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The most important thing in development corporate identity-- this is an approach to work, because the subsequent development will depend on the foundation laid in the formation of the company's image.

Starting to create a corporate identity, it is necessary to build on existing proposals in this direction. It is very important not to repeat yourself in this matter, otherwise what is the point in creating your own style?

Such development of corporate style elements is needed, which has no analogues among competing companies. Only in this case your company will be recognizable, it will stand out from many others.

The main stages in the development of corporate identity are distinguished:

  • 1) Logo development. The first step in creating a corporate identity is designing a logo. Creating a logo is necessary to highlight your product or service from the crowd and thereby attract more consumers. The logo is a unique image that most accurately reflects the type of activity of the enterprise. The logo may contain the main letters of the company name.
  • 2) Color scheme. The selection of corporate colors is carried out even in the process of creating a logo, because it is he who sets the general style of the corporate identity and is a color-forming factor. In all further activities of the company or the promotion of a certain product, the company must constantly use selected corporate colors, this ensures that the products of a particular company stand out from similar products offered by its competitors. The main task of the designer is to choose the color combination that most fully corresponds to the goals and ideology of the company.
  • 3) Corporate font. For the design of printed products, a specific font can be selected. The corporate font, along with the logo, corporate colors, is an element of the corporate identity of the organization.
  • 4) Corporate block. The corporate block may include: trademark, company name, postal, bank details, list of goods and services, advertising symbol of the company, slogan. A company can use a corporate block in many cases, from the design of letterheads and envelopes to the design of product packaging.
  • 5) Slogan - a short phrase, the motto of the company or product. This is a verbal advertising symbol of the company.
  • 6) Development of other components of corporate identity. This stage includes the possibility of creating layouts for letterheads, seals, stamps, creating business cards and branded envelopes.
  • 7) final stage development of a brand's corporate identity is to provide the customer with a draft version.

In recent decades, there has been a trend marketing communications- formation of corporate identity.

According to one of the most successful definitions given by A. Dobrobabenko, corporate identity is a set of color, graphic, verbal, typographic and design constant elements (constants) that ensure the visual and semantic unity of goods (services), all information coming from the company, its internal and external design. (9)

The main objectives of the formation of corporate identity can be called:

1. Identification of the company's products, their relationship with each other and with the company.

2. Selection of the company's products from the total mass of similar products of competitors.

The concept of "corporate style" was introduced by advertising theorists. Abroad, its synonyms are used, such as "system of corporate identification", "coordination of design", "designing the external appearance of the enterprise".

With a consistently high level of other elements of the marketing mix, corporate identity brings the following advantages to its owner:

helps the consumer navigate the flow of information, quickly and accurately find the product of the company that has already won his preference;

Allows the firm to bring its new products to market at lower cost.

· reduces the cost of forming communications as a result of increasing the effectiveness of advertising, and due to the versatility of its components;

Ensures that what is needed is achieved. unity of all means of marketing communications of the company;

· Helps to improve the corporate spirit, unites employees, develops a feeling. involvement in a common cause;

· has a positive effect on the aesthetic level and visual environment of the company.

If we sum up all the advantages, corporate identity gives cathars, then we can call it one of the main means of forming a favorable image of the company, the image of the brand.

The concept of "corporate style" has a narrow and broad interpretation.

Narrow implies a combination of a trademark, color and graphic design of business papers. Most firms are limited to just that. such an interpretation of it. Corporate identity in a broad sense is the use of uniform design principles, color combinations and images for all forms of advertising, business papers, technical and other types of documentation, office, and sometimes employees' clothing.

There are two points of view on when it is necessary to develop your own corporate identity: (6)

As soon as the firm was formed

· in process of accumulation sufficient. the amount of funds and the consolidation of sustainable activities.

It is likely that a company that has just started its activity will not be able to cover the fullness of such a phenomenon as corporate identity. on the other hand, having started to operate on the market without certain attributes, it will miss the necessary time, postponing “for later” the formation of the image of the company in the consumer. Moreover, a certain "advertising basis" accumulated by the company will be lost, as a completely different company with other attributes of corporate identity will appear on the market.

Main elements corporate identity are: (16)

· trademark;

corporate font inscription (logo);

corporate block;

corporate slogan (slogan);

corporate color(s);

corporate set of fonts;

Other proprietary constants.

Trademark(other names used: service mark, trademark, company logo, English trade mark) is the central elements of the brand. style. A trademark (TM) is a registered in due course figurative, verbal, three-dimensional, sound designations or their combinations, which are used by the owner of the trademark to identify their goods. Exclusive right. the owner to use the trademark is provided with legal protection from. side of the state. (16)

Corporate type inscription (logo) - the original style of the full or abbreviated name of the company, group. products or one specific product. As a rule, the logo consists of 4-7 letters. Four trademarks out of five are registered exactly. in the form of a logo.

The corporate block is a traditional, frequently used combination of several corporate elements. style. Most often. this pictorial TK (commodity emblem) and logo. So, the corporate block of one. from tourist enterprises is stylized as a seal, which is usually. put when obtaining a visa or crossing the border. Everyone. who. ever held a foreign passport in his hands, associations immediately arise with adventures and new experiences.

The corporate block may also contain the full official name of the company, its postal and bank details (for example, on letterhead). Sometimes the block includes a corporate slogan.

The corporate slogan (slogan) is the original motto constantly used by the company. Some slogans are registered as trademarks.

Corporate color (colors) is also the most important element of corporate identity, one of the components of the overall picture of the image. firms. Color makes the elements of corporate identity more attractive, more memorable, allowing to have a strong emotional impact. as famous. An example of the use of corporate colors (red and yellow) is the McDonald's restaurant chain.

Company color may have legal protection in the case of a corresponding trademark registration in that color.

· Propaganda media (propaganda pamphlet, decoration of press conference rooms, pennants, etc.);

exhibition stand;

Documents and certificates (passes, business cards, employee certificates, stand badges, invitation cards, etc.).

When forming a corporate identity, it is advisable to first highlight the main thing, create a certain image, and then develop its components and produce certain media.

For the development, formation and continuous production of certain carriers of corporate identity, it is advisable to use the services of an advertising agency. By choosing one of them in advance and agreeing on long-term cooperation, the tourist enterprise will be relieved of many worries and will ensure a certain unity in the execution of all elements and carriers of the corporate identity.

The central element of corporate identity tourist enterprise is a trademark. Its widespread use is explained by the fact that the full name of the company, often long or similar to the names of other enterprises, is not very convenient for remembering and operational use in practice. Much easier to remember symbol enterprise in the form of any conveniently pronounced word or expressive graphic symbol. Recognized by customers, having established its high reputation in public opinion, a trademark in itself serves as an excellent advertisement for the company to which it belongs. (12)

In foreign, and recently in domestic practice, along with the term "trademark", such concepts as "brand" and "trademark" are used. It should be borne in mind that these categories are closely related, but not interchangeable.

Brand (English brand - brand) - a system that links together a product with its characteristics, a trademark, its image in the minds of consumers, as well as the concept of a manufacturer (seller) in relation to its product, brand and consumers. In accordance with this, such a direction as branding is dynamically developing in marketing - the process of integrated management of a trademark, product and enterprise in order to create long-term positive relationships with consumers.

