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Every year the Russian tourism industry is increasingly involved in the global market. The development of tourism, like no other sector of the economy, stimulates the creation of jobs and the development of small businesses, redistributes resources between countries, has a stimulating effect on such sectors of the economy as transport, communications, services, trade, construction, production of consumer goods and is one of the most promising areas for structural restructuring of the economy of the Russian Federation and the Far East.

The most important activity of firms operating in tourism, are the promotion of the tourist product on the market, advertising and the sale of the prepared tour package. Currently, the media, special publications, brochures and the Internet are literally overflowing with a variety of tourist offers, and the path of a travel agency to success lies in bringing relevant information to a potential client and causing him to respond. This task is feasible if the company's management has knowledge in the field of marketing or the company has a marketing and advertising department.

For decades, under the Soviet system, there was a centralized vertical system tourism management, in which there was a centralized economic policy that supported the financing of targeted activities to promote, first of all, the ideology and, secondly, the actual tourism resources and services. With the advent of perestroika and further reformation of business principles, tourism has moved into the sphere of entrepreneurship, and now entrepreneurs must spend their own money to solve their problems.

Advertising, as the main means of promoting a tourist product, is expensive and not always effective. The use of marketing technologies will make it possible to rationally use the resources of a travel enterprise, including financial resources, to promote and sell tours and will help in choosing the most effective promotion methods for each tourist product.

The purpose of this term paper- not only determine the place of marketing in tourism, but also name specific marketing tools applicable in tourism.


The concept and role of marketing in tourism

Tourism marketing is a set of methods and techniques for collecting and analyzing data aimed at identifying opportunities to meet the needs of people in terms of psychological, economic and social factors, as well as to solve the problems of rational management of a tourism organization.

The purpose of marketing is to recognize, identify and evaluate the existing or latent demand for goods and services that an enterprise offers or can offer, and to direct the efforts of the company to develop, manufacture, distribute, sell and promote these goods and services.

The goal of tour marketing is a profitable job of serving and satisfying customer needs. As the vice-president of the famous Sheraton hotel chain said, "Our goal is a profitable work of service and customer satisfaction. From this point of view, marketing should serve a clearly defined task: how to function most successfully.

The object of any marketing is the behavior of the enterprise in relation to its market and consumers. The central idea of ​​marketing in this case is the position of market orientation instead of the position of orientation to the product being produced.

Depending on the legal status and relevant legal form certain tourism enterprise, from the specifics of the activity and the state of the market for tour services, from the availability and volume of state assistance, from the mentality of the entrepreneurs themselves, the marketing goals of the tourist enterprise are divided into:

1) Economic: they are formed through certain digital performance indicators or through percentages (profit maximization in the long term, identifying new market segments, improving the sale of tour products, strengthening market positions, etc.).

2) "" Selfish "": increasing the prestige and improving the image of the company, country, region or locality. This may be a desire to maintain independence, increase business stability, etc.

3) Social: considered from the point of view of developing such a tour product that people with lower incomes can use. They can also be expressed in the development of such tourism products that contribute to the protection environment,

reducing unemployment, stimulates the expansion of small businesses.

The tourism industry is characterized by a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises that have neither the "know-how" nor the experience necessary to correctly apply modern marketing techniques. They also do not have a profit /revenue/ sufficient to hire the required number of people and pay the necessary marketing expenses. They make only erratic attempts at advertising, promotion and market research.

To achieve success requires considerable effort, invention, resourcefulness. First of all, it is necessary to develop an appropriate strategy for promoting your tour product. Such promotion can be carried out in various ways, both external and internal in relation to the firm concerned.

Working out marketing strategy at different levels will ultimately allow to determine the national program for the development of domestic tourism. At present, nothing of the kind has been developed at the national level, but even most tour companies that have already worked for a considerable time in this business use only groups of methods and means. marketing activities.

