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To paraphrase a well-known aphorism, we can say: who owns the information, he owns the situation at the interview.

Before heading to the office, find out:

  • with whom you will talk: with the boss, the head of the personnel department or his ordinary employee;
  • interview format (group or individual, question-answer or self-presentation);
  • dress code and things you need to have with you (documents, gadgets, etc.);
  • how to get there (it is unacceptable to be late).

It will help to find out if this is the company's website or a call to the office.

Map answers to common questions

Interviews when applying for a job are of the same type and at the same time they are not similar to each other. Many have heard of stressful interviews where they can suddenly start yelling at the applicant to unsettle him. There are also so-called case-interviews: the applicant is placed in certain circumstances (for example, a conversation with a dissatisfied client) and they watch how he solves the problem.

It is not always possible to find out what type of interview is preferred in a particular company, so you need to be ready for anything.

To do this, make a card with answers to typical questions and requests (they are asked in 99.9% of cases):

  • top 5 of your main strengths;
  • what are you good at;
  • strategic directions of self-development;
  • proposals for the work of the company;
  • your life and work philosophy;
  • your short and long term goals;
  • unusual tasks that you had to solve.

You should also prepare in advance a list of topics that you would like to discuss with the HR manager.

Interpret the employer's questions

"A" doesn't always mean "A", and two times two doesn't always mean four. Recruiters sometimes ask insidious questions, where behind the simple wording lies a cunning plan - to get the applicant to say more than they should.

A simple question: "What salary would you like to receive?". But the answer helps the interviewer understand your motivation: money, social security, work schedule, and so on. If you are asked if you had conflicts with management and how you resolved them, then most likely the HR manager wants to know if you tend to take responsibility or are used to shifting it to others.

Tricky questions are many. You need to be able to see the "double bottom" (without fanaticism!).

Consider your non-verbal behavior

HR managers are people, not machines. They, like everyone else, pay attention to non-verbal signs: appearance, facial expressions, gait, gestures, and so on. An experienced professional can be refused just because he behaved incorrectly.

Consider body language ahead of time. If from excitement you habitually twitch your leg, then sit cross-legged. If you're tapping your fingers on the table, try something to occupy your hands with, like a ballpoint pen.

HR managers are people, not machines. They understand that you are worried. But naturalness in non-verbal communication will increase your credibility.

Set taboo on some topics

“Tell me about yourself,” the interviewer asks. “I was born on April 2, 1980 (according to the horoscope Taurus). In his youth he played football, was the captain of the city team. Then he graduated from the institute ... ”- if the applicant’s story is something like this, he will not see the position as his ears.

There are things that are absolutely uninteresting to the employer and which in no way characterize you as a professional. In the given example, this is the year of birth (this can be read in the resume), the sign of the zodiac and sports achievements.

There are topics on which you need to impose a taboo for yourself:

  • summary summary;
  • personal life goals (buying a house, having children, etc.);
  • reputation of the company and its employees;
  • skills and experience that are not related to future work (I am an excellent cook, I understand plumbing, etc.);
  • failures that demonstrate incompetence.

Just as you have made a plan for what you will talk about, write down and memorize the topics that should be ignored. Also think about how to correctly answer if you are still asked about it.

Contemplate to calm down

Interviews are nerve-wracking. You can forget your name, not to mention the demonstration of business qualities.

Take a look around to calm down. Inspect the office, equipment, employees. The details will tell you a lot about the company where you are going to get a job, and their analysis will help bring the nervous system back to normal.

Taking a critical look at the firm and future colleagues can increase your sense of self-importance. Remember: the company needs good worker as much as you are in a good job.

Take the initiative

In an interview, as a rule, there comes a moment when the interviewer and the interviewee change places and the applicant has the opportunity to ask questions of interest to him.

Do not waste time on useless “Will you call me yourself or should I call you back?”, “Why is this position open?” and so on. Show yourself as a proactive employee. Ask:

  • Does the company have any actual problem? How do you think I can help you?
  • Could you describe your ideal candidate for this position?
  • What advice would you give to someone who is starting to work for your company?

There are also a number of questions that should not be asked. Which ones - click on the button below.

Following these tips will prepare you for your interview and increase your chances of getting hired.

Are there additions? Write them in the comments.

When applying for a job, an interview is a very important process with its own nuances and peculiarities. By reading this article, you will be able to avoid many common mistakes made by a significant number of other applicants. If you consider some simple rules it will not be difficult for you to make a positive impression.

