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Few entrepreneurs decide to open a beauty salon from scratch, but this business area is one of the fastest growing segments. Of course, such an institution requires quite serious investments, but the profit from it will be tangible.

In order not to suffer losses, a businessman must develop before opening detailed business plan. It will help to assess the possibilities, choose the right strategy.

The entrepreneur needs to decide on the list of services provided. Hairdressers, manicurists, pedicurists, cosmetologists, massage therapists can work in the beauty salon. The more services and jobs there are, the more initial investment will be required.

The level of costs also depends on the class of the beauty salon. There are 3 types. Each of them has special characteristics.

Economy class

Business Class

Premium class


Simple haircuts, hair coloring, hairstyles, manicures, pedicures.

In addition to services provided in economy class salons, there are hair care services, solariums, cosmetic and massage rooms. There are also makeup artists.

Creation of a holistic image. Other services are added to the services provided in economy and business class establishments - aromatherapy, body shaping, hardware cosmetology.


In the sleeping areas of the city.

In large shopping centers and malls, business centers, prestigious areas of the city.

AT major cities with a large population. In the most prestigious areas of the city or in the very center.


The appearance of such establishments is very modest, they spend very little on advertising, they use inexpensive cosmetics in their work.

Much attention is paid to interior design. For this, eminent designers are invited. Employees use professional equipment and very high quality consumables.


Low cost of services provided, accessibility to a large number of people.

High level of service, variety of services and their high quality.

Highly high level services, the availability of all necessary amenities (including parking, a special area for special clients).

Load level

Amount of initial costs

Up to 1,000,000 rubles.

From 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.

From 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 rubles.

Premium beauty salons do not open often, and the other two varieties of water can be found in almost any city. Which format to choose, the entrepreneur himself must decide. He must definitely evaluate whether it is profitable to open a beauty salon of the chosen type in a particular city, whether he has enough funds to bring the idea to life.

Finding a suitable room

Step-by-step instructions for opening your own beauty salon begins with choosing the right format. Only after that, the entrepreneur should look for the appropriate premises. The level of profit will depend on the location of the salon. Important factors to pay attention to are:

  • densely populated and passable area (especially important for economy class salons);
  • transport and pedestrian accessibility;
  • nearby competitors.
  1. workplaces (one should account for at least 5 m 2);
  2. reception (where clients will wait for their turn) - from 6 m 2;
  3. laundry - not less than 9 m 2;
  4. a special room for staff (where they will rest, dine, change clothes) - not less than 6 m 2.

There are a number of other requirements that must also be met:

  • be sure to have a special room in the beauty salon where instruments will be disinfected and sterilized (it should have a sink with hot and cold water);
  • co-location of rooms intended for pedicure, tattooing, piercing, cosmetic and massage procedures is unacceptable, each should be in a separate room;
  • but the pedicure and manicure room can be combined if these services are provided by one master;
  • in one room you can place a dressing room, a waiting room and a place for lunch (the latter is allowed if no more than 10 people work in the beauty salon at the same time).

total area necessary premises should not be less than 50 m 2. And for luxury beauty salons, this figure increases at least 2 times.

But even if the entrepreneur has found, as it seems to him, the ideal premises, it is not worth renting it right away. To begin with, it is better to make sure that all higher authorities will give permission to conduct activities in the selected institution. Otherwise, the entrepreneur will suffer losses, and then will again look for a suitable premises.

It is better to choose such landlords who are ready to conclude a lease agreement immediately for a long period. This will reduce the likelihood of having to move to a new location in the near future, which means it will eliminate the need to incur additional costs.

Collection of necessary documents

Not all entrepreneurs know what it takes to open a beauty salon. And this is one of the most important questions. First you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you plan to open a large institution, then it is better to stop at the second option. It will not be possible to do without indicating the OKVED codes. Without them, legal activity is impossible. In this case, the following codes may be needed:

  • 93.02 - "Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons";
  • 93.04 - "Physical and recreational activities."

Working with hair and nails is associated with possible damage to the skin and the introduction of various infections (up to syphilis, HIV and hepatitis). That is why the functioning of beauty salons is regulated by a number of serious regulations. in number binding documents(regardless of the type of salon) includes:

  1. the conclusion of the SES on the compliance of the premises with the requirements prescribed in SanPiN;
  2. paper from the Ministry of Emergency Situations confirming that all fire safety rules are observed in the cabin;
  3. permission to operate from the local municipality.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs who want to open their own beauty salon are wondering if a license is needed to carry out activities? Everything will depend on the list of services provided. If it is limited to haircuts, hair coloring, manicures and pedicures, then you will not need to obtain a license. But to those institutions where they provide medical services are much more stringent requirements. We are talking about cosmetic procedures, massage, piercing, tattooing and peeling. If at least one of the listed services is provided in a beauty salon, then work without a license will be illegal.

