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Although winter has not been severe in recent years, there is still not enough food for birds at this time of the year. Birds willingly flock to the proposed treat, and you can watch titmouses, bullfinches, sparrows nearby for hours.

Children are especially interested in it. I still remember my own childhood impressions: it was impossible to tear me away from the window. Dad then made a small, unpretentious wooden feeder made of slats and scraps of plywood, and sparrows always hovered around it, sometimes bullfinches flew in. And for the titmouse we hung a piece of fresh fat. I myself tried to build something similar last year, but my carpentry skills were not enough - it turned out to be something not very strong and slightly lopsided.

The easiest way, of course, is to use the well-known option - cut a feeder from a cardboard bag (from under milk or juice) or plastic bottle:

A plastic bottle feeder is perhaps the easiest option.

1. Feeder without a roof - the simplest design

Making a roof for the "bird dining room", in my opinion, is the most difficult part of the job. So, if you, like me, are not sure about your building skills, you can try to start by offering treats to the feathered guests of the garden on simple wooden tray.

Wooden feeder without a roof - not very practical, but very simple

A piece of plywood, four thin blocks as sides (so that the grain does not blow away with the wind) and a rope for attaching to a branch - the feeder is ready! And a very simple option is to fix an ordinary plastic tray on some stable surface (they often pack sweets, cookies, vegetables in stores):

A plastic tray feeder is extremely easy to manufacture

Big minus such a feeder - it is not protected from snowfalls and winds. So this is more likely not a "dining room", but a small "buffet" for birds. It will fit as a temporary “food point” - in the event that you rarely visit the country house in winter, and there is still no one to regularly fill the feeder.

2. Wooden feeder with a flat roof

This option is more difficult, but not by much. With the task of attaching four columns to the base of the feeder - supports under the roof - even I successfully coped. Then it remains only to pin or fasten another piece of plywood with screws on top (it is better if it is slightly larger in size than the base of the feeder). Such an elementary roof will serve as a small, but still shelter from snow and rain.

It is not too difficult to make a flat roof, and this is already some kind of protection from precipitation.

Minus design: on a flat roof, snow lingers, the feeder can become too heavy and break off or break off the branch on which you fixed it. So it is better to put it on a strong pole or other reliable support, and periodically clean the snow from the roof.

3. Cones, berries, sunflowers...

I personally really liked this idea, although now it can be implemented only if there are suitable supplies in the house:

Cones with seeds many birds will appreciate

Since autumn, rowan beads have been hanging in our house - Alenka made them from ripe berries. I think the birds will also like this treat. Let's get ready for next season.

4. "Avoska" with provisions

Another simple and easy to implement idea. True, lately I have rarely come across such nets (we used to sell tangerines in them), but I think if you look, you will find them.

And then - quite easily (well, if you believe what I read in different sources). If someone tried to make such a feeder, please share your impressions: how simple and convenient it really is, and how birds treat such a treat.

So, the grain (or grain mixture) is thoroughly mixed with melted lard ( never salty!) or peanut butter. A ball is rolled from the mixture, placed in a net and hung. All! Fat hardens in the cold and holds food, which the birds then gradually peck out. I came across an option without the fat "filler":

Avoska with bird food

True, here the food is large, as it seems to me - not every bird can cope with such a treat. But maybe I'm wrong. Another way to "improve" the mesh feeder is the roof. Yes, yes, the most caring can protect both food and feathered guests from bad weather. Like this, for example:

An idea for the skilled and caring: a food net under a roof

And with the help of a net, you can organize a real dining room for the birds, almost a restaurant. With a large assortment of dishes - as in the next photo. This idea seemed worthy of attention to me too, and to you?

With the help of nets, you can organize a real bird "restaurant" with a large selection of dishes.

Mesh feeders they are also convenient because it is more difficult for large impudent birds like magpies and jackdaws to attach to them. For us, for example, this is really a problem: as soon as you pour cereals into the feeder, magpies immediately appear near it; they chase titmouse and sparrows, and it is more difficult for small birds to feed in winter. Therefore, I purposefully look for options that would be suitable specifically for these birds. Here is another find...

5. Coconut feeder

If a coconut is accidentally lying around on the farm, then, having used its contents for its intended purpose, the shell can be used as a feeder.

If a coconut is lying around on the farm, you can also make a feeder out of it

True, as far as I know, it is very hard, and it is not so easy to deal with it, but if this does not scare you, take a closer look at the idea. A natural, environmentally friendly feeder will delight the birds and decorate the garden. It is more convenient to fill it with the same mixture of fat and grain that was prepared for the mesh feeder. And it is not necessary to gouge holes in a whole nut - you can also use half a coconut shell.

6. Metal mesh feeders

Similar designs can often be found in stores, but for a good craftsman, I think it will not be difficult to make such a feeder with your own hands, especially since the material is quite affordable.

The size of the structure and the details of the structure are at your discretion. However, the feeder obviously should not be too large in diameter. But in its height, perhaps, it is worth making more - so that several birds can feed at once. Of course, you will need a roof (removable - to fill the grain inside) and a base - so that the feed does not spill out.

And here is another metal mesh feeder I liked - but this, perhaps, is already for virtuoso masters. But the idea is good!

Titmouse likes a ball feeder

However, if you take a closer look, perhaps such a “ball” can be built not only from metal wire. I think those who know how to weave can easily make such a feeder.

7. Wooden feeders from improvised materials

No doubt, wooden feeders are still out of competition. This material fits better than others into our landscape, and imagination and skillful hands turn even a “typical” design of a feeder-house into an exclusive creation. What can I say - see for yourself!

Skillful hands will make an exclusive thing even from a standard design

And here is another structure made from scraps of birch branches - deliberately rough work emphasizes the originality natural material, and the whole design, in my opinion, is inspired by some fairy tales))

Deliberately rough work emphasizes the originality of natural material

The next "feeder on chicken legs" is exactly from a fairy tale:

Original feeder "on chicken legs"

And here the snags are ennobled, but their bizarre forms only benefit from such processing. I don’t know how convenient such a feeder is for birds, but it will surely decorate the site with its unusualness:

Such a feeder can become a decoration of the site

And how do you meet your feathered guests? What are the feeders made of? Maybe you have already implemented some of the proposed ideas - share your experience: how did you do it, what came out of it :))

Scientists now unequivocally agree that there are no harmful birds at all. Even from such impudent crooks as gray crows and cormorants, as it turned out, there is still much more benefit than harm. Documented attacks by bearded eagles and lambs against climbers were caused by climbers approaching their nests; a brood is a brood, it must be protected. The second thing experts agree on is that in winter, a bird feeder is needed in residential areas. Many of the smaller and most useful of them do not make regular flights, but undertake feeding migrations in winter. Near human habitation, forage lands remain in abundance longer than in wild nature and when the real cold breaks out with starvation, there will no longer be enough strength for the flight: there will be nothing to profit on the way.

If you characterize the bird in one word, then it will be - movement. There are no and cannot be birds that fall into hibernation or otherwise save their own energy resources when adverse conditions occur: adaptation of the body to flight requires high speed metabolism. If the bird is hungry and/or cold, it becomes more and more anxious, looking for something nutritious to peck at. She does not weaken at the same time until she falls, numb, at the feet of a passerby. Take it to the veterinarians - they may come out. But it’s better, after spending a little work, to build a feeder for the winter with your own hands; almost any household waste or scraps will do for this.

Gardeners, gardeners and summer residents who visit their site in winter will also benefit greatly: even granivorous birds, sparrows, for example, feed insects on the brood. In the spring, just in time for the hatching of the chicks, pests wake up and become more active. If you make a bird feeder in the fall and feed a useful community on the site, see Fig., Much less will be needed for plant protection products. Bird feeders, let it be known to the reader, can be made attractive to some species of birds and not very convenient to others, from which they are less useful. How exactly - this is the focus of this article. Not to the detriment, hopefully, of other aspects of the issue, such as materials, cheaper or completely free, design, etc.

What to be a feeder?

Let's start with a feeder project. Just imagine, because you don’t need to draw it up on paper and roam around the offices with serious uncles and corrosive aunts. But, firstly, you need to know where and why the winter bird canteen will be: in the city, outside the city, for temporary feeding in the very cold or for the constant attraction of useful helpers. Secondly, who will we feed? Who to skip ahead, and who unobtrusively ask to wait? For example, if others are having a hard time, sparrows, crows, and doves will certainly be killed. They have long become accustomed to humans and will find something to profit from in the most ferocious starvation, and in the country or on the estate there will be more sense from other birds.

Having decided on the "circle of the desired clientele", we will choose the design of the feeder. Birds not only do not eat all the same things, they also take food in different ways: from the ground or a vast, solid, even support, from thick branches, twigs and tree trunks, clinging to them with their claws, from swaying thin twigs and blades of grass; the design of the feeder should provide the advantage of access to the feed for the desired guests. We do not mean birds that take food from the summer, they are all migratory. After that, we will choose the material for the feeder, preferably free, and it will be clear from it how to make it. Such is approximately the PPR (plan for the production of works).

Who will be fed?

