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There is a category of people for whom language is a profession. These are translators, language teachers, philologists and linguists. There is a category of people for whom language is a profession. These are translators, language teachers, philologists and linguists The work of a translator is to translate texts, individual phrases, someone's speech from one language to another The work of a translator is to translate texts, individual phrases, someone's speech from one language to another

Translations are oral and written. The oral ones include: synchronous (work at negotiations, exhibitions, seminars). A simultaneous interpreter must be able to communicate, have increased stress resistance, be resourceful, artistic and erudite simultaneous (work at negotiations, exhibitions, seminars). A simultaneous interpreter must be able to communicate, have increased stress resistance, be resourceful, artistic and erudite consecutive (protocol events, accompanying delegations, business negotiations). Such a person should memorize information well, be able to quickly fix it, have the skills of a consistent psychologist (protocol events, accompanying delegations, business negotiations). Such a person should memorize information well, be able to quickly fix it, have the skills of a psychologist

To written: Translation works of art(literature). Must possess writing skills Translation of works of art (literature). Must be proficient in writing technical texts(instructions, memos, terminology ..). Must be a specialist in the field, the texts of which translates Technical texts (instructions, memos, terminology ..). Must be an expert in the field whose texts are being translated

The origin of the profession The origin of the profession It is difficult to say when the first translators appeared. Almost every country has its own language. Since ancient times, when kings came on an official visit to a foreign-speaking country, they must have had a person with them who could understand and convey the meaning of what was said. It is difficult to say when the first translators appeared. Almost every country has its own language. Since ancient times, when kings came on an official visit to a foreign-speaking country, there must have been a person with them who could understand and convey the meaning of what was said. Also, without interpreters, nothing would have happened during military negotiations. Also, without interpreters, nothing would have happened during military negotiations.

According to the test results: I have a mixed type of temperament - sanguine and choleric (quick excitability and change of emotions) I have a mixed type of temperament - sanguine and choleric (quick excitability and change of emotions) Objective self-esteem Objective self-esteem B conflict situation most often I make a compromise In a conflict situation I most often make a compromise Social needs. This profession will help to realize them. Social needs. This profession will help to realize them.

Thinking is subject-effective and visually figurative Thinking is subject-effective and visually figurative I learn information better through movements, speech I learn information better through movements, speech I remember better by ear. I can focus on the right subject I remember better by ear. I can focus on the subject

If we consider the profession of an interpreter according to the Klimov pyramid, then it is aimed at people, cognitive, functional, unusual working conditions If we consider the profession of an interpreter according to the Klimov pyramid, then it is aimed at people, cognitive, functional, unusual working conditions type of activity Translators have a sedentary lifestyle. So, a big load on the musculoskeletal system. Interpreters do not have such problems, but the nervous system suffers. After all, it is very difficult to withstand such a strong mental stress. Hence nervous breakdowns, heart disease Translators have a sedentary lifestyle. So, a big load on the musculoskeletal system. Interpreters do not have such problems, but the nervous system suffers. After all, it is very difficult to withstand such a strong mental stress. Hence nervous breakdowns, heart disease

I want to work as a translator, because I am interested in foreign languages, I have an ability for them. I like to communicate with people, I like to translate texts. Also, the work of an interpreter can be related to moving and traveling, and I really like them. I want to work as a translator, because I am interested in foreign languages, I have an ability for them. I like to communicate with people, I like to translate texts. Also, the work of an interpreter can be associated with moving and traveling, and I really like them. I would like to achieve success in the profession. Get a job at a prestigious company. It is also a good opportunity to communicate with new people, broaden your horizons. I would like to be successful in my profession. Get a job at a prestigious company. It is also a good opportunity to communicate with new people, broaden your horizons.

18 Sep

Topic in English: My future profession is a translator

Topic by English language: My future profession- translator (My future profession is an interpreter). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on the topic.

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my future profession

The matter of choosing a career

I'm going to tell you about my future profession. There are two most important things in anyone's life: choosing a career and getting a job. Some pupils know what they are going to do after leaving school but for others it's difficult to give a definite answer about their future profession. We get to know about a wide range of professions from magazines and advertisements and then we make either our own choice or follow our parents’ advice as they are also concerned about our future.

