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We must create for our youth such a social program in which they would remain themselves and which would bring them satisfaction. Such social activity would contribute to strengthening the mental health of the individual R. May Are we to blame for the problems that arise, or is the world around us to blame? Problematic questions: What problems do today's youth have and how to solve them? How does today's youth relate to universal human values? What factors influence the formation healthy lifestyle life?

THE PROBLEM……….. At present, the problem of social adaptation youth in conditions of social and spiritual crisis. This is natural, since it is the condition of young people that determines the future of society, the prospects for its development. The upbringing of the younger generation should, on the one hand, meet the needs of society, and on the other hand, take into account the interests of the individual. At present, the problem of social adaptation of young people in the context of a social and spiritual crisis has become the object of close attention of various public institutions and organizations. This is natural, since it is the condition of young people that determines the future of society, the prospects for its development. The upbringing of the younger generation should, on the one hand, meet the needs of society, and on the other hand, take into account the interests of the individual.

What personal qualities necessary for a person modern conditions in order to effectively build your life in order to take a worthy place in an ever-changing world? First of all, it is: a high communicative culture a high communicative culture the formation of an individual way of life on the basis of the most complete realization of interests, inclinations, abilities, creativity personality; the formation of an individual lifestyle on the basis of the most complete realization of interests, inclinations, abilities, and the creative potential of the individual; business qualities, including responsibility, enterprise, the ability to get out of difficult life situations, quickly adapt to the changing conditions of the current reality; business qualities, including responsibility, enterprise, the ability to get out of difficult life situations, quickly adapt to the changing conditions of the current reality; internal stability, which implies the ability to withstand high moral and psychological stress internal stability, which involves the ability to withstand high moral and psychological stress high spiritual and moral culture high spiritual and moral culture

Young people at a certain stage of life, in the period of growing up, feel the need to enter communities based on common values, which are translated into the internal plane and used as material for self-development. Young people at a certain stage of life, in the period of growing up, feel the need to enter communities based on common values, which are translated into the internal plane and used as material for self-development. Summing up the above, we formulate a hypothesis: Summing up the above, we formulate a hypothesis: the use of group methods of psychological and pedagogical influence makes it possible to form a favorable educational environment in a specially organized youth microsocium (club). the use of group methods of psychological and pedagogical influence makes it possible to form a favorable educational environment in a specially organized youth microsociety (club).

The object of the research is group methods of psychological influence in work with youth. The object of the research is group methods of psychological influence in work with youth. The purpose of the study: to identify the role of group methods of influence in creating an educational environment favorable for personal development. Research objectives: to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of group methods of influence on the formation of personality in adolescence; to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of group methods of influence on the formation of personality in adolescence; explore the attitude of young people to universal values. explore the attitude of young people to universal values.

Research methods: content - analysis; content - analysis; observation and self-observation; observation and self-observation; survey (questionnaire, conversation); survey (questionnaire, conversation); testing; testing; method of logical analysis and interpretation; method of logical analysis and interpretation; method of statistical data processing; method of statistical data processing; business graphics. business graphics.

A survey was conducted among students in grade 11 in order to accurately find out the interests and problems of young people. Questions Answer option % of respondents Do you think that receiving higher education is a sine qua non for success in life? 49% answered positively What life goals, in your opinion, are most often set by modern youth? What life goals, in your opinion, are most often set by modern youth? Prestigious job 42% What, in your opinion, prevents today's youth from achieving their goals? Lack of finance 38% What benefits do you think young people get from higher education? Getting a job 42% Based on the survey, it can be said that the main goal of today's youth is to get a prestigious job, considering getting an education one of the components in achieving success in life.

What young people have been striving for, striving for and what they have already achieved in life, in % Spheres of success Already achieved Have not yet achieved, but believe that they still have the strength Would like to, but are unlikely to be able to achieve this This was not in their life plans Total o Get a good education 33,448,211,47100 Get a prestigious job 15,559,519,45,6100 Create a strong, happy family 27,859,96,95,4100 Create own business 5,928,326,339,5100 Become a rich person 240,437,819,8100 Do what you love 27,755,613,23,5100 Become famous to get people's attention 1,613,311,473,7100 Travel around the world 7,649,434,58,5100

Study of the attitude of school youth to universal values ​​and problems. Study of the attitude of school youth to universal values ​​and problems. These studies were built on the basis of the methodology of "problem questions", reflected in problematic topics, such as: 1. men and women; 2. freedom and affection; 3. family and betrayal; 4. love; 5. sacred, central values; 6. acceptance of oneself, others, the world; 7. openness in relationships; 8. loneliness; 9. children; 10. game and "role-life"; 11. self-realization; 12. fullness and meaningfulness of life; 13. business and entertainment; 14. experiencing one's own uniqueness. Answer options: 1. did not think about this question; 2. topic relevant to me; 3. would like to discuss this issue with other members of the group; 4.neutral attitude to the problem.