How to behave when applying for a job

    Late. If you have to pass an interview, then remember that being late in this case can be harmful. In order to prevent such an oversight, find out in advance how to get to the desired institution as quickly as possible - what transport goes there, what buildings are nearby. It would be nice to see on the map in advance exactly where the interview will take place in order to arrive exactly at the right place. Consider possible traffic jams and force majeure - it is better to arrive a little earlier and wait for a meeting time in a cafe nearby. Remember that being late can immediately make a negative impression on you. Appearance. In no case should you neglect the appearance. If you are human creative profession(model, photographer, choreographer, dancer, and so on), then, of course, you can afford ripped jeans and T-shirts with unusual patterns. If you are not related to creativity, then when applying for a job, do not forget about appropriate clothing, as well as neatness in general. First impression. On this day, it is important to introduce yourself well, to create about yourself positive first impression. It is unlikely that you will arouse much interest in the employer if you act insecure, stutter and get nervous. However, self-confidence will also be inappropriate - look for the golden mean. Be friendly and calm. Set up an appointment ahead of time.

How to present yourself in a translation or hanging interview

If you are to be interviewed for more high position, then, of course, the first thing you should do is show that you deserve this promotion. When communicating with the interviewer, listen carefully, without distractions. Quickly analyze his questions, trying to determine what exactly they want to hear from you. If you didn't hear a question or didn't understand it, it's better to ask again than to give a slurred answer. You will probably be asked about your most significant achievements. Think in advance what you will say - it is advisable to voice the answer, guided by numbers or facts. When talking about your victories, try to generalize with such phrases as “joint efforts with the team”, “we are with the team”, and the like - in this way, you will emphasize the ability to work in a team. Surely, when raising or transferring, the employer will want to make sure that you clearly understand what kind of duties you will be assigned. Be sure to study this issue in advance, having familiarized yourself with the requirements that apply to applicants for this position. The most important thing when talking with an interviewer is to maintain a positive mood, calmness and, of course, self-confidence!

Psychologist's advice: how to present yourself in an interview

Proper interview behavior is the key to success. Avoid common mistakes and you will achieve the desired result.

What to say when applying for a job

You will likely be asked questions related to your area of ​​specialization. Even if you don't know a clear answer to some of them, don't show it off by shrugging your shoulders or saying "I don't know." Do not be nervous, start thinking out loud, expressing thoughts about the stated topic - it is possible that the correct answer will come up by itself or you will interest the employer in other knowledge. By the way, do not take the interview as an interrogation. You should also ask questions to the employer about the company - show your interest, for sure, this will add pluses to you in his eyes.

What not to say in an interview

Of course, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to slightly embellish reality, but an obvious lie when applying for a job obviously will not lead to anything - firstly, you can be caught in a lie, and secondly, this lie can backfire on you later and even lead to dismissal . It is important to consider that you are likely to be asked about your previous job - in this case, it is highly recommended to keep negative feedback about a past employer. Even if you had a serious conflict at your former workplace and through no fault of your own, it’s better not to delve into it, indicate some neutral and weighty reason (for example, your move).

Facial expressions and gestures, behavior at the interview

Try to be relaxed and confident. It is important that you do not fuss and do not "talk", trying to present yourself with the most better side. Speak clearly and calmly - do not raise your tone, but do not pronounce words barely audible. If appropriate, you can make a neutral joke. Make sure that nothing distracts you from the conversation - for this purpose, be sure to put your phone on silent mode. Of course, you should think over your outfit in advance so that during the interview you do not think about how a jumper or trousers sit on you - wear clothes that are familiar to you, and at the same time appropriate. Also, at such a meeting, watch your gestures and facial expressions - everything should be in moderation.

It may be that, despite your professional skills, you will not get the desired position, because the employer simply will not like you. To avoid this, take into account some of the nuances.


Going to the interview, be sure to take care of your appearance - this is what you will use to make a first impression, which, as you know, is very important. Of course, your appearance should be neat - there can be no talk of any stains, wrinkling, and the like. You should also understand that the interview is not the place where too bright makeup is appropriate (unless you apply for the position of a make-up artist or makeup artist) - just apply a tone on your face and lightly tint your lips and eyelashes or do makeup in nude tones. As we have already mentioned, avoid casual dressing - stick to the style that is appropriate for this organization.

What to bring to an interview

It is highly recommended that you bring a notepad and pen with you during the interview. It will not be very good if you need to write down some information, and you start frantically looking for a phone for this, or even worse - asking for a piece of paper and a pen from the employer. We also recommend that you have a resume with you so that the employer can quickly get acquainted with all the information he needs. And, of course, it will be better if you not only talk about your achievements, but also back up your words with facts - diplomas, diplomas, and the like. In addition, you can take a small bottle of water - you may get nervous before the interview itself and want to moisten your throat.

