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After the appearance mobile communications And social networks few people know and remember that an urgent message can be sent by telegram using the services of Rostelecom. Not so long ago, residents like big cities, and small settlements transmitted information and notifications through telegraph offices, and this was one of the most popular and convenient options. Despite the fact that the service is not particularly popular, it still remains in the list of available methods for sending text messages around the world.

Telegram from Rostelecom

Sending a telegram through Rostelecom branches today is not a popular service, as it used to be. However, for a long time this method of transmitting information to the addressee was common in many countries. Introduced in the late 18th and early 19th century, the telegram became a reliable method of sending text messages by telegraph via radio or wire.

The inventors are recognized as two scientists who presented an innovative development for that time in their countries. In our country, the first electromagnetic telegraph was introduced by Pavel Schilling in 1832, and the famous American Samuel Morse sent a telegram from Baltimore to the US capital in 1844.

Modern developments and methods of communication have forced many companies to abandon the service due to lack of interest and demand. In 2006, Western Union announced the closure of the service for sending messages via telegraph. In our country, the telegram transmission service is still available, it is provided by Rostelecom.

Representatives of the older generation sent and received urgent messages via telegraph on a variety of occasions: congratulations to the newlyweds and anniversaries, news of the birth or other important notices to relatives and friends. Now, basically, telegrams are sent in quality from departments and organizations.

How to send a telegram via Rostelecom

Detailed information about the cost and how to send a telegram through Rostelecom should be clarified with a specialist in the information support service or by visiting the nearest branch of the company.

To send a telegram, select one of the following options:

  • apply to the telecommunication departments of Rostelecom;
  • dictate the required test to the operator by phone (by calling the service number 8-126);
  • visit the nearest post office.

You can give a telegram through Rostelecom by phone both from your home number and from the number of the organization.

In order to, you must specify the category, type, address of the recipient, text and signature (optional). It can be delivered both to another city on the territory of the Russian Federation, and to another country.

How much is a telegram delivered

Before sending a telegram, you need to decide on the category, it can be an urgent or ordinary message.

Telegraph messages are divided into several types:

  • with delivery to the addressee on an art form;
  • with delivery on musical form;
  • with notification of delivery to the recipient;
  • with delivery within the time specified by the sender.

The delivery time for a telegram through the Rostelecom service depends on the category. An ordinary message sent between administrative centers must be received within 8 hours. If the recipients are located in settlements with facsimile and telegraph communication, then the sending time will be no more than 12 hours. If you select the urgent notification category, the recipient will read the telegram in a maximum of 4 hours.

How to track telegram

Many of those who use the services of sending and delivering parcels, parcels and letters are used to the fact that on special sites you can familiarize yourself with the stages of forwarding. To do this, you need to know the postal identifier that is indicated on the check.

Rostelecom does not assign a track to such a type of shipment as a telegram, so there is no way to track it. However, there is no need to view and control the path of the message, because the delivery time takes a short period of time.

If, however, there are difficulties and questions with sending a telegram, then only an employee of Rostelecom can track at what stage the failure or error occurred.

Despite the fact that at the moment there are many options for sending messages via the Internet, they still turn to the telegraph transmission service. This is due to guaranteed delivery and documentary evidence of this fact.

The need to send a message may appear at an inconvenient time and in an inconvenient place (late at night or outside the city), when it is difficult or impossible to contact the Rostelecom office, so such an option as sending a telegram by phone will help resolve the situation. The cost will be included in the bill for the provided communication services. This option is convenient and available to all RTK subscribers around the clock. In this case, payment by signs is also used.

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representatives of the older generation sent and received urgent messages via telegraph on a variety of occasions: congratulations to the newlyweds and anniversaries, news of the birth or other important notices to relatives and friends. now, basically, telegrams are sent as notifications from departments and organizations.

detailed information on the cost and how to send via Rostelecom should be clarified with a specialist in the information support service or by visiting the nearest branch of the company.

judicial telegram

it should be noted that the text of such a notice clearly indicates the purpose of subpoenaing the recipient in court, for example, as a witness in a civil dispute. moreover, not necessarily immediately as a suspect or accused in a criminal case. Details of a judicial telegram The necessary details of a judicial telegram also include a clear indication of the date, place and time of the court session, the names of the judge, and so on.

