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Today, consulting is considered one of the most promising business areas in the niche of providing services. To organize his company in such a market segment, an entrepreneur must have knowledge in the field of consulting, as well as the ability to work with modern technologies.

But even with the high profitability and profitability of such a business, no one is immune from risks, since competition in this segment is constantly high. Moreover, to implement such an idea, a lot of money of start-up capital will be required.

Opening process

Let us immediately note that right business plan should contain an analysis of the segment of the consulting services market in the place where you want to open. Thanks to the fact that information about your competitors will be collected, you will be able to:

  • understand what kind of experience one should get in this business;
  • avoid the collapse of the company at the initial stage and in the future;
  • collect the necessary connections for the development of your agency;
  • understand how the company's development process works and where it is best to look for your customers;
  • determine how the agency will grow in the future in terms of the direction of service delivery.

Initially, you will have to deal with many processes on your own, for example, finding clients and processing applications. In order to be successful in this kind of work, it is important to constantly rely on the opinions of your customers, as well as on what they require. Let us also note that big role the registration form of your agency will play, it is best to look towards LLC.

Proper organization of all processes

Your regular customers will be entrepreneurs who manage small and medium business. In order to find clients, your business plan must provide market analysis information in the location where your office will be located. Only in this case, the analysis should be carried out in terms of the activity of entrepreneurs in all industries. In such an analysis, it is important to address the following questions:

  • economic analysis of market efficiency in the selected area or city;
  • the approximate number and list of organizations that may be potential clients at the initial stage;
  • the distribution of entrepreneurs by industry to draw up a general picture of competition in a particular market segment, which should also help in finding customers.

Please note that if in your area or city on this moment there is a process of freezing the economy, and there is no development, it will be very difficult to keep your new agency afloat. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to such a question from the very beginning of the path of planning your own business. Find out if there is support for small and medium-sized businesses, what indicators of economic growth and other nuances are important for understanding whether it is necessary to try to enter this market today or is it too early.


For a consulting company, at the initial stage, a medium-sized office will be quite enough, since large areas will simply lead to large expenses, and there will be little sense from this.

Regarding the arrangement of the premises, it should have everything necessary equipment to make it easy to work with clients. It is best to have several rooms in the office: for receiving people, for management, and so on. This will speak of the seriousness of the agency.

It is best to consider finding offices for rent in the city center, where there is a large variety of small and medium-sized companies that can become your clients sooner or later.

Advertising agency services

As you know, consulting agency has a lot of competition, because today the number of services offered is greater than the need for them.

But for many years, the right advertising campaign has helped to cope with competition. First, it is important to create a website for your company. It is important to include all the necessary information for potential clients about your services. And it is better to entrust the promotion of the site itself to SEO-specialists who are engaged in the withdrawal of sites in the TOP-10 in search engines. The cost of such pleasure per month is about 10,000 rubles.

In addition to the site, it is important to use standard methods, including:

  • placement of information in the media;
  • excellent location of the agency itself in terms of placing a banner on the building.

Niche entry cost

It is best to consider this point by drawing on the experience of small competitive firms that operate in small towns. To register a company and make an authorized capital, you will need about 20,000 rubles.

Approximately the same amount will need to be spent on the manufacture of a variety of promotional products, among which there will be signs, business cards and announcements. The purchase of software, computers, furniture will cost 100,000 rubles. Renting a room will depend on many factors, but we are considering a price of 20,000 rubles for this item.

As for additional costs, we can include the following:

  • salary for one employee - in the region of 15,000 rubles;
  • the cost of Internet and telephony at the level of 5000 rubles;
  • taxes up to 50,000 rubles;
  • various unforeseen expenses up to 10,000 rubles.

Thus, to start such a business, you should have at least 215,000 rubles at your disposal.

Agency Profitability

In addition, in order to attract potential customers, you must constantly develop your client base, which is done by several procedures:

  • provide a range of services that your competitors cannot offer;
  • try to conclude agreements with those enterprises that are just trying to open or have done so recently;
  • try to hire only professionals in their field to provide services High Quality. This will help not only to overtake competitors, but also to spread information about your company through word of mouth thanks to your customers;
  • constant advertising of their services through various promotions, discounts and other things that can draw attention to your services.

We also note that pricing also plays a big role in success. At the beginning of its journey, it is best for a consulting agency to make prices lower than those of competitors, and you can also organize different payment options:

  • per hour of work;
  • monthly payment;
  • for the project (development and implementation);
  • for the result, etc.

