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Publishing house "Education and Informatics",
All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Society of Educators
announce the 2018 anniversary

XV All-Russian competition
scientific and practical work on the methodology of teaching informatics and informatization of education
dedicated to the release
300th issue of the journal "Computer Science and Education"

At the beginning of 2019, the INFO editors and all our readers will have two significant events at once: firstly, the 300th anniversary issue of the journal Informatics and Education will be published, and, secondly, it will sum up the results of the anniversary, fifteenth, INFO contest.

The first issue of the scientific and methodological journal "Computer Science and Education" was published in August 1986. The creation of the journal was caused by the demand of the time - teachers were in dire need of methodological support in solving urgent problems of implementation in teaching practice new general education course "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering".

Vladimir Andreevich Melnikov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (at that time, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR), became the first editor-in-chief of INFO; articles by Academicians Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov and Andrei Petrovich Ershov were published in the first issues of the journal. The participation of the academy in the life of the journal emphasized the importance that the scientific community attached to the new school subject - already in those years there was an understanding that computer science would play essential role in the development of education in the XXI century.

The articles of the leading scientists who stood at the origins of school informatics - Alexander Andreevich Kuznetsov, Mikhail Pavlovich Lapchik, Vadim Semenovich Lednev, Vadim Makarievich Monakhov, Alexei Lvovich Semenov, Alexander Yuryevich Uvarov - not only provided significant assistance to teachers in their daily practical work, but also revealed the significance and prospects of using information technologies in education.

On the pages of the journal, informatics has always been considered as the basis of informatization, therefore there have always been two equal directions in it: methods of teaching informatics and informatization of education. The journal not only set guidelines in the development of computer science teaching methods, provided examples of competent construction of lessons on this subject, but also offered materials in which well-known theoreticians and practitioners formed and developed theoretical basis and practical aspects informatization of education, the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process.

During its existence, school informatics has undergone tremendous changes, having come a long way from a “computer literacy course” to a full-fledged general educational subject. And throughout this long distance, the journal not only reflected the changes that took place in the subject "Informatics", but also took a direct part in its successful development. Authors of programs and school textbooks on informatics, developers of electronic educational resources, and practicing teachers gradually replenished the journal's team of authors.

A huge number of innovative teachers became the authors of the magazine thanks to the INFO competition, which the Education and Informatics publishing house has been holding since November 2003. Many teachers, having once decided to send their work to the INFO competition, later became its permanent participants, and some became multiple laureates and diploma winners. Among the names of the authors of the current issues of the journals Informatics and Education and Informatics at School (which began to be published in 2002 as an appendix to the journal Informatics and Education, and then grew into an independent publication), one can meet many those who at one time became the winner of the competition.

At present, school informatics faces new challenges, determined by new directions of development and modernization of the Russian school. New education standards and a significant expansion of ideas about the requirements for educational results, improvement of the USE and procedures for assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren, the creation of a new information and educational environment and the organization of network interaction between participants in the educational process - all these aspects of the update are reflected in the pages of the journals "Computer Science and Education" and Computer science at school.

Our journals are faithful assistants not only for those who are directly involved in school computer science. A modern school is unthinkable without an information and educational environment, modern education it is impossible to imagine without information and communication technologies, therefore teachers of various subjects, heads of the education system, developers of new ICT tools, creators of digital educational resources turn to the pages of our publications.

We are confident that all the various directions in the development of the educational system of the 21st century will be reflected in the works of the new INFO competition, and we invite you to participate in it.

I. Competition Organizing Committee

Manages the competition Organising Committee(hereinafter - the Organizing Committee), consisting of representatives of the Russian Academy of Education, leading methodologists, members of the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Society of Educators, members of the editorial boards of the journals "Computer Science and Education" and "Computer Science at School", employees of the joint editorial office of journals.

II. Goals and objectives of the competition

  1. Support and dissemination of the experience of teachers and educational organizations for implementation in educational practice modern methods and teaching aids and education management.
  2. Identification and support of talented teachers, methodologists, heads of educational organizations and education authorities interested in the development of innovative educational technologies.
  3. Inclusion of teachers, methodologists, heads of educational organizations and education authorities in the development of new content of education, new educational technologies, teaching methods and education management.
  4. Creation of an information and educational space on the website of the publishing house "Obrazovanie i Informatics", as well as on the pages of the magazines "Informatics and education" and "Informatics at school" for the exchange and dissemination of experience in the implementation of innovative educational technologies.
  5. Improving the information culture and information and communication competence of all participants in the educational process.