As already mentioned, sparrows, pigeons and, especially, crows, must be dared from the feeder. What kind of birds are desirable on it? Of course, wintering in the area. They can be divided into 2 categories: the first - nomadic. They have no specific wintering grounds; where there is enough food, it is good even in winter. At the feeder they will be the most frequent guests. The second ones are obligatory, i.e. obligatory wintering at their permanent feeding stations (areas). Only extreme circumstances can drive them to the feeder: a particularly severe winter, etc. In the Central zone of the Russian Federation and in the south of Siberia, in addition to the ubiquitous stubborn sparrows, the birds depicted in rice fly to the feeder; the list with the names is below it.

  1. nuthatch;
  2. pika;
  3. small spotted woodpecker;
  4. crossbill;
  5. jay;
  6. nutcracker or walnut;
  7. bullfinch;
  8. waxwing;
  9. common grosbeak;
  10. goldfinch;
  11. yellowhammer;
  12. greenfinch;
  13. great tit;
  14. blue titmouse;
  15. crested tit;
  16. Muscovite titmouse;
  17. long-tailed tit;
  18. titmouse.

The first trinity are obligate wintering insectivorous birds. Nuthatch and pika get insects from bark cracks and wood passages with specially adapted beaks. Woodpeckers are known to push their way to prey. At the feeder, you can almost certainly expect only a small spotted woodpecker: it can already be said that it has become quite accustomed to people, and with a lack of animal food, it is able to feed on hard seeds. Other woodpeckers (black or yellow, large motley, green, golden or Syrian) will not fly to the feeder for anything, and if a nuthatch and / or pika appeared there, then this winter the birds are generally bad, and high-calorie food with animal fats should be given and proteins; which one - more on that later. All these birds take food by clinging to a support.

Crossbills also overwinter obligately, but feed by husking the seeds of conifers. of cones, these are the most specialized of the shelling birds, and their beak has turned into something like tongs. Even crossbills hatch chicks in the middle of winter, when there are plenty of upturned cones. Taking food from a branch or clinging to a support, in general, they don’t care, as long as it’s not from the ground. Jay with nutcracker are also huskers, but not so skillful. Kedrovka, by the way, can be seen not only in the north; sometimes she undertakes long-distance fodder migrations, during which she reaches Spain.

All shelling birds are very useful for the forest, because. contribute to the spread of trees: the crossbill loses a lot of them, restoring the existing forest, and the jay with the nutcracker arrange storehouses of seeds that are not fully used, or even completely forgotten. Thus, the forest spreads. Forestry specialists are confident that without nutcrackers, maintaining stocks of Siberian pine (Siberian cedar) would be impossible. In addition, jays with nutcrackers destroy a lot of wintering harmful insects.

You can bring shelling birds to the site, but they need a special type of home-made feeders, see below. Peeler feeders are also sold ready-made, but there is nothing in them that you could not do yourself. For crossbills, in case of a bad harvest of cones, they will also fit, however, having fed, they will fly back to the forest.

Note: just in case, let us remind you: insectivorous forest birds and stubblers fly to people for food in the most extreme case, and then they definitely need to be offered nutritious high-calorie food. Along the way, they will thoroughly clean the garden-garden from wintering harmful trifles.

Bullfinch, waxwing, grosbeak and goldfinch are considered predominantly frugivorous birds. This is not a mistake, this is not about flesh, but about juicy fruits and berries. Their bones in the digestive tract of these birds, as a rule, are not digested, but the germination of seeds after such treatment increases. That is, frugivorous birds contribute to the spread of berry bushes and trees. However, frugivorous birds feed chicks with insects, but for now / when there is no harvest, they themselves do not disdain them. Actually, frugivorous birds of middle latitudes can be considered bird-like omnivores, because. Animal feed makes up a large proportion of their diet. Goldfinch in general can consume more insects than vegetable feed. In the extermination of wintering pests, they complement insectivorous and stubblers, because. they, as a rule, do not take prey completely open and motionless, for example. pupae.

It is advisable to introduce frugivorous birds to the site, but with caution. A good bait will be pieces of soft juicy plant food placed on the roof of the feeder: apple cores with seeds, pumpkin, cucumber. However, before putting the bait, you need to take a closer look at those who are eating: if a grosbeak is seen among them, it is better to refuse to bait. In the spring, he pecks out swelling buds and in some places has become a real scourge of gardens and orchards. Later, the grosbeak more than compensates for the damage by destroying huge numbers of May bugs and cabbage caterpillars, but still it is not necessary to promote its excessive reproduction.

Note: sometimes it is advised, as a winter vitamin supplement, to put twigs in the feeder that have stood at home in the water until the buds swell. It is not necessary, like any other seedlings, and even absolutely useful tits, they can learn to “bear oak”. The best vitamin food for birds in winter is apple and pear cores with seeds, fibrous pumpkin core with seeds, viburnum brushes, mountain ash, elderberries, dried rose hips, cherries (can be made from compote) and grape seeds. Read more about feeds below.

Fruit-eating birds take food from the ground and clinging to a support, so that the feeder for them can be anything, except for a swinging suspension, see below. They are stronger and stronger than sparrows, but not so impudent, so tits are not competitors if there is enough food. Most often there are carduelis on the feeder; they are close to becoming obligate hibernating human symbionts. Here it is useful to remember Saint-Exupery: "We are responsible for those whom we have tamed."

Siskins, buntings and greenfinches are granivorous birds. Grass seedlings have nothing to fear from them: they prefer the seeds of wild herbs. The chicks are fed with insects. Food is taken from the ground and from a swinging twig / blade of grass. They are friends with tits, but sparrows need to be discouraged from their feeder: granivorous small, not very strong and non-aggressive birds.

Note: the author is deeply convinced that the old song about the chizhik-pyzhik, who drank vodka on the Fontanka, was composed not only in mockery of the cadets of some of the elite cadet corps, who wore yellow and black uniforms. In nature, the siskin really does look somewhat drowsy and arrogant, like a novice drunk major who has just grabbed (tipped, grunted, missed, rolled, chilled, overturned, etc., etc.) a stopar or two, see fig. on right. That does not prevent him from being bird-like careful and prudent.

Finally, a swarm of tit birds that only steal wheat from the house that Jack built. In fact, insects are an indispensable and significant part of their diet, and of various sizes. If the great and crested tits are able to cope with locusts, then the long-tailed titmouse is not averse to pecking at aphids with spider mites. The tits have become quite accustomed to people, you don’t need to bring them in, they will fly by themselves. Top dressing in ordinary winter should be given vegetable dry, and in severe frost - highly nutritious, like other insectivores. Then, having missed the winter on the dry land, the titmouse in the spring will take on pests, not allowing them to stretch their mandibles properly, and thus immediately there will be no time for germination with crops. And whoever survives in this beak slaughter will no longer be able to cause significant harm to the crop. Tits can take food from the thinnest twigs fluttered by the wind; they have only one evolutionary step left to learn to take food from the summer. This facilitates the creation of specialized titmouse canteens.

What about sparrows?

Sparrows are useful no less than other granivorous, but they are impudent, sneaky, keep in flocks. And the usual bird feeder, unlike crows and pigeons, is quite suitable for them in size. Sparrows take food mainly from the ground, but they are not afraid from branches either. Therefore, they are able to eat other birds, when feeding is a matter of life and death for them, while the chirping rascals themselves, in the meantime, could somehow hold out somehow. So it is advisable to arrange a winter bird feeder in such a way that sparrows fly to it only if the wind is walking in the goiter.

Here you can use their caution and manner to avoid danger. If you have noticed, the sparrows are running away, starting from a place steeply upwards. Therefore, a feeder with low entrances (windows for birds to feed) and a steep roof with large overhangs is unattractive for sparrows: in order to escape from there, you must first flutter to the side, and this is not sparrow-like. An “anti-robin” feeder can be made according to the pattern of a chicken feeder, the diagram in fig. Let's look at other options next.

Types of feeders

When choosing the type of feeder, in addition to the species composition of the guests, you need to keep in mind the following:

  • Birds are guided mainly by sight; their hearing is rather weak, and the sense of smell, one might say, is none. Therefore, the food must be visible from afar.
  • Food must be protected from wind blowing, snowing and eating away by unwanted visitors like squirrels or chipmunks.
  • It is also advisable to avoid spilling food on the ground, so as not to give "beacons" to small predators. By the way, the most dangerous of them are not cats, domestic and wild, but much more cunning, ferocious and bloodthirsty ferrets, weasels and ermines. There are a lot of them near housing, but they are very good at staying out of sight.
  • Feeders for temporary feeding in winter are best hung up, so they will attract sparrows less.
  • Stationary feeders for grafting birds to the site must be placed on poles with protection from predators, see below. Birds flying to feed will recognize the site as their own if they find food on a sufficiently large, even, stable area.

Based on all of the above, and let's see which winter bird feeders are better in which case. Their main types are shown in Fig.:

1 - feeder-suspension. Just food on a string or in a mesh case. A typical blue bird feeder in case of extreme cold. Of other birds, forest insectivores, except for woodpeckers, can visit it. Top dressing - "antifreeze" for tits - just a piece of unsalted fat, pos. 1 next. rice. A more nutritious option, also designed for huskers, is a ball of seed mix (see below), held together with hardened visceral fat (lard) or peanut butter in a vegetable net, pos. 2. However, it is not necessary to pour the feed mass into plastic cups or beautiful shapes and freeze (pos. 6.7), it is difficult for birds to cling and calories from feeding may not compensate for the energy consumption for maintaining themselves by fluttering wings. A ball from the finished mass must be sculpted by hand in the cold; the fat solidifies quickly, and the ball can be hung up immediately.