Thanks to the right approach to organizing such a business, its payback can be less than 6 months.

Having your own consulting agency is an opportunity. Many have heard of such a business, but not everyone understands its essence. But this is quite a promising and profitable business. Consulting services what it is - let's try to figure it out in this article.

Business features

Any, even the most promoted and productive company, periodically has to turn to professionals for help, that is, to real highly qualified specialists. Experienced employees of consulting companies provide clients with consulting services on a paid basis that help the client optimize his business.

First of all, they analyze the problem, after which they draw certain conclusions. Based on the data received, professionals draw up an action plan that will help to cope with a difficult situation. The services of a consulting company are quite in demand in our time, so such a business can be safely called profitable and promising.

Benefits of consulting as a business

  • small initial investment. To get the first profit from this type of activity, it is enough to have a phone and a computer with Internet access.
  • You can work in this business without special education. To get started, it is enough to learn how to compose commercial offers and conduct marketing analysis;
  • you will be able to grow professionally. Not every employment provides such an opportunity;

The consulting business will allow you to create an image successful person. Even if you ever change your direction of activity, you will still remain a professional in the eyes of customers.


  • Dealing with problem clients.
  • Main directions and types of consulting
  • A consulting company can provide different services. Among them, the most promising and demanded areas should be highlighted:

    Credit consulting

    It is difficult to find a company that has never been in business for all the time it has been in business. Even economically stable firms sometimes need such financial injections. To expand a business, you must have the means to do so. It is unprofitable to withdraw them from circulation, so many companies turn to competent consultants in the field of lending;

    Management consulting

    Any business cannot develop and make a profit without competent management. The provision of consulting services in this direction allows us to solve many problems;

    Small Business Consulting

    Small companies that have limited financial resources often turn to competent specialists for help. Keeping experienced consultants on staff is too expensive, so consulting services for a business that is at the stage of development, as a rule, are provided by third-party specialists. Thanks to their work, the profit of the enterprise begins to grow, so the work of professionals quickly pays off;

    In general, the sphere of consulting services includes many different areas.


    Before opening consulting firm, you need to collect the authorized capital in the amount of 100 minimum wages. This is a prerequisite, without which you will not be able to start working. In addition, you will need a bank account.

    After that, you should register a company in the Single Center and appoint a general director. It is also important to choose a unique name for the newly created business. You can check his identity in a special register.

    You will receive confirmation of registration within 10 days. After that you can rent legal address. It will cost 6-6.5 thousand rubles per year.

    To register a company, you need to collect the following documents

    • Memorandum of association;
    • company charter;
    • Applicant's signature (certified by a notary);
    • Receipt of payment of the state duty (2.1-2.5 thousand rubles);
    • Statement.

    If you seek the help of specialists, the organization of a consulting firm will not take you much time.

    Location and office

    For the organization of consulting services, you do not need a large office space. Renting an expensive office is a waste of money.

    The room should be equipped with a separate room in which company employees will work with clients. In addition, you will need a place to store information and documents. Another room should be equipped as an office for the head. The presence of such premises will testify to the seriousness and solidity of your company.

    It is advisable to rent an office in the city center in some modern business center where many large firms are concentrated.


    To work in the field of consulting, you do not have to buy special equipment. It is enough to purchase furniture, computers and office equipment.

    Since you will be working with clients in an office, this important point should not be overlooked. If you don't have the money to buy stylish furniture, you can rent it. It will cost you much less. But the purchase of computers will have to allocate their own funds.


    The choice of employees for the agency must be taken seriously and responsibly. You can expand this business different ways, but the most effective of them is competent qualified personnel who has experience in this area.

    You can select employees using advertisements in the media. But for this you will have to spend a lot of time. Many aspiring entrepreneurs turn to special agencies for help. They take small commissions for their work, but at the same time they show a fairly high-quality result.

    At the stage of formation, you should not promise employees high salary. This can cause you to go bankrupt a few months after you open your business. Over time, if things go well, the salary can be added.

    Business promotion and level of competition

    In the consulting business, there is high level competition. These days, offerings come to market much faster than consumers might need them. Therefore, in order for your business to develop, you need not only to develop a competent business plan for a consulting company, but also to create a website on the Internet. On it you need to lay out complete information about your company, as well as a list of services.

