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Any organization in without fail timesheet is maintained. The rules for formatting this document, its purpose and a ready-made example that can be used as a sample - all this is discussed below.

Main purpose

The planned duration of the shift and the total number of working days in the month will almost always differ from the hours and days that were actually worked. To record the fact, a time sheet is kept: it allows you to collect all the information about the working time that was actually worked out.

The purpose of this document is twofold:

  1. Get information about the entire worked period of time.
  2. Get data on absenteeism for the same period.

Such information is useful, first of all, to an accountant. Also, some inspectors will need information - a corresponding description is given in the table.

accountant calculation of all payments that need to be transferred to employees: salary, vacation pay, travel allowance, etc.
representative of the Federal Tax Service inspectors are interested in the correctness of the calculation of payments and taxes from them: often the company is checked to see if the tax base has been underestimated
FSS officer hours worked are of interest to the fund in connection with the calculation of social benefits (for example, for child care)
labor inspector inspectors are interested in whether the rights of workers have been violated
Rosstat representative employees of Rosstat collect statistical data - for example, according to the information from the report card, they draw up a single

Form: blank and sample

Each company has the right to apply own sample, and keep track of working hours using a special form T-12. You can take as a basis exactly its form (it is given below) and adapt it to the needs of the company.

The document consists of 3 main parts:

  1. The title page contains a unified system of codes, which indicate, for example, additional days off (on account of overtime), sick leave, downtime due to the fault of the employer, etc. Each circumstance has an alphabetic and numeric code.
  2. The second (tabular) part is the actual accounting of working hours. It is carried out on a daily basis (including days off and holidays).
  3. And the third part is also presented in the form of a table. It provides information on the payment of salaries (amounts, hours and days, rate).

Here's what it looks like blank form form T-12.

Along with the T-12 form, there is also a T-13. It lacks the last (third) part - that is, this document is a simple time sheet for fixing working hours, without payroll calculations. Finished example document is shown below.

Order of conduct

The document is maintained by specially appointed employees: they record working time for every day. As a rule, the director is responsible for the correct execution structural unit(eg sales department). Responsibility can be shared by his deputy. If the company is large enough, they introduce a special position of timekeeper, who records all the information.

In any case, responsible persons are always appointed by the head, which is indicated by the corresponding order (free sample) - for example, the document shown below.

NOTE. All responsible persons must familiarize themselves with the text of the order and put their signature and date.

In general, the order looks like this:

  1. The responsible person records the information for each day.
  2. After filling out (after a month), the document is transferred to the personnel department.
  3. After the personnel department, he enters the accounting department.
  4. The last signature remains with the head of the structural unit.

NOTE. When the document is filled out and signed by all responsible persons, it is filed and sent to the archive for storage. The minimum storage period is 5 years. But if the work at the enterprise is carried out in dangerous and harmful conditions, the storage time increases significantly - at least 75 years.

How to fill out a time sheet: step by step instructions

When filling out, a single notation system is used. The time sheet records the time worked in accordance with the rule “one position is intended for one position”. Only employees who have labor contract, including internal part-timers - for them, in particular, it is necessary to register information twice.

The following employees are not taken into account:

  • workers unofficially;
  • external partners;
  • working on the basis of a civil contract.

The order of filling provides for the correct design title page and the actual tabular part.

Title page

The following information is recorded here:

  1. The name of the company (a short version is allowed, for example, Alpha LLC).
  2. Codes for OKUD and OKPO.
  3. Number - the company chooses the numbering system independently. For example, a variant of sequential assignment of numbers during the calendar year is common.
  4. Reporting period - i.e. month with start and end dates for maintaining the document.
  5. Compilation date refers to the last day after which it must be signed by all responsible employees. The document is then transferred to archival storage.

tabular part

Here you need to fill in all the columns:

Payroll information

If the T-12 form is maintained, then this section is also filled out. Here, information is recorded mainly about 2 forms of payment:

  1. The salary itself (indicated by the 4-digit code 2000).
  2. Payments for vacation days(denoted by the code 2012).

All amounts are debited from the so-called offset account - it will be the same, regardless of the type of payment.

As usual, working hours are fixed taking into account the total number of days and hours.

