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Here are the shelves, books, bindings ...
My old acquaintances
Subject of attention and care
And growing love.
And cover after cover,
Where next to prose is verse,
Like turn after turn
On the map of the fate of the world.
Like a conversation of millennia
Bygone generations call ...
You and I are just kids
Before this wisdom of the ages.

In continuation, read the material in the women's online magazine about the flower of female happiness

Hello, dear, dear, faithful friends of our library! You are indeed our faithful friends, you are not afraid of cold, heat, snow, wind or rain. In any weather, you boldly step into the library. She is always waiting for you and meets you joyfully, with warmth and cordiality of employees, new arrivals of literature, interesting public events.

Today the library must choose its most faithful friend. It will be the one who knows more about the library itself, about periodicals, in general, the one who answers more questions and receives more tokens during our entire meeting.

So let's start our conversation. In the Armizonsky district, the CLS was created. Who knows what it is?
(Answer: Centralized Library System)
And who will say in what year this significant event took place?
(Answer: In 1977)

The CLS unites 12 libraries: 11 rural and one central district library with a children's department. I think you will be interested to know some of the results of 2011. Of course, the year was difficult, but fruitful. All indicators of our work (with the exception of paid services) is higher than in 2010. Even the number of readers is 10 more, despite the fact that many reading families leave the area and, in addition, the death rate is high in the area. We have 5.5 thousand readers. The book fund is more than 97 thousand copies and more than 750 copies of periodicals. Per last year more than 235 thousand books, newspapers and magazines were issued to readers. For comparison - in 2010 - only 207 thousand. That is, each reader took 42 copies of literature in a year, or 3 editions per month. This is a good indicator.

Last year, the departments functioning in the library changed a little, new employees came to us. Here's what it looks like in this moment: there are 4 departments in the library. Adult Readers Service Department (G. A. Ugryumova, O. N. Grudeva, A. S. Pecherina); children's department (V. A. Lukashchuk, N. F. Pecherina); procurement department (G. P. Gorbunova, V. V. Markov); information and legal department (N. O. Zhiryakova, E. V. Maul).
Probably, you will be interested to know that our system has its own website on the Internet. On it we place our work plans, information about the events held, photos and other useful information.
The library has a shared Internet access point, which you can use free of charge during the library's opening hours.

The libraries of our system (including the regional one) are expanding their functions and the range of services provided, both paid and free. Information about library services can be found in Reader's Corner.
The main direction of the library's work is to provide the population with information services through existing library documents, including through periodicals.
The flow of information, constantly received and consumed by all of us, has become not only important for a civilized person, but also vital.

Let's remember what is included in this diverse world called the media?
Yes, this is the press - periodicals of the newspaper and magazine type and audiovisual media - radio and television.

Today we will talk about the first component and to me, as a librarian, which seems to be the most important - the periodical press.
It is very difficult, almost impossible, to imagine all these periodicals. Because the modern press is thousands of publications, different in subject matter, purpose, program, frequency, circulation, distribution region.

What two divisions can we divide the entire press into?
(Answer: Newspapers and magazines)
Correctly. What is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?
The newspaper has greater efficiency, greater versatility, it is more informative and is a sheet edition.
The magazine is more analytical (i.e. analyzes events) and publicistic. Magazines, according to the State Standard, must be bound, i.e. printed sheets are bound in the spine.

Let's take a mental excursion into the history of the press...