The tourist product, by virtue of its consumption by individuals, must be brought to the individual personally. At the same time, the tour operator is forced to resort to the help of thousands of travel agencies that, directly or indirectly through agents working for enterprises, bring information about this product to potential consumer. At the same time, in the conditions of price competition in the region for a specific type of product with uniform characteristics, price indicators are aligned, since at the stage of consumption of the tour potential client has a clear tendency to minimize costs. Here it is necessary to study the problem of tourist demand in more detail.

Specific Features of Tourism Marketing

Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the global service sector. Due to its rapid growth, tourism has been recognized as an economic phenomenon of the 20th century. Despite the fact that in our country tourism is not yet perceived as a full-fledged sector of the economy and as a subject for scientific analysis, the state pays more and more attention to tourism every year.

Example 1

The global economic and political situation has become an impetus for the active development of domestic tourism in Russia in recent years. The closure of the main tourist destinations for Russian tourists turns Russians to domestic resorts and cultural and historical territories.

Every year, the need for qualified personnel in the hospitality and tourism industry increases, the opportunities of universities arise and expand, and refresher courses appear that train tourism personnel.

Remark 1

However, a specific feature that distinguishes tourism from other sectors of the economy is the feature of the tourist “goods” - services. According to experts, the share of services and goods in tourism is distributed as 75% and 25% respectively. The result of activities in the field of tourism is reduced to a tourist product.

The tourist product is a complex of services that best meets the desires of tourists and satisfies their needs in recreation, health improvement, knowledge of the world, accommodation, food and others.

The tourist product has the distinctive characteristics inherent in the service, namely, intangibility, perishability, inseparability from the source and variability of quality (4 "NOT"). Four "NOTs" of tourism services as a product significantly affect the features of marketing in the field of tourism.

Functions of tourism marketing

Tourist marketing is aimed primarily at the development of the company in order to maximize profits, promotion of its tourist product, satisfaction of consumer expectations of tourists, based on the study of tourist demand.

In accordance with the provisions of the World tourism organization(UNWTO) there are three main functions of tourism marketing:

  1. Formation of contacts with consumers of tourist services. Establishing contacts with clients aims to convince them that the proposed holiday destination and the services, attractions and expected benefits that exist there are fully consistent with what the clients themselves want to receive.
  2. The development of contacts involves the design of innovations that can provide new sales opportunities. Such innovations should correspond to the needs and preferences of potential customers. development of contacts through innovations; 1
  3. Monitoring service outcomes. Control involves the analysis of the results of activities to promote goods and services to the market and check how the results reflect the full and successful use of the opportunities available in the tourism sector, a comparative analysis of the costs of promotional marketing activities and the income received.

Tourism Marketing Complex (4P + 3P)

The traditional marketing mix consists of the following interrelated elements, known as the 4Ps: Product - Price - Place - Promotion.

  1. the service process (Рrocess), developed using various design and reengineering methods, is aimed at improving the service functions of the tourism product;
  2. personnel (People). Contact personnel are the personnel of the company who simultaneously produce and sell tourist service. Often, contact zone employees in marketing are called “part-time marketers”;
  3. material environment (Physical Evidence). This refers to the atmosphere of a hotel, restaurant, travel agency office, from the point of view of marketing, the impact on human sensory channels: visual (harmonious design and interior, color schemes, space organization, lighting), auditory (style of music, its pace and volume), olfactory (room ventilation, pleasant smells), tactile (room temperature).

Remark 2

Together with the rest of the marketing mix strategies (product, price, distribution channels, promotion), these additional three elements form the tourism marketing mix.

Tourist services in international trade act as an "invisible" product. Characteristic feature and peculiar dignity tourism services as a commodity is that a significant part of these services is produced at minimal cost locally and, as a rule, without the use of foreign exchange. Foreign tourists use the enterprises of the tourism industry of the destination country. In addition, they consume or buy and export as souvenirs a certain amount of goods purchased in the country of visit for foreign currency, having previously exchanged it for local currency.

