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According to the old tradition, the new era of EGAIS began on 06/30/2017 with a completely inconspicuous message published on the FSRAR website, in which it was briefly stated that " V personal account of the portal, in the "test transport module" section, electronic schemes of documents of version 3 format became available. The published schemes and description can be used to adapt your accounting systems to use the new format". Those who have been in the subject for a long time already knew that in the version 3 exchange format, changes were expected related to the so-called "brand accounting". What does this mean, and what threatens us all?

Recall that the introduction of the Unified State Automated Information System for accounting for alcoholic products began with the so-called wholesale circuit, manufacturers and importers, and first of all, it was about controlling the turnover of large batches of products for which they received excise stamps immediately in series or code ranges . And it was precisely to account for such ranges of excise stamps that the data structure of this system was adapted from the very beginning. At the first stage, it was important to understand that the plant produced a certain number of bottles of alcohol and excise stamps with numbers from A to B were pasted on it, with a long range equal to the number of bottles produced.

And therefore, when it came to connecting a retail link to an already operating wholesale EGAIS, from the very beginning it was clear that it would not work to make a convenient system for both. Some will not be able to work with ranges of codes, others simply will not cope with the total accounting of each bottle when shipping products by trucks and wagons.

And if you create two independent accounting systems for wholesalers and retailers, then an even more difficult issue will arise with data synchronization between these systems, with duplicates and inaccurate information in them.

So it turned out that at first in retail there was actually no information about each specific excise stamp, but there was information about the “range of excise stamps” and such information appeared in all documents. And the fact that products from the same range "spread" to different retail outlets in smaller batches made the actual accounting of little use. EGAIS could only compare that the total number of bottles that passed through the entire retail was not more than excise stamps were issued in this range. Hence, such unpleasant cases appeared when those who had such a batch remained on the balance of the last one were appointed guilty of selling counterfeit goods (surplus or double batch) - it was its sale that showed the excess of the number of stamps according to EGAIS and it was it that was appointed "counterfeit".

But a very important change has appeared in the version 3 document format - now each receipt document contains a complete list specific excise stamps that move along it from the wholesaler to the retailer. In other words, EGAIS will stop operating with ranges of excise stamps and will start working with each specific stamp.

What does it threaten retail? In the simplest case, practically nothing. Program producers will update the system that works with EGAIS, and upon confirmation of the document, it will be automatically filled in with a list of excise stamps that wholesalers will have to add to it. Then these credited balances will be transferred to the "Trading Room" register and will be sold through the cashier with a scan of each stamp, i.e. exactly the same as it is done now.

The main expected difficulty is the entry of "initial balances" for excise stamps, which may be required by the FSRAR. After all, if you start to put things in order in their accounting, then it is important to know which particular brands in this moment located at which retail facility. But, perhaps, FSRAR will choose a simpler path - all new documents and all new products will come with an exact list of excise stamps, but the old one will be written off or sold until it runs out. On the “Trading Room” register, from which the products sold at the checkouts are most often written off, records are kept only in the context of alcocodes, which means that such a transitional stage of double counting is quite possible.

However, if commercial enterprise is preparing to work for a long time and in unison with the FSRAR policy, then he will have to rebuild internal accounting taking into account the total scanning of excise stamps at each stage of the movement of alcoholic products, from its acceptance from the supplier to inventory and sale at the checkout. Because it is already clear that not all manufacturers or wholesalers will ship products to retail with a total brand scan on each bottle. This means that if retail does not check upon acceptance that the supplier has shipped to it, then the responsibility for such a re-sorting will no longer be on the supplier, but on retail, on the balance of which there will be excise stamps that were not delivered to it through EGAIS. And it will be impossible to prove the supplier's fault in such a re-sorting.

Suppliers and wholesalers, for their part, are also preparing for the transition to per-brand accounting and to EGAIS 3.0. To this end, negotiations have been underway for a long time to introduce an additional labeling system for boxes and pallets - the barcode on them will contain a complete list of excise stamps for those bottles that are contained in the package. This will allow only boxes or pallets to be scanned during shipment, which is already much easier than scanning each bottle. But so far, such a system has not been agreed with all market participants, and many suppliers introduce it at their own discretion, without waiting for a general decision.