A trademark is a name, term, name, word, expression, sign, symbol, design solution or a combination of them to designate goods and services of a particular enterprise, distinguishing them from competitors.

A trademark is an officially registered one or more elements of a trademark. Therefore, trademarks belong to the so-called intellectual property objects and are protected by patent laws of all countries of the world. We will not dwell on the peculiarities of the patent legislation of different countries. We will only note that the CIS countries have adopted relevant laws that are based on its general principles, the main of which is exclusive right the owner of the trademark to use it, as well as the right to prohibit the use of the registered trademark by others. (6)

The image of a trademark, its priority and the exclusive right of the owner to use it are certified by a certificate and protected by the state. Trademark registration is generally valid for a decade from the filing date of the application. To extend the term, a repeated application is submitted. If someone, for advertising or other purposes, uses someone else's trademark for which a certificate has been issued, then the following sanctions apply to the violator of the law:

compensation for damage in full (possible in the amount of profit received by the violator, or the lost opportunity of the owner);

Publication (at the expense of the infringer) of a court decision to restore the reputation of the owner of the mark;

· destruction of illegal markings, etc.

Trademarks are distinguished by their multiplicity and diversity. The following types are distinguished. (6)

Verbal, which can be registered both in the standard spelling and in the original graphic design (logo);

· pictorial, representing the original drawing, the logo of the company;

· volume(in three dimensions);

· combined, which is a combination of the above types.

The most widespread are verbal and figurative trademarks, as well as their combinations. The most common are verbal, which account for up to 80% of all trademarks in the world. This is primarily due to their high advertising suitability. However, pictorial signs are easier to perceive and quickly recognized.

The role and importance of a trademark in the formation and maintenance of the corporate identity of a tourist enterprise are determined by its functions. : quality assurance, individualizing, advertising, protection. Their implementation in the aggregate, as well as each separately, increases the competitiveness of products and facilitates their positioning in the market. Thus, according to the Max Planck International Legal Research Institute, 60% of buyers associate trademarks with the high quality of goods, 30% with high level and fame of the company, and 10% do not pay attention to trademarks at all. (20)

The trademark symbolizes the stability of characteristics and properties tourism product, customer service level. This is the so-called function quality assurance. As soon as the connection between the trademark and the quality of services is broken, it becomes a means of repelling consumers from the products offered by the company. At the same time, such an effect of a trademark can manifest itself even when the quality has already been restored. It is much more difficult to win the good reputation of a sign than to lose it. That is why the trademark owner needs to constantly take care of maintaining consistently high quality characteristics of the services offered to the market.

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In recent decades, a whole area of ​​marketing communications has developed - the formation of corporate identity.

According to one of the most successful definitions given by A. Dobrobabenko, corporate identity is a set of color, graphic, verbal, typographical and design constant elements (constants) that ensure the visual and semantic unity of goods (services), all information coming from the company, its internal and external design.

The main objectives of the formation of corporate identity can be called:

  • 1. Identification of the company's products, their relationship with each other and with the company.
  • 2. Selection of the company's products from the total mass of similar products of competitors.

Concept? corporate style? introduced by advertising theorists. Abroad, such synonyms as "brand identification system", "design coordination", "designing the external appearance of an enterprise" are used.

With a consistently high level of other elements of the marketing mix, corporate identity brings the following advantages to its owner:

  • *helps the consumer navigate the flow of information, quickly and accurately find the product of the company that has already won his preference;
  • *allows the firm to bring its new products to market at lower cost;
  • *increases the effectiveness of advertising;
  • *reduces the cost of forming communications as a result of increasing the effectiveness of advertising, and due to the versatility of its components;
  • * ensures the achievement of the necessary unity of all means of marketing communications of the company;
  • *helps to increase the corporate spirit, unites employees, develops a sense of belonging to a common cause;
  • *positively affects the aesthetic level and visual environment of the company.

If we sum up all the advantages that corporate identity provides, then we can call it one of the main means of creating a favorable image of the company, the image of the brand.

Concept? corporate style? has narrow and broad definitions. Narrow implies a combination of a trademark, color and graphic design of business papers. Most firms limit themselves to just such an interpretation of it. Corporate identity in a broad sense is the use of uniform design principles, color combinations and images for all forms of advertising, business papers, technical and other types of documentation, office, and sometimes employees' clothing.

There are two points of view on when it is necessary to develop your own corporate identity:

  • *immediately, as soon as the firm was formed;
  • *as sufficient funds are accumulated and sustainable areas of activity are consolidated.

It is likely that a company that has just started its activity will not be able to cover the fullness of such a phenomenon as corporate identity. On the other hand, starting to act in the market without certain attributes, it will miss the necessary time, postponing? for later? formation of the image of the company in the consumer. Moreover, a certain “advertising basis”, accumulated by the company, will be lost, since a completely different company with other attributes of corporate style will appear on the market.

The main elements of corporate identity are:

  • *trademark;
  • * corporate font inscription (logo);
  • * corporate block;
  • * corporate slogan (slogan);
  • *corporate color(s);
  • *branded set of fonts;
  • *other proprietary constants.

A trademark (other names used: service mark, trademark, brand name, English trade mark) is a central element of corporate identity. A trademark (TM) is a duly registered figurative, verbal, three-dimensional, sound designation or combinations thereof, which are used by the owner of the TM to identify their goods. The exclusive right of the owner to use the trademark is provided with legal protection from the state.

The main requirements for trademarks, their functions and rules of use will be discussed in paragraph 10.3.

Corporate type inscription (logo) - the original style of the full or abbreviated name of the company, product group or one specific product. As a rule, the logo consists of 4 - 7 letters. Four out of five trademarks are registered in the form of a logo.

Corporate block is a traditional, frequently used combination of several elements of corporate identity. Most often, this is a pictorial TK (commodity emblem) and a logo. Thus, the corporate block of one of the tourist enterprises is stylized as a seal, which is usually put when obtaining a visa or crossing the border. Everyone who has ever held a foreign passport in their hands immediately has associations with adventures and new experiences.

The corporate block may also contain the full official name of the company, its postal and bank details (for example, on letterhead). Sometimes the block includes a corporate slogan.

The corporate slogan (slogan) is the original motto constantly used by the company. Some slogans are registered as trademarks.

Corporate color (colors) is also the most important element of corporate identity, one of the components of the overall picture of the image of the company. Color makes the elements of corporate identity more attractive, more memorable, allowing to have a strong emotional impact. A well-known example of the use of corporate colors (red and yellow) is the McDonald's restaurant chain.

A corporate color may be legally protected if a trademark is registered in that color.

A corporate set of fonts can emphasize various features of the brand image, contribute to the formation of a corporate identity. The font can be perceived as ?masculine? or ?feminine?, ?light? or ?heavy?, ?elegant? or? rough?,? strong?,? business? etc. The task of the developers is to find their own font among the many fonts (chopped, serif, slanted, ornamented, differing in style, width, saturation, etc.) that would fit into the image of the brand.

Other proprietary constants. Some elements of the company's activity, including in the field of communications, are characterized by constancy, mandatory and long-term nature of use and play such a role. important role in the formation of the image of the company, which can be attributed to the elements of corporate identity:

  • *various company logos that have not received legal protection for any reason and are not trademarks;
  • * signature design features;
  • *original pictograms -- abstract graphic symbols (for example, indicating the location of services in the office of a tourist enterprise);
  • *certain internal company standards. For example, for catering establishments in tourism, this is the quality of service, the cleanliness of the halls, the impeccable courtesy of the staff, etc.;
  • * publication format. A certain, original format can be extended to all printed products, which contributes to better recognition of information and advertising materials.

