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1. Round dance

3. Song « New Year's dance» ("White, White in December")

4. Dance Bunny

5. Orchestra (triangle, bell, metallophone, tambourine, maracas)

6. Dance of beads

7. Song-game "We'll Hang Balloons"

8. Song "Kysh Babai Beln kmk yr".

9. Dance game "Find a Pair".

10. Game "Snow-zhki, Snow-zhinki".

Watch children are standing near the Christmas tree. At this time, 2 girls run into the hall to the music and recite poems:

We - New Year's minutes,

We love laughter and we love jokes.

People save minutes

The whole year is made up of minutes.

The old year ends

Good, good year

We won't be sad

After all, a new one will come to us! (run away)

After the minute girls ran away to the rest of the children who are standing in front of the door, the watch children recite verses:

1. Child:

Near the Christmas tree New Year's

The round dance began.

Hello, our beloved holiday!

Hello, kind New Year!

2. Child:

New Year,


Approaching fast.

New Year's Eve


All dreams come true! (Together)

(Children-watches perform a dance "Tick-tock").

Cheerful came to us holiday -

Dreamer, joker, prankster!

He calls us to a round dance,

This New Year holiday! (The last line is repeated all together. After that, the children join hands and begin to dance to the song « New Year's dance» ).

New Year's dance.

1. A blizzard-commotion covered everything around.

Zimushka-winter captivated with her beauty.

We are carrying a Christmas tree from the fairy forest,

Let's all sing a song together!

Frost lace on your pins and needles.

The most beautiful will be our Christmas tree.

We will wrap you in a rain of silver,

Our Christmas tree will become absolutely magical!

2. Soon the magic will happen, just wait.

You catch him in your hands and do not miss.

Soon the Christmas tree will light bright garlands

And with a cheerful song, the New Year will come to us!

We clapped our hands

They got up together in a round dance.

So good has come

And Happy New Year! (Together)

Isenme, chyrshy, isenme.

Yana ate kilep jitte.

Kunelle chyrshy beiremen

Balalar kupten kotte.

Nigndi matur beznen chyrshy.

Zhem-zhem kilep yana st.

Bashlybyz chyrshy beiremen

Boilers bulsyn Yana ate!

Happy New Year!

The day is so clear

The snow is so white

The sky is so bright.

It's coming, boys

It's almost here

It's coming girls

The glad New Year

Hello, New Year's holiday,

Christmas tree and winter holiday!

All my friends today

We'll invite you to the Christmas tree.

Doors wide open, like in a fairy tale

The round dance rushes in a dance

Talk, songs, ringing and laughter

happy new year

Everyone, everyone, everyone! (Say all together).

(All children sing the song “New Year, New Year”)

New Year's round dance.

White, white in December, in December

Christmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard.

Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

Slippery, slippery in December, in December

Hills, hills in the yard, in the yard

Spinning and spinning and singing and singing

Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

Voiced, voiced in December, in December,

Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.

Spinning and spinning and singing and singing

Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

(After the song, everyone sits on the chairs).

Leading. Guys, do you like fairy tales? Do you want us to get into a fairy tale now?

Get your ears ready, get your eyes ready

To be in New Year's fairy tale.

The fairy tale is calling us,

It takes you to the winter forest.

There among the snowdrifts

A snow-white house is visible

Who lives in it? answer me

And show the guys.

(To the music, the Snow Maiden comes out of the house, decorates the house with snowflakes, next to which a small Christmas tree grows.

Snow Maiden.

AT teremochka icy, my grandfather and I live together.

Before holiday I decorated our house with a snowball:

She hung snowflakes here, silver ice floes here.

The Christmas tree is growing in the yard, you can celebrate the New Year!

And to make it more fun, I'll call my friends:

Cockerel and Mouse, Bunny and Bear.

Ouch! And where is Santa Claus?

He went into the forest in the morning!

It's time for me to call him! (leaves)

The mouse runs out to the music

mouse (adult).

What a miracle teremok! He is not low, not high.

I will decorate the tree. Where can I get toys?

The mouse runs into the house.

A bunny jumps to the music.

Bunny (adult):

What a miracle teremok! He is not low, not high.

Near the Christmas tree grows, you can celebrate the New Year!

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock, in teremochka who lives?

mouse (runs out of the house). I am Norushka Mouse. And who are you?

Bunny. And I'm Bunny - Jump. Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Mouse. Let's decorate the tree. Where can we get toys?

Bunny. I figured out where to get them! Call the bunnies.

Come on, bunnies, run, help decorate the Christmas tree! (Bunnies come out with a basket in which carrots lie).

Dance of hare-children.

(After the dance, the hare-children take out toy carrots from the basket and decorate them with an artificial Christmas tree that stands near teremka).

Bunny (adult).Those sweet carrots! We hung it on the tree. Christmas tree-beauty, bunnies like you!

Mouse: Thank you!

(Baby-children run away to their places, the mouse and the bunny look at the Christmas tree and say: “How good our Christmas tree is!” and go to the house).

To the music for teremka Importantly, the Cockerel is coming.

Cockerel (adult):

What a miracle teremok! He is not low, not high.

Near the Christmas tree grows, you can celebrate the New Year!

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock, in teremochka who lives?

Mouse. I am Norushka Mouse.

Bunny. I'm Bunny-Jump-ka.

Together: Who are you?

Cockerel. I am a golden comb cockerel. Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Mouse. Help us, Rooster, decorate the Christmas tree! Together we will meet New Year's celebration.

Cockerel. Come on, chickens, run here!

Help decorate the Christmas tree! (Chicken children approach Petushka with a basket in their hand, in which toy eggs. They put the basket next to the Christmas tree, and they themselves perform the orchestra - Shostakovich "Waltz Joke").

(At the end of the orchestra, each baby chicken takes out one testicle and decorates the Christmas tree with them).

Chicken baby:

Jewelry is not simple, gold jewelry!

Ryaba-hen demolished, gave you for the Christmas tree.

Mouse, Bunny, Cockerel: (together) Thanks!.

The chickens run to their places; mouse, bunny, cockerel go to the house.

The fox approaches the house to the music.

What a miracle teremok! He is not low, not high.

Near the Christmas tree grows, you can celebrate the New Year!

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock, in teremochka who lives?

Mouse. I am Norushka Mouse.

Bunny. I'm a Bunny - Jump.

Cockerel. I am the Golden Scallop Cockerel.

Together: Who are you?

Fox. And I'm Foxy-Sister. Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Mouse. Help us, fox, decorate the Christmas tree.

Together we will meet New Year's celebration.

Fox. I am Lisonka, a beauty, I like to dress up.

I have brooches, rings and earrings.

And I will decorate our Christmas tree with beads.

Come on, beads, run, help decorate the Christmas tree! (Girls do the bead dance).

Bead dance.

(After the dance, the girls remove the beads from their necks and decorate the Christmas tree with them).

Bead Girl:

Here are different beads for you, yellow and red.

Decorate the Christmas tree, celebrate the New Year.

Beasts (together): Thanks.

(The beads run away to their places. The animals enter the house.

The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden. I went around the whole forest, but I never found Santa Claus!

Ouch! Who decorated my Christmas tree?

Animals run out of the house.

Animals and all children: It's us!

Snow Maiden. Guys! What good fellows you are! Show me how you did it

A song-game is being played "We'll Hang Balloons".

Snow Maiden. Here are some good fellows! So you can celebrate the New Year!

