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Today, a landline phone is no longer of any value. You can call relatives, friends or colleagues from a mobile that everyone has. Also in the modern world, Internet communication is gaining popularity. It allows you to call a person from anywhere without paying for traffic and see him during the call. The only downside is the constant internet connection. That is why the landline phone is out of our daily lives. Think about it: when you last time did they use it? Probably a very long time ago. This question is being asked by a lot of people now and they end up trying to turn off the phone.

Turn off your home phone

First you need to find the contract that you signed with the company for telephone services. Did you find it? Alright, let's move on to the next item. Try to read the contract carefully. It should say how to turn off the phone, what is needed for this and where to go. As a rule, the contract specifies under what circumstances the company can disconnect the home phone.

On the operator's official website, find the consultant's number, which you should contact before you go to the office. Find out from him how the disconnection is made, how long the company can terminate the contract and what you need to do to do this.

Before you go to the office, pay the debt for home phone, of course, if it is present, and keep the receipt.

If all the requirements are met, you can contact the company, a telecommunications services marketing specialist. In the application, indicate the reason for the refusal, attach an agreement and a receipt for payment for services.

That's all. It remains only to wait for a decision. As a rule, it arrives within a few days, it depends on the operator. If you are denied, contact the firm to find out the reason and resolve all disputes.

Now you know how to turn off your home phone, but what will happen to the Internet? It will automatically turn off, of course, if you use a combined tariff. Before turning off the landline phone, sign an agreement with another Internet provider or switch to another tariff.

Remember that before turning off the landline phone, you must carefully study the contract. So consultants will not be able to mislead you, and you will quickly find out the answers to your questions. The consultant will be able to understand you faster, so you will spend less time terminating the contract.

Turn off the landline phone "Rostelecom"

How to turn off the Rostelecom home phone? To do this is quite simple. As we have already found out, it is necessary to find a contract, study it, pay the debt and contact the company. You need to take the contract, receipt and passport with you. In the office of the manager you will write a statement.

If you are unable to come to the company, send a registered letter. It is necessary to attach a form to it, which can be downloaded from the official website. The answer should come within a week to your return address.

How to disconnect Rostelecom's home phone via the Internet? Today, the Internet is available in almost every home, and it would be very convenient if the operator took care of its users and allowed them to terminate the contract without leaving home. Let's see if this is possible.

Is it possible to turn off the landline telephone "Rostelecom" via the Internet?

How to disconnect Rostelecom's home phone via the Internet? Unfortunately, this is not possible. To connect the services of this operator, you just need to go to the site and write an application. There was no provision for such a possibility to disable services. How to turn off the Rostelecom home phone? Today, in order to refuse the services of this operator, you need a personal presence or sending a registered letter.

How to turn off MGTS home phone?

Moscow is a city where many people are connected to MGTS. If you are going to disconnect from the selected operator, then you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  • Find the contract and study all the points.
  • Go to the official site. On it, find the operator's phone number and the address of the service center.
  • First, contact the operator and find out how the shutdown will take place, what you need to bring with you.
  • After that, you can go to the office, where you will need to write an application to turn off the landline phone.

That's all. It remains only to wait until the application is approved. If you have recently connected these services, then most likely you have installed an optical modem, which legally belongs to the company. After disconnecting the home phone, you must wait for the master to pick it up.

So you learned how to turn off home MGTS phone. Moscow is a huge city with a large number of offices of this company. Shutdown is fairly quick and easy.

How to turn off the home phone MGTS (Moscow) for a while?

To temporarily disable a landline phone, you must contact the office with a passport, where you will write an application to suspend the tariff. This service will be free of charge. If you decide to turn off your home phone for a few months, then it might pay off. It is not necessary to turn off the landline telephone for several weeks. Otherwise, you won't save.

To temporarily turn off a landline phone, you need to pay 300 rubles. In this case, you will be temporarily blocked, but not disconnected from the telephone line. It is because of this that every month it will be necessary to pay 205 rubles. You can resume services any day for free.

Turning off the MGTS landline phone for the vacation period

How to turn off the home phone MGTS (Moscow) for the duration of the vacation? As we have already found out, the company provides the possibility of temporary blocking, but it turns out to be quite expensive. It is not advisable to turn off the phone during the holidays, as you can only lose money. How can we reduce the cost of landline phone services?

