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In our modern world, mobile devices are indispensable assistants, because they are used by people not only for games and entertainment, but also for receiving important information about news, sending documents, etc. In this regard, Beeline made Mobile Internet more profitable and comfortable. The "Internet forever" option offers to use free 200 megabytes of traffic for a month.

It should immediately be canceled that this tariff package is only suitable for tablet devices. All other devices are automatically recognized by the system, and free Internet for them in this case will be unavailable. When you first connect the tariff, you will immediately be credited with 200 megabytes of free internet.

Each month, this number of megabytes will be accrued in automatic order. Activation of the service is completely free, and there is no monthly payment. If this traffic is not enough for you, then you can add it, however, this service will already be paid, and its cost will depend on the amount of traffic charged.

If you use all free traffic, you will receive an SMS message where you will also be asked to activate such options as "Highway" and "Extend speed". These services are intended to remove all restrictions when using the Internet.

"Internet forever" is available to subscribers throughout Russia, with the exception of Crimea and Sevastopol. Tariffication in these regions is carried out per megabyte. It should also be noted that when buying a SIM card with this service, the Highway option will be activated automatically. All additional traffic will be added to the free one.

However, this SIM card does not provide for making calls and writing SMS messages. In this case, you can activate the service for voice communication, and then you can make calls and send messages. To activate this service must visit Personal Area or leave a statement at the official office of the operator.

Characteristics of the tariff "Internet forever"

  1. No subscription fee.
  2. Free incoming calls.
  3. Outgoing calls in the home region cost 1.7 rubles per minute.
  4. The price of calls to other operators is 2.9 rubles per minute.
  5. Calls in the CIS countries to Beeline numbers are estimated at 12 rubles per minute.
  6. Calls to numbers of other operators in the CIS countries are charged at 24 rubles per minute.
  7. The cost of calls to the USA, Canada and Europe is estimated at 40 rubles per minute.
  8. SMS message - 1.95 rubles.

The big advantage for those who mainly use the Internet is that even with a zero balance, free Internet continues to be provided. This tariff also has no speed limits. A device with such a tariff package can be used in a car as a navigator.

Connecting the tariff "Internet forever"

You can connect the tariff through a request to *110*999# from your tablet, contact the Beeline office for help, call the number 06740999 or purchase a SIM card with an already connected tariff.

Special tariff for a tablet with a 200 MB free traffic package. Operates throughout Russia. It can be used with any Highway Internet option or independently, as a backup channel for network access or a "bridge" between Wi-Fi access points.

The tariff appeared on December 25 last year, it is available for connection until March 31, 2015. It appeared at an unfortunate moment for me, my hands never reached the review. Toward the end of January, MTS released their “Tablet Mini” as a response. It will be interesting to compare, since the answer is "asymmetric", the formats are different. Comparison at the end of the review, but for now let's talk about the "Internet forever" Beeline.

Update Important!

As it turned out, the option "200 megabytes for free" only works in tablets. I clarified this question in Beeline, but the wording of the answer was not the most successful and I understood the answer in such a way that the SIM card must be activated in the tablet. Sorry for the resulting misinformation, an accident.


You do not need to purchase a tablet to receive a "gift", free 200 MB are automatically allocated monthly. An attraction of unheard-of generosity? Not quite so, there are a number of reservations and features, we will discuss them separately.

There are many scenarios for using such a SIM card. Of course, the ideal option for the operator is to use "Internet forever" in conjunction with one of the "Highway" options, in this scenario the size of the "Highway" package simply increases by 200 MB per month. It seems to be a trifle, but the most “budget” package of 1 GB is increased by 20% for free, and this is already a noticeable increase. The "Internet Forever" package is consumed first of all, the traffic from the "Highway" package - after it. Which, unfortunately, practically excludes the scenario “Highway 1 GB” + “Internet forever” that is tempting for us as a cheap and universal (including for travel) solution.