A human being, a social being living in a community of his own kind, is included in the system of connections and relations with other people, occupies his own position in this system, has a certain status, plays various social roles. This means that his psyche and behavior essentially depend on a complex, structured social environment in which people are united in numerous, diverse, more or less stable communities of a group. A group is a kind of unity that obeys its own laws, in which dynamic processes take place and which in a certain way influence the people included in it. This is the educational value of the group.

Group methods of influence: Debating methods. discussion methods. Game methods. Game methods. Sensitive training (training of interpersonal sensitivity and perception of oneself as a psychophysical unity). Sensitive training (training of interpersonal sensitivity and perception of oneself as a psychophysical unity). Behavioral approach (behaviorism). Behavioral approach (behaviorism). Activity approach. Activity approach. psychoanalytic approach. psychoanalytic approach. cognitive approach. cognitive approach. Psychodrama. Psychodrama. Psychosynthesis. Psychosynthesis. T-groups (training groups) T-groups (training groups) Meeting groups. Meeting groups. dance therapy. dance therapy. Art therapy. Art therapy. Body Oriented Therapy. Body Oriented Therapy.
Analyzing the diagram of the general morbidity of adolescents (age years), it should be noted that in addition to respiratory diseases, which account for 40.0% of the total morbidity, one can distinguish diseases of the digestive system (8.6%), injuries and poisonings (8.4%), as well as diseases of the genitourinary system (6.3%), the eye and its accessory apparatus (6.2%), the skin and subcutaneous tissue (5.6%), and the nervous system (5.4%). Attention is drawn to the proportion of such a pathology as mental disorders, which in adolescents account for 4.5% of the total incidence. What is the reason?

Prevalence among young people of various forms of negative behavior, in % Did Yes, often Rarely, only tried Didn’t do it themselves Didn’t have to Answer the question Total Smoking47,627,310,812,71,6100 cheat to achieve goals 12,633,31234,27,9100 use drugs and 1,988,279,12,8100 give bribes 6,316,326,245,65,6100 evade taxes 66,332,645,110100

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Introduction Probably, every young person understands, and every adult remembers, how you don’t want to burden yourself with new problems in your youth (it seems that there are plenty of them already), how you don’t want to force yourself to do something by force, just because it’s necessary. Therefore, the process of cognition of the surrounding world, the search for one's place in it, can be carried out to a large extent through one's leisure. You can spend your leisure time “sitting out your pants” at home, in front of a TV or computer, or doing some other interesting thing for you, and this will also be your own way to knowing the world around you and realizing your place in it. Living now in such a difficult, beautiful and unique period of youth, we, like all young people, are directly faced with the problems of choosing life values, our place in the world around us, and ways of knowing this wonderful world. Therefore, the topic of this work is the most relevant, timely and interesting for us.

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The main terms of this work and their definitions. Leisure is a part of non-working time that remains with a person after the performance of immutable non-productive duties. Free time is a part of non-working time (within the boundaries of a day, week, year), which remains with a person (group, society) minus the immutable, necessary costs. In the structure of free time, active creative (including social) activities are singled out; study, self-education; cultural (spiritual) consumption (reading newspapers, going to the movies, etc.), sports, etc.; amateur activities; activities, games with children; communication with other people. Youth is a socio-demographic group identified on the basis of a combination of age characteristics, characteristics of social status and socio-psychological properties due to both, which are determined by the social system, culture, patterns of socialization, education of a given society. Modern age limits are from 14-16 to 25-30 years, the share in the population is up to 20%. Creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new and is distinguished by originality, originality and uniqueness. Creativity is specific to a person, because always presupposes a creator – the subject of creative activity.

