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The synopsis of the OOD was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Topic: "Fairytale Journey" (integration of the content of the educational area "Cognitive- development”, “Social and communicative- development", "Speech- development”, “Physical development”).

Target . Creating conditions for the development of cognitive– research activitieschildren through familiarization with certain types of tissues and their properties.


  1. create conditions for teaching children to find possible ways to solve a problem situation during experimental activities (cognitive development);
  2. create conditions for children to express their opinions (social and communicative development);
  3. provide conditions for independent choice of materials (social and communicative development);
  4. promote the development of logical thinking, observation, attention, the ability to identify several properties of tissues using modeling schemes (cognitive development);
  5. create conditions for encouraging children to speech activity (speech development);
  6. to promote the development of skills for the interaction of children with adults and peers (socio-communicative development);

Organization of children's activities:

  • communication between a child and an adult;
  • gaming activity;
  • research activity (research practice).

Type of, the form and methods used in OOD:formative, correspond to age and individual characteristics children.

Type of - combined

Method - verbal, practical, research, play, visual.

The form - frontal and individual.

Type of children's activity: communicative, motor, game, health-saving.

Dictionary activation: words denoting the properties of fabrics, translucent, not translucent, wrinkled, not wrinkled, wet, not wet, smooth, rough, etc.

Materials and equipment:paper plane, fabric samples: chintz, raincoat 5x10 cm, the same fabrics on cardboard ½A4(according to the number of children),cardboard envelopes with cut out contours of umbrellas, a set for experimentation for 2 children: a flat plate, a paper napkin, pipettes, water in glasses.

The course of organized - educational activities:

Stage of educational activity

Workspace organization

Adult activity

Children activities

Psychological and pedagogical conditions / tasks

Introductory part (organizational moment)

V. I am very glad to see you. How beautiful and elegant you are today. Look, we have guests. Say hello to them. Guys, smile at the guests, and now smile at each other. You good mood?

Children stand in a circle.

Children's answers.

Creating conditions for psychological comfort in the group:

ensuring the interest and emotionality of children

Introduction (motivational moment)

Unbeknownst to the children in the group, an airplane with a letter appears.The adult does not pay attention to him at first.

The teacher asks the children: Do you guys like to travel?

Q. Would you like to be in a fairy tale? And how can we get there?

Children's answers.

Conditions for the manifestation of search activity

Conditions for the development of independence and initiative

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Educator: Where could an airplane with a letter come from here?

caregiver Do you want to know what is written here?

Children independently discover a new object, gather around it, turn to an adult with questions.

children's assumptions.

Main part

Problem situation:

(Adult reads the letter).

Educator: Children, we are informed thatone fairy-tale hero needs the help of smart and brave guys like you. Tell me, do you like fairy tales? Then let's go on a fabulous journey together.

Children close their eyes, clap their hands and read the rhyme:"The way to a fairy tale": one two three four five. Here we are again in a fairy tale!

(ordinal count up to 5).

Conditions for development, speech activity.

Conditions for fixing an ordinal account.

The presentation turns on, where the cartoon character greets the children.

Educator: - Let's go to the computer, who will meet us? Did you recognize him? Quite right, this is our familiar cartoon character - Luntik! You want to help him, then let's listen to him ...

Children pay attention to the sound signal of the computer.

View video slide.(children's answers)

Conditions for supporting speech activity.

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Recording of the announcer's voice: “Once an unusual baby was born on the moon, but it so happened that he ended up on earth and met many interesting friends there. But what happened to him next, we will now find out.”

Educator: - What happened to Luntik? Why is he so confused and wet? Indeed, Luntik got caught in the rain. He can get sick and catch a cold.

Educator: How can we help our friend?

Children listen carefully to the recording and make various assumptions.

(discussion of the current situation).

Children's answers.

Children offer their help.

art word

There is a thing in the bag.
The one that comes in handy in the rain.
We'll get it, We won't get wet.
Nothing that it's raining
Everyone has their...

Umbrella riddle

Educator: That's right, we can give him a thing that will cover Luntik from the rain.

If you answer correctly, the picture will appear on the slide - the correct answer.

Children's answers.

Conditions for the interaction of children with adults.

Conditions for the development of research activities.

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Educator: That's right, an umbrella saves you from the rain. What is the most important thing in an umbrella? That's right, the most important thing is that it protects from the rain.

