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One of the major innovations that have come out over the past two years for No Man's Sky is the ability to create your own base. In a recent update called Next, this mechanic received a couple of changes and additions. For example, you can now build it almost from the very beginning of the game, and anywhere in the selected planet, but we are still talking about the initial command center, which has only a few functions (for example, teleportation between important places in the galaxy).

When you level up, you will be able to create unique equipment and special terminals, as well as hire workers, buy resources in mall, simplify the extraction of blueprints and enjoy the landing pad. If you are going to build a truly functional and useful base, then you will have to spend a lot of time designing and implementing it. Moreover, without having necessary information this process can take a long time. Therefore, we decided to write a detailed guide on building your own base in No Man's Sky Next.

Building a base: the initial stage

To start building your first command center, you will need a special computer. Enter the equipment section and go to the tab with portable devices (here you can also find a purifier and a signal amplifier). You can create it in the presence of chrome metal, made using a cleaner from copper, emeril, cadmium or indium.

Note: If it is not possible to create a computer to build the base, continue through the storyline quest chain (training) by talking with Artemis. Try to deform two or three systems, and then look again at the equipment menu.

After creating a computer, click on it and start building your own complex. A certain area will turn into a technical territory. Although there will not be any structures on it, however, it will already be considered a game by your command center.

Communication with space stations

Once you place the computer and choose its location, you will be able to use it as a teleporter to space stations. In addition, they will be able to move to the planet where this device is installed. This will significantly speed up the collection and sale of resources. The starship will automatically follow you around.

Later, you will be able to create separate teleports at the bases and move not to space stations, but to the planets you need. It will be possible to build a large-scale network of teleports, thereby uniting almost the entire galaxy.

How to rename a database

While in a teleportation device, you will be able to scroll through a list of all objects that you can move to. We are talking about space stations, other bases and command centers of other players. If it includes dozens of goals, then you will probably start to get confused in it, since the randomly generated names are very similar to each other.

Luckily, you can easily give your bases unique names. We recommend designating them with numbers and linking them to the area where they are located. So it will be easier for you to remember and recognize buildings in the future.

Base building: additional features

At the first stage, your base will be able to perform very few functions, since, most likely, it will consist only of a teleporter and a base computer. But over time, you will learn how to make building slabs from which you can build a small structure without windows. However, even such a simple building can, if necessary, protect you from monsters. Later, other building materials will open to you, thanks to which you will be able to build real works of art.

How to expand the base

The game has a new currency that plays big role in extension command post. To find it, follow these steps:

  1. Grab a scanner and start looking for modular technologies (the icon with a couple of stripes) buried in various parts of the world.
  2. Having found such a resource, use the landscape manipulator and dig it (you won't have to dig for a long time).
  3. For the found gizmo, you will receive clusters of nanites and special technologies.

After getting your hands on 5-6 of these items, go to the portable technology section and build a blueprint analyzer. This equipment will give you the opportunity to extract new elements and resources necessary to improve your base.

When you add your first terminal, you will notice that the area with the base has grown significantly. It will no longer be a regular bunker. You can turn the building into a real palace and start getting valuable resources (for example, gravity balls) and technologies from it.

How to create a large cleaner

Over time, you will need a huge amount of resources to further expand the base. However, by now you should be able to create a huge purifier. It should appear in the construction section in the permanent technologies tab.

This equipment requires a lot of space, but it does not consume fuel, that is, you will only need to put one type of element in it without fuel. Other than that, it works like a normal portable cleaner.

Its features also include the ability to use 3 different components at once, which greatly expands the number of recipes. For example, you can try mixing oxygen and ferrite dust to get rusty metal. Only with the help of it you will be able to obtain such unique materials as phosphorus or dioxides.

Plus, it changes the ratio of input and output elements, which significantly increases its profitability. For example, in a portable purifier, it takes 2 units of sodium to produce 1 unit of sodium nitrate, and in a large one, you can get 6 units of sodium nitrate at once by mixing 1 unit of sodium with 1 unit of condensed carbon.