Disputes regarding the need to obtain a license are also connected with the solarium. In fact, you do not need to obtain a license, but there is one important nuance. If the equipment passport contains the wording “medical equipment product”, then it will also be necessary to obtain a license without fail.

Obtaining a license is regulated by a number of regulations. To become its owner, an entrepreneur must fulfill a number of requirements:

  1. the equipment used must be registered with Roszdravnadzor and certified;
  2. the equipment used must be maintained by a licensed company;
  3. the organization must have a provision regulating the safety rules and prescribing the quality of the services provided;
  4. employees providing services subject to licensing must have appropriate certificates and medical education.

When obtaining a license, requirements are also imposed on the education and work experience of an entrepreneur or head of an enterprise, depending on the type of organization.

Necessary equipment

The work of a beauty salon is impossible without special equipment. Moreover, it must be certified, as well as the materials used in the work. The minimum list of equipment for the simplest beauty salon is as follows:

  • armchairs;
  • sinks;
  • tables;
  • hair dryers;
  • tools (tongs, scissors, curling irons, hair dryers).

If a massage is done in an institution, then a special table, essential oils, and creams will be required. The makeup artist will need consumables, brushes, blenders. For a cosmetology office, special equipment is required.

It is the purchase necessary equipment will be the largest cost item. To purchase everything you need in an economy class cabin, you need at least 150,000 rubles.


The number of employees and their specialization will depend on the scale of the beauty salon and the list of services provided. In addition to hairdressers, make-up artists, cosmetologists, administrators will be required. They will make a record of clients, meet them, inform about the work of the salon. Will not do without cleaners. In an elite institution, security guards and laundresses will be additionally required.

To encourage employees to perform high-quality work, it is worth offering them the form of remuneration “salary +%”. This applies to masters.

A dermatovenereologist should work as a cosmetologist, who must have a specialization in “therapeutic cosmetology”. If the employee has a secondary medical education, then in addition he will have to obtain a certificate of “cosmetology nurse” and a diploma of “nursing in cosmetology”.

Absolutely all employees of the enterprise must have sanitary books in their hands and pass in a timely manner medical checkup once a year.

beauty salon promotion

  • Signboard. It should be bright, beautiful, attractive and understandable. Be sure to come up with a catchy and memorable name for your beauty salon.
  • Registration in electronic directories . This service does not require any investment, but it is able to attract additional customers. You need to register in the 2GIS and 4GEO directories.
  • Distribution of leaflets and booklets. You can do this near the establishment. In addition, leaflets can be distributed to nearby houses, pasted over the entrances with ads.
  • Advertising on local TV. But this option is more suitable for elite establishments.

Additionally, you should think about creating your own website, a group in in social networks. All this will bring an additional flow of customers. contextual advertising will also help increase the number of visitors.

Financial results

Any entrepreneur organizes his own business for profit. No wonder he's interested how much does it cost to open a beauty salon from scratch, how soon can it pay off? You will need a starting capital of at least 500,000 - 900,000 rubles. The amount of costs includes not only the purchase of equipment, but also the repair of the premises, the purchase of furniture, Supplies, advertising company.

It will be possible to return the invested funds in about 1 year. For small salons, the payback period may be slightly less.

The income of the salon can reach several million rubles a month if it is a fashionable establishment with a large turnover. But a small enterprise will bring net income in the amount of about 70,000 - 150,000 rubles.

Opening own business is an ideal option for anyone seeking financial independence. Even a small, but personally created business can bring not only material, but also moral satisfaction. It is recommended to start a business with something simple, for example, by opening an economy class hairdresser. This article will tell you how to open a hairdressing salon from scratch and how much money you need.

You need to start with something simple, for example, with an economy class hairdresser. Such barbershops are usually designed for a minimum number of places and visitors with an average income.

In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between such concepts as a hairdresser and a beauty salon. It is better for an inexperienced entrepreneur to limit himself to providing services such as haircuts and hair coloring, creating men's and women's hairstyles, shaving, and shampooing.

Declaring a new establishment as a beauty salon, it will be necessary to significantly expand the list of services provided, which means increasing the amount of money for the purchase of equipment and rent.

Visitors come to a beauty salon not only for the sake of a new haircut or hairstyle, but also masters of pedicure and manicure, eyelash extensions, eyebrow coloring and correction work in such establishments.

Materials and equipment for organizing the workplace of each individual master can cause a loss incurred by the enterprise, even before it is opened.

Attention! Despite the fact that the beauty salon is visited more often, and with financial side the neighborhood of a hairdresser with a nail master is more than profitable, a novice businessman should still limit himself to a small hairdresser. After the appearance of the first regular customers and the return of the entire amount spent on opening, you can think about further expansion.