Together with an adult, children come to the conclusion that an umbrella should be made of fabric that does not let water through.

Answers and guesses of children.

Research Attributes

Educator: Let's go to the tables. Look, each of you has pieces of cloth. Take them in hand, we will explore together and name their properties.

Answers in the course of research activities of children.

Individual work at the table.

Conditions for the manifestation of search activity.

Conditions for the development of cognitive activity

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Fabric research starts with chintz

(table conversation)

Educator: Is this fabric transparent to light?(Illuminated - not translucent)

Does this fabric wrinkle or not?(wrinkles - does not wrinkle)

What does this fabric feel like?(Smooth, slippery, rough)

Answers and research actions of children.

(desk work)

Children, together with the teacher, discuss ways to check. The adult invites the children themselves to test tissue samples using simulation schemes.

Educator: So, guys, the fabric that transmits light, is wrinkled and slightly rough to the touch, is called chintz. And another fabric, opaque, dense, not wrinkled, smooth, is called raincoat.

Educator: How to find out from what fabric a waterproof umbrella will turn out?

Educator: OK, I need to check the fabric.

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Experiment “Which fabric does not get wet?”

An adult invites children to conduct an experiment with water and check the tissues for permeability.

on the tables are attributes for research by the number of children.

Educator: What results did you get? That's right, you can make an umbrella from the rain out of raincoat fabric. A chintz umbrella will protect from the sun's rays. But who would need such an umbrella?

Children, together with an adult, come to the conclusion about the permeability of the tissue.

Conditions for the interaction of children with adults.

Picture: Vupsen and Upsen friends of Luntik appeared.

Educator: They say that they love the rain very much and do not need a waterproof umbrella at all. They want to bask in the sun and relax, and the sun bakes so hot! Can we help them? What fabric can we make sun umbrellas out of?

Children's answers. Children name the properties of tissues.

Physical education:

The first drops fell
The children got umbrellas.
The rain beat harder
The birds disappeared among the branches.

The rain poured like a bucket, the kids got scared.

In May lightning flashes. Thunder breaks the sky. And then from the clouds the sun will again look at us through the window!

During physical education, an adult pays attention to the posture of children.

Educator: We have done a very difficult job together. But we have another task ahead of us: to make umbrellas for fairytale heroes. Before that, you need to get some rest.

Educator: Let's loosen up. And Luntik knows that the best rest is a game. Do you want to play?

The children agree to play, stand in a circle and repeat the verse in chorus: “Rain”, performing movements along the text with the teacher.

Conditions for the improvement of children and physical activity:

Duration depending on the degree of fatigue of children.

Artistic and productive activity.

AT: And now look how we will make umbrellas for our friends. To do this, take a suitable fabric, insert it into a cardboard envelope. It turns out here is such a wonderful umbrella.

Children's answers.

Conditions for the interaction of children with adults.

Conditions for the development of independence.

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity.

An adult directs the children's eyes to the slide, while he removes the plane with umbrellas.

Educator: what beautiful umbrellas we got. I propose to put their umbrellas in a mail plane and send them to Luntik and his friends. Close your eyes and count to 3.

Children come to their workplaces and get to work, justifying the choice of material.

Children close their eyes and count to 3.

Educator: Do you want to know if our fabulous friends liked your umbrellas?

Children's answers.

Children look at video slides and say goodbye to cartoon characters.

Educator: Luntik and his friends thank you for your help and say: “Goodbye!”

The path from the fairy tale:

"Five, four, three, two, one"!

Educator: And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's clap our hands five times and we'll immediately return to our group. Do not forget that now we are going back from the fairy tale, which means that we will have a reverse count.

Children count from five to one.

Conditions for fixing the reverse account.

Reflection: the result of GCD.

Evaluation of children's activities.

Educator: Tell me, did you like our trip to a fairy tale? What did you learn new? What did we do in the fairy tale? Educator: Quite right, we helped Luntik, and our fabulous friends. Now Luntik is not afraid of rain. Today you were active, attentive. I am proud of you!

Children's answers.

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Conditions for fixing

new material.

Conditions for the development and stimulation of speech activity.

Published: 24.09.2019

SPEECH DEVELOPMENT: Reading the Russian folk tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

A fairy tale is of great importance in a child's life. It becomes a means of development and education literally from the first day of a baby's life and accompanies him until adolescence. Its role is especially great in the upbringing of younger children. preschool age. The fairy tale awakens all the good that is in the soul of the baby, forms moral values ​​and a love of reading, teaches proper communication, develops the emotional sphere and speech.