What Beacons, Autonomous Units, and Atmospheric Collectors Are For

During the development of the base, sooner or later you will be able to open 3 rather useful portable technologies: a beacon, an atmospheric collector and an autonomous unit. Their construction will cost you a fairly large amount of resources, but with the help of them you will be able to automate many processes. Below are their main features:

  • A beacon is a simple device that allows you to place a highly visible marker on the world map. Thanks to this pointer, you can easily find any places on the planet you need, for example, areas where autonomous workers are located.
  • Autonomous unit - they can be built on various deposits. They will extract resources until they run out. We advise you to place them on planets with unfavorable conditions for life. Remember to visit units from time to time to collect the materials they have mined.
  • Atmospheric collector - similar to the previous device, as it extracts useful gaseous substances offline. Be sure to place beacons near the harvesters to easily find them.

Eventually, you will be able to build your dream base in No Man's Sky, and then fill the entire galaxy with copies of it.


No Man's Sky has its own periodic table elements that looks as vast as the game's universe. And add to all this also the components, goods on the market and other gizmos that you will find in the game. The brain can just boil! Fortunately, all resources can be divided into main categories and grouped by rarity.

oxide elements

You will use oxide elements to create almost every item. Defensive technologies (shields of the exosuit and starship) are refueled with just the same oxides.

The first oxide elements encountered in the game will be iron and zinc. Iron can be obtained from almost every destroyed stone, rock, on any planet. Sometimes it can be knocked out in space, destroying giant, potato-like asteroids. Zinc can be found in yellow flowers.

Isotopic elements

The universe has a place to be due to isotopic elements. All No Man's Sky starships run on isotope-based propellants. They are also used to charge the laser fuel on your starship. We are talking about carbon, plutonium and an element called Tamium-9.

You can collect carbons from most of the plants and animals that you see on the planets. Tamium-9 can be found in red flowers, or when destroying almost every asteroid in space. More powerful isotopes, such as plutonium, can be obtained from red crystals on the surface of planets.

silicate elements

Silicate elements are the main materials for the manufacture of blocks with advanced technologies. At the beginning of the game, you will have to find one of the most needed silicate elements - heridium. Look for rusty red deposits on planets. Heridium is often mined from tall monoliths by destroying them with a splitter.

Silicate element Heridium.

As your technologies become more complex, there will be a need for rarer silicate elements such as platinum or crizonite. Platinum is mined from blue flowers, and krysonite is mined from blue crystals.

Common (neutral) elements

Neutral elements perform several functions. They can be bought, sold, or used to create additional elements of existing technologies. Later you can find a recipe for crafting neutral elements!

At the beginning of the game, you can find such a neutral element as emeryl and nickel. With their help, you can earn several thousand units. Both elements are found on the planets not so often, but in large deposits. Emeril has an amber color, similar to red plutonium crystals. Nickel is mined from silver-white arched structures, or black cylinder-shaped towers.

precious elements

Collecting precious elements is a great way to earn money by selling them on the galactic market. These items are marked with purple icons in the inventory. If you are lucky, you will see a purple diamond on the interface - move towards it to collect precious elements. If you make friends with animals (this was written earlier), you feed them, then they will sometimes give you such rare elements.

The most common gems in the game are Potassium and Radnox. You can buy them in almost every trading terminal.

Precious element of Radnox.


Technology components are secondary goods made from elements or other technological components. You will start making them almost immediately. These are the same Carite Sheets that are crafted from 50 Iron each and are needed to repair the Takeoff Booster and Pulse Engine of your first starship.

All components are used to repair worn-out starships, produce additional elements or craft warp cells. You start the game knowing the recipes for technological components such as bypass chip and microdense matter. Throughout the journey of these recipes you will have a huge number of ..


Alloys are valuable metals that you can get from neutral elements. As you travel, you will find alloy recipes that will help you earn money through trading. You will get access to more powerful and better additional elements.

energy resource

Energy resources are for your technologies. Shield Shards and Sheets can be used to recharge an exosuit or starship shield. They can be found inside crates or crafted from a recipe.


Goods are alien artifacts and products that you can sell for a significant amount on the galactic market. Icons for such goods are green in color, and their descriptions usually mention something about the alien race that created and uses the item.

You can find them in neutral green crates, which are usually found near waypoints. The most valuable goods are Atlas stones, which, by the way, are associated with the end of the game.

Sometimes goods can be obtained as a reward for successful actions and assistance to representatives of another race, interaction with monoliths.

