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International Internet Day is celebrated on April 4 - the day (of the death) of Saint Isidore of Seville, the patron saint of students and students, who created the first-ever encyclopedia Etymologiae in 20 volumes. Also, the date 4.04 is very similar to the HTTP 404 error. In 1998, the Catholic Church recognized the World Wide Web as a treasure trove of human knowledge.

But there is still no consensus on this matter. What is the Internet? World Wide Web. It is from this definition that we will “dance”. Here are just some of the dates:

The prototype of the Internet was the ARPANET program - the development of the US military department. This work began in the year of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. And only by 1969 the project brought its first encouraging results. But before real implementation and the creation of the global network remained for another 20 long years.

On October 29, 1969, the first communication took place in the ARPANET system between two computers located in different cities.
The first attempts were, of course, primitive, but for developers it became the starting point in creating the Internet. But the term "Internet" itself was used only in 1973.

American engineer Ray Tomlinson created email on October 2, 1971, and came up with the now well-known @ symbol.
True, in this case, we can rather talk about the birthday of e-mail than the entire Internet.

There are other dates claiming to be the birthday of the Internet. But most of them can be applied to a purely technical side.
For example, on January 1, 1983, the ARPANET switched to the still existing TCP/IP protocol. And on May 8, 1983, the DNS (domain name) system came into effect. But if we continue to delve into the technical jungle, then we will drown in the sea of ​​"Danish" information. If desired, you can "dig up" and many other dates.

Years of research in the field of Internet technologies resulted in the fact that the talented British scientist Tim Berners-Lee, working at the scientific organization CERN (Geneva), in 1989 proposed a global hypertext project.
Based on this, the fundamental concepts of the Web were laid: HTTP, HTML, URL. To apply such standards, the scientist created the first web browser - WorldWideWeb (which has grown into the WWW service).

Before the invention of these key concepts The Internet was mostly accessible and understandable to a small circle of specialists. And only after the creation of these, without exaggeration, revolutionary technologies, the Internet stepped into the masses.

The first website based on these basic elements was created and hosted by Tim Berners-Lee on August 6, 1991. And therefore it is logical to consider the real birthday of the Internet - August 6th. And already further, on the basis of these main principles, the Internet began to improve and develop. And after the advent of the first graphical browser Mosaic on April 22, 1993, surfing the Internet became possible to do with a “light movement of the hand”, using only the mouse, without going into the complex intricacies of programming tricks.
On April 30, 1993, CERN, in the depths of which epoch-making developments were born, announced that the Internet would be free for everyone. Tim Berners-Lee is rightfully considered the "Father of the Internet". But in fairness, it must be said that many highly qualified scientists have contributed to the creation of the Network. Just a British scientist skillfully accumulated all the achievements, which led to the creation of the World Wide Web.

In general, there are many “fathers of the Internet”, but there is only one “mother”. It is an indisputable fact that the Internet has become a powerful and useful socio-cultural tool.

The Internet performs so many functions that now we cannot live without it. Therefore, it is quite logical to declare international day global network "Internet", which is celebrated annually on April 4.

In addition, some in Russia consider April 7 Runet Day, because on this day in 1994, an entry about the, that is, the Russian-speaking part of the World Wide Web, appeared in the international database of national top-level domains.

Holiday calendar in April


I remember a wonderful moment
I connected the Internet
Like an unearthly pleasure
Like knowledge, an unquenchable light!

In one minute, in a single moment
"Real" has been forgotten by me since then ...
What marvelous pictures
On my monitor were!

What sites were opened
Giving true Eden,
What files did I download
And day and night! .. But meanwhile

Running out of traffic...Enraged
The admin cut my way out,
And I closed the Nets Cape worthless
And the computer sadly turned off ...

Like an insignificant slave in a dungeon,
Like a brave lion locked up
I lived - without chat, without e-mail,
No cute sites, no network!

But time passed, and anger at mercy
Changed my Admin, lifting the ban,
And a wonderful thing happened -
I have been admitted to the Internet!

And the heart beats again, as it should,
With me again - gop tsa-tsa! -
My Internet, my joy,
And a computer, and traffic without end!

In Russia, every year on September 30, it is customary to celebrate Internet Day. It must be said that several attempts have already been made to establish the International Day of the Internet, various dates have been proposed for this. But they were never officially approved. In many countries today there are also national Internet Days.