A hanging feeder can be made for certain types of birds. For example, great tits willingly peck at garlands of dried berries (especially rose hips) or peanut pods, pos. 3, 4. But the blue tit is very fond of swinging, and the balls for them need to be hung on the thinnest and most elastic branches, or even originally designed in the form of mobile sculptures, or mobiles, pos. 5. Great tits will also fly there, but they do not fight with blue titmouse.

For shelling birds, bullfinches and waxwings, hanging top dressing from a cone will be good; for visibility, it’s good to supplement it with a bunch of viburnum or mountain ash, pos. 1 on the next fig.:

If there is no fruiting cone, any disheveled one will do: it is doused with peanut butter (pos. 2), solid food is stuffed between the scales (pos. 3), and hung up. Bird lovers and animal photographers, hanging cone baits since the summer, manage to make even crossbills their regular guests.

A hanging feeder for any birds that feed from a swinging support can be whipped up out of paper. In fact, paper is not a material for winter feeders: sagging, pecking. But a spool from a roll of toilet paper, smeared with the same peanut butter and sprinkled with seeds (see the figure on the right), can save more than one feathered poor fellow right in front of your eyes, and you can make such a feeder in just 5 minutes. The colored tails below are not a whim, they are visible to birds from afar and attract their attention. It is better to make tails red and / or green: for birds, red is berries, and where there is greenery in winter, there is food.

2 - platform. The advantage is that the food is clearly visible. Disadvantages: the snow falls asleep, the wind inflates, a lot of it wakes up down, the sparrows are at home on it.

3 - house. The feed is protected from snow; by choosing the roof structure, the feeder-house can be made windproof and anti-sparrow. But there is still a lot of food waking up, and only birds that are used to feeding will come to dine. Foresters, reaching for housing in an extreme situation, may simply not see what is there, and crash down dead in two steps. A feeder house with a sloping roof can also be whipped up out of the box, as shown in fig. on right. If circumstances allow, then it is advisable to soak the box with three to five times diluted PVA (it is still useful for cardboard feeders), and glue the supports from sticks / twigs. Then the building will be enough for more than one winter. This feeder is nailed to the tree.

Note: the platform feeder can be turned into a house and back as needed (weather, etc.), by attaching a removable roof made of thin hard plastic, see fig. left. PET from cut bottles, sewn with fishing line or stapled with a stapler is well suited, but thin polycarbonate will also work. In the latter case, it is necessary to nail slats with grooves from the sides of the site and push and pull the roof into them.

The feeder house with a shed roof is also convenient for fairly large and strong birds: pigeons, waxwings, jays, nutcrackers. All of them do not mind feeding in a row, so a dining house for them needs to be made with a perch. Material - any suitable, incl. and processed cardboard as a substitute for wood, see below. The feeder for these birds should be larger than for small birds; for approximate dimensions see fig. on right. It is tempting to build something similar quickly from a shoe box, on the sidebar there, but this one will not last long: strong active birds will tear and peck at weak material for a feeding or two.

4 - bunker. Optimal in all respects, including antisparrow. The fact is that sparrows are flocking birds. If the flock does not fit on the feeding area, 1-2 sparrows will not “run into” oatmeal with chickadees either: they will eat in a strange company, but in turn and respecting decency.

Homemade bunker feeders come in different designs, see fig. In the center - a special one for tits and small spotted woodpeckers (hard narrow area, see below). She and the one on the right are anti-sparrow. Modern materials allow the production of such an effective feeder as a bunker in 5 minutes. How is clear from Fig. on right.

Materials - PET bottle, plastic plate, nylon thread, superglue. Tools - scissors, knife, gypsy needle. And this feeder will last more than one winter.

5.6 - tray. The food is not visible well, so these are feeders for familiar and familiar birds. What is better to do in front of the notch, the landing area or the perch-six, depends on the type of feeding; which is more convenient for whom, we will see further in the course of the presentation. They are divided into structures free access to the feed (5 in the figure at the beginning of the section) and its automatic feeding into the feed tray (6 in the same place). The latter are even better than bunkers: the feed practically does not wake up. We will deal with them in more detail later. A pan feeder can be designed to cater for only one or a few bird species (6), but this requires serious knowledge of ornithology, appropriate tools and skills; specialized tray feeders are commercially available in a fairly wide range.

Note: if the canteen is planned to be publicly accessible, the food in it can be made clearly visible by making the hopper completely or partially transparent from plastic.

7 - specialized feeder-huller for birds of the appropriate type of food. The feed is held in place by a metal mesh. It can be combined with a tray and thus become combined.

Materials and designs


The most popular plastic feeders today. There are several reasons: empty, useless plastic containers have nowhere to go anyway, transparent plastic allows you to make food visible from afar, working with plastic is easy, not garbage and can be done at home without special tools. Plastics are durable, racks, bird feeders from them will last for more than one year and can be made of any type.

If you will make a house feeder out of plastic, pos. 1 in Fig., please note that the roof must be matte and generally opaque. Wild birds, of course, are smarter than tame canaries and parrots, but when they see a creeping cat (or, say, the shine of an objective lens), they can hit a transparent one with a fright.

Good small plastic feeders are made from used toys: cubes, etc. They are made from polyethylene, so the only reliable way to glue, for example, a roof is instant cyanoacrylate glue (superglue). Feeders are clearly visible, all birds are curious to some extent, so there are no problems with the visibility of food. Round holes in polyethylene are easily cut with a ballerina compass with two needles. Homemade in pos. 2 for complete bird happiness, only perches are missing: polyethylene is slippery.

At pos. 3 and 4 already purchased plastic feeders. Just for your information: the house at pos. 3 costs 180 rubles, and a transparent "firm" in pos. 4 - three times more. But the same feeder can be glued together from scraps of polycarbonate and provided, if you really want a window, with suction cups for bathroom shelves.

Feeders from unusable plastic containers deserve special consideration, see fig. below. Very well thought out design on pos. 1. A wide tray provides good visibility of the feed, and in combination with a perch, it allows all birds to feed. The large capacity of the tray and the corresponding supply of food in it do not require the frequent approach of the breadwinners, which is less frightening for the birds. The trough-shaped form of the tray ensures minimal spillage of feed. The wing hatches bent upwards give an anti-sparrow effect; the platform formed by them on top allows you to put juicy vitamin top dressing.

Feeders on pos. 2 and 3 are focused on tits, goldfinches and granivorous. The main thing in them is a properly arranged dispenser tray, see below. Feeders are simpler for the same tribe, pos. 4 and 5, you can hang if the sparrows are not very annoying. At pos. 4, a container from computer disks went, this is more for a trifle like a siskin, and a food point from a bucket of sour cream (pos. 5) will also feed bullfinches with waxwings.

Feeders from used containers from liquid products can also be attributed to plastic. Milk and kefir bags, however, are cardboard, but they are laminated with a film on both sides, so they will last the winter. Well, bottles and eggplants, they are made of PET. Small milk-juice bags make excellent feeders for tits, goldfinches, granivorous, you just need to insert a perch stick, pos. 1 next. rice. For the same birds, if baklaga is involved, it is necessary to cut openings in the vessel about 6x8 cm, each from 3 sides, not reaching 3-4 cm to the bottom, and bend the valves outward, pos. 2.

If instead of shaky valves, a hard wooden circle is screwed to the bottom of the dishes, then you can count on the visits of the small motley woodpecker. He won’t sit on a blue valve: what kind of woodpecker will he be if he doesn’t grab a tree with his claws?

From large packages, public canteens are obtained, then the openings need to be cut out more so that the food can be seen from afar. In the case when the feeder is suspended in free space, it is also necessary to pierce it with a perch, pos. 4. When placed in a bush as perches for tits, its branches are enough, pos. 5, and sparrows will be uncomfortable here.

Baklaga and tray ...

How to make a feeder from a plastic eggplant and a 0.25-0.5 liter bottle is shown in fig. on right. The hook at the bottom is optional, hanging food can be hung on it, see above. However, for other types of feeders, the bottle dispenser tray may be too large. In this case, it can be glued from cardboard or several layers of paper impregnated with diluted PVA, see next. rice.:

The yellow arrows show the paths of food movement. To make him wake up less, the inner end of the perch stick should reach the rear edge of the tray; Of course, you can pierce the vessel through them. The arrows in the center of the circle give the scale horizontally and vertically, i.e. the letok will be 6 cm in diameter, this is enough for birds no larger than the great tit.

... and a package house

From 2 bags of juice, a good blue-tit house feeder is obtained, see fig. on right. The whole structure is fastened with tubes-straws from the same juice, their protruding ends will be perches. So that the perches do not bend (the corrugation of the straw remains outside), it is advisable to insert thin twigs into the tubes; can be broken off right there on the spot.


Wooden feeders are good for their durability: impregnated with drying oil, water-polymer emulsion or its substitute in the form of diluted PVA and painted, they serve for years. Therefore, wooden feeders are most often made stationary. Of course, for their manufacture, you will also need a carpentry tool with a separate workplace.