At the end of the document, all authorized employees sign:

  • person holding the document (if any)
  • representative of the personnel department;
  • department head.

Video instruction for registration

Video commentary on filling:

Additional sheet

There are several cases when the time sheet itself is not enough, since accounting involves fixing additional information. Then you should issue another sheet:

  1. If an employee quits in the middle of the month or at the beginning. In this case, all the days and hours actually worked are recorded on an additional sheet. And in the form they make the entry “Fired” exactly on the date when the dismissal took place. Then the document is submitted along with an additional sheet.
  2. It will also be needed when the employee was not working, but at the same time he did not get in touch and did not notify the reasons for his absence. If he did not appear (or did not take documents confirming the validity of the reason), and the time has come to hand over the document, code 30 is put (letter designation "НН").

In such cases, it is better to make all marks with a pencil. If it later turns out that the employee, for example, received sick leave, you should put a mark on code 19 (letter "B").

Summary accounting: calculation features

If the normal number of hours (8 hours per day and 40 hours per week) cannot be observed, then the total length of time actually worked is determined as a simple sum. This procedure exists in enterprises that:

  • work around the clock, in shifts;
  • use a flexible schedule;
  • organize shift method work.

Then the main concept becomes accounting period. – calendar month, 1 quarter or the whole year. The specific interval is selected depending on the characteristics of the enterprise. For example, if work is expected in hazardous and harmful conditions, then a period of 1 quarter is taken as the basis.

If for some time the employee did not perform work for good reasons, then this time is not taken into account (that is, it is excluded completely).

Non-standard situations: what to do

In most cases, it is quite simple to draw up a document, since accounting is based on a uniform, equal distribution of working time for each employee. However, this procedure is often violated due to certain circumstances, for example:

  1. If a colleague asks for time off, and the manager does not mind, then only the hours actually worked (integer) are recorded. Absence is indicated by the mark "I" or two numbers "01".
  2. If he is ill, then they put "B", and leave the bottom of the field empty. Of course, having sick leave mandatory requirement for such a note.
  3. If it was planned, and the employee took it as agreed, in accordance with the current procedure, they put the designation "NV" (in the digital version, the code "28"). There are times when the true reasons for the absence are temporarily unknown. Then you can put "НН", but in case of clarification of the situation, the appropriate designation is selected, and "НН" is crossed out.
  4. If a colleague went on a business trip, mark "K". When he officially returns and begins his usual duties, they put the letter "I".

How to make changes

Accounting for working time involves fixing information that may change during the day or week, therefore, the timesheet also provides for the possibility of making changes. Adjustments must be made to reflect the actual situation, the truth of which is documented.

There are 2 ways to make corrections:

  1. Inaccuracies are allowed, but the document is supplemented by the so-called corrective form. Both papers are submitted for verification together.
  2. The original document is corrected, and an additional form is not drawn up. Then you need to carefully cross out all the incorrect data. This is done with a horizontal bar. If erroneous information is contained in adjacent fields, a single line is crossed out.

In this case, an appropriate entry must be made that explains the situation in detail, for example:

It can be done on the nearest free field.

Liability for mismanagement

Proper document management is a direct responsibility of the company. Otherwise, quite tangible penalties may follow.

Interestingly, the Labor Code does not contain an article as such that establishes liability for the absence of a time sheet. However, it is in the Code of Administrative Offenses - this is Article 5.27. It is regulated that the absence of a document will lead to penalties:

  1. For responsible persons from 1000 to 5000 rubles.
  2. For a company like legal entity from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

In the event of a report card with errors, other measures are applied. They are set depending on whether the malicious intent that caused these errors is detected. For example, a company credits an employee with days not actually worked in order to “reduce” their profits and thereby pay less tax. Sanctions will be applied in accordance with the specific circumstances of the violation (to a large extent they will depend on the amount).

The time sheet is designed to enter information about the time actually worked by employees of organizations. I must say that the time sheet form is not strictly mandatory - in principle, it can be arbitrary, that is, each enterprise is free to use its own time sheet if such a need arises. However, the form was developed and recommended for use by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and is preferred.


