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On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, 4 exhibitions were arranged in the Central Library. Increasing interest in reading literature about the war of 1941-1945, fostering love and respect for one's people, interest in the history of one's country - that's what moved us in the process of preparing these exhibitions.

"Soldiers are not born"- the literature presented at the exhibition will help to relive and feel the richest range of feelings born of this time. The exhibition includes works about the war: novels and short stories, essays and short stories, poems, memoirs, journalism. Books by V. Bykov, B. Vasiliev, V. Astafiev, A. Azolsky, telling about terrible and tragic events, make us understand at what cost the Victory was won. They teach kindness, humanity, justice.

"Holy Memory of Past Days"- the exhibition tells about the heroes of the war years, about those who gave their lives in the name of the Victory, in the name of the future of our country.

"In the dugout"- an exhibition-installation imitating the atmosphere of a dugout, designed for an emotional impact on the audience, immersion in the atmosphere of front-line life. The exposition of the dugout has a simple atmosphere, favorite books from the war, combat sheets, posters of the Second World War, simple soldier's utensils, part of the ammunition.

How our grandfathers won- the exhibition tells about 1418 days of the war, presenting essays, historical, memoirs and fiction. Details about this exhibition can be found in the exhibition guide "Defenders of the Russian Land"


In the reading room of the children's library-branch No. 7, as part of the Immortal Regiment campaign, a Wall of Memory was designed. Here are photographs of fellow countrymen who died and disappeared during the Great Patriotic War, as well as veterans who did not live to see the 70th anniversary of the Victory. On May 8th, the people who submitted photographs for the exhibition will take them back to take part in the formation of the Immortal Regiment on Karl Marx Square, and in the festive procession on May 9th. the main objective this exhibition - to increase the interest of young readers in the heroic military history our Motherland and contribute to the formation respectful attitude to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Around this exhibition, the library hosts events dedicated to the heroic feat of the people during the war of 1941-1945.

In order to promote literature about the war for readers, the subscription has highlighted and designed thematic racks "Book annals of the war."

In the reading room, the attention of visitors is presented exhibition - panorama "War, misfortune, dream and childhood ..."

As part of the literary relay race, together with the council of the microdistrict "Zarinsky" and the Council of Veterans of the microdistrict, creative competition "Touch the heroic past with your heart." Pupils of kindergartens, students of secondary school No. 8, teachers, families took part in the competition. Best works presented on exhibition "Let there be no war ever!". Results creative competition will be announced by May 9th.


On May 6, the city of Tchaikovsky hosted the participants of the seventh patriotic rally of the Union of Telecom Operators of the Perm Territory "Heroes of the front and rear - the connection of generations" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. The meeting of the rally participants with war veterans and home front workers took place in the branch library No. 2. Within the framework of this meeting, an exhibition of the same name dedicated to the feat of signalmen on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War was opened. The first section of the exhibition presents general books on the role of communications in war. The second section is dedicated to the writer, our countryman and signalman - Viktor Astafiev. On the second shelf there are books of memory of the Perm Territory with stories about signalmen. The third rack of the exhibition presents information about the Chaikovsky signalers. The decoration of the exhibition was a visual series of portraits of signalmen and military photographs.

9th May there was an open library area in front of the building of the Library and Aesthetic Center "War. People. Victory", dedicated to the celebration 70th anniversary of the Victory.

Several exhibitions have been organized: exhibition of works by participants of the regional competition of children's drawings "Bowing your head before the feat of a soldier", "War in the fate of our region" (local history hall); "Letters to veterans", "Distant courage - a bow", "I am reading a book about the war"- an exhibition of creative works of participants in the competition of young illustrators based on the work of A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"(Children's Library).

The subscription department arranged a book exhibition and announced a promotion "Reading War Books" , within which on that day it was possible to sign up for free in the library and borrow a book from the exhibition.
Reading room staff quiz , where everyone could answer the question about the Great Patriotic war and get a small gift for the correct answer.

At the evening library site "Reading books about the war" near the stadium "Yunost" there was a "free microphone" - everyone could read poems about the war, or congratulate the Asinovites on the Great Victory Day.