The main carriers of the corporate identity of a tourist enterprise can be:

  • * elements of office work (letterheads, envelopes, folders, registrars, notebooks, desktop diaries, blocks of paper for notes, etc.);
  • * advertising in the press;
  • * printed advertising (leaflets, brochures, booklets, catalogs, newsletters);
  • *radio and television advertising;
  • *advertising souvenirs;
  • *outdoor advertising (signs, signs, office decoration, corporate clothing of employees, badges, stripes, images on the sides Vehicle firms, etc.);
  • * means of propaganda (propaganda brochure, decoration of halls for press conferences, pennants, etc.);
  • *exhibition stand;
  • *documents and certificates (passes, business cards, employee certificates, stand badges, invitation cards, etc.).

When forming a corporate identity, it is advisable to first highlight the main thing, create a certain image, and then develop its components and produce certain media.

For the development, formation and continuous production of certain carriers of corporate identity, it is advisable to use the services of an advertising agency. By choosing one of them in advance and agreeing on long-term cooperation, the tourist enterprise will be relieved of many worries and will ensure a certain unity in the execution of all elements and carriers of the corporate identity.


1. Marketing communications in the activities of a tourist enterprise

2.2 The concept of corporate identity

3.1 Development of corporate identity on the example of the tourist enterprise "Rest without Borders"




Every year the Russian tourism industry is more and more actively involved in the world market. The most important activity of enterprises operating in the tourism sector is the promotion of a tourist product to the market, advertising and the sale of a prepared tour package. At present, the media, special publications, advertising brochures are literally overflowing with a variety of tourist offers, and the path of a tourist enterprise to success is to bring to potential client relevant information and trigger its response. This task is feasible if the management of the enterprise has knowledge in the field of marketing or the enterprise has a marketing and advertising department.

Advertising is the most effective tool in an enterprise's attempts to convey information to its customers, modify their behavior, attract them to the services offered, create a positive image of the enterprise itself, and show its social significance.

Whatever advertising is, we must not forget that it does not exist by itself. Advertising is just a marketing tool. Advertising is based on information and persuasion. At the same time, one of the main tasks of advertising is the formation of the image of the enterprise and preferences.

In countries with a high standard of living, mass production spends a lot of money on advertising, and, consequently, on the formation of the corporate identity of enterprises.

Corporate identity (or Corporate Identity) is created by specialists (designers) to form a favorable image of the enterprise and increase the effectiveness of its advertising contacts with consumers. If the manufacturer is deprived of such an effective connection with the consumer, then he will stop investing in improving old and creating new products. The desire for development, competition in entrepreneurship will fade. Any now successful and more or less well-known enterprise in our time marks a single corporate identity. It is he who characterizes the face and difference of the enterprise from others.

Corporate identity is not only a means of forming the image of an enterprise, but also a certain carrier of information. Compliance with the corporate style has a positive effect on the attitude of consumers towards it, their trust and recognition. Since it is believed that if there is an exemplary order in production, then it also exists in other areas of the enterprise.

Selected topic term paper It seems to me quite modern and relevant, since the study of issues related to corporate identity is due to the fact that in the modern world an increasing number of enterprises spend several tens of millions of dollars daily to introduce or maintain in the memory of consumers the distinctive elements of the enterprise.

And this is done in a variety of ways, using all means of influence available to industrial, commercial and other enterprises and firms: television, radio, cinema, newspapers, magazines, and other print advertising.

The purpose of this course work is to consider the features of the formation and development of the corporate identity of a tourist enterprise, as well as a trademark as its main element and carrier.

Object: Marketing communications in the activities of a tourist enterprise.

The subject of the study is the corporate identity of a tourist enterprise.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved in the work:

Consider the basic concepts of corporate identity formation;

Analyze the process of developing a corporate identity for a tourist enterprise.

1. Marketing communications in the activities of the tourist


1.1 The role of communications in marketing activities

One of the fundamental principles of marketing is the impact on the market. The fact is that marketing involves solving not only a relatively passive task of a detailed and comprehensive study of consumer requirements, adapting the services offered to them, but also an active task of generating demand and stimulating sales (FOSSTIS) in order to increase sales, increase efficiency and profitability on the market. This is the purpose of the marketing communications mix.

The environment in which a tourist enterprise operates is permeated with a complex system of communications. The company interacts with customers, banks, insurance companies, manufacturers tourism services, contact audiences. Moreover, these links are both multidirectional and intersecting. The task of the tourist enterprise is to form and maintain in the eyes of the public, the existing and potential clientele, not only the image of the products offered, but also their own image as an organization as a whole.

The complexity of communication processes, the impossibility of conducting an experiment in real life causes the need for its modeling, which is advisable to carry out in stages life cycle goods (services). This approach makes it possible to most fully cover all areas and levels and use resources with optimal efficiency.

Well-established communication (direct and reverse) relations of a commodity producer (as well as other subjects of market activity) are an indispensable condition for its normal functioning as an economic unit, one of the decisive prerequisites for its successful market activity.

Therefore, in the most general form, a complex of marketing communications is a system of measures aimed at establishing and maintaining certain relationships between a tourist enterprise and communication recipients.

Marketing communication is a two-way process: on the one hand, it is supposed to influence target and other audiences, and on the other hand, it is supposed to receive counter information about the reaction of these audiences to the impact carried out by the enterprise. Both of these components are equally important; their unity gives grounds to speak of marketing communication as a system.

For the successful marketing of a consumer product, it is necessary that end users (buyers) are well aware of consumer properties offered goods, points of sale, prices, discounts and payment terms. And because buying decisions are made by millions of people, large-scale, often nationwide, and costly advertising campaigns become necessary.

Modern marketing requires much more than creating a product that satisfies the customer's needs, pricing it appropriately, and making it available to customers. target consumers. Firms must communicate with their customers using different kinds promotion.

1.2 Types of promotion used in marketing communication

Marketing communications, as the most active part of the marketing mix, occupy a special place in the activities of a tourist enterprise. The communication complex consists of four main elements:

· Personal sale;

· Sales promotion;

· Public relations (PR);

Each element has its own specific communication methods:

1. Personal selling is a type of marketing communication, which is a direct contact of a company representative with one or more potential buyers in order to present a tourist product and make a sale.

Personal selling is recognized as the oldest form of product promotion. For a long time, personal contact between seller and buyer was the only way to make a sale.

Today, personal selling is done by salespeople.

Personal sales are most actively used in the sale of expensive and technically complex consumer goods in retail, in banking marketing, in marketing of services, real estate, as well as in wholesale trade.

A modern take on the personal selling process interpersonal communication, distinguishes three sides in it: communicative (communication), interactive (interaction) and perceptual (mutual understanding).

Traditionally, the personal selling process is divided into five stages, including: searching for potential buyers and establishing contact; identification of customer needs; presentation of goods; overcoming customer objections; completion of the sale and after-sales contacts.

It should be noted that the key to success at each stage is the presence of " feedback between agent and client.

