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Very soon, balls dedicated to autumn will be held in all schools. And for this event, we have prepared funny sketches for high school students on autumn Ball. You can include skits in your script or show them separately - out of competition, so to speak.

Impromptu scene - autumn meeting.
(as you know, impromptu, this is something that they don’t prepare for, but everything happens spontaneously. But it’s better to rehearse this scene in advance)

voice-over, he is also the host (reads the text beautifully and with intonation); rain (when it rains, it makes the sound of rain); she is ( beautiful girl wearing glasses, typical smart and decent); he (handsome, stylish, sporty, real macho); tree (rustling leaves when the leader speaks); lantern (shines and does everything that the presenter says about the lantern);

Voice behind the scene: It was a typical autumn evening. It was warm outside and it was raining slowly. She walked slowly through the park!
She walked slowly, enjoying every step she took. She was happy and completely confident. She smiled and did not hide her eyes from anyone, because in such weather there was no one in the park! She saw an empty bench and went to it. She went to the bench and sat down not on it, on the wet bench. But from her wandering in the clouds, she did not even notice this.
She turned around and thought, “What a beautiful tree! Standing here all the time, not in a hurry, enjoying life!
And the tree rustled in response, as if it had heard her.
She turned around and looked at the lantern. The lantern immediately lit up from such a gaze.
And she shone even more, because only for her alone this lonely lantern shone and this old and as lonely tree rustled.
And in the darkness she saw a silhouette. The silhouette approached, and soon she saw him in it. Yes, without a doubt, it was him!
He slowly approached the bench and timidly asked to sit next to him.
From excitement, she did not immediately understand what he wanted, but she moved over and he sat down almost next to her.
She turned away embarrassedly, but secretly squinted her eyes to look at him.
And all this time he looked at her and did not look away. And then she remembered this look, as he had already looked at her today at school, every lesson, every break. And she began to slowly turn to him. And he slowly smiled. And seeing his smile, she smiled the same embarrassed smile.
The lantern began to shine brighter and brighter, and the tree made noise so romantically that it seemed as if it was not a tree, but music was playing.
(at this point, you can turn on a quiet romantic melody)
They began to look into each other's eyes, and she understood that something was about to happen, that something was about to happen. She already imagined how their lips touched, and they gently merge into a kiss. But she knew that he was timid and unlikely to make the first move on his own. So she started first.

She is: did you want to say something?

He: Yes, I have long wanted to ask you. Well, not quite long ago, so a few days ago it started.

She is: come on ask...

He: I have long wanted to ask you. You will not give me, you will give me or not ... in general, you will give me ...
Write off the laboratory in chemistry.

He: you know, I would have done it myself, but I have training, classes in the gym, and even Alyonka pesters all the time that I don’t pay attention to her. Let me write it off, huh?

Voice behind the scene: Alyonka! Then she got up and ran through the puddles, wherever her eyes looked. And he remained sitting in the rain, alone on a wet bench.
This is how an ordinary autumn day did not change anything in the lives of two ordinary schoolchildren!

The autumn ball is one of the few school holidays where children can deviate from strict school rules and demonstrate their talents in a rather bold and original format. Most often, funny and humorous skits are staged for this at the Autumn Ball. Just so short funny numbers give the Autumn Ball at the school a special charm and relaxed atmosphere. At the same time, the themes for the scenes for the Autumn Ball performed by high school students and, say, students in grades 5-8 are different. The former are characterized by more "adult" scenes, often of a parodic nature, while the latter are characterized by simple, often naive, "childish" humor. In our article today you will find many original ideas for funny scenes for the Autumn Ball, which is suitable for both high school students and elementary and secondary school students.

Themes for funny scenes at the Autumn Ball, video

So, let's start by listing the current topics for funny scenes at the Autumn Ball. The format of this holiday is so open that, by and large, you can joke about almost everything on it. But there are also a number of relevant topics for funny scenes for the Autumn Ball, which are always popular with schoolchildren of all ages and without which this holiday loses its originality. First of all, it is worth noting the autumn theme. Everything that is even remotely connected with autumn and its phenomena can be used as the basis for a fun scene. For example, you can come up with a funny number about changes in the weather and how they affect schoolchildren. Also, a funny scene about autumn of the “expectation-reality” type would be an excellent option. Moreover, in this format, it is possible to make a comparison not only between the expectations and reality of the students themselves, but also of teachers. Even seemingly unhappy seasonal phenomena, such as, for example, autumn depression, can be played in an original and, most importantly, funny scene. To do this, you can play a small instruction on how to survive the autumn blues like "Top 5 best drugs for depression according to grade 11-B" or "How to save your favorite teacher from the autumn blues."