    Do not forget to constantly promote the resource so that it is in the TOP 10 search queries. You can also use the advantageous location of the office and advertising in the media.

    Business Profitability

    For a business to be successful, you need to develop a large customer base.

    There are several ways to do this:

    • Contracts with start-up companies;
    • High competence;
    • Providing additional services that are not offered by competitors;
    • Development of a certain market segment;
    • If you hire qualified employees and competently build advertising campaign, the initial investment will pay off in 3-4 months. The profitability of such a business is quite high.

    consulting business consulting business

    Financial investments

    Before you open a consulting company, you need to correctly calculate all the costs:

      • Authorized capital and registration - 15 thousand rubles;
      • Website development and promotion - 30 thousand rubles or more;
      • Logo, business cards, printing - from 10 thousand rubles;
      • Office furniture and computers - from 3 thousand dollars;
    • Room rental and communal payments- from 20 thousand rubles or more, depending on the location;
    • Telephone and Internet - 5 thousand rubles.

    For the opening small firm you will have to spend 6-7 thousand dollars. Also don't forget about wages employees, it is not included in this amount.

    * Calculations use average data for Russia

    "The main investment in the consulting business is getting clients." Alexander Karpov, CEO of RiK and head of the project, shares his experience in launching a consulting company.

    - Alexander, tell us a little about your company.

    Our company was founded in 2003 by a group of consultants who have been in the consulting business since 1995. Our topics are budgeting, management accounting, strategic management and organizational design.

    During this time, a large number of consulting projects have been completed on the restructuring of enterprises and groups, the introduction strategic management, budgeting and management accounting.

    Our company has 5 product lines: books, electronic methods, software products, workshops and management consulting.

    Many people think about starting their own business, but not everyone ends up opening it. Was it easy for you to decide to become an entrepreneur?

    I think I'm late with this decision. On my own previous work I have worked for 7 years. Now I believe that 3-4 years was enough. Although there is also an age factor. I started mine own business at 27 years old. For many types of businesses, you can say that this is a decent age, but for the consulting business, the opposite is true. A young consultant is very poorly perceived. Therefore, if I started 3-4 years earlier, then I might simply not be perceived properly. Although at the previous work in this regard there were no particular problems. True, I had to wear a beard to look older.

    I can say that the decision to start my own business was quite easy for me. It happened somewhat gradually, as my dissatisfaction with the way the consulting company I worked for grew. I increasingly disagreed with the technology of work. In the projects that I carried out, I followed other, as it seemed to me, more correct approaches in terms of benefit for the client. Once, during another dispute with CEO he told me something like this: “In my company, we will do this. If you think that this is not right, then you can do as you like, but only in your own company.

    And then I thought: why not? Of course, I did not make the decision to create my own company the next day, but this idea was very firmly planted in my head. And after a while, I made up my mind. In addition, I had certain financial savings that would allow me, in case of failure, to live for about a year. During this time I could either start new business or get a new job.

    - Why management consulting?

    First, I love this activity. And secondly, I have accumulated decent experience (7 years of work).

    - With what difficulties early stages doing business you are facing?

    Ready-made ideas for your business

    To be honest, I do not remember any significant problems, probably because I already had sufficient experience in this business. It's just that when I worked as a management consultant, I was mainly engaged in consulting work, and now I had to do everything myself. This, in general, is a common occurrence for small businesses.

    I can say that I was a little disappointed that I had to do, among other things, “uninteresting” work for me. But over time, I realized that you can not perform only those functions that you like. If you want a business to work, you need to do everything necessary for this, and it doesn’t matter if you like it or not.

    According to your estimates, what is the minimum amount with which you can start a consulting business today and what is required for this?

    If we are talking about the prospects for opening a consulting business in our time, then I would recommend that you approach this decision very carefully.

    If you have potential clients, you can start your consulting business right away. You don't even need an office for this. All you need is a computer with Internet access and a printer. If there are no potential customers, then it seems to me that it is better not to risk it. If it seems to someone that the consulting business does not require serious investments, then this is not entirely true.

    The main investment in the consulting business is just related to getting clients. These can be advertising costs or investments in some other distribution channels: creating your own marketing and sales service, for example, or creating and promoting a website, etc.