Using the "Internet forever" without "Highway" packages is also not forbidden. From the point of view of many tablet users, the "extra" Internet scenario looks very attractive. The case when a person uses Wi-Fi and is not morally or financially ready to pay 200 rubles. subscribers only for staying online when moving between hotspots. Moreover, in Moscow, such “road” cellular traffic has been reduced to a minimum for many thanks to free Wi-Fi in the metro.

Rare trips to Russia. Actually, no one forbids keeping a SIM card with the "Internet forever" especially for this. Few megabytes? Three or four days is enough for a day trip. Especially considering per-kilobyte session rounding in this package. Try to abandon online video and replace your regular browser with Opera Mini, you yourself will be surprised how “long” these 200 MB will turn out to be.

Messengers and "petty socialism". It echoes the first point (stay online between hotspots), but in our time of continuous communication, the scenario deserves special mention. If you use cellular traffic only in this mode, then 200 MB will be enough for trips to the forest and to the river.

A separate topic is numerous devices that require an Internet connection, but consume relatively little traffic. All sorts of alarms, sensors, trackers, smart home elements, etc. For car trackers, it can come in very handy due to the package being valid throughout Russia. In general, the “Internet forever” fills a significant part of this niche quite well.

The above are obvious scenarios, in reality there are probably more of them. Up to the “emergency Internet” for the home in case of an accident with a wired operator or temporary unavailability of a wireless one. All situations in which 200 MB of traffic will come in handy without daily limits, without monthly fees, without restrictions on device types and with action throughout Russia.


Exciting topic for many - features and "pitfalls". It is clear that the operator will not distribute such grace without restrictions and to everyone in a row, Beeline should have its own selfish interest. Let's figure it out.

  • You can connect in the Beeline salon or one of the partners. In the Beeline salon, it is not necessary to buy a tablet; in the salon of a partner, a SIM card can be presented when buying a tablet.
  • It is impossible to connect the tariff to your current SIM card, only a new connection.
  • The standard procedure includes activation of the Highway 3 GB option (350 rubles per month) or Highway 7 GB (550 rubles per month). The subscription fee is charged immediately at the time of activation. If desired, you can then turn it off and, probably, can be considered the price of an “entry ticket”.
  • It is promised that the "Internet forever" with its 200 free megabytes per month is really "forever". The good thing is that the “90-day rule” does not apply to this tariff and the SIM-card is not blocked due to inactivity. Those. with any positive or zero balance, 200 free MB continue to be issued regularly on a monthly basis, no paid actions are required from the user.
  • After the package of 200 MB is exhausted, access to the Internet is blocked and the browser is forwarded to a special page where you can connect the "Highway" option, buy a one-time package, or connect the tablet to the package on which the "Internet for All" is available.
  • As I already wrote, “Internet forever” operates throughout Russia (except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol), the session rounding interval is 1 KB.
  • There are no restrictions on the type of devices, but they write that you need to activate the SIM card in the tablet.


This suggests a comparison with the tariff (more precisely, an option) of the MTS “Tablet Mini”, our review. The ideology of tariffs is fundamentally different, MTS Tablet Mini provides 17 MB per day for free. When consuming more traffic, the traffic is billed in advance in blocks, the billing step is 10 and 20 rubles. It is assumed that the user will regularly "sort through" the threshold 17 MB, providing the commercial sense of the tariff. The offer is well suited for those who need small "doses" of Internet traffic daily or often. And vice versa: it is also suitable for those who sometimes need very large volumes (up to 5 GB for 70 rubles). The limitation is the “device-dependency” of the option. "Tablet Mini" is designed specifically for tablets and is not intended or guaranteed to work on other devices. Most likely, they will control the type of device by IMEI.

In the "Internet forever" Beeline, the concept is exactly the opposite. There are no daily limits, and the operator hopes that the user will quickly "eat" the free monthly quota. Accordingly, he will buy additional packages or connect the option. But for many scenarios, 200 free MB without daily limits is more convenient and profitable, see above. An important plus is that the tariff works in any device, a minus is the price of an “entry ticket”.