The newspaper is the history of the world in one day. It is difficult to come up with a better definition for this type of periodical.
The very word "newspaper" is traditionally associated with the name of the Italian coin - gazzeta.
In the middle of the 16th century, it served as payment for leaflets informing Venetian merchants trading news. The history of newspaper business dates back to 1609, when newspapers were published once a week in Germany.
The first Russian newspaper, Chimes, appeared in 1621. True, it was handwritten, and only the tsar and the boyars read it.
The magazine is almost half a century younger than the newspaper. It was in 1665 in Paris when the first issue of the edition came out. A lot of time has passed since then.
According to the distribution region, the press can be divided into three large groups: national, regional, local.
The press can be designed either for the majority of potential readers, or for a specific group.
According to the thematic direction, the press can be divided into the following topics: health, sports, technology, science.
Newspapers and magazines have different periodicity. Strict periodicity is one of the most important characteristics MASS MEDIA. Some publications come out every day, others once a week, some once a month.
On the front page are placed the most important materials, sensational photographs. What draws your attention? Well, of course, the title. Its main task is to hold our attention, to intrigue. Sometimes the title is followed by a short italicized text that precedes the material. This is the cut. Usually it is a slogan, quote or comment, sometimes summary material that determines whether the reader will read this material.
After all, when reading periodicals, we choose only what is interesting to us, so the headline and the cut try to interest us. Under the heading "Today in the issue" are the most important topics of the issue. Sometimes newspapers and magazines have sheets that are called tabs. An insert is a publication within a publication, it can be removed from the newspaper without violating the integrity of the publication (TV program).
Solid text on a wide newspaper or magazine page would be inconvenient to read. Therefore, in publishing practice, it is customary to break it into several columns - vertical columns.
Each publication prints output data containing information about the publisher, editor-in-chief, publication frequency, circulation, etc. Each newspaper and each magazine has its own permanent headings - sections. The rubric has its place and design
Now we invite you to get acquainted with the periodicals presented on the shelves.

So, our library subscribes to 94 periodicals. Of these, 37 newspapers and 57 magazines.
All of you are our regular readers and you know what magazines and newspapers we subscribe to. Of course, this list is not permanent. Adjustments are made according to your interests.

For example, once we subscribed to the magazine "Caravan of stories". He was in demand among middle-aged women. Then suddenly ceased to be in demand. But when there were no new issues of the magazine, suddenly there was a demand for it. And since this half of the year on our shelves - your old friend magazine "Caravan of stories".

Pay attention to the new magazines: "Dasha", "All for a Woman", "Hunting and Fishing: XXI Century".

1. The newspaper should imagine the permanent arrangement of materials, domestic and international.

2. Viewing a newspaper should begin with an editorial. Its place is on the left or at the top of the first page. The cutting edge is the pulse of today. It will tell you about the priorities and problems of the country, science, technology, cultural life. The title of an editorial always clearly indicates its topic.

3. Next - a general review of the newspaper. Its technology is similar to viewing a book, only rubrics and headings serve as a table of contents-guide. Comparing the title of an article with the heading under which it is placed, it is almost always possible to say the topic of an essay, feuilleton, reportage, information. A subheading will help clarify this topic.

4. Are you interested? - read.

5. What you read should certainly work - help in professional activity or just in conversation.

6. There is not a single issue of the magazine that does not tell about something necessary, interesting. You need to be able to see these materials, read them. Systematic reading of newspapers and magazines will allow you to be knowledgeable people who can always talk about what is happening in the world, in our country.

7. How to accustom yourself to reading periodicals? At first, force yourself to read at least all the headlines on all the pages of the newspaper. Surely one or two of them will grab your attention. Read the articles under these headings. There are already one or two topics with which you are familiar. If you can continue to force yourself to follow them, then you will not only get acquainted with the opinions of others on the issue that interests you, but you will be able to form your own.

8. There is one thing - the only, indispensable condition for the development of interest in a newspaper, magazine. This is a sequence, a regularity of reading.

Quiz questions:

2. What is a newspaper?
3. How is a magazine different from a newspaper?
4. How is a magazine different from a book?
5. Name the regional periodicals.
6. What is the name of our regional newspaper? When does it come out to readers?
7. Tell us about your favorite magazine or newspaper.
8. What departments are there in our library?
9. How many libraries are there in the CLS?
10. What is the book stock of all libraries in the system?
11. How many readers do we have?
12. Well, how many copies of literature were issued in 2010?

Thanks everyone for the replies. And the most faithful friend who knows almost everything about the library turned out to be _______________________!

Well. Now you can go to the shelves, select the newspapers and magazines that interest you, write them down in your form, come home, sit in your favorite chair, turn on the table lamp and enjoy reading!


