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Work for most people is a source of income, a means of satisfying daily needs. But it does not always become a factor in the so-called "personal happiness." And then a person begins to think about how to get satisfaction from work, is it possible in the given conditions of real life.

Why is work not fun?

Many people think that only their favorite work can bring pleasure. Research by psychologists and sociologists has shown that this statement is not always true. Often people, even doing what they love, experience a feeling of dissatisfaction. Why is this happening? There are many reasons, the main ones being:

  1. Small salary. It often happens that people leave their favorite job, which brought pleasure, precisely because it does not allow them to receive the desired income.
  2. Bad boss. Many experience a feeling of discomfort just because there is no contact with the authorities.
  3. Collective. This is a very important component, because you have to spend most of your working time with colleagues. If there is no mutual understanding in the team, a person ceases to enjoy work.
  4. Health. This is also an important factor, especially for the disabled and people with disabilities.
  5. Lack of certain skills and knowledge. In this case, it becomes necessary to constantly consult with colleagues who are not always ready to help.
  6. I just don't like the job. Often people go to work just to get a stable salary. In this case, there can be no question of satisfaction.

Each person is unique, each has its own characteristics and talents. For some, it is enough to go to work every day, while others need to constantly prove to themselves and others their indispensability. Such people need approval, for which they are ready for a lot. They enjoy the very process of doing the work, while the time spent at work does not matter. Others, on the contrary, count hours and minutes until the end of the working day, only the very fact of the end of working hours and the opportunity to leave the hated brings them joy. workplace. At the same time, few people think that at home they will not receive the desired satisfaction.

How can you learn to be satisfied with your work?

Everyone can learn to love their work and get satisfaction from it. First you need to understand why it is so difficult to wake up every morning with a heavy heart and force yourself to go to work. If there is a problem, it needs to be addressed. Sometimes you just need to take vitamins (a monthly course of taking a vitamin-mineral complex can be very effective) or radically change your life.

It all depends on how much the work is unloved. If you just want to change or tweak something a little, then you should do it. And when you have to force yourself to go to work and return home exhausted and annoyed, then you should think about serious changes.

Many issues at work can be resolved by simply changing your attitude to your duties or talking to your boss. As a rule, this helps not only to relieve stress, but also to understand how to learn to get job satisfaction. In any case, without establishing the causes of dissatisfaction, it is impossible to find a way out of the situation. When the causes are clarified, it is time to determine ways to solve the problem. The easiest advice is to find another job, but often this option may not be possible for various reasons. Someone is satisfied with the salary, others like the schedule or the convenience of the location, others find it difficult to part with the team. If you objectively evaluate the reasons that do not allow you to leave your job and start looking for a new one, you can find many positive aspects. Such an analysis will help you learn to enjoy your work, feel more confident. Psychologists advise people who are dissatisfied with their work, another way to relieve stress. If you can't find a way to get satisfaction from work, you should try to find a job in other areas.

Work is only a part of a person's life, very important, but not the main one. In addition to her, there are family, friends, hobbies and much more. It is only necessary to understand what is important and essential in a given period of time, and what can be endured or changed. It often happens that hobbies or hobbies not only help relieve tension after a working day, but also become the main source of income. In this case, you can leave without hesitation unloved job and do what you love.

It is difficult to find a person who can say that he loves his job. More often you can hear complaints about low wages, inconvenient schedules, an incomprehensible boss, or a difficult team. You can find a solution to the problem, but for this you will have to carefully study the reasons for your displeasure and find ways to solve them.

This book is fantastic. It's about how to come up with a new one, wonderful life, start living it and become happier. How to spend time doing what you like and get paid for it? How to set up an office on the beach? How to organize a sabbatical without sacrifice? How to live better and work less for less money? How not to work at all and live happily ever after?

The heroes of this book - former office workers, marketers, directors, PR people and many others - once quit their boring jobs and found themselves ... no, not in a landfill surrounded by homeless people, but in Goa, Thailand, Bali and even in Moscow, happy and prosperous . You say fantasy? So I about it!

This book can be read in many different ways. For example, study only the stories of heroes - and you will have at your disposal a very thick magazine with essays and interviews, however, without news. Or study advice and practical advice and then carefully complete the tasks of trainings to optimize your life.

