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The work schedule is slowly but surely undergoing significant changes. Increasingly, employers are setting flexible working hours for their employees (for example, in the form of a reduced working day, if working conditions leave much to be desired). This system labor was adopted earlier. But it concerned only creative professions. Now, most employees prefer to work, determining their own working hours, including rest breaks. An employer interested in the final result is happy to accept the new rules. A reasonable question arises, how to properly arrange contract of employment with an employee (especially if there is a need to change the work schedule).

Flexible working hours according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The organization of working time according to a flexible schedule and its accounting lies entirely with the employer. The basics of such accounting are established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 102. Depending on the type of activity of the hired employee, the schedule may be:

  • Sliding. This is the most common form of labor regime, when an employee works out the prescribed number of hours at a time convenient for him.
  • Free. For those employees whose work it is not possible to take into account. For example, entertainers, artists, sculptors.

During employment, the parties discuss the issue of a possible schedule and come to a mutual decision.

Who is eligible for flexible working hours?

Mobile working hours are often set for people working in a creative environment. But this is not the only industry where such labor systems are used. Today, more and more office workers of different levels are switching to a non-fixed work schedule. On the state enterprises maintaining such a regime is often very problematic. But commercial organizations happy to set such schedules for many of their employees.

How to set flexible working hours - how to apply

To establish a special schedule for an employee, you can resort to two main methods:

In both cases, this is possible if the chosen mode is agreed by the parties.
Accounting for the established regime is carried out according to a scheme convenient for the employer. It can be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or even yearly.

How to write flexible working hours in an employment contract?

An employment contract is a document that is strictly regulated and does not tolerate approximation. In the agreement, the employer is obliged to provide and indicate all the nuances. To do this, it is necessary in the section describing the working conditions to include specific instructions on the beginning, end and duration of work.

The established schedule can be described using the following points:

  • Fixed hours when the mandatory attendance must be 100%.
  • The range of floating hours, when the employee himself determines the mode.
  • Amount of hours per week.

Sample application for flexible working hours

To transfer to an individual schedule, the employee must write an application for its establishment. This can be done when applying for an organization by adding the appropriate item to the application for admission. It is also possible to write an application later, already working on a fixed schedule.

The application must indicate:

  • Start date of the new labor accounting.
  • Describe the desired schedule or express your desire in a general phrase.

For the correct execution of the application, it is also necessary to indicate the reason for such a transition. If it took place after official employment.

Sample order for the establishment of flexible working hours

The request made in the employee's statement comes into force only after the issuance of an order with a corresponding order from the head of the organization.

In the order, the director of the enterprise must indicate:

  • Name of the employee to whom it applies.
  • Date of introduction of the new schedule.
  • The duration of the working week and day.
  • Lunch hours.

Compensation for flexible working hours

Remuneration is based on the number of hours worked by the employee. Hours worked are calculated on the basis of the accounting journal and the compiled monthly time sheet. When accounting for hours worked quarterly or more, a fixed salary can be accrued on a monthly basis. In the month of the final calculation, a total calculation of hours is made, according to the results of which an addition to the salary or subtraction is made.

Flexible working hours example

For a clear example of mobile accounting, let's take an employment contract for a cleaner of entrances. With a total week of 40 hours, she is given the opportunity to independently regulate her involvement in work.

But the employer also set fixed limits for the cleaner:

  • Work must be done on weekdays only.
  • Saturday and Sunday are designated days off.
  • Fixed hours from 10.00 to 14.00.
  • Break from 14.00 to 15.00.
  • Floating hours from 08.00 to 10.00 and 14.00 to 20.00.

To calculate the work done on a flexible schedule, the employer maintains a summarized account on a monthly basis.

Installing flexible schedule working time, it is necessary to correctly draw up personnel documents. Which documents should be drawn up depends on whether the employee is initially accepted for a flexible schedule or it is introduced for an “old” employee.

Flexible working hours (hereinafter - GDV) is a form of organization of working hours, in which for individual workers or teams of divisions of the enterprise is allowed (in certain limits) self-regulation of the beginning, end and total duration of the working day. At the same time, full working out of the total number of working hours established by law during the accepted accounting period (working day, week, month, etc.) is required (clause 1.3 of the Recommendation, approved by the post of the USSR State Labor Committee No. 162, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions No. 12-55 dated May 30. 1985).