You can apply to MGTS until the 20th day of the current month with an application and a passport for transferring to a new tariff. As a rule, they consider such applications quite quickly and connect a new tariff from the first day of the next month. You can switch to the cheapest tariff for a month. The change is free of charge.

How to return the old tariff

Return the old tariff plan simple enough, although the transition is done in different ways:

  • When switching from a time-based to a fixed rate, you can simply call hotline and choose the desired tariff plan. It will connect on the first day of the next month.
  • When switching from a time-based to a combined tariff, you must come to the office before the 20th day of the current month and write an application for changing the tariff plan.


Now you know how to turn off your home phone. Different operators work on the same principle. First you need to find and study the contract. Then you should call the consultant and find out the answers to all your questions. Only after that you need to go to the office and write an application to turn off the landline phone. Of course, these are fairly simple steps that everyone can handle, but there are times when the shutdown is denied. If you have such a situation, you need to go to the office, find out the reason and solve the problem.

How to turn off your home phone on different operators? Only consultants can accurately answer this question. Everywhere there are pitfalls that must be overcome. In one company, you need to go to the office or fill out a registered letter, in another, you can simply go to the site and leave a request.

The request "how to turn off Rostelecom's home phone" is not uncommon in search engines. It would seem that the answer is simple: you need to come with a statement to the company's office. However, there may be difficulties here - let's try to deal with them.

Disabling Rostelecom services - temporarily and permanently

Now mobile communication is quite developed, thanks to which the use of wired phone Seems like overkill to some. That is why many of the users are asking to turn off Rostelecom's home phone.

Shutdown is now possible in two ways:

  • with the complete termination of the contract;
  • with temporary blocking of services.

The latter option assumes that the subscriber remains a user of the system, but services are not provided to him at his own request. This method allows you to save money on the subscription fee: in case of voluntary blocking, the fee for the technical ability to connect back is purely symbolic, and the blocking time is not limited. To use this method, you just need to call the company. To connect back, just a call is also enough.

How to terminate the contract with Rostelecom permanently

However, let's say that you decide to completely abandon the services of Rostelecom. How to turn off Rostelecom's home phone in this case?

First you need to find a contract for the provision of communication services. This can be difficult: many contracts for the installation of a wired (or, as it is also called, landline) telephone were concluded long before the spread of mass and relatively cheap cellular communications.

If the contract could not be found, try to at least remember on whose behalf it was concluded. The fact is that only one of its parties can terminate the contract. If it is you, there are no problems, but if the contract was concluded with one of your relatives, then it will be he who will have to write the application (or you will need a power of attorney on his behalf).

With an application (and, if necessary, a power of attorney), you must contact the Rostelecom office where citizens are received. There you need to hand over to the employees of the company a statement with a request to terminate the contract from a certain date. If you are embarrassed by the need to go somewhere, the application can be sent by registered mail with notification. In this case, the letter will need to include:

  • a statement - of any form, but with a clearly articulated desire to terminate the contract and an indication of the date of the proposed termination;
  • a copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the contract for the provision of communication services (if any);
  • a copy of the power of attorney (if you are not acting on your own behalf).

In the application, it is highly desirable to indicate your contact phone number - the company's employees will contact you and specify the date when their masters can come to you and physically remove the connection points.

Also, if you are looking for a way to turn off Rostelecom's home phone, you should remember the two conditions that this company sets to its subscribers in this case:

  1. All bills for previously rendered communication services (telephone, Internet, cable TV) must be paid by the time of application.
  2. The application for termination is not a reason for refusing to pay - otherwise, the subscriber can only lose access to services, while the payment debt will continue to grow.

Also, do not forget about the Internet: in some cases, it is still connected via telephone line, and if you give up your phone, you will lose access to it.

How to disable Rostelecom Internet

In the event that you use the services of Rostelecom as an Internet provider, the disconnection procedure will be exactly the same as described above. In the same way, you can either voluntarily block the service for yourself for a while, or refuse it forever.

And in the same way, if you wondered how to turn off the Internet of Rostelecom forever, you will need to apply with a written application to the company. In addition, you will need to provide employees of the company with access to the equipment installed by it so that they can dismantle it.

The article describes how to block a home phone on Rostelecom.

In our time, when almost the majority of people have cell phones, many are beginning to think about turning off their home phone (especially if each member of the family has access to a mobile network), since it only costs extra money.