Another option: to absorb all this food for the mind and soul entirely. I would do exactly that. I love stories that inspire and I love to take advantage of everything.

Surely the word “downshifting” is already spinning in your head, but this book is not only and not so much about it. It is about people who were able to change themselves and their lives, about ways to optimize being and consciousness, about how to live the way you want, and about the fact that this is possible.

Of course, abroad already wrote about it. They told stories, gave advice to freelancers, downshifters, and everyone else who dreams of freedom from office slavery. But in this book, almost for the first time, stories, problems, and discoveries of “our” people are collected.

The dream is closer and more accessible than we thought.

Whether you are planning a major life change or not, in any case, this book will help you imagine how it could be.

However, do not be surprised if, after reading to the end, you find yourself ... completely happy somewhere in Goa. Side effect. The author is not responsible. I warn you right now.

Who and what is this book about?

Let's try to deal with them. Let's talk about India.

Some of the heroes of the book began their journey in Goa. Of course, they had traveled before, but once in India, they stopped striving for the top. career ladder, see the challenge of fate in solving monotonous work tasks and believe in what is customary to say at interviews. At one time, not only ordinary managers, but also celebrities “disappeared” in Goa. At one time, Pyotr Buslov (the director of Boomer) lived there, intending to make a film about all these wonderful reincarnations during his lifetime. If you are eager to find out which Russian stars are now massively buying houses and having a long rest in Goa, then please visit the websites of tabloid newspapers.

If you can’t live without discussing what Indians or Russians are like in India, or what this country still attracts people to - light drugs or special energy, then you are welcome to numerous trolling forums. And for those who remain just readers, X. P. Voodoo will speak.

DJ and promoter Timur Mammadov is called the pioneer of Goa for Russians. He himself did not set such a goal for himself, moreover, he did not want masses of people to come there. But his job is parties, and that in itself couldn't help but draw crowds. So, a long time ago, when the trees were big, and not those who had a lot of money, but those who did not have any money, went to India, he found his spiritual homeland there. Well, then let's go.

“I came to Goa when there were no Russians there. If I had been told then, fifteen years ago, that Goa would be what it is now, I would not have believed it in my life. It was a world-renowned, trans-party haunted place. But there, in principle, there were no conditions for a comfortable stay, and until the year 2000, there was no talk of any development by the Russians of Goa (and Russian tourists fell in love to rest in comfort) ... And I did everything possible so that this mass “development” did not happen . In the nineties, most of my friends, even before going to Goa, went through a month-long training course with me: I explained to them how to communicate with the locals, what was possible and what was not - there were their own unwritten rules. It was not a place for everyone, people learned about Goa by word of mouth.

I remember in those days I lived for a month on the beach - literally on the beach - in a tent. At the end of the month I paid $40 for breakfast, lunch and dinner at a nearby cafe. Now you can live on this amount for two days. But it's not just about money, and it's hard to explain. Imagine: you are eight years old, you are on vacation, you don’t have to do anything, you eat ice cream, next to you is the magical sea and your grandmother who buys you cotton candy… Previously, the atmosphere of childhood reigned in Goa: joy, circus, fairy tales. Now everything is more commercialized. Although, it seems, the sun, sand, sea have remained the same ...

But then people laid out handkerchiefs on the beach and sunbathed naked. Now there are sun loungers, all the amenities, but you can’t even take off your bra. The parties weren't really parties. Before it was a certain kind of madness: a raging sea of ​​heads, old people on the dance floor, amazing freaks around, music from dusk to dawn ... All this made people fall in love with Goa. Plus, we gave Goa a certain halo of mystery, "opening" it not to everyone, but only to the elite. Forbidden fruit is sweet, that children are forbidden, that's what they want ... Mysteriousness began to attract the masses. I'm a party person by trade and in a way I was also promoting Goa, although I really didn't want to do it. In 2004 - after the first arrival of the Moscow club party - everyone learned about Goa.

Ten years ago, when Timur Mamedov had a daughter, he moved to India for permanent residence. Why does he live in Goa even now, when “everything has changed” there? The answer, in his opinion, is obvious: “Compare the climate here - the climate there, the people here - the people there, the prices here - the prices there, the parties here - the parties there. I don't see what would keep me in Moscow. Benefits of civilization? Now they have appeared in Goa, but they are much cheaper. Both me and my daughter - she lives part of the time with me, part of the time with her mother in Italy - it's better here.