International tourism as one of the forms of international economic relations has acquired in modern conditions huge scale and began to have a significant impact on the political, economic and cultural connections between countries. In addition, in many countries tourism revenues make up a significant part of the national income (Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Australia, etc.).

Experts predict that the rapid development of international tourism will continue. At current growth rates, the number of international travel will reach 900 million by 2005, and by 2010 it will increase to about 937 million. According to the latest WTO forecasts, by 2020, 1.6 billion people will travel annually, and the growth rate will be 4.3% in terms of the number of tourists, and 6.4% in terms of tourism income. Table 1 shows how soon outbound and tourism develops in Russia, while diagram 3 shows the structure of trips to Russia by foreign citizens.

Now international tourism is one of the three largest export industries, behind the oil industry and the automotive industry.

The development of tourism is becoming more visible and tangible. Therefore, the study of its condition and problems is very important, especially because tourism can have a significant impact on the country's economy. The importance of tourism in the world is constantly increasing, which is associated with the increased influence of tourism on the economy of a particular country.

The tourism industry is a complex organization of the production of a tourist product. The tourism industry usually includes tourism resources and enterprises (organizations, institutions, individuals, etc.) offering services to tourists.

Implementation tourism business in market conditions can be carried out in the presence of four main components:

  • * capital;
  • * technology;
  • * frames;
  • * tourist resources.

This means that, having insufficient capital, to buy technology, hire a personnel team and engage in tourism. To do this, it is necessary to choose a place where there are tourist and recreational resources, and if there is no such place, then create it. This is one of the specific features of the tourism business in the market. If tourism is associated with the creation of a tourist resource (and not the consumption of an existing one), then the cost of a tourist product increases sharply.

Tourism resources are understood as a set of natural and artificially created objects suitable for creating a tourist product. As a rule, tourism resources determine the formation of tourism business in a particular region.

According to the definition of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), a tourist is a citizen visiting a country (place) of temporary stay for recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities for a period of 24 hours to 6 months in a row or for at least one overnight stay. His relationship with a travel company consists in the acquisition of a travel voucher - a document confirming the transfer of a tourist product - the right to a tour intended to be transferred to a tourist, and a tour is a set of services for accommodation, transportation, meals for tourists, excursion services, as well as services of guides-interpreters and other services provided depending on the purpose of the trip.

The work of travel companies with tourists includes:

  • - offering a certain set of tourist and excursion services to a tourist or a group of tourists;
  • - receiving money from the client for a ticket (tour),
  • - transfer of funds to relevant organizations for accommodation, accommodation, excursion service.

The contractual relationship between the tourist and travel company develop as a relationship between the buyer (customer) and the seller (executor). At the same time, the special nature of the "product" purchased from a travel company should be emphasized. By entering into contractual relations with her, the tourist expects to eventually receive the set of services he needs. The firm, however, provides him, as a rule, not with the services themselves, but with the rights (guarantees) to receive in certain time, in a certain place of services directly carried out by other companies that do not have direct contractual relations with this tourist, but are members of contractual relations with the guide travel company. The tourist also acquires guarantees for the provision of certain types of services by the sending company itself. The totality of these rights is displayed in the voucher, which is the final "product" of the travel company and, accordingly, the subject of its implementation and depends on what kind of activity it is engaged in.

Tour operator activity is an activity for the formation, promotion and sale of a tourist product, carried out on the basis of a license legal entity or individual entrepreneur(tour operator).

Travel agency activities - activities to promote and sell a tourist product, carried out on the basis of a license by a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur (travel agent).

The relationship between the tour operator and the tourist is most often built on the basis of an agency agreement on granting the first to the second the right to sell the tourist product formed by the tour operator.

Relations with a foreign partner are based on the division of services provided. A foreign firm provides accommodation, meals, excursion services, and sometimes insurance. Russian company - transportation of tourists, insurance and visa processing. The advertising campaign is carried out by a Russian company using only its own funds, without the help of a partner.