The branch libraries also hosted events dedicated to the Victory Day.

9th May in the TRZ microdistrict took place literary and musical event "Great May of the Great Victory" . Librarians of Branch No. 1 T.V. Petrova and O.M. Serkov organized action “We write the Book of Peace together”. The children of the microdistrict enjoyed drawing pictures on sheets of paper. Sheets with drawings were placed in the Book of the World.

Not far away was the kitchen, where front-line porridge was handed out. Everyone present at the event tried the porridge, and the children came up and asked for more.
On the improvised stage, students of the 7th grade of school No. 5 lined up with portraits of the immortal regiment of the microdistrict “There is no such family in Russia where its hero is not remembered”, the children sang the song “And all about that spring”.
AT Campaign "Write a letter to a veteran" 12 people took part. These letters were read at a festive event and presented to the children of the war.

the 6th of May in branch library No. 2 took place holiday program "Light of Victory May" . Congratulations were received by the children of the war. The guys from the school from No. 1 were invited (head I.I. Nureyev), who performed songs of the war years, the song "Talyanochka" was performed Chistyakova Dasha and Anuchin Ilya. active readers, best members reading competition read poems about the war.
Women talked about their difficult military childhood, about the post-war years. They showed photos of their relatives who fought at the front. The event ended with tea.

May 8 in branch library No. 3 (village of Baturino) took place festive evening "Victory Day" which was attended by: Obednina Anastasia, Pipchenko Anastasia, Kuzmina Ksenia, Bayramov Danil, Nosova Tatiana, Nepeina Samira, Streltsova Anastasia, Silonova Svetlana, Panov Daniil, Farkhutdinov Maxim. Children sang wartime songs and recited poetry.

9th May in branch library No. 4 (village of Novo-Kuskovo) a meeting-tea party was held for war and labor veterans, home front workers and children of the war. The meeting was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere. The participants of the tea party were congratulated by the head of Novokuskovsky rural settlement A.V. Karpenko, artistic director Novokuskovsky House of Culture EAT. Pangina, chief librarian V.V. Anufrieva.

Throughout the holiday good mood accordionists supported those present A.N. Mashnich and S.N. Maslov, vocal group "Selyanochka". Everyone had fun, songs of the war years sounded in the library until the evening. In conclusion, the participants of the meeting launched into the sky Balloons as a symbol of peace, happy life. The veterans really liked the holiday arranged in their honor.

From March 1 to April 30, preparations were underway in the Novikovskaya village administration for participation in All-Russian campaign "Immortal Regiment" - "Let's remember everyone by name", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory. All residents of the settlement were given the opportunity to bring photographs of their relatives and friends who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The action was organized on the initiative branch libraries of the village of Svetly and with. Novikovki with the support of the Head of the administration of the rural settlement S.L. Petrova.

In the morning 9th May The Novikovsky settlement took part in the large-scale All-Russian action "Immortal Regiment" for the first time. The procession of the "Immortal Regiment" took place in several villages of the settlement. The "Immortal Regiment" began its march from the village of Svetly. Walking down the main street. B.N. Sidorenko, the procession participants joined the formed column in the village. Novikovka. It is gratifying that there were many families in the column, parents with children. Relatives went two or three generations. The feeling of pride for their relatives brought more than a hundred participants of the action to the rally. St. George's ribbons, as a symbol of memory, were received by all members of the regiment. Many who took part in the procession could not hold back their tears, it was such a beautiful and touching event. The most important thing in the movement of the "Immortal Regiment" is not the number of people with pillars, not even columns, not the same plates with photographs of soldiers. The main thing is the memory, the personal memory of each of a particular soldier, because it was this soldier who won the war.
After the solemn rally, everyone could taste a real soldier's porridge and listen to the songs of the war years to the accordion performed by the workers of the Children's Art School.

How to tell children about the War? On the eve of the Great Victory Day, parents, librarians, and teachers are thinking about this... And you will find the answer at our book exhibitions!