We only need to call Santa Claus.

Let's all clap our hands together and stomp our feet.

Santa Claus will hear us and come!

(bear music playing).

Snow Maiden. Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh! The bear is coming to us alive!

To the music, the Bear enters with a barrel of honey.

Bear. I slept soundly in the lair, I sucked my paw,

I heard a noise in the forest, I went out into the clearing.

AT Let the teremok let me in and invite me to the holiday!

Snow Maiden. Bear, you are very big, you will break my teremok!

You don’t go into the house, sit near the Christmas tree.

Bear. I brought you sweet honey

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Snow Maiden. Thank you, Mishenka! (puts a barrel near the house)

Many guests have gathered here at my Christmas tree.

The New Year is coming, Santa Claus is coming!

Santa Claus enters the music

Hello guys, dear grandchildren,

Bunnies and beads, yellow chickens.

Cockerel and mouse, fox and bear.

What a beautiful and elegant Christmas tree you have!

Well you decorated it! You can celebrate the New Year!

Host: Santa Claus! We were waiting for you very much, the children prepared poems and songs for you.

Perform a song "Kysh Babay Beln kmki yr".

Snow. Santa Claus look at

There are no lights on the tree!

D. M. Lights on the tree in holiday

Always ignite.

For a cheerful Frost

This grief is not a problem!

Well - let's say: one, two, three

Our tree is on fire!

Children turn to the tree, the tree does not light up, for the third time they attract

parents, the Christmas tree lights up with multi-colored lights.

D. M. Well done, you love to sing.

Well, who are the poems, friends,

Read for me?

Children recite verses:

1st child

Mom will say:

"TO you teach the holiday songs,

Because the new year

Holiday ahead!

How can I explain to my mother

I won't take it for granted

There is no time to learn songs -

I'm waiting for gifts!

2nd child

Mathur bayrem zhyrybyz

Yagyragach erakka,

Kysh bababyz ishetep,

Kilgn bezg kunakka

3rd child

Snow on the ground.

Snow on the tree.

Snow on the house.

4th child

Coat, hat, gloves.

Titmouse sit on the nose.

Beard and red nose

It's Santa Claus!

5th child

Hey Kish babai, Kush babai,

Khush kilesen, uz bire.

Shatlanyshyp, zhyr belen

Karshylybyz without blue.

6th child

Chills my cheeks with frost

And the snow smells like watermelon.

I'm looking forward to gifts

After all, I was the most obedient of all.

D. M. Thank you guys, you tell poetry beautifully! And do you like to dance?

The one who dances and sings

Lives great!

Let's sing and dance together

Let's beat the boredom!

(Perform dance-game "Find a Pair").

D.M. I have one for you, interesting game. Everyone get in a circle! Now I will turn you into snowballs and into snowflakes. When I say Snowflakes, only boys should run up to me and touch the staff, and if I say Snowflakes, then girls. You are ready? Then let's start!

GAME ON GOING: "Snow-zhki, snow-zhinki"

Father Frost. Well, I had fun with you.

Host: Dear Santa Claus, we have a question for you:

Did you bring us gifts?

Father Frost. Of course I did!

Come on, Mishenka, my friend, bring honey here! (The bear brings a keg.)

I open ... One, two, three! What lies here, look!

The bear takes out gifts from the barrel.

Father Frost. Kind Santa Claus brought gifts to everyone!

(Santa Claus shows all one gift, and tells the children that the rest of the gifts are waiting for them in groups).

D. M. Well, goodbye kids!

Granddaughter, it's time to go again.

Gifts are waiting in another garden.

D, M. and the Snow Maiden. See you next year.

D. M. I will visit you next year

I will come again with the Snow Maiden! (Father Frost and the Snow Maiden leave).

Together Thank you, goodbye! Goodbye, Sau bulygyz!

Khormetle kunaklar!

Yana ellar kilsen behet belen

Yana ellar kilsen elmaep.

Kunelegezde shatlyk tulyp torsyn\

Yashik ele berge shatlanyp.

We wish you all the joys in the world for the New Year,

Health for a hundred years ahead to you and your children.

May joy in the coming year be a wonderful gift to you,

And it is better to leave tears, boredom and trouble in the old.

Well, that's all, and it's time for everyone!

Finished holiday, kids!

Children and parents leave the room.

Scenario "Autumn visiting the kids."

Scenario autumn holiday"Autumn visiting the kids" in the younger group of MKDOU Ergeninsky Kindergarten"Gerl".

Holiday progress:

Children with a teacher to the music, enter the hall and become a semicircle

Leading: Look, guys, everything turned yellow around.

This autumn covered everything with its golden carpet!

Children read poetry

1 Jal: The autumn garden has turned yellow, the leaves are spinning, flying.

2 Sanan: The rain often drizzles, he does not tell us to walk.

3 Yana: The birds flew away, the days became shorter,

The sun is not visible dark - dark night.

Leading: The leaves are all so beautiful on an autumn day,

Let's call Golden Autumn!

(Music sounds, Autumn enters with a basket.)

AUTUMN: I am golden autumn

I came to you for a holiday

autumn leaves

I brought it to all the kids.

Take the leaves quickly

Dance with them!

Dance of autumn leaves.

AUTUMN: How many golden leaves!

I'll pick them up soon!

(Autumn walks between the children and looks behind the leaves.)

AUTUMN: Oh, yes, these are our children hiding!

As the breeze blows, Fly away quickly, leaf!

(Autumn blows, the children run away and sit on the chairs.)

HOST: Autumn, honey, sit down,

Have fun with us!

Children will sing songs and read poems to you.

1 Jal: What a beautiful autumn

What a golden outfit.

And visit today guys

The autumn holiday has come to us.

2 Xiang-Tsag: Spinning, spinning in the air

A motley round dance.

Red and yellow

The wind is tearing the leaves.

3 Batu: yellow leaf on palm

I'll put it on my cheek.

It's a sunny summer

I hold in my hand.

4 Maxim: Yellow leaf, don't fly away!

Don't forget about me!

AUTUMN: If the cloud frowns

And it threatens to rain

Let's hide under an umbrella

Let's get through the rain!

Let's play game "Sun and rain".

AUTUMN: Children, someone is running towards us,

And hurry to our holiday.

Bunny runs.

BUNNY: I'm a Bunny, I'm completely cold!

Cold ears, cold nose.

It's raining all day long.

Zainka is sad at all!

AUTUMN: To be warm in winter

Build yourself a tower!

And the kids will help you.

Finger game "House".

Knock, knock with a hammer! (banging fist on fist)

Bunny is building a new house!

The roof is big - (raise the handles high up)

Here it is!

The windows are large - (spread their arms wide to the sides)

Like these ones!

Bunny builds all day long! (banging fist on fist)

Bunny is not too lazy to build a house.

He will call guests to the house ("they call" with his hand to himself)

It will be more fun in the house! (clap hands)

AUTUMN: Here comes the teremok!

He is not low, not high!

But the first guest hurries to our Teremka.

Frog runs.

FROG: Qua-qua! Teremok!

He is not low, not high!

Let me, Bunny, live with you!

BUNNY: What can you do?

FROG: Qua-qua! I am a Frog!

I can sing songs and look at the sun.

HOST: They began to live in Teremka together.

Guys, someone else is running.

Foxy runs.

FOX: I am a cunning Chanterelle, red-haired sister!

Oh, what a teremok! He is not low, not high!