Rostelecom: how to block a home phone?

Turn off your home phone, for example, on " Rostelecom» It seems to be not at all difficult - to write a statement at the office of the company. But in fact, everything is not so simple. In this review, we will talk in detail about how to turn off your home phone on " Rostelecom».

How to disable a home phone on Rostelecom?

If it's really enough for you to use cellular communication, and all members of your family have mobile phones, then you can disconnect your home phone from the company " Rostelecom" to get rid of unnecessary costs. First of all, it should be said that such a shutdown itself is available in the following options:

  • Disconnecting a home phone from Rostelecom forever
  • Disconnecting a home phone from Rostelecom for a while (voluntary blocking)

It is not difficult to guess what these two points mean. In the second case, we have the opportunity to turn off our home phone, but still remain customers of the company " Rostelecom". This allows you to temporarily refuse all fixed-line communication services, get rid of the full subscription fee (the fee is symbolic - 95 rubles / month), and you can connect back at any time convenient for us (the blocking period is unlimited).

Rostelecom: how to block a home phone?

In order to enable voluntary blocking, you should call " Rostelecom" by number 8 800 100 08 00 (is free). After the operator of the company picks up the phone, he should report his request. No other action needs to be taken. To connect back, call the same number.

If you want to disconnect from wired communications forever, then you need to take more drastic measures. First, we must find an agreement with the company under which we entered into a deal for the provision of services from " Rostelecom". Of course, this will not be easy to do in many cases. After all, a huge number of agreements were concluded a long time ago, long before the advent of mobile communications.

If you still could not find the contract, then you will need to remember who exactly on your side this contract was concluded. According to the rules, the contract can be terminated by one of the parties that concluded it. In case it was you, then things get easier. But if it was one of your relatives, then contact " Rostelecom”must either he or the person who received a power of attorney from him.

Having dealt with this issue, you (or your relative) should write a statement at the office " Rostelecom and give it to a company employee. If for one reason or another you do not want to go somewhere, then you can simply send such an application by mail, for which you will need to attach the following documents to the letter:

  • The statement itself (indicate that you want to permanently terminate the contract with " Rostelecom at such and such a time)
  • Photocopy of your passport
  • A photocopy of a power of attorney from a relative, if the contract was previously concluded by him
  • A photocopy of the contract with Rostelecom' if you found it

You should also indicate your phone number, by which company employees can contact you to clarify certain circumstances, if necessary.

In addition, you need to know the conditions under which " Rostelecom' will go to terminate the contract. The main requirement is that all services from the company (home telephone, television, Internet) that you have previously used must be fully paid. Otherwise, you may be blocked from accessing, for example, telephone communications, and the debt will only increase anyway.

How to disconnect the Internet from Rostelecom?

Attention: when disconnecting the Internet from the company " Rostelecom» Exactly the same steps should be taken as described in this review. The Internet can be disabled either permanently or temporarily. In the first case, you will need to write an application.

Video: Personal account "Rostelecom"

Before you turn off your landline phone, you need to understand the possible consequences of such an action and decide when and how best to do it.

Benefits of having a landline at home

1) Hello, who is home?

The landline phone is in a simple way make sure the person is at home. Call if the phone is picked up - it means at home.

2) About communication stability

A landline phone usually works when there are problems with mobile communications. For example, it used to be before the New Year, when everyone called on a mobile phone and congratulated each other on new year holidays. Now, in my opinion, there is no such problem: either there are fewer calls, or mobile operators somehow technically solved the issue with increased load.

Although a landline phone does not always work well. Now many landlines are voluntarily / forcibly transferred to fiber optics, and here not everything is as smooth with communication as we would like.

3) Communication with people

Not everyone can/want to use mobile phones: some do not know how, and some consider them harmful and do not use them as a matter of principle. In this situation, to communicate with the outside world, a landline phone is indispensable.

4) Internet and television to boot

Now, along with a landline telephone, Internet and television often come in one set. Therefore, when you turn off the phone, the Internet and TV can also be turned off at the same time.

Cons of a landline phone

1) Payment for providing communication

The main disadvantage is the subscription fee, more precisely, the mandatory monthly payment, regardless of whether you use the phone or not. You can, of course, pay for some period in advance, but, alas, you can’t do without paying for the use of a telephone line.