The traditional design of a wooden feeder is a house. A view of the simplest home-made wooden feeder with dimensions is shown in fig. left. However, firstly, such a feeder does not protect the food from weathering, because. the space under the flat roof is blown through. Secondly, by seemingly slightly changing the configuration and proportions of parts, it is possible to specialize the feeder quite strongly. For example, pos. 1 in fig. below is public. Pos. 2 will attract shelling birds: landing on slats protruding to the side and pulling seeds through the crate will give a complete illusion of the usual feeding process. Pos. 3 and 4 - with a weakened blowing of food and a noticeable anti-sparrow effect, for small and larger birds, respectively. Pos. 5 - almost windproof and fundamentally anti-sparrow: retained common sense a sparrow will fly into such a thing only in the most extreme case.

Winter hanging wooden feeders are more convenient and easier to make from plywood and bars of about 30x30 or 30x40 mm. Here you can do without lumber at all by gluing PVA bars from strips of the same plywood. However, stationary feeders on poles will be more durable from solid wood, tk. outdoor plywood, except for expensive waterproof birch, after a season or two begins to delaminate with any impregnation.

For an example in fig. above - a drawing of a country, landscape gardening or forest feeder for all types of birds. A tin tray on a pole not only keeps predators out, but also serves as a sparrow dining room. The lifting liner (it slides freely on the pole) makes cleaning easier and allows birds of one species to feed from their recess while leaving others to others. On a pole under the roof, you can hang nets or cones with food for stubblers, and hanging food for tits can be hung at the corners of the site. Roof for ease of maintenance is removable, on hooks.

wooden special

A hanging analogue of such a feeder, as it is now customary to express it, with a simplified functionality, is shown in fig. on right. The diameter of the floor platforms is about 500 mm. The ledges on the middle platform are convenient for birds looking at the food before starting to eat. In this case, the upper platform is intended for sparrows: these troublemakers will scatter food anyway, so you can do without a side, although it will not hurt.

On fig. below - wooden feeders, bunker and tray, which can be turned into combined, suitable for stubblers. The fact is that in these designs, to improve the visibility of the feed, the bunkers are made with glazed windows. Replacing the glass with a steel mesh with a mesh of about 5x5 mm will enable the stubblers to pull out the seeds while the rest are pecking from the trays or from the site.

How to do without a tree

Wooden feeders look better than plastic homemade ones, they are easier to adapt to the needs of both the bird and the owner. But what to do if there is no woodworking tool or you don’t want to start carpentry in the house with its sawdust and shavings?

A feeder that is not inferior to a wooden one in terms of convenience, appearance and able to last at least 3-4 seasons, can be made from corrugated cardboard from packaging boxes that have become unnecessary. Of course, it will take more time, but all you need from the tool is a pencil, a ruler, a square, a sharp knife, scissors, an awl, PVA glue and a brush for it. The technology is similar to the manufacture of cardboard shelves:

  1. For each part, 2-5 pieces are cut out, depending on the required thickness, of blanks-layers of the same size, but with an internal corrugation oriented alternately along and across, see fig. on right;
  2. Each face is impregnated on one side and the other with a water-polymer emulsion. It is not sold in small packaging, but its full-fledged replacement is PVA diluted with water three to five times. This work must be done on a plastic sheet;
  3. A day later (if the plates were dried at room temperature), the part is glued with PVA in the same order: corrugation along / corrugation across, see the same figure;
  4. The part is dried on a film, while it is also covered with a film on top and pressed down with several books, covering evenly its entire area;
  5. The feeder is assembled on the same PVA glue;
  6. After drying, the end connections are reinforced with studs from toothpicks or pointed matches without heads: the holes for the studs are pricked with an awl from top to bottom, a drop of glue is introduced into each and the stud is immediately pressed;
  7. Open ends are sealed with strips of plain cardboard or thick paper soaked in diluted PVA;
  8. After 3-4 days of drying, the product can be painted, varnished, openings can be made with plastic, mesh can be attached, etc.

Original feeders

Anyone who undertook to make, wants to do something of their own, unusual and unique. Unusual feeders can be divided into original according to the technique of execution or some functional features and simply beautiful, designer ones. One to the other, of course, is not a hindrance in any way, if only the hands were in place.

The first few, say, technical-functional, are shown in Fig.:

Pos. 1 - special for cultivators, frugivorous and large granivorous. The cob is put on a nail driven through the bottom. It should be noted here that corn should be hard, fodder or oilseed varieties, with smaller grains. Table sugar will harm the birds: there is too much starch and sugar in its grains.

Pos. It does not require 2 comments: over the summer, ice cream sticks have been accumulated, then - PVA, strings, and that's it. If you make a hearth on each side, then 4 siskins or chickadees will be able to feed at once. Pos. 3 woven from paper tubes. The work is difficult and laborious, especially when you consider that they need to be well protected from deoxidation. However, judging by the fact that as many as 3 great tits feed in such a small area and another one is waiting in line, the birds really like this creation.

Finally, pos. 4, from a can. Here it would not hurt to lay a perch from a stick in the braid instead of a slippery cold piece of iron. The manufacturing technology completely allows this: the can is tied with a rope in the same way that sailors, riggers, or, say, high-altitude fitters, mark the end of the cable, see fig. on right.

If we take decorative feeders, then there are no restrictions on design: bright colors of birds do not scare away, they can easily distinguish a drawn cat from a living one, and even peck the image in retaliation; Let's just give a few examples in Fig.:

According to the execution technique, it is better to avoid varnished and shiny surfaces, as in pos. 1. It is more difficult for claws to catch on smooth, grains dodge from the beak, and glare cuts sensitive bird eyes.

Pumpkin feeders for wild birds do not fit into any classification, but for birds it is a real paradise: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins with microelements - all in one and in sufficient quantity for all. Plus, a strong and at the same time supple support under the claws. It is not necessary to make something like a house out of a pumpkin or cut a scarecrow face on it, as in the figure: it is enough to remove a piece of skin from one side to the pulp, and even before spring only the peel will remain from the pumpkin. Perhaps suitable for entertaining crafts.

What to feed wild birds?

It remains to decide what kind of bird food to put in the feeder. The best food for all wintering birds is the seeds of wild grasses, especially burdock. Songbird lovers and ornithologists have been collecting turnip seed since the summer or buying it at pet stores. Further, in order of preference by birds and benefits to them:

Note: if there is an opportunity to buy in a pet store, the so-called. canary seed or budgerigar seed mix is ​​just what any bird in the feeder needs.

Wheat, rye and bread from them should be avoided: the bird's body is not adapted to process excess starch. Black bread is especially dangerous: it causes inflammation of the goiter, which often leads to the death of the bird. Perfectly dry crumbs of white bread can be given to pigeons and fruit-eating birds. The same applies to all cereals that swell strongly during cooking: barley (barley), rice, buckwheat. With corn, as mentioned above, you need to be careful. In general, it must be borne in mind that wild birds fewer chickens with ducks, and their digestion is unusual for homemade food.

Note: the peel of citrus and tropical fruits - bananas, mangoes, avocados, mangosteens, sapodillas, etc. is a deadly poison for our birds. It's about sugars.

Of the vitamin dressings, the best, as already mentioned, are brushes and bunches of wild berries. In addition to the mentioned mountain ash, viburnum, elderberry, barberry, currant, chokeberry, juniper are willingly pecked. AT southern regions- cotoneaster, berries of "wild grapes" (cissus), boxwood. Bones of table grapes, cherries and cherries from compote, melon and watermelon seeds (not pulp!), cores of apples and pears with seeds, grated raw carrots are also an excellent vitamin top dressing. Whole fruits should not be given: having fed on them, even the most principled tit will not resist the temptation to peck at them in the summer in the garden.

An important component of the bird's diet is mineral supplements and solid inclusions that grind food in the stomach. The most important mineral is calcium. Its source at the feeder is finely crushed eggshells. It must be given without fail if you want the winter eaters to nest right there in the spring. Even birds, like domestic chickens, need sand. It needs to be sprinkled little by little, always river rounded and the smallest.

Fun in the end

So, a certain young man with an active-destructive mindset heard in the winter that black bread and banana peels are deadly for birds. He immediately set to work: he was not too lazy and put together a feeder, dried and finely ground banana peels. Then he forked out for a loaf of "Borodinsky" for 40 rubles. at the then price, crumbled it too. He mixed everything, hung up the feeder, poured bird poison into it.

The next morning, he went, anticipating the "task", to see how many of them were lying dead with swollen goiters. It turned out - not a single one, the food was not touched. Before the unlucky terrorist had time to decide what he should think about this, flocks fell from the surrounding trees and showered Grisha with “business cards”. Separate "cards" merged into a continuous blanket, and a bunch formed on the head. Since then, the poor fellow carefully and cautiously bypasses even flocks of sparrows on the pavement.

From this article you can learn how to make do-it-yourself bird feeders: an overview existing species structures and general recommendations for their creation and placement, the choice of suitable building materials, photos and drawings with a detailed description of the technology. The text contains unusual and original solutions that will allow you to create a comfortable and beautiful area for feeding birds in the garden or near the house.

If you want to ennoble the area near the house, many owners of summer cottages lay paved paths, break flower beds and flower beds, install benches and lanterns. All this creates comfort and coziness for the residents of the house. However, do not forget about the small inhabitants of the garden, for whom, with the advent of winter, it becomes more difficult to get their own food.