Apparently realizing what difficulties the transition to per-brand accounting in EGAIS 3.0 will lead to, FSRAR is in no hurry with its implementation. So far, only general documentation has been released, which describes the new data structure of EGAIS 3.0. The promised test circuit, where software developers can test the proposed changes for their systems, has not been launched as of early October 2017. It is also not clear how, and most importantly, when the transition to a new procedure for accounting for alcoholic products will be carried out. It can be assumed that FSRAR will not complicate our lives for all and require a transition from 01/01/18, taking into account the increasing shipments before the New Year. On the other side - New Year holidays can "clean up" leftovers, making the transition less difficult in terms of rescanning all brands in stores and warehouses. In view of all this, it can be expected that guidelines on the transition and its timing will be announced in the very near future. And EGAIS will finally be able to answer the questions for which it was created - to track the path of really every bottle from the factory to the buyer.

But for now, the fulfillment of this task in relation to wholesale and retail looks like a proverb - "So that the dog does not hurt, we will cut the tail in parts."

From 07/01/2018, EGAIS will only accept blotted products from manufacturers and importers, i.e. products, the production or import of which was recorded by brand, or for which brand binding was carried out.

Products, the production or import of which were not taken into account by brand, will gradually be withdrawn from circulation - sold and written off. In 2018-19, the FSRAR plans to issue a new type of excise stamps so that blot bottles issued after 07/01/2018 can even be visually distinguished from batch bottles.

This documentation is of an explanatory methodological nature and, as reported on the website, will be updated in the future.


Currently, in the EGAIS system, balances are maintained on 2 registers:

Register 1 - wholesale register of accounting. Products are stored in batches in a section registration forms accounting, RFU1 and RFU2 (references A and B).

Register 2 - balance register trading floor. Products are stored in the context of the alcohol name and manufacturer/importer (in the context of alcohol codes). Details RFU1 and RFU2 are missing.

The rest of the registers are not duplicated among themselves, but complement each other.


To maintain blot records, an additional section for storing products was created (by bar codes on the bottle) - register 3. This section supplements the existing ones and does not create an additional product balance, i.e. contains only the brand code and a link to the product batch (to the unique CFU2 number).

Batch production is stored on registers 1 and 2. Blot products use only registers 1 and 3. As batch products are retired, register 2 will be abolished.

The write-off mechanism for non-marking products (beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead) remains unchanged.

As for public catering, starting from the New Year, the "Debit Act" document in the Unified State Automated Information System will be supplemented with a field containing the value of the bar code of the excise stamp affixed to the bottle being written off. You can get this value only by scanning only the brand with which you are writing off the bottle. It turns out that for the daily write-off of alcohol sold, all of it will need to be scanned with a barcode scanner first.

How is this option different from selling alcohol through the store's cash register? Only because stores are required to scan each bottle in each check, and public catering can do this in one document per shift.


The following schedule for the transition to blot registration in the Unified State Automated Information System has been preliminarily approved:

Test period (until 02/01/2018) – the system will allow you to work according to the new format using register No. 3, the balances of which will be controlled only within the organization. The active phase of the test period began on December 20, 2017.

Transitional period (from 02/01/2018 to 07/01/2018) - work will continue on two versions of documents, the control of the presence of stamps in register No. 3 will be carried out not only within the organization, but also within other organizations, i.e. global control of duplicates of excise stamps will be implemented.

Industrial operation (after 07/01/2018) - the system will accept documents for blot products only version 3 (if available for this type of document). The system will not allow to ship products with an incomplete number of grades of blotted products. The rest of batch products can be shipped without specifying bar codes from brands. Fixing production and imports will be possible only in the blot mode. The system will control the presence of stamps on the balances of register No. 3 within the entire EGAIS.