Let me, Bunny, live with me!

BUNNY: What can you do?

FOX: I'm a fox-fox,

I am beautiful to the whole world!

I came to the children

Mushrooms, cones brought.

You rather run

Yes, play with me!

Game "Collect mushrooms and cones"

HOST: This is how the animals began to live together in a warm and large house. Now they are not afraid of any frosty winter. (artists bow out)

And I invite you to dance.

Fly agaric dance.

Presenter: Autumn, you are a sorceress, show the guys your miracles.

Autumn: I'll show you, but I'll ask you guys to help.

Have you collected mushrooms? How did the mushrooms dance?

(shows a small fungus, puts it in the middle of the circle).

Do you want a mushroom treat? Then repeat the magic words after me:

You, fungus, grow, grow,

Feed our kids!

Presenter: Something our mushroom does not grow.

Autumn: It needs to rain.

Children perform song "Rain"

The presenter distracts the children, Autumn changes a small mushroom to a large one.

Presenter: Oh guys, look how our fungus has grown.

Autumn takes off the hat of the mushroom, and inside the cookies are in the form of mushrooms.

The children and the presenter thank Autumn for the treat.

AUTUMN: It's fun to play with you, Songs to sing and dance!

I thank you for everything! It's a pity to part with you

But it's time to say goodbye. Goodbye!

HOST: This concludes our holiday, our dear guests, we were glad to see you at our autumn holiday.

Scenario matinee in the senior group "Autumn Tale".

The scenario of the autumn holiday "Autumn Tale" in the senior group of MKDOE Ergeninsky kindergarten "Girl".

Raise a love for nature through a children's matinee dedicated to the time of the year;

To consolidate and expand children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena through the expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, games;

To develop the musical and creative abilities of children, to maintain an emotionally positive attitude;

To contribute to the disclosure of the creative abilities of children, the development of a sense of collectivism, the ability to work in a team.

To teach children to expressively sing songs, recite poems, dance on stage;

To form communication skills, a sense of mutual assistance, develop creative abilities, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

The leader and 1 child enter the hall.

1. Host: Hello, dear guests!

Fun and joy to you!

We have been waiting for you for a long time!

And your holiday Autumn start.

Forget your worries

Take a break from work

Have fun, don't be shy

And smile with us!

2. : brings us autumn sad violin,

So that a sad motive sounds over the fields

But we always welcome autumn with a smile

Together : And we invite everyone to our festive hall!

Children enter the hall to cheerful music one after another in a chain with maple leaves (arms extended down, slightly to the sides) and line up in their places.

Poems are told:

one_________. Look guys, it's so elegant in our hall

We invited guests here, what kind of holiday is in our hall?

TOGETHER : it autumn She came to us and brought gifts for everyone.

2__________. Fruits, vegetables, flowers - of unprecedented beauty!

3__________. And nuts, and honey, and mountain ash, and fungus!

four___________. Gave leaf fall -

TOGETHER : The leaves are golden!

Performing DANCE WITH LEAVES "Leaf, leaf fall".

After the dance, hide the leaves behind your back and hold your hands like that while the children read poetry.

Children read poetry:

one__________. The rain is pouring over the river

A colorful rainbow rises

Look at this miracle

Who could paint it?

2___________. All paths and paths

As if in colorful patches.

This autumn is imperceptible

He walks with paint in his hands.

3____________ . Red paint rowan

Decorated in the gardens

Spray scarlet viburnum

Scattered on the bushes.

four____________. Yellow will decorate Autumn

Poplar, alder, birch.

Gray paint rain pours,

The sun laughs golden.

5 ___________ Lowered Autumn brushes

And looks around.

Bright, kind, colorful

TOGETHER : Holiday gave us!

Performing dance "Rainbow" (girls senior group).

Thunder sounds, then the sound of rain. The children are groaning (together) and cover the head with leaves from above.

Then they run back and sit on their knees, continuing to hold the leaves on top.

AUTUMN: And now my boys

Guess the riddles!

(Autumn makes riddles for children, children answer ).

1. Alenka dressed up in her green sarafan,

Curled the frills thickly, but her name is ... (cabbage).

2.Our piglets grew up in the garden

Sideways to the sun, crochet ponytails (cucumbers).

3.Long red nose

Rooted into the ground up to the top,

Only green heels (carrots) stick out in the garden.

4.Before we ate it,

We had time to cry (bow).

AUTUMN: Well done guys, you solved all my riddles!

Rain runs out to the cheerful music (in a blue-and-white outfit, with droplets and a cloud on his clothes, holding rains in his hands, arms bent at the elbows, waving over his head. them:

RAIN : Stop, stop, wait!

I won't order you to sing and dance anymore.

Invitation not sent

You are the autumn rain!

I will be here crying

I will scour the puddle and slush,

Now I will wet everyone and of course upset.

The sound of rain sounds. The children run and sit in their seats.

The rain at this time jumps in circles to cheerful music.

The second teacher collects the leaves.

Leading : Rain, rain, stay

Have fun with us.

The rain is very friendly with us,

After all, everyone knows -

TOGETHER : Rain is needed!

Leading : And now, my friends, let's sing a song about autumn and rain for our guests.

Performing song "Autumn has come" (middle group)

(children take bells from under the chairs and stand in their places like a dance with leaves)

presenter: Autumn touches the leaves,

Throwing handfuls of acorns,

In a moment it will come from a gray cloud,

Filling everything with rain

Summer has come and gone

Autumn time has come.

Who would say autumn?

Come to our bright room.


presenter : Moms, dads, don't sit! Call autumn with us! TOGETHER! FRIENDLY!

TOGETHER WITH PARENTS : Come visit us autumn, we ask you all very much.

Autumn comes out to the center of the hall, circles in place and begins to sing, standing on the right side of the hall, addressing children and adults.

AUTUMN: 1. The yellow leaf is spinning, (children repeat sitting on chairs)

Flying slowly (children repeat)

The rain is restless (children repeat)

Dripping, knocking. (children repeat)

autumn golden, (children repeat)

Came to visit you (came to visit us)

ended suddenly (children repeat)

Summer time. (children repeat)

On a losing streak, Autumn tells her parents:

Very simple! Now YOU help us, okay?

We listen carefully!

2. Autumn has come - repeat

Flowers dried up - repeat,

We used to watch - replay,

How they bloomed - repeat.

The sky is now gloomy - repeat,

There are no bright colors - repeat,

Golden autumn - repeat,

He sends us his greetings - repeat.

Autumn: How beautiful in your hall,

A world of comfort and warmth

You called me poems

Finally, I came to you.

With your magic brush

I repaint

All autumn nature

Trees and fields.

(sit on a chair, puts a magic brush nearby)

Children read autumn poems:

____________: Recently, from morning to morning,

All you can hear is that autumn has arrived.

A yellow leaf burst into our room -

______________ : A drop of rain in the palm of your hand sparkles -

Dad said: "Autumn sheds tears."

Rowan in the garden under the window turned red,

And grandmother: “Autumn flaunts. I put on beads."

_____________ : So autumn is knocking on our windows

Gloomy cloud, cold rain.

And it won't come back

Summer sunny, warm beam.

___________: Autumn walks along the path

Wet her feet in puddles.

It's raining and there's no light

Lost somewhere summer.

__________: On a bush-bush -

yellow leaves,

A cloud hangs in the blue, -

So it's time for autumn.