N. O. Zhiryakova, Head of the Information and Legal Department of the Armizon Central District Hospital

The role of the periodical press in the life of society is great. Newspapers and magazines provide readers with up-to-date information about everything that is happening around, cover the most interesting events, facts, information, and answer questions that interest us.

Years pass from the time a book is written to its publication. Meanwhile, in newspapers this period of time is calculated in days, and in magazines - several months. That is why the breath of time is so palpable in periodicals.

The magazines contain up-to-date information on almost any topic. You just need to be able to catch them, passing through the sieve of your interest. With the help of periodicals, one can work on expanding cognitive interest, cultivating the best character traits.

Periodicals play an invaluable role in educating the younger generation: as a very mobile way of obtaining information, they reflect many contemporary issues young people and thereby contribute to its socialization. Children's newspapers and magazines contribute to the expansion of the cognitive interests of children, strive to form a conscious attitude to learning - the main labor activity students.

The repertoire of children's and teenage magazines is now quite interesting and diverse. Almost all children's newspaper and magazine products are beautifully illustrated and published on good paper. The younger generation often prefers a magazine to a book, as a variety of genre content and good informational material suit their tastes and interests. The same can be said about teenage periodicals.

Unfortunately, due to the constant rise in subscription costs, periodicals are becoming available to an increasingly limited circle of people. Meanwhile, libraries, to a greater or lesser extent, have a subscription to periodicals. Coming to us, the child will also meet a qualified librarian who will help him in determining the priorities of reading.

All information contained in periodicals can be conditionally divided intocurrent(or event) andbasic.The current information is devoted to specific events, teaches children and adolescents to understand the moral conflicts, evaluates them, analyzes complex situations that require a moral choice.

Basic information helps to comprehend those individual facts, phenomena that children themselves have encountered, about which they have read or heard, and generalize into worldview categories.

If the current information, as a rule, becomes outdated quickly, loses its relevance, then the basic information is of a long-term nature.

Collecting information for the reader, the children's press actively takes part in the formation of political experience (internationalism, tolerance), the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

To teach children to read magazines and newspapers correctly and regularly, you should use various forms visual and mass work. Propaganda of periodicals should be prompt, i.e. information "on the topic of the day" should be brought to the reader in a short time. Efficiency is achieved by the organization of open access and a reference and bibliographic apparatus, allowing you to quickly satisfy the reader's request.

We offer exhibition titles, one way or another related to the presentation of periodicals:

“Our press is for all interests”,

“The newspaper is a window to the world where your idol lives”,

“What the printed sheet is preparing for us”,

"Country Journal",

"Postal stagecoach",

"Through the pages of fashion magazines",

“What the magazines talk about”, etc.

On the rack with periodicals can be placedposter or memo with recommendations:

"Don't read everything. Before reading, look through the titles of all articles, this will help you choose the right and interesting. Find an explanation of incomprehensible words in the dictionary; use the map, find on it those places that you read about.

The text of the memo addressed to high school students may be as follows:

2. In a newspaper (magazine) one should imagine permanent arrangement of materials, domestic and international.

3. You should start reading the newspaper with editorial. Its place is on the left or at the top of the first page. The cutting edge is the pulse of today. She will tell you about the priorities and problems of the country, science, technology, cultural life. The title of an editorial always clearly indicates its topic.

4. Further - extensive viewing of the newspaper (magazine). Its technology is similar to viewing a book, only rubrics and headings serve as a table of contents-guide. Comparing the title of an article with the heading under which it is placed, it is almost always possible to say the topic of an essay, feuilleton, reportage, information. A subheading will help clarify this topic.

5. Are you interested? – Read! Keep your attention on names of the journalist on the title or official position of the author.

6. Read materials with special attention which may be useful to you- in the classroom, in writing, in conversation.

7. There is not a single issue of the magazine that does not tell about something necessary, interesting. Must be able to see these materials, read them. Regular reading of newspapers and magazines will allow you to be a knowledgeable person who can always talk about what is happening in the world, in the country.

8. How to accustom yourself to reading periodicals? Force yourself first read at least all titles on all pages of the newspaper (magazine). Surely one or two of them will catch your attention. Read Articles under these headings. There are already one or two topics with which you are familiar. If you can continue to force yourself to follow them, then you will not only get acquainted with the opinions of others on the issue that interests you, but you will be able to form your own.