III. Terms of participation in the competition

  1. Any work on the methodology of teaching informatics and informatization of education can be submitted for participation in the competition.
  2. Any person associated with work in the education system can become a participant in the competition.
  3. The age of participants is not limited.
  4. A contestant can be an individual applicant or a group of authors.
  5. Participants of the competition can be both citizens of Russia and citizens of other countries who sent their materials in Russian.
  6. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted only by filling out the form on the website of the publishing house "Education and Informatics".
  7. The form of participation in the competition is correspondence.
  8. In addition to the main competition each work can be submitted by the author for online voting on the website of the Education and Informatics publishing house.

IV. Terms and stages of the competition

  1. Works for the competition are accepted from June 1 to November 1, 2018 inclusive. Entries submitted after November 1, 2018 will not be allowed to participate in the competition.
  2. Voting on the site for works submitted for online voting will be held from December 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019 inclusive.
  3. Competition results will be summed up before February 1, 2019 and published on the website of the publishing house "Obrazovanie i Informatics", as well as in the journals "Informatics and education" and "Computer science at school" No. 1-2019.
  4. Best works will be published in the journals Informatics and Education and Informatics at School.

V. Criteria for evaluating competitive works and summing up the results of the competition

Criteria for evaluating competitive works

  1. The originality of the disclosure of the topic, creativity, the presence of independent ideas, novelty and relevance of the work.
  2. The use of innovative pedagogical technologies, the diversity and expediency of methodological techniques.
  3. The possibility of scaling the work and projecting it to other educational organizations.
  4. Systematic and structured presentation of the material.
  5. Stylistically and orthographically correct presentation of the material.
  6. Availability of author's didactic support (multimedia presentation, video, interactive test, website, etc.).

Evaluation of works submitted for online voting

  1. All works submitted for online voting will be published on December 1, 2018 in the public domain on the website of the Education and Informatics publishing house on behalf of the author of the work after preliminary moderation by the Organizing Committee.
  2. Works are evaluated only by registered users on the site.
  3. Voting is closed.
  4. Each registered user can vote for each of the submitted works, but not more than once.
  5. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to cancel the voting for any work or withdraw the work from participation in the competition in case of an attempt to artificially cheat votes.
  6. Online voting winners will be marked special diplomas. Receiving a special diploma based on the results of online voting does not restrict the participant from receiving a jury diploma for the same work (that is, a participant can receive two diplomas for the same work - a special diploma based on the results of online voting and a jury diploma).
  7. The results of online voting will be taken into account by the jury when summing up the overall results of the competition.

Contest winners will receive (free of charge):

  1. Diploma from the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Society of Educators and the publishing house "Education and Informatics".
  2. Electronic subscription to the journals "Computer Science and Education" and "Computer Science at School" for 2019.
  3. One printed copy of the journals "Computer Science and Education" No. 1-2019 and "Computer Science at School" No. 1-2019, in which the results of the competition will be published.
  4. Author's printed copy of the journal with the published work.

VI. Requirements for the materials submitted for the competition

1. Composition of materials submitted for the competition.

1.1. The following must be submitted to the competition:

  • competitive bid (see clause 2);
  • competitive work (see clause 3);
  • photograph of the author of the work (see paragraph 4);
  • if necessary, the work may be accompanied by additional materials (see clause 5);

1.2. All competitive materials - competitive work, photo of the author of the work, additional materials (if any) - must be submitted in one archive. The name of the archive file should look like this: Surname_Name_Patronymic.rar, where Surname_Name_Patronymic is the data of the author of the work.

2. Competitive application.

2.1. The application must be submitted through a special one (for this you need or).

2.2. The archive file with the competitive materials must be uploaded to a file exchanger. In the application form, in the "Message for the Organizing Committee" field, a link for downloading the file must be indicated. There can be any file exchanger, but it is desirable that working with it does not involve entering a password, download quota, time delay, etc., since all this makes it difficult to process competitive materials. (For example, no need to use the file exchanger http://file sharing.rf/, since it offers paid downloads, and if you refuse it, it puts huge delays and download quotas.)