how to send a telegram by phone or via the Internet?

the content of such a communication service implies: some organizations providing communication services give subscribers the opportunity to send telegrams via the Internet or a mobile phone. such organizations include, for example, OAO Rostelecom and Central Telegraph. sending a telegram through Rostelecom how to send a telegram in this way, users can find out on the official portal of Rostelecom.

how to send a telegram by russian mail

if necessary, you can get copies, as well as notices. tariffs for the provision are: in the case of ordinary and non-urgent 13 rubles. per word, urgent - 22 rubles. for, other varieties, as out of category, extraordinary, are paid for the usual non-urgent in the amount of 85 rubles.

for the word. tariffs for telegrams, the delivery of which is carried out to places of residence where there is no telegraph and telephone connection, as well as those marked "custom", is 40 rubles.

Rostelecom: sending a telegram

Rostelecom provides the service of sending a telegram, and in this article we will look at how this can be done and at what cost.

telegram - translated from Greek, it means a message that is transmitted far away.

a similar message is transmitted by wire or by telephone, and a similar type of communication arose in the distant 18th century. the first telegraph machines printed the text on a special tape, which was then pasted onto a piece of paper so that it was convenient for the recipient to read it, but already in the 80s of the 20th century, telegraph machines printed the message already on the paper itself and they began to be called teletypes.

sending a telegram via Rostelecom: details about the service

does this method of communication allow you to encrypt and decrypt sent/received messages from a business partner, colleague who found out this or that secret from competitors? using a special telegraph machine, it is possible to deliver important information about the round of negotiations in just a few hours, in the form of a shorthand record, and this method of communication is also indispensable for journalists if they urgently need to send a finished report to a newspaper, television broadcasting channel or their boss received secret information.

how to send a telegram

first of all, to send a telegram, you need to decide on its form, it can be ordinary and urgent. using urgent mode, you can anonymously deliver any message without modification.

for this, it is necessary to fill out a special telegram form, marking all the necessary boxes there, where, if necessary, you can order a notification. it is not necessary to leave your contact details for this, a delivery message will be sent to the local post office, which will require a receipt for payment.

when sending important legal documents it is necessary to fill in two identical forms and certify them with the operator in order to prove the correctness of the original text, if necessary, if an error is made during transmission.

filling forms can be designed in an artistic form, for this there is a special subsection "luxury", which contains many varieties.

this form will require additional payment and will be recorded in the receipt.

how to send a judicial telegram by russian mail

src=" "="" alt="How to send a court order by Russian post">

How to track a telegram via the Internet?

It would be possible to trace the telegram, like everyone else postal items, through the website of the Russian Post. To do this, you would just need to know the postal identifier of the sent.

It is always entered in the appropriate field without brackets. It should only be numbers.

And there should be 14 of them in the case of internal messages across the country.

Instruction 1 With the help of an urgent telegram, you can congratulate relatives or friends on the holiday, tell important news, send a notice, confess deep feelings in an original way, etc. This method of information transfer guarantees the confidential delivery of the text without changes, which is especially important for legal and financial documents. 2 You can send an urgent telegram in different ways. First, in the telegraph or post office. Fill out a special form, mark, if desired, the box on receipt of the notification, in order to be sure that your information has reached the addressee. You can not leave your address, but come to the branch yourself for a notification. In this case, in the line “Surname and address of the sender”, write “Full name on demand” and be sure to save the payment receipt. 3 When sending important legal or other documents, two identical forms must be completed.

Telegram transmission

However, for a long time this method of transmitting information to the addressee was common in many countries. Introduced in the late 18th and early 19th century, the telegram became a reliable method of sending text messages by telegraph via radio or wire. The inventors are recognized as two scientists who presented an innovative development for that time in their countries.
In our country, the first electromagnetic telegraph was introduced by Pavel Schilling in 1832, and the famous American Samuel Morse sent a telegram from Baltimore to the US capital in 1844. Learn how to connect to interactive TV services from Rostelecom and set up equipment. Acquainted with FTTx technology, its features and types can be found here.
Modern developments and methods of communication have forced many companies to abandon the service due to lack of interest and demand.

How to send a telegram by phone

The shipping fee will be included on your phone bill. Please note that the telegram cannot be sent from mobile phone. Still, many users are interested in the possibility of sending a telegram via the Internet online.