    Therefore, if there are no potential clients, then it is better not to create your own business yet, but to get a job as a consultant in an already existing consulting company. This is especially true if you have no experience in consulting. This strategy will allow you to:

      avoid unnecessary financial losses when starting your own business;

      gain experience as a consultant;

      study the model of work of a consulting company (the most important thing is how to get clients + naturally manufacturing process)

      make connections.

    After you have worked for some time (for example, a year) as a consultant, you will be able to understand whether you should even create such a business.

    Ready-made ideas for your business

    So, if there are potential clients, then the investment can be zero if you already have a computer with Internet access and a printer. If not, it's easy to calculate how much it might cost. One-time costs (computer and printer) can be about 30 thousand rubles. And monthly (Internet, paper, cartridges, etc.) somewhere on average 3 thousand rubles.

    If there are no potential customers, then the costs depend on the chosen customer acquisition strategy.

    Possible promotion channels:

      creation and promotion of the site;

      creation and organization of the work of the department (or group) of marketing and sales;

      writing and publishing books in the areas in which it is planned to provide consulting services, etc.

    Obviously, it is difficult to name even approximate amounts for each of these positions. For example, you can make a website yourself from ready-made templates, and free ones. Then it will cost nothing at all (except for the time spent). Website development can be ordered. Again, depending on the functionality of the site, the spread can be very large: from 5 thousand rubles. up to 300 thousand rubles and more.

    But here I would like to warn against unnecessary spending. The problem is that most of these offers are, in fact, one of the relatively honest ways to steal money. I even wrote an article about this: “How customers are promoted when promoting sites. Three main promotion methods. Non-professional for non-professionals. Perhaps my experience will be useful for those who are going to seriously engage in the promotion of their site with the involvement of specialized companies.

    As for the creation of a marketing and sales department, again, the costs here can vary greatly depending on the number of employees and the functions that they will perform. Of course, at the very beginning, the creator of the business can perform these functions, but over time, these functions can be transfer to other employees. If there is at least one person in the department, then at least he will need an equipped workplace(This is a one-time cost).

    Of the recurring costs, the main part will be wages. The next significant item may be the cost of long-distance telephone calls (if the company does not plan to limit itself to working in its region). If an idea arises to create a call center, then this will require a special software. You can work without it, but with a large volume of calls and contacts, keeping everything in your head or in Excel is not very convenient.

    Ready-made ideas for your business

    Another of the aforementioned ways of promotion is the publication of their own books on certain topics of management. By the way, I originally chose this strategy. It must be said that it is very costly both in terms of time and money, but these investments can be said to be “long-term”. Until now, this distribution channel is one of the main ones.

    First, it is much easier to persuade clients to buy books for little money first than to try to sell a consulting project right away. Secondly, the presence of books raises the credibility of consultants in the eyes of potential clients. In order to publish now one book with a circulation of, say, 1 thousand copies, 60-100 thousand rubles will be required, depending on the number of pages, paper, type of binding, etc.

    Thus, the initial costs for the promotion of this business can vary significantly depending on the chosen strategy for promoting products and services.

    Are there any additional administrative requirements (for premises, experience of specialists, etc.)?

    Regarding the premises, there are polar points of view. Someone thinks that the room in this business doesn't matter at all. After all, clients pay for the experience, skills and brains of consultants. And some believe that the office of a consulting company should be class "A" and located in the city center. Indeed, in this case, the company will look more solid and it will be easier to conclude a major contract. I think you can start without an office at all. Meetings with the client can be held on its territory. It’s even convenient for customers – they don’t need to go anywhere themselves.

    What can you save on and what should you not save on?

    It seems to me that in the beginning it is possible to save money on the office. Or even without an office at all, or, it’s easier to rent an office. Don't skimp on the quality of service. In particular, it is better to select a professional team of consultants. Yes, professionals will cost more, but the cost of their services is higher.

    - How long did it take you to pay back the initial investment?

    The initial investments in our case were: the publication of the first book with a circulation of 2 thousand copies and the creation of a website. It cost us about 170 thousand rubles (160 thousand for the publication of the book and 10 thousand for the creation of the site).

    The books themselves paid off only after about a year. But since the books were a channel for promoting our other products and services, the initial investment paid off in about 3-4 months.

    The first version of the site cost us relatively cheap - only 10 thousand. Over a year ago we launched new version site. We have already invested more than 300 thousand rubles in this site. This cost is due to the fact that the functionality of our new site is much more than the old one.