Book Exhibition-Relic (Library Information Hall)

The purpose of the relic exhibition is to tell children and teenagers about the exploits and heroism of the people who defended our country!

Few of today's teenagers know that partisan scout Valya Kotik accomplished his first feat at the age of 12 and became the youngest Hero of the Soviet Union! And during the war, fighter pilot Alexander Pokryshkin made more than 650 sorties, in 156 air battles he personally shot down 59 and in a group of 6 enemy aircraft. He became the first three times Hero of the Soviet Union!


Book exhibition-memory in the department of art books

The heroes of the books by Albert Likhanov, Svetlana Aleksievich, Valentin Kataev, Lev Kassil are real people who live among us. Perhaps you even met these people, not suspecting that the story of each of them is worthy of high literature.

During the Great Patriotic War, they were just children. Someone ended up in the Leningrad blockade, someone in the evacuation, someone in the occupation, someone at the factory machine or even at the front. Everyone had their own front - and no one retreated, did not give up! Trouble did not ask the guys for age, because there are no Little ones in war.


Department "Art"

This exhibition is dedicated to the music and painting of the Great Patriotic War, because this terrible time remained not only in the memory of people or on the pages of textbooks, but also in poetic lines, songs, paints and films.

Already in the first days of the war, poems began to appear: poets wrote about the war, about its hardships, about the tragedy of retreat, about the death of loved ones, composers composed melodies. In moments of rest, the song allowed you to relax, take a break, and in decisive moments it helped to gather all your strength, protect yourself from weakness and panic!

Corner of memory in the department of services for children under 11 years old

Read these books with your child! “We brought this day as close as we could”… Stories about the war keep the thoughts and feelings of people who fought for a peaceful life – adults and children. Together with them we go through the hardships and hardships of the war, mourn for the dead, perform heroic deeds and dream of a peaceful time.

Sergey Alekseev “Stories about the Great Patriotic War”, “Stories about commanders”, Anatoly Mityaev “Sixth - incomplete” - these and other books include stories about the courage of our soldiers who defended our freedom and our lives!

May 9 is a special and sacred date in the history of Russia. In 2015, 70 years have passed since the Great Victory over the fascist invaders. All these years, the memory of the immortal feat of the people who defended the independence of the Motherland lives in the hearts of Russians. For the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the central children's library prepared and held a series of events for which the book exhibitions "Children and War", "A read book about the war is your gift for Victory Day" were designed. Readers were invited in advance to make drawings on the theme "Grandfather's Victory is My Victory", of which an exhibition was organized in the library lobby.

The lesson of courage "Steps of the Great Victory" was held for the youngest readers - pupils of the preparatory group of kindergarten No. 38 and 1st grade of school No. 30. Books from the series "Grandfather's Medals" were selected for the children. The librarians introduced the young readers to the names of the young Heroes of the Great Patriotic War. The story was about the most ordinary girls and boys. They studied, loved, dreamed and were no different from the guys living today. However, at the fateful hour for the country, they stood up in line with the adults. The freedom of the Fatherland for these guys was dearer than their own lives.

Through a multimedia presentation, the guys got acquainted with the attributes of the Great Victory: salute, St. George's Ribbon, Parade of 1945. And the real Orders and medals of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 aroused genuine interest, everyone wanted to touch them with their hands. At the end of the event, children under the guidance of the librarian Sedinkina E.V. made a postcard "Salute of Victory" with their own hands in memory of the sacred holiday of Victory and the meeting in the central children's library.