The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks. Names such as "World Wide Web" and "Global Web" are known. In everyday life, it is often called simply "Inet".

Nowadays, there are many options for connecting to the Internet. Our modern life it is almost impossible to imagine without the World Wide Web.

The history of the holiday September 30 - Internet Day

celebrate in Russia offered in 1998 by IT Infoart Stars. She sent out a proposal to various organizations and firms to create an annual holiday - Internet Day and appoint it to September 30th. It was also proposed to organize a census of "the population of Runet". Note that at that time there were about one million users.

Internet history

Recall that not so long ago the global network celebrated its fortieth anniversary. The history of the Internet began on September 2, 1969.

Then a group of researchers, consisting of 20 scientists, met in the laboratory of Len Kleinrock at the University of California at Los Angeles. They gathered there to observe an event of the greatest importance - two computers using an ordinary cable, the length of which was 3 meters, exchanged test data with each other. Thus the Internet was born. It can be said that a new era has begun in the history of the development of human civilization.

In 1988, the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol was developed, which made it possible to communicate on the network in real time. In Europe, in 1989, the concept of the World Wide Web arose, the author of which was the famous scientist Tim Berners-Lee from Britain.

In 1990, the first ever connection to the Internet was made using telephone line. The World Wide Web went public on the Internet in 1991.

The Internet in its modern form appeared on May 17, 1991. Up to this point, already existed and were widely used such services as Email, file transfer and newsletters. And on this day, the standard for WWW (World Wide Web) pages was approved.

We can say that the World Wide Web since 1996 has almost completely replaced the concept of "Internet".

According to statistics, worldwide by mid-2008, the number of regular Internet users accounted for almost a quarter of the entire population of the Earth.

On April 4, in some countries of the world it is customary to celebrate International Internet Day.

In 1998, it was established by the head of the Roman Catholic Church, John Paul II. The Internet has even received its own patron saint. Since 2000, it has been customary to consider Saint Isidore of Seville, although this has not been officially approved by the church. Isidore of Seville was a Spanish bishop and lived from 560-636. The choice fell on this saint, because. he is considered the first encyclopedist who made a significant contribution to the history of the Middle Ages.

It should be noted that there is even such an unusual holiday as "International Day WITHOUT the Internet." It is celebrated on January 27, and its founders encourage everyone to spend a whole day in the “real” world at least once a year.

The date of April 7 is considered by some in our country as Runet Day. This is due to the fact that the first appeared in the international database on this day in 1994. But the Internet first came to our country even earlier - about 14 years ago. It was then that the ".SU" domain - Soviet Union was officially registered. Then came the collapse Soviet Union. Shortly thereafter, the ".SU" domain was frozen, and a new domain, ".RU", was created on the Internet.

Without the Internet, life stands still
And does not bring good news.
This web embraced our world -
We are in the social We live in networks, we are waiting for guests there.

The expanses of the Internet are endless -
You will find the answer to any question.
Even he will help you in your personal life,
Even if they say it's not serious.

Let the modems work without failure,
Spam will not reach your email
Let the viruses always pass by
And the speed of the Internet is only growing.

On the thirtieth of September in Russia relatively recently began to celebrate the Day of the Internet. But the date quickly fell in love and gained popularity, since by now there is practically not a single person left in the Russian Federation who does not know how to use a PC or at least does not have access to the Global Network on his mobile device. On the international level There were attempts to sanction the date about three times, but all attempts were unsuccessful.

history of the holiday

The history of this date in Russia is interesting and rather unusual. It all started with the fact that the IT Infoart Stars company from the capital sent out messages to organizations and firms. The messages asked the addressees to support the initiative on several issues. The first paragraph was the date.

It was proposed to make the thirtieth of September the Russian Internet Day. The next point concerned the frequency of the celebration. The initiative group focused on the creation of an annual celebration. Plus, the initiator of the formation of such a festive date insisted on conducting the so-called population census in the Russian-speaking part of the global web space.

Today, the Internet has become an integral part of the life of Russians. According to recent studies, the number of people in our country using the Internet every day is about 80 million, and this number is increasing every year. The leader in Internet penetration is Moscow, where more than 70% of residents use the network. In second place are St. Petersburg and the Republic of Karelia, where the share of Internet users among the population is about 60%.

