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Everyone has a period in life when they need money, but for one reason or another there is no work. This is especially true for young mothers. Part-time work in maternity leave up to 3 years - a burning topic. , but this is not enough to compensate for the shortfall in income: the woman had just worked and received a salary, but here there is no salary, maternity payments and state support are widowed less in total, and there are more family members.

If you are in such a situation, then Reconomica found the answer for you! Our heroine Irina also had a need for alternative earnings at home, in connection with maternity leave, and she will share with you her best practices in this area. Here you know everything about simple and no special skills required to make money on certain sites. Love to leave comments? Chat online, or just surf the Internet? In this article, you will learn how to make money on it!

I am currently on maternity leave. My allowance is minimal - 6137 rubles. For two children - a schoolgirl daughter and a baby - this is very little. Although my salary before going on maternity leave was about 10,000 rubles, but there were fewer expenses.

While on maternity leave with my first child, I was looking for possible part-time jobs online. I was not looking for earnings commensurate with the salary, I wanted to find a part-time job to pay for the Internet and telephone.

Freelancing is the way out!

Websites where you can earn real money without investment

Through trial and error, I found 8 sites where you can earn money. These are different platforms where webmasters look for freelancers, questionnaires, a review site and a content exchange. .

My first experience of making money on the Internet - comments

The very first site I registered on was Qcomment. There you need to leave comments on sites, blogs, forums. This is called content filling. I chose 20-30 rubles a day. The task was as follows - registration on the site and activity - commenting.

I earn on Qcomment10-30 rubles per day.

General rules and tips for working with content services

General rules for working on all sites - add reusable tasks to favorites and perform every day. By creating a list of tasks for yourself, you can quickly and easily display a minimum. It is better to take tasks that you completely understand, otherwise you will waste your time and spoil your rating.

To increase your earnings, you can invite friends on your own referral link. I invited friends, but most were skeptical about this. They said it wasn't serious.

Posted job ads on Avito . Thus, I found several people who also wanted to try to earn money. But then she abandoned it, because it took a lot of time to explain in correspondence how to work.

You can earn on these sites (Qcomment, Advego) from 10 to 100 rubles per day.

Questionnaire sites

Withdrawal of funds on these sites to a phone or e-wallet. As soon as the amount needed for withdrawal is collected, you can see the method of withdrawing money. Payment for one survey from 5 to 80 rubles. Polls come to email often. The minimum amount for withdrawal can be collected for more than one month.


  • The minimum for withdrawal is 500 rubles per mobile phone. It used to be 200 rubles.
  • Invitations come to e-mail quite often, several times a week.
  • The first time I withdrew 225 rubles, the second - 535 rubles.

Paid Survey

On this site you need to collect the amount of 300 rubles. You can withdraw to your e-wallet.

Here the money also received 2 times for 300 rubles.

Profi Online Research

Payment for surveys here is in conventional units. You need to dial 15 c.u. for output.

Surveys are sent to the mail, and are also available in the very personal account. Polls can also be in the form of a focus group. They called me and set up a date and time. online survey. On the appointed day, I received an email with a link to online interview. I managed to earn 300 rubles in 60 minutes. Plus, it's nice to chat. The survey was about sedatives.

You can only withdraw $15. That is, no more, the rest of the money goes to the next payment.


It took me a year to withdraw the money. The minimum wage is 1000 rubles, surveys are sent infrequently. The more information you provide about yourself, the more often polls will come. For many surveys, you will not get into the sample, in this case they pay only 5 rubles for a short questionnaire. One full survey costs 30-80 rubles.

In general, I consider the method of making money on paid surveys of the population to be one of the easiest and most affordable for moms on maternity leave.

Review sites

I registered on the site Aircommend . This idea came to my mind when my family and I were testing a new meat grinder-vegetable cutter. So I wanted to tell you what a necessary and convenient thing it is.

I took a photo of the meat grinder at work and wrote my first review. To work on the site, you must write a review at least once a month. Then the profile will be active, and the money will be credited to the account. Well paid and viewed reviews with photos, beautifully designed. It's better to write popular goods- for children, appliances, cosmetics, etc.

At first I wrote 2 reviews and forgot about this site for a year. Then I remembered and decided to try again. And I did it. I wrote mainly about the toys of my eldest daughter, but this did not bring much income. I collected the first minimum wage for a long time, about 6 months. The reviews were unpopular, almost no one looked at them.

But then I wrote a review about the Mega-hand store, and it became the most popular with me. I've already got over 3000 views. This is more than the minimum amount. Of course, not in one day, but my review brings me income every day.

  • Money for reviews is charged only for views, 5 kopecks for 1 view.
  • The minimum for withdrawal is 150 rubles to an electronic wallet.
  • I advise you not to stamp reviews for quantity, but to work on quality and then you can earn good money.
  • Withdrawed money twice.

My relatives approve of this type of income. They say that I'm good at it. Perhaps this type of earnings is one of the most interesting.

Advego content exchange

I started working on the stock exchange by doing simple tasks. I scored a rating, and then I took on more difficult tasks.

I performed the following tasks: social networks, posting ready-made reviews, comments. You can also write articles for sale. You can write on any topic - it can be an article about the development of the child, childbirth, illness, master classes in needlework, recipes.

Today I try to take personal orders. They are paid very well. For example, a regular task - to invite friends to a group, costs from $ 0.2, and a personal one can cost $ 0.75.

Withdrawal of funds to- at least $5 to an e-wallet. In p The first time the money was credited to the account within 16 days, then faster.

I shared with you my experience in the field of making money online. The money is small, but if you take this earnings seriously, find your niche, then it may well turn out well. In the Russian or Ukrainian outback, this money is not superfluous.The most important thing is that I choose the time of work myself. And with kids, that's a big plus.

There is also a new copywriting exchange,, now I'm trying it, there are higher rates initially.

Announcement: there is an online part-time job for moms on maternity leave, no experience required

Dear readers!

If you found this article because you are in a difficult life situation, and even a hundred rubles earned on the Internet will not be superfluous for you, you can contact the editorial office of the magazine, we have vacancies for part-time jobs for freelancers without work experience.