Leading: Maybe the truth roams the forest

All dressed up like a princess

In gold, scarlet satin, turquoise ...

Would you like to see this beauty?

Children: YES.

Leading: Only heard from morning to morning:

"Autumn has come, autumn has come."

Let's eat her! Let's ask everyone:

“Has anyone seen where autumn is hiding?”.

____________: I walk, I'm sad alone:

Autumn is somewhere around

Yellow leaf in the river

Summer is gone.

I throw him a circle -

Your last wreath.

Only summer can not be saved

If the day is autumn.

____________: circled over me

Rain of mischievous leaves.

How good is he!

Where else can you find one like this?

Without end and without beginning?

I began to dance under him,

We danced like friends

____________: Autumn!

Frost in the morning

In the groves yellow leaf fall!

Leaves near the birch

They lie like a golden carpet.

In the puddles, the ice is transparent blue,

White frost on the leaves!

___________: Autumn collects birds in flocks

And they fly south, they fly.

You are good golden autumn

How beautiful is your farewell outfit.

____________: Summer flew by quickly

migratory bird into the distance

Autumn wonderfully spread

Fading shawl!

Autumn, we are happy for you.

Motley leaf fall is spinning.

Leaves near the trees

They lie like a golden carpet.

Autumn decorates the squares

colorful foliage

Autumn feeds the harvest

Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens and in the garden

Both in the forest and by the water.

Prepared by nature

All kinds of fruits.

The fields are being cleaned.

People collect bread.

The mouse drags the grain into the mink,

To have lunch in winter.

Root squirrels are dried.

Bees store honey.

grandma cooks jam

They put apples in the cellar.

Who has worked hard

Who has not been lazy all summer,

He will be full all winter

Children(in chorus) : Autumn will generously reward.

Autumn: And now, kids, an interesting game is waiting for you!


Two teams of 6 people participate - children and parents. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a "turnip" - a child in a hat with the image of a turnip. The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the "turnip", runs around it and returns, clings to it (takes him by the waist) grandmother, and they continue to run together, again go around the "turnip" and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, he clings to the mouse "turnip". The team that pulls out the fastest wins. "turnip".

While autumn plays with children, "imperceptibly" Baba Yaga enters, steals a magic brush and runs away to her hut (model of the hut in the corner of the hall).

Autumn(notices missing magic brush):

Ah, that's the trouble! What to do, I don't know

I don't know where

The golden brush is gone.

magic brush,

which I repaint

All autumn nature

Trees and fields!

Baba Yaga (paints his hut with a magic brush, sings):

1. At the edge of the forest

Yaga lived in a hut,

Completely skewed

From antiquity house.

And very handy even

I found a brush

I'll repaint the hut,

To be a tower.

presenter: Autumn, look, so that's who took your magic brush!

(referring to Yaga): Well, Baba Yaga, give us the brush!

Baba Yaga: Well, I do not! Whatever got to me is gone!

presenter: But you stole this brush from Autumn, how now will Autumn without a magic brush bring beauty? Look how beautiful it is in our hall, this is Autumn so dressed up. And Autumn also needs to give golden outfits to the trees, cover the earth with a multi-colored carpet.

Baba Yaga: Oh, you are cunning! They themselves will bring beauty, but what do you order me to live in such a skewed, shabby hut all my life? No, now I will bring beauty to myself, but I will live in clover. And I won't let anyone in! (goes to his house)

presenter: What to do? How can we lure a magic brush from Baba Yaga for Autumn? came up with (approaches the hut and knocks)

Baba Yaga: Who is there?

presenter: We are your guests.

Baba Yaga: What are the other guests? I won't let you!

presenter: Well, if you don’t want to let guests in, then take us to your place of work.

Baba Yaga: You? In workers? And what, pray tell, do you know how to do, workers?

presenter: Well, for example, we can work as accountants. We will count your finances, and bowls, and ladles, and your jet mortars, and your chicken legs.

Baba Yaga: Oh, such tiddly - and count! What kind of accountants are you? I have been making my property for three hundred years and three years, and you will let me go around the world in three days.

presenter: We won't let you! And we will rewrite your good.

Baba Yaga: Oh, let's rewrite! Now the hut is falling apart from laughter. Do you know the letters?

presenter: Our guys know both letters and numbers, and they also know how to sing.

Baba Yaga: Yah? I love songs! Sing, I'll listen.

Performing song "Autumn, dear, rustling"

Baba Yaga: Oh, the song, what a sincere, touching!

presenter: Baba Yaga, and our guys can also dance!

Baba Yaga A: Oh, I'd love to see it.

Performing "Mushroom Dance"

presenter: Well, what about Baba Yaga, did you like our guys?

Baba Yaga: Oh, well done, you know how to have fun. But I'm bored alone.

presenter: This is Baba Yaga, you are bored alone because you have no friends.

Baba Yaga: Friends? Yes, it's boring without friends. And who will be friends with me?

presenter: Guys, do you want to make friends with them?

Baba Yaga: Really want to! (approaches children, shakes by the hand, "hello" with them, hugs). Or maybe you can play with me?

presenter: Let's play guys with Baba Yaga?

Game - attraction"Harvest"

There are 2 baskets near the central wall, and closer to the audience they are scattered in hoops - "beds" vegetables. Two players who play on a signal carry a basket in their hands and go to the beds, collect vegetables in a box. Gathering vegetables, they bring the harvest to former place. Whoever collected and brought first - he won.

Baba Yaga: (Gives the brush to Autumn). I see you have a holiday in full swing here. You are all so beautiful and smart!

presenter: Yes, Baba Yaga, we have a holiday today, and you need to dress up - so to speak, change your image.

Baba Yaga: Image? That's right, I'll go and change into something festive! (leaves to dress up)

Autumn: I don’t know how to thank you. I will perform so many miracles,

I'll go and gild the whole forest. I will give red beads to mountain ash,

Birches - yellow scarves. Lay a carpet on the ground

I will warm Yezhov's mink. And the wind - how happy it will be,

When the leaves fall! And hello to you from Autumn -

Autumn holiday bouquet.

Music sounds, Autumn gives the Host a bouquet of autumn leaves and leaves.

Leading: And now, guys, while our Baba Yaga is being transformed, I suggest you play the fun dance game “Search”.

Performing dance game "Search".

The soundtrack of the song sounds “And I’m walking like this…”, fashionably dressed Baba Yaga enters, sings a song.

presenter: Blimey! Guys, you don't recognize Baba Yaga. How beautiful and fashionable she has become!

Baba Yaga A: Oh guys, that's right! I seem to have rejuvenated. I got my second wind. Thank you guys so much for your friendship and understanding. It turns out that at three hundred years life is just beginning!

presenter: Baba Yaga, since you are younger, can you dance with us?

We invite you and our mothers to a common dance!


Baba Yaga: Oh, what a friendly people you are! And now I want you, my friends, to treat! Do you like hotels? (children answer)

Baba Yaga treats children with apples. The holiday ends.

Droplets. music by T. Kulinova Nekrasov S.

1. Droplets sit on an autumn leaf,

And they look cheerfully at the mother cloud:

`Mom, Mom Cloud, we want to go for a walk!

Let us go, mother, to jump into the kindergarten!`"

Chorus: Drip-drip-drip on flowers

Drip-drip-drip on the bushes

rain lei more fun

don't feel sorry for the bubbles!