Original themes for funny scenes at the Autumn Ball

If we talk about more original themes for funny scenes at the Autumn Ball, then there are many options. For example, as part of the Autumn Ball, comic numbers about the future professions of high school students would be quite appropriate. Moreover, such a scene can be done in a musical format. To do this, you need to select several charismatic students who are well known not only by classmates and teachers, but also by other students. For each of them, you should choose an image and a profession that fits his character. Then you need to choose the musical accompaniment, under which each student will go on stage during the festive concert in honor of the Autumn Ball. Naturally, melodies and songs should fully reflect the essence of the profession and emphasize the comic format of the scene for the Autumn Ball. For example, an excellent student in mathematics can go to the song "Accountant" by the group "Combination", and an active student, known for his love of parkour - to the song "Stuntmen" performed by "Earthlings".

The chronological version is also suitable as an original theme for the scenes at the Autumn Ball. For example, a funny scene can be dedicated to how the Autumn Ball at school has changed over the course of different decades. It is also better to stage such a number with special musical accompaniment in the form of cuts from songs. different years, each of which corresponds to a certain era.

Funny scenes for the Autumn Ball for elementary school

Funny sketches for the Autumn Ball for elementary school students have a more standard set of topics. It's not that kids can't put on a funny number, for example, about love. It’s just that in their performance, more traditional funny scenes for the Autumn Ball for elementary school look much more organic and appropriate. For example, school topics are popular: sketches about the received deuce, unfulfilled homework, unexpected control work. Almost any of the everyday school situations can be played with humor. At the same time, it is advisable to take a short scene for the Autumn Ball itself, consisting of literally several replicas. First, it will be easier for children to remember their words. And secondly, short funny skits for the Autumn Ball are much easier to rehearse, which is very important at this age.

Ideas for funny scenes for the Autumn Ball in elementary school

Also among actual ideas for funny scenes at the Autumn Ball in primary school the following can be noted: true friendship, prospects (for example, professions), hobbies, entertainment, first love. It's easy to play out these ideas of funny scenes in the style of the Fall Formal in elementary school. It is enough to at least indirectly connect them with the autumn theme and paraphernalia. For example, a funny sketch about entertainment can be staged according to the following scenario: show the differences between popular entertainment options in summer and autumn. To make the scene really funny, do it best in contrast. For example, to show how varied and fun entertainment is in the summer, and among the autumn "fun" to show only sitting at the computer.

Funny sketches for the Autumn Ball for students in grades 5-8

Pupils in grades 5-8 are quite actively involved in organizing the Autumn Ball, including in staging funny scenes. As a rule, the theme of such cheerful numbers has much in common with actual scenes for lower grades. Mostly funny sketches for the Autumn Ball are put on school topics by students in grades 5-8. The theme of autumn also remains relevant. In addition, students in grades 5-8 choose themes for funny scenes for the Autumn Ball in accordance with the main theme of the holiday. For example, if the scenario of the Autumn Ball is written in the style of a beauty contest, then funny scenes between the numbers of the participants can be devoted to comic sketches about makeup, the difference in self-care for boys and girls, and the like.

Funny scenes for the Autumn Ball to school for high school students

The funniest scenes for the Autumn Ball at school are prepared by high school students. Senior and graduate students have amazing creativity and cheerfulness, which is invariably reflected in good fun numbers. Most often, for funny scenes, high school students choose problems and situations relevant to the school or their age. For example, they jokingly play up conflicts with parents because of going to a disco or with teachers because of poor academic performance. Of course, high school students stage such funny skits at the Autumn Ball in a very ironic and exaggerated form, thereby positively living through many internal conflicts of this age.