Published: 24.09.2019

Train travel

Synopsis of OOD for children of a group of general developmental orientation from 3 to 4 years
Published: 24.09.2019

Summary of the GCD on experimenting with the use of ICT in the senior group "Cinderella's Helpers"

The abstract can be used by educators of older groups when introducing children to the properties of substances and a physical phenomenon - magnetic attraction.
Published: 16.09.2019

Synopsis of the GCD on experimental research activities with elements of modeling "Volcano Eruption"

Familiarization of children with the natural phenomenon-Volcano.
Published: 11.09.2019

Synopsis of OOD in mathematics in the senior group "Help Masha"

Synopsis of OOD in mathematics in the senior group
Published: 02.09.2019

"Games with Gyenesh Blocks", preparatory group

Directly - educational activities for cognitive development
Published: 02.09.2019

Synopsis of the game educational situation "Family"

Author: Afanasyeva Ekaterina Sergeevna
Based on the fairy tale "Three Bears": children continue to learn to compare familiar objects by size (big - small). They build beds from the Lego constructor, paths, which are then compared (wide - narrow, long - short).
Published: 02.09.2019

Abstract of the OD on local history in the preparatory group "Introduction to the Red Book of the Kemerovo Region"

Formation in children of ideas about the protection of the nature of their native land.
Published: 28.08.2019

Synopsis of cognitive and entertaining leisure with parents and children in the middle group "Larks have arrived"

Lesson summary
Published: 24.08.2019

Synopsis of GCD to summarize children's knowledge of spring signs, strengthening children's health through the use of elements of health-saving technologies.
Published: 06.08.2019

Through art, the child expresses what he learns from the book

Author: Ro Elena Chersenovna, Tyshchenko Elena Ivanovna
Methodical development on the formation of artistic perception and aesthetic taste
Published: 28.06.2019

Together means together!

The lesson is aimed at developing in children of senior preschool age a tolerant attitude towards the world around them, fostering a sense of compassion, empathy and kindness.
Published: 15.06.2019

Synopsis of the GCD "Journey through the streets of our city"

In this lesson, children consolidate their knowledge of traffic signals, continue to expand their knowledge about the street, the rules traffic. The lesson uses poems, riddles, and games. Children during the lesson learn to reason and argue their thoughts.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 39

urban district-city of Kamyshin

Synopsis OOD

according to the NGO "Speech development"

topic: Writing a descriptive story

based on the painting by I. Levitan "Late autumn"


Teacher Nesterenko N.A.

Kamyshin 2017

Target: introduce children to the painting of Isaac Levitan "Late Autumn"

Program content:

  • learn to make separate sentences and a general plot story in the picture;
  • develop the ability to invent a plot independently
  • develop coherent speech;
  • develop memory, attention, logical thinking;
  • to cultivate love and the ability to see the beauty of autumn nature.

Methodical methods:

verbal - questions, explanations, riddles, making sentences, making up stories.

Visual - scene pictures.

preliminary work: target walks, daily observations, viewing illustrations about autumn, autumn phenomena. Reading works about autumn; acquaintance with proverbs, poems about autumn; solving riddles about autumn phenomena.

Demonstration material: Levitan's painting "Late Autumn"

OOD Scenario

Organizing time.

Teacher: Guys, look around. What do you see?

Children's answers (birds fly away to warmer climes, the leaves have changed color and flew around, some trees are bare, it is cloudy and cold outside)

Teacher: Tell me, what signs of what time of the year did you tell me now?

Children's answers: Autumn.

Teacher: Right. But the beauty of autumn itself has come to us.

Autumn enters. Autumn: Hello guys, I'm very glad to see you. I didn't come to you empty-handed. In my basket there are multi-colored magic leaves with riddles. Try to guess them.

August comes after

Dances with leaf fall

And he is rich in harvest,

Of course we know him!


Maple leaves turned yellow

The pines and spruces are green,

Wind, rain, ripples on the river.

It came to us...


All the darker face of nature:

Blackened vegetable gardens, bare forests,

The bear went into hibernation.

What month has come to us?


Autumn: Well done. And tell me, what month of autumn is it now?

Children's answers: November

Teacher: November is already late autumn. Many Russian poets really liked this time of year. They admired autumn and dedicated poems to her. Listen to how A.S. described this time of year. Pushkin.