GDV is established in the event that, according to the conditions of production, it is impossible and inappropriate to establish a working day normal duration. The application of the GDV is aimed at taking into account the interests of the employee and the employer and creating such conditions for both subjects of labor law, under which the desired efficiency and productivity of labor are achieved.

It should be noted that the legislation does not contain a general list of professions (positions), industries for which GDV should be established. Only a few regulations provide for the possibility of a flexible schedule.

For example, a flexible schedule can be established for employees who perform work to eliminate accidents and damage to communication equipment, employees of radio stations, television centers, relay television stations, etc. (order of the Ministry of Communications of Russia dated 08.09.2003 No. 112).

Work in a flexible schedule cannot worsen the position of an employee in comparison with the current labor legislation. He must receive all guarantees and compensation in full.

Working time employee working on GDV

The company ensures that the employee works out the total number of working hours during the relevant accounting periods (day, week, month, etc.) (Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Accounting for hours worked is made as a summarized accounting of working hours (Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Each employer, depending on the GDV used by him, sets the most optimal period for accounting: month, quarter or year. Please note that the accounting period cannot exceed one year.

The number of hours worked is calculated based on the data of the time sheet (form T-12, T-13) (approved by the statement of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1). For example, in the T-13 form, in the upper lines of column 4, opposite the employee's last name, letter code"I" or digital code 01, and the bottom lines indicate the duration of work in this mode.

Determining the amount of salary for GDV

When determining the salary of an employee working on a flexible schedule, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the salary is calculated from the hourly tariff rate or monthly salary.

When calculating based on the tariff rate, the employer should take the hours worked and multiply them by the size of the tariff rate.

When is the monthly calculation used? official salary and the established norm has been fully worked out, then the salary will be equal to the monthly salary. If the employee has not worked the established monthly rate, the monthly salary is divided by the number of working hours in the month and multiplied by the hours actually worked.

Please note that when establishing a flexible work schedule, the summarized accounting of working hours is applied (Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Correctly draw up documents

It is important for an employer to properly complete personnel documentation. Otherwise, during the inspection, the labor inspectorate may bring the company to administrative responsibility for violating labor laws by imposing a fine of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles, or suspend activities for up to ninety days (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Which documents should be drawn up during the GDV depends on whether a flexible schedule is established for a candidate when applying for a job or for an employee who already works in the company.

In the first case, the GDV clause should be included in the text of the employment contract. Moreover, it specifies the work schedule in detail. In the order for employment, which is issued by unified form T-1 (approved by the decision of the State Statistics Committee dated 01/05/2004 No. 1), in the column "employment conditions, nature of work" indicate that the employee is hired in flexible working hours with an accounting period, for example, one month.

In the second case, we would recommend taking an application (see sample on the right) from the employee with a request to establish a work schedule that is desirable for him. Then you should sign an additional agreement to the employment contract, in which you indicate the condition on the GDV, as well as specifically indicate the work schedule. On the basis of such an additional agreement, the employer issues an order in free form, in which it indicates the date (period) of establishing the GDV for the employee, the permitted work schedule, as well as the person who ensures the weekly recording of the employee's working time.

Please note that at the end of the period for which the GDV was established, the employee automatically switches to the general mode of operation without drawing up any additional documents.

If the GDV was introduced without specifying the validity period or it became necessary to transfer the employee to the general regime ahead of schedule, then you need to act in the manner determined in the second case.

Translation according to the rules

In the process of organizing production, for objective reasons, it may be necessary to transfer an employee to the GDV.

For example, in connection with a change in organizational or technological working conditions (changes in equipment and production technology, structural reorganization of production, other reasons) (paragraph 21 of the post. Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2). In these cases, the terms of the employment contract agreed upon by the parties may be changed at the initiative of the employer, with the exception of changing the labor function (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, one should have documentary evidence of changes in organizational or technological working conditions (determination of the Moscow City Court of November 16, 2010 No. 4g / 5-9742 / 10).