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Conflict and continuity of generations. Society produces itself biologically through younger generations. In a certain sense, young people represent the future of the country, and therefore their moods, behavior and well-being are a kind of barometer that measures the general political and socio-psychological climate in a given society. We can say that youth is a necessary link in the relay race of generations, a living link between the past and the future. Although young people were not always considered as a special social group - a generation, the problem of continuity constantly arose in society. As a socio-demographic group, young people are in any case dependent on the socio-economic and political relations that underlie society. Indirectly, young people carry all the contradictions inherent in society as a whole. In the second half of the twentieth century, in connection with the construction of the so-called "technogenic civilization", the phenomenon of youth culture arose. If earlier culture was not divided into youth and adult, everyone, regardless of age, sang the same songs, listened to the same music, danced the same dances, etc., but now everything has changed. Serious differences appeared in the “fathers” and “children” and in value orientations, and in fashion, and in ways of communication, and often in the way of life in general.

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Leisure as a form of realization of freedom of choice for young people. Youth is a period of trial and error, a period of choice. Each of us has the right to choose from the whole variety of moral, political, aesthetic and other values. This diversity is enormous: the multitude of spiritual cultures accumulated by humanity gives everyone practically unlimited opportunity the choice of spiritual values ​​that correspond to tastes, abilities, living conditions. However, by the objective conditions of existence, we are already placed in a certain way in a limited circle of possibilities, conditioned by genetic, socio-political, national, economic, and similar factors. Today's time in Ukraine makes such a choice quite difficult. On the one hand, several generations of Ukrainians, due to understandable historical reasons, are cut off from the origins of their culture. On the other hand, a beautifully packaged surrogate of other cultures, products of mass culture, diverse and often contradictory, opposing political, ideological and religious ideas and myths are being actively imposed on young people. The freedom to choose a life path is relative. It is limited by the achieved level of social development. The problem is whether a young person is ready to deal with an immeasurably increased variety of material and spiritual production. He has to choose among moving values ​​and goals, the number of which is steadily increasing. Thus, the search for yourself, your individuality and social status complicated by the abundance and complexity of choice.

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Conducting surveys and their results. In order to find out what teenagers really prefer, we conducted a survey among students in grades 10-11. In total, we interviewed 50 people and received the following data: How do you spend your free time? (Fig. 1) a) I go out with friends, go to discos (20%) B) I watch TV, I sit at the computer (56%) C) I spend a lot of time in sections, circles, etc. (4%) D) I study lessons, I study additionally (16%) e) Yes, I would go for a walk, but they won’t let me in, I have to stay at home (4%) Do you attend any sections or studios? (Fig. 2) A) Yes (36%) B) No (64%) If you don't go to any circles, then why? (Fig. 3) A) I don't like it (4%) B) No time (48%) C) Yes, who needs it (16%) How do your parents feel about how you spend your free time? (Fig. 4) A) I don’t know (4%) B) Not enthusiastic but do not forbid (36%) C) They are against (8%) D) They are against, but who will listen to them? (24%) E) Good attitude (28%) How can you characterize today's youth? (Fig. 5) A) I don’t know, people are like people (48%) B) Aggressive, I’m afraid to walk down the street in the evening (28%) C) Basically they are not interested in anything at all (24%) What do you and your friends give away leisure preference? (Fig. 6) A) Beer, cigarettes (36%) B) Discos (20%) C) I like to read very much (4%) D) Computer, TV (28%) E) I have no free time at all (12% )

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Thus, having analyzed all the answers to the questions we posed, we identified the following problems: Very many of the guys we interviewed said that they spend most of their time playing computer games. And here it is necessary to recall such a problem as violence in computer games and their impact on the psyche of a teenager. Alcohol use among teenagers. Let's take a closer look at these issues:

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The impact of violence in computer games on the younger generation. Considering this problem, we conducted a small survey among teenagers. We asked them just one question: do you play computer games and if so, what genre of game do you prefer. In total, we interviewed 100 people, 64 boys and 36 girls, and this is what we got: Boys: RPG genre - 15.6% Action genre - 43.8% Simulation - 25% Strategy - 15.6% Girls: RPG genre - 33.3% Genre Action – 11.2% Simulation – 22.2% Strategy – 33.3%