The money is small, but it can help someone, you can also send the link to your needy friends.

A decree is not necessarily a refusal to fulfill one's obligations at one's usual job. Lawyers, psychologists, accountants can take work home and work remotely. Of course, the load can be reduced, but it will still generate income. It will be possible to agree on such a form of cooperation with the director, and if he refuses, offer his services to competitors.

Earnings in social networks

Today likes, reposts and subscriptions are bought. Of course, they are not expensive, for example, like - 1 ruble. But if you put a lot of them at once, you get a good additional income. You can find paid tasks on special sites, you can immediately register on several.

Filling groups in social networks is also an occupation for which money is paid. Professional communities only people with experience are hired, but start-up groups sometimes need low-cost staff. You can find customers on freelance exchanges or on job sites. And when the experience of conducting appears, you can increase the rates and look for a better offer.

Learning a New Skill

Very convenient to study. Courses in manicure, nail extensions, eyelashes, massage, hair or makeup will allow you to get an additional profession. To whom do you offer your services? Young mothers who are very common on maternity leave. In 2-3 years, it is possible to collect a large clientele, but it is only important not to overcharge and do everything on highest level.

Mini kindergarten

Why not look after several children on maternity leave? After all, friends also have children, and sometimes they need to go somewhere, leave the baby with someone. You can do this on economic basis. Children together, three of them will not be bored, and this will bring income. It is only important to tell your friends that there is such a service, and customers will quickly appear.

Article writing

Every day, hundreds of new sites appear on the Internet, and all of them need texts. And they get paid to write articles. Creating texts does not seem to be, and if there were no problems with Russian at school, it's worth a try. You can find customers on article exchanges or on freelance sites. There, people voice the requirements and the price in advance. To learn, it is worth taking not expensive orders, but with simple professionalism, earnings will also increase.

Articles can not only be written to order, but also sold. Such an opportunity is also available on the exchanges of articles. But in order for people to buy, it is important to choose the right topics. It is not difficult to learn this, there is a lot of information on the Internet, you just need to make a little effort.

Help with studies

To make money on maternity leave, you can write not only articles, but also help people study. People will always need term papers theses or abstracts and checklists. Of course, you need to write on topics that you know well. And as a result, profits will gradually increase. Within months, a database of finished works will be formed, as well as blanks that speed up the process.


Beautifully knitted things have always been popular. You can also sell embroidery, decorative crafts. They are put up for sale on special sites where hundreds of people buy unique creations every day. You can also display them in souvenir shops. You can negotiate with the owner and receive money after the sale. Handmade soft toys can be displayed in flower shops, where people often buy gifts.

Animal care

Overexposure of animals is an additional income that is suitable only for those who have a large house or apartment. The bottom line is that dogs or cats found on the street need to be kept somewhere. The curators take them to the veterinarian, carry out all the vaccinations, wash the animals, and then, for a fee, place them at someone's house. They do not pay too much for healthy inhabitants, but they bring them food, all the necessary items. Maximum payment for animals that need medical care. When there is a child in the house, you can take only healthy pets. The payment is daily.

How to make money on maternity leave so that you have enough for pleasant little things? You just need to show imagination and start doing something. A stable income is possible only if efforts are applied daily.

The birth of a child is a joyful event that radically changes a woman's life and makes her look at things in a new way. Some people think of maternity leave as endless weekends that bring only pleasure.

But how things really are, only my mother knows. Sleepless nights, lack of free time and the ability to freely leave the house - all this affects the morale of a woman. But the most striking depressing factor is the lack of earnings.

Yes, of course, the state provided its wards with a small monthly allowance, but it is not enough for anything, and the costs are growing every month. A young mother wants not only to provide for her child, but also to have her own personal budget and not depend on anyone.

Every woman wondered what to do on maternity leave in order to earn money while sitting at home. Here a kaleidoscope of opportunities and chances opens up, the main thing is to pay attention to them in time. So, if you are a mom who is tired of being dependent on circumstances, then the following article is for you. A short guide on how to get started and the main ways to make money on maternity leave.

The state takes care of women on maternity leave

The first instance where you should apply is the employment center. Absolutely in all cities there are government programs, according to which a woman on maternity leave can take training courses in various areas absolutely free of charge.

hairdressing art

Hairdressing courses last 3 months, the training includes basic knowledge and basics. Qualified masters teach haircuts, styling, hair coloring and hairstyles.

Training involves practice, and examinations are often attended by decoy ducks - people who choose employees for their beauty salons. The exchange also helps in further employment.


A popular activity, but there is usually a long queue for it and it is almost impossible to get there. If you decide that you want to do only this and nothing else, take care of your place in advance: get in line for courses well in advance.

Extension and design of nails

One of the most popular ways to make money from home is a nail service. But few people know that you can learn this skill absolutely free. On average, such a course lasts about a month.

It would be great to work as a universal master, such professionals have many orders, including wedding ones. Indeed, on the wedding day, it is easier for the bride to agree with the master, who will immediately do the hair, makeup and manicure.

pastry art

If you like to cook, bake well and arrange dishes, then you have the opportunity to get a “crust” and start legally doing what you love. Such lessons will not be in vain, even if you do not want to work in this area, you can always set a good table for your guests.

For confectioners there is one caveat - the obligatory presence of a medical book.

These were the main courses, after passing which you will be able to earn extra money without leaving your home. All three directions have one drawback - at the beginning of the journey you will have to spend money on materials and tools for work. It is not a fact that it will pay off in the future, but in any case, free education is a rarity and this opportunity should not be missed.

If maternity leave is unofficial

Education for maternity workers has one caveat: only those women who are officially on parental leave and have work book.

But do not despair! As soon as the child is one and a half years old, you can join the stock exchange as an unemployed citizen and undergo training in the same areas absolutely free of charge. There is an advantage here - during the training, the exchange will be until it employs you.

Turn your favorite hobby into a source of stable income

When you are at home with a child, there is a little time and inspiration for the implementation of long-standing plans and ideas. Why not take advantage of this and turn your favorite hobby into a source of income?