Now Timur spends nine months a year in Goa, the rest of the time - like a real Indian guest worker - earns money in other countries. However, he considers his work the most enviable in the world: “You don’t need a lot of mind and strength to put on records and mix music while drinking beer. And given how much they pay for it ... in general, it can hardly be called a job. In India, I organize only two events a year - Russian Christmas and my birthday, the rest of the time I play very rarely, maybe once a month ... Just because I'm lazy. Nine months of the year I do what everyone who travels to Goa does. That is, nothing. I wake up as much as I want (if the child is not taken to school), I do only what I want. You know, people say that they come somewhere, for example, to Baikal or Nepal, and they understand that this is their territory, that they need to live here forever. So I once came to Goa and realized that I belong to this place ... "

According to Mammadov, those who are tired of the dull Moscow routine are not in vain choosing India. And it has nothing to do with downshifting: “Here people open up new perspectives, become better and kinder… This place opens the mind. Especially the consciousness of Russians who are tortured by rules and limits. And in India they face freedom... I can't call it down... The one who "wears out" 1
In the narcotic sense of the word.

That down… And then only up!”

Now that we've cleared up the Indian situation, it's time to deal with downshifting itself. The heroes of this book do not like the word itself, they prefer to call themselves travellers, ushers, upshifters, tayshifters - anything but down.

The term "downshifting" was born in America in the early nineties - then in Russia, unlike the same America, the pursuit of success and money was more than original idea. Washington Post correspondent Sarah Ben Breatna, in one of the first articles on the topic of downshifting, suggested looking at “slowing down life” (and this is the translation from English) as a new version of success. However, over time, in England and the United States, the term simple living ("voluntary simplicity") took root, and in Australia - sea change ("dramatic change"). And the word "downshifting", as some researchers assure 2
Other researchers believe that these terms are close in meaning, but are not completely synonymous. Like, “voluntary simplicity” says more about cutting costs, and downshifting says more about changing priorities and abandoning a vertical career. Personally, these nuances do not seem fundamental to me.

It remains with the Europeans and Russians.

One of the first Russian journalists who told us in detail about downshifting is Andrey Loshak. A few years ago, he made a TV movie "Escape Plan", in which Timur Mammadov, Pyotr Buslov, and many others (including some of the heroes of this book) took part. Then the media repeatedly delighted us with stories of the rich and famous who moved from the office to the beach. The attitude towards the word “downshifting” and towards the heroes themselves was appropriate for the mass audience - envious-suspicious-condescending. Like, our people don't go to the bakery by taxi.

Now they are slowly starting to travel… And not only in Goa. Egyptian Dahab, Thai islands and even Russian villages - the geography is gradually expanding. Now, not only celebrities and oligarchs who are tired of the bustle are moving to free bread (and then, in fact, not only they changed lives), but also mere mortals - ordinary designers, journalists, translators, programmers, small entrepreneurs and so on. Downshifters - in the sense of the word that has taken root in Russia - they do not call themselves. But, whatever you call it (I personally liked the words “optimization” and “daoshifting”!), “alternative success” is no longer exotic. And, as they say, the emerging trend.

Why and who needs this book?

– For those who liked Elizabeth Gilbert's book “There is. Pray. To love ”(the story of a journalist who, after a divorce and dismissal, went on a trip for a year). Because this story fits into the framework of downshifting.

- For those who did not like the above edition. Because for changes you don’t need to wait for a divorce, a nervous breakdown and signing a contract for a book, and you don’t have to limit yourself to a year of travel - the heroes of this book convincingly prove this.

- For those who do not know at all what the previous two paragraphs are about, but feel a little tired of the monotonous work, lack of time, and maybe from life in Russia in general or in a metropolis in particular. Or just wants new vivid impressions, rich life and happiness every day. But he does not know where to start and what awaits him.

For me personally, this book is valuable in that people who once decided to change their lives share their personal experiences in it. And then they changed it. And they don't complain.

On the contrary, they boast.

Have you ever thought about what you spend your time on?

