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Importing chemical products is a difficult task from a legal point of view. Entrepreneurs face dozens of problems at customs, due to which cargoes stand idle for weeks and months, waiting for the opinion of any expert.

The situation is complicated by a small number of checkpoints. For example, in the Moscow Region there is only one - the Krasnozavodsk customs post. Absolutely all chemical goods intended for sale in the capital region pass through it.

Documents for chem. products

Contrary to popular belief, chemical products include not only heavy industrial compounds, but also many seemingly harmless household goods. For all of them, the law establishes a single list of documents issued by specialists.

In order for the customs to let the goods pass, you must provide the following documents:

  • expert judgments proving the safety of the substance;
  • most often, labeling is required indicating the manufacturer and composition of the product;
  • conclusion of specialists on the analysis of the composition and percentage of various substances;
  • documents on the purpose of the goods, its chemical formula and other characteristics;
  • explanations for customs authorities.

It should be understood that cargo checks are carried out by people without chemical education. Therefore, the customs controller must conclude from the documents that the goods are safe and comply with the law.

To properly prepare all documents and reduce the time of verification, please contact our organization. We will help with the customs clearance of chemical cargoes, filling out the declaration and passing all commissions and examinations.

Types of chemical goods

The list of products that fall under this category is long. Let's name the main categories:

  • products of organic and inorganic chemistry;
  • pyrotechnic products;
  • plastics;
  • building mixtures (primers, putties);
  • horticultural chemistry (fertilizers, etc.);
  • various paints and varnishes for repair;
  • household chemical products;
  • perfumery

There are more than 200 items in the list chemical substances which are subject to special arrangement.

Sanitary standards

Customs clearance chemical products is impossible without compliance with the rules of import and clearance. They partially differ for each category of chem. goods.

The first step is permission to cross the border. Sanitary services must stamp "Import permitted", and for this it is necessary to take into account the composition of the product and prepare the appropriate papers.

First of all, we are talking about ethyl alcohol. This compound is subject to excise duty in the Russian Federation. If the volume percentage of ethanol in the composition of the substance exceeds 9%, then in addition to the duty, an excise tax must be paid.

An exception is metal packaging in the form of an aerosol. In this case, no additional tax is charged.

The second nuance is the recognition of alcohol-containing goods unfit for consumption. This category includes all products in which the volume percentage of ethanol exceeds 1.5%. This includes perfumes, household chemicals, various solutions, etc.

You also need to pay attention to potentially narcotic substances: toluene, acetone. They are often used in paints and household solutions. In order to transport them, you must obtain a ruling from the RKKN (Permanent Narcotics Control Board) that the mixtures are not narcotic.

A special conclusion is required for customs clearance of chemicals in aerosol cans. The importer needs to obtain expert evidence that such products do not harm the Earth's ozone layer.

So that you do not have any problems with import, order in our company! We will help you avoid problems with customs and quickly process all the necessary documents.

Since its introduction in 1999, WineScan has rapidly revolutionized mass wine analysis for winemakers and laboratories around the world, providing fast and accurate analysis of over 30 critical quality control parameters. WineScan may or may not measure SO 2 .

The new WineScan SO 2 allows for integrated express analysis of free and total sulfur dioxide.

“One of the benefits of using WineScan is the very low operating costs… virtually zero reagent costs… the exceptional robustness and reliability of the instruments.” – Andy Frost, Manager. Find out more about how at Pernod Ricard, New Zealand, Winescan is used for quality control at all stages.

Quality controllers at Portugal's Adega Borba winery have always successfully used mass analysis technology in the production of a wide range of their wines. Now the technology has been supplemented with rapid tests for one of the main parameters - sulfur dioxide (S02). This breakthrough in serial testing allows full control of the winemaking process and more rational use of SO2, taking into account official and consumer requirements.

WineScan comes with free SO2 and total SO2 measurements. WineScan™ is also available in three basic configurations to address a variety of winemaking challenges.

WineScan™ comes with a range of ready-to-use calibrations to analyze must, must during the fermentation process or finished wine. If you need additional calibration, our WinISI calibration tool can help you set it up.

Who do we work with

We supply equipment as individuals and legal entities, including budgetary organizations. We take part in tenders and public procurement.


A flexible system of discounts is provided for all our clients. You can check the conditions for granting discounts and their size with our managers.