Who completes the timesheet

The form is filled out either by an employee of the personnel department, or by the head of a structural unit, or by a timekeeper specially hired for this function. Based on the information entered into it, the specialists of the accounting department accrue salaries and other payments to the employees of the organization. In fact, the time sheet is one of the most important accounting documents. And if small companies can do without it, large enterprises it is mandatory to maintain such a time sheet.

Depending on the personnel accounting system adopted at the enterprise, the time sheet can be formed either one for all employees of the organization, or kept separately in each unit.

The time sheet is a regular document, that is, a new copy must be compiled every month, so the serial number of the time sheet will be equivalent to the serial number of the month in which it was created. The timesheet period covers all days of the month.

You can fill out the time sheet both electronically and in writing. However, after entering all the necessary information, it will still have to be printed out for the signatures of the responsible persons.

Form T-13. Form Features

Let's start with the T-13 form, which is now used much more often to keep a time sheet.

The unified form T-13 or the electronic time sheet is well known to employees of the personnel department. This is not the only way, but definitely the most standard way to account for hours worked. If you are keeping records manually, Form T-12 should be used.

The time sheet is a familiar tool for tracking employee attendance. Form T-13 allows you to record in detail the reasons for absenteeism, including student leave for the duration of the session, advanced training and several types of disability leave. The period for which the document is filled out may be less than 31 days.

The completed T-13 is the basis for payroll.

The format for filling out the time sheet in T-13

Unlike arbitrary tables of similar content, T-13 contains data about the enterprise, including the form of ownership and OKPO. The document number is affixed in accordance with the internal requirements for maintaining time sheets.

The name of the department is also indicated at the top. It must be remembered that the head of this department (even if filling out the time sheet is not part of his or her duties) should sign the completed form.

The order of employees is determined by the decision of the responsible person. The most common sorting is alphabetical, as in our example, but a variant of arrangement by personnel number is possible (column 3).

In column 4 we put marks by day:

I- (appearance) working day,
AT- day off,
FROM- vacation,
RP- turnout on a day off (working off),
To- business trip,
PC- training,
At- study leave with a call from an educational institution,
B- sick leave with sick leave,
T- unpaid sick leave without a sick leave.

Under the mark I put the number of hours worked that day. In column 5, we summarize the number of I in the line and the number of hours. We get 4 values ​​for 2 halves of the month. In column 6, we summarize the values ​​\u200b\u200band get the final figure for the work for the month.

The number of hours for V, OT, K, B and other cases is not indicated in the fourth column. To do this, there are columns 10-13.

Accounting for sick leave, vacations or absences for other reasons

Designation codes may be different (for example, numeric). Legislatively, a specific filling format is not prescribed.

The notation X shows that we do not take into account this day: for convenience, the month is divided into two lines with unequal values. For months that have 30 days (for example, November, the column will look like this (for convenience, the “non-existent” 31st number is highlighted in red):

T-13 for November

By analogy, T-13 is filled out for visits in February.

Columns 7-9 indicate the payment code, the number of days and the type of charges. In our example, the codes are:

  • 2000 - Common workday,
  • 2300 - sick leave (disability allowance),
  • 2012 - vacation.

Alternative Solution

Some enterprises approve a slightly simplified version of the time sheet without detailing the reason for the omissions. In column 4, only 2 codes are indicated:

  • I- working day,
  • H- unworked day.

This method may be inconvenient in that it does not record sick leave.

Special cases

  1. How to fill out T-13 for employees participating in conferences and other training events?
  2. Depends on the position of the enterprise. These days can be counted as working days (I), or they can be counted as advanced training (PC). The pay rate may also vary.

  3. Can the code I have a value of more than 8 hours?
  4. Yes. Maybe, if there is a special order for extended working hours. Overtime can be labeled C.

  5. What is the difference between T-12 and T-13 timesheets?

The first is a manual attendance form. The second is electronically. Many accounting departments today have switched to T-13, since it can be automatically collected using a special program.

Form T-12

First of all, as in any other personnel records document, you first need to enter the details of the organization in the time sheet: its full name with the OKPO code (must be taken from the registration documents), organizational and legal status (IP, LLC, CJSC, OJSC), as well as the structural unit (department) for which this time sheet is maintained (if necessary).