Actual topics for funny scenes at the Autumn Ball for high school

Friendship, love, dreams, school days, graduation, relationships with teachers can also be named among the most relevant topics of the skits. If the format of the Autumn Ball is free, then a funny scene can be staged on almost all of the above topics. In the case of a narrower theme of the evening, it is advisable to choose funny numbers that will echo with it. For example, the Fairy-tale-style Autumn Ball can be diluted with funny scenes about the school performed by famous characters from cartoons and fairy tales. But at the same time, you can leave a few neutral numbers that will make the holiday even more diverse. For example, you can make a funny number like a musical medley from excerpts from popular songs and famous movie phrases.

Short funny scenes for the Autumn Ball to school, video

Short funny sketches for the Autumn Ball to school can be called the most successful format for such numbers. Firstly, it is convenient to dilute the long concert program of the Autumn Ball with small scenes with humor. Secondly, short funny scenes for the Autumn Ball are also relevant for a concert in elementary school, and for high school students, and for students in grades 5-7. And thirdly, in short funny scenes for the Autumn Ball, absolutely any topic can be beaten. You can find interesting options for short funny scenes for the Autumn Ball at school in the video below.

We offer our own version of what exactly the scenario of the autumn ball for high school students with competitions could be. Particular attention, of course, is given to competitions. After all, such a ball is not a matinee for children, but an opportunity for high school students to have fun and have an unusual time.

You should warn the guys in advance that according to the scenario it is important that they dress smartly. In advance, you should prepare a paper leaf cut in the shape of a maple leaf, on which the number will be written. Handing out leaves to high school students to attach them to their clothes is an important symbol of autumn. The leaves should be in the same amount of maple, oak and birch. According to the scenario below, it will be clear why such a separation is needed. On the eve of winter, you can hold a competition about.

Leading: Autumn is a dull time, but the charm of the eyes. We like its beauty, and the magnificent withering of nature always makes us admire these processes. Even Pushkin wrote about it in slightly different words.

Presenter: The words of another famous Russian poet, Bunin, come to my mind. In his poems, he called autumn colorful, mentioned purple and crimson, golden color. The leaves are so bright that they become a motley wall in front of a person.

Host: Whoever says what and how, but it is clear that autumn is the golden season. This is indicated not only by the crowns of trees, but by a large number of flowers and fruits.

Presenter: This is true, it is worth looking around to understand how bright everything is now and, despite the withering away of nature, positively. These are bright lanterns of asters and chrysanthemums, bright clusters of mountain ash, a bottomless blue sky.

Leading: Bright September is followed by October. He already takes some colors from nature, but still, forests and fields, gardens continue to delight. Although, by the end of the month, a cold breeze appears, which gradually removes the leaves from the trees. In November, the first frosts come, and now the puddles are covered with a crust of ice in the morning ...

Presenter: Outside the windows is autumn and it doesn’t matter at all what it is called. It's a great time of the year, the start of the school year. By the way, we are going to celebrate this event today in this beautiful and elegant hall.

Both hosts: Allow us to consider our festive autumn ball open.

Leading: I would like to provide the solemn right to cut the ribbon of the opening of the ball (choose a person for this part of the holiday).

Presenter: Now you can move from words to deeds and start the competition program. We propose to make sure that today we have three teams. It will be possible to determine who is in which team by the leaflets that are attached to your clothes. This is a team of maple, birch and oak leaves. Please take a seat at your tables.

I would like to separately draw attention to the fact that this is not just a script for an autumn ball for high school students with funny competitions, but also intellectual. Competitions are aimed at both entertainment and increasing the knowledge of students.

The first competition "Merry greeting"

As soon as people in different countries do not greet each other: somewhere, a nod is enough to show respect, but somewhere you need to kiss. We will focus on such an option as a handshake.

When the music starts, you just need to walk around the hall. As soon as the music stops, you need to urgently find a mate and stand by. Next, the host will name the part of the body that needs to be greeted in this version of the greeting. As soon as the music starts again, you should start moving around the hall again. From this competition, high school students will understand that it is possible to greet not only with hands, but also with ears, little fingers and even legs, foreheads, feet and backs.

The second competition "Who is hungry"

It will be necessary to invite two people from each team to participate in this competition. The first participant must eat an apple on a plate, but do not take it with their hands. The second participant without the help of hands from a flat plate should eat all the corn flakes as quickly as possible.

Third competition "North Pole"

It will be necessary to call one person from each team to participate in the competition. This person is going to the North Pole, where it is cold and deserted. To get together, the team has a minute. Everyone must put on a piece of clothing for the participant to equip him for the expedition.
Clothing must be removed directly from yourself. Those who dress their pioneer the warmest will win.