At the same time, with mobile communications, this is easier: you can choose a tariff when you pay only for actually made calls. Moreover, there are tariffs when subscribers of one mobile operator can communicate with each other practically free of charge. It's that sweet moment when the competition between phone providers is good for the common people.

2) About the repair and rental of equipment

A landline phone has cables that, for example, neighbors can damage at the most inopportune moment for you. Then you need to call the master to fix and restore the connection. With mobile communications, this problem does not exist.

If the phone is connected via fiber optic, then, alas, this modern technology may also “want” repairs, that is, it may suddenly stop working for unknown reasons.

Fiber optic equipment can be rented. For example, when transferring to such a connection, Rostelecom provides it to its customers for free, but it may break down. A breakdown occurs, for example, if the power supply for the fiber optic fails. Replacing the unit is free, but before that you need to call the wizard, diagnose the equipment, and fix the problem.

By the way, if a decision is made to abandon the landline phone, then the free equipment will need to be dismantled and returned to Rostelecom in order to terminate your service agreement. You can do this yourself, or you will need to call the master, wait for him to come so that he can remove the equipment.

Before turning off

It is important to understand that after disconnection, the home phone number "leaves" to another client, it will not be possible to return it.

If a person changes his mind and after a while decides to reconnect the phone at home, then:

  1. it is necessary to conclude a new agreement with Rostelecom;
  2. the number will be different;
  3. such a service is paid, which is paid as the connection of a new phone.

Is it possible to disconnect a landline phone via the Internet

After weighing the pros or cons, there are users who make the appropriate decision, and then look for information on how to turn off the landline phone.

At the same time, they are sure that the procedure for disconnecting a home phone can be done via the Internet.

Disconnecting a landline phone only via the Internet is unlikely to succeed. True, you can submit an online application, after some time you will be contacted in order to clarify the reasons for such a decision.

To apply online, it is advisable to register on the Rostelecom website. Then you will have a personal account in Rostelecom.

Read more about registration, paying for the phone in your personal account of Rostelecom.

You can also apply on the site to receive paper invoices from Rostelecom to your email.

Having entered your personal account in Rostelecom, we go down to the basement and there we click on the “Feedback” option:

1 in fig. 1 - option "Feedback",
2 - History of requests for feedback,
3 - My applications.

If the application is submitted through a personal account, then a Rostelecom employee can quickly identify the person who applied, in particular, check his debts and other nuances. I dare to suggest that this speeds up the processing of your application.

By clicking on the blue banner “Write to us” (Fig. 1), you can “chat”, that is, chat online with a Rostelecom employee.

If there is no personal account on the Rostelecom website and there is no desire to create it, then you can write an application by e-mail:

How to turn off the phone temporarily

Telephone companies (Rostelecom, in particular) have the ability to turn off the phone for several months, and then the client can continue to use it as usual. This can save you money on subscription fees. To do this, just make a phone call, however, I don’t know how this happens in practice.

Or you can go to the telephone company and submit a written application from the person who entered into an agreement with the company or by notarized power of attorney from him.

Procedure to turn off the phone completely

This can be done by the person who entered into an agreement to connect a landline phone. Or someone else who has a notarized power of attorney from the person who put his signature under such an agreement.

  • It is advisable to have a contract for connecting a home phone with you,
  • You need a passport to prove your identity.

Next, with a passport and an agreement, you need to go to the office of the telephone company, which services the phone and sends monthly receipts for payment. Here you fill out an application to turn off the phone, in which you must specify the phone number to contact you. The application is considered, they contact you and arrange for a telephone master to come to you so that he turns off and picks up the equipment, if any.

Sometimes "old" telephone numbers are transferred to modern fiber optics, while expensive equipment is installed free of charge. If you refuse the phone, this equipment must be returned.

When the master turns off the phone and takes away the equipment, then the phone will be turned off in the company, after which it will no longer be possible to pay for it.

You can send documents to turn off the Rostelecom phone by mail. Attached to the letter

  • an application in any form to terminate the contract, in which indicate the date of the proposed termination;
  • a copy of the contract for the provision of communication services (if any);
  • a copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the power of attorney (if you are not acting on your own behalf).