Making a bird feeder with your own hands will not only help the birds overcome this difficult period, but also add a certain charm to the garden. Using simple technologies, you can show your own imagination and create an original feeding house.

Advantages of homemade feeders:

  • the opportunity to take care of the birds, which are difficult to get their own food;
  • decorative decoration of the yard;
  • the opportunity to instill in children a love for the world and birds.

Moreover, such a decision can be implemented not only by owners of private and country houses but also residents of urban apartments.

Is it profitable to buy a ready-made bird feeder: advantages and disadvantages

If you wish, install a standard feeder in the yard, made on professional level, you can order the product from specialists. Experienced craftsmen will independently select high-quality materials and produce a structure using special technologies.

Customers are invited to choose a bird feeder with their favorite design from the picture. Such structures can be of any size and shape. Buying a feeder to order, the consumer can be completely sure that it will meet his wishes and fit perfectly into the exterior of the yard.

Buying ready-made products comes with both advantages and disadvantages. To negative sides This can be attributed to the high cost of professionally made feeders. In addition, the buyer deprives himself of the joys of the creative process and waiting for the arrival of birds. Therefore, many people prefer to create houses for feeding birds on their own in their yard or at the window.

Note! The design of the feeder must be reliable, so it is advisable to select practical and durable materials for its construction that will protect the birds from precipitation and wind.

What requirements should a homemade bird feeder meet?

When choosing a specific design for a homemade feeder, you need to take into account not only the type of birds for which the design will be made, but also other nuances. Birds rely mainly on their eyesight, so the spread of food must be visible to them from afar.

The design of the structure must be such that the grain is not covered with snow and not blown by the wind. High sides and a roof will help to cope with this problem. It is unacceptable for moisture to get on the feed. Otherwise, the grains will become moldy and spoil. It is desirable that protection against chipmunks and squirrels be present. At the same time, the birds should not experience any difficulties when retrieving food.

Drawings of bird feeders, of which there are many on the net, can be successfully used as a visual aid to create a beautiful design. First of all, you should pay attention to practical and convenient options. The food should not wake up on the ground, otherwise it will attract small predators such as stoats, weasels, ferrets. Their presence poses a direct threat to birds.

If the structure will be used for temporary top dressing in winter, it is better to hang it. Thus, the feeder will attract less sparrows, which are much easier to find food than other birds. Stationary structures are used for constant feeding. In this case, the presence of protection from predators is mandatory. It is desirable that the grain is on a flat area of ​​a sufficiently large size that maintains good stability.

Types of bird feeders: photos and descriptions of designs

The design of homemade feeders is practically unlimited. The main thing is that the design meets the basic requirements of practicality, reliability and safety.

Classification of bird feeders by type of design:

  • suspension;
  • area;
  • house;
  • bunker;
  • tray;
  • peeler.

Each of these designs has its own characteristics and is designed for certain types of birds.

Original do-it-yourself bird feeders: photo of hanging structures

The suspension structures are very simple. In this case, the food is suspended in a mesh case or on a thread. They are used primarily as feeders for titmouse. Although other species of insectivorous birds, with the exception of woodpeckers, can also use suspensions.

The most common version of top dressing - "antifreeze" - a piece of fat without spices and salt. There are also more nutritious mixtures that are designed for shelling birds. For them, a ball consisting of seeds is suitable. As a fastening component, peanut butter or lard (internal fat) is used.

Note! It is not necessary to cast the feed mass into a beautiful shape or a plastic cup and then freeze it. The ball is more comfortable for the birds. So it is much easier for them to cling and they do not have to spend a lot of energy to keep themselves on weight while eating.

A ball consisting of feed mass is most conveniently formed by hand. This must be done in the cold. Fat will harden very quickly, therefore, having formed a ball, it must be hung immediately.

Related article:

Drawings, interesting and practical solutions for creating fences in the conditions of the street and apartment, taking into account the breed and size of the animal.

Hanging craft bird feeders can be made with the expectation of certain types of birds. Great tits prefer garlands made from dried berries. They especially like rose hips. The use of peanuts in pods is allowed.

Swing feeders will be the best option for blue titmouse. In this case, it is desirable to hang the balls on elastic and thin branches so that they balance.

Beautiful do-it-yourself bird feeders made in the form of mobiles or movable sculptures look original in the photo. Such designs are able to attract even large tits, which will not conflict with blue tit.

Hanging options from cones are suitable for attracting bullfinches, peeling birds and waxwings. To make the feeder visible from afar, you can hang a bright bunch of mountain ash or viburnum on it. It is advisable to use a fertile cone for this. If this is not possible, any with ruffled scales will do. It must be doused with peanut butter. After that, food is placed between the scales and the cone can be hung. Such cones may even appeal to crossbills.

Paper cannot be used to create such structures, however, you can make a beautiful bird feeder with your own hands from a dense base from a toilet paper roll. It is advisable to attach bright pieces of fabric or paper from below that will attract the attention of birds.

Convenient do-it-yourself bird feeders: photos of tray structures and platforms

Feeders-platforms are a flat plane on which food is placed. The advantage of such designs is that birds can see the presence of food from afar. However, a do-it-yourself flat wooden bird feeder also has disadvantages. Firstly, there are no fences that provide protection from the wind. As a result, the food in large quantities swells and wakes up. Secondly, nothing prevents sparrows from actively using these feeders.

The fact is that sparrows keep in flocks. These sneaky birds, unlike pigeons and crows, can freely enter small feeders and empty them, not giving a chance to other birds, which are much more difficult to get food in winter. To eliminate this possibility, it is desirable to avoid the use of open structures.

Sparrows are very careful. In case of danger, they take off straight from the place steeply upwards. That's why the best option there will be a birdhouse made of cardboard or wood with a steep roof that has more overhangs. It is desirable that the design has low windows that provide birds with access to food. In this case, the sparrows will first have to flutter to the side before flying away, so such feeders are unattractive for them.

Useful advice! In winter, the birds will not interfere with vitamin supplementation. To do this, you can put pear and apple cores with seeds, viburnum berries, elderberries, mountain ash, a fibrous part of a pumpkin with seeds, dried rose hips, and grape seeds into the feeder. It is allowed to use cherry pits from compote.

For those birds that constantly live on the site, an original do-it-yourself tray-type bird feeder made by yourself is suitable. In front of the tray (a window that provides access to the feed), you can install a perch or a landing pad.

Tray feeders are of two types:

  1. With free access to the mixture.
  2. FROM automatic feeding feed in the tray.

A bird feeder on a window with automatic feeding is much more practical than bunker structures. In this case, the food practically does not wake up. Tray structures are designed specifically for one type of bird. The possibility of using a feeder for several varieties of birds is allowed. However, to create such a structure, not only the appropriate skills and tools will be required, but also ornithological knowledge.

Do-it-yourself feeders-houses: photos of birdhouses and similar structures

Feeding troughs in the form of houses well protect food from snow. Equipping the structure with a roof, you can protect the inside from the wind and sparrows. But a beautiful bird feeder in the form of a house does not provide protection against spillage of food. Therefore, only those birds that are accustomed to feeding will be present on the site. For forest birds, this option is very inconvenient, because they are drawn to human habitation only in cases of crisis and may simply not notice the grains that have woken up on the ground.

A design in the form of a house with a sloping roof can be made from a box. If possible, it is desirable to treat such a cardboard feeder with a diluted adhesive. For this, PVA is suitable, which is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 3 or 1: 5. Supports are made of sticks, which are also attached with glue. If everything is done correctly, such a feeder will last several seasons. The design is nailed to the tree.

A beautiful pitched roof feeder is the best option for strong large birds. These include Nutcrackers, Waxwings, Jays and Pigeons. All of them can safely sit in a row while feeding, so it is better to equip the dining room with a long perch.

Wood or very dense pre-treated cardboard can be used as a material for manufacturing. The design for large birds should be much larger than for ordinary pichugs. In this case, you need to select drawings of feeders for birds with dimensions that will correspond to them.

Note! A bird feeder from a shoe box is not suitable for feeding large birds. Cardboard in such designs is very thin. Strong birds will break the feeder very quickly during feeding.

Practical do-it-yourself feeders: photos of bunker structures and hullers

Hopper type designs will be the best option if an anti-sparrow feeder is required. In this case, the feeding area is limited in size, so the entire flock will not be able to accommodate. Sparrows will have no choice but to eat in turn with the company of other birds.

Unusual bunker-type bird feeders can have a different design. It is desirable that the product, designed for small spotted woodpeckers and tits, be equipped with a solid narrow platform. Anti-sparrow variants are much wider and have a roof. Modern materials allow you to create a bunker structure in just 5 minutes.

To make a bottle feeder with your own hands, you will need a minimum set of tools and materials:

  • kapron thread;
  • bottle (PET);
  • Super glue;
  • plastic plate;
  • large needle;
  • knife and scissors.

Plastic is a very practical and durable material that is not afraid of moisture and frost. This feeder will last for several seasons.

Peeler feeders are less popular. They are designed for certain types of birds. In this case, the feed is held with a special metal mesh. The design can be improved by making it combined. For this, the feeder-sheller is combined with a tray option. Due to this, birds of different species can coexist in one area.