Here we will have to upset you, since such a possibility does not exist and you will have to use one of the above methods. As for international telegrams, they are sent in the permitted languages ​​using the letters of the Latin alphabet. The cost of sending a telegram via Rostelecom Let's look at the tariffs for sending a telegram using Rostelecom.

As an example, we will consider Volgograd region(prices may vary in your region, check them on the official website of the company). The cost of each telegram word in the "ordinary" category is 2 rubles 90 kopecks.

Telegram from Rostelecom: where and how to send

It is useful to know how to send a telegram without leaving home for citizens who use this type of communication. How to send a telegram via the Internet or by phone, we will tell readers below. Telegraph communication services How to send a telegram by phone How to send a telegram via the Internet Telegraph communication services According to the text of government decree No. 222 of 15.04.2005, a telegram means a text message sent to the addressee by using telegraph communication.

  • receiving a message
  • transmission,
  • processing,
  • storage,
  • delivery.

The telegram transmission service can be provided to citizens only by those organizations that have issued a special license.

Rostelecom: sending a telegram

In this case, a telegram will be handed in on an artistic form or with a musical attachment.

  • International shipments are sent with text in Latin, or any other language that is usually used in the country of delivery of the message.

The principle of sending a telegram through Rostelecom The telegram delivery service is available at numbers 076 or 8-800-3001-076, and you can use the credit method of sending. For a simple shipment, you can use your mobile phone at 8800-505-0606. After the operator's response, follow his prompts and the message will be sent.
Or you can do this through your fixed telephone, connecting to Rostelecom telephone services by dialing a combination of numbers 06. The company has set a standard price for sending messages - text transmission is calculated by words, 1 word costs 2 rubles. 33 kop.


Rostelecom offers its customers to send telegrams by phone, although initially everyone had to apply personally to one of the telegraph offices. Messages received in another city were printed on special tapes, which, for ease of reading, were pasted onto thick paper sheets. Later, the text began to be put on paper immediately and the messages were renamed into teletypes.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the delivery of such messages ceased to be in demand, and Western Union completely abandoned their provision. In Russia, thanks to Rostelecom, sending telegrams is still possible, although this method of communication is used mainly by organizations or departments.

Ways to send a telegram via Rostelecom


To send a telegram, select one of the following options:

  • apply to the telecommunication departments of Rostelecom;
  • dictate the required test to the operator by phone (by calling the service number 8-126);
  • visit the nearest post office.

You can give a telegram through Rostelecom by phone both from your home number and from the number of the organization. In order to send a message, you must specify the category, type, recipient address, text and signature (optional). It can be delivered both to another city on the territory of the Russian Federation, and to another country.

How much a telegram is delivered Before sending a telegram, you need to decide on the category, it can be an urgent or ordinary message.

Sending a telegram via Rostelecom: details about the service

Technologies are developing rapidly and we are used to communicating with friends and relatives using mobile communications, the Internet, and social networks. But some outdated types of communication are still in demand, and one of these is sending telegrams. Its indisputable advantage is the fact that you can send and receive a telegram not only in major cities but also in smaller towns. Rostelecom provides the service of sending a telegram, and in this article we will look at how this can be done and at what cost. The history of the telegram A telegram in Greek means a message that is transmitted far away. A similar message is transmitted by wire or by telephone, and a similar type of communication arose in the distant 18th century.

How to send a telegram by phone Rostelecom

Ask the operator to put a certification mark on one of them. Thus, you can prove the correctness of the original text if an error or typo is made during transmission. In addition, a digital signature certificate can serve as a guarantee.

4 The telegram can be sent by phone or the Internet. To do this, there are now many sites on the network that provide various Additional services, for example, the possibility of filing an off-line application. After that, for some time, the operator will call you back and take the text over the phone. The bill will be mailed to you or included in your monthly phone bill. 5 The disadvantage of telephone transmission is the lack of a copy of the text you sent. Likewise, not all Internet services provide this service.

How to send a telegram via Rostelecom by phone

Articles and Life Hacks Can I send a telegram using my home phone or mobile device? This article will tell you how to give a telegram by phone using the services of specific companies as an example. How can I send a telegram over the phone? The Rostelecom company offers its customers such a service as sending telegrams on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. This becomes possible because the telegraph network covers almost the entire globe.