How to open a barbershop from scratch step by step?

Selection of premises for a hairdresser

To open a barbershop from scratch, it is not necessary to master the art of cutting and dyeing hair. It is enough to have available from 350 to 420 thousand rubles, a small client base, rent a suitable room, hire competent workers.

The room is selected at the rate of 7-8 square meters per workplace master, as well as the need for a hall for visitors and a bathroom.

Standard economy class hairdressing salons usually consist of 4-6 jobs. Together with a hall, a bathroom and, possibly, a utility room, 43-46 square meters are enough to ensure comfortable interaction between the master and the client.

The premises can be purchased or rented, provided that the lease term is not less than 5-6 years.

A hair cutting salon can occupy the first floor of a residential complex or be part of a shopping center.

Important! Renting a basement is not the best option, usually basements scare away customers, they get the wrong idea about the quality of the services provided.

Permits and licenses

The opening of a barbershop must be formalized.

The ideal option is to register as an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC. The first option is more acceptable and economical; to register an IP, you will have to:

  • pay a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles;
  • pay for the production of a seal - 500 rubles;
  • open a bank account - 1000 rubles;
  • get OKVED codes.

On average, registration will take from 2300 to 3000 rubles and about 1.5-2 weeks of time.

If there is a desire, then registration can be carried out through the mediation of third parties, in this case, you will have to pay at least 10 thousand rubles for the execution of documents and the provision of the service itself. OKVED code - 93.02.

After completing the registration procedure, you will need to obtain permits from SanPiN and the State Fire Supervision.

In addition, each hairdresser must have a certificate confirming the degree of his skill.

The owner of the establishment is obliged to conclude agreements on garbage collection, washing clothes, carrying out measures to disinfect the premises, and dispose of fluorescent lamps.

Every barbershop should keep a register of disinfectants.

Important! All employees must have a health certificate.

In the absence of a suitable water supply, ventilation and sewerage system in the premises, you will also have to take care of inviting specialists to draw up an engineering communications project.

Attention! Hairdressing services are not licensed species activities, therefore, obtaining a special permit is not required.

Which is better - LLC or IP as a registration form?

When starting a new business, every entrepreneur is faced with the choice between registering himself as an LLC or an individual entrepreneur.

This choice is not at all easy, depending on the scale of the planned enterprise, both options have both advantages and disadvantages.

If we are talking about one particular hairdressing salon, designed for an average of 500-900 visitors per month, then it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, it is possible not only to serve individuals but also pay taxes under the simplified taxation system.

It is cheaper, faster to register an individual entrepreneurship, it is possible to independently collect and submit documents. There is no need for a legal address, authorized capital, constituent documents.

The procedure for registering an LLC provides for the presence of legal address, bank accounts, permits for selected activities, registration with tax and other authorities. For the preparation and submission of many documents, outside help will be required.

Attention! Thus, planning the opening of just small business, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur.

Which taxation system to choose?

Most individual entrepreneurs choose a simplified taxation system.

If we are talking about an LLC, then most likely the entrepreneur will have to stop at UTII. However, an individual entrepreneur can also choose a single taxation system.

Having chosen the UPSN, the entrepreneur must take care of the purchase and installation cash register. The new cash register is registered with Rospotrebnadzor.

For registration you will need:

  • the passport;
  • statement;
  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • documents on the presence of cash register;
  • lease contract.

Attention! Installing a cash register is optional, but it greatly simplifies the communication of an entrepreneur with representatives of the tax authorities.

What equipment is needed for hairdressing and beauty salons and consumables?

Premises rental and receipt registration documents are only half the story. The main thing to take care of in advance is the purchase of the necessary furniture and equipment. Depending on the scale of the salon, this may require from 250 to 400 thousand rubles.

For a hairdressing salon designed for 4 places, 2 of which are male and 2 are female, you will need:

  • 2 hydraulic chairs - 16 thousand rubles;
  • 2 chairs with a sink - 30-35 thousand rubles;
  • 4 large mirrors - 20 thousand rubles;
  • 4 tables - 25 thousand rubles;
  • 1 wardrobe or clothes hanger - 2.5 - 4 thousand rubles;
  • 2 chairs or benches for visitors waiting in the hall - 14-15 thousand rubles;
  • 1 TV - 14 thousand rubles;
  • music center - 20 thousand rubles;
  • 8 clippers - 25 thousand rubles;
  • 4 hair dryers - 12 thousand rubles;
  • 2-3 curling irons - 6-8 thousand rubles;
  • combs, scissors, razors, hairpins - 20 thousand rubles;
  • varnish, cream, shampoo, conditioner - 40 thousand rubles.