2. Sales promotion is a series of actions aimed at stimulating consumer demand. Sales promotion plays a special role during the introduction of a new tourist product on the market. Sales promotion is carried out in relation to buyers, as well as in relation to the distribution network.

The role of sales promotion in marketing.

Sales promotion influences the behavior of the consumer, turning him from a potential to an actual buyer. There are sales promotion operations that are of a hard type - a significant reduction in prices, the sale of an additional quantity of goods at constant prices. This is effective when it comes to a short period of time, but is expensive for the manufacturer.

At present, these sales promotions are more lenient. They are more efficient in creating positive image goods.

Sales promotion goals.

Sales promotion can serve many purposes. The choice depends on who the promotion is aimed at (target audiences). The consumer is undoubtedly the most important. The whole marketing policy is reduced to the impact on the consumer. A wide range of sales promotion techniques was created with the sole purpose of attracting the consumer to the product in the most effective way and satisfying his needs.

The goals of stimulating consumers are as follows:

increase the number of buyers;

Increase the number of items purchased by the same customer.

Sales promotion objectives can be: strategic, specific and one-time.

The seller should not be ignored by the manufacturer, since the success of the enterprise depends on his ability and ability to sell the goods.

The goal of sales promotion is to turn an inert and indifferent seller into an enthusiast. The reseller, being the link between the producer and the consumer, is a specific incentive object that performs regulatory functions.

In this case, the goals of incentives can be different:

give the product a certain image to make it easily recognizable;

increase the amount of goods coming into trading network;

· increase the interest of the intermediary in the active sale of a particular brand of goods.

Sales promotion tools.

The choice of incentives depends on the goals set.

All funds can be combined into three large groups:

price promotion (sales at reduced prices, preferential coupons that give the right to a discount);

Offers in kind (bonuses, product samples);

· active offer (contests of buyers, games, lotteries).

The goal of any activity is the result that should be obtained in the course of this activity. Achieving the goal occurs by solving the tasks and performing certain functions.

The fundamental goal of PR is to create a situation for the success of an organization (or PR object) in society, the formation effective system communications of a social object with its public, which ensures optimization social interactions with important segments of society.

Also, the main goals of PR are: positioning the subject of PR, creating and maintaining (reproducing) an understandable, favorable and manageable image; improving the image (if necessary, reducing the image); studying the influence of the external environment on the activities of organizations (the subject of PR).

The functions of public relations are manifested in all aspects of this type of activity, from researching the problem and setting a goal, throughout the development of strategy and tactics, and ending with the implementation of the program and evaluating its effectiveness.

An important function of PR is communicative. In the communication system, PR has such functions as: research, planning, organizational and expert.

PR functions can be called:

1) establishing mutual understanding and trust between the enterprise and the public;

2) maintaining the reputation of the enterprise;

3) creating a sense of responsibility and interest in the affairs of the enterprise among employees of the enterprise; expanding the sphere of influence of the enterprise by means of appropriate propaganda and advertising.

Another important function of PR is consulting.

In terms of its content, PR activities are similar to advertising, but in contrast to it, public relations are aimed at achieving harmonization through dialogue with the public, and not the direct sale of goods. The content of PR includes the activities of planning, researching and implementing programs and determining the effectiveness of the impact of programs on the public. A significant place in the content of PR activities is occupied by consulting services on policy, activities and communications.

Tasks and functions of PR in modern society.

The tasks of PR are to provide an optimistic attitude for the individual from others, by means of persuasion, which are based on knowledge of the characteristics of human perception.

The main tasks of public relations when working with enterprises:

1) creating the image of the enterprise as a single member of society by establishing communications between the enterprise and its social environment;

2) provision of priority positions in the competition;

3) expanding the sphere of influence of the enterprise in society;

4) formation of an inner circle of influential and authoritative people;

5) creation of a specific psychological mood in the enterprise itself.

In addition to general tasks, PR faces specific (private) ones. So, one of the private tasks is considered to be the resolution and prevention of crisis situations and the achievement of harmonious relations within the enterprise; in order to solve this problem it is necessary:

1) foreseeing possible crisis situations and collecting the necessary information for a timely exit from them;

2) conducting training activities with management;

3) development of a scheme for communicating information;

4) identification of loyal circles.

PR features:

1) holding consultations using knowledge of the laws of human behavior;

2) identification for a particular enterprise or society as a whole of possible directions, patterns and their consequences;

3) research of public opinion, attitudes and forecasts from the public to determine the necessary measures to meet expectations, development of recommendations;

4) establishing and maintaining a dialogue based on the reliability of the information used and its completeness;

5) elimination of misunderstanding and avoidance of conflicts;

6) contributing to the creation of an atmosphere of mutual respect and responsibility to the team or society;

7) bringing to harmony personal and public interests;

8) participation in increasing the profits of the company.

All of the above types of promotion used in marketing communication are also used in the formation of the corporate identity of the enterprise.

Advertising occupies a special place in the marketing of a tourist enterprise. It largely determines our image and style of life, inevitably affects our views, our attitude towards ourselves and the world around us. It shows us ready-made forms of behavior in a given situation. Determines what is good and what is bad. We buy what we are told or "advised".

Advertising (from Latin reclamare - “shout”) - information disseminated in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of people and aimed at drawing attention to the object of advertising, generating or maintaining interest in it and promoting it on market.

The task of advertising is to encourage representatives target audience to action (choosing a product or service, making a purchase, etc., as well as forming the conclusions planned by the advertiser about the object of advertising).

Attracting customers - informing them about new products, services, points of sale. Usually, the advertising message lists the competitive advantages of the advertised company, the advantages that its customers can acquire.

Increasing sales - it is understood that advertising, as a marketing tool, helps to increase sales. However, in order for the client to make a choice in favor of the advertised store (company, bank, service, etc.), one advertising message, as a rule, is not enough. When a client came to or called the advertised company, it is important for him not only what the advertisement promised him, but also whether these promises were true. How the client will be met, what product he will see on the shelves, at what price he will be able to purchase it - these and other factors also affect the growth or decline in sales. Advertising only directs and makes you remember.

Sales regulation - if you forget about this function of advertising, you can easily earn a negative image. You always need to remember that the quantity of the product must meet the expectations of the advertising campaign (yours and the client). If the autumn collection of clothes (for example) is sold out, remove advertising from the air, stop publishing in the media.

Depending on the purpose, the following types of advertising are distinguished:

Informative - used to inform consumers about the appearance on the market of new goods, services, ideas. The pursued goal is to bring the product to the market and search for potential consumers.

Persuasive - the formation of electoral demand. It is used in the case when, in a competitive environment, a product is offered that has any advantages over other products.

Comparative - the main characteristics of the advertised product are compared with similar characteristics of competing products.

Information can be disseminated through various channels:

· Mass media;

communication marketing corporate identity tourism

2. Basic concepts of corporate identity formation

2.1 History of corporate identity

Elements of corporate identity have been used in the practice of a market economy since ancient times.

The history of the corporate identity goes back to the 11th century in the era of chivalry. At this time, the concept of a coat of arms appears. It was the knight's emblems, their colors and mottos that became the forerunners of the corporate identity.