List of resources and components:

Aluminum / Neutral / Rare.
Potassium / Precious / Very rare.
Carbon / Isotope / Common.
Carite Leaf / Technology Component / Craftable.
Crisonite / Silicate / Rare.
Dynamic Resonator / Technology Component / Craftable (purchasable).
Emeril / Neutral / Rare.
Heridium / Silicate / Common.
Iron / Oxide / Common.
Microdense Matter / Technology Component / Craftable.
Nickel / Neutral / Uncommon.
Platinum / Silicate / Uncommon.
Plutonium / Isotope / Rare.
Suspension Fluid / Technology Component / Craftable.
Tamium-9 / Isotope / Uncommon.
Titanium / Oxide / Rare (Destroying Guardians gives you Titanium).
Zinc / Oxide / Uncommon.


What is a Signal Scanner?

The signal scanner emits signals from different directions of the planet, after which you can find certain objects. You can just wander around the world and stumble upon one of these places, or you can use the scanner and fly directly to the desired point.

Where can I find a signal scanner?

You can find signal scanners almost anywhere on the planet. Most often they emit a signal from shelters, but sometimes they appear on their own, just on the ground. It is easy to identify them by the red beam of light.

This is what the scanner looks like.

Bypass Chip Craft

To access the signal scanner, you will need at least one bypass chip. If you have the resources, you can make as many bypass chips as you can carry around.

To build a bypass chip, you need 10 units of iron and 10 units of plutonium. Iron can be found almost anywhere by destroying rocks or cobblestones. Plutonium is often found in abundance inside caves.

Four options to choose from

When you hack the Signal Scanner with the Bypass Chip, you will see a menu with four options. By choosing a monolith, you will discover various cultural or holy places of an alien race. You can get to the stone of knowledge and learn a new word, improve relations with the race to which this stone belongs. You can get to the monolith.

The second option is a colonial outpost. Once inside, you can solve the puzzle. By the way, to get inside, you need to shoot the lock on the door.

Or you may be at a manufacturing facility. By solving the puzzle, you will receive blueprints (most often) or another useful item. The third option is the transmission, and the fourth is the shelter. More about them below.


Monoliths are a little more difficult than ruins. There are often several knowledge stones next to them, as well as next to the ruins. But when interacting with monoliths, there are some nuances. When you activate the monolith, you will have to solve a puzzle. It will be based on your knowledge of the language, culture of the alien race. Choose the correct answer. For the solution, you will receive several new words, improve your relationship with the race, receive a product or drawing. In addition, you will learn a new Atlas word.

colonial outpost

Scanning for colonial outposts will allow you to get to two places - the control center or the production facility. Both of them work like the monoliths described above.

Colonial outpost, easiest to find with a signal scanner.


Scanning for transmissions will find nearby beacons, observatories or transmission towers for you.

Lighthouses and outposts

Beacons are an intermediate step that will allow you to get to the nearest outpost, later marked on the map with a red square with a white house. Do not confuse with the colonial outposts described above. There will be an alien inside that you can interact with. Outposts are useful in that they give the player access to the trading terminal without leaving the planet. By interacting with the locals, you will receive a new additional element for technologies or words of an alien language.


These buildings are easily recognizable by the presence of a domed roof. Observatories are buildings that point you to nearby alien points of interest (such as the monoliths described above). You will need to solve an arithmetic problem to get access to scanning with the observatory.

An observatory that can be accessed using a signal scanner.

transmission towers

The transmission towers point to the nearest derelict starship. They can be used in the same way as an observatory by solving a mathematical problem.

How to distinguish a tower from an outpost?

Unfortunately, No Man's Sky uses the same icon for both the Transmission Tower and Outpost UI. Just move your cursor over the icon to see exactly where you are flying.


Using the scanner in this direction, you will find a shelter or a fallen module.

Hideouts are small huts that typically contain multi-tool blueprints, additional exosuit pieces, and research samples that will increase your relationship with the local race.

VERY IMPORTANT DETAILS. You can almost always find an additional signal scanner near the shelter!


As noted in the beginner's guide, modules allow the player to increase the number of slots in an exosuit's inventory. This is a very important item! Each time you upgrade your inventory, you pay 10,000 units more than the previous upgrade. If you have cash on hand, then in most cases, the signaling scanner should be selected in order to find such modules.

I did not defeat the guards and realized that a new weapon was needed. Traveled through the systems of other players and found a good rifle.