Let's do some interesting arithmetic. I promise you won't be bored.

If you spend an hour a day commuting to and from work, then your “expenses” on transportation are about two hundred and fifty hours a year (let's imagine that you work only on official working days). Or ten and a half days a year - on the road. If you get to your favorite service for an hour and a half, then a month of life passes on the road (in the subway, trains or more comfortable traffic jams).

Add in the time you spend getting ready for work (to show up in all your glory) and shopping (to get the things that show off your beauty, whether it's a suit, a watch, or a car). Let it be, for example, half an hour a day for fees and three days annually for shopping. Eight more.

Now let's add a modest eight-hour working day to a five-day working week… But why modesty? For example, I remember very well a twenty-five-hour working day: the magazine was hard to give up, and I, as the main one, was at the post for exactly a little more than a day. And it was Saturday. You probably also have something to remember in this kind. Count the days. The job will take at least three months.

Now add in the time you spend thinking about work and talking about work.

Don't forget about the hours it takes to recover from the office routine over a glass of tea, and then rehabilitate the next day. For example, if every second Saturday passes under the sign "just come to your senses" - twenty-five days a year down the drain.

Remember about those precious minutes that are spent on trips to doctors and psychotherapists, to maintain social connections(corporate holidays and other officially approved booze, including), to meet with the people you need in your career or company. Let's sum it up with the thousands of seconds that slip away while reading useful but completely uninteresting professional literature, as well as magazines and books (to keep abreast of events or look a little smarter).

What are the results? It's been six months, right?

Do not forget to add calls on work issues after hours: by the way, sometimes employees abroad ask employers to pay for cellular communication, but time. And companies are doing it. Maybe you are a little shocked? Or not a little? Or not at all, because you already know what I mean?

Add three to four months of sleep, a couple of weeks of illness, half a day of going to a fitness club (you will probably abandon it, but this will not prevent you from buying a subscription to a good sports complex) and - this is sacred! - a week to watch TV or series ... Now you can rejoice: you have a couple of days left in the year. They can be safely spent on sex, walks in the park, intimate conversations with loved ones, playing with children or learning, say, kendo. True, here you will have to choose: there will not be enough time for everything.

The book's website - - will help you analyze what your time is spent on and get acquainted with various options for the ideal daily routine of a happy person.

What are you spending your money on?

The value of money varies. This idea is very easy to understand after elementary calculations. If you can live on a hundred dollars in Moscow for a day, and five in a Thai village or the Russian village of Pupkino, then money in Moscow is five times cheaper. In this scenario, it is obvious that a person who earns half as much as you and lives in India still earns more than you.

Another example: you choose between job A (with a $2,000 salary and an eight-hour day) and job B (with a measly $500 salary and a one-hour day). Which job is more profitable? It would seem that the answer is obvious ... But if you think about it and calculate, it will turn out: in the second case, you mine twice more money($25 an hour instead of $12.5). Surprisingly, it is a fact that by working an hour a day and earning $500 a month, you earn more than those who sell 8 hours a day for $2,000.

The difference is not immediately visible. Maybe that's why people making $2,000 haven't found other people doing all their work for $1,500. So that the control takes no more than an hour a day.

Are you renting an apartment? The more interesting. Let's find out what you have in this case - in the sense of housing and how you dispose of it. Let's say you live in Moscow and earn one or two thousand dollars a month. If you monetize a Moscow apartment for $1000 and rent an apartment in Thailand or a small Siberian town for three hundred dollars, you will receive $700 monthly income. Not going to work. We increase this amount by two or three times - taking into account the purchasing power of money, for example, in Asia. Do you feel like an oligarch? Or even like this: did you feel free?

What are you used to?

Once every six months you go on vacation. And suddenly you understand: you can’t live like this (quickly, evilly, hastily, aggressively, hastily, senselessly). For me personally, stories about the post-holiday state and getting out of it somehow subtly resemble stories about the Stockholm syndrome, when the victim sympathizes with his captor, justifies his actions, and the memorable place returns.

A bit like our annual vacation returns (or weekly weekends) to the beloved hell of traffic jams and planning meetings, to the adorable, but no less unbearable pace of life, to the endlessly attractive, sometimes boring, sometimes nervous work ...