To push wholesale companies to the transition to blot registration FSRAR at the stage of the transition period will change the minimum limits of bar codes for each batch, which will need to be indicated in the documents. Those. full accounting for all bar codes of stamps in a batch will not be required, but it will be necessary to enter from 5 stamps in February to 60 stamps in June for each batch in the document. This will show the FSRAR which organizations are preparing for the transition, and which are leaving everything to the last moment.

What threatens the blotting of alcohol.

FSRAR will not require an inventory of alcohol residues by brands and entering this information into the system. The transition process will be smooth, with a natural replacement of batch residues in the system with blot residues, which will greatly facilitate the transition to the new system.

However, the new register for storing marks and working with it will require a global update of all software, together with the methodology of work, taking into account alcoholic products for all links - both for wholesale with production and import, and for retail, and for public catering.

And this will have to be done no later than 02/01/2018, or better even earlier, because. the requirements for working with register No. 3 are scheduled for both the test period and the transition period. It is not yet clear how this will be controlled by the regulator and what sanctions await those who violate them.

It is also not yet clear how long the sale of batch products received in stores and restaurants before 07/01/2018 will be allowed.

The need to reflect each excise stamp in the invoice will inevitably entail a serious restructuring of the process of working with strong alcohol. And first of all - for retail outlets.

With the introduction of EGAIS 3.0. you will have to rebuild the process of accepting alcohol - you will need to acquire a 2D scanner and an access point to the Unified State Automated Information System at the place of acceptance of the goods. Upon arrival of a consignment of alcohol, immediately scan all excise stamps from each brought bottle and, if discrepancies are identified, immediately send a rejection report for the corresponding bottle.

As always, we urge you not to postpone these issues “for later” and to take a thoughtful approach to the process of switching to blot registration in EGAIS.

From 07/01/2018, EGAIS will only accept blotted products from manufacturers and importers, i.e. products, the production or import of which was recorded by brand, or for which brand binding was carried out.

Products, the production or import of which were not taken into account by brand, will gradually be withdrawn from circulation - sold and written off. In 2018-19, the FSRAR plans to issue a new type of excise stamps so that blot bottles issued after 07/01/2018 can even be visually distinguished from batch bottles.

This documentation is of an explanatory methodological nature and, as reported on the website, will be updated in the future.


Currently, in the EGAIS system, balances are maintained on 2 registers:

Register 1 - wholesale register of accounting. Products are stored in batches in the context of registration forms of accounting, RFU1 and RFU2 (certificates A and B).

Register 2 - register of trading floor balances. Products are stored in the context of the alcohol name and manufacturer/importer (in the context of alcohol codes). Details RFU1 and RFU2 are missing.

The rest of the registers are not duplicated among themselves, but complement each other.


To maintain blot records, an additional section for storing products was created (by bar codes on the bottle) - register 3. This section supplements the existing ones and does not create an additional product balance, i.e. contains only the brand code and a link to the product batch (to the unique CFU2 number).

Batch production is stored on registers 1 and 2. Blot products use only registers 1 and 3. As batch products are retired, register 2 will be abolished.

The write-off mechanism for non-marking products (beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead) remains unchanged.

As for public catering, starting from the New Year, the "Debit Act" document in the Unified State Automated Information System will be supplemented with a field containing the value of the bar code of the excise stamp affixed to the bottle being written off. You can get this value only by scanning only the brand with which you are writing off the bottle. It turns out that for the daily write-off of alcohol sold, all of it will need to be scanned with a barcode scanner first.

How is this option different from selling alcohol through the store's cash register? Only because stores are required to scan each bottle in each check, and public catering can do this in one document per shift.


The following schedule for the transition to blot registration in the Unified State Automated Information System has been preliminarily approved:

Test period (until 02/01/2018) – the system will allow you to work according to the new format using register No. 3, the balances of which will be controlled only within the organization. The active phase of the test period began on December 20, 2017.