9. There is only one, indispensable condition for the development of interest in a newspaper (magazine). it sequence, regularity of reading.

Almost all forms of work with readers: individual and group conversations, reviews, exhibitions - should include the recommendation of articles from magazines and newspapers. It is useful to keep folders of newspaper and magazine clippings, where to place important, relevant material. Thematic folders often become unique aids for readers in studying, for example, the history of their native land.

I. You need to answer questions about magazines and newspapers at the exhibition in the library. You can use questions relating to periodicals in general. For example:

·Permanent section in a newspaper or magazine (rubric).

Who is responsible for correcting grammatical errors? (corrector)

What do the numbers on the cover of the magazine mean? (Journal number and year of publication)

He is the head of the publishing house. Organizes author's materials (editor).

· From it begins acquaintance with the text, located in the center, printed in large letters (title).

II. Make a layout of your own magazine, come up with a title and content. In this task, the children can show their creativity and imagination.

Week of magazine discoveries for youth "Planet periodicals" may include activities:

Press hour "Kingdom of beauty",

Round table "The press of our region",

· Press scales "Periodicals: for and against".

Approximate program of the Day of Youth Periodicals "Journal Assortment":

Exhibition of periodicals "ZhurnaLAND",

Blitz-poll "My favorite magazine".

The "prize fund" in such events can be posters from the same magazines.

One of the tasks in any event devoted to periodicals can be the compilationplayful "Dictionary of new journal terms":

* Journalists - young correspondents;

* Journal people - people working in the journal;

Day of periodicals. At the lesson of information literacy, children should be introduced to such concepts as "periodicals", "newspaper", "magazine", "heading", "correspondent", "junkor", teach the skills of working with newspapers and magazines. Then you can hold a KVN with tasks from the heroes of magazines: solve crossword puzzles, guess riddles, answer quiz questions.

Working with newspapers and magazines is a kind of laboratory of creative ideas and creative thoughts. Thanks to this, the reader will be able not only to learn a lot, but also to express and show himself. On the basis of periodicals for children and adolescents, it is possible to conductmany interesting events:

Press tour of magazines about animals "Zoological Vernissage",

Library and bibliographic classes: “My friends are magazines”, “A kaleidoscope of events, stories and discoveries”, “This many-sided world of information”, and many others.

Librarians themselves may use newspapers and magazines as methodological material: many publications can not even be processed and used in scripts or for quizzes. But there is one rule to follow: children must be surprised. This ability is one of the main and necessary for a person. And the quiz is not just questions and answers, it is a discovery. And it doesn't really matter whether the children know the answer to the difficult question or not. They will think, offer options, look for answers in books and encyclopedias, and for us, librarians, this is the most important thing: to awaken children's interest in reading and creativity.

In conclusion, I would like to say that by deploying work with periodicals, librarians assist readers in satisfying their requests, shaping artistic taste and culture of reading. It is equally important to increase the authority of the library, increase the reader's demand for periodicals and, as a result, the emergence of interest in other printed products, the influx of readers to the library.

Serensen Elena Valentinovna,

head department of technical, economic and agricultural literature

Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library

Periodicals(newspaper and magazine fund) is an important information resource of any library, both in terms of the relevance of the content and the efficiency of receipt. Being important information resource, the collection of periodicals requires constant attention from library specialists.

The department of technical, economic and agricultural literature has 80 titles of periodicals (newspapers and magazines) on economics, technology and agriculture. Among them are both popular science and trade publications for specialists.

Periodicals, as one of the most operational components of the fund of our department, are in demand along with the book fund. The newspaper and magazine fund in the department has never been written off. The oldest edition of 1977 is the magazine - "Behind the wheel". The last delivery of periodicals in KX was at the beginning of the 2000s.

The diagram shows the demand for periodicals over the past 5 years. The most demanded were periodicals in 2012, then there was a decline in the issuance of periodicals.

We decided to monitor the demand for periodicals of the department and conduct a survey to identify the effectiveness of the use of periodicals in the department. Questioning and monitoring were conducted from February to May 2015.