Interview rules of conduct

As a rule, in an interview they pay more attention to how you behave, and only then evaluate what exactly you say. Consider this fact, set yourself up for positive in advance and stop being nervous. No matter how worried you are before this meeting, set yourself up for a positive result and relax. If you worry too much, then this will certainly be noticeable to the employer, and as a result, the decision may not be made in your favor. To put yourself in the right mood, drink relaxing tea before the interview. Of course, alcoholic beverages “for courage” should not be consumed!

What you need to know when applying for a job

You should be aware of exactly what requirements the employer imposes on applicants, as well as take into account what rights you have. If the ad stated that applicants for a position are required to know a foreign language, and you will not speak it, then this will be at least strange. You also need to study the information about the company's activities in advance. Surely, you will be asked why you want to work in this particular company, and in this case you should prepare an answer in advance. Don't forget to ask questions about the organization too - you need to make sure that all the working conditions are right for you.

How to pass an interview without work experience

If you have no work experience, then the interview will be even more exciting for you. However, if you follow some tips, you will be able to make the right impression.

First interview with director

It does not matter what gender your potential manager is - in any case, you should not neglect the general recommendations about appearance and behavior. Most often, CEOs show interest in general questions: how can you help the company achieve better results, do you have the right experience, how long do you plan to stay in the organization and why did you leave your previous job. We recommend that you prepare in advance for such questions so that they do not take you by surprise. Whenever possible, give answers cheerfully and without hesitation, and also answer in detail the questions of a potential employer.

Second interview how to present yourself

Before you go to a second interview, you should prepare yourself, taking into account the possible reasons for such an appointment. It is possible that they want to study you better, and they will ask you more difficult questions so that there is no doubt about your competence. It is also possible that the employer wants to get to know you better as a person, to try to identify the unpleasant sides of the character - for this purpose they may try to unbalance you. However, prepare for various surprises - it may be that in the process of selecting applicants, the employer came to the conclusion that a worthy candidate needs to have additional skills.

How to present yourself in a group interview

Of course your the main objective at a group interview - to stand out and show yourself to a potential employer from the most advantageous side. Being in a team of candidates like you, try to take the initiative: give answers to all the questions posed, offer various solutions one task or another. Even if it seems to you that you look less impressive compared to other applicants, do not despair, because you still do not know on what aspects the final selection is made. A group interview is not the place to be rude or yell at – show respect to other candidates. When interviewing, you should take into account some subtleties, depending on where exactly you want to get a job. Naturally, completely different qualities are required from candidates for the position of a seller and a bank employee, and this should be taken into account.

In banking and financial institutions

First of all, we recommend that you have a convincing and well-written resume with you. Also, do not forget about the appearance, which must fully comply with the spirit of the institution - in a bank and most financial institutions, freestyle clothing, too bright and aggressive makeup, and the like are unacceptable. You should look like you already work at that location. In addition, it is highly undesirable to be late for such an interview - it is better to come to it about 10 minutes before the start. Think over the most likely questions - about the previous place of work, the reasons for choosing this particular bank, the vision of the future career development.

To the police

Before you go for an interview with the police, consider the list of requirements that are likely to be presented to you as a possible candidate. Of course, getting a job in such an organization, you must have such qualities as a quick reaction, stability in stressful situations, the absence of bad habits, a good memory, attentiveness, good physical fitness and responsibility. These are the qualities the employer hopes to see in you, and it will be great if you mention them yourself. When preparing for this interview, of course, do not forget about neatness and punctuality.

To customer service establishments (cafes, trade)

If you want to get a job in a service organization in the field of food or trade, then you must certainly have certain qualities - we recommend that you mention them. We are talking about accuracy, sociability, quickness and good memory. Since you will have to work with clients, the employer will evaluate you from such a position - what impression will you make on the client, whether he wants to visit this cafe, store again, and so on. That is why we recommend that you demonstrate friendliness and good humor during the interview.

Greetings, dear readers. I must say right away that this is not an ordinary article about how to find a job and pass interviews, which are full on the Internet, a little later I will tell you what originality is. Here I will not only talk about how to successfully pass a job interview, but I will also explain how not to sell too cheap and achieve the maximum salary for myself. In this series of articles, I will touch on how to prepare for an interview, how to correctly answer the most tricky questions of HR employees and. I will also explain how to be and not feel nervous during the interview.

This will be a whole cycle of Anti-HR materials devoted to this issue. While two articles are ready, these are “Anti-HR: How to successfully pass a job interview” (actually this article) and “Anti-HR: how to answer interview questions” later in this article I will give a link to it, as I recommend reading on order and start with this text.

What does it mean to be successful in an interview?

Effectively passing an interview, in my understanding, means not only getting a job offer from the company where you came to get a job. This also applies to choosing the right organization and position for which you plan to work, having previously assessed your desires and capabilities. This means get a job on the most favorable terms for yourself: wages, bonuses, social package and prospects. Work is an important part of our life, employment largely determines our future and present. I will tell you how to do it in such a way as to achieve the maximum useful effect in your job search and not make a mistake. I hope that the tips in this article will not only help you pass the interview and find a job you love, but, as a result, improve your life.