Then you need to enter in the appropriate column the document number for the internal workflow, as well as indicate the reporting period that takes into account this time sheet.

Numeric and alphabetic codes in the time sheet

This part of the timesheet includes the alphabetic and numeric ciphers used to fill in the necessary information on employees, as well as their decoding. They must be entered in the main part of the time sheet in order to briefly and clearly reflect the amount of time actually spent by one or another employee at the workplace, as well as the reasons for his absence from work. If the specialists of the personnel department have a need to enter some additional codes in this form of the time sheet, they can be developed independently and entered in this table.

Accounting for working time in T-12

This section in the report card is the main one - it is in it that records of working hours are kept. First you need to enter the employee’s serial number in the first column of this section, then, in the second column, his full name (preferably the full name and patronymic, so that there is no confusion and errors). In the third column, you need to insert the personnel number of the employee assigned to him during employment (it is individual and never repeats).

For each employee in the report card, two lines are allocated - they contain encrypted information about the presence or absence at the workplace on each calendar day of the month. In addition, it is also necessary to indicate the reason for non-attendance at the workplace if one has been installed.

In the top line opposite the name of the employee, the reason is indicated, and in the bottom line - the number of hours actually worked, and if the employee did not appear at the workplace, the bottom cell can be left empty.

The next step is to calculate the total number of hours and days actually worked for two-week periods, and at the end of the table - the result of the calculations for the month.

At the same time, you should carefully monitor that the total number of calendar days in a month coincides with the amount of working, weekends and holidays indicated for each employee.

It should be said that sometimes the persons responsible for filling out the time sheet enter into it only those information that relate to the days when the employee was absent from the workplace. However, this option can lead to personnel and accounting errors, so it is not advisable to use it.

Date and signatures of responsible persons

After the time sheet is filled out, the employee responsible for it must indicate his position, as well as put down a signature in the appropriate cells with a mandatory transcript. The head of the structural unit or the director of the enterprise must also approve the time sheet - also indicating the position and signature with a transcript. The last thing you need to put is the date the timesheet was filled out.

A single labor contract is not enough for an economic entity to pay its employees remuneration for their work. In boo. accounting, there is a primary document - a time sheet. Its maintenance involves the constant recording of the time of work or absence of each employee responsible employee at the enterprise.

Why you need a timesheet

The norms of the legislation establish the obligation of each subject that is an employer to mark the time of work, and this can be done in two ways - summarized and direct fixation on each day of arrival and departure.

This duty is entrusted to certain employees, for example, heads of structural divisions.

Or a special automated recording system using employee attendance cards can be used.

In the latter case, it is still necessary to designate the official who will process the data and put down codes for the type of absence of employees.

Absences from work are divided into two types:

  • For a good reason, with the consent of the employer.
  • absenteeism.

Important! For failure to keep records of working hours, administrative measures may be applied to the administration of the company.

Based on the data drawn up in the form of a time sheet, the entire enterprise pays salaries to employees. This document must be maintained even if piece system to account for exits and absences of workers.

The function of the time sheet includes, in addition to control labor discipline, checking compliance with the norms for the duration of the working day, week, month, etc., as well as fixing the time for the employee to work overtime, on days of rest and holidays.

Attention! The Labor Code of the Russian Federation fixes two types of working weeks - six-day (36 hours) and five-day (40 hours).

Also, labor contracts and regulations of the company may use the summarized accounting of work time or establish irregular day. In this case, non-compliance with the standards for the duration of the month is allowed, however, it is not recommended to violate the standards for a longer period.

The report card is an important supporting document for various kinds of checks.

Most reports on personnel records and remuneration in statistics are generated on the basis of time sheet data.

The procedure for using the timesheet

Rosstat has developed and approved two types of standard time sheet forms - the t-12 form and the t-13 form. The firm can use them or develop their own forms based on them in accordance with their own needs.

Each enterprise has the opportunity to choose one of them to fill in and record this in the accounting policy. The time sheet form t-12 is used simultaneously to record time and determine wages for this time.

The T-13 form is more common among companies, as it allows you to automatically fill out a document and reflects only time tracking. For the calculation of remuneration, settlement or payroll statements are used.