Readers of our department - 68 people - took part in the survey to identify the effectiveness of the use of periodicals. The survey was conducted in order to study the reader's demand for newspapers and magazines, to identify the most popular and necessary of them.

Students - 43%

Students - 4%

Specialists - 34%

Others - 19%

Now let us dwell in detail on the results of the survey for each of the items.

1) How often do you visit the department of technical, economic and agricultural literature?

□ Once a week

□ case by case

□ 1 time per month

□ other

38 people (55.8%) answered that from time to time,

21 people (30.8%) - once a month

6 people (8.8%) - once a week

3 people (4.4%) - other (regularly, first time and constantly)

2) How often do you access the department's periodicals collection?

□ at each visit to the department - 45 people (66.1%)

□ case by case - 22 people (32.3%)

□ other - 1 person (1.4%)

3) For what purpose do you turn to periodicals?

□ raising the level of education and qualifications -

□ to help the learning process

□ expanding horizons

□ recreation, entertainment

□ other motives (write in your wording)____________________________

It should be noted that on this question Respondents noted several points, such as - raising the level of education and qualifications - to help the educational process.

The majority of respondents - 46 people. (67.6%) answered that they need periodicals to improve their education and qualifications, and to help the learning process.

Expanding horizons - 12 people (17.6%)

Recreation and entertainment - 10 people (14.7%)

4) On what topic do you most often need periodicals?

□ Technology. Technical science- 22 people (32.3%)

□ Economy. Economic Sciences- 33 people (48.5%)

□ Agriculture and forestry. Agricultural and forestry sciences - 13 people. (19.1%)

Respondents are more interested in economic publications, then technology and agriculture.

5) Do you find the magazines and newspapers you need in the library?

□ partially

54 people (79.4%) - answered positively - we find

45 people (66.1%) - we find partially

Only one person answered that he did not find the necessary periodical.

6) How often do you take periodicals home?

□ at each appeal to periodicals - 65 people (95.5%)

□ sometimes - 5 people (7.3%)

□ case by case - 30 people (44.1%)

7) What periodicals are you most interested in?


household farm


Economic questions

Interior and design

Agricultural machinery

Personnel Management


8) Name the periodicals you need that the library does not subscribe to:

this year, the library subscribes only to those publications that are signed in the Mars project (rabbit breeding, financial bulletin, potato growing, BST), all other journals are not received.

Not all respondents answered this question: only 16 people (23.5%) answered. Most named magazines: The Economist, Chief Accountant, Burda, Verena, Innovations, Regional Economics, Issues of Economics.

9) Indicate the source from which you receive periodicals:

□ library □ retail

□ internet □ friends, acquaintances

* 46 people (67.6%) answered that they receive periodicals from the library and the Internet;

* 16 people (23.5%) only from the library;

* 6 pers. (8.8%) receive periodicals from retailers.

10) Which of the listed forms of informing about the available periodicals do you prefer?

book fairs, reviews

□ individual informing (call, SMS, Email)

□ library website

□ other

* 35 people (51.4%) prefer information through book exhibitions and reviews;

* 25 people (36.7%) said they prefer the library website;

* 8 people (11.7%) preferred individual information.

After analyzing the questionnaire, we can say that readers turn to periodicals almost every time they visit the department and find the magazines and newspapers they need. The most demanded are publications on economics, followed by technology and agriculture.

The periodicals issued by the library almost completely satisfied the needs of users. The majority of readers indicated that the source from which they received periodicals is the library, and readers receive information mainly through book exhibitions and reviews, as well as the library's website.

Of course, I would like the department to be visited not from time to time, but more often. And, of course, I believe that the accounting of periodicals in the department suffers.

Monitoring the demand for periodicals of the department

127 people took part in the monitoring (650 editions issued).

It should be noted that half of the respondents (51%) were professionals, 34% students and 15% others.

Periodicals were required for work, study and personal interest.