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May 1 9 Victory Day (names of book exhibitions, quotes, survey, questionnaire, quiz) On the eve of the Great Victory Day holiday, we offer you, dear colleagues, quotes about the Second World War, a survey questionnaire “Be a patriot. What does this mean?", a winning quiz. Names of book exhibitions: 1. They turned into white cranes; 2. And the memory of the war leaves a book for us; 3. Read books about the war to children; 4. Through the fire of the great battle; 5 The people will not forget winner of my Selfless heroes; 6 I remember. I am proud; 7 Let there be a world without tears; 8 About the heroes firsthand (branch 2); 9 Days of military glory of Russia. Quotes about the Great Patriotic War: 1) "They say the war does not end as long as at least one of its soldiers is alive. But even after centuries, people will remember those terrible and great years of 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945 "(I. Ereburg) 2) Both 100 and 200 years will pass, No one will be able to forget the war "(K. Simonov) 3) "Do not forget about that war, which took place already in the last century. It is in you, it is in me, As in every Russian person. "(I. Nikitina) 4) "They bequeathed to sing this land When the war dies down, the war will roar Noisy waves, noisy greenery And the wind Our names are noisy in it. (S. Emin) 5) "When we talk about the Great Patriotic War, first of all in are remembered best qualities of our people: courage, readiness for self-sacrifice for the sake of a common cause, patience and pride in our country. (S. Mikhalkov). SURVEY “Be a patriot. What does it mean?" The remarkable date of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War is approaching. Our entire country and the entire progressive world will celebrate this date.

2 The current stage of development of Russian society has very sharply set the task of patriotic education of adolescents and youth. It is important for us to find out what the person of the future will become, to what extent he will master two important roles citizen and patriot. What do today's teenagers think about patriotism, about the Great Patriotic War? What is the feeling of pride in one's homeland? What can a person do for the prosperity of the Fatherland? What am I? What are my friends? What role does the book play in education? The survey-questionnaire “To be a patriot. What does this mean? ”, which can be held in children's libraries on the eve of a big holiday - Victory Day. 1. Small Motherland - the place where you were born, where you live now, how do you feel about it? (mark the appropriate option) I love I would choose another It doesn't matter where to live 2. Are you ready to dedicate your life to the prosperity of the Motherland? 3. Are you interested in the heroic past of our country? 4. Are you interested in the history of Russian symbols (Hymn, Flag, Coat of arms)? 5. Are you proud of your country? 6. The Constitution of Russia says: “Protection of the Fatherland is the duty and obligation of a citizen Russian Federation". Do you think that: Everyone should fulfill this duty

3 Need an alternative service Need a contract service Your answer 7. Where do you think patriotic feelings are brought up? In the family At school Your option 8. How do you know about the Great Patriotic War? From books, school textbooks From parents (grandparents, other relatives) 9. "Patriotism", "Fatherland", "Great Patriotic War" - how are these words evaluated in your life? These are holy words Ordinary words Other 10. VICTORY DAY will this day be a holiday in your family, for you ?, this is a big holiday (if you answered “no” - explain why?) Other 11. Do you consider yourself a patriot? 12. If you lived in the 40s of the twentieth century, would you go to the front to fight for your country, your people, your family? 13. Do you read literature about the Great Patriotic War? Sometimes we sincerely thank you for the work done!

4 VICTORY QUIZ for seniors (requiring preparation and searching for answers) Name the Soviet politician who spoke on the radio on June 22, 1941 with the words: “Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!” (Molotov V.M.) What name and surname are encrypted in the name of the Soviet tank "IS"? (Joseph Stalin.) How does the abbreviation "KV" stand for the name of the Soviet heavy tank of the Great Patriotic War? (Klim Voroshilov, military leader, statesman of the Soviet Union.) During the Great Patriotic War, the BM-13 installation was called "Katyusha", but what was the name of the "PPSh" machine gun (try to guess)? (“Dad”.) The “Tiger” that the Russians hunted with a grenade is ... Who? (German tank.) What is the animal name of the German T-V tank, which was used since 1943 in the 2nd World War? ("Panthera") Molotov cocktails used by the Russians during World War II often had labels stuck on them. What do you think was written on them? (Instructions for use.) Command "Air!" during the Great Patriotic War meant just that. What? (Alarm, an enemy aircraft has appeared.) Which rear Ural city during the Great Patriotic War was better known as "Tankograd"? (Chelyabinsk, Southern Urals. The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant produced the famous T-34 tanks.)