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter

Forests mysterious canopy

With a sad noise she was naked,

Fog fell on the fields

Noisy geese caravan

Stretched to the south: approaching

Pretty boring time;

November was already at the yard.

A.S. Pushkin.

Teacher: Not only poets described autumn in their poems, but also composers devoted music to this season. Now I invite you to listen to the musical work of the famous composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky " autumn song”, which will help you feel the beauty of autumn nature.

Teacher: Tell me, what did you imagine while listening to this piece?

Children's answers.



It got colder

We carry umbrellas

Hiding from the rain

The wind is blowing hard

Leaves are shaking...

Falling, spinning

They fly in the wind.

The birds are flying away

To warm climes.

Autumn tells us:

"That's who I am!"

Teacher: Guys, despite the fact that autumn is a bit sad period, it is very beautiful, many composers, poets and artists tried to capture the beauty of this season in their works. Let's admire the beauty of autumn with you, consideringpainting by famous artistIsaac Ilyich Levitan

November is shown in this picture. The artist called it “Late Autumn”.

Teacher: In what colors is this picture painted?

Child: The picture is painted in gray, gloomy colors. Nature seems to be dying.

Teacher: What is the sky in the picture?

Child: The sky is gloomy, gloomy, covered with gray rainy clouds.

Teacher: How did the artist depict the grass?

Child: The artist depicted yellowed, more brown, grass like earth.

Teacher: What do we see in the distance?

Child: There is a haystack in the distance.

Teacher: What trees do we see in the background?

Child: There you can see birch trees with golden, not yet fallen leaves. Next to the birches are green Christmas trees

Teacher. Guys, let's try to make a story based on this picture. Tell us about a haystack, about the autumn sky, about clouds, about birches and firs.

Teacher. Who wants to tell?

sample story

Levitan's painting depicts late autumn. There are dark blue clouds and gray clouds in the sky, it must have been raining for more than one day. In the foreground, the artist painted a large puddle in which yellow leaves float like boats.The grass is yellow and withered.The fields have been removed. In the distance is a stack of hay. In the forest one can see birches with golden, not yet fallen leaves. Next to the birches are green firs. The painting depicts a cold autumn day. Probably winter will come soon.

Autumn: I liked visiting you so much and for this I want to thank you and treat you with apples. Goodbye, see you next year.

Summary of the lesson

Teacher: I liked how you worked today, what did you like?

What do you think we did best?

Who do you think was the most active today?

I thank you for your work and your mood.