The fourth competition "Water Lovers"

Again, participants from the team are invited, this time three people from each table. You will need to drink one and a half liters of water at speed, but you can only drink it using a straw. You can change within the framework of those three people who will come out to take part in the competition.

Fifth competition "Hard foreheads"

You need to call two people from each team. They will have to touch their foreheads, between which there will be a napkin. The task of the participants is to wipe a hole in the napkin without using their hands.

Scenario of the "Autumn Ball - 2016".

Music sounds - a calm, slightly sad melody of the "Autumn Waltz". Gradually she calms down.
Leaders come out.

Leading: Good afternoon! Today we were invited to this hall by a romantic, mysterious, bewitching, unpredictable lady.

Leading: sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
In crimson and gold dressed forests ... -
this is how A.S. Pushkin once expressed his admiration for autumn nature. And I wanted to express my feelings in the words of the great poet
Leading: And I would like to continue with the words of another famous Russian writer and poet Ivan Alekseevich Bunin:
The forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.
Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun,
And autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower.
Leading: Autumn ... The golden season, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, a fantastic combination of colors.

Presenter: Autumn has invited you here to give everyone its last, wonderful moments, the enchanting, barely perceptible aroma of autumn flowers and, of course, an autumn-like pensive and at the same time joyful mood. Yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy.

Leading: Our ball today is attended by ladies and gentlemen of grades 8-11. We all prepared for this ball, did our homework.

All leading. We are opening our festive Autumn Ball.

Leading. The honorable right to cut the ribbon and open our Fall Ball is given to the school president _______.

(the ribbon is cut, music sounds, everyone lines up). We invite teams.

Leading: And now let's take an oath of the participants of the Autumn Ball.

All. We swear!

Presenter: Have fun from the heart!

All. We swear!

Leading: Dance until you drop!

All. We swear!

Presenter: Laugh and joke!

All. We swear!

Leading: Participate and win in all competitions.

All. We swear!

Presenter: Share the joy of victory and prizes with friends.

All. We swear! We swear! We swear!

Leading . And so we begin now our competitive program.

The first competition "Nature has no bad weather."

Each team presents itself (team performance)

presenter. It has become a tradition for us to do everything with a song. Therefore, each team will sing us a song about autumn.

The second competition autumn song»

(teams choose cards with songs and perform them under karaoke).

Leading. We came to autumn forest

Sing and have fun!

And we want with everyone here

Make strong friends!

The third competition "Collecting leaves".

Leading. Leaves of different colors are scattered around the room. Each team collects the leaves of their color. Who will collect more in 1 minute.

Leading. Autumn has approached imperceptibly. Roses and even pansies still continue to bloom, but autumn asters and proud phlox inflorescences have already appeared. In autumn, not so many new plants bloom, but their flowers are large and bright.

presenter. Do you know this flower? Guess the riddle:

Sisters are standing in the field:

Yellow eyes, white eyelashes.

That's right, it's chamomile! And now I invite everyone to take participation in the fourth competition"Chamomile".

Leading. The game involves 3 teams of 6 people each. Each team stands in a circle with their backs to the center, holding hands. These are daisies. On command - to the music, stand in a single round dance. As soon as the music stops, everyone must stand on their own. former places and form your own "chamomile". The first team to make a "chamomile" wins.

(The game is repeated 2-3 times.) (2 are eliminated).

Presenter: And now we ask our class teachers to join us.

Leading. Please take your seats. We will do a little exam. We wanted to know more about you.

(pull out the question and answer it).


    Is it true that you are afraid of the school bell?

    They say you cross the street at a red light. This is true?

    You live in a luxurious mansion. This is true?

    Is it true that you wear a wig?

    Is it true that you hide from the children under your desk during breaks?

    They say that you often go to your neighbor's dacha for raspberries. This is true?

    Is it true that you are afraid of the policeman?

    Do you hide your left-wing earnings from your family?

    Is it true that classroom teaching is your hobby?

    They say that you make a living by checking notebooks. This is true?

    Is it true that you can move your ears, nose and eyebrows at the same time?

    Do you often have to change your appearance, hiding from the headmaster?

    Rumor has it that you often travel to public transport without a ticket. This is true?