Mom's "Wishlist" to help you

Now the main circle of your communication is the same young mothers who want to surprise their child with original toys, accessories and clothes.

Do-it-yourself tactile felt books for kids are very popular. Try first to make such a book for your child, maybe you will succeed well and you will succeed in this matter.

A stylish accessory for any child is a personalized pacifier holder! It is done very simply and quickly, and there is always a demand for such things.

Crib bumpers and handmade bedding are highly prized among modern moms who want to highlight their baby's nest. Add to this the production of pillow letters and such a versatile master will be torn off with his hands.

Have you often seen treasured boxes called "mother's treasures" in stores? But these gizmos are not produced in factories, they are made by hand, this is the reason for their high cost. A little skill and you are already a scrapbooking master! What it is, you can see on YouTube channels with training videos.

Mothers of charming daughters are constantly looking for beautiful hairpins, headbands and bows! The main condition is convenience and originality! Try different techniques and materials. Hairpins with flowers made of foamiran, felt, leather are in fashion. If you add to this craft the production of tulle skirts, which are made in 5 minutes, then you can cook "looks" for the most stylish babies in your city and their mothers.

Baby Metrics! Another trend of the last two years. Metrics are made of wood, in the form of cake toppers, on soft toys and embroideries.

If you decide that this topic is close to you, then to start you will have to spend a little on fittings and materials. The easiest way is to order everything you need on aliexpress, ebay, taobao, it is much cheaper and there is a large selection.

In addition, once you get comfortable with these sites, you can sell furniture and other decorative items for additional side income.

How to promote your products

If you decide to do needlework and start selling your work, then the question arises on the agenda: “to whom, how and where to sell it?”

To get started, try making some demo options. For example, you decide to make personalized nipple holders to order. Do it first for your child, the children of your girlfriends for a nominal fee and take pictures of your work.

Firstly, if you give a few pieces to your friends in return for good reviews, then the word of mouth scheme will work, they will find out about you!

Secondly, high-quality photos posted on the page on the social network will attract the attention of users and many will want to purchase the product. Most importantly, ask your friends to repost, join all groups related to this topic, offer your work on the forums.

Once a month in some shopping malls fairs are held where needlewomen exhibit their work. Participation in such a fair may be paid, but this is a great chance to express yourself. You may be offered to make things for the store, and you will put your production on stream.

Shop on the couch online

Another one interesting idea– opening an online showroom or organization joint purchases. It's a little more complicated here. If you are savvy in this topic, then you can easily find suppliers who will offer low prices for clothes and shoes. You will be able to sell things with a small margin and at the same time have a constant income.

If you are not ready to immediately purchase a certain amount of clothing, then you can organize fees for size ranges. You offer a thing to people, everyone books their size, take an advance payment and, after that, redeem the goods.

How to earn money for mom without costs and investments

Of course, all of the above ways of earning include spending and rather big ones. And the question is brewing, is there a job for moms without investment. The answer is positive! Yes, such work exists!

Exchanges of freelancers and copywriters are gaining momentum and come out on top in terms of earnings on the Internet. If you feel like a writer in yourself, then this option is for you. There are several profitable exchanges:

  • Etxt is an exchange where copywriters, rewriters and translators gather. This platform is good for beginners in this business, because there are easy orders for a low fee. There you can try yourself as a real copywriter and see if you can do it further. There is a tender system on the exchange, therefore, in order for the customer to choose you, you will have to try hard: earn a rating, positive reviews and describe all your advantages in the application (just do not lie in any case).
  • turbotext. This exchange is distinguished by the absence of a tender system, that is, you take the order you like to work and complete it, you don’t have to fight to get the job. But! To get the opportunity to work in this network, you need to go through several stages: pass a test in Russian and write a mini-essay on the proposed topic.
  • Content Monster - If you have been to the previous two exchanges and want something more, then this option is for you. The exchange is closed, in order to be approved, you need to pass a time test and write an article with a high level of uniqueness and literacy. This exchange does not have such cheap prices as the previous two, because customers know that if a person is registered here, it means that he has experience in this area.

If you have tried your hand at copywriting, seo or rewriting and realized that this occupation is not for you, then there are still sites where you can earn money at home without skills and any experience:

  • - an exchange where you will be paid for small tasks (like, join a group, write a comment and review), for which you do not need to have a high level of knowledge. The exchange attracts with a system of ranks, that is, you can advance by gaining points, and the payment for tasks will be higher.
  • Recommended, . Do you often write reviews about your purchases on various sites? Surely, you did not know that they pay for it! Register on these sites and write everything you think about your purchases. Money will drip into your account depending on how your content is viewed.
  • - Q&A service. Simple but at the same time interesting job. You can't even call it work. A pleasant pastime for which money is paid. Ask questions on absolutely any topic or write an answer to existing ones, of your choice. For this you will receive a reward.

Of course, you won’t earn a large amount on reviews, but you will have 100-200 rubles a day stably and without investments.

An alternative to the above methods of earning money without investments may be. For each survey that takes from 10 to 30 minutes, a reward will be awarded. On average, from 40 to 100 rubles, depending on the duration. There are polls for 200, 300 and even 500 rubles. But as a rule, they are quite rare.

This type of income is unstable. For a month, you can receive as many as 10 invitations, or only 1-2 for passing surveys. To increase income, it is better to choose several of these services at once. There will be more invitations, and you can always refuse by simply ignoring the survey.

income for creative people

“Who owns the information, owns the world,” have you heard such an expression? When it comes to the fact that social networks have become profitable business, then why not promote your account?

If you have talents, hobbies, or you just have something to tell people, then you can try to blog, livejournal, youtube channel.

The most important thing is to decide on the type of activity and target audience. What can a young mother say? Here are some examples of interesting topics:

Reviews on a variety of topics will be in demand. Your goal is to find your listener or reader.

Even if the first attempt didn't work out, don't despair! Analyze your mistakes, learn, strive for more. Anyone who goes to his goal will definitely achieve it.

A regular income in the form of a salary allows you to count on a certain standard of living with complete freedom to plan your budget. Maternity leave deprives women of financial independence. Daily chores and childcare do not allow going to work with a full-time schedule, so mothers are thinking about how to make money on maternity leave at home.

