fee may be charged by the operator whose SIM card is installed in the cell phone.

Delivery time from 4 to 12 hours. In situations where the sender indicated the recipient's phone number, but did not write down the address, it may take a little longer, since specialists will need time to clarify the delivery parameters.

Shipping cost

Having figured out how to send telegrams by phone number and the cost of congratulatory messages. Attention should be paid to the prices of ordinary messages. The final amount will be affected by the urgency of sending, receiving notification and processing. Senders should expect the following rates:

  • 2.90 rubles per word when using normal send priority;
  • 4.50 RUB for urgent dispatch;
  • from 30 to 40 rubles - telegraph fee;
  • up to 120 rubles will have to be spent on notification of delivery of the message;
  • at 20 rubles. art form was evaluated;
  • 80 rub. - musical form.

The total cost of the service depends on the wishes of the client and can be both minimal and quite solid. But, if the situation requires a colorful, memorable design, the price fades into the background.

Rostelecom telegram: shipment tracking

Tracking the movement of the telegram is almost impossible. Similar messages. Unlike parcels, a track is not assigned. There are also no special sites and services that allow you to track the sending and receiving.

The only way to be sure that the telegram has been delivered is to order the appropriate notification. It happens different types and may contain the signature of the recipient, which will eliminate the last doubts about the performance of the ordered service.

Additionally, you can simply call the person to whom the telegram was sent and ask if it reached him. This is especially true in cases where a congratulatory message was sent.

Delivery terms

Having figured out how to send a telegram via Rostelecom by phone, you should clarify the period during which it will be delivered to the right person. Typically, the tone is the same as that used for the delivery of similar items by other major postal institutions.

The standard time that users should expect is 8-12 hours. For urgent departures, it is reduced to 4 hours.

When sending to a phone number, you should take into account the time it takes to process the information received and find the exact address of the recipient.

Rostelecom: telegrams

Rostelecom offers customers a wide range of services, which includes not only the Internet or television. Those who wish can send a telegram, the content of which can be indicated even through the phone. To do this, you need to dial the desired number and follow the prompts of the system.

Additionally, shipping is possible. greeting cards. The sender can choose an image from the proposed options or offer their own. The cost of this service depends on what options the client requires. But, no matter how the final message looks, no matter what the design turns out to be, the price will be quite affordable.

Today there are several ways to send telegraph messages. This procedure can be carried out without even leaving home. How you can send a telegram - you will learn from our article.

Send a telegram by Russian Post

Before sending a telegraph message, you need to decide on its form: regular or urgent. Sending urgent telegram will cost twice as much, but the addressee will receive it faster.

To send a telegram by Russian Post, you must fill out a special form, which the specialist will issue on the spot. It requires you to specify the type of delivery and fill in all the required fields. You can also order to receive a notification. Thus, you will find out whether the telegram was received and in what time frame. To do this, in the notification form, you must specify information such as the type postal item, your name and address of residence, name of the recipient and his address of residence.

If you want to send by telegram via Russian Post important documents, then you will need to fill out two forms, and then certify them with the postal operator. And if a mistake is made when issuing a telegram, you can prove the guilt of the postal service.

The mail schedule can be found in the article.

Send a telegram by phone

If you need to quickly send a telegraph message, you can use the telephone. This is a very convenient and inexpensive means of transmission.

In order to send a message, you need to make a call from your home or mobile phone to a special service number. Next, you need to dictate the text of the telegram. The call itself is free, and the cost of sending the message will be included in the monthly phone payment or the bill will be delivered by mail.

You can use help desk by calling the short number 009. Or find services in your region on the Internet.

Service employees receive incoming telegrams around the clock, however, delivery will be carried out only during working hours.

Send a telegram over the Internet

There are many Internet portals for transmitting telegraph messages over the world wide web.

Some sites offer online posting. In this case, you fill in all your data (full name, place of departure) and the recipient's data (name, place of receipt) immediately on the site page. In the same place indicate your mobile phone number, address Email and message text. After entering all the required information, you will be shown the calculation of the operation being performed. You can pay for such a telegram different ways: through payment terminals, from a mobile phone account, through electronic wallets and online banks.

Services that work on this principle: Intmail, Write.Ru.

There are sites that work offline. This means that you leave your contact details on the site page. After a while, a specialist contacts you and takes a message by phone. This is how the service works.


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