With the regular consumption of decent amounts of traffic, the “Internet forever” plus “Highway” option clearly outperforms the “Mini Tablet”, but this is a “foreign field” for this MTS tariff, and it is incorrect to compare. Competing (more precisely, conditionally competing) proposals also have clearly intersecting scenarios. In particular, the model of "additional" Internet with little traffic between Wi-Fi points. I would advise tablet owners to carefully study both proposals and try them on for their needs. The tablet doesn't care whose SIM card it has, and you don't care what the number's prefix is. I don’t see much point in comparing the quality of networks, since the main scenarios involve small amounts of traffic.


You need "Internet forever" Beeline, or this is not your consumption profile - you decide for yourself. But the thing is not bad and will almost certainly come in handy on the farm. Fortunately, he doesn’t ask to eat and doesn’t even “go bad” from long-term storage. Before the start of the summer season, there is time to think, the connection is open until March 31, 2015.

The provider Rostelecom is present in almost all Russian regions. Marketing policy organization is focused on attracting and retaining customers. To this end, promotions are regularly held, allowing potential and existing customers to save significantly. One of these advantageous offers was the "Internet forever" tariff. The essence of the promotion is that the subscription fee does not increase throughout the duration of use. As part of the "Internet Forever" package from Rostelecom, subscribers are invited to connect to the worldwide network and use digital TV. We offer short review the cost of services that operate within the framework of the promotion.

The promotion from Rostelecom, representing the Forever package, started in August 2015. The offer will be available to residents of the capital until the end of 2018. Recall that in Moscow and the region, the provider Rostelecom operates under the OnLime brand. The official website of the company is located at Find the right one tariff plan or you can connect the service online. Offer available only individuals including existing clients of the company.

For Rostelecom subscribers, the "Forever two in one" tariff is available in the following options:

  1. "Forever 5" (speed 5 Mgb / sec) - 333/500 rubles.
  2. "Forever 60" (speed 60 Mgb / sec) - 555/600 rubles.
  3. "Forever 100" (speed 100 Mgb / s) - 777/850 rubles.

The above minimum cost of services applies to the promo period, which is two months.

The package includes digital television from the tariff plan "Your Starter", which provides access to 120 channels, including music, sports, children's, news, entertainment programs. Users get access to federal channels such as RTR, TNT, Domashny, Ren-TV, Zvezda and others. Movie lovers will be pleased with the TV 1000 HD, Phoenix +, TV 1000 Russian Cinema HD channels, showing Russian and foreign feature films, documentaries, series, and educational programs.

Important! The conditions of the promotion limit the connection time. Residents of the capital can purchase the Forever package from Rostelecom until December 31, 2018 inclusive.

What does the "Package forever" offer

The ability to combine the use of the Internet and digital TV makes the terms of the promotion very beneficial. At the same time, Rostelecom customers will be able to forget about the increase in prices for using the provider's services. In addition to television and broadband Internet access, customers are provided with necessary equipment under the terms of the lease. Citizens who have chosen a tariff plan with maximum speed access, a premium router is provided. Subscribers who have chosen the Internet at a speed of 60 Mbit / s are provided with equipment of the "Standard" class on a lease basis.

In addition, customers additionally get the opportunity to use Kaspersky Lab's antivirus free of charge for 60 days. As a gift to its subscribers, the provider has prepared an additional function "Interactive TV". When connecting to the promotion, it is provided free of charge for a period of 2 months. The equipment necessary for watching TV programs online can be rented or purchased from a provider on an installment plan.

The service "" makes it possible to watch your favorite programs not only on the TV screen, but also from various mobile devices. At the same time, the installation of an additional software not required. It is enough to go to the Rostelecom website from a phone or tablet and enter user data. As for karaoke, it is available together with interactive TV, without any additional conditions.

Important! Provider subscribers need to know that under the terms of the promotion, you can change the selected tariff plan only after 1.5 years. In case of early termination of the contract, the cost is recalculated at base prices.

The action "Internet forever" in the regions of Russia

As part of this proposal, the company's customers were presented with the "Forever double" tariff and the "Forever mono" package from Rostelecom at a minimum price of two hundred rubles per month. This includes digital TV (120 or 127 channels), as well as the possibility of broadband access to the network. Internet speed maximum 50 Mbps during the day. At night, subscribers are given the opportunity to speed up to one hundred megabits. The minimum cost of using the Internet and TV at the "mono" tariff is 200 rubles / month, "double" costs the company's customers 300 rubles.