A couple of phrases about sore, or Why does mommy work?

The family budget, which previously consisted of two sources of income, is reduced. And the appearance of a child requires big expenses. All financial problems fall on dad's shoulders. Naturally, in such a situation, austerity begins, and a woman most often becomes a victim of restrictions (she does not need to go to work, which means that you can not spend money on visiting salons and taking care of yourself, you can not buy clothes, cosmetics and shoes, etc. .).

Women are concerned about the question of how to make money while on maternity leave, not only due to lack of finances. New way income generation is an opportunity for self-development, replenishment of one’s knowledge, acquisition of additional qualifications, disclosure creativity. A self-fulfilling mom copes with a lot of work and does not have time to suffer from postpartum depression, lack of attention or communication.

Home business. How to earn money on maternity leave?

Starting a home business can be the answer to making money. Where to start your business? First of all, you need to analyze what knowledge and skills you have: hobbies, sports, self-care, foreign languages, the availability of land or real estate. Having decided on the area, it is advisable to conduct a study of profitability, necessary investments, opportunities for development, and also draw up a business plan.

If none of the existing activities are interesting, you can learn something new. Many mothers discover their hidden talents during maternity leave. Some begin to get involved in photography, turning this hobby into profitable business(photo studio, outdoor shooting), others find themselves in fusing - this is a hot glass painting technique, with its help you can create designer jewelry and decorative elements.

Many women, given more freedom to develop creative thinking during maternity leave, become organizers or inspirers for the family business. Moreover, the schedule is from 9:00 to 18:00 and part-time work evening time does not suit many dads, they also want to spend more time at home, even if they have not only a joint vacation, but also work. The main thing is in the family circle, in the same team. Men enthusiastically join in the creation and conduct of a common cause.

Ideas for earning

The same thought often revolves in the head of women: “I am on maternity leave ... How can I make money?” In fact, there are many ways to solve the problem. The choice depends on the preferences of each woman. Fresh creative impulses may well come true if you make every effort and strictly follow the plans.

Fitness or yoga

If a woman was engaged in fitness or yoga before pregnancy and childbirth, these classes will be an excellent way to earn money at home. You can gather a group of mothers and conduct training. Sometimes the living space does not allow organizing noisy classes, then yoga is suitable. This option brings triple benefits: a good figure, a calm nervous system and a little side work.

Making handmade jewelry

Passion for needlework or jewelry making can also be used for good. Two directions are acceptable: the sale of handmade products and the organization of a kind of circle. Workshops on the production of earrings from polymer clay or beadwork will be a huge success for both children and adults.

flower business

Do you have a country house with a land plot? pay attention to flower business. Growing indoor plants or seedlings for sale is a good summer job for those women who are interested in how they can make money on maternity leave. A small investment in a greenhouse will give you the opportunity to make a profit throughout the year.

beauty master

Every woman takes care of herself, but does not think that these skills can be useful for making money. Manicure, make-up or massage courses offer to quickly turn you into a professional with the provision of an international class certificate for further work in the beauty industry.

Nail extensions, shellac, honey anti-cellulite massage are popular procedures that are quite expensive in salons. All of them can be performed at home, as they do not require the use of special equipment or expensive equipment. And if you give a discount to acquaintances and friends, they will become the first customers of the cleansing entrepreneur.

Confectioner at home

A variety of holidays are unthinkable without sweets. As a rule, people buy cakes and pastries. Shop confectionery they look, of course, chic, but the quality of the product often leaves much to be desired. Increasingly, consumers are thinking that homemade cakes are both tastier and healthier, because all kinds of preservatives, dyes and stabilizers are not added to it. A custom cake is a great alternative to a store-bought dessert. And if you call on fantasy to help and bake a sweet miracle in the form of your favorite cartoon character, there will be no limit to the joy of a little birthday boy! Moms who know how to cook delicious sweets can significantly improve their financial situation. All it takes is a little creativity to decorate the item. True, there is one nuance here. Baking takes quite a long time. You may have to ask grandmothers or other relatives to help you a little and sit with the baby for a couple of hours.

How to earn money on maternity leave with the help of the Internet?

The Internet provides a huge opportunity for earning. Freelancers no longer experience difficulties in finding clients, projects or orders. They sell their goods and services on exchanges or special websites for remote employees. In online business, the same qualities are valued as in real jobs. You must be responsible, punctual and disciplined. The work of professionals is paid higher, beginners work first to gain experience and reputation.

On maternity leave, it is difficult to organize work according to the schedule, the child dictates his daily routine. Therefore, the role of the pope becomes especially important. He can spend several hours a day with the baby and give the mother the opportunity to develop in the chosen field of activity. Perhaps, at first, the work will not bring the desired profit, since it is not possible to earn money on maternity leave from the first days, but over time, the time and effort spent will be rewarded.

Earnings on stock exchanges

New websites appear on the Internet every day. Each of them should contain unique content that is interesting to people and prepared for search engines. Therefore, the profession of a copywriter is becoming more and more in demand. it best option how to make money on maternity leave without investing funds. Qualified and competent authors bring good income to webmasters and company owners by filling their portals with the right texts.

High-quality and unique articles attract more visitors to the sites, and effective advertising texts increase sales of goods in online stores. Copywriters entice people with intriguing headlines, make them read the article to the end, encourage them to make purchases right here and now.

Copywriting is a suitable option for educated, erudite and inquisitive mothers who are on maternity leave. Writing texts can grow from a temporary occupation into a full-time job, if due attention is paid to learning and improving knowledge and skills. Working from home as a copywriter allows you to save time and energy that would be spent on fees and the road to the office. Therefore, many women opt for this particular profession.

Earning with knowledge of the language

Proficiency in a foreign language good level It's a promising way to make money. Employees with knowledge of English, German, Chinese and other popular languages ​​can work in many areas.

If you have a special education, you can try yourself as a tutor. Private foreign language lessons have always been in demand. You can organize courses, study with those who wish at home, on the territory of the student, or even via Skype. The latter option is becoming more and more popular among students, schoolchildren and office workers. Online classes save time for the teacher and the student, and the results of such lessons do not differ from real meetings. All you need is a computer with Skype installed, a good internet connection, headphones and lesson materials.