The hairdresser should have constant access to hot water, so it is better for the owner of the establishment to purchase and install a boiler. The cost of a boiler ranges between 35 and 45 thousand rubles.

Recruiting staff

For the normal operation of a hairdressing salon, at least 4 experienced specialists are required who are ready to work with clients of different ages, genders and social status.

Important! Not only men and women will come to the hairdressing salon, but also children, so at least one of the employees must have experience in cutting children's hair.

The salary of a hairdresser usually does not exceed 20 thousand rubles, specialists with extensive experience and their own client base earn 25-30 thousand.

Do not hire frank newcomers who have just completed courses. If the client does not like their work, the reputation of the institution will suffer, first of all.

Beginners can be taken as students with subsequent employment.

Attention! From 90 to 105 thousand rubles will have to be spent monthly on staff salaries.

In addition to hairdressers, you need to hire a cleaning lady, an accountant and an administrator.

At first, the owner of the establishment can take on the duties of an administrator, cleaning and maintaining accounts can be entrusted to an outsourcing company.

Advertising and marketing

You need to announce the opening about a week before that. This can be done through print media, radio and television.

A significant role should be given outdoor advertising and advertising on the Internet. You will need to hire several posters and order flyers.

Income and expenses and how much money will you need to start?

Opening a barbershop will require between 350,000 and 450,000, with some of the costs mentioned above being temporary and others being permanent.

Temporary expenses

fixed costs

Attention! Up to 220 thousand rubles will be spent monthly on maintenance of the hairdressing salon.


Factors affecting the income from haircuts and hair coloring are the location of the establishment, the competence of the hired staff, the ability to save money and attract new customers.

In order for the institution to reach a stable income after 3-5 months of operation, it is necessary to attract as many customers as possible. The average check of a hairdresser should not be less than 350 rubles, ideally - 500 rubles.

Attention! Stable income bring women's and men's haircuts, hair coloring. The revenue from them is at least 300 thousand per month.

The monthly rate of visitors per hairdresser is 200-220 people.

After paying utility bills, rent, taxes and wages, the owner's account will have from 85 to 90 thousand rubles of net profit.

How to increase income?

To increase income, it is necessary to gradually introduce new types of services, for example:

  • unusual colors and haircuts;
  • perm;
  • eyebrow coloring and correction;
  • hair extension;
  • Lamination of hair.

Attention! Many clients come to the hairdresser with no idea how they want to cut their hair. Additional service may be counseling followed by consideration of the selected options in a special computer program.

Payback period

If there are from 900 to 1300 customers per month, the institution will pay off within 3-7 months.

One hairdresser must serve up to 7 clients per day.

It will not work to reach a stable level of income immediately after opening, it is worth remembering high degree competition in the business.

Attention! Even if there is no other barbershop in the nearest range of 300-400 meters, the first regular customers will not appear soon. The risks are big enough.

By opening his own business, an entrepreneur expects not only to have a job, but also to earn money. Naturally, the latter is not always possible.

To make the hairdressing salon not easily pay off, but generate income, it is recommended:

  • monitor the quality of the services provided, most often customers are dissatisfied with the work of the hairdresser, and not with the whole institution as a whole;
  • you can start a business by opening a hairdresser at home, in this case it is enough to have 1 chair and a little experience, legal registration not required;
  • when it comes to opening a business in a small town and even in countryside, then you will need to think about the mobility of the institution, perhaps creating a mobile hairdresser;
  • participation in various competitions and shows can be much better than advertising, the owner of the establishment should monitor the occurrence of such opportunities and apply.

So. You have firmly decided to become the owner of a popular business and write a sample beauty salon business plan to start with. Before proceeding with targeted financial investments, you should dwell on the problem of the demand for business in your region and answer the question: for whom?

Beauty Salon Business Plan Development: Market Analysis

Beauty Salon Business Plan: Collection of Documents

The list of documents for opening a beauty salon contains the following items.

Title documents

  • Registration documents (on ownership, charter);
  • Lease agreement (if any).

SES conclusion

  • Technical documentation for the premises;
  • Assortment list;
  • Agreement with the organization for the removal of garbage and hair;
  • Contract for washing peignoirs, towels * ;
  • Documents for sterilizers;
  • Contract for disinfestation, disinfection, sanitary passport;
  • Service Agreement exhaust system ventilation;

In addition, a sample business plan for a beauty salon should indicate the need for the following list of documents:

  • Conclusion to work from the fire inspection;
  • Permission to carry out activities from the administration of the settlement;
  • Permission to carry out trade in related products (from the administration and SES);
  • Agreement with ZhU for Maintenance(wiring, water supply, etc.);
  • Agreement with the organization for the maintenance of the cash register;
  • HR documentation package;
  • Certificate of conformity * ;

(*) - issued on a voluntary basis and if necessary;

List of personnel documents

Documentation on personnel records includes several packages.