Note that the company must comply with the following conditions when changing organizational or technological working conditions, namely:

Prevent changes in the employee's labor function (part 1 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Observe the minimum two-month period for notifying the employee about upcoming changes and the reasons that caused them (part 2 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

If the employee does not agree to work in the new conditions, offer him in writing another available job that he can perform, taking into account his state of health (part 3 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

To prevent the deterioration of the employee's position when the terms of the employment contract are changed in comparison with the established collective agreement, agreement (part 8 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If in the situation under consideration there are actually no organizational or technological changes in working conditions, then it will be possible to change the working hours only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract.

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There is a separate clause in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that concerns the features and elements of flexible working hours, or, as they are called in another way, a rolling schedule. This mode of work provides for the regulation by the employer of the working hours of employees. That is, the employer himself sets the schedule labor activity their subordinates. The total time of their work as a result should not exceed the permissible norm, which is specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. A staggered work schedule must be specified in the worker's employment contract. And only the employer can install it and approve it, but at the same time he must coordinate the order with the employee himself.

Flexible working hours - features

Features of flexible working hours include:

  • The schedule should be variable so that the employee himself decides when to start or end his duties for the current day;
  • AT without fail- the presence of a break for rest and meals;
  • Each employee with such a regime is obliged to work a certain number of hours per week, established by the Labor Code;
  • The employer must allocate periods of a rolling schedule. These include a period with one day, one week, one month, or a whole quarter;
  • The employee is obliged to adhere to the daily routine, which is established by the employer;
  • The employer must have in the "reserve" an additional part-time job for his employee in case of force majeure.

It is these features and rules that are customarily highlighted in a rolling chart.

Flexible working hours according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation notes two important points regarding this work schedule. The first paragraph says that the duration of the employee's daytime activities, as well as the beginning with the end, must be discussed and agreed between the employer and his subordinate. The second paragraph calls on the employer to ensure that the employee does not overwork the norm of working hours established in the labor code. It does not indicate that the employee is obliged to work the maximum number of hours prescribed, however, in most cases this is established in the employment contract between the employee and his boss.

Setting up flexible working hours

The director of the enterprise is obliged to discuss with his employee the introduction of a rolling schedule in his work schedule. With mutual agreement on the conditions established to each other, the director writes an order on the appointment of a new working day regimen for his employee. At the same time, the new flexible working hours should be described in the employment contract. Parallel to this, the two parties must discuss wages. If an employee is not satisfied with the new regime (or salary, or conditions), he has the right to write a letter of resignation of his own free will.

Who is eligible for flexible working hours?

A rolling schedule is usually set for such workers who combine their work with some other activity or study. And in large enterprises it is introduced due to the fact that, for example, there is little work during the day, a lot in the evening, and workers have daytime employment. In the first case, with additional activities or study, the employee himself asks his boss to set him a rolling schedule. If this does not damage the reputation or income of the enterprise in any way, the employer can meet halfway between his subordinate. That is, we can conclude that this type of work is suitable for students and for young people working day and night (this is precisely the advantage of a rotating schedule for workers).

Sample order for the establishment of flexible working hours

Such an order must contain the name of the organization, city, date and number of the order, the main text and the signature of the director. Basically, the text of the decree itself and the reasons for the transition from one schedule to another are written.

Recommendations for the use of flexible working hours

The main recommendations for the employer: make sure that the employee does not overwork the maximum number of hours (it is better to keep records); do not forget about breaks for the subordinate; pay on time. Recommendations for the employee: follow the instructions of the employer and follow the rules established by the enterprise in order to justify the effectiveness of the rotating schedule; monitor the state of your health and well-being, which may worsen due to torn work hours.

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The regime of flexible working hours is established in the case when, due to the conditions of production, it is impossible and inappropriate to establish a working day of normal duration. Its essence is as follows: the daily routine in the company ceases to be rigid, the employee, based on the tasks that he faces, has the right to plan the time of his working day or working week. Examples of this approach include: combining home and office work; obligatory appearance of an employee on a certain (secret) day; the ability to vary the time of arrival and departure from work.

The working time regime can be established only by the internal labor regulations, therefore, for employees with an individual regime, it is established by an employment contract.