By the way, a career is not built everywhere the way it is being built in Russia now. In some places abroad, people work half-days or go on annual holidays when they get bored with the office (regarding this, in the West, managers sometimes make a special clause in labor contract, and such a gesture does not surprise anyone, even if the annual leave is paid). In some places, people build their business in such a way as to retire as soon as possible and start enjoying life. And in some places they begin to think about a career and self-determination at the age of thirty, and before that they are simply happy with what they have. And this is not something exceptional, they are so accustomed to living ... And how are you accustomed to living?

Chapter 1
How to monetize an apartment,
Already tired stories about downshifters living on rent

I don’t like this Petersburg life of yours! .. No one has a clear, calm look ... One is tormented that he is condemned to go to work every day and sit until five o’clock, and the other sighs heavily that he does not have such grace ...

I. A. Goncharov. "Oblomov"

Why read this chapter?

Understand how it is to do nothing;

Find out if it's right for you;

Outline pitfalls on the maps, about which you will break your knees anyway, which means ...

Learn how to deal with medical issues.

Light contempt and heavy envy are saturated with the lines of newspaper articles about people who rented their apartments to visiting careerists and left them far away - to the sea or to the mountains. These people are ironic, they are dedicated to the angry curses of the eychars. And they are all of themselves reclining on the seashore and absolutely do not need anyone's help, despite all the office prophecies.

At the bottom. In Thailand

Halibut is halibut, bottom fish. And also the name of the site of two Muscovites who decided to lay low in Thailand. Their story is more than typical: a thirty-two-year-old woman and a forty-two-year-old man worked in the most ordinary way in Moscow. She is an accountant, he is a top manager. They lived, as expected, from Friday to Friday, from vacation to vacation.

“About ten years ago I came to Moscow to earn money and realize my ambitions. And I realized, I realized, I realized ... - Matroska recalls with a smile (as you guessed, this is not a real name, but a creative network pseudonym). - Of course, the authorities compensated with money and overtime work, and the inability to rest when you want ... But without normal holidays it's hard to work. A week's vacation doesn't solve the problem."

Such a regime - without extra hours of sleep and "sick leave" (it is impossible to get sick in Moscow for a long time, and it is impossible - every practicing careerist knows this!) - provided the accountant with an apartment and chronic fatigue syndrome. The top manager had an apartment from the very beginning, so he worked only for the second factor. The eternal circle "home-work-home-work" made me feel like "a little horse that costs a lot of money." No more.


- Something has changed…

- Has it gotten better or worse?

- If something has changed, it's already good.

Dialogue from the movie "Groundhog Day"

Once they sat down and calculated (fortunately education and work experience helped) what exactly and how much they could afford if they simply rented out their apartments.

“At first we thought about going to a Russian village and living there. But it turned out that the Thai village will cost even less,” the newly-minted Thais recall. “I wanted to live for some time in pleasure, and not in the feeling that you constantly owe something to someone,” explains the ex-manager. “Live in paradise,” the ex-accountant clarifies.

For two years the plans were hatched, the calculations were discussed. Over time, dreams have taken concrete shape. Downshifters made a clear minimum program (it is also a maximum program) for an indefinite vacation period: get enough sleep, watch movies, read books, eat well, and most importantly, put in order the nerves tired of the frantic pace of life.

Before that, travelers had been in Thailand forays - they came as tourists for a week, no longer. In September 2010, the manager and accountant quit and went on a trip. Under the palm trees, they planned to spend six months or a year, and then see what to do next. And do anything at all.

By the time we met, Thai Muscovites had been living on the beach for six months. More precisely, in a sixty-meter bungalow on the island of Koh Samui, a few steps from the sea.

“The feeling of a highly organized village,” downshifters share their impressions. - Around - cafes, shops, travel agencies. Plus good roads good service, excellent internet, affordable medical care (fell off a motorcycle once and used travel insurance without any problems). Civilization on the coast.

In the mornings, our islanders swim, have breakfast and walk, then read books, sometimes swim again and eat the freshest seafood and fruits again ... Drooling? And from your window, instead of tropical plants and the sea, only endless construction and highways are visible.