The fund of periodicals is one of the components of the general fund of the department and requires its popularization and promotion, effective use. In the department of technical, economic and agricultural literature, traveling exhibitions were held at the Information Days at the University of Economics “Interesting things are nearby: we read professional magazines”; Northwestern Academy public service"New Economics Journals"; Main public administration Agriculture"New journals on agricultural economics"; traveling exhibition-view at the agro-industrial academy "Journals on agriculture, received by the library in 2014".

In June, we have planned the Day of the agricultural journal "Potato Growing" at the Research Institute of Agriculture. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences of the Pskov Research Institute of Agriculture Tatyana Vasilievna Shaikova, who spoke at our Agricultural Book Day on the topic “Heroes of labor who contributed to the revival of agriculture in the Pskov region”, invited us to visit the pilot farm.

Periodicals were popularized at all outreach events. Here are some of them: "Business Book Day: Construction Industry" for students of the PPC and PSU of the Faculty of Civil Engineering; "Business Book Day: Effective Business Development" for students of PSU (3rd and 4th year) and the University of Economics (faculty of "Economics and Finance"); exhibition-view "Personnel Business: Work and Career" (exhibition-view at the information and educational event "Personnel Business: Work and Career" from the series "Business Book Day"). We have prepared a review-presentation "Reading economic journals".

AT current year a new section “Rediscovering” has been prepared on the website of our library to popularize periodicals from the department's fund. It will contain information about journals of previous years of publication, undeservedly forgotten and unclaimed.

"A gold scattering of periodicals!": A review of periodicals of the Ust-Donetsk Central Library named after I.I. Anatoly Kalinin.

Periodicals are a mirror of the spiritual life of society. Most magazines and newspapers are of educational value, they are designed to broaden one's horizons, to form an artistic taste and a culture of reading. Unfortunately, today many of you do not have the opportunity to subscribe to periodicals at home, so libraries are a good help for you. The main property of periodicals is efficiency, novelty, timeliness of obtaining information. Newspaper and magazine material contributes to the development of the skill of speed reading, orientation in the text, the ability to choose the main thing. A person who constantly reads periodicals becomes more educated, aware of the latest events. Experienced readers of periodicals usually form a circle regularly read publications that best suits his interests. Allow me to introduce you to the magazines that you can get acquainted with in our library. And so, let's get acquainted .... Newspaper - Magazine "Secrets of the 20th century" "Secrets of the 20th century" are journeys into the depths of space and anomalous zones of the Earth, treasure hunts, archaeological sensations, mysteries of disappeared civilizations, stories about exotic rites, magical rituals, rare animals - and this is far from all!

Newspaper - Magazine "Mysteries of History" "Mysteries of History" is a unique magazine for history buffs. In each issue, well-known writers, historians and experienced journalists talk about famous historical characters, publish exciting materials about the most interesting events and heroes of world history: from ancient times to the present day. The secrets of great empires and civilizations, the fate of disappeared treasures and people who changed the world, the secrets of special services - all this is in the monthly magazine "Mysteries of History".

Magazine "Miracles and Adventures" The magazine publishes articles about inexplicable, mysterious and mystical phenomena that make up the irrational side of our lives. Everything that we think about, everything that wants to unravel, where the inquisitive human mind is trying to penetrate and what gives the inexpressible joy of knowledge, is the subject of discussion on the pages of the magazine.

Journal "Psychology and Me" A unique "specialist in life" because its main theme is the life of its readers. This is a knowledgeable friend, benevolent adviser and assistant in any life situations. It is intended for women and men, young and mature, married and single - for everyone who needs clear and reliable information about what is happening with him and with others; for everyone who wants to get qualified advice about their relationship with themselves and relationships with others - spouse, children, parents, friends, colleagues; for everyone who wants to improve the quality of their lives and gain self-confidence. The motto of the magazine is "Find yourself and live better."

Burda magazine "Burda (Burda)" is a high-class European fashion. A world-famous publication, well known to all women who want to be a model of impeccable taste for others. On the pages of Burda magazine - the latest trends in world fashion, news from European catwalks, style tips and fashion brands.

Magazine "Vse for Women" Vse dlya zhenschiny - weekly women's magazine. This is a kind of collection of practical advice in the field of fashion, needlework and decor, beauty and health, psychology, parenting and law, as well as cooking recipes available to any wallet.