Such business cooperation can be considered the most convenient. A foreign company, having constant links with hotels and better understanding of the market situation, can reduce costs and provide discounts that enable the Russian company to offer competitive services at a cost less than the cost of a self-traveling tourist, which ensures constant demand.

Internal marketing - marketing carried out within the organization and aimed at effective training and motivation of employees who are in direct contact with customers and provide support for these contacts, as well as creating conditions under which employees work as a single team, ensuring the most complete customer satisfaction. Internal marketing, focused on the internal market of the organization, precedes external and interactive marketing.

The concept of internal marketing implies an active marketing approach and appropriate coordination of personnel actions. "Internal marketing uses marketing opportunities to better manage the employees of the company. Internal marketing is marketing aimed inside the company, at its employees.

The goal of internal marketing is to create a real team, that is, people whose passion for their work transcends official duties. They define the content of their work in terms of serving external customers. Such people no longer perceive their work as a set of specific tasks formulated by management. Instead, their understanding of the job includes everything they can do to serve external clients.

Since each employee is individual and has his own opinion and attitude to this or that fact, the quality of services provided to external clients is not the same, inconsistent and inseparable from the people providing these services. Internal marketing is precisely aimed at creating conditions for the provision of services. High Quality. The solution of these problems is carried out using methods borrowed from external marketing, but applied to internal market participants, for example, marketing (sociological) research, segmentation and positioning, marketing communications, developing strategies and tactics in relation to personnel, etc.

One of the main concepts of internal marketing is the concept of the internal market as a place for the exchange of values ​​provided to external customers by the organization's personnel for material and moral and social rewards provided to them by the organization's management. An important function of internal marketing is the development of market orientation among all employees.

Market orientation in this case is considered in two aspects:

  • a) customer orientation, i.e. understanding and satisfaction by employees of the organization of customer needs;
  • b) focus on competitors, i.e. employees of the organization should have information about the competitors of the organization, know their strengths and weak sides, use this information for more complete satisfaction clients.

The result of internal marketing is the interaction of internal suppliers and consumers. The idea of ​​singling out internal suppliers and consumers in the staff can be traced in almost all authors discussing internal marketing issues. Moreover, in most cases, the same employee (group of employees, department, etc.) simultaneously performs the functions of both an internal supplier and an internal consumer.

Orientation of the organization to the staff (internal customers) is one of the main success factors in the external market. It stems from the following:

  • a) the quality of services is based on the creation of the value of the service;
  • b) improving the quality of intra-organizational relationships ultimately has a positive effect on the quality of relationships with external customers;
  • c) the object of orientation to internal customers (internal orientation) is the relationship between individual employees and departments of the organization in the process of creating the value of services;
  • d) the purpose of the internal orientation of the organization is to provide added value at each stage of the value chain.

Summarizing the above, we can say that internal marketing- these are systematic actions to use marketing tools within the organization aimed at motivating and cross-functional integration of customer-oriented personnel, overcoming resistance to change in order to effectively meet the needs of external customers.

The task of internal marketing is to analyze formal and informal internal communications in order to identify the effectiveness and expediency of communications for the quality work of staff.

The use of marketing communications methods in internal marketing involves the use of the following methods:

  • -- sales promotion (sales);
  • -- personal (personal) sale;
  • - public relations (public relations);
  • - promotion of sales (sales);
  • -- advertising.

Sales promotion in internal marketing refers to short-term incentives that promote the "sale" of work to employees of the organization.

Personal selling refers to the oral presentation of a job by a manager in conversation with one or more potential internal buyers for the purpose of selling it. Is effective tool promotion of the work-product at certain stages of its marketing, when personal contacts between management and employees of the organization may be more effective methods motivation rather than sales promotion methods. In addition, personal selling techniques are used during job interviews.

The advantages of personal selling are mainly due to the fact that there is a direct meeting between the manager and employees. The personal nature of the meeting allows you to more accurately understand the needs of employees, explain to them the positions and capabilities of the organization, present the works being sold in a favorable light, eliminate misunderstandings, and establish long-term trusting relationships.