Translators with experience and knowledge of highly specialized vocabulary are not always graduates of philological faculties. On the contrary, to work with medical and technical terminology, it is more preferable to have a qualification in these areas plus good knowledge of the language, rather than a philological education without a special base on the topic. Foreign exchanges of translators pay higher wages than domestic agencies, although the requirements are also much higher.

On article exchanges, freelancers fill out profiles offering their writing and translation services. Philological education is an additional plus. You can receive regular orders for rewriting articles from English-language resources or engage in translation.

You can also get a job as an interpreter in marriage agencies. This kind of service does not require knowledge of the language at the highest level. Correspondence requires creative thinking and intermediate English. What do interpreters in marriage agencies do? They conduct online correspondence between foreigners and Russian-speaking girls. The schedule is free, day and night time is offered for work, so mothers do not have to puzzle over how to earn money on maternity leave with a small child.

Own site

You can create your own website from scratch, or you can order it from experienced developers. For such projects, there are paid and free hosting. If you create a portal yourself, the investment will be small. To get started, you need to decide on the main idea, content, headings. It is better to choose a topic from the area that is close to you.

To understand how to make money on maternity leave on your website, you will need to understand a lot of terms and concepts. Promotion and monetization of the resource will take time, you may have to work first without financial return. Site owners get the main profit from advertising, and for this it is necessary to attract as many visitors as possible. Many use their Internet project to promote own product: paid training videos, books, master classes, services and goods.

Online trading

Not a single site on the Internet is complete without advertising brokers, dealing centers, Forex trading and binary options. The ads offer to open an account and earn 100% per month. Why not take mum on maternity leave trading? Moreover, advertisements promise super-profits in a matter of minutes. But, like any business, online trading is a serious activity. According to statistics, more than 95% of beginners lose deposits. Advertisements distort the concept of trading, making it a gambling game, and not an option of how to make money.

A woman on maternity leave can trade on the stock exchange, but it’s better to start not by opening a real account, but by reading literature. Studying in courses or with a mentor will not be superfluous, but the most important thing in this profession is self-discipline. Many traders part with their money precisely on psychological reasons and not due to lack of knowledge. Greed, passion, fear, uncertainty encourage stock speculators to carry out rash transactions, leading to large losses.

We forget that in order to get an education and become a specialist in some field, we study for about five years at the university, and even after that we do not become professionals - we still need practice and work experience. Why do many people think that after reading one book on stock trading and studying in a two-week course, you can start earning thousands of dollars a day?

Earnings and scammers

On maternity leave, you can not only get rich, but also fall into the trap of scammers. Earning money on the Internet or at home turns into a headache for some of the lucrative activities. On sites with job ads, no one requires a work book, there is no personnel department, so you need to be vigilant when choosing the right job. Moms should think not only about how to make money on maternity leave, but also about possible scams.

Before you begin to complete tasks, make sure that the effort expended will be rewarded properly. For example, earning on clicks takes a lot of time, and the profit is minimal. In some cases, at the beginning of a career, the pay is not very high, but there are prospects for the future - the more experience, the higher the salary. In order not to feel cheated, you need to study as much information as possible about your future occupation.

Harmonious mom on maternity leave

The head of a young mother should not be occupied only with thoughts that she urgently needs a part-time job in the evening and searching for suitable ideas. The main responsibilities are child care, attention, guardianship. Do not overburden yourself, because young children most of all need maternal warmth and affection. Classes on maternity leave should be aimed at inspiring a woman and promoting her self-development.


Hello! Today we will talk about work for mothers on maternity leave. I am the mother of a two-year-old baby, but already six months after his appearance, I began to think about a side job. I have tried many options and I know what work is real and what is not. In this article, I will talk about how to make money on maternity leave for moms like me.

Today you will learn:

  1. How much can you earn on maternity leave.
  2. who are taking care of the baby.
  3. All the pros and cons of working on maternity leave.

Why do women need to work on maternity leave?

This question torments many men and women. There may be several answers depending on the situation.

We will now consider them:

  1. Women try to find a part-time job or vacancies during maternity leave due to the banal lack of money. During this period, the mother does not go to her main job, so she does not receive a stable income. And the money that dad brings is not always enough. At the same time, the child grows up and more and more money has to be spent on him. That's when moms start looking for a part-time job.
  2. Some women, not having financial difficulties, do not want to focus only on the child. They do an excellent job with the duties of a mother, but it is vital for them to develop, learn something new, and communicate with people. That is why they delve into the study of something new, discover their talents and earn money for small “female joys”.
  3. And someone is dissatisfied with their main job and during maternity leave is actively looking for new job, which will later become the main one.

Personally, I wanted to develop, do something, have the opportunity to earn money. My husband still does not understand why I need this, but he supports all my undertakings.

Every mom has her own story. Someone wants to achieve independence, someone is ashamed to ask for money for cosmetics, etc. If you are reading this article, then you probably decided to earn extra money while on maternity leave.

Remember the main thing! Working on maternity leave is neither shameful nor shameful. Show others that you are capable of much and that powerful potential is hidden in you!

Earnings on maternity leave - what to do?

And this question is asked by absolutely all mothers who decide to earn extra money during the maternity leave. There are many options for working from home.

Before proceeding to the description of ways to earn money, I suggest that you answer the following questions:

  • What can you do? Work for mothers on maternity leave may be related to hobbies, talents or skills. Perhaps you are a first-class specialist in some field, and you can work in your profession at home. Adequately evaluate your abilities and decide what you would like to do.
  • How much free time do you have? Each child is individual and requires a special approach. Sometimes the first 6 months for the mother are the most calm (the baby sleeps and eats). For other parents, the situation may be completely different. I felt minimal freedom when the baby was 6-8 months old.

Before you start looking for a job, determine for yourself how much time you can devote to work. This is the period when the child is sleeping or other family members are busy with it.

