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The original product, which claims to be universal, is distributed to its customers by the largest Russian provider, Rostelecom. Recall that this operator offers the largest number of ways to connect to the Internet simply because it is the owner of the Russian telephone infrastructure. You can connect not only through a fiber optic cord, stretched into the apartment, but also through a regular telephone socket.

For some remote areas of our country, this connection method is still relevant. It is also optimal for those who do not use the full potential high speed internet, that is, those who are ready to be satisfied with low speeds of data reception and transmission. In short, the subject of our conversation is the sagemcom router, and to be more precise, the sagemcom router models [email protected] 2804v7. If desired, each client of the operator in question can acquire such a “machine”. Therefore, he will be useful information about the capabilities of the device and the principles of its configuration.

In addition to Telecom, the same devices are used by MTS. Sagemcom fast 2804 has been included in the range of both providers for more than a year now. The collected statistics show that more than 60% of subscribers broadband access They are quite satisfied with the operation of the device, and they are not going to change it to something else. So, let's start our story about the functionality and configuration of the device.

Router options visible to the eye

First, let's describe the appearance of the fast 2804 v7 router and deal with the buttons that are on its body. The box looks like this:

If a regular router has a 4LAN x 2USB configuration, then instead of two USB ports, this device has only one. But in addition to four LAN ports, there is also an ADSL connector - which is not surprising, given the specifics of the operator. This is not to say that the design of the box seemed to be something outstanding. However, this factor does not affect the quality of work in any way. All connectors are located so that they are convenient to use, and LED indicators are mounted in the top cover, labeled so that the blinking of the lights is interpreted unambiguously and without difficulty. The router is small in size, so the name "mini" was assigned to it.

In general, the design is quite interesting - we advise everyone to hold it in their hands. Small buttons on the case prevent accidental pressing by the user, which is quite convenient on the one hand, but inconvenient on the other, since someday you will really need them.

Excursion to the web interface of the router

In order to go to the settings, we sit down in front of the computer, launch a browser on it and enter the following IP address in the address bar: is a typical address of any router. Next, enter the username and password to access the device. They are the same as for any other router and have the same meaning - admin. Next, we do this:

If ADSL is configured, then we go to this page: .

If FTTB is configured, then go here: .

The configuration of the print server based on sagemcom fast can be viewed here.

Using the Sagemcom Fast 2804 v7 router, it is possible to connect to the Internet via Ethernet technology (eight- or four-wire twisted pair) or ADSL (thin telephone cable). In addition, this device allows you to create a wireless network and connect an IPTV set-top box from Rostelecom. In the presented article you will find a description of the process of configuring the Sagemcom Fast 2804 router to work on the Rostelecom network.

Connecting the router to a computer

Before proceeding with the configuration settings of the router, you need to connect it. To do this, connect your computer to one of the LAN ports (LAN2-LAN4) of the router using the patch cord that comes with the device.

If your Internet is through a telephone cable, connect it to the router using the ADSL port. If you are connected to the Internet via Ethernet technology, connect the cable to the LAN1 connector. Then, plug the router into an outlet.

How to update the firmware and start the automatic configuration of the router

The router purchased in the Rostelecom salon has a special DVD in the kit, which is necessary for auto tuning devices. With the help of the same disc, the subscriber is offered to update the Sagemcom Fast 2804 firmware version from v5 to v7. This is necessary for a more stable connection with the servers, because. This version was developed and adapted specifically for Rostelecom.

After you insert the disc into your computer drive, the Rostelecom Setup Wizard will start automatically. Using the Setup Wizard, you can set all the necessary parameters without connecting to the router's web interface. To do this, select "Full setup" and follow the instructions of the program.

If you want to bypass the Wizard and make all the changes yourself, select the "Update" option. Wait until firmware v7 is installed on the router, after which you can close the program.

Router admin login

After updating the firmware, you can start directly configuring the device in the Web interface:

  • Open an internet browser (browser) on your computer.
  • In the address bar, enter the address of your router, which you can find on the label on the bottom cover of the device. In case this data is missing, go to the properties of the local connection and find the "Default gateway" parameter. This is the address of your router.
  • In the window that opens, the system will ask you to enter your login and password to access the router configurations. This data is also indicated on the label of the router. The most common combination is "admin" and "admin".
  • If the data is entered correctly, the main page of the Sagemcom Fast 2804 v7 web interface will open.

Setting up a network connection

  • Select the "Advanced" tab from the menu on the left.
  • Enter the "WAN service" section. Check all existing connections and click the "Delete" button.
  • In the "Layer 2 interface" section, also delete all content.
  • Click the "Add" button.
  • Now you need to specify the values ​​of the VCI and VPI parameters. These data are individual for each region of Russia. You can find out the meaning of these parameters by contacting .

  • Click Apply and Save.
  • Go to the "WAN service" section and click "Add".
  • Select the newly created connection from the list and proceed further.
  • Now you need to specify the type of connection. As a rule, Rostelecom provides Internet through a PPPoE connection.

  • Specify the username and key for the PPP connection. This information is usually found in on the provision of services. If a copy of the agreement is lost, you can contact Rostelecom customer support. You can specify any service name.
  • Check the box "Retry PPP on error".
  • You don't need to change anything in the next steps. When finished with the settings, click "Apply and Save".