Managers need to understand that bad service gets more response than good service. When guests are mistreated, they talk more about the incident. If a person has been served well, he will tell five people about it. If a person has received a negative experience, he will report it to ten. The dissemination of positive experience is more difficult. A few negatives can ruin a lot of positives.

The company's goal is to provide a service that exceeds the expectations of the client.

All hotel staff - from the check-in clerk, the dining room waiter, the front door attendant, and the concierge - must make an effort to ensure that the guest leaves satisfied. Their attitude appearance and willingness to fulfill any request of the guest form the overall impression of the hotel. The employees of the companies that organize the reception of guests provide services that, through their intermediation, become part of the product. It is often quite difficult to differentiate the material part of the product of competing companies. Steak dinners and hotel rooms in the same price range differ very little in value. Differences in products are often due to the fact that company employees serve their customers differently.

In the hospitality industry, most of the marketing activity is done by employees outside the marketing department, not by marketing professionals. Marketing program that attracts customers to the hotel. The hotel staff must serve the first-time guest so that he becomes a regular customer. The income of the hotel directly depends on this - the more regular customers, the higher the profit of the hotel. A 5% increase in loyal customers can lead to a 25% and even 125% increase in profits. (see Appendix 1).

The hospitality and tourism industry is unique in that employees are part of the product. The hotel must have a staff that is able to perform well at the "moments of truth". When people think of marketing, they usually think of outward marketing efforts, but the main marketing effort of a hotel or restaurant should be directed inward to its employees.

Managers must make sure that employees know their services (products) and believe that they have a high customer value. Employees must be enthusiastic about their company and the services they sell. Otherwise, it is impossible to interest customers. External marketing brings customers to the hotel, but it is of little use if the employees do not live up to their expectations.

Marketing professionals must develop methods and procedures to ensure that employees are able and willing to provide quality service.

The concept of internal marketing, developed by marketers, formalizes marketing procedures specifically for employees. The work of internal marketing is structured so that employees at all levels of the organization do business in practice and realize that their various activities and the state of the environment form the consciousness of the client.

Internal marketing is divided into four components: production culture; marketing approach to personnel management; bringing information about marketing goals to the team; reward system.

Production culture.

Travel agency employees do not have direct contacts with foreign tourists, and therefore cannot show special attention and hospitality towards them. Therefore, when we talk about work culture, we mean the system of values ​​and beliefs that gives the staff of the company the ability to understand its tasks and ensure that they are properly solved. In an effectively managed travel agency, all employees are carriers of this culture, the high level of which is determined, firstly, by the behavior of employees in production processes. They know what management expects from them and how to act in different situations. Secondly, a high level of culture allows employees to clearly understand ultimate goals and treat your company well.

In practice, a high level of production culture is achieved by increasing the responsibility and self-discipline of the company's employees, strict observance of the deadlines and quality of the work performed, cultivating psychological compatibility among the travel agency personnel and creating a favorable psychological microclimate in it, encouraging the initiative of employees by granting them the right to use non-standard solutions in emergency cases, to go beyond the limits of official powers, the widespread use of such forms of work as the combination of professions and the expansion of the range of duties, the establishment feedback: "employees - management" and others. An internal marketing program stems from a culture of service. A service marketing program is doomed to failure if the firm's organizational culture does not support customer service.

An article in The Australian, a national newspaper, reports that four firms have invested $2 million in customer service programs with little return. One of the reasons why these customer service efforts failed was that the companies' entrepreneurial culture was not service oriented. Companies ran customer service programs because they believed they could satisfy customers and generate more cash for the firm. However, these firms soon discovered that good program customer service involves much more than just dealing with front line employees. The internal marketing program requires strict commitment from the managers themselves and the company's management.

The main barrier in the preparation and implementation of the majority internal programs marketing is the middle link of management. Managers are trained to track prices and increase profits. Their reward systems were usually based on the achievement of a certain level of costs. Imagine a hotel receptionist who has received appropriate marketing training and is dedicated to helping guests. He will spend a little more time on clients, or perhaps cancel the visit to the health club in order to help a disgruntled guest and correct the situation if the client was in any way dissatisfied with the service at the hotel. However, the same employee, who has not undergone such training, may regard all this as additional (not productive) time spent, the services rendered as wasteful.