    The new version of our site allows users to subscribe to free e-courses, download free electronic books and demo versions of software products, take part in competitions (prizes: software products and free participation in seminars + additional discounts), maintain your blog, communicate on the forum, place orders in the online store, post your resume, select managers and specialists ( in the areas of economics, finance, accounting), take part in research, receive research results, publish your articles, etc.

    - Is there seasonality in your business?

    Yes, there is. The traditional decline in the summer months. January is a dead month. If the January holidays are further extended, I'm afraid that February will also become a "dead" month for consulting.

    - What kind of specialists should you pay special attention to? How did you select key employees?

    The key people in consulting are those who sell and those who do the work. Variants are possible when these functions (sales and production) are performed by the same people (consultants). The backbone of our team is already proven people with whom I have done more than one consulting project. But recruiting new consultants is a really difficult task.

    And there are two options: to select ready-made specialists or to train students.

    Each option has its pros and cons: Students know almost nothing, but they can be molded into what they need. Although recently students have become a very ungrateful public. They do not understand that they come to the company with complete zeros. They are trained and paid them for this salary. That is, for the money of the company they are made by specialists.

    Students learn quickly enough and they start star disease. About 15-20 years ago, students behaved differently. For example, when I came to a consulting company in my 3rd year, I understood that I was being trained interesting profession and didn't turn up his nose. There is another problem with ready-made specialists. It is very difficult to evaluate a person. There were many cases when people were able to present themselves very well, but in reality they turned out to be chatterboxes. I came to the conclusion that it is possible to test a consultant only in "combat" conditions.

    Obviously, during your work you have tried various ways of advertising. What kind advertising media proved their effectiveness, and which ones did you end up giving up?

    During our work, we really tried almost everything except television advertising. After trying various ways of active promotion, we came to the conclusion that in our case, advertising is a waste of money, and big money. contextual advertising in search engines, it may not be as costly as in offline media, but it also turned out to be ineffective.

    We came to the conclusion that in our case, the most effective of the active methods of promotion is phone calls. Therefore, the idea arose to create our own call-center. To automate the activities of this department, we have developed and created a special software module CRM (this is a separate module of INTEGRAL). We have developed all the necessary regulations and work technology for the call center employees.

    But we were not lucky. The project was launched at the very beginning of the crisis. All potential customers began to panic. They began to stupidly cut all the costs. It is clear that the consulting industry is one of the most affected by the crisis, because. the cost of consulting (in various formats) began to reduce in the first place. Therefore, almost all calls to customers were no more than 10 seconds long.

    All clients uttered approximately the same phrase: "Global crisis, we have no money, goodbye." Therefore, we had to freeze this project. Maybe it's time to resuscitate him. Although now this promotion channel is used in many companies, and everyone is already tired of intrusive calls.

    Of the passive methods of promotion, in our opinion, the most effective is your own Internet resource. It is necessary to invest in the creation and development of the site (if not money, then time) from the very beginning. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time to promote the site, but it's worth it.

    - What can you say about the competition in your business?

    Now it is a very competitive business. But this did not prevent the fact that every year (at least before the crisis) a lot of consulting companies appeared. Now, of course, the situation has changed significantly. Although, perhaps, during the crisis there will be fewer consulting companies, which means that competition may decrease.

    How do you see the prospects for further development? Do you plan to expand or open related areas?

    At the current time, we do not plan any significant expansion, because consulting market just started to recover. We will look for new promotion channels and improve the efficiency of existing ones.

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    Recently, many promising directions have appeared entrepreneurial activity. Consulting services have become especially popular. If everything is planned correctly and found target audience, such a business will bring a good income. Consulting services, what they are and why they are needed, we will understand in this article.

    What is consulting?

    Any, the most successful company, in the course of its activities, periodically seeks help from specialists. These services are provided by consulting firms. Their employees provide customers professional advice and also provide them with practical assistance in their work. For example, a person is interested in To get an answer to this question, he turns to a consulting company for help. Specialists will collect all the documents that will be needed for registering an enterprise, as well as draw up detailed business a plan that will become a reliable help in future work.

    As a rule, such companies employ professionals who have narrow but in-depth knowledge in a particular area. They can solve any issues related to commercial activities legal entity and give you all the necessary advice. Employees of the company are familiar with the intricacies of marketing and managerial work, therefore, can provide real assistance in the development of the enterprise.