  • Are you ready to learn? If you think that your professional skills will help you make good money, then do just that (for example, if you are an excellent lawyer, you can give advice online, by phone, at home). If you do not have the skills that will help you earn money, then tune in to training.
  • How much do you want to earn? Depending on the availability of free time and the desire to conquer the peaks, you can find a job that will bring an excellent income. Remember that simple work never brings big money.

Business ideas for moms on maternity leave

All ways of earning can be divided into several groups:

  1. Work in the specialty at home;
  2. Work related to hobbies and hobbies;

Any job may or may not bring income. It all depends on how well you choose your occupation.

Now, let's take a closer look at each of these categories.

Professional work at home

In this group, I attributed all types of work (or rather, services) that a mother can carry out at home.

Makeup artist, hairdresser, manicurist

At home, you can organize a mini-version of a beauty salon. Just to get started, you will have to take the appropriate courses. Well, if you were engaged in similar work before the decree. In this case, you already have the necessary professional skills and a set of tools. It remains to find clients. This can be done by advertising on the Internet, offering your services to familiar friends and relatives.

Do not expect that immediately there will be a lot of people who want to use your services. But over time, the word about you will spread, the clientele will expand and the income will increase.

The main problem of such part-time work is its seasonality, the presence of a large set of materials and professional skills.


If women can do manicures, pedicures and make-up on their own, then massage should be done by a professional. If you have a medical background and educational institution you were taught the basics of massage, then you can open at home massage room. You can also sign up for express courses and master this skill.

In order to massage you only need massage oil and talcum powder. Sessions can be held at home, or go to the client's house (if there is someone to leave the child with).

Your income will depend on the number of clients and procedures performed. The course is 10 massages. So consider how much you can earn on just one client.

I completed massage courses before pregnancy. Making the procedures familiar, I “recaptured” the money for training after 2 weeks. Now friends sometimes come to me and ask for a massage for an appropriate fee. I agree, I turn on cartoons for the child, and I myself earn money.


Some mothers are faced with such a problem that they sometimes need to go away and leave the child for someone. It's about a few hours. Professional nannies do not want to take on such work, because they are looking for clients for the whole day.

If there are mothers in your environment who want to hire a nanny, offer your services. They will certainly agree, because you are also a mother and you know how to deal with children. And it will be more interesting for several peanuts to walk together than one by one.

Mini garden or lessons early development

If you really love children (not only your own, but also strangers), feel the potential of a teacher in yourself and have a large living space, then you can try to open a mini-garden.

A small number of children of the same age group can be invited there. You set the time of their stay yourself. For example, if you do not have 4 baby cots and you do not plan to purchase them, then you can set the condition that parents must pick up the babies before 13.00.

This is a larger idea for a nanny, but it can also bring in several times more income.

In addition, you can try to conduct developmental lessons for children. This will take a maximum of 1 hour, and there can be up to 7 children in a group. You will need to learn as many rhymes as possible and look at examples of educational games. You don't need a lot of inventory. In most Early Childhood Development Centers, 70% of the teaching material is self-made. In such a business, the main thing is the desire to work and love children.


Outsourcing has become very popular in recent years.

Outsourcing this is when an enterprise shifts part of its direct responsibilities to another company or individual.

To make it clearer, let's look at an example. Mom was a good accountant before the decree. She has many friends of entrepreneurs who, due to lack of relevant knowledge, cannot keep accounts and draw up reports. Then they turn to this mother for help, who, sitting at home, will manage the accounting affairs of a friend's company.

Such a side job does not require any investment. It is enough to be a good specialist in a certain field.

Fashion designer, seamstress

Are you good at and love to sew? If your answer is yes, then you can earn money on your skill. Offer your services to neighbors, friends, acquaintances. Do not be afraid that there will be no customers. Each person periodically buys jeans, pants that need to be hemmed, and sooner or later all things require repair. Or maybe a neighbor loves exclusive things and will ask you to sew a skirt or jacket.


If you know foreign languages, or play musical instruments then you can start tutoring. Great if you have ever taught children or adults before. But even if you do not have a pedagogical education, but you know how to convey information intelligibly and clearly, you can try yourself in this area.

Lessons can be done at home. If this is not possible, then it remains to go to clients or conduct online lessons. When caring for a small child, it will not be easy for you to get out of the house, and it will be much easier to conduct training using a webcam.

Writing term papers, tests and theses

Modern students very often resort to the help of people who write essays, term papers, tests and even theses for them. If you have the necessary knowledge and skills, then you can offer your services to students.

I also wrote term papers and tests, but that was before the birth of my baby. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to do this on maternity leave.


If you love spending time in the kitchen and don't get bored with the stove, then you might want to try cooking for other people. We do not urge you to fry pies and go to sell them.

A year ago, I started making confectionery products to order. To be honest, I had never baked cakes until that time, but I decided to try it. For myself, I realized that the main thing is to learn how to bake a biscuit and make several types of creams. She covered and decorated cakes with mastic (it is very easy to do). Found clients through social media. networks.

I set a small price, so there were orders. I had to buy some confectionery equipment. I just lacked professional skills. I didn't have the time or the desire to finish cooking courses.

Now I only bake for my friends, because I found a more suitable way of earning. But many of my friends went further, trained as confectioners and make decent money doing what they love.

If you're afraid of baking cakes, try starting with cupcakes, gingerbread, or some brownies. Recently, candy bars have become very popular. This is a collection of a large number of sweet confectionery products.

Just be prepared that before your hobby starts to generate income, you will spend money on tools, materials and products.

Some enterprising mothers open in their kitchen culinary business. It is associated with the making of open pies called quiche. This is a distant resemblance to pizza. Such products are also ordered by office workers as a lunch and noisy companies “for beer”.

It does not matter what exactly you will cook, the main thing is that you like it and make a profit.

Breeding indoor plants

If you love very much houseplants, but there is nowhere to put them, try to sell them. Do not know who and what to implement? I'll tell you about a small business on my friend's maternity leave.

She is a big fan of violets. There are countless varieties and varieties of this plant. A friend collects entire collections at home, designs racks. In order for you to understand how many there are, I will say that she waters them every other day and this procedure takes 1.5 hours.