  1. Accounting documentation (payments, settlements for wages etc.).
  2. Personnel accounting.
  3. Internal acts establishing the interaction of employees, the procedure for work and maintenance.

The list of documentation must necessarily contain the personal files of each employee, their work books, agreements on liability, a magazine for briefing, work schedules, vacations, etc.

Important : For lack of documents, the labor inspectorate has the right to impose a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles, or suspend the organization's activities for 90 days.

The location of the beauty salon plays important role. But even more scrupulously it is necessary to approach the design of the salon itself.

Some organizational moments of opening a beauty salon

A detailed beauty salon business plan contains the following key points:

The choice of the position of the cabin

The determining factor for successful business is the location of the enterprise. It is desirable that the salon is located on a busy street, with high traffic, convenient parking. Another condition is the absence of a number of competing structures. All of the above refers to a standard set of factors that affect revenue. Often consider the option of locating the salon inside a shopping or office center.

Requirements for the premises

The premises must comply with:

  • First of all - the norms of SES;
  • Secondly, the style and purpose of the organization - a beauty salon.

Outside equipment requirements

It is desirable to have:

  • Showcase windows;
  • Protection against precipitation in the form of a visor at the entrance to the salon;
  • Placement of pillars, advertising signs near the salon;

Mandatory conditions:

  • Central entrance from the street;
  • Location on the 1st floor. The exception is salons located in shopping (office) centers where there are escalators or elevators. In this case, the placement of a colorful sign is possible on the facade of the building;

It is unacceptable to equip the entrance to the salon through a common courtyard.

Technical requirements

  • Minimum area - 100 m 2;
  • Ceiling height - min. 3 m, not including finishing;
  • Ability to connect units operating from 220V and from 380V;
  • At least one emergency exit;
  • The presence of a vestibule in the room in case of installation of a thermal curtain in cold weather;

Engineering systems

  • Possibility of water supply to each room of the cabin (for this, it is necessary to provide for a margin of at least 30 cm in height or a basement, which will allow communication to be carried out in the floor);
  • Separately mounted ventilation duct;

Salon equipment

Consider the option of opening a casual class beauty salon for 20 clients. Before deciding on the equipment, it is necessary to designate a list of services that the service will provide. A detailed beauty salon business plan contains the following list, recommended for elephants of this class:

  1. Hair care (equipment for cutting, styling and coloring).
  2. Pedicure and manicure (equipment for the care of feet and hands).
  3. Cosmetic services and related equipment.
  4. Full body skin care services (solarium, massage equipment).
  5. Creation of the client's image, a unique image (specialized equipment).

A complete list of equipment, including hairdresser's inventory, furniture, number of mirrors, chairs, etc. contains ready business-plan beauty elephant.

Personnel Requirements

In addition to the head, the beauty salon for 20 persons includes the following staff:

  1. Salon manager with a combination of the work of an accountant, who purchases materials, equipment, inventory and household materials. In other words, the organizer and business executive leading the entire financial statements. These types of work can be performed by one person in our case with a small salon. When opening a large structure, it is necessary to delimit responsibilities into several units.
  2. Hairdresser-universal (2 people for the service of the female half, 2 people for the men's room).
  3. Cosmetologist with a combination of the work of a makeup artist, consultant. (1 unit).
  4. Make-up artist with a combination of work as a make-up artist, stylist, consultant on cosmetics. (1 unit).
  5. Master of manicure-pedicure (for initial stage took one unit, with an increase in the number of clients, you can take an additional one master).
  6. Masseur, combined with the work of a spa therapist, chiropractor.
  • Spa business plan.

Financial calculations

Sample business plan for a beauty salon organizational moments, should contain some calculations and figures that provide theoretical prospects and profitability of the enterprise.

The calculation of profits for enterprises of such a focus and scale is calculated based on an analysis of the activities of similar structures. As a rule, a beauty salon in rare cases is loaded by more than 50%, and we will proceed from this.


  • Room rental - 50 thousand rubles. monthly (in case of purchase - at a time from 2 million rubles);
  • Equipment - 1 million rubles;
  • Repair, design of the premises from 1 million rubles.
  • Related costs 500 thousand rubles;
  • Salary of hired personnel - 1200 thousand rubles. annually.

Total: 5700 000 rub.


With a planned capacity of 20 people, taking into account the incomplete workload, the income of the beauty salon will be 400 thousand rubles. monthly.

Total: 4 million 800 thousand rubles. per year, (when buying a room).