    Many aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering why the services of a consulting company are so popular? Recently, almost all areas of entrepreneurial activity began to develop rapidly. In addition, technology is constantly changing large companies take over small businesses or merge with them into corporations. In this regard, the need for professional consulting services is constantly increasing. A few years ago, such specialists occasionally visited companies. Today, almost all enterprises need the provision of consulting services on an ongoing basis, so this type of commercial activities brings good profit.

    Main types of consulting

    It should be noted that the sphere of consulting services is a fairly universal business, which includes several areas:

    Scheme: types of consulting

    • Credit consulting. Many companies that do not want to withdraw funds from circulation take loans to expand and develop the enterprise. Specialists will help you develop and implement a project that will not only cover the interest on the loan, but also make a good profit;
    • Management consulting is very popular, because any business cannot exist without competent management;
    • Small business consulting is one of the most promising areas of activity. Small companies that are not financially able to hire competent specialists need professional support. Therefore, they seek help from organizations that provide consulting services to businesses. Thereby small companies achieve success and reach a new, higher level.

    Advantages and disadvantages of external consulting

    Consulting is a new line of business, so newcomers can easily take their place in the market for these services. Highly qualified consultants are required everywhere, especially in the regions. If you decide to do such a thing, you can safely start working in this direction. To organize consulting services, you do not need a large start-up capital. In addition, you do not have to buy equipment or raw materials. In order to work as a consultant, you do not need to provide special certificates or diplomas. These are the main advantages that attract beginners to this type of activity.

    Business registration

    Now let's figure out how to open a consulting firm. The Business Consultant must meet the following requirements:
    • Age 30-35 years, because young people do not inspire confidence in customers;
    • Respectable appearance;
    • Work experience;
    • Psychological stability.

    As for the legal form of the enterprise, it is best to open an LLC. For this, it is necessary to develop founding documents and pay the fee.

    It will take a lot of time to organize a consulting firm. If you cannot do this on your own, seek help from specialists who, for a fee, will draw up all the necessary documents.

    List of services

    To achieve success in this business, it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan for a consulting company, which will help organize its work in the right perspective.

    Most requested services:

    1. Accounting. Any enterprise, regardless of its scale, cannot do without it. Professionals will correctly place all the accents in the documentation, which will significantly increase the profitability of the business;
    2. Audit. Consultants check financial statements and control the feasibility of costs;
    3. Help in development. Experts give specific advice on how to improve the work of the enterprise;
    4. Tax consultants offer clients legal ways to reduce tax payments;
    5. Legal support of transactions;
    6. Search for qualified employees for employment in the company;
    7. Marketing research of the market;
    8. Public relations and advertising.

    Before you draw up a business plan for a consulting company, you must first determine the list of services that you will offer clients and find specialists who have experience in this area.

    Anyone can open a consulting company, regardless of social status or age. The most important thing is knowledge and experience in some certain area. For example, you have been involved in charity work for several years and are familiar with all the nuances of this activity. In that case, why not sell your knowledge to those people who are interested in . Helpful Hints and recommendations of an experienced specialist will help them quickly resolve all organizational issues and get to work.

    Another example - you helped your friend start his own business in the field of education, so you know, and establish a learning process. Such knowledge is needed by people who plan to work in this area, but do not have free time to organize their own business. They are willing to pay money for someone to take over all this work for a fee.

    This activity is profitable for both parties. Businessmen get the opportunity to quickly open their own business and get a positive result, and the entrepreneur will receive a certain payment for his work.


    Before you open a consulting company, carefully consider the prospects for its development and make plans for the near future. In order not to lose your business, you need to work hard and constantly look for new customers. Don't forget about staff development as well. Remember that success largely depends on how seriously and responsibly you take the matter.

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      Working capital of the enterprise, its composition and structure, sources of formation. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of working capital, determination of the need for it. general characteristics enterprises, calculation of the composition and structure of working capital.

      term paper, added 01/27/2012

      Creating a business plan for the purpose of justification economic efficiency production of medical and dietary bakery products. Analysis of the product range, assessment of the sales market and competitors. Planning production activities and financial results.

      term paper, added 02/20/2012

      Appointment, mathematical model business plan. The content of its sections. Indicators of the effectiveness of the use of the company's capital. Reengineering of business processes. Analysis economic activity enterprises, development of a system of economic plans for the company.

      term paper, added 08/21/2016


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