This is a rather capricious plant, but it is easy to breed. It is enough to break off one leaf and put it in water, and after it takes root, transplant it into the ground. There are entire groups in the social. networks where these plants are sold. Leaves without roots are sold cheaper, and plants already transplanted into the ground are more expensive. My friend sold plants via the Internet and at her main job among employees (before the decree).

Violets lovers are constantly updating their stocks, so they are actively looking for new species. As you can see, flowers can please not only the eye, but also the wallet.

Earnings on maternity leave for hobbies

Photographer, videographer

Sometimes on maternity leave, mothers discover new talents in themselves. For example, when photographing their children, they understand that they get very beautiful pictures. If you add good equipment and the ability to work in Photoshop to this talent, then you can make a good photographer.

If possible, be sure to sign up for photography courses and learn how to work in graphic editors. My neighbor did just that, and then she went to schools, kindergartens and offered her services (she made graduation albums).


Hand-made are products created by oneself, i.e. handmade. This direction is at the peak of popularity, because most people like exclusive things. If you like to create something, create with your own hands, we recommend turning your hobby into a tool for earning money.

There are a lot of hand-made directions. I will talk about the most popular and most profitable.

Making decorative candles

Even if you have never tried making decorative candles, you can learn how to do it. It is not difficult, but it will require some effort. First you need to find and read detailed instructions for their manufacture, purchase materials (they are not very expensive) and start experimenting.

The main thing is that your imagination should work well, because you will have to create by mixing aromas (candles can be scented), colors, and choose the design of each product. Success depends on this.

Soap making

This type of income is similar to the previous one. The difference is only in materials and tools. Here you will have to spend a little more, because the materials for making soap are more expensive than simple wax, which is necessary for making candles.

Do not be afraid that no one will buy your creation. If done correctly advertising campaign on the Internet (in particular, in social networks), then you can count on a regular flow of customers.


Embroidery is a very abstract concept. Needlewomen know that you can embroider paintings, icons, tablecloths and even clothes. In this case, various materials are used (ribbons, threads, beads, etc.) and different techniques are used.

If you enjoy embroidery and are good at it, I suggest using your hobby for profit. For example, if you are cross-stitching or ribbon-embroidering paintings, try selling them at exhibitions, online, or to your friends. At first, you can give your masterpieces to friends, and do not hesitate to tell that, if necessary, you can fulfill any orders.

My distant relative embroiders icons with beads and successfully sells them. Personalized icons are especially popular.

Making decorative ornaments

Surely you often see little girls with multi-colored rubber bands, hairpins, which are decorated with ribbons, on playgrounds. But these are homemade products of some craftswoman. Why don't you try it too?

There is a lot of visual information on the Internet on how to make hoops, hairpins and other jewelry. And in the store you can buy all the necessary material.

In parallel, you can engage in the manufacture of jewelry. To do this, you need to decide on the direction. Perhaps you will specialize in natural stone jewelry, or maybe you will prefer products made of polymer clay.

Remember that women at all times loved to adorn themselves with beads, earrings, bracelets, etc. Therefore, the demand for such products will be constant.

Knitting to order

If you are an excellent knitter and you have enough time for your hobby, you can start making knitwear to order. Great if you knit and knit and crochet. These knitting techniques allow you to make completely different masterpieces.

Tailoring of soft toys

The fair sex of any age love soft toys. Teddy bears are out of fashion, and factory-made toys no longer surprise anyone. If you know how to sew and feel the potential of a designer or fashion designer, then you can start with sewing soft toys.

Create a series of unique toys and sell them at fairs and sales. Perhaps they will bring you fame and recognition of millions of people.

Making money trees or beadwork (souvenirs)

Most office workers like to keep all sorts of trinkets (figurines, beadwork, etc.) on their desktops.

Now on the Internet you can find a lot of information on how to make all kinds of souvenirs. Trees made of natural stone, beads or coins are very popular. They are made quite simply, and their manufacture will not take a lot of materials.

A few years ago I became interested in making trees from beads. This is very interesting activity. Weaving is soothing and relaxing. She sold finished products through souvenir shops.

Production of wedding paraphernalia

Any wedding involves the presence of a large number of wedding attributes. These are festive boutonnieres, and beautifully decorated glasses of the newlyweds and chests for money. If you like this activity, then start creating.

You can sell ready-made products via the Internet or using wedding salons. It is also possible to make similar products to order. That way you won't "burn out".

My mother made a lot of beautiful things for my wedding, posted them on the Internet, after which there were several brides who asked me to do something similar for them.

Hand-made assumes the presence of certain skills, wild imagination and love for your work. If you have chosen one of these types of earnings, remember that it requires certain financial investments for the purchase of materials. Do not buy a lot of it, see if your small business bring income.

Work on the Internet

Do you believe that you can earn real money online? Now I will prove you otherwise. Millions of people earn daily without investments on the Internet, including mothers on maternity leave. Of course, there is a high probability of falling for scammers. But I will only talk about real proven methods of making money.

Copywriting (writing articles to order)

Everyone in school wrote essays or essays. Some have done better, some worse. Despite this, any mother can try.

When you go to any site, you see printed information. And after all these texts someone writes. It is unlikely that this is the owner of the resource itself. Most likely, he used the services of a copywriter, who was well paid.

There are specialized sites (exchanges) that help customers find contractors and vice versa. To get started, you need to register on such an exchange and view job offers.

In the first months, you will not receive exorbitant fees. At this time, you develop a reputation for yourself and improve your professionalism. With each article written, you can raise the cost of your services.

Don't be afraid that you won't succeed. Perhaps the potential of a great writer is hidden in you, but you don’t know about it.

On the this moment I make money by writing articles. I discovered my abilities by accident. I just read about such work, registered on the exchange, took an easy order and completed it. My first customer was satisfied and this inspired me. To be honest, at school I didn’t know how to write essays, and my mother wrote essays for me.

I don’t know where I later learned this, but now it’s enough, and my mother, when she also tried (on my advice), but abandoned this venture after the second order.


Absolutely all mothers use mass when caring for a child. cosmetics, hygiene products, etc. If you post your impressions about products, any hygiene products or equipment on certain sites, then you will be paid money for this.