5 The most famous letter from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War is What? (“Wait for me, and I'll be back,” a poem by K. Simonov.) When did a parade take place on Red Square in Moscow, which began not at 10, but at 9 in the morning and went on for only about half an hour? (November 7, 1941. Its participants went into battle right from this parade, defending Moscow.) This Russian hero city bravely defended itself both in the Time of Troubles, and from Napoleon's troops, and in 1941. Name it. (Smolensk.) In the history of the Second World War, this "coniferous" city of the Soviet Union became the first city from which the Germans were expelled. Name it. (Yelnya, Smolensk region.) Which battle of the Great Patriotic War was earlier: Kursk or Stalingrad? (Stalingrad.) The building of the museum-panorama of which battle was erected on the site of the historical landing of the 13th rifle division General Rodimtsev? (Battle of Stalingrad.) Name the Soviet city, after which the square in Paris is named, in memory of the great victory over fascism? (Stalingrad.) What is the name of the sergeant's name for the Stalingrad house, which Soviet soldiers defended for several months? (Pavlov's house.) What is the name of the battle that ended on August 23, 1943 with the capture of Kharkov by Soviet troops? (Battle of Kursk.) This young Russian woman was destined to become, albeit posthumously, the fourth woman Hero of the Soviet Union and the first in the Great Patriotic War. Give her name. (Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya "Tanya", partisan, scout.) Which Russian city during the Great Patriotic War withstood a 900-day siege by German troops? (Leningrad, now St. Petersburg.) Marshal of which troops was Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, three times Hero of the Soviet Union? (Aviation Marshal) During the Great Patriotic War, the German column was still able to pass through the streets of Moscow. What was this column? (Column of German prisoners of war.)

6 During the night attack on which German city did the Soviet troops use 140 searchlights, which blinded the enemy troops? (To Berlin.) Who commanded the First Belorussian Front during the capture of Berlin? (Marshal G.K. Zhukov.) In which country and in which city is the famous Alyosha monument erected in honor of Russian soldiers who died during the liberation of the country from fascists? (In Bulgaria, in Plovdiv.) What was the name of the parade that took place on Red Square on June 24, 1945? (Victory Parade.) The culmination of the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 was the march of 200 standard bearers, throwing fascist banners onto a special platform at the foot of the Mausoleum. What element of the uniform of the standard-bearers after the parade was burned along with this platform? (Gloves.) How many military parades took place on Red Square in Moscow during the Great Patriotic War? (Three. On November 7, 1941, May 1, 1945, June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade was held. In which city in Germany did the trial of the main fascist criminals take place? (Nuremberg) The highest peak of the Tien Shan was named in 1946 in honor of the end of the Great Patriotic War How? (Peak Pobeda, 7439 m.) What was the first Soviet award established during the Great Patriotic War? (Order of the Patriotic War.) The Order of the Patriotic War was awarded to military personnel, partisans and counterintelligence officers for valor in battle, destruction of enemy equipment, successful attacks. And the pilots received the order automatically: they only had to do it twice. What? (Shoot down an enemy plane.) Who became the first holder of the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree, established in 1942? (Marshal G.K. Zhukov.) How was the highest military commander's order of the period of the Great Patriotic War called? (The Order of Victory.) Which Soviet military leader, besides Stalin and Zhukov, was twice a holder of the Order of Victory? (Marshal Sovetsko Union Vasilevsky A.M.) What medal, except for the Ushakov medal, was established in 1944 to reward employees of the navy? (Nakhimov medal.) What award during the Great Patriotic War is called the highest "soldier's" order? (Order of Glory.)

7 Twice Heroes of Russia (and earlier of the Soviet Union) are supposed to erect monuments in their lifetime in their homeland. And what is supposed to be installed once by the Heroes of Russia? (They are supposed to install memorial plaques.) During the Great Patriotic War, for valor and courage, units, ships, formations and associations of Soviet Armed Forces these titles were given. Which? (Ranks of the Guards.) What are the three Russian cities on the famous Kursk Bulge by the Decree of President V.V. Putin received the newly introduced honorary title "City of Military Glory" on the eve of the celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the Great Victory (May 2007)? (Orel, Belgorod, Kursk)