Synopsis of organized educational activities in the senior group

Synopsis of a game - cognitive lesson on the topic: Rays of health

Synopsis of OOD "Rays of Health" in the senior preparatory group

Author: Frolova Natalia Alexandrovna, teacher of the MDOU kindergarten of the combined type "No. 42" Teremok ", Serpukhov.
Job assignment: the summary of the lesson is intended for children 5-7 years old, preschool teachers, teachers additional education, parents interested in a playful way to educate children in the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle.
I bring to your attention a synopsis of a game-cognitive lesson on cognitive development. In a playful way, children receive and consolidate knowledge about the components of health: vitamins, cultural and hygienic skills, regimen, sports, healthy food. OOD is aimed at educating the need for a healthy lifestyle.
Target: the development of the desire to take care of their own health.
Tasks: To systematize children's ideas about health, ways to preserve it and a healthy lifestyle.
To form ideas of preschool children about health as one of the main values human life; develop the ability to isolate the components of human health and establish their relationship; to consolidate the basic concepts: "daily routine", "personal hygiene", "vitamins", "useful products", " healthy lifestyle life"; to educate children in the skills and needs of a healthy lifestyle.
To instill in children the desire to take care of their health, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Ways to organize children: standing, sitting on the carpet.
Equipment: traces, TV, caps of vitamins "A", "B", "C", didactic game "Daily routine", Balloons, a ball, dumbbells, cups of water and cocktail tubes for each child, silhouettes of trees and shrubs, a wonderful bag with objects, autumn leaves with riddles, a tape recorder,
preliminary work:
Conversations with children on topics: "What is health?", "The value of the regime in a person's life?", "Health is more precious than gold", "On the consequences of non-observance of life safety". Rules of the road”, viewing posters - “The street is full of surprises”, “Home Alone”,
Conversations - reflection "What is good and what is bad"; "What is health", "Cleanliness is the guarantee of health".
Research activities: "The value of air for the body", "Properties of water", "Properties of snow", comparison of clean and dirty hands.
Educational games: - "Cut pictures", "Guess what it is?"
Didactic games: "Find the differences", "Mode moments", "Know the sport", "Helpful - harmful", "Clean hands".
Role-playing games: "Hospital", "Pharmacy", "Cafe", "Family", "Shop"
"Washing toys", "Washing doll linen".
Examination of paintings I. Shishkin. "Morning in a Pine Forest", I. Levitan "Birch Grove", still lifes by I. Mashkov "Fruits".
drawing e: "How I spent the summer", "We are tempered."
Methodological techniques:
Conversation, riddles, game moments, breathing exercises, search and research activities, artistic word, situational tasks, research actions, breathing exercises, use of visualization, dynamic pauses, appeal to the life experience of children.
Activity progress
Organizing time (Establishing an emotional connection)
Children are scattered.
Invented by someone simply and wisely
Greet when meeting:
- Good morning!
- Good morning, sun and birds.
- Good morning, smiling faces.
Good morning, guys! Have you ever wondered why we greet each other like that in the morning?
It is very important that the morning is good, because it starts the day and it is so nice to see your kind eyes and smiling faces in the morning and hear from you "Good morning!"
Let's all say these magic words together again: "Good morning!"
- I want to discuss with you one very important topic. It's called "Health". We often hear: "Be healthy", "Don't get sick", "I wish you health". How often do we think about our health? What do we do to be healthy?
Let's try to answer these questions.
-What do you think health is? ( Happiness, joy when you are not sick)
Everyone needs health - children, adults and even animals.
This morning the sun peeped into my window, and I brought it to you.

What do you think - what's wrong with him? ( sad, not smiling, bored, sick)
He needs your help, can we help him?
We are with you today
Let's go on a trip
And the rays in the country "Health"
We will surely find
"Get ready for the road,
Go to the rays of health!”
Hiking is very healthy. March step.

(Music. Children are walking)
(Autumn leaves on the road.)

(The teacher offers to collect leaflets)
Riddles are hidden on the leaves, can we guess?
I take the sheets and read. ( puzzles)

1. It slips away like a living thing, but I won't let it out.
It foams with white foam, it is not lazy to wash hands. ( soap)
2. I wiped, I tried after the boy's bath.
Everything is crumpled, everything is wet, there is no dry corner. ( towel)
3. The tail is made of bone, and on the back there are bristles. ( Toothbrush)
4. Who is our best friend, will wash away the dirt from the face and hands. ( water)
5. Rubber band Akulinka went for a walk on the back
She is going to wash her back red-hot. ( washcloth)
6As many as twenty-five teeth for whirlwinds and tufts. ( comb)
Well done, children, guessed all the riddles correctly.
What are all these mysteries about? ( children's answers)
-Who can explain what the word hygiene means?
But look, terrible germs have taken over it. And in order to defeat microbes, you need to solve difficult tasks.

(germs are balloons with angry faces painted on them)
Let's remember our speech, which helps us to follow the rules of Hygiene.
My hands after the game
And after the toilet
From the street came - again
Don't forget about it
And another law
My hands before eating. reading the speech by the children and as it is pronounced by the children - “microbial balls” - burst
Also, when should you wash your hands?
All microbes burst from anger, but one microbe did not burst, and everyone said it right.
To defeat the microbe, you must complete the task
Game "Wonderful bag"
Children take turns taking out objects and telling what they are for.
Guys, the microbe wants to know what items you wouldn't share, even with your closest friends and even your mom.
The task is to remove unnecessary items, explain what the rest are intended for.
(soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, clothes brush, hairbrush, washing powder, shampoo, towel, ball, bicycle, etc..)
What subjects do they belong to? to personal hygiene items).- the last - "ball-microbe" bursts
(I take out a ray).
Who will tell me the secret
Hidden here, what advice?

This ray says that you need to observe Hygiene.
Health is a priceless gift
Which is given to you at birth.
Always protect him
And strengthen by all means.
Continue the proverb: Purity -… guarantee of health"
-How do you understand it? children's answers)
Let's keep looking for rays.
And so on the way.
Jump - march! (Music)
To find the next ray, you need to close your eyes and say the magic password:
"Sun, air and water are our best friends! "
Here is the first hint! ( box) see what is hidden there? ( dumbbells)

What are they needed for? ( do exercises)
What are the benefits of exercise?