Magazine "Little Diana" "Little Diana" is a popular knitting and crochet magazine for women: dresses, jackets, pullovers, coats, jumpers, lace poncho, top and purple "deuce"; as well as new patterns to your collection. All models with detailed diagrams and descriptions.

Read, Learn, Play Magazine In the modern world, there are many things that distract children from books - these are TVs and computers. Therefore, the decline in the level of interest in reading is one of the main problems of the younger generation. This problem is dealt with by teachers, parents, librarians and all those who are interested in the intellectual development of children and youth. To help teachers and organizers of leisure activities, a lot of methodological literature and various magazines are published. Among them is the monthly magazine-collection of scripts for libraries and schools “Reading. Learning. Let's play." In each section you can find scenarios, quizzes, game programs, talks, entertaining lessons, literary evenings and memorial evenings, musicals, oral magazines and many other materials dedicated to significant and memorable dates.

The role of the periodical press in the life of society is great. Newspapers and magazines provide readers with up-to-date information about everything that is happening around, cover the most interesting events, facts, information, and answer questions that interest us.

Years pass from the time a book is written to its publication. Meanwhile, in newspapers this period of time is calculated in days, and in magazines - several months. That is why the breath of time is so palpable in periodicals.

The magazines contain up-to-date information on almost any topic. You just need to be able to catch them, passing through the sieve of your interest. With the help of periodicals, one can work on expanding cognitive interest, cultivating the best character traits.

Periodicals play an invaluable role in the education of the younger generation: as a very mobile way of obtaining information, they reflect many of the contemporary problems of young people and thus contribute to their socialization. Children's newspapers and magazines contribute to the expansion of children's cognitive interests, strive to form a conscious attitude to learning - the main work activity of students.

The repertoire of children's and teenage magazines is now quite interesting and diverse. Almost all children's newspaper and magazine products are beautifully illustrated and published on good paper. The younger generation often prefers a magazine to a book, as a variety of genre content and good informational material suit their tastes and interests. The same can be said about teenage periodicals.

Unfortunately, due to the constant rise in subscription costs, periodicals are becoming available to an increasingly limited circle of people. Meanwhile, libraries, to a greater or lesser extent, have a subscription to periodicals. Coming to us, the child will also meet a qualified librarian who will help him in determining the priorities of reading.

All information contained in periodicals can be conditionally divided intocurrent(or event) andbasic.The current information is devoted to specific events, teaches children and adolescents to understand the moral conflicts, evaluates them, analyzes complex situations that require a moral choice.

Basic information helps to comprehend those individual facts, phenomena that children themselves have encountered, about which they have read or heard, and generalize into worldview categories.

If the current information, as a rule, becomes outdated quickly, loses its relevance, then the basic information is of a long-term nature.

Collecting information for the reader, the children's press actively takes part in the formation of political experience (internationalism, tolerance), the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

To teach children to read magazines and newspapers correctly and regularly, various forms of visual and mass work should be used. Propaganda of periodicals should be prompt, i.e. information "on the topic of the day" should be brought to the reader in a short time. Efficiency is achieved by the organization of open access and a reference and bibliographic apparatus, allowing you to quickly satisfy the reader's request.

We offer exhibition titles, one way or another related to the presentation of periodicals:

“Our press is for all interests”,

“The newspaper is a window to the world where your idol lives”,

“What the printed sheet is preparing for us”,

"Country Journal",

"Postal stagecoach",

"Through the pages of fashion magazines",

“What the magazines talk about”, etc.

On the rack with periodicals can be placedposter or memo with recommendations:

"Don't read everything. Before reading, look through the titles of all articles, this will help you choose the right and interesting. Find an explanation of incomprehensible words in the dictionary; use the map, find on it those places that you read about.

The text of the memo addressed to high school students may be as follows:

2. In a newspaper (magazine) one should imagine permanent arrangement of materials, domestic and international.

3. You should start reading the newspaper with editorial. Its place is on the left or at the top of the first page. The cutting edge is the pulse of today. She will tell you about the priorities and problems of the country, science, technology, cultural life. The title of an editorial always clearly indicates its topic.