3. Competitive work.

3.1. At the beginning of the work, the following information is indicated ( be sure to follow the sequence below ):

3.1.1. Job title.

  • surname, name, patronymic of the author in full;
  • academic degree (if any);
  • academic title (if any);
  • position of the author in an educational institution;
  • educational institution (full official name without abbreviations);
  • address educational institution(required - with an index);
  • phone number of the educational institution (required - with area code).
  • home postal address (required - with an index);
  • home phone (mandatory - with area code);
  • mobile phone;
  • email address (e-mail).

If the work is collective, the information in paragraphs 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 is indicated for each of the authors.

3.1.4. Annotation. (Examples of abstracts can be found on the journal issue pages and , where the abstracts for each article are presented.)

3.1.5. Keywords(no more than 10 words/phrases).

3.2. The work must contain list of sources used:

  • the number of sources in the list is at least 15;
  • the list should first include all sources in Russian, then all sources in Latin;
  • the sources in the list must be ordered alphabetically;
  • for each Internet link in the list of sources, its name must be indicated (you can get the name for the Internet page by opening the "Page Information" window in the browser);
  • all sources from the list should be referenced within the work - in square brackets.

3.3. Design options:

  • editor - MS Word;
  • sheet size - A4;
  • margins - 20 mm from all sides;
  • font - Times New Roman;
  • font size - 12 points;
  • distance between lines - one and a half intervals;
  • graphic materials are inserted into the text.

3.4. Workload: no more than 15 pages. The indicated volume does not include general information about the work and about the author of the work.

3.5. Job file name should look like this: Surname_Name_Patronymic.doc, where Surname_Name_Patronymic is the data of the author of the work.

3.6. In case of winning the competition, the work will be published in one of the magazines - "Computer Science and Education" or "Computer Science at School", that is, in fact it should be a journal article, and all information must be in one text file. You can attach a presentation, samples of handouts, etc. to the work, but only as additional material.

4.1. Competitive work must be accompanied by a photo of the author (authors). When choosing a photo to send it to the Organizing Committee of the competition, we strongly recommend that you take into account that the photos of the winners of the competition will be placed on the cover of the Informatics and Education magazine, so they should be quite formal.

4.2. Technical requirements to the photo:

  • resolution - at least 300 pixels per inch;
  • size (at least) - 4 cm wide, 5 cm high (at a resolution of 300 pixels per inch);
  • the photograph must be submitted in a separate TIFF or JPG file;
  • the file name with the photo should look like this: Surname_Name_Patronymic.jpg, where Surname_Name_Patronymic - data of the author of the work;
  • the photo must be full-face (but not passport-official!), the body is straight or at an angle of up to 20 degrees;
  • Shoulders and forearms must be visible in the photo;
  • hands must be lowered, i.e. a photograph in which the hand is raised to the face will not be accepted;
  • the head should not be cut off - neither from above, nor from the side;
  • from the top of the head to the top edge of the photograph there must be a space of at least 5 mm with a total height of the photograph of 5 cm; accordingly, if the photograph is 10 cm high, this distance must be at least 10 mm;
  • lighting - average homogeneous;
  • there should be no glare and red eyes;
  • there should not be any lighting and color effects - both natural and superimposed in any program, including those built into the camera;
  • clothing color - not dark, not variegated, not contrasting with the background or skin color;
  • clothes without folds, without large decorative elements - bows, ribbons, buds, aiguillettes, etc. Do not use massive brooches, pendants, "chandelier" earrings. Ties, chains, bow ties, O- and V-necks should be symmetrical and centered along the vertical line with the nose.

5. Additional materials for the competitive work.

5.1. Additional materials can be attached to the work: a presentation, program listings, handout samples, etc.

5.2. Additional materials must be submitted as an archive (archives - rar or zip).

5.3. The name of the file with additional materials should look like this: Surname_Name_Patronymic_ADDITIONS.rar, where Surname_Name_Patronymic is the data of the author of the work.

6. Originality of work.

6.1. The materials submitted for the competition must be original - not previously published in printed or electronic publications, including on the Internet.

  • not previously published anywhere;
  • not submitted for simultaneous publication in other publications (including electronic ones);
  • will not be submitted for simultaneous publication in other publications (including electronic ones) until the results of the competition are summed up, and in the case of works that have become winners of the competition and / or recommended by the jury for publication, - until the publication of the work in one of the journals - "Computer Science and Education" or "Informatics at school".