If management expects a positive attitude of employees towards the client, it must itself have the same positive attitude towards both the client and employees. Too often, organizations hire "special trainers" to work with their employees who interact with customers during the day and instill in them an interest in quality customer service. The result of this training is usually short-lived because organizations do little to support employees who do good customer service. Managers urge receptionists to be helpful and friendly to guests, while this department is understaffed, for example. A salutation that exists to make the registrar seem sincere and helpful - " Good morning, the Plaza Hotel, says Elizabeth, how can I help you?" - does not bring the desired benefit if it is all compressed into 3 seconds plus it is also supplemented with the words "Please do not hang up!" at the end. The client can wait until the phone rings fourteen times, and when finally answered, he hears a cold, pattered hello.Management must develop a culture of service, a culture that focuses on serving the customer based on certain rules, procedures, rewards and actions.

Bringing marketing information to employees. In order for travel agency employees to be fully involved in marketing processes and understand the goals and objectives, they must have access to relevant information.

  • - develop marketing plans jointly with the entire team of the travel agency;
  • - regularly inform the team about the results of the implementation of these plans;
  • - Discuss with them emerging problems and ways to eliminate them;
  • - inform the team about upcoming production plans in which they are to participate.

An organization in the travel and hospitality industry should use printed publications as part of its internal communications. Most multi-hotel companies produce an employee newsletter, and large hotels also usually have their own internal newsletters for effective advertising new products and services, advertising campaigns. In addition to mass media, personal communication is also important. Leonard Berry suggests having two annual reports, one for stockholders and one for employees. His proposal has now been accepted by many firms.

Employees should receive information about new products (services) and their modifications, marketing activities and changes in the service process. All marketing promotions, all stages marketing plan should include internal marketing. For example, when a firm spins a new media campaign, it must communicate it to its employees. Most employees see for the first time advertisements companies in the media. Before advertisements appear in the media, the company must explain the nature of these advertisements to its employees. Managers should also explain to them the purpose of the respective advertising campaign and its meaning.

Most often the most effective communication with clients is carried out through employees directly involved in their service. They can offer Additional services such as a hotel health club or business center and provide any other services if it is to the benefit of the guest. Employees often have the opportunity to prevent the occurrence of certain problems for the client. For all this, employees need information. Unfortunately, many companies exclude employees directly involved in customer service from providing relevant information. The marketing director can inform managers and site supervisors about upcoming events, various kinds advertising campaigns, new means of promoting services, but some managers will find that ordinary employees do not need to know this information.

Management actions are the only way to communicate with the organization's staff. A leader at any level must understand that employees are watching his reaction to a particular situation and studying his behavior. If the general manager picks up a piece of paper from the floor, other employees will do the same. A manager who emphasizes the importance of the teamwork of employees acting as a team can reinforce the principle of teamwork.

By taking an interest in the work of employees, supporting them, calling employees by their names, having lunch in the cafeteria with them, the manager earns confidence in himself and his words.

Conclusion: In this paragraph, the concepts of internal marketing were considered, it is described how you can achieve high level production culture, the concept of internal marketing, the purpose and its tasks are considered. Proceeding from this, internal marketing is based, on the one hand, on the fact that the staff is a resource of the organization necessary to achieve its goals, on the other hand, the staff is one of the most important client groups of the organization, whose needs must be met. Hospitality in marketing and tourism is the main condition for all employees; it should not be the sole responsibility of the marketing and commercial departments.

Marketing should be an integral part of the philosophy of the whole organization and the marketing function should be carried out by all employees. In manufacturing firms, the marketing function is often performed by the marketing department, as many employees do not interact with the customer. In the service sector, on the other hand, ordinary employees perform most of the marketing function.


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