Now I have already seven pages of the list of planetary systems on the portal. Of these, only one page is my discoveries, and all the rest are strangers. During one of the jumps through random systems, several of my tasks were transferred to the other side of the galaxy. One of these tasks is the archives of the base computer. First, I was sent to a distant station through a portal, then I made a warp to another system, and there I flew to a snow planet. All the same, foreign lands, but not so much - what if a local player has not yet made a warp here and never will. Then it will rightly be my planet.

Found deposits of dioxite. Advice from helped: by reducing the radius of the mining manipulator, I dug up one and a half stacks from one field. I remember that glass also needs a frost crystal. I looked at the wiki, where it comes from - from special plants, just like pickle and star onion. There were none in the area, and I flew on a ship at low altitude, looking out for tall plants with green fruits. Soon I found a clearing with frosty crystals:

I deleted the quest base a long time ago, but for some reason it remained in the list of the portal. I tried to make a teleport there - I was transferred to a toxic planet in the place where the base used to be. Okay, you don't have to fly. I noticed that some stones there are not simple, but with starfish:

Returning to my base, I restarted the tasks that led to other people's systems. I'd rather do them on my territory.

Started learning agriculture. The Huck farmer obviously decided to make fun of me and advised me to first plant the most foul-smelling plant - the coprite flower.

Then it's better - I planted a plume, which gives frosty crystals. Now you don't have to follow them to other planets.

The scientist sent me to the Korvax station. She was guarded by three sentinel drones. Then I thought, why not do two tasks at once - to the station and to kill the guards. I switched the task, the guards immediately attacked, began to beat them. With the new multi-tool and three S upgrades, the guards began to fall many times faster. The dog is still the same nasty, although it is much easier to kill.

Learned how to use a personal power shield. I read on the wiki that you need to hold down the right mouse button to turn it on. As long as you hold the button, the shield is active. For some reason this is not written in the game, how am I supposed to guess about it? Still, in places the game has stupid controls.

The big walking robot reappeared. After killing two drones, I checked that the task still did not count. You have to beat the robot. I try to shoot in different places - the damage either goes or does not go. You often have to hide behind the building to restore the shield. A radioactive storm has begun. There is nowhere to hide in the middle of the battle, you need to charge the shield often. The damage only went to the legs. Looking more closely at the guard, I saw that on one knee I broke the armor, but not on the second. He started shooting at the second knee, after that the phase changed, and the robot began to shoot with another skill. After that, no matter where I shot, the damage does not go anywhere. The bullets just bounce off the robot. I ran out of ammo, but I ran behind the building and quickly made new ones. The storm ended, and the robot was still invulnerable.

Single-player games have their advantages - you can pause in the middle of the battle and go read how to kill him. And so he did. Wikis and guides are great. It says that you need to use a different type of weapon that does not have bouncing projectiles. Just recently I installed a pulsed rapid-fire gun for testing, switched to it - now it works. True, it discharges very quickly, but it's not scary - you can always run behind the building and recharge. So I killed a huge robot and got his brain. Finally, the task was completed.

The fight didn't end there. Another similar robot and a pair of drones appeared. I killed the flying guards so as not to interfere. I remembered why I flew here - to get into the factory. Running in circles from the robot, he broke the factory door and went inside. There the robot could not reach me and stopped attacking. Here's what's left of the first robot:

On the visor I found a clearing of gamma grass and collected it just in case. Definitely useful for farming.

In the list of recipes, I found an autonomous machine for extracting resources. I wanted to try to build it, but for this you need 100 uranium. I have not seen large deposits, and from ordinary stones it falls from one to several pieces. Deciding that digging fifty stones is a long time, I ran to the starship. On the way I came across a clearing with small pebbles, which I usually ignore. But after all, less than one piece of uranium will not fall out of them. Collecting fifty small stones is much faster than sawing large stones for half an hour. So I got 100 uranium pretty quickly.

I returned to the base, tried to put the resource collector on a large stone - it does not. He doesn't want to collect carbon crystals either. Requires a resource deposit. It's not as useful as it seems. I arrived on an all-terrain vehicle to the nearest copper deposit (it’s good that I hadn’t dug it before) and put it there. Works, slowly fills up. Now, when you need copper, you can simply come to the collector and pick up a stack of copper. It should be convenient, but carbon or ferrite is needed much more often.