    They say that you cannot live a day without a deuce. This is true?

    They say that you are often late for work in the morning. This is true?

    Do you accept bribes?

    They say that you are a very kind and polite person, especially if a weight is dropped on your foot. This is true?

    You are often seen in a restaurant. This is true?

    They say that you are writing a dissertation on the topic “Problems of using cell phones in the process of passing exams?

    It is said that you often flew in your dreams and became a 1st class pilot. This is true?

    They say that in reality it was you who painted the painting "Mona Lisa", the song "Victory Day" and invented the Morse code. Is it so?

    They say that you have never deceived anyone. This is true?

    Your beauty, your kindness are legendary. What do you think about it?

    They say that you cannot sleep against the wall, your knees rest. This is true?

    You are a very smart person, well, just a genius. Do you agree with this?

    The Russian national football team would like to see you as their head coach. This is true?

    Tell me now something most important, the most intimate!

    Do you believe that all people are descended from monkeys, and you personally are an alien?

    You often see UFOs and communicate with aliens. This is true?

    Rumor has it that your favorite food is chocolate-covered lard. Is it so?

    They say you collect diaries of Chinese students. This is true?

    They say that you are allergic to banknotes. This is true?

Leading. Do not forget that the theme of our evening is a ball, and what is a ball without gentlemen ?! So, the competition is announced "A real man".

We invite one young man from each team. You must repeat the imaginary actions in the following scenario.

Leading. Imagine that you are a girl. Represented! You return from a date late at night, trying not to wake your parents. You take off your shoes and tiptoe quietly into your room. In front of the mirror, take off the earrings (from one ear, then from the other), a chain, a brooch, another brooch, another brooch, another brooch. A bracelet, a bracelet on one leg, on the other leg, a bracelet with a tri... (oh, sorry). Now unbutton the belt, then the buttons on the blouse, take off the blouse and hang it on a chair. Now take off your skirt and also hang it on a chair. Now the hardest part: take off your stockings, Gently, even more carefully!!! To not break. Well, and now everything else and put on a nightgown (pajamas). Quietly on tiptoe we go to the kitchen, open the refrigerator and start quickly eating everything that comes to hand. Eat, chew, drink. Close the refrigerator and, holding a full stomach, go back to the room. On tiptoe. Make your bed and lie down.

Leading. Autumn is the mistress of this season. She had to work hard so that the harvest turned out well. We have gathered a rich harvest of apples this year.

So the competition Dance with an apple»

Leading. This dance is popular in the Baltics. The dancers stand opposite each other, holding an apple between their foreheads. To the music of the couple, resting their foreheads on the apple, they try to perform some kind of dance moves so that the apple does not fall, otherwise it leaves the circle. Whoever dances the longest wins.

Leading. Now we invite the classes to demonstrate the autumn models. It can be dresses, suits or jewelry. Maestro, music! So, the collection of the autumn season of the outgoing year!

(Fashion show). (Make a toilet paper model).

Leading. Now we will announce different Tongue Twisters on the ear. At the signal of the leader (on clap), the first players pass the tongue twister into the ear of their neighbors, and they are further along the row to each other. The last in each row should voice the tongue twister transmitted to them. The team that completes the transmission first and does not distort the text wins.

But first, those in front memorize phrases to pass on to their neighbors.

(receive printed tongue twisters)

Tongue Twisters

Bought Marusya beads granny.

Beaver brothers, please.

There were jackdaws visiting wolf cubs.

The frame turns pink early, the frame is glad - the sun warms

Leading: They say that autumn is sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather ... Do not believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, brings unique beauty into our lives!
(teams are invited to count the leaves)
Leading: Autumn has fully come into its own today and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this autumn for bringing us all to the autumn ball. Ahead of winter, spring, summer ... And then autumn again. How many more will be in our life! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will be lit for all of us more than once in our school. See you soon! (slow music playing)

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends!

So autumn has returned to us again,

She imperceptibly entered her father's land:

All in a gold sewing outfit -

Who named you, dear autumn,

And sad, and sad at times?

Check out our cute school

And you open the autumn ball for us.