Methods of payment for goods

counterparty Payment Methods Commission Comment
Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs Cashless paymentsNot chargedPayment is made by prepayment. Company details are required to receive an invoice
Budget organizations Cashless paymentsNot chargedThe following forms of payment are provided: prepayment 30%, balance 70% upon delivery; deferred payment within 15-30 calendar days according to the supply agreement. Company details are required to receive an invoice
Individuals Cash in the store located at the address: Voronezh, Pirogova 87BNot chargedSubject to self-delivery and availability of goods in stock.
by payment bank card in a store located at the address: Voronezh, Pirogova 87BNot chargedSubject to self-delivery and availability of goods in stock. We accept plastic cards international payment systems MIR, VISA, MasterCard, etc.
Cashless payments

Sberbank - 3%

Another bank - check the rate for the transfer with the bank

Payment is made by prepayment. Payment at a bank branch according to a PD-4 receipt or through an ATM
Cashless payment via Sberbank Online Payment is made by prepayment. Online payment for Sberbank customers. To pay using this method, you must be logged in. Personal Area"Sberbank-Online" and use the instructions below to make a payment.
Cash on delivery Russian PostUp to 5% (according to the tariff of the Russian Post)At the post office of the Russian Federation. Distributed to orders total cost from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Card-to-card transfers are not accepted.

Sending an order for non-cash payment is made after the receipt of money to our current account, which we will notify you by e-mail or by phone.

How to get an invoice

1. Choose from our range of products on our website.

2. Order an invoice from the manager, having previously provided him with the details of your company.

For invoicing you need:
For legal entities / individual entrepreneurs: The exact name of the organization, TIN, KPP, bank details.
Phys. person: full name, address, phone number and e-mail, scan of the passport of the Russian Federation.

3. The invoice must be signed by the chief accountant and the general director and transferred to the buyer in in electronic format. Invoices can be issued with or without VAT.

4. Upon receipt of the invoice, please check whether the product you need is reflected in the invoice and the details of your company.

The account is valid for 5 banking days. If during this time you have not sent funds to pay the invoice, it becomes invalid and you need to get a new invoice. The date of payment for the order is the date the funds are credited to the company's bank account.

5. In the column "Purpose of payment" indicate: the number and date of the invoice, the VAT rate in accordance with the invoice: VAT 20% or VAT exempt. If there are errors in the payment order, your funds will not be identified, and we will not be able to promptly ship your goods.

6. For prompt shipment of the order, we recommend immediately after payment to send by e-mail a copy of the payment order, or call and inform about the payment, stating the date and number of the paid invoice, the amount of payment.

Shipment and receipt of the order

All payment documents must be kept until the receipt of the goods.
Receipt of the order is made after payment of the invoice in the presence of:

For legal entities and IP: original power of attorney with blue seal or seal. CEO(head) can receive the cargo without a power of attorney if there is a seal of the organization, a passport and a document confirming his authority (appointment order, decision of the founder or members of the company).

If a individual entrepreneur works without printing power of attorney must be notarized. Provided that a letter with a sample signature of an individual entrepreneur is provided in advance, the power of attorney is certified by the personal signature of the Individual Entrepreneur.​

Individual: Russian passport, payment order

If the payer and the recipient are different persons, it is necessary to provide a copy of the payer's passport and a completed power of attorney to receive the order with the recipient's data. Upon receipt of the order, the recipient must present a passport.

After receiving the goods, you will receive the following documents:

  • - original invoice
  • - packing list,
  • – VAT invoice
  • - warranty card
  • - instructions for use.

Delivery times in Russia.

1. Delivery by transport company

Delivery of the order is carried out from a warehouse in Voronezh. Payment of the shipping cost is carried out in the shopping mall upon receipt of the goods. Shipment of goods for physical. persons is carried out on the terms of 100% payment, for legal entities. persons in accordance with the terms of the contract.

Shipment from the warehouse is carried out 2 times a week Tue and Thu

Economical option

Economical option

3. Delivery by company vehicles when ordering from 50,000 rubles.

Before processing grapes into must with pulp, I was interested in several indicators of sugar, titratable acidity and Ph.
In my garage (home) conditions, I can determine the sugar by density or with a field refractometer and titrate the acidity.
In wine, I was interested in indicators of residual sugar, titratable acidity, Ph, lactic and malic acid, volatility, SO2 and alcohol.
Here, at home, I can practically do nothing, since this requires a whole wine laboratory with trained laboratory assistants.

On the left is WineScan, which can analyze wine in 30 seconds by mass indicators, on the right is a chromatograph (if I'm not mistaken) is also a very expensive "thing"

This is what the lab looks like.

This instrument measures SO2

My samples for analysis and the device itself


Filling centrifuge tubes

Here is the centrifuge

Device for determining Ph

The laboratory works both in accordance with GOST and with the help of modern equipment. I really liked these memos in this laboratory.