So I came up with the idea to set up bases on different planets, instruct collectors there, and then just teleport between bases and collect resources. But what about exploration and travel? Which day I sit on the same planets and did not discover new systems. The only exception is the snow planet. No, it's not so interesting, I abandoned the idea of ​​​​mass collectors.

Once you decide to start managing your inventory wisely, increasing your inventory capacity will be one of your top priorities. Organizing this is not as easy as it might seem at first. But if you clearly understand what and why you are doing, then this issue can be sorted out without big problems. To do this, we have tried to collect valuable information for you and helpful tips about how to quickly increase the capacity of your exosuit and multitool.

How inventory is arranged, what are its maximum dimensions

Before starting a detailed explanation, it is necessary to note one important point: When purchasing a new ship or multitool, always transfer the contents of your inventory to the new one BEFORE you purchase it. This only applies to the multitool and the ship, because you won't be able to purchase a new exosuit. Try to always keep this important moment in your head, otherwise you may one day exchange ships with an alien, and he will take and fly away with all your goodness.

The maximum possible number of slots in the inventory for the starship, suit and multitool:

  • Ship - 48 slots;
  • Ship technologies - 8 slots;
  • Multitool - 24 slots;
  • Exosuit - 48 slots;
  • Cargo section of the exosuit - 48 slots;
  • Exosuit technology section - 48 slots.

It is worth telling a little more about the inventory of the exosuit. While a normal suit inventory has up to 48 slots at your disposal (usually 24 at the very beginning), it also has a cargo section and a tech section.

The cargo section allows you to store your supplies by grouping the same resources into one group. Therefore, it makes sense, first of all, to increase the capacity of the cargo section. Although adding new slots for it costs much more.

The technology section allows you to store only technologies. Accordingly, it's best to upgrade it as much as possible and store all your various exosuit technologies there.

One more tech point to note is that you get a small bonus to tech efficiency when you place techs of the same type next to each other.

How to Increase Exosuit Inventory Capacity

There are only two ways to increase the amount of space in a suit's inventory: by purchasing an upgrade or by finding one.

How to buy space in the inventory of the exosuit

Buying upgrades is definitely the easier option. At least at first. To purchase an upgrade, go to the space station and go to the merchant located on the left, when viewed from the entrance to the station.

The place where you can purchase upgrades is right behind this merchant. You need to use the blue hologram behind him. She is in a small nook at the end of the room.

The first upgrade you purchase will cost you 5,000 units if it's for your exosuit's regular inventory. Each time the price for it will double, and at a time you can only purchase one slot. We have not yet had time to buy all the improvements, therefore, we cannot say with a 100% guarantee that the price will certainly double each times, but the main difficulty here is that you will have to spend 83,886,075,000 (more than 83 billion units).

In principle, unless of course you have mastered with the highest degree professionalism methods that we described to you in , buying all the improvements seems to be quite a challenge. And that's just the cost of increasing the capacity of an exosuit's regular inventory. Excluding 48 cargo section slots and technological equipment!

How to find Exosuit Inventory Upgrades

If you don't have enough money, and most likely you won't, you can find upgrades to your costume's inventory during your travels in the Galaxy.

The method itself remains the same as before the NEXT update, but achieving the cherished goal has become somewhat more difficult. You will need to find a structure on the surface of the planet called the Capsule (Drop Pod). It is a small, slightly larger than a human, capsule with an upgrade for the inventory of the exosuit inside.

The difficulty lies in the fact that in order to gain access to improving the inventory, you will have to repair several damaged components of the Capsule. And for them, as a rule, several rather rare resources are needed. We usually came across the following materials needed to access the contents of the Capsule:

  • Antimatter (Antimatter);
  • Ionized cobalt (Ionised Cobalt);
  • Sodium nitrate (Sodium Nitrate);
  • Oxygen (Oxygen);
  • Chromatic metal (Chromatic Metal);
  • Deuterium (Deuterium).

In principle, all of the listed resources can be found, but you have to try. Oxygen and sodium can be obtained from red and orange glowing plants, respectively (to get nitrate, refine sodium into ). To obtain ionized cobalt, it is also necessary to use the processor by loading cobalt into it. You can get it from the short columns found in most natural caves.

The most difficult thing is to get antimatter, but we have already talked about it in detail in our guide, so you can read more about this topic there. Obtaining deuterium is also not easy, but it can be created in the refiner (permanent, which is at your base, not the portable one) by putting dihydrogen (Di-hydrogen) into it along with any catalyst.