Host 2: Leaf fall wanders in the grove through bushes and maples
Soon he will look into the garden with a golden ringing,
We will collect a fan from the leaves, bright and beautiful,
The wind will run through the leaves, light and playful.
And obediently to the wind, the leaves fly away.
So summer is no more, autumn is coming.
Cranes fly south. Hello, hello autumn!
Come celebrate with us! Very, very please!

Presenter 1: Come on, guys, let's all say together: autumn, autumn, we ask you to visit!

Autumn comes out: Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

Are you glad to meet me?

Do you like forest outfit?

Autumn gardens and parks?

I came to your holiday

Sing and have fun.

I want with everyone here

Make strong friends!

Host 2: Hello autumn, hello autumn!

It's good that you came!

And we, Autumn, will ask you:

What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn : I brought the magic of magic lines as a gift.

Our poor garden is crumbling.

The leaves have turned yellow, they fly in the wind.

Only in the distance flaunts - there,

At the bottom of the valleys

Brushes are bright red withering mountain ash.

Frosty in the morning.

In the groves yellow leaf fall.

Leaves near the birch

They lie like a golden carpet.

In the puddles, the ice is transparent - blue,

There is white frost on the leaves.

September : Attention! Attention! Today our Empress Autumn has deigned to invite all her subjects and foreign guests to the feast

October : Attention! Attention!

To all Vanyushkas and Katyushas!

To all Andryushka Tanyushkas!

To all Sveta and other children!

Strict order: have fun, sing and dance at the festival until you drop! And who disobeys and does not fulfill the royal will - do not take off his head!

November : : We are glad to see you in this hall and invite you to a place of honor. Madam autumn, we have gathered a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits, we have made a lot of preparations for the winter.

Autumn : Let me clarify that the ball in the 21st century is not very popular, and therefore it is better to call our program “Autumn Catavasia”.

Presenter 1 : Do you agree, dear guests of the holiday? That's good. We invite all of you to take part in our unusual program.

Autumn : Let me start the holiday!

Let's have some fun today!

And then someone came up with the idea that Autumn is a dull time!

Competition with fans - riddles (Appendix 1).

Autumn : Well done, you have completed this task.

Presenter 1: Well, now we're moving on to competitive program, because pleasant surprises are also prepared for the winners in our competitions. Therefore, those who have enthusiasm and a cheerful mood are invited to participate in the competition "Autumn Motives 2012".

Host 2: In order for our competition to take place, it is not enough for the participants alone. We need to choose the composition of the jury of the competition.

Jury presentation________________________________

Presenter 1: Let me ask you a question: “What would you prefer to go to the autumn ball this season?” Famous fashion designers have decided to help you
Here not in dreams, but in reality
I decided to help you "model house",
Understanding the important issue
What to wear this season.
Unfortunately, the magazine with the names of the models has been lost, and the students of the school are invited to comment on the costumes themselves.
Competition "Autumn dress".
Demonstration of outfits.

Host 2: I wonder if you know proverbs about autumn?
3 participants are invited to the stage. (
when the participants left) The beginning of riddles and proverbs are laid out on the table, we must remember the second half of the saying.

While our participants complete the task, we invite you to answer our autumn questions.

1. How many days does autumn last?(91 days)

2. What is the period of warm weather in mid-autumn called in Russia?(Indian summer)

3. What tree is the symbol of autumn?(maple)

4. What universal rain remedy was invented in China?(umbrella)

5. What birds are considered the best predictors of rain?(swallows and swifts)

6. How many days did it rain that led to the Flood?(40 days)

7. Which of the ancient Greek gods controlled thunder and lightning?(Zeus)

8. How would you say "big wind" in Chinese?(typhoon)

9. How does autumn end?(November)

Host 2: Well done boys. Let's check out what happened to our contestants.

Correct proverb:

Autumn : Well done, guys, they did a good job, and now we are going to the garden, the garden, where the harvest is in progress. Let's see what has grown and ripened by autumn ...

Presenter 1: 4 participants are invited to the stage. “Collecting vegetables” (vegetables are mixed on the floor, you need to select the desired vegetable with your eyes closed and put it in the basket)

(Wild rock music. A DJ jumps onto the stage with a tape recorder on his shoulder).
DJ : Stop talking! It's time for us to cheer up! And I'll do your warm-up - DJ ___________________! You must answer my questions all together and in chorus “Yes!” or not!". Does everyone understand? Let's rehearse: Yes! (Everyone responds - Yes!) No! (Everyone in the hall - No!). The answer to my questions is always only “no” or only “yes”! Let's go!
Is ice frozen water?