Drip-drip-drip on the flowers,

drip-ka-drip on the bushes.

rain lei more fun

Don't be sorry for the bubbles!

2. Mom told them, threatening with her finger:

`Sit quietly, listen to me.

The autumn brook called us to visit.

Get ready, drops on autumn Ball!`

3. Droplets jumped, ringing merrily!

They sang the song: `You can’t walk in the rain!`

And in the high sky the thunder rumbles again -

This is Mama Cloud came out to dance.

Funny Mushrooms (Dance of the Fly Agaric)

How fun, how fun, all lined up
Cheerful mushrooms with hats stand.
They are so friendly their whole family:
Mom, dad, daughter, son - that's me (or: and of course me).
We circled, circled, oh, how much fun we have,
We are mischievous mushrooms, we are simply class mushrooms.
Squat, squat, squat, one, two, three,
We are such cheerful, inedible inside (or: look, look).
We stomp our feet, top-top-top-top-top-top.
Let's clap our hands clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap.
And we shake our hats, tra-la-la-la-la-la,
Such a fun and friendly family.
Here is cheerful music calling us to a round dance,
Let's all go around in a circle - we are a good people.
We are all so friendly, we are a whole family:
Mom, dad, daughter, son - that's me.


yellow leaf yellow leaf
It will fall on the path.
It means, it means
Autumn is coming to visit us!
Come, beauty
Autumn is golden.
The kids like it very much
Autumn is golden.
Here comes the rain, the rain
It will fall on the palm.
It means, it means
Autumn is coming to visit us!

Rain (Drip-drip, tuk-tuk-tuk)

Cap-cap, knock-knock-knock
There was a knock on the glass.
It's rain in the morning
Woke up all the kids.

Drip-drip, don-don-don
The drops began to ring.
If you go out for a walk
Don't forget to take an umbrella.

Drip-drip, drip-drip-drip
The rain has a cheerful disposition.
Tomorrow morning we will again
Let's go for a walk in the rain.

Song "Leaf fall"
Music by T. Popatenko. Words by E. Avdienko.

1. Clouds are spinning in the sky
Whatever step, then a puddle,
Whatever step, whatever step
Every step is a puddle.

2. Autumn day frowns,
leaf fall on the street,
leaf fall, leaf fall,
Leaf fall on the street.

3. Spreads along the way
yellow blizzard,
yellow, yellow,
Yellow blizzard.

Song "Autumn"
Music by N. Lukonina. Words by L. Chadova.

1. The leaves are spinning
And ice on the puddles.
Yellow leaves are flying
Autumn, autumn, leaf fall!

2. Yellow and red,
You leaflets are different.
We will collect you in a bouquet,
There will be an autumn portrait!

3. Golden rays
Hiding behind the clouds.
Autumn yellow is coming
The rain is visiting us!

Song "Rain"
Russian folk melody. Arranged by G. Lobachev. Words by A. Barto.
For children 2-3 years old.

Cap! Cap! cap! Cap!
Cap! Cap! Cap!
Rain, rain - how yes drip!
Wet tracks.
We can't go for a walk
We'll get our feet wet.
Cap! Cap! cap! Cap!
Cap! Cap! cap! Cap!

Song "Autumn"
Music by Yu. Mikhailenko. Words by V. Petrenko.

1. Autumn, autumn has come to us,
Bringing rain and wind.
Bringing rain and wind.

2. The green garden turned yellow,
The leaves are spinning and rustling.
The leaves are spinning and rustling.

3. The songs of the birds are not heard, -
Let's wait until spring.
Chick-chirp, chirp-chirp,
Let's wait until spring.

The song "That's How We Do It".
Music by E. Tilicheeva. Words by N. Frenkel.
For children 2-3 years old.

Legs walked -
Top, top, top!
Straight down the track
Top, top, top!
Well, more fun -
Top, top, top!
Here's how we can -
Top, top, top!
boots stomp -
Top, top, top!
These are our legs
Top, top, top!

- Two kittens met: "Meow-meow" (tap your little fingers against each other and connect your fingertips)
- Two puppies met: "Av-av" (also with ring fingers)
- Two foals met: "I-go-go" (also with middle fingers)
- Two tiger cubs met: "Rrr" (also with index fingers)
- Two calves met: "Moo!" (also with thumbs)
- Show me what kind of horns they have. (attach index fingers to the head and depict horns)

Maslova Svetlana Ivanovna
Job title: caregiver
Educational institution: MDOU "Elnikovsky kindergarten "Teremok" combined type"
Locality: RM s.Elniki
Material name: Methodical development
Topic:"Scenario autumn matinee in the second junior group "Golden Autumn""
Publication date: 30.09.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Scenario of the autumn matinee in the second junior group "Golden Autumn"

Leading. Guys, today I want to invite you to autumn forest. look,

how beautiful it is around. How many beautiful ones are here colorful leaves. BUT,

Do you know who decorated our forest so beautifully? This is magical autumn. She is

tried. Leaves like gold. In autumn it is beautiful everywhere: both in the forest and in

garden and yard.

Children. Autumn festival in the forest

And light and fun!

Here are some decorations

Autumn is here.

Every leaf is golden

He looks like the sun

I'll put it in a basket

I'll put it on the bottom!

In the morning we go to the yard

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly.

The wind plays with the leaves

Leaves are torn off the branches

yellow leaves fly

Right under the feet of the guys!

Autumn follows summer

The wind sings yellow songs to her.

Leaves spread red underfoot

A white snowflake flies into the blue.

leaf fall, leaf fall,

Leaves fly in the wind

As if they were spinning in a dance,

And they fell to the ground.

Rested, and again,

They flew to dance.

Song: "Autumn Song"

1. The sun hides behind the clouds,

Colder every day.

Drops prickly rain,

Maple in a painted dress.

Leaves play hide and seek

They run away from each other

Like they're having fun

They bathe in puddles.

2. That's really stretched to the south

crane caravan,

And by the forest over the river

Light fog creeps in...

Leading. Hey, well done guys! And they sang a song, and read poems about autumn.

Guys, I hear someone coming towards us. Well guess who it is?

Rises with the sun

Ku-ka-re-ku he sings.

There are spurs and a comb

Who is this?

Children. Cockerel!

Leading. That's right, this is Petya - a cockerel, a golden comb.





beautiful and ornate. Truth?

Leading. Cockerel, and the guys know a poem about you. Here listen!

Children. Cockerel, Cockerel,

golden scallop,

oil head,

Silk beard!

What do you get up early

Don't let the kids sleep.




I wonder if you guys have seen how it rains? ( Children's answers).

Very well! Rain, sometimes small, quiet, quiet like this ( softly clapping

clap). And sometimes strong, strong, like this ( clapping hands loudly)

(Children repeat after him to the music) That's how noisy the drops are.

Leading. Cockerel, and we know a song about the rain! Do you want to listen.

Song "Rain"

1. All day, it's raining,

The sun hid in the clouds.

Know, in the autumn sometimes

The sky has thinned out.

The rain is knocking

The rain sings

Drumming at the windows.

All earth, all earth

Got wet from the water.

2. But we are not afraid of rain

We are also friends with him.

How will it pass - we crowd

Let's run through the puddles.

Leading. Oh, guys, we sang a song about rain, and a cloud brought rain.

After rain, large puddles form on the roads, which people love to walk on.

Game "Puddles"

Leading. And who is coughing with us. Is our cock sick?