After all, this is a blog about self-development, and not about work, so I try to consider the issue broadly, within the context of your entire life, and not be limited to a dry listing of hackneyed advice to applicants. I approach this critically, somewhere I can allow myself more bold judgments than the format of articles about applying for a job requires.

Why are these articles called Anti-HR?

But the unusualness of this material is explained not only by this. The series of articles is called Anti-HR. Because these texts are not written from the face professional worker service staff, which, creating recommendations for applicants, proceeds from their interests, and they, in turn, express the goals of the organization that he represents. Therefore, I consider such recommendations not entirely fair.

HR will advise you to behave the way he wants you to behave. For example, they were honest and sincere. He does not want to be led by the nose, the right to cunning and roguery, he wants to leave only for himself. Therefore, in all these manuals, it is advised never to lie, for the reason that lies are supposedly always revealed. This is complete nonsense, firstly, the personnel service worker does not have a lie detector built into his head, and secondly, not all information can be verified. Meanwhile, without exaggerating one's merits and hiding some facts, it is sometimes difficult to achieve the desired job. I will talk a lot more about this in these articles.

I am narrating on behalf of the applicant, the one who is looking for a job himself, and does not accept new employees. And I will tell you how to achieve the best result for yourself, and not come to a miserable compromise, the balance of which will be shifted towards the interests of the corporation!

I, in search of the most suitable job, passed a lot of interviews, probably about fifty. At first, I was haunted by failures, because I was not confident in myself and had difficulty knowing what to say and how to position myself. But then, as I gained experience and knowledge, the presentation of myself began to bounce off my teeth and job offers began to pour in, among which I could already choose. In the end, I managed to find the job I was looking for. This article is the sum of my own interview experience and knowledge gained from recruitment books and information provided by HR themselves.

If you want to know what to say in an interview, the best thing to do is to read HR textbooks. From them you will learn a lot of information about the tactics of conducting an interview with the applicant, that is, with you. You will learn how a company representative determines your motivation, whether you are lying or telling the truth. But since I read these textbooks, you do not have to do this, I will outline the main provisions of them here and comment.

The material of the articles cannot be called concise, but it is still much less than all the textbooks on the relevant topics. I lost a lot of time on all these interviews, filled a bunch of cones and stepped on a lot of rakes. Only experience, trial and error, allowed me to draw the right conclusions on how to successfully pass a job interview, which I actually implemented, but it cost me hundreds of hours of my time. So it's better for you to spend some of your leisure time reading this article than to fill the same bumps. I assure you that this time will more than pay off, in the literal sense: it will pay off financially as well.

How to prepare yourself for an interview

So let's get started. Before giving advice on how to pass an interview, first I want to set you up in the right way. Without this, it will be more difficult and in this case I cannot guarantee the quality of the result. Here is what I want you to understand.

First: An interview is a negotiation, not an exam!

Think of the interview as negotiating a mutually beneficial agreement. No matter how pathos the employees of the company who communicate with you call the interview a “competition”, in an attempt to impose on you the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis event as a tough selection among many talented applicants, each of which is only eager to take this position. This is done so that you are more willing to make concessions if you receive a job offer (for example, you agree to a lower salary, because you are afraid that they will take another instead of you) and rejoice at only one fact of obtaining this position, like passing a difficult exam in conditions strong competition.

Understand it's hard to find a good employee no matter what they tell you about competitions. If it comes to that, then the interview is not only checking the company for you, you also look and check the company, which is very interested in smart specialists, and if something does not suit you, then this company does not pass your “competition”. This is a search for mutually beneficial conditions, remember this and set yourself up accordingly.

You don't have to agree to everything if you don't have to. Know your worth and do not lose dignity. The firm has yet to prove that it deserves an employee like you.

Of course, this pathos is not everywhere incited, mainly large international companies who are trying to play on their own behalf, and at the same time it is not a fact that working conditions and prospects are better there than elsewhere. This is also characteristic of a different scam. So if you have come somewhere, and you are constantly told about the “selection”, that you are among the ten applicants who were selected out of a hundred, you know this is a standard trick of all bred. Do not be fooled, after these words, get up and get out of there, you can even slam the door.

Second: Everyone deserves a good salary

You deserve a good, reasonable salary that meets your needs and current realities. Life is not the easiest now: providing yourself and your family with everything you need is not an easy task. In Russian families, both men and women often have to work to feed all family members. Food prices are not the smallest, but I’m not talking about the opportunity to purchase real estate, especially in the capital. You deserve a good salary so as not to live in poverty and not drown in loans. I'm not talking about all sorts of excesses, but about the normal, reasonable consumption of material goods.