The reagent was added to the wine and 15 minutes should pass. After that it will be possible to determine the content of SO2.

But WineScan is a very good device, it can determine both the residual sugar and the content of titratable acids at a time and find out if you have passed MAL (malolactic fermentation is when coarser malic acid is converted into softer lactic acid) and naturally the alcohol content in wine.

Chemicals and products of chemical production are classified as dangerous goods. Their customs clearance has a number of special conditions and requires the preparation of many special documents.

The task of the LCM Group is to eliminate entrepreneurial risks when customs clearance dangerous goods, carry out customs clearance quickly and as cheaply as possible.

The holding has a customs broker license Russian Federation, is a member of the Regional and National Associations of Customs Brokers. The service for registration of chemistry and products of chemical industries has been provided since 1998.

Specifics of customs clearance of chemicals

The Customs Code of the Russian Federation includes the following cargoes under the “chemistry” category: organic and inorganic chemicals, all types of pyrotechnics, paints and varnishes, putties and primers, fertilizers and other agrochemicals, plastics, resins and other petrochemical products, minerals, household and industrial chemicals , some pharmaceuticals. In total, more than 3 thousand hazardous chemicals have been isolated to date, conventionally divided into 8 classes.

All the goods listed above have special customs clearance conditions:

  • Only those customs posts of the Russian Federation with specially equipped laboratories have the right to carry out customs clearance of these goods. The address of the nearest subdivision to you can be found on the website of the Federal Customs Service or from the managers of the LCM Group.
  • Together with the declaration in customs service certificates required for this type of cargo are submitted ( individual requirements established for each group of chemicals, preparations and products of chemical production).
  • In addition to the declaration and certificates, it is required to present: a chemical product safety data sheet (it indicates the main properties and hazards of the substance, rules for handling it), an emergency card (it indicates the main types of transport hazards of this type of cargo and the precautions that must be observed during transportation ).
  • Letter of guarantee from the manufacturer, data on the place (country) of manufacture of the cargo.
  • Transport documents.

If all documents are available and correctly filled out, customs clearance takes less than a week. Any mistake increases the downtime of the cargo for an indefinite period. To avoid this, contact your customs representative for advice.

Price consulting services is minimal, and expert advice will help save a significant amount during customs clearance. Otherwise, the costs will include the organization of the necessary storage conditions, simple Vehicle, entrepreneurial risks.

Why thousands of entrepreneurs cooperate with LCM Group

  • Branches throughout Russia and other countries of Europe and Asia (including Germany, China, Turkey and other countries).
  • Customs clearance takes place without queues: the company has its own customs and certification authorities.
  • Excellent storage conditions for any cargo: modern warehouse complexes, accurate accounting systems, professional loaders.
  • Legal support of customers up to the release of the cargo into circulation.
  • Personal manager for each customer.

For more details about customs clearance of goods on a turnkey basis, call LCM Group.

The chemical industry in Russia is one of the most important sectors of the economy and is heavily dependent on the import of chemical raw materials. The volume of imports of chemical products to Russia is about 40 billion dollars a year - about 20% of total imports and ranks second in importance after imports of machinery and equipment.

Main products chemical industry imported to Russia, except for medicines:

  • synthetic and natural rubber
  • plant protection products and pesticides
  • household chemicals
  • explosives
  • acids, salts, alcohols, esters, oxides, oxides and hydroxides
  • varnishes, paints and pigments
  • coolants
  • engine oils
  • polymers, resins, plastics
  • solvents
  • Rubber products
  • fertilizer

The import of chemical products has a number of features related to the fact that certain chemical substances can pose a danger to human life and health, as well as be a raw material for the production of narcotic drugs.

Legal basis for the import of chemical products

There are no uniform requirements for the import of chemical products in Russia. Depending on the composition and application, the importation of chemical products may require the implementation of different procedures and the execution of different permits.

Certification of chemical products

Chemical products included in the "Unified List of Goods Subject to Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (Control) at the Customs Border and Customs Territory of the Customs Union" for import into the territory of Russia require a state registration certificate.

Requirements for sanitary and epidemiological control are regulated by the decision of the Commission customs union No. 299 dated May 28, 2010 "On the application of sanitary measures in the Customs Union".

First of all, these requirements relate to pesticides, household chemicals and chemical products for industrial purposes.

Sanitary control

In accordance with the letter of Rospotrebnadzor No. 01 / 10733-10-31 dated 07.20.2010 in transport documents for products included in section II and section III of the "Unified list of goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision", in without fail an employee of Rospotrebnadzor puts the stamp "Import is allowed."


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