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In these games, death is shown not just as a process - “shot - and he disappeared”, on the contrary, in this game you can see how the person you wounded, staggering, is still on his feet, and you can finish him off by pressing the button, while there are scenes where the tearing of the body into parts is shown, and these very parts fly very effectively in your direction, and the remains of the murdered person remain on the floor in a pool of blood. And what does a person who has played one of these games experience for about five or six hours, except for fatigue in the fingers and stupid, animal and base joy? ... And all this rich visual information, in which red color predominates, is perceived by the player's brain and this information "does not fly away" from the head further - it remains in the brain and accumulates there. Why does she linger in her head? Because our brain remembers everything that is most vivid and extraordinary, something that does not happen every day. And death and murders, which all the more occur through dismemberment, breakdown, rupture of the body, etc., by no means can be called an ordinary event, and this does not happen every day. And, given the results of the survey that we conducted among students, namely the fact that 56% of respondents most often spend their free time in front of monitor screens, and 55% of them prefer to kill in games, as it is not loudly said, it is not difficult to do conclusion that the above problem is indeed relevant.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov Department of Russian Philology
Presentation on the topic:
Problems of modern
Prepared by: students in the specialty
"Chemistry" -101 group, Alibekkyzy Arugul
,Kuzdenova Zhanar
Checked by: S.T. Kabdulova G.M.

All over the world, young people are changing priorities. Instead of being kind
honest and obedient, think about the family, our younger generation is increasingly
wants to stand out through addiction, violence, and superiority. That's why
adults have a difficult task to sprout in teenagers for good and
humanity to avoid the subsequent problems of youth in today's
society and society. Of the existing youth problems, one can single out
Immorality in behavior;
tobacco smoking;
Crime, suicide;
Change of life values;
generational misunderstanding.

In today's days
teenage alcoholism
as relevant as ever
currently observed
growth of adolescence
alcoholism. Especially
beer alcoholism is popular.
Adolescent curve
alcoholism in recent years
crawled up. Some
parents breathe a sigh of relief
when they find out that their children are "only
only "drink. Other parents
even encourage their children to
booze. Assuming that
"forbidden" fruit will be
less sweet. However, as
as a rule, everything happens just
vice versa. Over the last 3 years
incidence of alcoholism
among teenagers grew by 5

The worst thing is that the use of drugs among today's youth has become
commonplace, one might even say, a tradition. It seems as if
of today's teenagers not to use drugs is considered indecent
and not modern. Teen drug addiction, according to statistics,
became a real epidemic in the country.
The number of drug addicts is growing among Kazakh teenagers. This is despite the fact that
the number of drug addicts in general compared to the previous year
decreased. Most of all young drug addicts are registered in Almaty - more
600 teenagers. But official statistics, as experts suggest, in
five times smaller than the real picture. Meanwhile, every drug addict for a year
involves 13-15 people in this vicious circle.

Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Medical and Social Problems
addiction recently conducted an anonymous survey of schoolchildren
general education schools. More than
one and a half thousand students of large cities of the country. The overall picture is
very depressing. So, among Kazakh schoolchildren:
every fourth - at least once tried tobacco;
every sixteenth smokes regularly;
every third - tried alcoholic beverages;
every eighth regularly consumes alcohol;
every twentieth has already tried a drug or a psychotropic substance;
3.3 percent of schoolchildren regularly use psychotropic substances and

Now the 21st century is the time of computer and advanced
information technologies. And many overwhelming
number of young people are even afraid to imagine their lives
without your computer, tablet, phone or any
another device that allows you to be online.
Therefore, the Internet today is becoming
one of the daily human needs. His
use all the time and everywhere, wherever we are
were, whether it was a meeting with friends for coffee or,
for example, study. Almost impossible to find
someone, especially among young people, to whom the Internet is not
needed. Every person logs in at least once a day.
the Internet and spends a considerable amount of
time, starting from some work and
ending with a vacation, which for many now
turned, unfortunately, into gatherings with friends in
in social networks.
For modern society, the concept of Internet addiction is relatively new, but has already acquired
large-scale character, since every day in
Millions of people are missing from the Internet. Youth
constantly sits in social networks, in online games
while not noticing how much time they spend on

Blue whale - Russian urban
a legend born at the end of 2016 -
early 2017. Allegedly existing
game, the ultimate goal of which
is suicide.
Certainly lately
most of our citizens
heard about groups of death in
contact. The Blue Whale game has quite
clear suicidal motives and a friend called Quiet House.
The seriousness of this matter is not
only massive, but also amazing
subtlety of the working scheme.
Some citizens believe that speech
It's about mass hysteria. However,
according to statistics, for 2016 about
720 children became fatal victims
suicidal ideas. Statistics
relentless, and this fact makes
pay utmost attention to
this monstrous phenomenon
called game.