Where and when do you perform physical exercises?
Let's say one more of our speeches
If you want to be healthy
Very upbeat and cheerful
Start the day with a charge!
Never be discouraged!
Guys, let's train our muscles.
(soundtrack "Charging" Alina Kukushkina)

Dynamic pause
Who is engaged in exercises, he is gaining health!
-What do these words say?
-What muscles do you have?
-Do you have more strength after charging? caregiver:
You can immediately see, "silushka in the veins, run with fire." ( checks the muscles in the children's arms)
So the ray appeared ( put a ray on the sun)
(Physical education and sports)
“In order not to lie sick, one must respect sports.”
Let's all repeat together repeat).
Remember this guys.
Let's play.
Game "Name the sport"
- In winter in Sochi, the Winter Olympics took place.
-Name the winter sports.( children list winter sports and pass the ball)
-How did our athletes perform?
-What helped them become winners? (Children's judgments)
How fun, how fun
We look for rays
How fun, how fun
Help us the sun
The music sounds, the children walk in a snake.
To find out what the next ray is called, I will show you a trick.
Take a look inside this bottle.
What lies there?

There is nothing.
Now we will see who is hiding there. One, two, three, invisible, run from the bottle.
(I lower the bottle into the water and press it, bubbles run from the bottle).
What kind of invisible person was in the bottle?
-It's air.
educator b:
That's right guys.
There is no life without breath
Light fades without breathing
Breathing birds and flowers
He breathes, and I, and you.
Each of us has air.
Let's check if this is the case.
I'll take a glass of water and dip a straw into it. Now I will inhale through my nose and then exhale through the tube through my mouth. What did you see? ( I saw air bubbles).
And now you take a glass of water, lower the tube into it, inhale through your nose, and then blow into the tube.

-What do you see? ( I see air bubbles).
Yes, real storms rise in cups! Where do you think the air comes from?
(This is us blowing air into a tube)
Why do bubbles form?
Where is air found in the human body?
- Why can't we be without air for a long time? ( Children's judgment).
Let's do an experiment.
(experiment with air.)
Now take a deep, deep breath and cover your mouth and nose with your palms.
Let's try not to breathe.
What did you feel? ( not enough air).
Why do we need air? ( For breath)
That's right guys. This is every cell of your body saying: “Please send air, otherwise we are dying”
Let's do breathing exercises with you.
(doing breathing exercises)
Climb on your toes - inhale through your nose without raising your shoulders - breathed in all the good, joy, health, good mood
Go down - exhale through your mouth everything bad: anger, anger
Guys, tell me, why did we do breathing exercises?
(To enrich the body with oxygen. To temper your body, etc..)
-When we breathe, our lungs, like a balloon, fill with air and expand.
We take oxygen from the air, without which we cannot live.
Oxygenated air is clean fresh air.
- So what is the name of the ray of health? (Air)
What kind of air do we need to breathe in order to be healthy? ( clean)
-What can we do to keep the air clean? ( plant more flowers, trees)
-Where do you think the air is cleaner - in the forest or in the city? ( children's answers).
-So let's save the air and plant trees and bushes in the city.

(Children decorate the "Save the Air" panel by attaching the silhouettes of trees).
We have now good mood and breathe easily in our city. Let's get good
we will convey the mood each other:
Touch a friend with a fist, elbow, palm.
- Guys, what did this appear in our clean city? ( Show watch model)

Children: watch.
Why do you think we need watches? ( children's judgment)
Yes, you are right, we need a clock in order to navigate in time, to know when to wake up, so as not to be late for kindergarten for morning exercises, in order to know when lunch comes, time for a walk and sleep.
- Guys, what do you think, what is the mode? ( children's judgment)
Mode- this is when all things are done during the day, according to time, but the clock shows the time of the daily routine. Daily routine helps to be disciplined, helps to improve health.
And now I want to know how well you know and perform the regimen.
Game "Mode of the day"- children are given cards with the image different types activities.
(As the game progresses, I draw the attention of children to the fact that you need to go to bed and get up at the same time, do morning exercises every day, you need to eat at the same time.)
Guys, what is the name of the ray of health?
Daily regime.
(I open a ray of health)
The teacher and children approach the track.
It has white and red marks on it.
-What it is?
Children: Traces. White. Red.
-What do you think, whose red, hot footprints are these?
-Do not know? The cold left them. After all, a cold is a high temperature.
When is the temperature high?
When your head hurts. When a person is sick. Infected, cold. When not tempered.
These white footprints are health footprints. What footprints will we follow?
Of course, white!
Children walk along the white footprints, approach the TV
(electronic gymnastics for the eyes with Cheburashka)