In medieval Europe, the coat of arms was a distinctive sign of its owner and reflected information about him. No expense was spared in the creation of coats of arms, using the services of the best artists. Time passed, and the role of the coat of arms in the society of that time increased. It was judged on the nobility and status of the owner. In addition, it could not be chosen just like that. They were created taking into account the numerous merits of the owners, which kings and wealthy lords bestowed on their subjects, and passed on to them through the generations.

The history of corporate identity is inextricably linked with the development of trade. The main element of corporate identity can be called a corporate, or trademark, mark. Brands that were attached to the goods became the prototype of trademarks. Subsequently, they began to be made on metal plates. They were also used as seals. This tradition did not bypass Russia, where in 1774 a decree prescribed branding Russian goods to distinguish them from foreign ones.

In the Middle Ages, guild corporate trademarks appeared. With the centralization of production and the expansion of the geography of markets, the importance of trademarks and other branded distinctive signs has constantly grown.

In the middle of the 19th century, in the USA and Western Europe, the prerequisites for the emergence of nationwide trademarks arose, which were designed to distinguish a large manufacturer in a competitive trading environment.

Large producers, who by that time had accumulated significant capital, were no longer satisfied with the complete control over sales by intermediaries. In the face of growing competition and the formation of a single information space, manufacturers of goods could single out potential buyers directly as the target audience of their commercial communications. At the same time, the primary task of a large commodity producer was self-identification, distinguishing itself from the general mass of direct competitors.

Further, the history of the emergence of corporate identity was associated with the development in post-industrial era service industries. It has become no less important than the sphere of production. Therefore, for various companies providing services, it was simply necessary to create a corporate identity.

It is believed that the pioneer of corporate identity was the German Peter Behrens at the beginning of the 20th century, who created a certain artistic image for his company, where he worked as an artistic director.

Thus, a new direction in design appeared, associated with the development of corporate identity for various companies, which has reached the highest level in our time.

The ideology of marketing communications is reduced to the formation of the image of the brand. Corporate identity is a formal expression of this ideology. Enterprises actively demonstrate and emphasize their individuality.

The image of the brand is being replaced by the concept of image. Corporate philosophy is at the forefront of communication strategies. The corporate style occupies the appropriate position of the necessary tool.

After realizing the insufficiency of formal elements, branding technologies that combine marketing and management tools have been developed. Elements and tools of corporate identity are involved in the formation of brands. Not a single brand can be formed without the use of corporate identity elements, however, not every trademark becomes a brand as a result of ongoing marketing activities. To do this, you need to understand the concept of corporate identity.

2.2 The concept of corporate identity

In the last decades, a whole direction of marketing communications has developed - the formation of corporate identity. Sometimes the term "branding" is used to refer to this concept (from the English. Brand - stigma). This is not surprising, because the main role of branding entrepreneurial activity turned out to be approximately the same as the role and personal brand of the artisan.

Corporate identity is a set of uniform design principles, color combinations and images for all forms of advertising, business papers, documentation, packaging, office and even employee clothing.

In fact, corporate identity is a dish, the components of which are made up by the enterprise itself “to taste”. The “complete set” of a corporate identity directly depends on the field of activity, advertising activity, the goals of the enterprise, consumer loyalty to the product/service, and other factors. However, all these elements lose any meaning, become useless if they are not all subject to one ideological component, do not pursue one goal, do not work to create one image.

Also, along with the ideology that should be embedded in the corporate identity, it must meet the expectations of the target audience, "play along" with its ideas about the product/service. Many clients, ordering the development of corporate identity, in without fail indicate in the brief two keywords: "expensive" and "solid". In this case, the scope of the enterprise does not matter. Sometimes a company that sells goods for children sees its corporate identity as strict and sophisticated. Obviously, this understanding of corporate identity is dictated by many articles and books that say in black and white: "You must give the impression of a professional, a company that you can work with and that you can trust." In fact, the corporate identity of the enterprise should emphasize its character, focus on its field of activity. Bright colors and kind images are much better suited for a children's supermarket than rigor and pretentiousness, because we imagine the world of toys just like that - kind, clean, bright, carefree.

Thus, we can say that corporate identity is the basic element of positioning your company. By presenting your style, you tell the client information about yourself. You help him think about you, one way or another. That you are rich. That you are a leader. And that by working with you, he will get the maximum benefit.

And most importantly: corporate identity is communication with the consumer.

Along with the above features of corporate identity, it is worth mentioning its ability to help your target audience to distinguish your advertising message from the general advertising noise, which is getting more and more intense every day. As you know, consumers generally relate to advertising either negatively or indifferently. All textbooks on advertising repeat the same commandment: "You must capture the consumer's attention from the first seconds of contact."

The corporate identity has another important feature - it is able to create an image of the enterprise that is as close as possible to the consumer. This enables the company to sell its product / service even before the purchase of this product. As you know, a person most quickly memorizes objects that best correspond to his ideas, best meet the requirements of a person to an object. If the image of your company, created with the help of corporate identity, is close to the consumer, the level of his loyalty to your company will grow with each new contact even before the purchase of the product/service. And the loyalty of the target audience, in turn, leads, at a minimum, to consolidation, and as a maximum, to an increase in the level of sales of the enterprise.

Corporate identity is information about the company, which is transmitted through the elements of "appearance" (like an expensive car emphasizes prestige, and a formal suit - your competence). You can look whatever you want: solid, sporty, rich, extreme, creative. But when creating a corporate identity, never forget about the ideology of the enterprise.

The concept of "corporate style" was introduced by advertising theorists. Abroad, its synonyms are used, such as "system of corporate identification", "coordination of design", "designing the external appearance of the enterprise".

Corporate identity provides the company with the following benefits, performing the following functions:

1) Increasing the corporate spirit, the unity of employees and creating a sense of belonging to a common cause, brings up corporate patriotism;

2) Positive influence on the aesthetic level, appearance goods and premises of the enterprise;

3) Helping the consumer navigate the flow of advertising information, quickly and accurately find the right company;

4) Indicates to the consumer that the enterprise takes responsibility for the goods produced;

5) Indicates to society the stability and longevity of the work of the enterprise;

If we sum up all the advantages that the corporate identity provides, then we can call it one of the main means of creating a favorable image of the enterprise, the image of the brand.

It is likely that an enterprise that has just begun its activity will not be able to cover the fullness of such a phenomenon as corporate identity. On the other hand, having started to operate on the market without certain attributes, it will miss the necessary time, postponing “for later” the formation of the image of the enterprise by the consumer. Moreover, a certain "advertising basis", accumulated by the enterprise, will be lost, as a completely different enterprise with other corporate identity attributes will appear on the market.

2.3 Basic elements of corporate identity

The main elements of corporate identity are:


Corporate type inscription (logo);

Corporate block;

Corporate slogan (slogan);

Corporate color(s);

Corporate set of fonts;

Corporate character (corporate hero);

Permanent communicator (face of the company);

Other proprietary constants.

A trademark (other names used: service mark, trademark, brand name, English trade mark) is a central element of corporate identity. A trademark (TM) is a duly registered figurative, verbal, three-dimensional, sound designation or combinations thereof, which are used by the owner of the TM to identify their goods. The exclusive right of the owner to use the trademark is provided with legal protection from the state.

Corporate type inscription (logo) - the original style of the full or abbreviated name of the enterprise, product group or one specific product. As a rule, the logo consists of 4-7 letters. Four out of five trademarks are registered in the form of a logo.