A clear definition of the flexible time regime is given in the current Recommendations on the use of flexible working time regimes at enterprises, institutions and organizations of the sectors of the national economy (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee No. 162, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions No. 12-55 of 05/30/85): the form of organization of working time, in which for individual employees or teams of enterprise units, self-regulation of the beginning, end and total duration of the working day is allowed (within certain limits).

When using the flexible working time regime, the time worked by an employee is taken into account according to the rules of Art. 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, i.e. in total for the accounting period. In addition, various periods are provided: from one working day to a month and a quarter. The maximum accounting period is one year.

Note that the universal step by step instructions for the application of flexible working hours, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain.


A flexible working schedule can be set for any employee at his request or with his consent. If the company has decided to establish flexible working hours for some employees or departments, it is necessary to issue an appropriate order (instruction) to change the working hours at the enterprise, and then formalize the use of flexible working hours in employment contracts with employees (for new employees, the condition for individual work schedule is initially included in the employment contract). This is the direct responsibility of the employer.

If the employee agrees to the new working conditions, then the terms for introducing a new mode of work can be significantly reduced compared to another possible situation when employees do not agree to the changes. In this case, the employer is obliged to notify each employee in writing of the new mode of operation under his personal signature at least two months before the introduction of the new mode (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In practice, a situation is possible when an employee refuses to continue working under new conditions. Then the employer must offer him another job at the enterprise, and if he refuses it or there are no positions with the old regime and qualifications suitable for the employee, dismiss him under paragraph 7 of part 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A separate administrative act approves the work schedules of various departments of the enterprise, as well as the persons responsible for their development and control.

  • fixed time when the employee must be present at work;
  • variable (flexible) time at the beginning and end of the working day, within which the employee decides when to start and finish work;
  • a break for food and rest, which is not included in working hours;
  • the duration of the accounting period during which the employee must work out the established norm of working time.
Summarized accounting of working hours

The accounting of working time is carried out in the timesheets in order to comply with the established working hours, obtain data on the actual working hours worked, calculate wages, and also draw up statistical reporting by labor.

In accordance with Art. 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation when performing certain types work, when, due to the conditions of production, the daily or weekly working hours established for this category of employees cannot be observed, the introduction of a summarized accounting of working hours is allowed. Mandatory condition: the duration of working time for the accounting period (month, quarter, etc.) should not exceed the normal number of working hours. When establishing a flexible work schedule, the summarized accounting of working hours is also applied (Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Since the beginning, end or total length of the working day (shift) with a flexible working time schedule is determined by agreement of the parties, the employer is obliged to ensure that the employee works out the total number of working hours during the relevant accounting periods. Such periods can be equal to:

  • working day, when its duration, established by law, is fully worked out on the same day;
  • working week when its duration, set in working hours, is fully worked out during this working week;
  • working month - when the established monthly norm of working hours is fully worked out in a given month.
The maximum accounting period is one year.

In the event that employees perform overtime work, hourly accounting of these works is carried out in total in relation to the established accounting period, i.e. only hours processed in excess of the norm of working time established for this period are considered overtime.

Payment is made in accordance with the current legislation - in one and a half size for the first two hours, falling on average for each working day of the accounting period, in double - for the remaining hours of overtime work. At the request of the employee, overtime work instead of increased pay can be compensated by providing extra days rest time, but the duration of this period must not be less than the time worked overtime.

Example 1

The organization has established for some employees the working hours of the day after three. At the end of the month, employees reworked the norm of working hours. The established accounting period is one year. At the same time, at the end of the year, overtime amounted to 140 hours. Payment for overtime hours should be made as for overtime work. In accordance with Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, overtime work cannot exceed 120 hours per year for each employee. Thus, the organization violates labor laws.

When working outside the organization (business trip, participation in meetings, conferences, symposiums, etc.), flexible working hours are not applied, and employees' working hours are recorded as in normal working hours. During a business trip, the employee is subject to the working hours of the enterprise to which he is seconded.