If you settle for full time, then you will not be able to work at a second job, so the level of compensation should cover your basic necessities of life! Keep that in mind and ask for more if possible. Don't be shy about it, corporations with large profits will not lose if they make an increase in your salary, but for you the extra capital will be a tangible increase in the budget.

But know that from the very fact that you deserve better, it does not at all follow that a potential employer shares this belief (organizations do not care about your problems and no one will pay you much, just because you need it). You are paid for what kind of employee you are or how you have shown yourself. You will still have to prove that you are worthy of a certain salary. You should not come to an interview with your nose up high and act like everyone owes you something. (but also do not shyly lower your nose, keep it straight))

You need to understand that when you go to an interview, you accept certain rules of the game. You should not deviate from these rules: it is better to play your chess game subtly and delicately, setting traps for your opponent, than just thoughtlessly scattering pieces around the board, ignoring the laws of the game.

So, now I can finally move on to the tactics of effectively passing an introductory interview when applying for a job.

Interview preparation and resume writing

Every interview starts with a resume. I will write a separate article about how to compose it, you can subscribe to my newsletter immediately below the article and receive a notification that such an article has appeared. I will touch on this only briefly here. Put the expected salary more than about one and a half times than your last one - you won’t lose, since there is a large spread in the amount of compensation on the market for the same positions. Different companies pay differently. You will lower it only when you understand that no one will give such money for sure and this is a real hopelessness.

Also, wait for the article on how to prepare for an interview, it will also appear soon, I promise not to delay its publication.

How much can I receive maximum?

Be sure to overestimate the salary at previous jobs (again, one and a half times), this will help us achieve a higher level of compensation in a new place. In the job application manuals that I found on the net, they advise not to do this in any case, since all this type can be checked. This is nonsense, they won’t check anything if you do everything right, in an article that I promise to publish soon (it will be called: how to achieve the highest possible salary at an interview), I’ll write how everything can be done carefully and why, stay tuned or subscribe .

Interview Questions

In this article I will try to bring general tips how to successfully pass an interview. If you want to know, then click on the link.

We hold our hands on the table in front of us, we don’t need to pull something in them, we shouldn’t prop our face with our hands. Watch your posture. The back is straight, the line of the chin is parallel to the table. This is not only to portray dignity and confidence. When you constantly pay attention to how you sit, how you talk, it increases your alertness, you begin to feel like a race car driver feels a car that drives well. This increases the degree of self-control, you do not have to expect unpleasant surprises from yourself. As a result, your self-confidence grows and you are more calm.

Tip 2. Don't be nervous! Or at least pretend to be outwardly calm

If we start to get nervous, we try to stabilize our breathing, take deep breaths and exhale. If we can’t cope with nervousness in any way, use my advice from the article. It helps very well before the interview, she will make you calm and calm like a boa constrictor.

At the very least, we should never show the representative of the company that we are in a state of stress. Your concern may be telling HR about our mental instability, which may be incompatible with our future work. Therefore, even if we are very nervous, we try not to show it, we pretend to be completely calm. And the calmer we want to seem, the more we calm down, this acts on principle feedback : our feigned state becomes real, that's a fact.

We speak clearly and confidently. Look into the eyes. No, it certainly won't be good if you stare at HR like you're trying to hypnotize him, look away sometimes. But you don't have to keep them down all the time. I think this is the most obvious.

This is the most important point and interview success factor. Do not turn this process into an interrogation! Let this be a lively dialogue. Try to dilute the situation with jokes, witty remarks, response questions. HR conducts interviews every day, do you think he is not tired of them? He will be glad at least some dilution of the daily routine with a share of humor and communication. But here, of course, stick to the limits of reason, I think this is obvious.

It is especially important to create a dialogue in a conversation with a future leader (after all, this is not so much necessary with HR itself as it is necessary with your potential leader), he should like you. Here you should not be particularly brief, concise in your presentation: give real life examples, talk about situations at work, tell us about how your specialty is taught at institutes (if you recently graduated from it), this will be interesting to people of the old school. Smile and laugh at jokes. But everything should be organically woven into your presentation, not said without a reason, and you must always follow the measure. I hope this is understandable and goes to the discretion of everyone.

I repeat once again that this is very important and I began to pass interviews without difficulty, only after I began to adhere to this rule! Only then did I begin to have a choice of several offers from different companies, and did not have to agree to the only one that was offered.

This advice should not be taken literally. It refers to the fact that it can be hard to make a decision quickly like that on the fly. For example, everything suits you, but HR says that the office will move to the other end of the city in half a year and is interested in whether it suits you or not. Without thinking (after a theatrical pause), say, "yes, it's okay for me" (even if it's really far away from you).