Corporate block is a traditional, frequently used combination of several elements of corporate identity. Most often, this is a pictorial TK (commodity emblem) and a logo. Thus, the corporate block of one of the tourist enterprises is stylized as a seal, which is usually put when obtaining a visa or crossing the border. Everyone who has ever held a foreign passport in their hands immediately has associations with adventures and new experiences.

The corporate block may also contain the full official name of the enterprise, its postal and bank details (for example, on letterhead). Sometimes the block includes a corporate slogan.

The corporate slogan (slogan) is the original motto constantly used by the enterprise. Some slogans are registered as trademarks.

The slogan should organically fit into the corporate identity of its owner and contribute to the formation of its image;

The slogan must necessarily take into account the characteristics of the target audience, the client market of the company, be understandable and close to this audience;

The slogan should be well remembered - hence the brevity;

The slogan must be original;

The slogan should have an intense emotional coloring;

The slogan must be ambiguous;

The slogan must correspond to the lifestyle, the system of values ​​that has developed at the time of its use.

Corporate color (colors) is also the most important element of corporate identity, one of the components of the overall picture of the image of the enterprise. Color makes the elements of corporate identity more attractive, more memorable, allowing to have a strong emotional impact.

A corporate color may be legally protected if a trademark is registered in that color. However, it must be taken into account that if a trademark is in a color version, then only in this color it will be protected. When registering a trademark in black and white, it is protected when reproduced in any color.

A corporate set of fonts can emphasize various features of the brand image, contribute to the formation of a corporate identity. A typeface can be perceived as "masculine" or "feminine", "light" or "heavy", "elegant" or "rough", etc.

A corporate character (corporate hero) is a character or image assigned to an enterprise that embodies the spirit and direction of its activities. A corporate character (corporate hero) is an optional element of corporate identity, but it can solve a number of important tasks: give the right perception of the brand, set and build associations, stand out from competitors, become the main element of promotions and advertising campaigns, increasing its brightness and memorability.

A permanent communicator, unlike a corporate character, is a real person. This is a specific person who is chosen by the enterprise as an intermediary in its communication with the addressee. More common definitions of this concept are “face of the company”, “brand image”, “icon of the company”. Sometimes an enterprise uses the external attractiveness of an intermediary. However, attractive appearance is not the only criterion. In some cases, an enterprise - communicator may be attracted professional quality person, his competence. Then his features are projected onto the image of the owner of the corporate identity.

Other proprietary constants. Some elements of the company's activities, including in the field of communications, are characterized by constancy, mandatory and long-term use and play such an important role in shaping the image of the enterprise that they can be attributed to the elements of corporate identity:

Various company logos that have not received legal protection for any reason and are not trademarks;

Branded design features;

Original pictograms - abstract graphic symbols (for example, indicating the location of services in the office of a tourist enterprise);

Certain internal company standards. For example, for catering establishments in tourism, this is the quality of service, the cleanliness of the halls, the impeccable courtesy of the staff, etc.;

Publication format. A certain, original format can be extended to all printed products, which contributes to better recognition of information and advertising materials.

Bearers of corporate style.

The main carriers of the corporate identity of a tourist enterprise can be:

Elements of office work (letterheads, envelopes, folders, recorders, notebooks, desk diaries, blocks of paper for notes, etc.);

Propaganda media (propaganda pamphlet, decoration of press conference rooms, pennants, etc.);

Exhibition stand;

Documents and certificates (passes, business cards, employee certificates, stand badges, invitation cards, etc.).

2.4 Trademark, the central element of corporate identity

As already noted, the trademark is the central element of the corporate identity of a tourist enterprise. Its widespread use is explained by the fact that the full name of the enterprise, often long or similar to the names of other enterprises, is not very convenient for memorization and operational use in practice. It is much easier to keep in mind the symbol of the enterprise in the form of some conveniently pronounced word or expressive graphic symbol. Recognized by customers, having established its high reputation in public opinion, a trademark in itself serves as an excellent advertisement for the enterprise to which it belongs.

In foreign, and recently in domestic practice, along with the term "trademark", such concepts as "brand" and "trademark" are used. It should be borne in mind that these categories are closely related, but not interchangeable.

A brand is a system that links together a product with its characteristics, a trademark, its image in the minds of consumers, as well as the concept of a manufacturer (seller) in relation to its product, brand and consumers. In accordance with this, such a direction as branding is dynamically developing in marketing - the process of integrated management of a trademark, product and enterprise in order to create long-term positive relationships with consumers.

Trademark - a name, term, name, word, expression, sign, symbol, design solution or a combination of them to designate goods and services of a particular enterprise, distinguishing them from competitors.

A trademark is an officially registered one or more elements of a trademark. Therefore, trademarks belong to the so-called intellectual property objects and are protected by patent laws of all countries of the world. We will not dwell on the peculiarities of the patent legislation of different countries. We only note that the CIS states have adopted relevant laws based on its general principles, the main of which is the exclusive right of the trademark owner to use it, as well as the right to prohibit the use of a registered trademark by others.

The image of a trademark, its priority and the exclusive right of the owner to use it are certified by a certificate and protected by the state. Trademark registration is valid, as a rule, for ten years from the date of filing the application. To extend the term, a repeated application is submitted. If someone, for advertising or other purposes, uses someone else's trademark for which a certificate has been issued, then the following sanctions apply to the violator of the law:

Compensation for damage in full (possible in the amount of profit received by the violator, or the lost opportunity of the owner);

Publication (at the expense of the offender) of a court decision to restore the reputation of the owner of the mark;

Destruction of illegal markings, etc.

Trademarks are distinguished by their multiplicity and diversity.

The following types are distinguished:

o verbal, which can be registered both in the standard spelling and in the original graphic design (logo);

o figurative, representing the original drawing, the logo of the company;

o volumetric (in three dimensions);

o combined, which is a combination of the above types.

The most widespread are verbal and figurative trademarks, as well as their combinations. The most common are verbal, which account for up to 80% of all trademarks in the world. This is primarily due to their high advertising suitability. However, pictorial signs are easier to perceive and quickly recognized.

It should be borne in mind that designations that are contrary in their content to public interests, the principles of humanity and morality cannot be registered as a trademark. Also, designations that are false or capable of misleading the consumer are not registered.

It is not allowed to register trademarks consisting only of

from the notation:

Having no signs of difference from previously registered;

Representing state emblems, flags, emblems; official names of states, abbreviated or full names international intergovernmental organizations; official control, warranty and problem stamps, seals; awards and other distinctions;

Entered into general use as a designation of goods of a certain type;

Being generally accepted symbols and terms;

Indicating the type, quality, properties, purpose, value of goods, as well as the place and time of their production and sale.

Such designations may be included as unprotected elements in a trademark, if the relevant competent authority or their owner.

The following designations, which are identical, similar to the point of confusion, cannot be registered as trademarks:

With trademarks previously registered or applied for registration in the name of another person in relation to similar goods;

Trademarks of other persons protected by the state on the basis of international agreements;

Trade names (or part of them) belonging to other persons who acquired the right to these names before the receipt of an application for a trademark in relation to homogeneous goods;

Appellations of origin protected by the state, except when they are included as an unprotected element in a trademark registered in the name of a person entitled to use such an appellation.