In practice, the introduction in the organization (or its individual divisions) of the summarized accounting of working hours occurs according to the following scheme:

  • an order is issued on the introduction of a summarized accounting of working hours;
  • the internal labor regulations include the procedure for establishing new form accounting of working hours;
  • the list of positions of employees is approved, in respect of which the summarized accounting of working hours is introduced;
  • employees who are included in the specified list sign the accepted local acts on the introduction of summary accounting.

Under the flexible working time regime, remuneration is made for the actual hours worked based on the remuneration systems used in the organization. Wages for flexible working hours can be calculated on the basis of an hourly wage rate or a monthly salary.

When an hourly rate is used to calculate wages, the hours worked by the employee are multiplied by the rate.

If a monthly salary is used for the calculation and the monthly rate has been fully worked out, then the salary is equal to the monthly salary. When an employee has not worked the monthly rate, the monthly salary is generally divided by the standard number of working hours in the month and multiplied by the hours actually worked.

Hourly tariff rates or official salaries (depending on what the organization considers appropriate), elements of the remuneration system, tariff rates, salaries, bonuses and other incentive payments are established by a collective agreement or regulation on remuneration.

Since the norm of working time is fully worked out with individual work schedules, employees have every right to receive social benefits and guarantees provided for by law. They should be provided with breaks for rest during the working day (shift), daily (inter-shift) rest, days off (weekly continuous rest), non-working holidays and holidays. The use of flexible working hours does not affect accrual seniority and others labor rights.

Example 2

The employee is assigned a summarized accounting of working hours. The accounting period is a quarter, the hourly tariff rate is 75 rubles. According to the shift schedule, he works every three days. In the first quarter, the employee worked: in January - 6 days (according to the norm), in February - 6 days (norm - 7 days), in March - 9 days (norm - 8 days). The total number of hours worked in the first quarter corresponds to the norm.

The employee's salary was:

  • in January - 10,800 rubles. (6 days x 24 hours x 75 rubles);
  • in February - 10,800 rubles. (6 days x 24 hours x 75 rubles);
  • in March - 16,200 rubles. (9 days x 24 hours x 75 rubles).
Calculate wages based on salary.

The employee's working time is taken into account summarized. The accounting period is a quarter. In March 2013, the employee worked not 17 shifts, as expected according to the schedule, but 16. At the same time, the shift is 10 hours, the salary is 25,000 rubles.

For March, the norm was 170 hours. The hourly tariff rate is 147.06 rubles. (25,000 rubles: 170 hours). Salary - 23,529.6 rubles. (16 shifts x 10 hours x 147.06 rubles).

By virtue of Art. 155 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if the norm of working hours is not observed during the accounting period, if it is not fulfilled due to the fault of the employer, remuneration is made in the amount not lower than the average salary of the employee, calculated in proportion to the time actually worked. If the labor standards were not met for reasons beyond the control of the employer and the employee, the latter retains at least 2/3 of the salary - this amount is accrued in proportion to the time actually worked. In case of a defect due to the fault of an employee, payment is made in accordance with the amount of work performed.

Example 3

The enterprise applies the summarized accounting of working hours with an accounting period equal to a quarter. The hourly rate is 100 rubles. According to the schedule in January 2013, the employee worked 150 hours. wage amounted to 15,000 rubles. (150 hours x 100 rubles). In February, the employee was on sick leave and out of 168 hours worked only 145 hours according to the schedule, so his earnings amounted to 14,500 rubles. instead of the possible 16,800 rubles. Thus, when applying a fixed hourly tariff rate, wages for each month correspond to the actual hours worked.

Hiding flexible working hours

One of the typical negative consequences of hiding flexible working hours is the inability to attract an employee to disciplinary responsibility, for example, dismissed for absenteeism. The fact is that in such a situation, the employee is not legally familiar with the shift schedule. In other words, he is considered to be working during normal business hours. It also fixes the time sheet. And if an employee whose working days were set on Saturday and Sunday by an unofficial schedule did not go to work on these days, it is impossible to bring him to disciplinary responsibility, and also to dismiss him for absenteeism, because according to official documents he should not be at work on weekends.

In addition, if the regulatory authorities become aware of the fact of hiding individual schedules, the employer will be held administratively liable under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Commentary on article 102

1. The application of the flexible working time regime is based on the summarized accounting of working hours (Article 104 of the Labor Code).