We immediately agree with everything, which requires reflection, you do not have to talk about your final decision now. And then, in a calm atmosphere, you will think about everything. It may turn out that you did not take into account the absence of traffic jams on this route and that the road, in fact, will not take much time, and you will understand that this is not a critical factor. Or maybe stop at your original decision.

But it’s better if you are offered a job, and then you already think about accepting this offer or not, than if HR immediately puts an end to you, since you will not agree with some conditions at the interview. This gives you more freedom of choice. So feel free to agree with everything, then think about it.

Remember the phrase from American films about policemen? "Whatever you say will be used against you." Also in the interview, almost every HR question is an attempt to find out as much as possible about you and understand your ulterior motives. Try to look at yourself from the outside, understand what image you create with your behavior and manner of dialogue. Be sociable, but do not tell too much, only say what you want to hear. This is not a reason to withdraw into yourself and keep silent, this is an action aimed at enclosing your interview in a certain framework, without which, it will not understand what. But still, have a dialogue, you don't need to answer only in a dry and formal way, just follow the presentation and what you are saying.

You may have to hide something else at the interview, and frankly distort some information. I do not see anything wrong with this and I think that you have every moral right to do so. In the article I tried to consider this issue in great detail.

Why don't they call us back after the interview?

And finally. Don't be discouraged if you don't get a call back or they say no with some vague reasons why you didn't fit! It may not be your fault and it may not mean that you did not fit or performed poorly during the interview! There may be something else, I will share my assumption. This conclusion is in the nature of an assumption, albeit a rather logical and justified one, but I do not have accurate information on the account of the fact that it is 100% true. But still, I will express it, because I think that it makes sense.

Why don’t they call us back (although it would seem that we fit perfectly and don’t demand much). First, imagine how HR works. There is a job opening in a department. A list of duties and requirements is formed, on their basis the so-called “vacancy profile” is formed (here I can be inaccurate in terms, but I think I can convey the general principle). It reflects the features of this position and lists the qualities that a person who, in the opinion of the company, will ideally fit for this vacancy, should have. “There are no bad applicants, but only people who are not suitable for a certain position” - this is what HR says and it's true. For example, if a sales manager is hired, then they want to see in him a focus on the result (sale = result), rather than on the process, while, for example, the accountant is expected to be attracted by the process itself, less than result. All this should be reflected in the job profile.

After the profile is ready, it remains only to start searching for applicants and conduct interviews with them, which is what HRs do. After communicating with each applicant, they leave their notes and look at how much this or that interview participant corresponds to the profile of the vacancy. Thus, they compare and evaluate applicants. That is, their job is not only to interview you, but also to profile and evaluate you.

What happens when HR is young and inexperienced and needs to be trained? Or what to do in a period when the company is not looking for employees for vacancies? Now you understand what I'm getting at? A non-existent vacancy is being created! A vacancy for which, anyway, no one will ever be hired! It is created only in order to train inexperienced HR or to fill the existing staff of the personnel department. Let them practice creating a profile, evaluating different employees in “field” conditions and not in theory! He will look at different candidates, evaluate them and present the results to the authorities, so a decision on graduation can be made. probationary period this employee without any risk to the organization! It does not cost the company anything, only your time is wasted!

In my opinion, there are not so few such fictitious vacancies on the market. Although I have not checked this and admit that everything may not be as I imagine, but, nevertheless, it seems to me very likely. So do not be discouraged if you received another refusal to apply for a job, maybe you were just a subject for someone to train personnel! But nevertheless, you shouldn’t count on it too much, if you don’t get offered anything after many interviews, it’s better to think about changing your tactics and presentation than to blame the HR conspiracy!

Conclusion. Don't be afraid of anything!

No need to be afraid and feel insecure. Ordinary people are talking to you, despite the fact that they put on jackets and are trying with all their might to assume importance. Behind this form is a person, with his weaknesses and desires. No need to be shy and withdraw into yourself. Be more open where the situation calls for it, but don't say too much! Most often, you will be talking to not the most intelligent HR employees who ask their questions, only to ask at least something.

Or you will immediately talk with your future manager, who does not understand anything about the intricacies of interviewing, and therefore many of my tips here will seem redundant. But I am trying to put you on full alert and prepare you to face your most powerful, cunning, and shrewd enemy. And there are certainly such among HR-ditch.

So I wish you good luck in your job search and interview!

How to make the best impression and become the main contender for the position of interest?

An interview with an employer is a great chance to show your best side and get a position of interest even in cases where your experience or professional skills are not as deep as those of other applicants.
So, the first stage of the job search is over - your resume interested the employer and you were invited for an interview.
Definitely, you should prepare well in advance.