Not registered as trademarks designations that reproduce:

Industrial designs, the rights to which belong in the country to other persons;

Names of works of science, literature and art known in the country, or quotations from a work of art, or fragments thereof, without the consent of the copyright owner and the relevant competent authority;

Surnames, first names, pseudonyms and their derivatives, portraits and facsimiles of famous persons without the consent of such persons, their heirs or the relevant competent authority.

The role and importance of a trademark in the formation and maintenance of the corporate identity of a tourist enterprise are determined by its functions: quality assurance, individualizing, advertising, protection. Their implementation in the aggregate, as well as each separately, increases the competitiveness of products and facilitates their positioning in the market.

The trademark symbolizes the stability of the characteristics and properties of the tourist product, the level of customer service. This is the so-called quality assurance function. As soon as the connection between the trademark and the quality of services is broken, the sign turns into a means that repels consumers from the tourism products offered by the enterprise. At the same time, such an effect of a trademark can manifest itself even when the quality has already been restored. It is much more difficult to win the good reputation of a sign than to lose it. That is why the trademark owner needs to constantly take care of maintaining consistently high quality characteristics of the services offered to the market.

The individualizing function of a trademark is to highlight (identify) a tourist product and a company in the market. To perform this function, a trademark must meet the following requirements:

Simplicity, i.e. the minimum number of lines, the absence of small, poorly distinguishable details and everything that interferes with fast and accurate memorization;

Individuality, which should ensure the distinction and recognition of the trademark;

Attractiveness, or the absence of negative emotions caused by the trademark.

The advertising function of a trademark is called upon to play a significant role. To do this, the trademark itself must become an object of advertising, i.e. be used in all its visual manifestations: on signs, in gas-light advertising, souvenirs, printed publications, design of exhibition and service premises, etc. The protective function of a trademark is determined by the fact that it is registered, legally protected and has the property of exclusive belonging to the owner.

It is advisable to involve highly qualified specialists in the development of trademarks.

The trademark should always be highlighted. To do this, it must be written either in quotation marks, or in capital letters (for example, "Travel" or TRAVEL, but never simply written: travel), or in italics, bold, original (say, handwritten) style, etc.

Having once adopted some method of highlighting, it should be adhered to constantly and strictly, require such a highlight from journalists and publishers, advertising and other texts.

The first use of a trademark in any text (advertisement, article, press release, etc.) must be accompanied by a note. For example, "Travel" or TRAVEL are registered trademarks of a tourist enterprise (a conditional example). It is clear that for this a trademark must be registered, and this circumstance cannot be neglected in any way.

If a trademark is registered in several styles (for example, stylized and regular), then it is preferable to apply the stylized designation directly in the advertisement as more noticeable, figurative and memorable. It is necessary to monitor the accuracy of the outline of the sign, since the human eye notices even the smallest deviations from the usual standard.

The trademark is not inclined. Declension provokes to approach a trademark not as an individual, exclusive designation, but as a generic name.

You should not (even with the best intentions) use a trademark in advertising in such a way that it stands for anything other than what it directly stands for.

Legal protection of trademarks in Russia.

Determining the role and place of a particular manufacturer in the market, guaranteeing the quality of products, a trademark acquires great economic value, turning into a tool that can not only inform the widest range of consumers, but also develop automatism in them in purchasing goods from a certain manufacturer.

The appearance of trademarks indicating the manufacturer of goods is mainly associated with the period of the formation of commodity-money relations, when artisans and craftsmen began to put distinctive signs (brands) on their products - weapons, kitchen utensils.

In Russia, the definition of the concept of a trademark in the legislation first appears in 1767, when the Novotrade Charter was adopted, containing legal norms governing domestic and foreign trade.

However, with the use of trademarks, cases of falsification began to appear more and more often, when cheap fakes, in the presence of a sign on them, passed for products of recognized masters. To stop the counterfeiters, legal methods of protection were required. In Russia, the law of 1830, containing the rules and methods for branding goods, established criminal liability for violation of the rights to a trademark, including forgery of a product or brand.

Starting from the end of the nineteenth century. a number of international agreements in the field of industrial property protection were signed - the Paris Convention of 1883, the Madrid Agreement on the International Registration of Trademarks of 1891, etc.

Currently, in Russia, relations arising in connection with the creation, registration, legal protection and use of trademarks are regulated by a number of legislative acts: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin", the Law " On Copyright and Related Rights", Law "On Competition and Restriction monopolistic activity", the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, international agreements and conventions to which Russia is a party, as well as a number of by-laws.

Warning label.

The owner of a trademark has the right to affix a warning label next to the trademark indicating that the designation used is registered in Russian Federation trademark.

Warning marking is a special designation indicating that the trademark is protected, and therefore, it guarantees the buyer the purchase of goods from the manufacturer he is counting on.

The rules for warning labeling with an indication of its form are contained in the laws of countries such as the United States and Japan. The law of Japan, in particular, recommends that, in order to draw attention to the mark and warn potential infringers, the mark should be accompanied by a marking in the form of the Latin letter R or R in a circle or the word designation “trademark” or “registered mark”.

AT Russian legislation at the moment, the type of marking has not been established, so domestic manufacturers use either the R sign or the inscription "Registered trademark (trademark)". It should be borne in mind that "illegal use of a warning label in relation to an unregistered trademark" entails criminal liability in accordance with Art. 180 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

As a result, it should be noted once again that any enterprise that does not have a high-quality corporate identity is doomed to failure.

When forming a corporate identity, it is advisable to first highlight the main thing, create a certain image, and then develop its components and produce certain media.

For the development, formation and continuous production of certain carriers of corporate identity, it is advisable to use the services of an advertising agency. By choosing one of them in advance and agreeing on long-term cooperation, the tourist enterprise will be relieved of many worries and will ensure a certain unity in the execution of all elements and carriers of the corporate identity.

3. Corporate identity development

3.1 Development of corporate identity on the example of a tourist enterprise

"Rest without limits"

For the competent development of corporate identity, there are not enough resources that a design studio has. The corporate identity of an enterprise, to the development of which marketing and branding specialists are not involved, may turn out to be ineffective.

Based on the analysis of the use of corporate identity at the enterprises of the tourism industry, it is necessary to consider an individual corporate identity for the created tourism enterprise.

A tourist enterprise engaged in travel agency and tour operator activities and includes two areas:

Domestic tourism:

Year-round sanatoriums, boarding houses, recreation centers of the Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Ivanovo regions;

Sanatoriums, boarding houses, recreation centers on Black Sea coast Caucasus;

Excursion routes on the territory of Russia;

Outbound tourism:

Excursion routes to Europe, Scandinavia;

Beach tourism Spain, Egypt, AEO, Turkey, Bulgaria;

It is necessary to apply the technology for creating a corporate identity for an enterprise:

1) Trademark

Initially, there were several options for the name of the enterprise, one of them was "WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS", but since a tourist enterprise with such a name had already been registered, it had to be abandoned so that the enterprise would not cause undeserved positive or negative emotions from potential consumers. As a result, it was decided to transform it into another name "REST WITHOUT BORDERS". The name reflects the specifics and purpose of the enterprise, and also clearly carries an extensive description of the service of this enterprise. It is easy to remember and easy to pronounce. The name of the enterprise is used as a trademark. The name is registered as a verbal and figurative trademark. The registered trademark complies with the requirements of the Law "On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin".