Young people are attracted to AUE
romanticized spirit of the criminal
world, almost musketeer "one by one
all and all for one", and also a riot
against the law enforcement
which allows teenagers
feel modern
Robin Hoods. If earlier
schoolchildren are fans of the subculture
emo and ready, now their idols
became prison characters.
Every year a dangerous subculture
attracts more and more
adherents. They embrace with passion
habits and behaviors
prisoners are beaten and raped
peers and even join
clashes with law enforcement officers.
Identify representatives of the AUE and somehow
trying to influence them is difficult:
children consider their participation in this
driving secret and hard
punish those who go against

Springtime is a difficult period for schoolchildren, because it is at this time
graduates will have to say goodbye to youth and move into adulthood.
Last call, graduation, and, of course, the Unified National Test.
Unified national testing (kaz. Ulttyk biryngai testileu; abbr. UNT
kaz. ҰBT) - a system for assessing the knowledge of graduates, used in the Republic
Kazakhstan. UNT results are recognized by colleges, universities - as
entrance examination results.
It would seem that the UNT is just an exam, the results of which are not necessarily
may affect further fate child, but some
take an underscore so much to heart that they are willing to
lay hands on yourself.

We must create for our youth such a social program in which they would remain themselves and which would bring them satisfaction. Such public activity would contribute to the strengthening of the mental health of the individual R. May Fundamental question. Are we to blame for the problems that arise, or is it the world around us? Problematic questions: What problems do today's youth have and how to solve them? How does today's youth relate to universal human values? What factors influence the formation of a healthy lifestyle?

At present, the problem of social adaptation of young people in the context of a social and spiritual crisis has become the object of close attention of various public institutions and organizations. This is natural, since it is the condition of young people that determines the future of society, the prospects for its development. The upbringing of the younger generation should, on the one hand, meet the needs of society, and on the other hand, take into account the interests of the individual. Problem

High communicative culture, which includes the ability to create your own image and the skill of self-presentation, the ability to cooperate; the formation of an individual lifestyle on the basis of the most complete realization of interests, inclinations, abilities, and the creative potential of the individual; business qualities, including responsibility, enterprise, the ability to get out of difficult life situations, quickly adapt to the changing conditions of the current reality; internal stability, which implies the ability to withstand high moral and psychological stress, characteristic of our unstable period, tolerance to stress; high spiritual and moral culture as a foundation for the formation of the above qualities, because ignoring this aspect leads to the degradation of both the individual and society as a whole. What personal qualities are necessary for a person in modern conditions in order to effectively build his life in order to take a worthy place in a constantly changing world? This is first of all:

Young people at a certain stage of life, in the period of growing up, feel the need to enter communities based on common values, which are translated into the internal plane and used as material for self-development. Summarizing the above, we formulate a hypothesis: the use of group methods of psychological and pedagogical influence makes it possible to form a favorable educational environment in a specially organized youth microsociety (club).

The object of the research is group methods of psychological influence in work with youth. The purpose of the study: to identify the role of group methods of influence in creating an educational environment favorable for personal development. Research objectives: to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of group methods of influence on the formation of personality in adolescence; explore the attitude of young people to universal values.

A survey was conducted among students in grade 11 in order to accurately find out the interests and problems of young people. Questions Answer option % of respondents Do you think that getting a higher education is a prerequisite for success in life? 49% answered positively What life goals, in your opinion, are most often set by modern youth? Prestigious job42% What, in your opinion, prevents today's youth from achieving their goals? Lack of finances38% What do you think are the benefits of higher education for young people? Getting a job42% Based on the survey, it can be said that the main goal of today's youth is to get a prestigious job, considering getting an education one of the components in achieving success in life.

Study of the attitude of school youth to universal values ​​and problems. These studies were built on the basis of the methodology of "problem questions", reflected in problematic topics, such as: 1. men and women; 2. freedom and affection; 3. family and betrayal; 4. love; 5. sacred, central values; 6. acceptance of oneself, others, the world; 7. openness in relationships; 8. loneliness; 9. children; 10. game and "role-life"; 11. self-realization; 12. fullness and meaningfulness of life; 13. business and entertainment; 14. experiencing one's own uniqueness. Answer options: 1. did not think about this question; 2. topic relevant to me; 3. would like to discuss this issue with other members of the group; 4. neutral attitude to the problem.