We will be able to use this type of communication by telephone, through the departments of electric or postal communication. The service of sending a telegram is provided on a paid basis. The sender receives a confirmation of sending, and the recipient receives a copy of the telegram certified in in due course. Very efficient and accessible way sending messages to friends and relatives will be sending a telegram by phone.
At the same time, we will not need to go to the electric or post office - just make one call from our home phone number to 066. This can be done even at night. If on this moment we do not have funds, it is recommended to use sending a message on credit. What can be sent when calling 066? We can choose a regular or urgent telegram with delivery, a congratulatory telegram (even musical forms are provided), with confirmation of delivery, and so on. The messaging service is open 24/7. Payment occurs after the receipt of the telecommunication receipt. So, we figured out how to give a telegram by phone through Rostelecom.

How to send a telegram via Rostelecom by phone Perm


Is it possible to use a similar service, but not from a home phone, but from a mobile phone? How to send a telegram by mobile phone through Central Telegraph OJSC? To do this, you need to call the free number 8-800-505-06-06 from your mobile device. The telegram will reach the addressee within a few hours. If we send a message on a regular letterhead, one word will cost us 2.33 rubles.

The company also offers greeting and musical forms. Payment occurs after the issuance of the relevant receipt. In other words, we will receive a bill similar to the one that comes for the use of utilities.

If we want to send a telegram via "CT" with home phone, we type 06. Summing up, let's say that the telegram has a special meaning in the modern world.

What is a telegram? A telegram is a way of transmitting information using the telegraph via radio or wires. It appeared thanks to two scientists Pavel Schilling and Samuel Morse at the end of the 18th century. Now the service is not very popular in large modern cities, however, it is still possible to send a telegram through Rostelecom for all subscribers of the company.

Previously, the telegram was a popular service for the entire population, and the older generation used it to transmit information to their relatives throughout the country. The resulting text was printed on paper and handed to the client.

If such a need now arises, it is better to contact an employee of the company, and he will tell you how to send a telegram through Rostelecom. In the text, you must indicate the address and surname, name, patronymic of the recipient and write a message, select the category of the telegram, put a signature below. In general, there are several ways to send:

  • Dictate the text of the message on the phone;
  • Go to the post office
  • Visit the nearest telecommunication branch.

Sending a telegram by phone via Rostelecom with or without acknowledgment of receipt is considered the most convenient and fast way transfer of information to relatives. You do not need to go anywhere and stand in line too, you can call from any home phone. Another plus of this method is that you can send it at any time of the day or night when the Rostelecom branch is no longer working. The cost is included in the monthly receipt in the column for communication services.

Now there is even such a service as sending a telegram by phone on credit, for this you just need to contact the number 8 800 3001 076.

How to send an urgent message by phone

In order to make a request for shipment from a cell phone, you need to dial the company's number 8 800 505 06 06, from a landline phone call 06.

The telephone operator accepts several types of telegrams:

  • With notification of receipt by address;
  • Design on a musical or artistic form, which the sender chooses;
  • With delivery within the period specified by the sender.

Is it possible to send online

Many Internet users, of course, are wondering if it is possible to send a telegram to Rostelecom via the Internet. Unfortunately, there is no such way. You can send a telegram via the Internet only using services such as Qwerty, Glavtelegraph and

Types and terms of telegram delivery via Rostelecom

For an additional fee, the sender can send a telegram with a notification of receipt and receive a copy of the received document, as well as arrange an urgent delivery, according to which the addressee will receive a notification in no more than 4 hours. A normal message must be sent within 8 hours.

There are several types of telegrams:

  • Urgent (for emergency messages);
  • Category Lux;
  • International;

An urgent telegram and the Lux category are usually used for congratulations, since there is an unusual holiday decoration. The international telegram assumes the design of the text using the letters of the Latin alphabet.

Is it possible to track a sent message

After sending any parcel, letter and other documents at the post office, they usually issue a postal identifier. In the case of a telegram, no postal numbers exist, so tracking telegrams in Rostelecom is impossible. Although this is not scary, because maximum term transmission 12 hours. If you encounter any difficulties, you should contact a specialist who will check at what stage the error occurred.