Summary : when analyzing a business plan for opening a beauty salon, it is obvious that the payback of the enterprise comes after a maximum of 1.5 years. Therefore, a beauty salon, subject to all the subtleties, conditions and formalities, is a very profitable investment. Yes! And don't forget to give the salon a sonorous original name, it is better to coordinate this moment with a psychologist. Good luck!

Many girls dream of their own beauty salon, because there are only pluses in this - full access to services, and even a steady income. But is it really so simple and rosy? The owner of a small beauty studio shared her experience with our readers - she told how difficult the path of a woman in business can be, especially when starting from scratch on her own.

Word, as always, to the author

My name is Ekaterina. Now I am 33 years old. Received legal education. She completed an internship at one of the city's leading companies in automated accounting "salary and personnel". At the moment I am studying at the last year in the specialty "Management of the finances of the organization" of the Faculty of Finance and Economics. For about a year I worked in a bank, however, due to the warehouse of my character and unwillingness to obey, I quit.

For most of my working life, I have been development of own business projects in areas such as retail groceries and alcoholic products, freight transportation, the beauty.

The real story of my business - "Beauty Studios"

The idea to engage in the provision of services in the field of beauty arose quite spontaneously, since I did not have any skills and ability to provide these services. I am one of those women who love to visit beauty salons. The cost of services for the procedures is not cheap. And, probably, every woman would like to have her own salon, where you can visit at any time and get any desired service, for example, to do a manicure, pedicure, hairstyle, and so on.

I started draw up a business project. To do this, I needed to answer the following questions:

  • Where will my business be located? In a room with a large area, including several offices, or a small area with a single office (studio)?
  • How much money do I need to start and how much am I willing to invest?
  • Where and how to find clients?
  • Where to look for masters?
  • How much income do I want and can I get from this business?

Analyzing the profitability of beauty salons owned by my friends, and the profitability of private offices for the provision of one service, I came to the following conclusions. Beauty salons provide for the presence of several rooms and the provision of several services.

Rent for a beauty studio

However, renting 100 square meters in a room equipped as a beauty salon costs 100,000 rubles per month. Payment for utilities is about 10,000 rubles per month.

In addition, the already equipped premises for the placement of the Beauty Salon are not rented out, but are sold as a ready-made business, even if the profit in them is 0, or they work in the red.

The right to lease such premises is sold for quite large sums. The sale price of the right to rent varies in my city from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles, depending on the territorial location. In this case, it requires too much money to start a business. It must be remembered that for several months, and maybe always, the salon will work at 0 or minus. It is not profitable to rent such a room and rent offices. The office is more expensive than 10,000 per month and cannot be rented out.

All the acquaintances who were engaged in this business, renting large areas, failed. Some gave up earlier, some later. Someone managed to work at least at 0. Someone at a minus.

They siphoned money from another business or, using credit funds, paying for the rent of the salon until they realized that nothing would change any more, or until the sources of financing ran out. It is easy to check this information by going to the ad sites. If such a business were profitable, there would not be such a massive offer for sale and rent. And, if you call and ask the question why you are selling, the answers will be from the series, I want to invest in another business, I urgently need money for an operation, etc. You will be assured that the income here will be huge, at the meeting they will even provide a notebook for registering visitors, possibly fictitious. Yes, there are salons that really bring in good profits, mostly those who opened them back in the 90s.

My investments

Naturally, potential clients they think that if the salon has existed for a long time, then everything is in order there, you can not be afraid of disappointment in the service provided. And so, I answered my first question. I do not want to get involved in a dubious adventure, to invest a lot of money in my whim. Since the beauty salon is not the goal of my whole life. I just wanted to, that's all...

I decided that I was ready to invest no more than 20,000 rubles in my new hobby. I would be ready to lose this amount without regret in case of failure in this project.

I decided to rent a room of about 20 square meters with a rent of no more than 10,000 per month. Where this room will be located, and how I will look for clients, I combined into one question. Due to the lack of a client base, it is more expedient to rent a room where there is good traffic of people.

I started looking for ads with offers to rent small spaces. The most chic option was an advertisement for renting an office in an existing hairdressing salon for only 5,000 rubles a month. I knew this barbershop very well, which existed during my childhood, located in a very passing place. The flow of clients in it was such that 3 masters did not have time to serve clients, creating a queue. In order to get to the hairdresser, it was necessary to pass by my office, which I called “XXX Beauty Studio”. I rented this space.

I bought almost new furniture on ad sites, spending 7 thousand rubles on it. And so the office was ready to go. And so, I spent 12,000 rubles on rent and furniture. 8,000 rubles remained in the reserve.

I ordered a huge advertising poster for my studio. For its development, printing and installation on the wall of the building, which housed the hairdresser and my studio spent 7,000 rubles. I hung a mini-poster worth 200 rubles on the door of my studio.