Setting up a router to work with Rostelecom television

To connect a set-top box through the Sagemcom Fast 2804 v7 router, you need to do the following:

  • In the "Second-level interface" section, you need to create another connection and enter the VCI and VPI values, which will differ from the values ​​entered when setting up the Internet.
  • In the "WAN service" section, create a new object and select the created connection.
  • Select the "Bridge" service type and click "Apply".

  • Open the "LAN" tab.
  • Here you need to check the box "Disable DHCP server".
  • Check the "IGMP Snooping" and "IGMP Proxy on the Bridge" options.

WiFi setup

  • In the "WLAN" category, select the "Basic" section.
  • Activate the "Enable wireless network" and "Enable multicast transmission" options.
  • In the "SSID" line, write the name of your access point.
  • Then go to the "Security" category.
  • Select authentication with "WPA-PSK", encryption with "TKIP and AES".
  • Set your password (at least 8 characters).
  • Click Save.

When finished setting up your router, reboot it. To do this, use the "Reboot" button in the "Management" section or simply unplug the router from power for a few seconds.

The Sagemcom Fast 2804 v7 router is designed to connect to the Internet using ADSL (thin telephone cable) or Ethernet (eight- or four-wire twisted pair).

You can also use it to create a home wireless network and connect an IPTV set-top box from Rostelecom.

This article describes the process of configuring the Sagemcom Fast 2804 router for correct operation in the network of the Rostelecom provider.


Before starting the setup, users will need to properly connect the purchased router. Using the patch cord included in the kit, connect the port network card your computer or laptop with one of the yellow LAN ports 2-4.

If the Internet comes to you telephone line– connect the cable to the connector labeled “ADSL”. If you are provided with a more modern Ethernet connection– Plug the incoming cable into the LAN1 port.

Now you can connect the Sagemcom Fast 2804 to power, turn it on and start the settings.

Firmware update and automatic setup

If you purchased a router in a Rostelecom salon, then it will come with a special DVD-ROM designed to automatically configure the device.

Users also need to update the Sagemcom Fast 2804 firmware version from v5 to v7 using the disc. The v7 system was developed by Rostelecom specialists and adapted for the most stable connection with the provider's servers.

Insert the disc into your computer's DVD drive. After that, the Rostelecom Setup Wizard will automatically start. You can set all the necessary parameters using the Wizard - in this case, select the "Full configuration" item. Then just follow the instructions of the program, you do not need to connect to the web interface of the router.

If you prefer to do everything yourself - select "Update". Wait a bit until the v7 firmware is installed on the Sagemcom Fast 2804, then close the program and proceed to the next step of the guide.

Authorization in the Web interface

  • Launch any internet browser.
    In the address line, you must enter the address of the device, which is indicated on the sticker on the bottom cover of the router. If there is no sticker on the case, you need to go to the local connection properties and look at the value of the “Default gateway” parameter.
  • A pop-up window will open in which users need to specify a username and password to access the router management menu. This data is also indicated on the sticker. You can try the most commonly used combination: "admin" and "admin".

  • If you did everything correctly, an interface for managing the operation of Sagemcom Fast 2804 v7 will open.

Setting up a network connection

  • Using the navigation menu on the left side of the window, go to the "Advanced" tab.
  • Open the "WAN service" section and delete all existing connections. To do this, mark them and click "Delete".
  • In the same way, delete all the contents of the "Second Level Interface" section.
  • Click on the "Add" button.
  • Rostelecom subscribers need to specify the values ​​of the VCI and VPI parameters, which depend on the region of residence. You can check the correct settings by contacting technical support by phone (a list of numbers is available).

  • Click Apply and Save.
  • Click the WAN Service tab and click Add.
  • Select the connection you just created from the drop-down list and continue.
  • In this step, users need to specify the connection type. In most cases, you will receive Internet from Rostelecom through a PPPoE connection.

  • Specify the username and key for the PPP connection, which are specified in the agreement with Rostelecom for the provision of services (all information is available). You can specify any service name, it does not affect anything.

  • Check the box next to "Retry PPP on error".
  • The rest of the steps can be skipped. Click "Apply and Save" to complete the settings.

Setting up a router to work with a TV set-top box

If you want to connect a set-top box through the Sagemcom Fast 2804 v7 router, you need to do the following:

  • In the "Second-level interface" tab, create another connection (VCI and VPI values ​​\u200b\u200bfor IPTV will be different).
  • In the "WAN service" section, create a new object and select the created connection.
  • Select the service type "Bridge" and click "Apply".

  • Open the "LAN" tab.
  • Check the box next to "Disable DHCP server".
  • Enable the "IGMP Snooping" and "IGMP Proxy on the Bridge" options.

WiFi Configurations

  • Expand the "WLAN" category and go to the "Basic" section.
  • Activate the items "Enable wireless network" and "Enable multicast transmission".
  • Enter the name of the access point in the "SSID" field.
  • Go to the "Security" category.
  • Select authentication with "WPA-PSK", encryption with "TKIP and AES".

  • Enter your access key (at least 8 characters).
  • Click Save.

This completes the router setup. In the "Management" section, find the "Reboot" tab and restart your modem to activate all the changes made.


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