The responsible person makes notes about the appearance or non-appearance every day. In this case, alphabetic or numeric encryption is used, and it is also possible to put down the duration of the employee's stay at the place of work.

For these purposes, you can use programs on your computer or print a template and fill it out manually. In the first case, the time sheet is printed after it is completely filled out at the end of the month.

Attention! Entries can be made in the timesheet either daily about the presence or absence of employees, or as deviations from the established norms. Those. in the latter case, an entry is made, for example, if an employee is absent for any reason. But it is better to enter the data daily.

At the end of the period, the closed time sheet is checked by the head of the department, after which he endorses it. Further, the document is transferred to the personnel department, which checks it with its data. After checking in the personnel service, the time sheet is sent to the accounting department for salary calculation.

Important! The sheet should be kept for five years. However, if they reflect work in harmful conditions, then this period is extended to 75 years.

Time sheet sample filling

It is necessary to start entering data into the document from its header. It indicates the full name of the company and its code according to the OKPO directory. Then it is indicated for which structural unit this time sheet was compiled.

Important! If the company has a small number of employees, then you can draw up one time sheet for all. With many employees and departments, it is best to draw up your own time sheet in each department. Personnel service based on them can then fill out a single document.

The next step is to record the serial number of the form, its date of compilation and the period recorded in it.
The main document is built in the form of a large table.

AT column 1 the serial number of the line in the document is entered.

Columns 2 and 3 must contain the personal data of the employee, the name of his position and the number according to the time sheet.

Column 4 necessary to mark the attendance of the employee and the number of hours. There are two cells for each day, top and bottom. A special code is written at the top, and the number of hours corresponding to it is written at the bottom. For some codes, it may remain empty. The month is also divided into two intervals of 15 days.

AT column 5 for each part of the month, the number of days of work is indicated - in the upper part, and hours - in the lower part.

AT column 6 the same data are recorded and in the same sequence, but for the whole month.

AT columns 7-9 information is recorded, which is then used in payroll. If a single payment code and a single corresponding account are used for all timesheet employees, then they can be recorded in the table header. At the same time, in the table itself columns 7 and 8 then remain empty, and the data is entered only in column 9.

If the payment and accounts for employees differ, then for each of them in column 7 you need to write down the payment code, and in column 8 - the accounting account code corresponding to it. In column 9 the sum of the days or hours that correspond to this billing code is recorded.

AT columns 10-13 the data on non-attendance for the month are summarized. Absence codes are indicated here, as well as the corresponding number of hours for the entire month.

After registration, the time sheet is signed responsible person, indicating their personal data and signature. Then he is endorsed by the head of the department for which the document was made and the personnel specialist.

The main codes required to fill out the time sheet

When filling out the document, you must use special designations in the report card. As a rule, for each attendance or absence of an employee, a digital and letter code. Any of them can be used, at the request of a personnel officer. You can’t just put down the data in the report card - for each cipher there must be a document confirming this.

Employee attendance codes

Most commonly used codes:

  • Me or 01 - going to work during business hours;
  • H or 02 - going to work at night;
  • RP or 03 - going to work on weekends or holidays;
  • K or 06 - business trip;
  • OT or 09 - being on paid leave;
  • P or 14 - maternity leave;
  • DO or 16 - leave without pay;
  • B or 19 - sick leave;
  • PR or 24 - absenteeism;
  • HH or 30 - failure to appear until the reasons are clarified;

Consider in the article what constitutes a time sheet, what forms are used. Rules for filling out the time sheet, an example of filling. We will identify the main difficulties in filling out the time sheet, which can lead to errors in the calculation wages.

The time sheet is a document that reflects the number of hours worked by each employee and the number of absences per month for each employee of the organization. Based on it, and are calculated.

All organizations are required to maintain a time sheet.

There are two ways to track working hours. unified form T-12 and T-13, approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

Form T-12 is used not only for recording working hours, but also for calculating wages. Therefore, in small firms when the accountant also maintains the personnel department, use this form T-12.

When information is needed only on the number of hours worked and absenteeism, either the first part of Form T-12 or Form T-13 is used.

Any form can be used to record working hours.