Question to the psychologist:

I have big problems with self-discipline, I don’t understand why even when I have already decided on the business of my dreams, paid for the course, earned a laptop, started studying - every time I sit down to work, I encounter problems, feelings of guilt and helplessness. There are obstacles, stupor, tears, I do everything slowly, even a palpable pain in my back and neck appears, as if I was doing my homework as a child or sitting at the piano and they force me, but I resist in every possible way. I want so much to learn to enjoy work, to do everything with enthusiasm, to try, to have professionals in this field in my circle of friends, but it’s hard for me, because I’m afraid that they won’t accept me and that I’m not able to do half as well like them, I'm afraid to go deeper and quit again. I don't have the feeling that at least once in my life I will be able to do high level, better than many, to become a professional, and not just an ordinary worker, an artisan, and this oppresses me, as if I know my ceiling and I don’t even want to start if one day I have to face it. Why does a feeling of resistance arise, why do I not believe in my strength? Where is the root of this fear? I am sure that the problems that prevent me from starting work arise only because of this fear, the case "does not argue" only because of internal uncertainty, I do not believe that I will be able to live this happy life and do what you love, because it doesn’t happen that everything is easy, effortlessly. Everything is always "through thorns" through the "stump-deck", until you suffer, it will not work out, you will definitely have to go through the torture of study, failures "the first pancake is lumpy" and poverty, before something starts to work out, I'm afraid that I have the strength for this there will not be enough risk, and resources.

Don't give me advice: just sit down and do it. Tell me how to overcome the fear of this nature? How to trick the brain? How to work out these emotions and at what point in this vicious circle to jump off the train: enthusiasm - emotional upsurge - everything works out - faith in yourself - study - difficulties - fear - procrastination - difficulties - new third-party problems - despair - feelings of guilt due to missed opportunities - attempts to continue through strength, in spite of everything - failure - difficulties - I give up - a feeling of helplessness and guilt in front of oneself.

The psychologist Gladkova Elena Nikolaevna answers the question.

Hello Asya!

I hope you understand that the main indicator for achieving results in the business you are doing is desire: the desire to do this particular business, a desire backed by the confidence that it will give you pleasure and bring well-deserved fruits from its implementation.

But sometimes it happens that a person cannot decide on OWN desires, especially having the experience of satisfying "other people's desires", which most of us encountered in childhood - when parents decided what and how their child should do, where to go, with whom to be friends and etc. If something similar happened in your childhood, and this can be assumed from your memories of preparing lessons and playing music, then it may have become a problem for you to recognize your desires and try to satisfy them.

If your desires and desires were not particularly considered in childhood, if you were offered “ready-made recipes” for any occasion and “for the future”, then you could simply forget how to do something without the “approval” of those who gave you these recipes before. Will it be your relatives and friends, the peers around you whom you would like to be like, or someone else so significant that his opinion at one time forced you to do homework or “through I don’t want” to study music, but these figures in Your life may have contributed to the formation of your self-doubt and cause you to depend on the desire to be the best in any business that you will undertake in the future. Now the fear of being unrecognized in the business you are taking on, fear and self-doubt can become a block in the implementation of the plan, which will manifest itself in the fear of not coping with the task. Such a fear can manifest itself especially clearly when the cause that you have chosen on your own, having made many steps for this, as you write, and making certain efforts, does not have support or is devalued by your relatives.

Another important point that can cause such your reaction to things that you take on with enthusiasm, especially at the beginning, is the focus on the best result. It seems that there is nothing wrong with this, because it is normal to expect a positive result when you get down to business. But the whole point is that the result for you, it seems, should be not just positive, but the best! For you, the meaning of "usually" or "good" is not acceptable. For some reason, it is better than anyone else! Such extreme perfectionism instead of a driving force becomes a brake, because if the result is ordinary, or not the best, then it’s not worth trying! it flip side perfectionism - instead of motivation for work, it becomes a demotivator and an excuse for the psyche, an excuse for failed work in general.

These are just a few of the possible reasons for your reaction to work in general and the opportunity to enjoy it.

To discover exactly your personal reasons that formed such your reaction, I strongly recommend that you contact a psychologist at your place of residence or another specialist in this field. With it, you will be able to establish these very reasons, change your attitude towards them and, as a result, develop new reactions and form new resources in order to enjoy your favorite things, which will become clear to you with an understanding of your personal desires and needs, driving forces and incentives to achieve them.