A human being, a social being living in a community of his own kind, is included in the system of connections and relations with other people, occupies his own position in this system, has a certain status, plays various social roles. This means that his psyche and behavior essentially depend on a complex, structured social environment in which people are united in numerous, diverse, more or less stable communities of a group. A group is a kind of unity that obeys its own laws, in which dynamic processes take place and which in a certain way influence the people included in it. This is the educational value of the group.

Socio-psychological characteristics of group methods of influence and their use in work with youth. To educate a person means to contribute to the formation of his personality. There are three types of activity: knowledge of the world and oneself; assessment of the world around; changing yourself and the world. Factors that encourage activity include: cognitive and professional interest, or personal interest in knowledge; creative nature of the activity; competitiveness; the playful nature of the classes, dynamics and dramatization; emotional impact of various factors.

Group methods of influence: Debating methods. Game methods. Sensitive training (training of interpersonal sensitivity and perception of oneself as a psychophysical unity). Behavioral approach (behaviorism). Activity approach. psychoanalytic approach. cognitive approach. Psychodrama. Psychosynthesis. T-groups (training groups) Meeting groups. dance therapy. Art therapy. Body Oriented Therapy.

The influence of the group on the individual through relationships is quite large. Not the last role is played by the position of the member of the group. The extent to which a person is active in his desire for creative self-expression, self-improvement, participation in development, to a large extent contributes to his adaptation, individualization and integration in the team. In the Arsenievsky city district, the action "Teenager" has been held for several years. The main task of the operation "Teenager" is the organization of employment of children in the summer, maximum coverage various forms recreation, organized labor, primary prevention of drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism among children and adolescents, crime prevention. In educational and recreational institutions of the city during the period of the operation "Teenager" inspectors of the ODN conducted 57 conversations with teenagers on legal topics.

Within the framework of the interdepartmental operation "Teenager", preventive measures were carried out, such as "The Fugitive", "Teenager-Needle", "Teenager-Summer for Children", "Teenager-Migrant", "Teenager-Family", "Nezadzornyh children", "Vseobuch "," A world without drugs ". Over the summer, 7481 minors were covered by recreation, health improvement and employment. 1340 children worked in labor teams during the holidays. The priority areas of activity of cultural institutions within the framework of the complex operation "Teenager" were: crime prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle; formation of a legal culture among the youth audience; organization of useful rest; involvement in interest clubs. Against the background of a general increase in juvenile delinquency in the city of Arsenyev during the operation "Teenager" in 2005, there was a decrease in crime among schoolchildren in the city by 24%.

Consider another problem of modern youth - health. Analyzing the diagram of the general morbidity of adolescents (age years), it should be noted that in addition to respiratory diseases, which account for 40.0% of the total morbidity, one can distinguish diseases of the digestive system (8.6%), injuries and poisonings (8.4%), as well as diseases of the genitourinary system (6.3%), the eye and its accessory apparatus (6.2%), the skin and subcutaneous tissue (5.6%), and the nervous system (5.4%). Attention is drawn to the proportion of such a pathology as mental disorders, which in adolescents account for 4.5% of the total incidence. What is the reason?

Let us consider the dynamic system of population development in the form of a flow in the social space. At present, the social and labor component continues to dominate in Russia. The main feature successful development personality is the formation of material and financial capital. In these conditions human capital is subjected to intensive use, which leads to significant costs in the form of increased mortality and reduced life expectancy, as well as a significant deterioration in the health of the younger generation. From all this we can conclude that it is necessary to unite and coordinate the efforts of the administration, institutions and departments to solve the problems of protecting and strengthening the health of young people. It is necessary to change the psychology of the population in relation to health, to promote a healthy lifestyle and priority should be given. socio-ecological and socio-cultural components.

Illuminating the variety of forms and methods group work, having considered the mechanisms of influence of a group on a personality, we can conclude that such an influence is invaluable for self-development during adolescence, has a beneficial effect on the formation and development of personality, helps to meet the urgent needs of modern youth, solve urgent age-related tasks and overcome problems, but a person must be active in their desire for creative self-expression, self-improvement, and then everything will be fine.