Rules for filling out the time sheet

The time sheet is filled in daily by the personnel officer, if the company does not have a personnel department, then the time sheet is maintained by an accounting officer.

When filling out the time sheet, do not forget to indicate the name of the organization and structural unit.

The “Document number” and “Date of compilation” must be filled in

In the cell "Reporting period" put down the beginning and end of the month for which the time sheet is maintained.

- serial number;

- surname, initials, position (specialty or profession);

- Personnel Number;

- marks of attendance and absence from work by the days of the month

The upper line of the table contains an alphabetic or numeric code of working hours for each day of the month (appearance, business trip, etc.). At the bottom, the number of hours for them is recorded. For example, if an employee completed a full shift on July 3, 2014, then in the time sheet for July, in the cell with the number 3 opposite the employee's last name, the code “I” and 8 working hours are put down. If the employee fell ill that day, then it is necessary to put “B”, and since he did not have working hours, the bottom cell is not filled in or 0 is entered.

– intermediate and final results;

- in the presence of absences, marks are put down on absences for reasons.

At the end of the time sheet, we must check that there is a signature of the person responsible for filling out the time sheet, as well as the signature of the head of the structural unit and the personnel officer.

Basic codes for filling out the time sheet

Type of working hoursLetter codeDigital code
Working dayI01
Business tripTo06
Annual basic paid leaveFROM09
Parental leave until the child reaches the age of threecoolant15
Leave without pay granted to an employee with the permission of the employerBEFORE16
Temporary disability with the appointment of benefits in accordance with the lawB19
Absences for unexplained reasons (until the circumstances are clarified)HH30

Non-standard situations when filling out the time sheet

1. An employee fell ill while on vacation.

After the vacation, the employee returned to work and provided sick leave for the duration of the illness. In the report card, instead of vacation (OT), a temporary disability code (B) is affixed from the first day of illness, and the vacation itself is extended for the period of illness.

There are cases when an employee continues to get sick even after the end of the vacation, having warned the employer. Since the words of the employee are not the basis for filling out the time sheet, therefore, after the vacation, we put absenteeism for unexplained reasons (HH). After the employee provides sick leave, we correct the period for code B.

2. The employee had holidays during the vacation.

An employee, for example, was on vacation from June 1 to June 29, 2014. In the time sheet, we put down the OT code for the main vacation period, while marking June 12 with code B (non-working holiday), since this day is not included in the paid vacation period.

Entrepreneurial activity involves compliance with a large number of rules delegated by law. On the one hand, these rules concern relations with representatives government agencies on the other hand, with employees. In order to objectively assess the work employees, the law requires business entities to maintain a time sheet (a simplified form is presented below). For this purpose, special forms have been developed. Their filling is subject to a certain order.


Timesheet - a requirement Labor Code RF. It applies to all business entities, regardless of their form of ownership, be it an individual entrepreneur or an organization. In the company, the personnel department or a specially appointed official is responsible for maintaining the employee's time sheet. Individual entrepreneur has the right to conduct it personally. Also, in practice, they hire individual worker- timekeeper. Absence this document is the reason for imposing an administrative penalty on the head or official.

The form is information about the work activity of employees. It reflects information about the working days of each employee, their absence on certain dates and the reasons for the absence. The document can be maintained in two ways:

  • Daily filling;
  • Entering information if necessary. For example, if an employee did not show up for work or was late.

Drawing up a time sheet is of practical importance. The information reflected in it is taken into account in the following cases:

  • objectivity of calculations in the calculation of wages;
  • contributes to the observance of labor discipline;
  • establishes the norm of working hours by week;
  • helps to determine the amount of overtime work;
  • serves as an indicator of business activity on holidays and weekends.

Thus, the accountant uses the time sheet to determine the legitimacy of the accrued wages, personnel department gets the opportunity to track employee performance indicators, and, if necessary, justify penalties or, conversely, bonuses.

In addition, during inspections by the labor inspectorate, the first thing to study is the form of the time sheet, simplified or typical.

There are no strict rules regarding the form of the time sheet. Each company has the right to use its own form in any form. On the part of the state, there is only a recommendation - a form developed by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. It is easy to carry it.