How to make bird feeders: the choice of materials for work

Having decided on the type of future design, you need to decide what the feeder will be made of. For these purposes, you can use a variety of materials. Many of them are in everyone's house, so you can not only create original feeder for birds with their own hands, but also to do it at minimal cost.

The following materials are commonly used to make a bird canteen:

  • plastic;
  • paper and cardboard;
  • wood;
  • plywood;
  • improvised materials (bottles, boxes, milk or juice bags, etc.).

Each of these materials is suitable for creating certain types of structures and has both advantages and disadvantages.

Features of bird feeders from plastic bottles and trays

Plastic feeders are the most popular option. This material has many advantages.

Advantages of feeders from plastic bottles and trays:

  1. Material availability.
  2. The transparent walls of the structure allow you to make the food visible from afar.
  3. Ease of processing.
  4. Minimum amount of garbage and waste.
  5. There is no need to use special tools.
  6. High strength and durability.

Important! The roof of a plastic feeder in the form of a house should be opaque or at least matte. In case of danger, birds may not notice the transparent plane from above and hit it.

A good way to create a small, eye-catching bird feeder out of scrap materials is to use old childhood toys like building blocks. They are made of polyethylene, so it is advisable to use superglue for fixing. Such designs have bright and rich colors, so it will be easy for birds to find food. Polyethylene lends itself well to processing. To cut round holes in the walls, you can use a compass with two needles. Polyethylene is a slippery material, so it is advisable to equip the feeder with a perch.

as a plastic building material you can use scraps of transparent polycarbonate that could remain after repairs in the house. Such a feeder can be fixed on the window with the help of suction cups from the bathroom shelves.

Bird feeders from bottles and other unusable containers deserve special attention. The main thing is that the design is well thought out. To ensure the visibility of the feed, it is desirable to use a wide tray. The presence of a perch will make feeding birds more convenient. If you take a large tray and a capacious container, you will not have to frequently replenish food supplies. As a result, the birds will be less shy.

To make a do-it-yourself bird feeder from a plastic bottle, it is advisable to use a trough-shaped tray. In this case, spillage of feed will be negligible. If you bend up the cover of the hatch that provides access to the feed, the feeder will turn out to be anti-sparrow. In this case, the plane that forms at the top can be used to place vitamin supplements.

Features of making homemade feeders out of the box

  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • juice, etc.

Despite the fact that these bags are made of cardboard, their walls are covered with a film on both sides. Therefore, laminated feeders are able to withstand one winter.

Small packets left over from juice or milk are ideal as feeders for the following types of birds:

  • goldfinches;
  • tits;
  • granivorous.

In this case, it is imperative to install a perch stick to make it easier for the birds to get food.

Useful advice! To attract a small motley woodpecker to the titmouse feeder, it is enough to fix a wooden circle on the bottom of the valve. So it will be easier for the bird to gain a foothold on the structure.

From large packages, you can make universal canteens for birds. To do this, you need to cut a large opening so that the food can be seen from afar. If the feeder is suspended, it must be pierced with a perch. A construct from a package can be placed in a bush. In this case, the perch is not required, its function will be performed by branches.

Eco-friendly bird feeders made of wood

The advantage of wooden feeders is their durability. Most often, such structures are stationary.

As a protective treatment, you can use:

  • drying oil;
  • water-polymer composition;
  • mixture in the form of diluted PVA glue.

To build a bird feeder made of wood with your own hands, you will definitely need a carpentry tool and skills in handling it. Traditional models look like a house. It is not recommended to make a flat roof on the feeder, since in this case the feed will be exposed to weathering.

Standard design options in the form of a house, with minor changes, can be improved and specialized for a certain type of bird. For example, a gable roof feeder without railings can be used as a public option. If, however, a small crate is built around the perimeter, such a dining room will be to the taste of shelling birds. It quite realistically imitates natural feeding conditions. A similar model with a continuous low fence will achieve an anti-sparrow effect and protect the food from the wind.

A low pitched roof design will also provide protection from forage bloat. Such a feeder will be used by sparrows only as a last resort.

An alternative option for a suspended structure made of wood is a do-it-yourself plywood bird feeder. To create it, you will also need wooden bars with a section size of 3x3 or 3x4 cm. To avoid the use of lumber, you can make bars from plywood strips by gluing. However, for stationary feeders on poles, it is preferable to use solid wood, since plywood will delaminate in outdoor conditions in a few seasons, regardless of the quality of the protective impregnation.

Useful advice! If birch waterproof sheets are used to build a plywood bird feeder, you can get a reliable and durable construction. This material perfectly tolerates the conditions of street use.

DIY bird feeders from improvised materials

Unusual and original designs can be made from improvised materials, the creation of which can focus on design or functional features.

A cob of corn can be used as a feeder. To do this, a nail is passed through it. This version of the bird feeder from improvised materials can simply be hung or made part of a stationary structure. Corn should be hard, preferably oilseed or fodder varieties. The smaller the grains, the better.

It is better to refuse the use of table sugar cobs, as they are harmful to birds. Their grains contain a large amount of sugar and starch. The corn feeder is designed for large frugivorous and granivorous birds, as well as hullers.

Ice cream sticks can be used as a building material to create a wooden bird feeder. During the summer season, they can be accumulated in sufficient quantities. To make such a design, you will need a rope and PVA glue. On each side of the feeder, you can install a stick of larger ice cream sticks. Thanks to this, 4 birds can use the dining room at the same time, for example, chickadees or siskins.

An excellent option would be a wicker basket-shaped feeder with a hanging lid. To create it, you will need paper tubes that can be made from old newspapers. The weaving technology is rather complicated and time-consuming, so not everyone decides to take on the construction of such a feeder, but the result exceeds all expectations. To prevent paper straws from deoxidizing, they must be treated with a protective compound (glue and stain).

A large metal tin can is also suitable for building a feeder. It is suspended on a rope in a horizontal position. To prevent the feed from waking up on the ground, it is necessary to install a small damper. For this, the upper part of the lid, bent in half, is suitable. Be sure to install a perch.

Important! Regardless of the type of construction, the feeder must be safe. Wooden models must be carefully sanded and all sharp corners rounded off. Metal options can be wrapped with twine, which sits on the glue.

Making bird feeders: drawings, descriptions and technologies

Having decided on the type of construction and material, you can proceed to the direct manufacture of the feeder. It should be noted that not all types of grains are suitable for feeding birds. The favorite food of birds that remain for the winter is the seeds of wild grasses. It is desirable that these were burdock plant species. Turnip seed is suitable, which can be collected in the summer or purchased ready-made at a pet store.

Homemade feeders can be filled with:

  • oats and millet;
  • small sunflower seeds (not roasted);
  • hemp and flax seeds;
  • dried pods of acacias living in the middle latitudes (wisteria, honey locust, sophora, etc.);
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • dry pea pods (it must be ripe and firm);
  • pine nuts;
  • millet (in small doses);
  • seeds of such deciduous trees as ash, hornbeam, linden, maple, alder;
  • acorns and seeds of conifers, for example, beech nuts, ruffled cones (if the feeder is designed for stubblers).

Note! Rye, wheat and bread are not allowed. They are harmful to birds. Moreover, black bread is the most dangerous, because it causes inflammation of the goiter. Poorly perceived strongly swelling cereals during cooking, for example, buckwheat, pearl barley, rice. The peel of any tropical fruit and citrus is deadly to birds.

How to make a birdhouse with your own hands: assembling a wooden structure

To build a wooden birdhouse, you will need skills in working with carpentry tools.

To work, you will need the following materials:

  • wooden beam for racks (2x4.5 cm);
  • plywood square as flooring on the bottom (25x25 cm);
  • wooden pieces for the construction of the roof (22x35 cm, 2 pcs.);
  • fasteners (adhesive composition, self-tapping screws, nails).

It does not hurt to first find a suitable drawing of the feeder, which will help you navigate during the assembly of parts.

First, the base is assembled: sides and bottom. To do this, the bars, pre-cut in accordance with the size of the bottom, are glued from the end sides and fixed to the screws. The result is a wooden frame. A pair of sides running in parallel must be made about 5 cm longer than the bottom. They will be used to install the perches. With the help of nails, the bottom is nailed to the frame.

At the next stage of making the feeder do-it-yourself racks are mounted from wood. In order to fasten the corresponding parts from the inside of the box. The optimal length is 18-20 cm.

A truss system is attached to the racks. To do this, you need to connect a pair of bars at a right angle. To strengthen the place of fixation, the joint is fixed with a piece of timber. The result is a right angle with equal sides. According to the drawing, it is necessary to make two such parts.

Useful advice! In order to properly connect the parts of a bird feeder made of wood, when fastening the bars, you need to lay a flat wide part on the table. After that, an additional element is attached from above at an appropriate angle.

Then the rafters are attached to the racks with self-tapping screws. Next, the roof slopes are installed. To do this, two wooden elements are installed on the rafters. If a wooden corner is available, you can make a skate. A bird feeder made of wood needs a perch. To do this, sticks or a window glazing bead are glued between an elongated pair of sides.

This design can be both stationary and suspended. It can be mounted on a pole or, by making a couple of holes in the ridge, hang it on a wire.

How to make a do-it-yourself bird feeder out of wood: plywood construction

An alternative option for a wooden feeder would be a construction made of plywood.

The material allows you to choose any modification:

  • open;
  • with a gable or flat roof;
  • with bunker.