Appearance: how to choose the right clothes for an interview

In this case, follow the proverb: "we meet according to clothes - we see off according to the mind." This does not mean that you should wear your brightest skirt, a lot of accessories and look like a Christmas tree. Or vice versa, a strict black suit and a very strict hairstyle can push the interlocutor away from you.
Do not forget! An interview is a meeting with strangers who you need to make a good impression on.
  • If you know how it is customary to dress in this company, dress the same way. Otherwise, wear business attire.
  • Do not wear too bright or very gloomy clothes. Raspberry, green, red color is best left for subsequent visits
  • Any clothes should be neat, and shoes should be polished.
  • Don't forget to take care of your hair. Untidy hair, or even worse, not washing your hair, will not increase your chances of getting a job.
  • You should only have a business bag or purse with you. This is the most important event in your life today. No beach bags, rucksacks, big grocery bags, or "go home groceries straight away" luggage. All this will lead the interlocutor to the idea that new job for you it is between the business of going to the market, walking or “yes, I stopped by on the road”

Important job interview rules

  • Take with you the entire package of documents that the employer may need: passport, identification code, diplomas with inserts, other training certificates, etc.
  • Try not to be late for the interview in any case. The first delay reduces the chances of success in employment by 95%. Think in advance about the route and how to get to the specified place.
  • If you still cannot avoid being late, be sure to call back, explain the situation and ask to reschedule the meeting to another time.
  • Be confident and at ease. Don't show your excitement. The voice should be calm and even;
  • Try to get enough sleep before going to the employer. It is unlikely that a tired, sleepy person will be able to make a good impression.
  • Do not express your dissatisfaction with anything. You may be asked to wait even though your appointment was scheduled for certain time. At the interview itself, you may be asked provocative or inappropriate, at first glance, questions - this is a test for stress resistance, respond adequately.
  • Find out in advance what the company does. Look at the reviews of employees on the Internet, notes in the press, take a look at the official website. This will help you decide if you want to work for this company. In addition, appropriately interwoven facts in a conversation with an employer will only increase your chances of success and show interest in employment.
  • At the end of the conversation, be sure to ask how you can find out about the results of the interview, whether you can call back yourself to get an answer.
  • Be sure to say goodbye graciously, even if you realize you didn't get a job. Just in case, leave a good impression behind

What are the most frequently asked questions in an interview?

During your first interview, you may be asked questions such as:
  • about professional skills, seniority and work experience
  • about autobiographical data
  • personal qualities (social skills, ability to work in a team, stress resistance, ability to make decisions quickly, etc.)
Remember! At the interview, you may be asked to fill out questionnaires, psychological tests, and perform simple practical tasks to test your professional skills. Do not get lost, fill in everything that you know clearly and legibly. Usually there is nothing difficult in such tasks.
Common Questions
  • Why did you leave your previous job?
  • Don't talk about having a vicious tyrant boss or an obnoxious gossiping team. Even if this is true, the employer will think that you are a scandalous person who is difficult to get along with. It certainly won't do you any good. Tell me better that they paid little, or not on time, inconvenient work schedule, difficult to get to, and so on.
  • Why did you come to our company? Even if you are not interested in anything other than the salary, do not talk about it as a priority. Say that this is a promising company or that you have long dreamed of trying yourself in this industry, you are attracted by the possibility of career growth, etc. Only at the end add that the employer offers a good salary.
  • What are your plans for the future? – If your position implies career growth, be sure to emphasize the desire to develop. If you are hired only for a specific position, just say that you like this work.
  • Tell us about your past accomplishments. - You should not praise yourself and present yourself as a hero, but you need to modestly name important facts. If you have not achieved anything yet, just say that you feel ready to solve more complex issues than you faced at your previous job.
  • What shortcomings do you see in yourself? “You don’t have to tell all the nasty things about yourself. Name one or two, and then with an emphasis on merit. For example, “I consider high scrupulousness and multiple checks before handing over the work as my disadvantage.”
  • What salary would you like to receive? - if you are a great specialist, do not sell cheap. In any case, name a price not lower than the average market for this type of work or 15 - 20% higher than your previous salary.

How to pass an interview if you have no work experience

Do not worry, work experience may not be as important for a company as an innovative approach, the ability to develop and make innovative decisions. The energy and potential of the younger generation can win over the conservative views of middle-aged people.
Talk about your academic achievements or bright future aspirations at the interview. Be confident in your abilities, but not overconfident.

How to correctly assess the result of the interview: did it or not

It is not always easy to immediately assess whether the interview went well.
If you were invited to go to the personnel department or offered to show your new workplace, agreed on the details of the work, then it is clear - you new employee companies.
If you were asked to wait for an answer, then you are not the brightest candidate and the company will choose from several options. All is not lost, wait a few days and try to call back yourself (if allowed). Perhaps the employer will understand that it is you who are interested in the job, and will incline the choice in your favor.
If you were coldly told to wait for a call, then you most likely did not pass. Don't despair, maybe this is not your "favorite" job. In addition, you always have a chance to find a better job.