Transitional period (from 02/01/2018 to 07/01/2018) - work will continue on two versions of documents, the control of the presence of stamps in register No. 3 will be carried out not only within the organization, but also within other organizations, i.e. global control of duplicates of excise stamps will be implemented.

Industrial operation (after 07/01/2018) - the system will accept documents for blot products only version 3 (if available for this type of document). The system will not allow to ship products with an incomplete number of grades of blotted products. The rest of batch products can be shipped without specifying bar codes from brands. Fixing production and imports will be possible only in the blot mode. The system will control the presence of stamps on the balances of register No. 3 within the entire EGAIS.

In order to encourage wholesale companies to switch to blot registration, the FSRAR will change the minimum limits of barcodes for each lot at the stage of the transition period, which will need to be indicated in the documents. Those. full accounting for all bar codes of stamps in a batch will not be required, but it will be necessary to enter from 5 stamps in February to 60 stamps in June for each batch in the document. This will show the FSRAR which organizations are preparing for the transition, and which are leaving everything to the last moment.

What threatens the blotting of alcohol.

FSRAR will not require an inventory of alcohol residues by brands and entering this information into the system. The transition process will be smooth, with a natural replacement of batch residues in the system with blot residues, which will greatly facilitate the transition to the new system.

However, the new register for storing stamps and working with it will require a global update of all software, along with a methodology for working taking into account alcoholic products for all links - both for wholesale with production and import, and for retail, and for public catering.

And this will have to be done no later than 02/01/2018, or better even earlier, because. the requirements for working with register No. 3 are scheduled for both the test period and the transition period. It is not yet clear how this will be controlled by the regulator and what sanctions await those who violate them.

It is also not yet clear how long the sale of batch products received in stores and restaurants before 07/01/2018 will be allowed.

The need to reflect each excise stamp in the invoice will inevitably entail a serious restructuring of the process of working with strong alcohol. And first of all - for retail outlets.

With the introduction of EGAIS 3.0. you will have to rebuild the process of accepting alcohol - you will need to acquire a 2D scanner and an access point to the Unified State Automated Information System at the place of acceptance of the goods. Upon arrival of a consignment of alcohol, immediately scan all excise stamps from each brought bottle and, if discrepancies are identified, immediately send a rejection report for the corresponding bottle.

As always, we urge you not to postpone these issues “for later” and to take a thoughtful approach to the process of switching to blot registration in EGAIS.

First of all, a new version EGAIS 3.0 monitors the legality of alcohol not only in the field of wholesale supplies, but also in retail. This is where, according to experts, there is a huge proportion of counterfeit products.

Previously, manufacturers and wholesalers of alcohol used serial registration of excise stamps. For a batch of alcohol, excise stamps were issued equal to the number of bottles produced. Where excises were tied not to the bottle, but to the released batch. It was clear that a bottle from a batch corresponded to one or another linked code from the assigned range of excises, but it was not clear which one.

This procedure led to confusion: the same bottle in retail could be repeatedly resold and ended up on the balance in several stores at once, and as a result be recognized as counterfeit at the point where the check came.

To eliminate confusion in stores, the state decided to involve the retail segment in the control of alcohol. Under the new EGAIS 3.0 protocol, the excise stamp will be tied not to a batch of alcohol, but to a specific bottle.

Keep records within the framework of EGAIS 3.0 should:

  • public catering
  • alcohol producers
  • importers
  • outlets
  • suppliers

Producers will report to EGAIS on the volume of alcohol produced with the obligatory indication of codes from pasted stamps. Suppliers, in turn, will indicate on the invoices a complete list of excise stamps attached to bottles.

Retail stores and food service must scan brand codes from each bottle when accepting alcohol(for checking invoices), as well as during its implementation (for the purpose of writing off within the framework of EGAIS 3.0). Accordingly, the barcodes of all bottles will be indicated both in the balance sheets and in the write-off reports.

EGAIS 3.0 will prohibit putting alcohol on the balance sheet, the code of which is on balances in another organization.

When moving bottles from store to store, you will also need to keep a blot record of each bottle.