Cockerel. Oh oh oh. I ran in the rain and lost my voice, caught a cold

neck. Now I can't even crow.

Leading. Guys, let's help our cockerel ( KU-KA-RE-KU).

Cockerel. Oh thank you. I immediately felt better and my neck does not hurt. run away

I'd rather tell you how kind and skillful you are. Goodbye!

Leading. So our cock ran away. But again I hear, the leaves rustle,

twigs crackle. Who else is in a hurry to us.

The fox runs.

Chanterelle. I am a funny fox

I am beautiful to the whole world

I ran around here

I heard your songs

I want to play with you

Songs to sing and dance.

Leading. Chanterelle, and we are glad that you came running to us! And gladly with you

let's dance.

Dance "Cap-cap-cap".

Chanterelle. What good fellows you are.

Leading. Guys, what is this. Both the Cockerel and the Fox came to visit us,

and there is no autumn. Maybe we can tell a poem about her. She hears and

Children. Autumn got a brush

Painted all around!

Changed fashion to colors

Decorate nature:

At the birches, at the sisters -

Yellow ribbons in pigtails

The maples are wearing a red scarf.

Lawns in colorful dresses

On the mountain ash decoration -

Scarlet berries necklace.

Updating everyone's outfits,

Autumn walks with us.

Autumn, golden autumn

It's good that you came.

You and apples, you and honey,

You brought bread.

Autumn is a wonderful time

The kids love autumn.

We go to the forest with baskets,

We find a lot of mushrooms there.

We are about autumn songs

We sing together.

Come, we are waiting for you

Autumn is golden.

Enter Autumn.

Autumn. Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello my friends.

I've been a little late

Everyone worked, dressed up.

Distributed to all donkeys

Multi-colored scarves.

visible from afar,

Bright, conspicuous.

Leading. Autumn, the guys have been waiting for you for a long time and have prepared a song for you.

Song colorful leaves.

1. Generous autumn has come -

Look out the window.

Brought bright leaves

Full bowl.

Red leaf, yellow leaf,

Amazing outfit!

In the yard in October, leaf fall!

2. Treat us with a fungus

Generously, without regret

And cover with a thick carpet

Parks and alleys.

3. Autumn, hide your rains,

Don't be sad, don't!

You don't leave us

We are so glad to see you!

Autumn. Oh how I loved the song.

Leading. Autumn, and we have prepared a musical number for you.

Spoon game.

Autumn. Oh thanks, I love it. While I was visiting you, like this

found a scarf. Multi-colored, painted, unusual, difficult. I offer you

friends play with a handkerchief i. Want to?

The game "Magic Scarf".

To the music, children run around the hall or jump. The music stops, kids

squat down and cover their eyes with their hands. Autumn covers someone with a scarf and


hurry up

answer. Children call the name of the person hidden under the handkerchief. If you guessed it, then he

everyone clap. And so several times. playing last time, Autumn covers the basket

with apples. The children say the name of the child.

Leading. Not! All the guys are here. Who, then, hid under the scarf?

Autumn. We raise the handkerchief, what we will now find out under it. What is this?

Children. Basket.

Autumn. And in the basket?

Children. Apples.

Autumn treats children with apples. Says goodbye and leaves. The holiday ends.

The script for the autumn holiday "Autumn in the Tower" is intended for kindergarten children middle group. Characters: animal-children; Lesovichok, Autumn, leading - adults. The script is based on the Russian folk tale"Teremok".




(Scenario of the autumn holiday for the middle group).

Props: teremok, wattle fence, vegetables in the garden (potatoes, carrots), leaves, baskets, a barrel of honey, treats. Forest decoration (Christmas trees, stumps, mushrooms).
A cheerful song sounds: "Golden Autumn." Children with leaves enter the hall.

Presenter: Autumn got the colors

She needs a lot of coloring.

Leaves are yellow and red

Gray - the sky and puddles.

Look how beautiful it is in autumn!

We'll go for a walk now

I call you with me!
Presenter: Guys, I invite you to the autumn forest!

(soundtrack of the forest)

We honor poetry

About autumn days!

Children read poetry.

1.Child: What time of year?

nature frowns,

Leaves fall,

The birds are flying away

The cloud covered the sun

This Autumn has arrived!

2. The hedgehog lay down in his bed,

And fell asleep in it sweetly sweetly.

Autumn shutters closed

Quietly turned off the light.

The wind sang a song

So that the hedgehog sleeps in the winter.

3. yellow leaf on palm

I'll put it on my cheek

It's a sunny summer

I hold in my hand.

Yellow leaf don't fly away

Don't forget about me!

4. Maple leaf on the path

It will slowly fall.

This autumn is golden

On the path to us!

5. Let's collect an autumn bouquet

How bright and good he is!

And golden in the sun

He looks a little like it!

6 .What time of year -

The rain is drizzling.

It's just autumn

In a hurry to kindergarten!

Presenter: Let's call autumn

Let's sing a song about her!

Song: "Autumn in a Golden Scarf"

And the sorceress of Autumn is still no and no! What do we do? Maybe we can write a poem about her? Autumn will hear and come.
Children read poetry.
7. Autumn is a wonderful time!
Kids love autumn!
We go to the forest with baskets,
We find a lot of mushrooms there!
8. We sing songs about autumn together.
Come, we are waiting for you
Autumn is golden!
Music sounds. Enter Autumn - educator)
Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am! Hello my friends!
I've been a little late
Everyone worked, dressed up! Distributed to all donkeys
colorful scarves,
Bright, conspicuous, noticeable from afar!
In autumn we go to the forest, the leaves fall like rain,
They rustle underfoot, and fly, fly, fly! ..
There are many leaves in the forest: both yellow and red - very beautiful!

Presenter: And who decorated our forest? This sorceress Autumn tried! And here the breeze blew, playing with leaves. Let's dance with them and sing a song!
Dance with leaves: "The leaves are spinning."

Phonogram of the song "Teremok"

Autumn: Look, guys, the little house is worth it! Who lives in it? .. And the garden is small: cabbage, potatoes, and carrots grow in it! (knocking) Someone in does the teremochka live? Who-who lives in the low? Nobody answers... Do you hear? Someone is running! Guess the riddle:
Small, gray, squeaks thinly,
He looks at the children from the mink!
Children: Mouse!
The mouse runs out to the music

mouse : Someone called me? Guys, hello! ..
I will live in a teremochka, live,
Digging potatoes in the garden, watering the cabbage,
Collect carrots, but store up for the winter!
(runs into the house)
Autumn: The Mouse ran into the tower and began to live in it. Hear, guys, someone else is coming here, knocking with their legs. And here is the riddle:
What kind of strange bun crossed my path?
He has a fur coat in needles, he is not afraid of anything!
Children: Hedgehog!
Hedgehog comes out to a song.
Hedgehog: Hello guys! I rolled along the forest path,
I found myself in a forest clearing.
What kind of miracle teremok? Who, tell me, lives in it?
A small garden under a tall pine ...
Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?
Mouse: I am a mouse-norushka! And who are you?
Hedgehog: I am a Hedgehog, no head, no legs! Let me live with you!
Mouse: To live, live, you need to stock up for the winter!
Hedgehog: And in the woods, under a hill, under a birch and under a Christmas tree,
In round dances and in a row, mushrooms stand evenly!
I'll pick mushrooms, but I'll save for the winter:
I’ll dry it and salt it, in winter I’ll bake pies for everyone!
Hurry up and turn into mushrooms!