He created the first ever encyclopedia "Etymologiae" in 20 volumes. Also date 4.04 is very similar to HTTP 404 error.

In early February 2001, information appeared (with reference to the Dutch bishop Antoon Hurkmans) that Pope John Paul II chose Saint Isidore of Seville as the patron saint of Internet users. Candidates were considered for St. Rita of Casca, Father Pius, the Apostle Philip, and even the Archangel Gabriel. However, this decision has not been officially announced. Moreover, the Vatican announced the nomination of another candidate for the post of patron saint of the Internet - the holy martyr Titus Brandzma, who was killed by the Nazis in the year in the Dachau concentration camp.


By country


Internet Day

Runet's birthday

In addition, some consider April 7 to be Runet Day, since on this day in 1994 an entry about the .ru domain appeared in the international database of country code top-level domains.


April 29 Uznet's birthday is marked by the Uznet's birthday. It was on this day in 1995 that the .uz domain was created.


Alternate event

On January 27, the world community celebrates "International Day WITHOUT the Internet." The organizer of this holiday are enthusiasts around the world, passing their ideas through the online community "Do Be".

see also



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Internet Day" is in other dictionaries:

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International Internet Day April 4 is celebrated annually on the day of the death of St. Isidore of Seville, the patron saint of students and students, who created the first ever encyclopedia "Etymology" in 20 volumes. Date 4.04 is very similar to the HTTP 404 error.

Internet Day is celebrated annually in many countries around the world - the purpose of this holiday is to show the possibilities of new technologies to improve people's living standards by providing them with a deeper understanding of technology and its functions.

History of the Internet. The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks. The system has several other names - "worldwide network" and "global network". The advent of the Internet has made the life of most people more interesting and rich, and also greatly simplified it. Research in the field of information transmission began in the early 1960s. In 1969, the development of a computer network was entrusted to the University of California at Los Angeles, the Stanford Research Center, the University of Utah and the University of California at Santa Barbara. Computer network was called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), and in 1969 the network brought together four of these scientific institutions as part of the project. Then the ARPANET network began to actively grow and develop, scientists from different fields of science began to use it. This was the beginning of a new era in the history of the development of human civilization.

In 1988, the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol was created, which allowed real-time communication on the network. In 1989, in Europe, within the walls of the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN), the concept of the World Wide Web was born. It was proposed by the famous British scientist Tim Berners-Lee, who within two years developed the HTTP protocol, the HTML language and URIs. And a year later, in 1990, for the first time, they connected to the Internet using a telephone line. By 1991 The World Wide Web became public on the Internet. At the same time, the standard for www (World Wide Web) pages was approved.

In 1998, the Catholic Church recognized the World Wide Web as a treasure trove of human knowledge.

Who is the patron of the Internet. In 1999, the Catholic Church presented several candidates for the position of patron of the Internet - Saint Isidore, Saint Tecla and Saint Pedro Regalado.
In early February 2001, information appeared (with reference to the Dutch Bishop Antoon Hurkmans) that Pope John Paul II had chosen St. Isidore of Seville as the patron saint of the Internet. Isidore of Seville became temporary patron. Arguing his decision to appoint this saint as the patron of the Internet, John Paul II said that the Internet is a kind of encyclopedia of human knowledge. The Catholic Saint Isidore of Seville was a Spanish bishop who lived from 560-636. He was the first to introduce the works of Aristotle to Spain, was a reformer and a man of broad views. Isidore of Seville is considered the first encyclopedist who made a significant contribution to the history of the Middle Ages. He is the author of the 20-volume work "Etymology" (Etymologiae). It was, in fact, the world's first encyclopedia. In it, in order to explain the meaning and origin of words, a huge amount of material was collected, covering the entire amount of knowledge of the era. In addition, it was Isidore of Seville who first used the system of cross-references in his work, which vaguely resembles the hyperlinks used on the web.

It so happened that none of the dates became traditional for the whole world, and in some countries their own dates for celebrating Internet Day were set. For example, September 30 was chosen in Russia, and April 29 in Uzbekistan.

Photo: iStock/Global Images Ukraine


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