Telegraph communication covers the whole world, and it is possible to send a telegram through Rostelecom, including with a return receipt, to many cities and towns Russian Federation as well as foreign countries. It is worth noting that it is delivered faster than any other written correspondence. The loss of printed information and distortion of the text is excluded. The main advantages of a telegram are speed and delivery to the addressee personally.

The development of Internet technologies makes it possible to simplify many government and municipal services. The Russian Post is not far behind the progress. Now you can easily send a telegram via the Internet. In this case, the addressee will receive a telegram in paper form exactly at the specified time. You can place an online order for the service on the website of the Russian Post in the “Telegram” section.
All telegrams sent via the Internet are handed over to the addressee in person. With the help of a notice, you can traditionally announce your arrival, congratulate on a significant event, or express condolences.

How to send a telegram

In order to proceed to filling out the interactive form, the user needs to click on the "Send telegram" button. A page will open containing electronic form. At the first stage, the user will need to decide on the method of sending the telegram. There are two options:
  • by phone number;
  • to the full address.
The first option is convenient because the user does not need to know the exact address of the recipient of the telegram, it is enough to enter only the mobile phone number and the operator of the Russian Post will contact the addressee himself and clarify with him the address to which the telegram can be delivered.

After filling in the information about the recipient, you must click on the "Next" button in order to proceed to the next step.

The next step is to select the type of message:

  • congratulatory;
  • ordinary;
  • ritual telegram.
The cost of sending a congratulatory telegram is from 250 to 390 rubles, depending on the addressee's region of residence. It is sent on a special congratulatory form, the design option of which can be selected by ticking the "Confirm" field.

An ordinary telegram is delivered without a form, and you will also need to pay 250 rubles for its delivery. Sending a ritual telegram will cost the user 250 rubles. A message is sent on a special mourning form, which the sender must choose and confirm on his own. After determining the type of telegram and choosing the form on which it will be printed, the user must click on the “Next” button in order to proceed to the next step.

At the next stage, it will be necessary to enter the text of the telegram into the electronic form, select the delivery date and sign the message. The number of words in the telegram text is limited and equal to 48. The user can also enable telegraphic abbreviations. After filling in and clicking the "Next" button, an interactive form opens in front of the user, in which you will need to enter information about the sender:
  • surname;
  • the e-mail address to which information regarding the order placed will be sent;
  • phone number.
An SMS notification will be sent to the sender's phone number containing a confirmation code that must be entered into the electronic form to send the telegram. To receive SMS, you need to click on the "Get Code" button.

After filling in the fields and clicking the "Next" button, the user will go to the telegram payment page.
You can pay for the service in several ways to choose from:
  • bank card;
  • mobile payment.
Before proceeding to payment, the system will ask the user to accept the terms of the Public Offer. After payment for the specified email the user will receive a letter containing the parameters of the sent telegram.

Terms of service provision The telegram is delivered to the addressee personally in the hands of the next day after it was sent through the electronic service or on the date specified by the sender. In those settlements where there is no telegraph connection, the telegram is delivered by registered letter, and the sender does not have the opportunity to choose the date of delivery.

How is the telegram delivered to the recipient

The telegram is handed over to the addressee personally at the specified address of residence/stay. If at the time of visiting the postman the addressee is not at the specified place of residence / stay, then a notice is left for him. In this case, you can receive a telegram in person by visiting the Russian Post office or the office of Rostelecom. The recipient must have an identity document with him.

Why moderation is needed

After paying for the telegram, it is automatically sent for moderation. The moderator checks the text of the paid message for compliance with the norms of morality and ethics. If the text of the message does not pass such a check, then the telegram is rejected, and the sender is notified about this using phone call operator. In this case, the telegram is considered not sent due to the fault of the sender and the money for the provision of the service is not returned to him.

The choice of a congratulatory form

There are two types of congratulatory forms - "Premium" and "Standard". The function of selecting the type and kind of a congratulatory form is available for cities related to the tariffs "390" and "350". greeting card the addressee will receive it only if the appropriate form is available at the regional delivery office. In the absence of the required form, the addressee will receive a telegram on a form, the type and type of which is as close as possible to the type and type chosen by the sender.

Unable to send telegram

If the user has questions, the answers to which he cannot find in the "Help" section or cannot send a telegram, he can contact the service support service by sending an appeal to the e-mail


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