There are several resources that pay money for leaving reviews. Moreover, you can describe not only food or hygiene products, but also share your impressions about shopping centers, shops, exhibitions, etc. For example, every mother has something to tell about the hospital where her baby was born, about which diapers are better, or describe the strengths and weaknesses of your stroller.

Do not expect millions in earnings, but cosmetics should be enough.

I worked on the Otzovik website. For a review there they pay from a few kopecks to 10 rubles. In addition to the text, you must attach a photo (but this is optional). The more useful information you post and the more photos you attach, the higher the price per review. I have never received more than 6 rubles for a review.

Earning on sales

Most purchases modern people carried out using the Internet. Someone buys lots of clothes, and then sells them, and someone acts as an intermediary. There are several ways to sell and each of them has its own characteristics.

Joint purchases

On joint shopping sites, orders are collected for the size of some thing (all sizes one at a time, for example, room slippers from 36 to 41 sizes). When there are those who wish for the entire batch, the goods are purchased on the wholesale site and sent to customers.

If you are an administrator, then it is you who will have to find people, collect money from them, place and receive orders, and send them to customers. For this, you can receive 10-15% of each item sold.

But remember that this is quite a difficult job. You will often need to go to the post office to receive / send orders.

I tried to become a JV administrator, but after I saw the amount of work, I gave up this venture.


There are people who sell products, while they do not even see it in the eyes. This is the so-called mediation or. The scheme is simple. or a group in social network, where you advertise the products of a wholesale supplier. At the same time, set the price of the product higher (the difference will be your earnings). If people are interested in some thing, they order it to you and pay in full. After that, you place an order with the supplier and ask that the order be sent immediately to the client.

This business is built on the trust of all parties. Often people are afraid to make an advance payment and bypass such sites.

I spent several months creating and filling albums with goods (specialized in women's clothing), looking for buyers. I made a small margin to gain the trust of customers. To be honest, I have earned a maximum of 500 rubles for all the time. All due to the fact that many are afraid to pay for the purchase without seeing the goods.


If you do not have any abilities, and you do not know what to do, you can try to make money on surveys. There are many sites that offer to answer certain tests, for which they promise to pay well.

All you have to do is register and wait for the task to be given to you. The disadvantage of such earnings is its irregularity. Even if you really need the money, you won't get anything until you've been surveyed.

I registered on 5 sites. And the first survey was sent to me only after 2 weeks. At that time, I had already found an alternative way to earn money, so I never took part in any survey. They are sent to me by email. mail so far.


There are sites on the network that offer money for the fact that you will go to certain sites, follow links. This type of income is called surfing.

Before starting work, you should understand that a simple job will not bring a lot of income, and it can take a lot of time.

Own blog or website

In order to get the maximum income on the network, you need a website. It will have to be constantly updated, filled with useful and the right information. It can be a resource where mothers will share their experience in raising children, ask each other questions, consult, etc.

In order to make it easier for you to determine which way of earning money for mothers on maternity leave is right for you, I propose to consider the following table.

Profession/occupation Degree of difficulty Initial investment Income level
Hairdresser / make-up artist average Yes average
Masseur average No high
Culinary high Yes high
Head of mini-garden high Yes high
Nanny average No average
Tutor high No average
Executor of term papers high No high
Outsourcing high No high
Fashion designer, seamstress average Yes average
Florist low Yes short
Photographer average Yes high
Handmade master: soap low Yes average
candles low Yes average
embroidery low Yes average
Stuffed Toys average Yes average
decorations low Yes average
knitting average Yes average
wedding paraphernalia low Yes average
copywriter average No average
Writing reviews low No short
Organizer of joint purchases average No short
Dropshipping low No short
Polls low No short
Surfing the net low No short
Earn money on your own website or blog high Yes high
Bank implementation. products average No average
Site administrator average No average
Programmer high No high
advertising agent high No average
Earning on youtube low No average

How not to fall for scammers

In any job there is a risk of being deceived. But those who decide to make money using the Internet need to be more careful. It is in the network that the maximum number of scammers is collected.

In order not to become their victim, adhere to the following rules:

  • Never, under any circumstances, pay anyone. Swindlers are very inventive, and their proposals do not seem unrealistic. For example, you decide by retyping handwritten materials. You may be asked to contribute a certain amount in order for you to gain access to their tasks. I once fell for such a scam, though I laid out only 100 rubles. After payment no one contacted me;
  • Under no circumstances send copies of your documents;
  • Don't take" business proposals that are linked to your bank accounts;
  • Do not see grandiose projects where they promise quick and big returns (money pyramids);
  • Be careful with . At first they will tell you that no investments are required from you, and then it turns out that in order to receive a salary, you need to buy or distribute products worth several thousand rubles;
  • Turn down offers where you are offered to grow flowers or mushrooms using high-efficiency hydroponics.

In order not to feel like a driven horse and have time for everything, follow these recommendations:

  • Plan your day. Determine the time intervals when you will work;
  • Work out a convenient schedule for yourself;
  • Tune in to the working mood in advance;
  • Keep a sleep schedule;
  • Don't blame your family and friends for your fatigue. Nobody forced you to work;
  • Distribute household chores among all family members;
  • Ask grandparents to babysit more often.

All the advantages and disadvantages of working at home for mothers on maternity leave


  1. You plan the day yourself;
  2. You do not have a strict boss (not counting the baby);
  3. You do not need to adapt to the team;
  4. You do not spend money on travel, lunches in cafes, etc.;
  5. Get financial independence;
  6. Develop, learn, improve as a person.


  • Life will turn into chaos if you do not learn how to properly plan your day ();
  • There is a high probability of losing control over your figure, because the refrigerator is constantly nearby;
  • Big risk of being deceived by scammers.
  • Conclusion

    For some people, working on maternity leave is unacceptable. Personally, I believe that this is a period when a woman should not cease to be part of society. In the modern world, there are a lot of activities that even the busiest mothers can do.

    Nevertheless, work should not distract you from the most important thing - the child! If you still decide to start earning money, then learn how to combine work, childcare and caring for your husband. If you succeed, then you will be a beautiful, happy and wealthy mom!


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