I am a member of the "Extreme" tourist club, I am fond of extreme sports, so I would like to appeal to my peers: "Let's hit sports on drug addiction, smoking and drunkenness !!!". For those who have not yet made their choice, I want to present the presentation "Extreme Sports", as well as the website of our club "Extreme" and the 3ds Max video created by me. "Extreme Sports", "Extreme" 3ds Max video

Informational resources. Dmitrieva T.B., Shostakovich B.V., Aggression and mental health, Legal Center Press, 2002 Masterov V.B. Psychology of self-development: psychotechnics of risk and safety rules. M., publishing house of the Soros Foundation, 1996 M. Monakhov, S. Solodov "Learning to design on a computer" Group methods of psychological impact Extreme sports. Hobbies, extreme sports

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I ask you to leave your antagonism and antipathy, hatred and racial contradictions and try to think in terms of one family, one Life and one humanity. Djual Khuul

World Crisis Mankind is going through an acute crisis, and its karma weighs heavily on it. It is not easy for humanity, who is in close proximity to events, to see their true perspective, and I am writing to you specifically to facilitate your vision. A wider vision and a wider horizon can make it easier to understand, and it would be helpful for you if I could help you see the events as we, the Masters on the inside, see them in relation to their background.

The Hierarchy notes two circumstances of extreme importance as it observes how humanity is living through the present extraordinary struggle. The first of these is that today humanity in its mass is aware that what is happening is a consequence of its own behavior and its own mistakes. People either feel responsible for what is happening, or openly and consciously place responsibility on other people's shoulders. The Treaty of Versailles is but a symbol and practical focal point of these endless age-old mistakes. The second circumstance is that, despite war and division, despite rampant cruelty, passion and selfishness, there is more true understanding, goodwill and loving willingness to help today than at any other period of human history. I say this consciously, because I have the corresponding hierarchical knowledge. So don't let the outward glamor of war fool you.

THE PROMISES AND DANGERS OF A SPIRITUAL CRISIS The Chinese pictogram symbolizing a crisis perfectly captures the idea of ​​a spiritual crisis. It consists of two basic signs, or radicals, one of which means "danger" and the other "opportunity". Thus, while going through this kind of state is often difficult and frightening, it has tremendous evolutionary and healing potential. Properly understood and regarded as a difficult stage of natural development, a spiritual crisis can lead to spontaneous healing of various emotional and psychosomatic disorders, to favorable personality changes, to the resolution of important life problems and to evolution towards what is sometimes called "higher consciousness".

Because of the dangers involved, as well as the positive potential of these states, people going through a spiritual crisis need expert guidance from those who have personal and professional experience of non-ordinary states of consciousness and know how to work with them and how to support a person in these states. situations. The diagnosis of pathology in such people and the irresponsible use of various suppressive measures against them, including drug control of symptoms, can significantly interfere with the realization of the positive potential of the process taking place in them. The long-term dependence on tranquilizers with their well-known side effects, the loss of vitality and the compromised lifestyle that result from traditional treatment are a sad contrast to those rare cases when a person's transformational crisis is supported and understood and can reach its end without interference. Therefore, the importance of properly understanding the spiritual crisis and developing comprehensive and effective approaches to its treatment and adequate support systems cannot be overemphasized.

INTERNAL CHARTS OF SPIRITUAL CRISIS The spectrum of experience in a state of spiritual crisis is extremely wide: it includes intense emotions, visions and other perceptual changes and unusual thought processes, as well as various somatic symptoms - from trembling to a feeling of suffocation. However, we have established that the content of these experiences seems to fall into three main categories. The first group includes experiences closely related to the life history of the individual - this is a biographical category. Experiences belonging to the second category focus on the problems of death and rebirth; because of the close relationship with the trauma of biological birth, this category was called perinatal. The experiences of the third category go far beyond ordinary human experience and are closely related to Jung's collective unconscious; we call these experiences "transpersonal" because they involve motifs and images that originate outside the individual's life history.

The biographical aspects of a spiritual crisis include the reliving and healing of traumatic life history events. Critical childhood situations such as physical or sexual abuse, the loss of a parent or loved one, close contact with death, illness or surgery, and other dramatic events can sometimes play important role in a crisis of transformation. This area has been studied and described in detail by "biographically" oriented psychotherapists and therefore will not be discussed further.

Modern man is strongly influenced by the scientific paradigm, which has embodied in the form of an analytical and rational mind. We perceive this world, other people, things and nature in terms of ideas, concepts, or some mixture of concepts-representations, or in terms of images formed in the mind based on significant events of our past experience. Therefore, any change that occurs in us mainly manifests itself at the level of our concepts, ideas, beliefs and mental attitudes.

Thank you for your attention Completed by Family T.


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