VII. Important Notes

  1. Reviews of works are not sent to the authors.
  2. Within three workers days you should receive a message from the Organizing Committee of the competition that the work has been accepted for participation in the competition or rejected from participation. See paragraphs 3-5 below for the conditions under which a work may be rejected from participation in the competition.
  3. Applications, the execution of which does not meet the requirements of the Organizing Committee, will not be considered. (In particular, if not all contact details are indicated.) In this case, you will receive a message about the rejection of the work from participation in the competition.
  4. Works, the design of which does not meet the requirements specified in section VI “Requirements for materials submitted to the competition. competitive work, will not be considered
  5. Applications without a photo or with a photo that does not meet the requirements specified in the section “Requirements for materials submitted to the competition. Photo of the author competitive work», will not be considered. In this case, you will receive a message about the rejection of the work from participation in the competition. Be sure to check the resolution of the photo before submitting materials to the contest!

VIII. Certificate of participation in the competition

Documents of the winners of the competition - a diploma, copies of the journals "Computer Science and Education" and "Computer Science at School" No. 1-2019, in which the results of the competition will be published, as well as the author's copy of the journal with the published work - will be sent to the authors is free.

Other contestants can receive a certificate of participation, which will be prepared upon individual request.

The cost of issuing a certificate is 490 rubles for a printed certificate and 290 rubles for an electronic certificate. Payment can be made using bank card on our website.

Note! An application for a certificate is accepted only after confirmation that the work has been accepted for the competition.

IX. Additional Information

All questions can be asked at e-mail: or as a comment to this post (requires or ).

The competition of pedagogical skills among teachers of computer science is held by the Konspektek information portal in order to stimulate the exchange of professional experience, as well as to promote the development creativity teachers.

To participate in the competition of developments in informatics, you must go through the registration procedure in personal account site. Copyrights are accepted for the competition. teaching materials in 4 nominations. Details of the remote competition are indicated in the provision below on the page.

Regulations on the competition

1. Correspondence competition is carried out by the Konspektek Internet project in order to develop the creative potential and level professional competence informatics teachers.

2. Objectives of the competition: motivation of creative activity of teachers, improvement of professional competence, exchange of experience and ideas with fellow teachers.

3. Teachers are allowed to participate, regardless of age, length of service, country of residence.

4. Collective works are not allowed to the competition.

5. Participation in the competition is free.

6. To apply for the competition, you need to go through the registration procedure on the site.

7. The final assessment of the competitive work of the participant depends on two components: the number of points scored and the level of work of other participants in the competition. Work Evaluation Criteria

8. According to the results of the assessment, diplomas of I, II, III degrees are awarded or a certificate of participation is issued.

9. Award materials are available for download in the user's personal account.

10. The competitive work must be designed in accordance with the Rules for registration.

11. After grading, the competitive work is available for viewing by everyone on the pages of the site.

) is carried out according to the levels of education, directions and nominations.

The winners are awarded gift certificates in cash.


payment of the registration fee within 3 days after receiving confirmation

placement of diplomas and sending prizes - until the end of August 2019.

Steps of learning

1. primary general education (grades 1-4)
2. basic general education (grades 5-9)
3. secondary (complete) general education (grades 10-11)


Jobs can be submitted in the following areas:

1. Math cycle

a. Mathematics: grades 1-6
b. Algebra: 7-11 grade
c. Geometry: 7-11 grade)
d. Informatics (ICT): grades 5-11

2. Social and scientific cycle

a. History: 5-11 grades
b. Geography: 5-11 grades
c. Natural History: Grade 5 (not everywhere)
d. The world or the World around us: grades 1-4
e. Biology: 5(6)-11 grade
f. Astronomy: Grade 11 (not everywhere)
g. Physics: 7-11 grades
h. Chemistry: 8-11 grade
i. Natural science: grades 5-11 (not everywhere)
j. Ecology: 7-11 grades (not everywhere).

3. Humanitarian cycle

a. Civics: Grades 5-11 (not everywhere)
b. Social Studies: Grades 5-11 (not everywhere)
c. Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics: Grade 4-5 (not everywhere)

4. Philological cycle

a. Calligraphy: Grade 1 (not everywhere)
b. Mother tongue: grades 1-4
c. Russian language: grades 1-11
d. Reading: Grades 1-4
e. Literature: 5-11 grades
f. Foreign Language: Grades 2-11 (English, French, German, Spanish)

5. Labor training

a. Labour ("Works"): grades 1-4 (sometimes grades 1-8)
b. Technology: 5-11 grade.
c. Drawing: (not everywhere)
d. Socially useful work

6. Physical education and life safety

7. Art

a. Music: 1-(5-9) grades.
b. art(Drawing): Grades 1-7
c. World art culture: 10-11 grades (in some from 8)
d. Art: 8-9 (10-11) grades.
e. Guitar: (not everywhere) 5-8 grade.