Mouse: What mushrooms do you know?
Hedgehog: And white, and boletus, and mushrooms!
Presenter: Guys, let's help Hedgehog collect mushrooms! Who will collect more?
The game "Who will collect more mushrooms"

(Two children collect mushrooms to cheerful music, each in their own basket. At the end of the game, the teacher, together with the children, consider which of them collected more mushrooms)

Hedgehog: Mushroom harvest is good! Will you take me to live with you?
Mouse: Come into the house soon, it will be more fun in it!
Autumn: The Mouse and the Hedgehog began to live together ... And here is someone else running along the path, do you hear? ..
A ball of fluff, a long ear,
Jumps smartly, loves carrots!
Children: Bunny!
Bunny runs out to the song.
Bunny: Hello guys!
In the clearing on the forest teremochek painted!
Who lives in the terem and plants a garden?

Who lives in a teremochka?
Who-who lives in the low?
Mouse: I am a mouse-norushka!
Hedgehog: I, Hedgehog, no head, no legs! And who are you?
Bunny: And I'm a runaway bunny! Let me live with you!
I will help in the garden, I will harvest you:
Both cabbage and carrots - Bunny will deftly collect them!
Mouse: Well helpers are important
We need helpers!
Presenter: Guys, let's help Bunny harvest carrots!
Game: "Who will collect the carrot sooner"
Presenter: Will the kids solve the riddle?
Tears dripping from the clouds -
The unlucky master is crying.
Gloomy autumn artist,
Squishes through the puddles...
Children: Rain!

Song: " Cap-cap on the track"

The sun shines through the window to us in the morning,

The kids came out for a walk!

If you ask for rain

It won't drizzle!

Child: Rain, rain, don't be angry

Do not hurry to drive us away! If the cloud frowns
And it threatens to rain
Let's hide under an umbrella
Let's get through the rain!
"Umbrella Dance"("girls")

(squirrel runs outsong: "Cones - mushrooms")

Squirrel: Hello boys and girls!
I hear - are you having fun? Housewarming in the little house?
Take me to live with you, you won’t grieve with me!
I will amuse you: I will dance and sing!
Well, there is nothing to be bored! Come out to dance!

Dance: "Become dancing"

Beasts: Come, Squirrel, to our tower,
So be it, we believe you!
Autumn: Squirrel came in - a handyman in the tower and they began to live together ... And here's someone else coming, do you hear, guys? Who is this? .. Listen to the riddle:
Who is cold in winter
Wandering through the forest angry and hungry?
Children: Wolf!
Wolf Out (music)
Wolf: Hello guys!
What a miracle-teremok?.. Oh! And next to the garden!
I would have something to eat - my stomach was cramped with hunger!
Look, the potatoes are ripe! I would eat it now!
Whose, say, harvest? Hey master, answer!
Beasts: Who is knocking on the tower? Whose voice is there?
Wolf : I am a spinning top, a gray barrel! Let me live in the teremok!
I'm not afraid of work, I'm not lazy at work!
I will help you and collect potatoes!
Presenter: Let's help, guys, to collect potatoes for the Wolf?
Game "Carry the Potato"

To cheerful music, children each carry one potato from the garden into their own basket. Who will collect more?
Beasts: The harvest was gathered together, there is no need to starve in winter!
Come into the house as soon as possible, five of us have more fun!
Autumn: The Wolf entered the little house and they began to live together ... And here is someone else walking along the forest path! .. Guess the riddle:
The sound of footsteps is heard!
What strange beast is coming?
In winter, he likes to sleep in a den
And suck a sweet paw!
Children: Bear!
Mishka comes out to the music.

Bear: Hello guys! Guessed the riddle correctly!
Oh, look, teremok! I'm not alone in the forest!
Very bored alone, would like to visit someone!
I've saved honey here - I made a supply for the winter!
Who lives in a teremochka? Someone who lives low
Animals: - I, Mouse-norushka!
- I'm a Hedgehog, no head, no legs!
- I, Bunny - runaway!
- I, Squirrel - a handyman!
- I, Volchok, gray barrel! And who are you?
Bear: And I'm a clubfoot bear, I eat honey from the hive with my paw.
Well, I brought you honey, I'll treat everyone with honey!
You don’t drive me into the forest, take me into the teremok!
Beasts: Come, Mishutka, into the house, it will be more fun in it!
Autumn: The animals began to live in the teremka, live, and make good:
Mouse and Hedgehog bake pies,
Bunny and Squirrel sing songs
And the Wolf and Mishka keep order ...

Round dance: "Forward 4 steps"

Autumn: While I was visiting you,
Here is the scarf I found. colorful, painted,
Unusual, difficult! I offer you, friends,
Play with a handkerchief! Want to? Then get out!

Game: "Magic Handkerchief"

(Children dance to cheerful music, sit down on quiet music and cover their eyes with their hands. Autumn, having straightened a large scarf, goes around the children and covers someone with a scarf.)

Autumn. Once! Two! Three! Who is hiding inside?
Don't yawn, don't yawn! Answer quickly!
Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. The game is played 2 times.

For the third time, Lesovichok sits under the scarf).
Soundtrack of laughter.
Lesovik. (laughs with closed eyes under the handkerchief)Hee hee hee! Ha ha ha!
Educator: Who's laughing so hard? Hear guys?
Autumn: And this is my friend, the old man - Lesovichok (raises his handkerchief). Oh, and he is cheerful, he even has funny dreams. Hear how he laughs? Well, I'll wake you up!
Suitable for Lesovichka.
Autumn. Wake up, Lesovichok, guests have come to us!
Lesovik. (stretches) Hello, troll guys! Oh, and he made me laugh!
Autumn. Who?
Lesovik. Yes, old Lesovichok!
Autumn. So it's you!
Lesovik. So I made myself laugh, do you want me to make you laugh too?
Autumn. Of course we do!
Lesovichok: Let's play "Edible - inedible" with you.
If it's edible, you say, "Yum, yum, yum," and if it's inedible, "Ugh, fu, fu."
1) Crispy buns (Yum, yum, yum)
2) Slippers overwhelm (Fu, fu, fu)
3) Puff pies (Yum, yum, yum)
4) Boiled boots (Fu, fu, fu)
5) Cheese balls (Yum, yum, yum)
6) Napkins are greasy (Fu, fu, fu)
7) Gingerbread delicious (Yum, yum, yum)
8) Crispy apples (Yum, yum, yum)
What are you guys attentive!
Educator: Thank you, Lesovichok, you really amused us with your game.

Dance to "Forest Song"(dance general show)

Lesovichok says goodbye and leaves.
(Playing for the last time, Autumn covers a basket of apples with a handkerchief,

imperceptibly brought into the hall)

Leading: Not! All children are here. Who then hid under the handkerchief?
Autumn: We raise a handkerchief,
What do we find out under it now! What is this? Basket! (Pushes back the leaves, and there are apples). And in the basket...
Children: Apples!

Autumn: You are fun to play with
Songs to sing and dance! I thank you for everything
And I give apples to everyone!
Leading: How good are they!
Autumn: Eat up, kids!
Leading: Children, Autumn gives us this basket of apples.
Sweet Autumn is generous and beautiful. Let's say autumn together ..
Children. Thank you!
Autumn: I had a lot of fun! I loved all the guys.
What to do? Waiting for business!
Goodbye friends!