Plywood is a wood-derived material that is much cheaper and lighter in weight. Before you make a bird feeder out of wood, you must definitely select the appropriate drawing. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the type of birds living in the region. Such large birds like magpies, pigeons and jays can eat all the food, leaving small birds without food. Therefore, if the feeder is designed for tits, the openings should be such that large species cannot reach the grains.

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • jigsaw;
  • sandpaper;

  • water-based adhesive;
  • nails and hammer;
  • plywood sheet;
  • timber with a section size of 2x2 cm.

In accordance with the drawing, markings are applied to the plywood sheet. After that, all the details are carefully cut out with a jigsaw. A square element 25x25 cm will be used as a flooring for the bottom. For the construction of the roof, you need to take larger parts, otherwise moisture will drain onto the feed. The edges of the resulting blanks must be sanded.

From the timber you need to cut 4 racks 25-30 cm long each. If the structure will have a shed (flat) roof, a pair of bars should be shortened by 2-3 cm. The cut is made at an angle. All joints of parts are treated with an adhesive composition, after which they are fastened with nails. Racks are installed on the bottom, and sides are fixed to them. A roof is installed at the top of the racks. The design can be installed permanently or suspended using a hook and hardware.

Useful advice! If the wooden feeder will be varnished, it is recommended to use a water-based compound for this so as not to harm the birds.

How to make a do-it-yourself feeder: a hanging grain structure

Suspended grain structures are the easiest option. Such a design can be made in a few hours.

For work you will need:

  • raw bird food;
  • oat groats;
  • egg;
  • gelatin;
  • flour;
  • needle and thick thread;
  • thick cardboard and scissors;
  • pencil and molds for filling.

How to make an edible bird feeder with your own hands:

  1. Draw on the cardboard the figure you like, for example, a square, a circle, a triangle, a heart, etc.
  2. Cut out the shape according to the markup.
  3. Form a fastening by threading a needle and making a hole.
  4. Prepare the glue mixture. To do this, the following ingredients are mixed: 1 tsp. honey, egg, 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal and a small amount of flour.
  5. Leave the mixture for half an hour.
  6. Apply adhesive mass over the cardboard base.
  7. Mix grain feed with glue mass.
  8. Apply the resulting mixture to the cardboard base.

After that, the grain feeder should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours. When the mixture hardens, the products can be hung on tree branches in the yard.

There is another technology for making edible feeders:

  1. Dissolve gelatin packet in warm water.
  2. Pour food into it.
  3. Divide the resulting mass into molds.
  4. Insert thread for hanging.
  5. Send the molds to the refrigerator for several hours.

After hardening, the feeders are completely ready for use. To make it easier for the birds to grasp, the molds can be placed in bright mesh bags.

How to make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle

In every home there is an unnecessary plastic container. Therefore, many are thinking about creating a bottle feeder. The material is cut with scissors or a knife, and the design is transparent and very light. This option is especially convenient, as there are several ways to create plastic feeders.

How to make a plastic bottle feeder:

  1. A pair of holes are cut on both sides of the bottle. They should be symmetrical. The shape can be any: arch, square, circle, rectangle.
  2. Jumpers must be left between the holes.
  3. You can make a rain visor by making an inverted U-shaped slot and bending the plate up.
  4. The lower edge of the slots where the birds will land must be secured. To do this, the cut is covered with fabric insulating tape or adhesive tape.
  5. At the bottom you need to make symmetrical holes.
  6. A perch stick is inserted into the holes obtained.

Such a feeder can be fixed on a tree. To do this, the jumper is wound with a rope, tape or other material.

Useful advice! If you insert twine from a bottle through the birdhouse lid, having previously made holes in it, you can form a loop that will allow you to hang the structure on a tree branch.

Do-it-yourself bunker feeder from a plastic bottle

The bunker design is very rational. It allows you to fill up the feed mixture with a margin for several days. As the birds eat the grains, the additive will automatically flow onto the tray.

To work, you need a couple of bottles of the same capacity. One container is marked with a marker. Near the bottom, it is necessary to make holes similar to those made in the previous version of the plastic feeder, and then remove 1/3 of the bottle (top).

A pair of symmetrical holes is made in the upper part. They will be used to hang the feeder with ribbons or twine. The second bottle will store the food. In the narrowest part of this container, several holes should be made through which the grains will spill. Don't make the holes too big. If necessary, it is better to expand them later.

The corresponding bottle must be filled with the feed mixture, screw the stopper in it and place it inside the container, which is cut off by 1/3. After that, twine is pulled through the holes, and the structure is hung on a tree.

How to make a bottle feeder: the simplest design with a spoon

There is another version of the bunker design - a feeder with a spoon. For this, a bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters is suitable. First you need to make a hole in the cork and stretch the twine through it. With it, the structure will be suspended on a branch. Then you need to make holes symmetrically (one on each side of the bottle). They should match the size of a wooden spoon.

On the side where the deep part of the spoon will be placed, the hole needs to be slightly expanded so that it is convenient for the birds to pick up food. It remains only to fill the feeder with the selected feed mixture and hang it in a convenient place.

Useful advice! To prevent the hopper feeder from accumulating moisture, several holes must be made in the bottom. To do this, you can use a small nail or a hot needle.

How to make a bird feeder from a 5L bottle

Water bottles with a volume of 5 liters can hold much more feed than standard containers. Besides big size The container allows you to make several holes, so that a large number of birds can feed at the feeder at the same time.

For work you will need:

  • wire or tape for hanging;
  • clean bottle;
  • birdseed;
  • a cutting tool, such as a pruner, scissors or a clerical knife.

First, a hole is made for hanging the structure. Its location will depend on the nature of the placement of the feeder on the tree:

  1. Horizontally - a pair of wide holes is made (one near the neck, the other - from the side of the bottom).
  2. Vertically - with an indent of 5-7 cm from the bottom of the bottle, it is necessary to cut 3 rectangular holes or several square ones.

It is most convenient to hang the bottle by the neck. If the structure is fixed in a horizontal position, two holes must be made in the wall and, after passing the twine through them, fix the feeder on the tree. Plastic structures are very light. To prevent the bottle from being swayed by the wind, before filling it with food, it is advisable to put ¼ of a brick on the bottom.

Technology for creating a bunker feeder from a 5 liter bottle

To create a bunker feeder, you will need several bottles (5 l - 1 pc., 1.5 l - 2 pcs.), As well as a clerical knife, a rope and a marker. First, markings are applied to a large container. With the help of a marker near the bottom, a zone is marked where a hole will be placed that acts as a tap hole. It is best to make 2 small slots and one large one through which you can install a 1.5 liter bottle.

Then a U-shaped hole is cut upside down. The upper part should be bent to make a protective visor from the rain. The lower edge of the opening is sealed with adhesive plaster so that the birds do not get hurt during feeding.

In those areas where the bottle placed inside is in contact with the bottom of a large container, as well as in areas slightly higher, holes must be made. As the food is eaten, the grains will wake up through them. A round hole is made in the cap of a 5-liter bottle so that after screwing the thread, the neck of the inner container rises. Then, at the second bottle, you need to cut off the neck along with the top. The result should be a funnel. It should be put on the neck of the inner bottle and tighten the cork. The feeder is ready.

Useful advice! It is advisable to install the feeder under the roof so that the birds are more comfortable. For this, a canopy or gazebo is suitable.

How to make a feeder out of a box: a description of the process

A homemade bird feeder can be made from the simplest materials at hand. Almost every house has boxes of food products, shoes or electrical appliances. For work, it is desirable to select thick cardboard. An ideal option would be a bird feeder out of a box with a laminated coating, which will increase the life of the structure.

The advantage of this method is that the box already has walls, a bottom and a roof. Therefore, the steps to convert it into a feeder will be minimal, you only need to cut holes in a rectangular or square shape on the sides.

To make a bird feeder with your own hands out of the box, you will need a clerical knife or scissors, cord and tape. Since cardboard is short-lived and vulnerable to moisture, it should be wrapped with tape for protection. This is done after the feeder is ready. When holes are cut in the side walls for access to the feed, you need to fasten the cord and hang the feeder. To prevent the structure from rocking from the wind, put a few pebbles or pour sand on the bottom.

You can slightly change the technology. In this case, the box lid is glued perpendicularly. As a result, it will serve as a feed stand. The second part of the box will replace the roof and railings. The design must be glued with adhesive tape.

Next, you need to organize a system of fasteners for hanging. To do this, a pair of hooks is made from wire. A piece of wire is bent in half and the end is pierced through the "ceiling" part of the feeder. After that, the wire is twisted and bent from the inside. Now the feeder can be hung on a branch.

How to make a feeder out of a juice or milk box

To create such a design, you will need a Tetra Pak bag from liquid foods, such as juice or milk.

List necessary materials and tools for work:

  • wire for hanging or nylon rope;
  • a clean milk or juice bag;
  • adhesive plaster;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • marker.

The feeder should be comfortable for the birds, so markings are applied to the cardboard and a couple of holes of sufficient size are cut out on opposite sides. Through space will allow the birds to easily move and take food. For safety reasons, the window must be pasted over with adhesive tape.