We close our eyes, that's what miracles are.
Our eyes rest
Exercises perform
(Open eyes and perform corrective exercises for the eyes)
After performing corrective gymnastics, they turn around and see the letter. On it is the address of our kindergarten, and the recipient is the group "Sun"
It is addressed to us, which means we have the right to open it.
“Hello guys, my name is Cheburashka. I had a problem, I got sick. It was my birthday, they gave me a lot of sweets, they say that in order not to get sick, you need to eat right.
I tried, I ate everything only tasty: cakes, cake, sweets, drank Pepsi-Cola.
But, unfortunately, I'm getting worse and worse. Guys, help me, please, figure out what I need to eat so as not to get sick.
- Guys, let's try to help Cheburashka with you.
-What do you think will happen to a person if they eat only sweets? ( children's answers)
-You need to know that the human body needs different foods.
Raw vegetables and fruits are especially useful: those who constantly consume them, as a rule, have a good, cheerful mood.
(Children - vitamins tell about themselves)
And here are our guests.

(Children in caps of vitamins, with the image on the cap of the products of this vitamin a)
Vitamin A"
I'll tell you without hiding how useful I am, my friends!
I am in a carrot and a tomato, in a pumpkin, in a peach, in a salad.
Eat me - and grow up, you will be good in everything!
Remember the simple truth:
Only the one who chews raw carrots sees better
Or drinking carrot juice!
Vitamin "B"
Fish, bread, egg and cheese.
Banana, chicken, kefir,
dried apricots, nuts
Here is the secret to success for you!
And in peas, too, I am a lot of good from me!
Very important early
Eat oatmeal for breakfast
Black bread is good for us
And not just in the morning!
Vitamin C"
You will pick a strawberry, you will find me in a berry.
I'm in currants, cabbage.
I live in an apple and in an onion,
I'm in beans and potatoes, in tomatoes and peas!
Oranges help with colds and sore throats.
Well, it's better to eat a lemon, although it is very sour.
What foods are rich in vitamin A, B, C? children's answers)
-Something I didn’t see or hear anything about sweets?
Sweets, chocolate, ice cream, especially in large quantities, are very unhealthy.
-Of course, you should not completely give up sweets.
You need to eat a variety of foods - to be strong, healthy and grow quickly.
-What foods will you eat?
(survey of children)
That's right, vitamins strengthen our entire body, it is easier for the body to fight diseases. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits.
What do we know the proverb about vitamins?
We will always eat vitamins and we will never get sick!(together)
I suggest that you draw useful foods for Cheburashka, you will do this at home so that he knows what to eat so as not to get sick.
So what ray is hidden here?
Correctly- Healthy foods.
That's why another ray appeared.
-What happens to the sun? ( recovers)
To stay healthy
You need to eat right.
Sweet chocolate food
You don't get carried away.
Very sour, salty
You beware.
Only vegetables and fruits
Very tasty products.
I want to know what you remember about healthy food. If the advice is useful, then you all together say: "That's right, right, absolutely right."
If it's bad for your health, stomp your feet. ( I read)
1. Eat more oranges...
2. Drink tasty carrot juice. ..
3. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets ...
4. Eat sweets, chew toffee, become slender like a cypress ...
5. Drink milk for children, you will be healthy ...
6. Porridge - delicious food - It's good for us ...
7. Green onions sometimes, are children useful to us?
8. Is there dirty water in a puddle, is it sometimes useful for us?
9. Fruits - just beauty! Is it good for us?
-Guys, and kindergarten Are we being given healthy food?
-Who cooks it?
- Would you like to turn into chefs and prepare a healthy three-course dinner?
Game "Cook". (I expose pictures: potatoes, onions, beans, rose hips, beets)
We have to prepare a three-course meal.
(Children tell what they have cooked from given products)
-Health is the most important wealth that needs to be protected.
Our health can be compared to the sun, which has many rays, each ray is a rule that must be followed.
If the rules are followed, the sun shines brightly and we are in good health. They are very important to know!
The sun is shining and smiling. Thanks for your help.


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