The flexible working time regime is a form of labor organization in which for individual employees or teams of structural divisions of the organization (within certain limits) self-regulation of the beginning, end and total duration of the working day is allowed. At the same time, full working out of the total number of working hours established by law during the accepted accounting period is required - a working day, week, month, etc.

The main element of the flexible working hours regime are sliding (flexible) work schedules. They are established by agreement between the employer and employees both when hiring and in the course of labor activity. Agreement on flexible working hours can be reached on both certain period, and without a deadline. Establishment of flexible working hours is formalized by the order (instruction) of the employer.

The use of the flexible working time regime takes place in cases where, for any reason (domestic, social, etc.), the further use of regular schedules is difficult or ineffective, and also when this ensures more economical use of working time, contributes to more coordinated work team.

It is inappropriate to use the flexible working time regime in continuous production, in conditions of 3-shift work in discontinuous production, in 2-shift work, if there are no free jobs at the junctions of shifts, and also in a number of cases determined by the specifics of production.

Flexible working hours can be applied both for 5- and 6-day working weeks, as well as for other work modes. The use of flexible working time regimes does not change the conditions for rationing and remuneration of employees, does not affect the provision of benefits, accrual of seniority and other labor rights. Required entries in work books employees are entered without mentioning the mode of operation.

2. The constituent elements of the flexible working time regime are:

Variable (flexible) time at the beginning and end of the working day (shift), within which the employee has the right to start and finish work at his own discretion;

Fixed time - the time of mandatory stay at work for all workers under the flexible working time regime. In terms of importance and duration, this is the main part of the working day. Fixed time allows for normal running production process and make the necessary official contacts.

Along with the fixed, the presence of two variable time intervals allows you to work out the required total number of working hours in the accepted accounting period;

Break for meals and rest, which usually divides the fixed time into two approximately equal parts;

The duration of the accounting period, which determines the calendar time (week, month, etc.), during which everyone must work out the norm of working hours established by law.

3. The specific duration of the constituent elements of the flexible working hours regime and the accounting period is established by the organization. Options for constructing flexible working time schedules may vary depending on the accepted accounting period, the temporal characteristics of each of the constituent elements of the regime, as well as the conditions for their application in various structural divisions(shifts).

At the same time, as a rule, the maximum allowable working day (under the conditions of a 40-hour working week) on certain days cannot exceed 10 hours. In exceptional cases, determined by the working conditions of the organization or other circumstances, maximum duration time spent at work (together with a break for meals and rest) is allowed within 12 hours.

Depending on the duration of the accounting period, the following main variants of flexible working time regimes are applied: an accounting period equal to a working day - when its duration is fully worked out on the same day; an accounting period equal to a working week - when its duration, set in working hours, is fully worked out in a given working week; an accounting period equal to a working month - when the established monthly norm of working hours is fully worked out in a given month.

A working decade, a working quarter from similar conditions working off, other options for flexible working hours that are convenient for the organization and employees.

4. In the case of the application of the above modes in conditions of part-time work, its norm must be adjusted taking into account the actually established weekly or monthly norm.

Those working under the flexible working time regime can be involved in overtime work only in the manner and on the grounds specified in Art. 99 TK.

When working outside the organization, such as on a business trip, flexible working hours do not apply.

5. A prerequisite for the application of the flexible working time regime is to ensure accurate accounting of hours worked, the fulfillment of the established production task by each employee and effective control over the most complete and rational use working time for each employee during both flexible and fixed time periods.

6. Features of the application of the flexible working time regime are determined by the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the application of a sliding (flexible) work schedule for women with children, approved. Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of June 6, 1984 N 170 / 10-101 (Bulletin of the USSR State Committee for Labor. 1984. N 9).

7. The application of the flexible working time regime is determined by a number of regulatory legal acts. For example, the Order of the Ministry of Communications of Russia dated September 8, 2003 N 112 approved the List of categories of communication workers for whom flexible working hours can be established. It includes: workers performing work to eliminate accidents and damage to communications equipment; telecom operators engaged in production operations for receiving and sending, loading and unloading, mail transportation, sorting of written correspondence, forwarding periodicals, extracting letters from mailboxes, etc.


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