In short, to increase your exosuit inventory capacity, your best bet is to purchase on every visit space station for upgrade money for him, and then, when their cost becomes too high (or even when the cost of buying elementary becomes higher than the total cost of the necessary ingredients), start for Capsules.

How to increase inventory capacity on a ship

As far as we know, in the NEXT update, there is currently no way to increase the capacity of a particular ship. But you can expand the space available for storing your supplies simply by purchasing a new, larger ship. Any starship you encounter on your journey, be it a ship on a space station or at some point of interest in the atmosphere, can be purchased from an in-game NPC if you have enough funds and it's the dominant race in that sector.

There are still broken ships in the game, but there is no guarantee that their capacity will be greater than your current one. It turns out that this is a lottery with no guarantee of winning. In addition, you will additionally need to spend a considerable amount of resources on repairs.

We believe that if you come across such a ship, then you should always inspect it, maybe you will be lucky. But if you want a really guaranteed increase in ship capacity, then just buy yourself a more spacious starship.

How to increase the capacity of the multitool inventory

Increasing the capacity of a multitool's inventory works exactly like increasing the capacity of a ship - you can't make the one you already have more spacious, but you can always find yourself a new one.

This can be done with several different ways. The most reliable of them is just to buy a new multi-tool at the space station. To do this, go to the merchant selling upgrades for him and look in the red box next to him. There you will find new multi-tools that you can purchase.

You can also talk to representatives of the Vy'keen race and periodically one of them will offer you to inspect your multitool. Let him do it and he will suggest you an improvement. It will usually require you to fix a few parts of it, but most of the time it will just upgrade what you already have.

Finally, there are strange buildings on the surface of the planets, inside which you can find several NPCs and a merchant. At one end of the small building, there is a multi-tool hanging on the wall in the study, which you can purchase as an upgrade to your own if you wish.

The infamous game from the studio Hello Games at one time made a lot of noise, only to fade away in just a few weeks. In order to somehow rehabilitate in the eyes of gamers, the developers have released two major updates. What they are - read in our review!

No Man's Sky is a very revealing game in light of the latest trends in the development of the gaming industry. She clearly showed how you can make a name for yourself and a lot of money literally from scratch. With just a couple of trailers and agitated gamer minds willing to pay any price to touch "the biggest game ever made."

The result is a little predictable: in fact, the game turned out to be a complete failure and quickly expired, and the developers ruined their reputation. Perhaps precisely in order to correct the latter, Hello Games does not develop more new games. To regain this right, they have to bring to mind their first creation.

Game modes

First of all, the developers decided to deal with fundamental questions, the answers to which suggested themselves from the very beginning, but were ignored at the release of the game.

The first update, called the Foundation Update, introduced Minecraft-style game modes to No Man's Sky: Standard, Creative, and Survival.

With the standard mode, everything is clear: this is the default mode, which includes elements of the other two.

In creative, the player does not need to think about the security and hard limits of the game, which will suit casual players, as well as those who appreciate the exploration experience, uncomplicated by additional distracting mechanics.

Survival is perhaps the most curious mode. It complicates the exploration of new planets, making the conditions for staying on them really tough.

High temperatures, acid rain that burns through a protective suit, aggressive creatures - all this makes the life of a space explorer more difficult and due to this makes the game more meaningful.

For fans of real hardcore, the Pathfinder Update has a permanent death mode: if the character dies, the game starts from the very beginning. Combined with the survival format, it makes No Man's Sky a real challenge.

planetary technology

The main highlight of the Pathfinder Update, the second update for No Man's Sky, was the introduction of special planetary vehicles. Where previously players were forced to explore the world on foot or making constant flights on a starship, now there is a compromise option - the Exocraft technique.

In total there are 3 models of planetary transport. They differ in the size of the hold and patency. The fast and nimble Nomad is perfect for short raids for rare resources, the “medium” Roamer is tailored for the everyday life of a researcher, and the giant Colossus, although it does not move very fast, but allows you to transport tons of valuable finds.

The main advantage of this transport compared to a starship is the ability to collect resources while in the cockpit. All three machines are equipped with collection equipment, and they also protect well from external influences.

Base building

When playing the original No Man's Sky, many users complained that the gameplay did not tie the player to a specific place in any way. The character has no home, no place to return to that connects him to the game. The space in No Man's Sky was really alien and repulsive to the player.