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Presentation for the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Topic: "HERO CITIES" teacher OBZh MKOU "Gymnasium 1" Makyan G.A. Honorary title "Hero City" 1. Highest Degree honors title

The battles of the Great Patriotic War have long died down. The names of her heroes, their immortal deeds will forever remain in our hearts. We offer to recall the heroic pages of the war years and answer questions

Chronicle of Victory Let's start writing a chronicle of memories of those difficult days. And let it become a good tradition! After all, our loved ones, who gave their lives for a peaceful life, are alive as long as we remember them. "SIGNIFICANT

Research work The Order of Glory is an award born in battles. The work was completed by: Kirillova Victoria, 5th grade. Head: Nikolay Nikolayevich IDachikov, history teacher During the Great Patriotic War

Classroom hour“Lesson of Courage-Hot Heart” Purpose: to form an idea of ​​courage, honor, dignity, responsibility, morality, to show students the courage of Russian soldiers. The board is divided

Learning objectives: To expand children's understanding of the army (during the years of the Great Patriotic War, soldiers fought bravely and defended our country from enemies). Introduce the concept - the heroes of V.O.V. Strengthen children's knowledge of how

NOBODY IS FORGOTTEN, NOTHING IS FORGOTTEN Intellectual game dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War Intellectual quiz game dedicated to the Great Patriotic War Conducted by history teachers:

Action Plan 2 GAOU SPO in Novosheshminsk "dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War for 2014-2015. year. Date and place of the event October October 2 December Eternal Flame December MBUK "Local History

Tomichi during the Great Patriotic War The presentation was prepared by: Alina Akatieva, Margarita Terentyeva, students of the 3rd grade of the MBOU "Luchanovskaya secondary school named after V.V. Mikhetko". Head O. N. Stalmakova teacher

To remember ... No matter how many years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War, we must not forget the Feat of our people, who won the Great Victory over the Nazi invaders and liberated

Thematic lesson on the topic "75 YEARS OF THE BATTLE FOR MOSCOW" GBOU Gymnasium 1534 preschool department 3 tbsp. teacher Dyugaeva L.I. Thematic activity for children preschool age. ON THE TOPIC "75 YEARS OF THE BATTLE FOR

Orders and medals of the Great Patriotic War Order (German Orden, from Latin ordo - row, category), distinction, honorary state award for special merits. Great Soviet Encyclopedia Medal (French)

The Hero City of Murmansk Murmansk is one of those cities that became front-line from the very first days of the war. Following Stalingrad, Murmansk becomes a leader in sad statistics: the number of explosives

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school N1" Synopsis extracurricular activities“Hero cities stood like soldiers” Performed by primary school teacher Filatova

Summary of the lesson "Victory Day 70 years." Objectives: To continue work on the education of patriotism among preschoolers. To instill in children a sense of pride in their people, respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Courage Lesson "Cities of Heroes" Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War On June 22, 1941, German troops crossed the border of our country. Song "Get up, the country is huge" Music: A. Alexandrov

The scenario of the solemn ceremony of awarding veterans of the Great Patriotic War with the anniversary medal "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." The solemn ceremony begins

The highest degree of distinction awarded by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to am for mass heroism and the courage of its defenders, shown in the Great Patriotic War. The first am-heroes were called Leningrad,

ORDER OF THE RED BANNER Date of establishment: September 16, 1918 Number of awards: 581,300

Berezin Ivan Fedorovich guards junior lieutenant, born in 1923. In 1942 he came from the city of Moscow with his parents to build a military plant, on August 23, 1942 he was drafted into the army. Served in aviation

Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Lipetsk

(Composition by a student of class 3 A Anastasia Giryavenko) I am proud of you, grandfather! There is no such family in Russia, Where his hero was not remembered. And the eyes of young soldiers, From the faded photographs look. Everyone's heart

QUIZ "Battle for Moscow" "She made such a mark And put so many to the ground, That for 20 years and 30 years The living cannot believe that they are alive." K. M. Simonov 1. The beginning of the Moscow battle A) September 30, 1941. B) August 23


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