It would be a mistake to assume that you can stop paying for the phone immediately after the moment the application was written and left with the telephone company. For after the application, before the arrival of the master, the phone still continues to function, so you can talk a lot over a long-distance or international connection, but in the end it is subject to payment.

Turning off the phone is possible only if there are no outstanding payments.

Landline and mobile phone at the same time

There is a landline phone where you can insert a SIM card. In fact, this is a mobile connection, but outwardly it looks like a regular home phone. In such a phone, you can insert a SIM card of any mobile operator.

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In the modern world, a stationary device is gradually fading into the background. Its place is occupied by mobile phones and smartphones. Many reasons contribute to this: an increase in the subscription fee, the convenience of mobile communications, which are much cheaper per month. Therefore, it is important to study all the nuances. How to turn off Rostelecom's home phone or suspend service for a while.

What to do before writing a waiver

There are various reasons that can force a person to give up their phone. Popular options are:

  • a lack of financial resources to pay for services (the subscriber decided that using mobile communications would be enough for him);
  • a long business trip is planned;
  • moving to a new place;
  • moving to a country house for the summer.

Temporary disconnection can be done by calling the operator, and it is only possible to refuse a home phone with documents. It is important to know what preparatory steps to perform. Before writing an application, you need to contact the operator to clarify the question: “Is it possible to turn off the phone, but leave the Internet and interactive TV?”. Quite often, the entire service package comes with one cable, and Internet Explorer for the rest of the options.

It is also worth finding a service agreement in advance and finding out who signed it. Only this person has the right to disconnect. If the number has a debt, then you will not be able to turn off the landline phone, first you should pay everything. Therefore, call Rostelecom in advance and check with the operator the amount of debt.

Suspend phone use

Until February 2015, only the customer service office was involved in suspending Rostelecom's home phone. I had to go there to fill out the appropriate form. Today the procedure has been simplified and the subscriber has a choice. How to disable Rostelecom's landline phone temporarily? The procedure is carried out in Personal account". You can easily suspend a Rostelecom phone via the Internet on the website

How to temporarily turn off the home device in another way? Call the corporate number of the company - 8 800 100 08 00. The operator will identify you as the owner and ask for the contract number. The procedure takes only a few minutes. It is also easy to unlock Rostelecom's home phone.

The blocking period is not limited. The client himself decides whether it is possible to turn off the home phone for 6 months or for one. But you will still be charged - 95 rubles / month. This price includes:

  • line service control;
  • saving the number.

We terminate the contract for the supply of services

The only way to turn off a landline phone is to write a statement. You can provide it directly at the office of the company or by sending it by mail. If you have chosen the option of deactivating the Rostelecom service by sending a letter, then please note that the period will be calculated from the day the letter is received. Therefore, sending an application is necessary with a notification, so you will have a supporting document in your hands.

How does the landline turn off without the presence of the owner of the number? The answer is only if there is a power of attorney or a certificate of ownership of the apartment. This means that the husband will not be able to fill out the landline phone waiver form for his wife if he is not the owner of the living space. The owner will have to visit the office in person. Users do not always know how to refuse services, stop making payments on the account. In some cases, the use of services will not be available, but the debt will increase. Over time, the company has the right to recover the entire debt by court order.

Shutdown in the office

In order to find out the location of the nearest office where you can turn off the telephone line, you should go to the company's official resource - Proceed according to the current template:

  1. Select your location in the upper right part;
  2. Scroll down until you see the link "Sales offices";
  3. Look for the nearest customer service salon in the list of city offices.

When you go to the office of the company, do not forget to take with you:

  1. The passport;
  2. Documents for the apartment;
  3. Agreement;
  4. Payment receipts.

The specialist will provide a sample according to which a request is made to refuse a telephone line.

Sending a cancellation by mail

A written request, which is sent by mail, is made in any form. Written contains the following data:

  1. In the header - the name of the department that connected the line and legal address companies (from the contract); Personal data of the owner of the number (full name, passport data, place of registration, contact phone number);
  2. Request body - full name, please turn off the phone on the basis of the contract;
  3. The date;
  4. Signature.

After a while, an employee of the company will contact the contact number to clarify the date and time when the master should come to remove the connection point.

From additional documents copies:

  1. Passports;
  2. Agreement;
  3. Power of attorney if you are not the owner of the apartment.

Perhaps refusing the number, after a while you change your mind. In this case, you will be assigned a new digital combination.


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