- Does the old grandfather go to the nursery?
Does he take his grandson there?
Wednesday after Friday?
Here's one for you! I thought it was Saturday! Okay, let's move on!
— Do rockets have wheels?
Is the tiger a predator or not? ..
What do you think he, like a bunny, eats carrots and cabbage?
Does the hare have a beard?
Yes?! It's a goat's beard. And hares go to the barbershop to shave!
— The sun to be?
- Friendship to be?
Stop this evening?
How to stop it? Everything is in full swing!
Host 2: Autumn comes to us with gifts. And what gifts and to whom our participants have prepared, we will now see. Because our next competition is called "Autumn Song".
Competition "Autumn song".

Contest with spectators. We invite 5 people from the hall. We read TV shifters, and you raise your hand - who will guess faster.
For those who do not yet know what shifters are, we explain: this is a phrase in which words are replaced by opposite ones in meaning. For example: "Evening parcel" is "Morning mail". All clear? Then we start.

TV - shifters
1. "Bar of the Sad and Confused" ("KVN")
2. "Cold Twenty" ("Hot Ten")
3. "Looking for you" ("Wait for me")
4. "Your garden" ("Our garden")
5. "Village" ("Town")
6. "Evening parcel" ("Morning mail")
7. “Be quiet, hateful balalaika” (“Play, beloved accordion”)
eight. " Good morning old ladies!” ("GOOG night kids!")
9. "With the help of another cameraman" ("My own director")
10. "Dumb dumb" ("The smartest")
11. "Asteroid Factory" ("Star Factory")
12. "Male shrug" ("Female look")
(The winner is awarded the medal "The smartest")

Presenter 1: One evening in the garden
Turnip, beetroot, radish, onion
Decided to play hide and seek
But first, stand in a circle.
Calculated right away:
One, two, three, four, five…
Hide better, hide deeper
Well, I'm going to look.
Where did the vegetables go?
Where to look for them? We learn about this from the stories of the guys. So, the beginning of the next contest "Vegetable Presentation" is announced.
Competition "Vegetable Presentation"

The jury sums up the results of the competitions. Rewarding.

Host 2: And so the evening passed
Are you satisfied, friends?
It means everything is OK,
We met for a reason!
Happy holiday! Happy Golden Autumn!

Presenter 1: Business is time, fun is an hour.

The holiday goes on

Disco after the preparation of the hall begins.

And Autumn, as the main guest, we invite you to it. Let's welcome and thank everyone who took part and came to our celebration.

2-3 people play. There is a prize on the table between the players and the presenter. The facilitator reads the text:

I will tell you a story

In half a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the number "three" -

Take the prize immediately.

Once we caught a pike

Gutted, but inside

Small fish were seen

And not one, but as many as ... seven.

When you want to remember poetry

Don't bite them until late at night.

Take and repeat at night

once - another, but better ... ten.

Dreaming guy hardened

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: one, two, ... march!

One day a train at the station

I had to wait 3 hours…”

If none of the players has time to take the prize, the host takes it, saying: “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it”


1. Curious red nose,
Rooted into the ground up to the top,
Only stick out in the garden,
Green heels. What's this? (carrot).
2. She was a blade of grass, she drank all the water
Turned white, bloated
Like sugar crunched
Summer lived - a lot of money
Dressed up, dressed up
And I couldn't undress. (cabbage).

3. He is golden and mustachioed,
There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (ear).

4. Grown from a grain,
Golden sun. (sunflower).

5. There was a green fruit - it didn’t ask for it in the mouth.
They laid him down, he changed his clothes,
He put on red, ripened for food (tomato).

6. It hung in the spring - all summer is sour,
And it became sweet - it fell to the ground. (Apple).

7. A cramped house split,
For two halves.
And poured out from there
Beads, pellets (peas).

8. And green and thick,
A bush has grown in the garden,
Dig a little

Under the bush - ... (potato).

9. His character is nasty,
He grew up in the garden
Where it won't come

Will bring everyone to tears. (onion).

10. Flower - honey,
And the fruit is plump. (pumpkin).

11. Red turnip,
Seated firmly in the ground
For her crest, yes to the boiler,
There will be borscht on our table, (beets).


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