Budgetary organizations use a specially designed form No. 0504421. The types of forms intended for everyone else are divided into two: T-12 and T-13.

T-12 is more useful for accounting, as it contains the data necessary for payroll. T-13 is used where the accounting of working time is carried out on automated terms. In such organizations, employees are identified by showing passes or by introducing special cards at the entrance.

A simplified form of the time sheet in Excel can be downloaded on our website (at the end of the article) and used for production purposes.

Given the fact that the T-13 is used for automated systems, the procedure for filling out the T-12 form is subject to study.

The procedure for accounting for the time sheet in practice

Information is entered in a somewhat encrypted form - using abbreviated letters. A complete list and the meaning of abbreviations is indicated in the standard forms.

Filling in the heading of the time sheet and the first three columns implies the introduction of the following information:

  • name of the company / individual entrepreneur;
  • Department;
  • employee data;
  • personnel numbers of employees;
  • document number in the internal document flow;
  • reporting period;
  • designations and codes.

Weekends, sick days, absences without a valid reason and absences are displayed in paragraphs 4,5,6 and 7. It is important to remember that each mark in the report card must have a document confirming its veracity. For example, if an employee did not go to work due to illness, then a sick leave is required for the marked days. If it is noted that the employee worked overtime on some day, then an order from the management should be attached to this mark.

Symbols in the time sheet

For convenience and clarity of information, the form is filled out not with a detailed description, but with brief symbols and codes. Conventions timesheets are decoded as follows:

  • the duration of the day shift - "I", designation code - 01;
  • night shift will be reflected in the form of the letter "H" and under the number 02;
  • the labor activity of an employee on a day off or a holiday is recorded under number 03 and marked "RP";
  • information on how much work the employee performed during off-hours is marked with the letter “C” and code 04 is assigned;
  • if a shift work schedule is practiced at the enterprise, then it is entered by the designation "VM" under the number 05;
  • business trips are marked under the number 06 and with the letter “K”;
  • in cases where an employee is sent for training in order to improve his qualifications, and, at the same time, is released from work, the “PK” sign is put on the form and numbered as 07;
  • if the previous paragraph involves leaving for another city, then this is written as “PM” at number 08;
  • when vacation time comes, each employee has a “OT” marking with the number 09 in front of the last name;
  • if the employee deserves additional leave, then - "OD" - 10;
  • if the employee has completed state duties, then it should be marked with the letter "G";
  • Letter designations in the time sheet use the letter "B" to record the absence of an employee due to pregnancy;
  • the time after the birth of the child and before the start of work - "OR";
  • decoding "OJ" in the report card means caring for a child who is less than 3 years old;
  • if the employee skipped working time - "P";
  • decoding "NN" in the report card - absence from work without detailing the reasons. The designation is put then until the cause is clarified, after - the reason code;
  • if the employee has previously agreed on the non-appearance with the management, then the “A” badge is put;
  • leave granted in connection with study - "OU";
  • the number of hours actually worked - "F".

To get acquainted with the full version of the designations, we recommend downloading a simple form of the time sheet on our resource and using it for your own purposes.

There is also an alternative approach to filling out the form. A simplified form of the time sheet allows you to keep records without detailing. In such cases, only two codes can be indicated in front of the employee's surname: the norm of the working day and the days of passes. Sick leave is not shown here. In practice, this method is not encouraged by accountants, since the lack of information can lead to errors in payroll.

The difference between the work forms for the month: T-12 and T-13

The variability of document management raises questions for officials. For example, how is the time sheet filled out?

To begin with, it should be clarified once again that T-12 reflects the attendance of employees, and it is filled in manually. T-13 is conducted electronically. In practice, T-13 becomes preferable, since electronic document simplifies the calculations.

It should be borne in mind that the method of filling out the forms does not imply strict rules. But the basic information should be reflected in a way that is understandable to specialists. The correct approach is considered in which the forms are filled out daily, by checking each employee on the list, and not by fixing deviations - marking omissions and no-shows. This will be the most objective information.

When the time sheet is filled out, information about the responsible employee is indicated below. The document is approved by the head or head of the structural unit, and only then the date of filling out the form is put in it.


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