Both posters contained information about the services provided, namely:

  • Manicure
  • Pedicure
  • eyelash extension
  • Nail extension
  • Gel nail polish
  • Wedding and evening hairstyles
  • Makeup

Thus, I kept within the amount that I planned to spend on the start.

Search for employees for the studio

The next task was to find the masters. I posted an ad with a job offer in my studio on a free schedule. There were a lot of calls. I spent about 3 days on the selection of suitable employees for me. For each service, there were 5 masters who were ready to come to the studio and provide services by agreement.

Why 5? Because at the time required by the client, at least 1 master had to be free. All these people worked either in other salons or in their offices and needed additional income.

Therefore, I was calm that we would be able to provide services at the time desired by the client. My task was to attract clients, plan the working hours of the office. We agreed with the craftsmen to work 50/50. I had to provide a place of work and a client, and they would work on their own material. Our prices are average for the city.

There was one last question. How much did I want to profit? In order for this business to be financially interesting for me, I had to earn at least 50 thousand rubles.

The first working day has begun

There was a stream of people going to the barbershop. The door of my studio was open and people involuntarily looked inside. There was a manicure table, an eyelash extension couch, a mirror, and a hair chair. And then the first potential client crossed the threshold of my studio. She was interested in manicures. I served as an administrator. She clarified when it would be convenient for her, what kind of manicure she would like. She also asked questions regarding the duration of the procedure, the experience of the master, and so on. Since I myself was a frequent visitor to salons and offices that provide such services, I easily answered all her questions. The client named the time that suited her to receive the service. We agreed on a price and she left. I immediately called the manicurist. At the appointed time, she must be at her main job. I called another master. This time suited her, and we agreed on her visit to the studio. And so the first service was rendered, the money was received and divided. The client left satisfied. The studio began to work on this principle.

Do you have any questions?

Perhaps the reader has a question. How to be sure that the master will do his job well. I may be wrong, but I think that from one 15-minute conversation it will be clear what this master is and what he can do. None of them let me down, and there was not one satisfied customer. First of all, I analyzed the professionalism of the master. The second requirement was - neat appearance. Thirdly, the master had to be easy to communicate with.

On average, I earned 500 rubles from each service. The average monthly salary was 60,000 rubles. Of these, I paid 5,000 rubles for the rent of the studio.

This went on for about 3 years until long-awaited pregnancy. I sold the furniture overnight and terminated the lease. The business was successful and sensible in terms of investment. There were no huge profits, but there were no huge entrepreneurial risks either. The amount earned monthly was very significant for my city.

In this article, I do not give any advice, since there can be no identical city, its identical economic conditions, fashion, just as there can be no identical entrepreneurs. The purpose of this article is only to describe my own experience. Perhaps at least something he can be useful.


Novice entrepreneurs who are thinking about how to open a beauty salon from scratch need to consider all the intricacies of organizing this type of business, study the existing risks, and calculate what investments will be required.

As the observations of entrepreneurs who are already engaged in the salon business show, it will take at least a year to develop it. If you buy an existing salon and rebuild, then it can take about six months. The payback period of a beauty salon can be from 1 to 4 years, depending on the amount of investment and the services provided.

What type of salon to choose?

So, you have decided to open a beauty salon business. First of all, a novice entrepreneur should decide what he will be. All beauty studios are divided into three main classes:

  1. Small salons that provide a standard list of services - haircut, manicure, beautician's help and others. This type of business allows you to provide a constant income. The main category of clients, as a rule, is the population of the adjacent microdistrict.
  2. Middle class studios - designed for "average" clients. The organization of such an institution provides for better service, which requires an investment of a more solid amount. The flow of customers in middle-class establishments, as a rule, is constant, the peaks of attendance fall on pre-holiday days. The cost of the services provided is higher than the basic one, while the masters must be highly qualified and well versed in modern style.
  3. Elite salons are "promoted" brands, which are often owned by famous "stars" - stylists. In institutions of this level, customers give money not so much for services, but for prestige.

Such a task as opening a beauty salon from scratch requires a balanced approach. What your establishment will be depends on the size of the locality or city, as well as on the amount of money available.

When opening a beauty studio, it should be taken into account that in most large cities there is an excess of elite salons. In many of them, customers are given the opportunity to use good discounts, storage cards and additional bonuses. Such methods of attraction indicate that there are actually not so many regular visitors in such establishments.

Today, most people strive to save money, so a small number of clients visit elite salons. The bulk of the population uses the services of middle-class establishments. Therefore, the most perspective view activities for a novice entrepreneur is a business in the "middle class" format. Entrepreneurs who choose this direction will find it much easier to find the best premises and provide themselves with regular customers.