The new EGAIS 3.0 system applies exclusively to labeled alcoholic products. It will not affect:

  • ethanol;
  • alcohol-containing products;
  • unmarked alcoholic products (beer, low-alcohol drinks).

Terms of transition to EGAIS 3.0

The EGAIS 3.0 system will be implemented in three stages: testing, transition period and industrial exploitation. Companies will be able to gradually change their work to meet the new requirements and avoid fines for non-compliance.

Testing (until February 1, 2018)

Until February 1, EGAIS accepted documents old version 2.0 and the new 3.0. Marked products were allowed to be produced and shipped with an indication of an incomplete number of marks. EGAIS did not control the presence of stamps on the remains of other organizations.

Transitional period (from 02/01/2018 to 07/01/2018)

From February 1 to July 1, production and imports will be banned from accounting under the second protocol.

Manufacturers and importers will keep records exclusively in the blot mode (EGAIS 3.0). But at this stage, it is still allowed to ship blot products with an indication of an incomplete number of stamps.

Rosakogolregulirovanie will not punish retail and public catering for errors and shortcomings in accounting.

Industrial operation (from 07/01/2018)

Starting July 1, 2018, all organizations without exception will switch to blot alcohol accounting.

Production reports will show the number of barcodes equal to the number of bottles produced.

EGAIS 3.0 will not allow to ship products with an incomplete number of stamps, as well as duplicate stamps. It will become impossible to put products on the balance sheet, according to the bar code of which there was a sale or other write-off.

What to expect from the transition to EGAIS 3.0

The main goal of EGAIS 3.0 is to strengthen control over the circulation of alcohol in order to reduce the volume of counterfeit and low-quality products.

And if you look at this goal, then the end customer will only benefit from innovations. But businesses will have to adapt to the new order.

In the simplest case retailers alcohol, practically nothing will have to be done, except for updating programs that work with EGAIS. In connection with the transition to EGAIS 3.0, other companies will have to purchase control equipment that allows them to check and record excise stamps (barcode scanner and data collection terminal).

All previously shipped alcohol residues (before 02/01/2018), retail outlets can account for and sell according to the old rules until full sale.

Rosalkogolregulirovanie does not yet represent the real volumes of old batches, so the deadline for implementation will be known closer to July 2018.

Less than a year has passed since the last global change in the format of data exchange with the Unified State Automated Information System, and all participants in the alcohol market are already waiting for another change.

From July 1, 2018, piece-by-piece accounting is introduced in the Unified State Automated Information System. Piece-by-piece accounting is introduced in order to ensure the traceability of the movement of each unit of labeled alcoholic products from the manufacturer to the end consumer. The main product identifier in the System is a digital identifier contained in a PDF417 bar code applied to the FSM/AM.

Piece products - alcoholic products, the production or import of which was taken into account by the piece. This means that any change in the owner (FSRAR ID) of a particular bottle of labeled alcoholic products must be notified to EGAIS. Thus, EGAIS at any time has information about the location of each bottle of products, from production or import to retail store through which it was implemented.

Batch products - alcoholic products produced or imported before 07/01/2018, the production or import of which was not taken into account by the piece. Currently, all products are considered batch. There is no record keeping of each bottle.

To account for piece products, version 3 of the format for exchanging documents with EGAIS is introduced. As of March 1, 2018, version 3 will be mandatory and version 2 will no longer be processed.

From March 1 to July 1, 2018 is considered a transitional period. During this period, the version 3 document can contain both items of piece products and items of batch products.

How to set up version 3 in BukhSoft: Trading

1. Launch the EGAIS form. The program will automatically send a request to EGAIS that it is ready to work with document version 3. For self-notification, send a request from the bookmark Requests.

2. After confirming the TTN, it is required cancel the fixation of barcodes for piece products, if any, and transfer it to batch products by a special act. After processing this act by the EGAIS system, it is required to transfer products to register 2. Further paperwork remained unchanged.

Sending a request for version 3 will allow you to accept documents of both the second version and the third.


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