When preparing and sending the work, you must decide on the nomination:

  1. research project(article, abstract, report, presentation)
  2. practical project(article, abstract, report, presentation, drawing, photograph, business plan, layout)
  3. information project(presentation, video, website, blog/vlog, social media community)
  4. creative project(photo, essay, sketch, piece of music, drawing, blog/vlog, social media community)

Criteria for evaluation

Evaluation criteria (for each criterion max 5 points):
research project Originality of the text, relevance, novelty, completeness of the used scientific sources on the topic of work, the degree of development of the topic, theoretical and practical significance.
practical project The originality of the text, relevance, novelty, completeness of the used scientific sources on the topic of work, the degree of development of the topic, practical significance, approbation.
information project novelty and relevance of the content, originality of the style and method of presentation, clarity of presentation of the material, quality of design, aesthetics, degree and effectiveness of the use of computer animation, video and audio effects and other didactic techniques
creative project originality of the style and method of presentation, clarity of presentation of the material, quality of design, aesthetics, degree and effectiveness of the use of computer animation, video and audio effects and other didactic techniques

The terms of participation:

  1. The competition is held remotely;
  2. The competition is held according to the levels of education, directions, nominations and forms of project submission;
  3. The competition accepts works of 2016-2018;
  4. According to the results of the competition, certificates of participants and diplomas of winners are sent to the authors within 1 month.

Arrangement fee

The registration fee includes:

  1. The number of authors of 1 (one) competitive work is unlimited
  2. Issuance of certificates of participants to all authors of competitive works
  3. Issuance of diplomas to the winners


Note! If more than 7 applications are sent from the team (class, school), then the registration fee for 1 work is 200 rubles.

Project form

The project must be in the format:


  • By submitting his work to the competition, the participant confirms his agreement with the rules of the competition.
  • Participants of the competition are responsible for violation of copyrights of third parties. In case of any claims of third parties regarding the works submitted at the competition by one of the participants, this member undertakes to resolve them on its own and at its own expense, while the work is removed from participation in the competition by the Organizer.
  • By participating in the competition, the participant confirms that the submitted works, his name and surname can be published on the Organizer's website without additional consent of the participant and without paying him any remuneration.


  • The Winner guarantees that he is the author of the work and transfers to the Organizer non-exclusive copyright and related rights to his work (including the right to reproduce, distribute, import, public display, broadcast, cable communication to the public, processing), and also allows the Organizer use the submitted work for its copying or transformation, as a whole or as a part, separately or in connection with any words and/or pictures. The work is considered published from the moment its copy is posted on the competition website.
  • In order to fulfill the obligations to present the prize to the winner of the competition, the Organizer has the right to request from the winner or his parents (other legal representatives) to provide information provided and necessary for the implementation of such actions.
  • The winner is notified about the prize by the Organizer by e-mail, according to the contact details specified by the participant when filling out the registration form.
    Transferring the right to receive a prize to another person, as well as requests to replace the prize or pay the cash equivalent of the prize, is not allowed within the framework of the competition.


  • The organizer undertakes to hold a competition and determine the winners among the participants of the competition.
  • The organizer of the competition undertakes to award the winner of the competition and present the prize in accordance with the rules of the competition.
  • The organizer has the right to engage third parties to fulfill its obligations to hold the competition.
  • The Organizer is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations resulting from failures in telecommunications and energy networks, actions of malicious programs, as well as dishonest actions of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and / or disabling of software and / or hardware complex Organizer.
  • The organizer of the competition is exempt from issuing a prize if the participant provided fuzzy, incomplete, erroneous or deliberately false information about himself.
  • The Organizer of the Contest is not responsible for the delivery of the prize to the participant if the prize is sent to the wrong address or to the wrong addressee due to the participant providing incorrect data.
  • The Organizer's obligations regarding the quality of the prizes are limited to the guarantees provided by their manufacturers.
  • The Organizer is not responsible for any damages incurred by the participant due to the use of prizes and/or participation in the contest.
  • The organizer has the right to refuse to provide a prize to a participant if the participant provided incorrect information about himself or violated the rules of the competition in any other way.


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