Do not be afraid to learn something new about yourself, especially if it will allow you to change the quality of your life!

Almost all people want one thing - to have a job that brings pleasure and get enough money for it in order to allow themselves to rest, plan for the future and not deny themselves anything. But in the real world, this is not always the case. You may be satisfied with the level wages, but the work itself will seem boring. Or the work seems to bring joy, but you get very little for it - and after a while you lose.

"Find a job you like and you'll get an extra five days a week". Jackson Brown.

So, what needs to be done in order for the work to begin to bring pleasure?

Find out why you work

There are three approaches to work: work, career or passion. Depending on your choice, the level of pleasure can vary greatly.

  • If you work for the sake of work, wages are your only motivator. Therefore, the level of salary determines whether you stay at work or leave.
  • If you're working for a career, you're always up for a promotion. Your satisfaction comes from a sense of status, power and position.
  • If you work because you have a strong passion for your profession, then the work itself is your motivator, regardless of the level of salary, prestige or career.

Of course, your approaches can be combined, because you can work because you love the job and because you get good money for it. However, you need to find out which factor is dominant in order to meet your expectations.

What determines job satisfaction?

There are seven ingredients:

  • self-awareness
  • Call
  • Diversity
  • positive attitude
  • Understanding your options
  • Balanced lifestyle
  • purposefulness

Let's consider them in more detail.


First of all, you must understand who you really are and realize your strengths and weaknesses. Of course, it is worth improving your skills, but first of all, concentrate on your strengths.

It is extremely difficult to enjoy work if you cannot or do not know how to do your job well. This leads to bad mood and even .

Determine your values ​​and motivating factors. What do you want to achieve in life? What makes your heart beat faster when it comes to work? With what salary will you be so satisfied that you will no longer think about it and focus only on work?


Even if your work is not designed to challenge, you can come up with one yourself. For example:

  • Set your personal standards. Try to beat your records in speed or quality. Perhaps this will not affect the level of wages, but it will bring an element of the game.
  • Teach other people skills. This is a serious challenge for you, because it is difficult to explain to other people what you understand intuitively or do automatically.
  • Take on a new responsibility - this will give you the opportunity to test yourself on another level.
  • Grab onto new project, during which you will need to learn completely new skills.
  • accustom yourself to personal development- go to courses, attend seminars and read new books. Keep updating your knowledge.


Variety kills boredom. When a person is bored, his motivation, interest and enthusiasm are at zero. Here are some ways to relieve boredom at work:

  • Learning new skills.
  • Request for transfer to another department.
  • Voluntary request for a new assignment.
  • Team collaboration.
  • Taking a long vacation.
  • If you have a routine job, try to diversify your routes or lunch break.
  • If you have a table, rearrange things on it and add the ones you like.

positive attitude

A person is not able to radically change reality, but he can develop a certain attitude towards bad and unpleasant events. If you are irritated or depressed, job satisfaction is out of the question. Unpleasant moments will happen in any job, so it is extremely important point is a positive attitude towards adversity.

  • Remove negative thoughts from your head.
  • Change negative thoughts to positive ones.
  • Put the events of the past day in the right context.
  • Don't let mistakes stop you.
  • Recognize that mistakes are an opportunity to improve.
  • Be an optimist.

Understanding your options

When you feel trapped, it's easy to become restless. It seems to you that you are at an impasse and there will be no clearance. When you feel like you have options, you gain the awareness of being in control of your life. When you have no alternatives, then you feel unhappy.

  • Keep a list of your accomplishments.
  • Update your resume.
  • Stay up to date with new job trends.
  • Do research on new professions that interest you.

Balanced lifestyle

When you focus only on your work, other areas of your life begin to “sag”. As a result, you cannot think about your work, because you are occupied with completely different thoughts - about family, health and relationships with others. Use technology to balance your life.


This skill will help you cope even with a very boring job. If you know your goals and understand how to achieve them, then you should be sympathetic to temporary difficulties. Remember that the path to success is always very difficult, but if you have the right goal and you have it, then you will achieve everything you want.

We wish you good luck!


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