This trademark:

Does not contradict in its content the public interests, the principles of humanity and morality;

Is not false or capable of misleading the consumer;

Has signs of difference;

Does not represent state emblems, flags, emblems; official names of states, abbreviated or full names of international intergovernmental organizations; officially control warranty and problem stamps, seals; awards;

It is not in general use as a designation of goods of a certain type;

Not a generally accepted symbol and term;

Does not indicate the type, quality, properties, purpose, value of the goods, as well as the place and time of their production and sale;

Is not the name of a work of science, literature or art known in the country or a quotation from a work of art or fragments thereof without the consent of the copyright owner and the relevant competent authority.

2) Graphic trademark

The graphic trademark uses the principles of the label.

This is a simple, even primitive sign in form, which is a simple silhouette of a certain object. In this case, the emphasis is on the letter "O" and the word "REST" with tourism, traveling around the globe, which resulted in the sign of the globe, and at the same time the first letter of the created enterprise. On such a silhouette, the word identifying it is clearly written, which is also the name.

3) Corporate type inscription (logo)

The logo used a geometric circle shape. It is a symbol of the Sun and the Moon, one of the most common symbols. Symbol of infinity, eternity, perfection. It does not carry negative energy, such as a cross or a swastika. It is quite common and quickly recognizable (a person, even if he is not interested, subconsciously pays attention) when visually searching for this sign. Font writing with the selection of the first letter into a graphic simple sign (globe) and the combination of all three words in a single complete composition. The result was an easily readable and at the same time individually unique sign.

4) Brand block

The created trademark carries a combination of a logo and a slogan, which is the corporate block of the company. A distinctive feature is the location of the slogan in the upper right corner of the composition, which is special in this trademark and different from the usual location of the slogan.

5) Corporate slogan (slogan)

The slogan is well known, but used in a different capacity. The Ministry of Health is an organization that inspires confidence and inspires positive emotions. The name of the enterprise is also present here, which is also repetition and memorization, although the full meaning of the slogan is simply a statement of the fact that the Ministry of Health itself recommends rest, and is not limited in any way.

The invented slogan has all the necessary qualities. Originality, there is a new look at the long-known statements. Brevity, conciseness, conciseness.

6) Corporate color

In the process of creating a color scheme, several variants of the logo design were chosen. The psychology of color is an important component of the impact on human psychology. The lightness and transparency of tropical colors encourages the choice of this particular range in the field of tourism and recreation (white, turquoise and purple). The chosen colors are not contrasting and bright, but at the same time they attract attention with a harmonious combination. Tropical gamma carries a reminder of life on exotic islands, fragrant flowers, sun-bleached houses on the ocean, exotic fish and ice drinks. Associated with relaxation, the sea, a sunny summer day. It carries a sense of calm and nirvana, a feeling of happiness, joy and carefree romance.

Readability is one of the most important virtues of a good font. The logo uses 2 simple fonts, the word "REST" is highlighted in a reliable font, also played with a light, non-threatening, turquoise color. And “NO BORDERS” is written in light italics, which tells the consumer that the variety of the product and service is not limited, although this combination uses a more assertive color - purple. Color affects the viewer with its physical and psycho-subjective qualities. The main purpose of the font is to correctly convey the content, to express purposefully and, if possible, laconic. Readability contributes to the psycho-subjective attitude to the text, readiness for reading, predetermining the habits and expectations of the viewer.

7) Permanent communicator (face of the company)

The face of the company is represented by the heads of the enterprise in all articles and essays in the media, at presentations and exhibitions.

8) Corporate character (corporate hero)

The first letter of the name carries the image of a globe or the globe, which can be played as a corporate hero.

3.2 Corporate identity and Brand-book

The development of a high-quality, effective corporate identity of an enterprise is not complete without a brand book creation service.

A brand book is a kind of "bible" of a brand, which is a collection of detailed information about the trademark, its mission, legend, positioning, requirements for packaging, product labeling and promotional materials.

For a serious business, it is not enough just to develop a corporate identity. The design of a new, high-quality corporate identity requires mandatory detailed instructions for maximum effective application. Corporate identity and logos are elements of identity (Identity - from the English. Identity - identity, individuality) of the company and brands that require strict and careful rules for handling them. Corporate identity, as well as logos that are applied illiterately in terms of design rules, composition, etc. harm the business.

Brand book first of all explains the logic used in the development of a new corporate identity. This document simply and visually explains why certain design elements were used in the corporate identity. The brand book also provides reasoned explanations of why and how logos and corporate identity should be used in various graphic communication formats.

It is the brand book that helps to correctly use the corporate identity and logos, since, from the point of view of matching the image and positioning of the brand, it is extremely important that all communications of the brand be made in the same style and express the general idea. A brand book is a tool for a marketer, brand manager, and other professionals to help manage the common elements and properties of a brand, including logos and corporate identity. A brand book can be different in its structure and amount of information, depending on the needs of each specific client.

The main task of a brand book is to maintain brand recognition, its distinguishing features, visual detuning from competitors, protection of exclusivity. Thus, the creation of a corporate identity for an organization cannot be considered effective without a high-quality development of a brand book. The brand book is the main, centralizing unit in the manufacturer's toolkit, which systematizes all elements of the brand identity.


Corporate identity is a set of techniques (graphic, color, plastic, acoustic, video, etc.) that provide unity for all products of the enterprise and events; improve the memorability and perception by customers, partners, independent observers of not only the goods of the enterprise, but also of all its activities; and also allow you to contrast your products and activities with the products and activities of competitors.

Corporate identity is a language characteristic of a given enterprise, a kind of identity card of an enterprise, its identification mark, business card. All functions of corporate identity, one way or another, are connected with the creation of an image of the enterprise, which should be remembered and attractive to the main type of its consumers.

Among the main functions of corporate identity are the functions of trust, identification and advertising effectiveness. Permanent corporate identity elements save time for the consumer, simplify the process of making a purchase or consuming services for him, and evoke positive emotions associated with the name and image of the enterprise. However, if real and artificially created images are in conflict, then marketing activities can do more harm than good.

Corporate identity involves the development of company symbols: trademark, logo, corporate block, slogan, corporate color, etc.

Corporate identity is presented in full in a document called "brandbook" - this is a detailed multi-page description of all elements of corporate identity and the rules for their application.

The development of a brandbook is a time-consuming process that must be approached individually each time, since there are no two identical enterprises in the world with exactly the same needs.

For the competent development of a corporate identity, the resources that a design studio has are not enough; it is also necessary to involve marketing and branding specialists.

The process of developing a corporate identity and logo should be coordinated with business objectives and marketing goals.

Thus, the process of creating a corporate identity for an enterprise begins with the development of an ideology, textual and visual concept of a corporate identity based on marketing analysis.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized once again that corporate identity plays an invaluable role in creating a brand. In turn, a brand with a stable reputation ensures a stable volume of production and income. A sustainable brand is remarkably durable, and this property translates into huge cost savings over time.

A well-designed corporate identity, a trademark is a strong image and impression of the viewer, a strong impression is a long-term visual memory and consumer loyalty, the combination of these components is part of the brand's intangible values, exactly the part that affects the final brand value. That is why the development and further effective, high-quality use of the corporate identity of the enterprise is one of the necessary prerequisites for business success.


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