Attention! On the this moment the “Forever mono” tariff plan is not available to Rostelecom subscribers, as well as “double”. You can find out about current offers by calling 8-800-100-0-800.


The technical possibilities for connectivity are not limited to access via a passive optical network. Unfortunately, the cable is laid, as a rule, to multi-storey buildings. For residents of low-rise buildings, connection using PON technology is either not available or is expensive. But potential clients companies with home phones will also be able to use the Internet. broadband access is carried out through a digital subscriber line using ADSL technology. Connection requires additional equipment.


Rostelecom operator ( trademark OnLime) became almost the only provider of telecom services in Moscow and the Moscow Region, which managed to significantly expand its presence in the metropolitan market in 2015. Against the backdrop of a general slowdown in the growth rate of the broadband subscriber base, the company actively invested in networks and connecting new users.

Tariff "Forever" from the provider - the leader in connection among subscribers in Moscow

In general, the number of broadband optical network subscribers in the country increased over last year by 29.6 million, or 2.6%. At the same time, the increase in 2014 was almost twice as large - 5%. The recession was expected - the vast majority of the capital's residents have already connected the Internet at the address of the house. All the more surprising is the breakthrough of the provider OnLime, which only from January to September 2015 supplied another 4 million households with optical networks. According to the representative of the operator Valery Kostarev, today over 30 million Russian users use the capacities of OnLime, and their number is still growing.

The tariff line "Forever" with a comprehensive set of services - a balanced tandem of Wi-Fi Internet and multi-channel television in digital and High Digital quality - has played its part in the growth of Muscovites' sympathy for the OnLime provider. "Eternal" tariffs are distinguished by a low price:

- "2 in 1 Forever 5"- only 333 r/month for 5-Mbit broadband access and 116 TV channels;

- "2 in 1 Forever 60"- costing 555 r / month for 60 Mbps and the same TV volume;

- "2 in 1 Forever 100"- 777 r/month for super-fast broadband access of 100 Mbps and 116 TV channels.

You can connect more thematic TV packages, vary the number of TV channels and the equipment used when connecting. But the price in the tariff will not change - it will remain promotional even when the promotion expires.

Prospects for the Internet OnLime: more, faster

By the beginning of the year, 53% of domestic households were using fixed broadband access - one point more than a year earlier. At the same time, in the capital, Silk penetration increased by 2% - up to 90%. Experts believe that in 2016 the subscriber base of Internet operators is unlikely to increase significantly - most providers have stopped building new networks. The reason is not only the saturation of the services market, but also the increase in the cost of infrastructure equipment. Instead, the processes of mergers and acquisitions of companies have intensified.

But Rostelecom continues to expand today, showing a 23% increase among users of optical networks. Connecting the Internet and television with the OnLime provider today means providing yourself with a reliable connection and making a worthy investment in your future.

Rostelecom offers its customers many services, and to save your family budget, special packages have been developed that allow you to connect several services at once via favorable price. One of these packages is "fare forever". It includes the Internet and interactive television, and in this article we will consider the characteristics and advantages of this offer.

Today, as an example, we have chosen the city of Ivanovo. For its residents, this package costs 300 rubles per month (at the time of writing, for the city of Ivanovo). We go to the official website of Rostelecom and find the "packages" tab.

In the list of available ones we find "Promotion "Package forever": Internet + Interactive TV"

If you want to take advantage of this offer, then click on the "connect" button.

As you can see, we are offered the Internet with one of the articles on our website. You will be able to save 4,800 rubles a year, and also receive a karaoke as a gift.

What else is included in the "package forever"

As for the equipment that is necessary for watching television, the set-top box can be rented for 99 rubles per month or bought with an installment plan for 36 months. If you don't want a wire running to your TV, you can buy a video sender that will broadcast the signal over Wi-Fi. The final selection will look like this:


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