Changed your mind? How to turn down an employer after an interview

Immediately after the interview, never tell the employer that you have changed your mind and you are not at all attracted to work in this company. Just politely say goodbye at the end of the conversation, thank people for the nice offer, pick up the phone of the contact person and give yourself time to think carefully.
Call the company employee back in a day or two. Politely refuse, referring to some personal circumstances that do not allow you to start work at this hour. Even if the work does not suit you at all, you should not leave unpleasant impressions and cross out possible further cooperation with these people or the company.

Common Interview Mistakes: Video

It is impossible to avoid mistakes during an interview, because all living people, and a conversation with a future employer is stressful for everyone.

There are a lot of different recommendations on how to behave at an interview in order to get a prestigious job. At this point, you really need to pay special attention, since the impression of the applicant will depend on the interview. Sometimes even the most highly qualified experienced professional is rejected solely for the reason that his style of behavior does not correspond to the position.

That is why it is so important to take into account the many different secrets and nuances of how to behave in a job interview.

During the first meeting with the employer, it is very important to position yourself correctly. You should initially tune in to a favorable outcome of the interview. The host will immediately notice if the employee is worried during the interview. This is far from suitable for any job, so you should try to pull yourself together as much as possible.

You should also consider not only how to behave, but also your style of clothing, makeup and even gait, smile, voice tone, hairstyle.

All this is paid attention to. A complete image forms an impression of a person. Do not assume that for non-essential positions (waiters, couriers) this point is ignored. In modern society, almost all companies attract specially trained personnel specialists who know all the features of human behavior from a psychological point of view. To pass an interview with such a person, you need to behave in accordance with the stated rules.

But here it is also very important to take into account the specifics of the job that a person would like to get. Not all companies will have a standard behavior model.

Six main rules for how to behave

If we consider how to behave at an interview, the advice of a psychologist plays a significant role in solving such issues. This is due to the fact that it is from a psychological point of view that the applicant is often evaluated. The manager is most likely already familiar with the track record and professional skills of the employee, so there is nothing to talk about here, but his behavior will be subject to close and strict scrutiny by potential management.

To significantly increase your chances of getting the desired position, it is recommended to follow these basic rules:

  1. You need to be as casual as possible. Do not show excessive excitement. You need to answer to the point, but at the same time try to keep it easy. But the main thing here is not to overdo it! Simulated ease immediately catches the eye and can be perceived in two ways.
  2. Do not cross your arms or legs. This speaks of the tightness of a person, on a subconscious level, indicating that he has something to hide.
  3. You don't have to be ashamed of your ambitions. This is especially true for interviews in large modern companies. You need to openly talk about your plans for the future in matters of career growth, about salary expectations.
  4. If you are asked to tell about yourself, then you do not need to lie. If a moment is rather a negative feature, then it is better to omit it altogether than to exaggerate your capabilities. You can focus mainly on the positives, but you should also note something negative, with which to this moment man is actively fighting. Thus, it will be possible to emphasize the thirst to work on oneself.
  5. You should directly ask about the estimated salary and prospects. Now the absence of such questions is perceived by many as the absence of any ambitions, which for a modern employee big company is invalid.
  6. It is not necessary to focus the attention of potential management on the fact that this work is very necessary. The price in the personnel market is specialists who know their own worth. Therefore, you should consider yourself and the employer as equals, thereby emphasizing the benefits of both parties from cooperation.


Although there are many different materials on the topic of how to behave in an interview when applying for a Good work, but still it is impossible to develop a clear concept that would be universal for everyone.

Various trainings offer a model of behavior that is standard for modern business key areas, but at the same time, the rules on how to behave better in an interview may in some cases differ significantly from those stated. To avoid failure, it is worth considering the main features of the company and the position where employment is planned:

This also applies appearance. For an employee applying for a serious position, a restrained style of clothing would be ideal. Neutral make-up is suitable for a woman. But at the same time, it is not allowed to come without makeup at all - this will create the effect of sloppiness and slovenliness. But the host of the holidays is better to dress more brightly. A strict dark suit here would be very inappropriate.

So, although there is a number general rules how to behave in an interview, but it is impossible to apply them to absolutely any situation. It is worth evaluating, first of all, the desired position, the potential requirements of the employer for such an applicant. And of course you can not discount and personal hostility.

Analyzing your mistakes, you should also take into account that sometimes you can get a refusal to work simply because of the personal convictions of a personnel specialist. But, despite this, the basic rules of how to behave in an interview will significantly increase the chances of getting the desired position.


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