Song: "Autumn, dear, rustling"

Children : Goodbye, Autumn, goodbye.
We'll wave goodbye to you. We know that in a year you will come to us,
You will bring us harvest again.
(Autumn is leaving)
Leading: This concludes our magical journey. It's time to go back

Matinee in the senior group "Autumn Tale"

(Children to cheerful music " golden leaf fall "They come in a dance, in their hands there are multi-colored leaves)


Here is an artist, so an artist!

He gilded all the forests!

Even the heaviest rain

This paint has not been removed.

Please solve the riddle:

Who is this artist?

Children: AUTUMN…

1st reb: Hello golden autumn

Blue sky up!

The leaves are yellow, flying

Lie down on the path.

2nd reb:

The garden is full of flowers

Asters, peonies, dahlia,

And above the fire blaze

Clusters of red rowans.

3rd reb:

What to be sad now about summer!

Autumn has come to visit us.

In a gilded carriage

Brought gifts for everyone

song "Autumn, autumn, autumn, came to visit us."


In your tent magical and beautiful

Autumn called us to the holiday.

From distant and wonderful wanderings

I brought a new story with me.

4th reb: Autumn at the edge

Paints bred

Quietly through the leaves

I spent it with a brush,

And autumn smiled

A yellow maple leaf

I thought again

He became quite green.

Vedas:It rains very often in autumn. I suggest you sing a song about rain.

The song "Rain drip-drip-drip knocks on the roof"

song-dance with umbrellas "I'm sitting by the window .." :

5th reb:

It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard in the sun

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly!

6th reb: Even a cat - that's miracles!

Eyes turned yellow overnight

And now until spring

She will have yellow dreams.

Vedas: Oh, guys, hush, hush, I hear something strange,

Some guest is in a hurry to us, and as if rustling.

Whoever you are, come in and have fun with the guys.

Autumn enters to the music with a big brush in her hand


How beautiful in your hall,

A world of comfort and warmth

You called me poems

Finally I came to you.

With your magic brush

I repaint

All autumn nature

Trees and fields.

And now my boys

Guess the riddles!

(Autumn makes riddles for children, children answer)

Alenka dressed up in her green sarafan,

Curled the frills thickly, but her name is ... (cabbage)

Our piglets grew up in the garden

Sideways to the sun, crochet ponytails (cucumbers)

long red nose

Rooted into the ground up to the top,

Only green heels stick out in the garden (carrots)

Before we ate it

We had time to cry (bow)


Well done guys, you solved all my riddles!

And now, guys, I want to play a delicious game with you.

Guess the taste of fruits and vegetables with your eyes closed!

the game "Guess the taste"


(sit on a chair, puts a magic brush next to it):


Relax Autumn, sit down and talk to us.

Do you know, guys, which of the animals changes their fur coat for the winter?



That's right, the hare is gray in summer and white in winter.

Who else changes the color of their fur coat in winter?

Children :


Autumn :

Well done! The squirrel was red, and becoming gray. But the chanterelle, on the contrary, was ugly, faded, and by winter it becomes fluffy, fiery red.

What happens to the birds in autumn?


Migratory birds fly south to warmer climes.

Vedas: And now let's play the game "Birds fly away."

Bye Autumn talking to children and playing Baba Yaga enters “imperceptibly”, steals a magic brush and runs away to her hut (a model of a hut in the corner of the hall).

Autumn (notices the loss of a magic brush):

Ah, that's the trouble! What to do, I don't know

I don't know where

The golden brush is gone.

The magic brush

I repaint

All autumn nature

Trees and fields!

Baba Yaga dances with a hut to the music "Who told you"

Baba Yaga begins to paint her hut with a magic brush, sings :

At the edge of the forest

Yaga lived in a hut,

Completely skewed

From antiquity house,

And very handy even

I found a brush

I'll repaint the hut,

To be a tower.

The ceiling is golden

And the window

Even the door behind the wall -

Like the sun.

I'll paint the path in front of the house,

I won't forget you, chicken legs!


Autumn, look, so that's who took your magic brush!

(Turning to Yaga): Well, Baba Yaga, give us the brush!

Baba Yaga:

Well, I do not! Whatever got to me is gone!


But after all, you stole this brush from Autumn, how will Autumn now bring beauty without a magic brush? Look how beautiful it is in our hall, this is Autumn so dressed up. And Autumn also needs to give golden outfits to the trees, cover the earth with a multi-colored carpet.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you are cunning! They themselves will bring beauty, but what do you order me to live in such a skewed, shabby hut all my life? No, now I will bring beauty to myself, but I will live in clover. And I won't let anyone in! (goes to his house)


What to do? How can we lure a magic brush from Baba Yaga for Autumn? Invented! (approaches the hut and knocks)

Baba Yaga :

Who is there?


We are your guests.

Baba Yaga:

What are the other guests? I won't let you!


Well, since you don’t want to let guests in, then take us to your workforce.

Baba Yaga:

You? In workers? And what, pray tell, do you know how to do, workers?


Well, for example, we can work as accountants. We will count your finances, and bowls, and ladles, and your jet mortars, and your chicken legs.

Baba Yaga:


Let's not let go! .

Baba Yaga : Do you know how to sing songs?


Our kids can do everything.

Baba Yaga :

Yah? I love songs! Sing, I'll listen.

children sing the song "Oh, what an autumn"

Baba Yaga :

Oh, the song, what a heartfelt, touching!


Baba Yaga, and our children can also dance!

Baba Yaga :

Oh, I'd love to take a look.

(children perform the potpuri dance)


Well, what about Baba Yaga, did you like our guys?

Baba Yaga:

Oh, well done, you know how to have fun. But I'm bored alone.


This is Baba Yaga, you are bored alone because you have no friends.

Baba Yaga :

Friends? Yes, it's boring without friends. And who will be friends with me?

presenter :

Guys, do you want to be friends with them?

Baba Yaga :

Really want to! ( approaches the children, shakes their hands, “greets” them, hugs). Or maybe you can play with me?

presenter : Let's play guys with Baba Yaga?

Game "Mushrooms and mushroom pickers"

Baba Yaga: (Gives the brush to Autumn). I see you have a holiday in full swing here. You are all so beautiful and smart!


Yes, Baba Yaga, we have a holiday today, and you need to dress up - so to speak, change your image.

Baba Yaga :

Image? Exactly, I'm going to change my image! (leaves to dress up)


I don't know how to thank you

I will do so many miracles

I'll go and gild the whole forest.

I will give red beads to mountain ash,

Birches - yellow scarves.

Lay a carpet on the ground

I will warm Yezhov's mink.

And the wind - how happy it will be,

When the leaves fall!

And hello to you from Autumn -

Autumn holiday bouquet.

Music sounds, Autumn gives the Host a bouquet of autumn leaves and leaves.

The phonogram of the song “And I’m walking all like that ...”, a fashionably dressed Baba Yaga enters, sings a song.

presenter :

Blimey! Guys, you don't recognize Baba Yaga. How beautiful and fashionable she has become!

Baba Yaga :

Oh guys, that's right! I seem to have rejuvenated. I got my second wind. Thank you guys so much for your friendship and understanding. It turns out that at three hundred years life is just beginning! And I want to treat you, my friends. Do you like hotels? (children answer)

Baba Yaga treats children with apples and sweets. The holiday ends.

Prepared and conducted

The teacher of the senior group Mikulenene N.O.


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