4. Further - extensive viewing of the newspaper (magazine). Its technology is similar to viewing a book, only rubrics and headings serve as a table of contents-guide. Comparing the title of an article with the heading under which it is placed, it is almost always possible to say the topic of an essay, feuilleton, reportage, information. A subheading will help clarify this topic.

5. Are you interested? – Read! Keep your attention on names of the journalist on the title or official position of the author.

6. Read materials with special attention which may be useful to you- in the classroom, in writing, in conversation.

7. There is not a single issue of the magazine that does not tell about something necessary, interesting. Must be able to see these materials, read them. Regular reading of newspapers and magazines will allow you to be a knowledgeable person who can always talk about what is happening in the world, in the country.

8. How to accustom yourself to reading periodicals? Force yourself first read at least all titles on all pages of the newspaper (magazine). Surely one or two of them will catch your attention. Read Articles under these headings. There are already one or two topics with which you are familiar. If you can continue to force yourself to follow them, then you will not only get acquainted with the opinions of others on the issue that interests you, but you will be able to form your own.

9. There is only one, indispensable condition for the development of interest in a newspaper (magazine). it sequence, regularity of reading.

Almost all forms of work with readers: individual and group conversations, reviews, exhibitions - should include the recommendation of articles from magazines and newspapers. It is useful to keep folders of newspaper and magazine clippings, where to place important, relevant material. Thematic folders often become unique aids for readers in studying, for example, the history of their native land.

I. You need to answer questions about magazines and newspapers at the exhibition in the library. You can use questions relating to periodicals in general. For example:

·Permanent section in a newspaper or magazine (rubric).

Who is responsible for correcting grammatical errors? (corrector)

What do the numbers on the cover of the magazine mean? (Journal number and year of publication)

He is the head of the publishing house. Organizes author's materials (editor).

· From it begins acquaintance with the text, located in the center, printed in large letters (title).

II. Make a layout of your own magazine, come up with a title and content. In this task, the children can show their creativity and imagination.

Week of magazine discoveries for youth "Planet periodicals" may include activities:

Press hour "Kingdom of beauty",

Round table "The press of our region",

· Press scales "Periodicals: for and against".

Approximate program of the Day of Youth Periodicals "Journal Assortment":

Exhibition of periodicals "ZhurnaLAND",

Blitz-poll "My favorite magazine".

The "prize fund" in such events can be posters from the same magazines.

One of the tasks in any event devoted to periodicals can be the compilationplayful "Dictionary of new journal terms":

* Journalists - young correspondents;

* Journal people - people working in the journal;

Day of periodicals. At the lesson of information literacy, children should be introduced to such concepts as "periodicals", "newspaper", "magazine", "heading", "correspondent", "junkor", teach the skills of working with newspapers and magazines. Then you can hold a KVN with tasks from the heroes of magazines: solve crossword puzzles, guess riddles, answer quiz questions.

Working with newspapers and magazines is a kind of laboratory of creative ideas and creative thoughts. Thanks to this, the reader will be able not only to learn a lot, but also to express and show himself. On the basis of periodicals for children and adolescents, it is possible to conductmany interesting events:

Press tour of magazines about animals "Zoological Vernissage",

Library and bibliographic classes: “My friends are magazines”, “A kaleidoscope of events, stories and discoveries”, “This many-sided world of information”, and many others.

Librarians themselves can use newspapers and magazines as teaching material: many publications can even be left unprocessed and used in scripts or for quizzes. But there is one rule to follow: children must be surprised. This ability is one of the main and necessary for a person. And the quiz is not just questions and answers, it is a discovery. And it doesn't really matter whether the children know the answer to the difficult question or not. They will think, offer options, look for answers in books and encyclopedias, and for us, librarians, this is the most important thing: to awaken children's interest in reading and creativity.

In conclusion, I would like to say that by deploying work with periodicals, librarians assist readers in satisfying their requests, shaping artistic taste and culture of reading. It is equally important to increase the authority of the library, increase the reader's demand for periodicals and, as a result, the emergence of interest in other printed products, the influx of readers to the library.


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