Under the slots, you need to pierce a hole with scissors and insert cardboard rolled into a tube into it. This will be a perch. The material for its manufacture can be taken from scraps left over from previous operations. In the corners you need to make small holes where a rope or wire will be stretched for hanging. A milk carton feeder can be tied to a branch or attached to a tree trunk.

Useful advice! To prevent the structure from swinging, it is better to cut the slots not on opposite sides, but on adjacent walls of the package.

The feeder can be made from two juice packs. The first tetrapak needs to be cut along the narrow side parts so that the top remains intact. 1/3 is cut off from the second package, and a hole should be cut on the front side. This area will be used as a stern board. The bottom of the second tetrapak must be combined with the first package. If everything is done correctly, you should get a triangle. To fix the parts, it is better to use glue, as well as winding with tape.

How to decorate a bird feeder with your own hands: interesting ideas

When the feeder is ready, you can start decorating it. In this case, everything depends solely on the imagination. The design of homemade dining rooms for birds is practically unlimited, the main thing is that all decor elements are environmentally friendly and safe for birds.

How to decorate the feeder with improvised materials:

  • paint the structure with a coloring composition;
  • decorate with weaving from ropes or twine;
  • use materials of natural origin as decor, for example, moss, tree bark and branches, cones, acorns, chestnuts;
  • decoration with colored ropes;
  • use of chains with an unusual shape of links, etc.

You can find many on the web interesting ideas for decorating homemade feeders. If you approach this issue thoroughly, you can make a house of an unusual shape. After that, the paint left after the repair, various figures and colored paper are used for decoration. However, do not overdo it with rustling and shiny details, otherwise the birds will be scared. In addition, decorative elements should not create obstacles for food intake.

The use of paint will not only change the color of the structure, but also protect the material from the negative effects of atmospheric factors. Coloring can be monophonic or multi-colored. In this case, you can use various drawings. It is better if their theme is intertwined with winter motifs. On sale you can find many interesting stencils that will simplify the process of decorating.

An interesting design will turn out if you arrange a wooden structure in the form of a bee hive or a miniature mill. This work is very meticulous, but if you try, you can achieve a complete resemblance to real buildings. Decoration in the form of small branches will give the design a natural charm. At the entrance, you can hang a beautiful cone or an edible garland, the main thing is that it does not block access to the feed.

For decoration, old dishes can be used, for example, a saucer with a cup or a tea infuser. To do this, 4 holes are drilled in the saucer and a rope is pulled through them. After that, the cup is glued to the saucer. This design can be hung in any corner of the yard. The carving, bright painting, pieces of leather and applications look original in the design of the feeders. By creating several designs in the same style, you can get a beautiful composition that will emphasize the exterior of the yard.

Having spent a little time building a bird feeder with your own hands, you can not only provide the feathered inhabitants of the garden with a delicious snack, but also get a worthy decoration of the yard.

Now is a very difficult time for birds. It is difficult for them to survive: it is cold outside, there is snow all around, and the reservoirs are covered with a crust of ice. It's time to feed and warm your feathered friends.

A feeder in the country or near the house is a very small structure, but it will collect many hungry birds. You can buy a ready-made "dining room" for them, but it's much more interesting to make. Let's feed them in the winter, and they will repay us a hundredfold in the spring, when they destroy pests in the garden and sing sonorous songs in the morning. And ideas for creativity can be found literally anywhere: in the forest, in the garden and vegetable garden, in the attic or in the kitchen.

1. Wall "cage" with a grain mixture

We attach a large mesh container to a fence or barn wall, place the grain mass inside and wait for feathered guests!

How to prepare grain mass:

  1. We take coconut solid oil or beef (pork) fat (150-200 g), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil and about 300 g of grain mixture for birds.
  2. We heat the fat in a saucepan, pour the oil and grains into it.
  3. We make the forms of the desired size and wait until they harden.
This mixture will be to your taste. birds that love solid food(tits, sparrows and finches). Swap out some of the ingredients to attract as many birds as possible.

For lovers of soft food(robin, wren, thrush) Instead of a grain mixture, use wheat bran, raisins and oatmeal. They must be mixed with fat in the same proportions.

2. Suspended mesh structure

This is an improved version of the previous feeder - a hanging structure with two feed compartments.

The net holds the food, and the roof protects it from snow.

3. Cereal "cookies"

Well, if the grain mass turned out to be more than necessary for the feeder, it does not matter! You can take as a basis and make these cute hearts:

When the mass hardens, make a hole in each form, thread a twine through it and hang it on a tree.

4. "Vases" of orange

Halves can be used as the basis for a hanging feeder.

  1. Cut the orange in half and remove the core;
  2. We pierce 4 small holes on opposite sides, stretch the twine into them crosswise;
  3. We collect the ends of the twine together and tie a knot;
  4. We place the grain mass in orange bases and hang it on trees or bushes.

5. Edible apple ball

A similar idea, only serves as the basis of the feeder.

Edible apple feeder. Photo from

How good is this design?: the apple will completely go into action, the entire feeder will be eaten.

6. "Arbor" of pumpkin

Here is another example of an edible feeder - from a pumpkin. It is enough to cut a through hole in it, clean it from seeds, hang it by a rope or wire to a strong branch and put food inside.

You can take any pumpkin, including.

7. Can feeders

A bright solution is small tin cans painted in various colors. Hang them on branches with ropes or ribbons and they will become not only a help for birds, but also an unusual decor for your garden.

8. Basket with treats

Are broken or unnecessary wicker pieces gathering dust in the attic? Give them a second life! For example, a wicker chest can be hung with a rope or ribbon so that its lid becomes a roof for a feeder.

Basket feeder. Photo from

9. Wicker vine feeder

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at? Start small - make such a cute "arbor" from.

17. Drinker and "twist"

Similar in form - and so different in content ... These ideas are for creative masters!

An old teapot with a lid will make a handy drinker. And it will be easy to replace apples or frozen grain mass in the form of a ball with fresh ones if you fix them on removable horizontal "skewers". For this, aluminum pegs are quite suitable.

18-19. Gazebo and balcony

Imitation of a gazebo and a cozy balcony. Very painstaking work, but if the master is an addicted nature, then the work will only be a joy. Having decorated your garden with such works of art, you will turn it into a fairy tale!

Feeders hung on the site of a private house are not only support for the birds in the cold winter, but also a beautiful decoration of the yard. Of course, at the word feeder, a nondescript wooden structure comes to mind, completely unlike an element of decor. However, you can make an original feeder, which is both convenient for birds and pleasing to the eye.

  • The design must fulfill its functions, and not just hang on a branch. Therefore, when creating it, you need to take into account several important nuances.
  • Consider what birds live in your area.
  • The structure must be suitable for the size of the animal. An overly small feeder is inconvenient, but an overly large feeder has its drawbacks. From a large titmouse feeder, other bird species can take food.
  • The food must be suitable.
  • Inside, place those types of food that are suitable for birds arriving in your garden. It should be easy to get the food if the grains are large - the holes must be made large enough.
  • In decorating the product, do not use too bright colors.
  • These animals see much more colors than humans. If the design is overly saturated shades, the bird can avoid it, as it does not look like natural shades. It is better if its coloring imitates the plants that are commonly seen on your site.
  • The roof and sides are important for food safety.
  • If snow and rain fall on it, mold can form, which is dangerous for the health of birds.
  • The material of the product must be strong and moisture resistant.
  • The better the material is selected, the longer the feeder will delight the owners of the site and their feathered guests.
  • For the safety of small wards, you should not leave sharp edges at the structure.
  • The product should hang high so that the birds do not become prey to cats.

Easy ways to make a feeder

Below are a few options on how to easily make a bird feeder.

coconut feeder

  • This option is suitable for small animals.
  • The contents of the coconut are pulled out, leaving only the shell.
  • In the shell, make one or more holes on the sides.
  • Attach a rope with which the structure will be attached to the branch.
  • Fill in the grain and the feeder is ready.

Mesh fruit feeder

Supermarkets often sell tangerines or apples in a net. This item is useful for creating a feeder. Difficulties arise with the placement of food in it. Ordinary grains easily spill out of the grid.

It is better to place peanuts or peeled walnuts in such a mesh feeder. Above the mesh, it is desirable to place a roof made of a piece of plywood, board or plastic.

Plastic construction

A bird feeder made from a plastic bottle is very easy to make. You just need to cut holes in the bottle and attach it to a branch, tying the wire to the neck. In the same way, you can make a feeder from a cardboard bag for juice or milk.

wooden product

Small wooden sticks and boards are glued together with waterproof glue. The structure should have a bottom, sides along the edges, a roof and 4 vertical sticks holding the top and bottom together.

Vertical fasteners can be replaced with strong ropes. If glue does not work, small screws or nails will do.

More complex designs

The ideas for decorative bird feeders are not much different from the simple options described above. Any of the listed methods is taken as a basis and decorated with elements suitable for accessories in the garden.

From plastic, you can cut and decorate graceful elements in the form of flowers, or abstract decorations. In big wooden feeder extra perches will look nice.

To add functionality, you can attach a container with a small hole inside the structure. When the food runs out, the next portion of the treat will pour out of the stock.

Photos of bird feeders and visual instructions on how to improve them can inspire your interesting ideas. There are many drawings on the Internet, on which the exact parameters for creating products with your own hands are indicated up to a centimeter. Creative person they will help to make a unique and useful decoration for the yard.

Photo of bird feeders


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