Location selection

The most common question asked by all aspiring entrepreneurs who decide to open a beauty salon is where to start? An important factor in the successful promotion of the business is the location of your studio. It is desirable that it be located in a busy area with developed infrastructure. Availability of shops, cafes, food market, bank, parking lot, ATM, etc., will provide a good influx of customers. If all this is not nearby, then only people living in nearby houses will be its visitors. It should be borne in mind that it is convenient for people to solve their everyday issues, including beauty issues, in one area.

Ideally, if your studio is located near a traffic intersection - this will allow customers without a car to easily get to the salon.

Premises for a beauty salon


Thinking through the details of the question of how to open a beauty studio, you need to take into account the fact that such a business is most successfully promoted by those entrepreneurs who own their premises. If it is not possible to purchase or build a room, it is rented. With this option, you will have to pay considerable amounts to the landlord every month, which at the initial stage of business development can be very difficult.

Requirements for premises

Separate regulations for salons are not provided. However, such establishments are subject to the requirements for hairdressing and consumer services. Such requirements clearly spell out what is needed to open a beauty salon:

  • The area of ​​​​the mini-salon, which includes two hairdressers, a beautician, as well as a manicure and pedicure specialist, must be at least 60 m².
  • The placement of service facilities, including hairdressing salons, is prohibited on the territory of schools, kindergartens, sanatoriums, hospitals, clubs, cinemas, rest homes.
  • The opening of a studio in residential buildings is allowed only if the ground floors and basements are occupied by them.
  • The premises designed for salons should have a height of 3.3 m.

Drawing up a business plan

Any novice businessman needs to see when the invested money will return, from what moment and how much he will start earning, and how this will happen. All this is calculated using a business plan.

A business plan for a beauty salon from scratch is drawn up taking into account:

  • Income and cost parts.
  • Enterprise payback.
  • Target audience definitions.
  • Business model definitions.
  • Average check (approximate average amount that one client will leave).
  • Compiling a list of services, etc.

The development of a business plan is necessary for the competent distribution of financial and labor resources. Without cash flow, an entrepreneur does not actually manage his business, but goes with the flow.


If you are thinking about the question of how to open your own beauty salon from scratch, then you need to consider one more thing. important point- selection of professional personnel. Your income directly depends on the qualifications and sociability of the master, so this issue should be approached with all seriousness. For most clients, it is important not so much a beautifully and comfortably decorated room, but a master that suits them one hundred percent.

Opening a beauty salon from scratch almost always causes some dissatisfaction among competitors. However, if you want to succeed in this field, you must do everything possible to achieve your goal. So, good option for a novice businessman, poaching experienced craftsmen from other salons is considered. The advantage of this method is that you can be guaranteed to get a great specialist, whose qualifications you have seen from your own experience more than once. In addition, such masters will attract their own clients to your salon, which is very important for a newly opened salon.

You can also search for craftsmen, accountants, a manager, an administrator and a cleaning lady using an ad in a local newspaper or on a regional television channel.

Official registration

Before you open a beauty salon as a business, you must go through a painstaking procedure for registering it. To do this, you will need to choose its organizational and legal form - IP or LLC. The latter option is issued in cases where a beauty studio provides services such as subcutaneous injections, deep and median peeling, hair removal with electrical appliances. Only dermatologists can be allowed to perform the listed procedures.

If you have any difficulties with the paperwork, it makes sense to seek the help of professional lawyers.

What will the business cost

  • Registration of documentation - 10 thousand rubles.
  • The rental fee is about 50 thousand rubles, depending on the area of ​​​​the premises and the region.
  • Overhaul costs - 250 thousand rubles, for cosmetic repairs - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising (ordering a name sign, ads in the media) - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment (professional electrical equipment, furniture, reception desk, sinks, computers, TV, etc.) - about 700 thousand rubles, depending on the number of jobs.

* All amounts are approximate and subject to your location and local service charges.

A rough estimate showed that about 100 thousand rubles would be required to open your own business. In addition to these amounts, it is also necessary to take into account:

  • The cost of purchasing shampoos, hair dyes, disinfectants.
  • Laundry and utility costs.
  • Staff salaries.
  • Payment of taxes.

After completing necessary calculations and having determined how much money is needed to open a salon, one can come to the conclusion that this type of business will pay off no earlier than in a year at best. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that during the first few months, expenditure items will exceed income. All this time, the salon will work to build its reputation. The owner of the salon during this period should not skimp on self-promotion, and be sure to demand quality from the staff.

Having studied all the intricacies of opening a beauty salon and having developed a detailed business plan, you can safely proceed to its implementation. After the investment pays off, it is worth considering buying the premises from the tenant. This will save additional money and invest in the further development of your favorite business.

The payback period of a beauty salon can be from 1 to 4 years, depending on the amount of investment and the services provided.


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