With the release of the Foundation Update, something has changed. Now players can build their own bases on any planets. The building system is very flexible and allows you to create a multi-tiered building with many rooms and various design elements.

Sometimes abandoned bases can be found while traveling around the planets, and used as staging posts for refueling modules and storing resources. If desired, you can turn the base into a hub by building a teleport to the nearest space station.

As soon as the need for the base disappears, it can be destroyed in a few clicks, getting back all the spent resources. Very comfortably!

Updated graphics

The release version of the game on all platforms looked about the same, and even on consoles, No Man's Sky clearly did not impress with its graphics.

With the release of the Foundation Update, the Motion Blur effect appeared in the game, which literally smeared many flaws, making them less noticeable. There was also effective TAA anti-aliasing, which saved the game from a lot of annoying "ladders".

Later, Hello Games promised to continue working on improving the graphics and, contrary to the expectations of the community, did not lie. In the Pathfinder Update, they have updated almost all the textures.

At the same time, the game began to look an order of magnitude better, and in order to consolidate the success, the developers “screwed” HBAO to the game for more realistic shading of objects. Other post-processing effects have also appeared: color correction, sun rays, HDR support, and some others.

PlayStation 4 Pro owners are not left out. To their delight, the developers have released a special update. So now No Man's Sky can be played in 4K.

Thanks to this painstaking work, No Man's Sky has taken on a completely different look, and finally began to resemble what gamers saw in the first trailers.

Growing plants and updated resource gathering

Continuing the conversation about the bases that appeared in the Foundation Update for No Man's Sky, we can note another useful feature: growing plants. One of the rooms can be turned into a greenhouse so that rare species of flora do not have to go far.

At the same time, 10 new types of plants were added to the game. All of them provide resources for crafting.

And the most “delicious” thing here is not even that the player can get resources at home, but that even those plants that are not found on the planet due to the climate can be grown in the greenhouse!

Along with this, special assemblers were also added, which, in automatic mode can collect resources from deposits and transfer them to the nearest base. This greatly simplifies farming and makes the process of exploring planets not as repetitive as before.

Steam Workshop Support

Players of No Man's Sky on PC now have the option to use the Steam Workshop to upload their own bases. At any time, you can download any of the designs and use it in your game, giving the necessary amount of resources to build all its elements.

Most of all, this feature will appeal to those who would like to try the game with bases, but do not want to spend time building on their own.

In the future, Hello Games is going to add new interaction options through custom modifications. Curious to know what it will be.

More variety!

The main problem of No Man's Sky at the time of release was the complete lack of variety. Despite the fact that the game did provide a completely random generation of planets, their contents, as well as the contents of space as a whole, were of the same type, which is why the game got bored in record time. Here is such a paradox.

Both updates, Foundation and Pathfinder, have greatly expanded the range of options in almost every area. Firstly, there are more different resources and items that can be found in the most different corners galaxies.

Secondly, new merchants have appeared, providing a different range of goods. For once, trading in the game has become more or less meaningful. Previously, it was just a "drain" of excess resources at any cost, which made the game boring.

Thirdly, specializations of starships have appeared, so now each player will be able to choose the one that suits his style of play. Light interceptors, roomy howlers, high-tech research vessels and universal shuttles - all of them brought the game closer to the ideal by one timid step.

Fourth, the multi-tool in the game is now also divided into four classes: pistols, rifles, experimental samples and alien equipment. They differ in the capacity of modules and the range of acceptable improvements.

Big and small

In fact, these are just the most notable changes that the Foundation and Pathfinder updates have brought to No Man's Sky. In fact, there are many more of them. For example, players are finally able to own more than one Starship by purchasing a Star Freighter Truck. Fixed many UI issues, added new technologies, alien encounters, shortcut menu, photo mode…

In short, Hello Games surprised us with their unexpectedly serious approach to business. If the original game came out in this configuration, then the score would be very different.

Of course, there is a lot that can be done in the game, bringing it closer to the ideal that was shown to us in the trailers, which Sean Murray enthusiastically talked about in numerous interviews. Let's hope these updates make No Man's Sky something more.

If No Man's Sky had originally come out the way it appeared before us after the release of the Foundation and Pathfinder updates, then we would give it a rating of 7.0. In the future, if the developers really bring the game to mind, we will definitely write new review And we'll give you a new rating!


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