Choosing a career

When choosing a career one should take into consideration all the possibilities that it might provide. First of all, it should be interesting. Secondly, one has to be sure to be able to find a good and well-paid job after graduating. Another important factor that influences the choice of the profession is our abilities to different disciplines. One has to analyze thoroughly which things or subjects he or she is good at, and only then make a final choice.

I want to be an interpreter

As for me, since my childhood I've known I want to be an interpreter. My choice is closely connected with the importance of foreign languages ​​and cultures which is growing nowadays. Foreign languages ​​are needed for communication with people on our planet. I believe that among all, English is the most universal and widely spread. It's an official language in a vast number of countries. Besides, it's the language of international aviation, sports, medicine, the language of science and technology, trade, cultural and business relations.


I'm quite aware that the job of an interpreter isn't an easy one. You have to be very communicative and responsible. Moreover, be prepared to work long hours and move around a lot. But on the other hand you’ll have a chance to travel to different foreign countries and to meet a lot of interesting people. I think this profession is worth taking up. Being a student of the University I pay special attention to English and try to work hard. I hope I've made the right decision.

So the time has come when I must exactly decide on the choice of my future profession. However, with the huge amount of choice and opportunities offered to me, this is not so easy to do.

My mother insists that I go to medical school. And after training, she became a therapist like her and my grandmother.

My father thinks that a profession related to numbers suits me best. More specifically, he offers me to become an accountant in some private firm or public institution. Father's opinion of my abilities

By accounting calculations, it developed due to the fact that I very often get quite high scores in algebra, geometry and physics.

However, not only my school grades led my dad to such a decision. Most of all, he was convinced that I sometimes help him knock out some numbers in the reports he needs for work.

But, despite the opinion of my parents, I want to master a completely different profession than they predict for me. I believe that the classes offered by my mother and my father will not give me the life opportunities that I dream of.

After all, one of the requirements for my future profession

Is that thanks to her I will travel or fly to the countries of Europe, Asia or America. And these trips should happen constantly, as an integral part of my work.

Having studied many professions that meet my requirements, I agreed that after finishing the eleventh grade, I would enter the language department and become a translator.

This profession will allow me to visit many countries. Get to know a lot of people. Make acquaintances in the educated strata of society. And the most important thing is that I will be able to visit those places on the globe that I manage to see only in the movies, the Internet or in the pictures of magazines.

After all, people accompanied by an interpreter must visit museums, theaters, exhibitions or amusement parks sooner or later. And this means that they will also need a person who understands the language of the host country.

Over time, I expect to explore the sights of some countries and become a guide accompanying groups of tourists. This will allow me not only to accompany people directly from Russia, but also to conduct excursions and live in the territory of the country where I will work.

Of course, the work of a translator is not always limited to tourism business. Sometimes it is due to rather strict parameters as part of the translation of business meetings and visits to strict buffet receptions. But even in this case, I find many opportunities for myself. After all, these are meetings business people meetings like this have always interested me.

It seems to me that the work of a translator is one of the most best professions that only exist on the globe.

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WHO IS AN INTERPRETER? These people are sometimes involved in making decisions of national importance, without them not a single sphere is conceivable social activities, be it politics, culture, science, business, education. The outcome of any international negotiations depends on their skills, experience and personal qualities. They are translators.

WHAT DOES A TRANSLATOR DO? The profession of a translator is recognized as one of the most prestigious and in demand. The main thing for a specialist is to qualitatively and completely convey the thoughts of a person speaking a different language. A translator can choose almost any field of activity: make English versions of websites, accompany politicians and businessmen on trips abroad, work in the media, work in travel companies.

A favorable outcome of negotiations depends on the professionalism of an interpreter. A person who speaks foreign languages ​​will find application in many prestigious professions Unstable workload: in different months the volume of transfers can differ by several times Working in the field of translations has both pluses and minuses. PROS AND CONS OF THE PROFESSION Opportunity to communicate with different people and learn the cultures of other countries

The translator must have serious knowledge of the language from which he is translating, but also be fluent in his native language. It is great to know all the subtleties of vocabulary, style, morphology of both languages. Those who work on written translations will need thoughtfulness, perseverance and the ability to abstract. WHAT QUALITIES SHOULD AN INTERPRETER HAVE? For a simultaneous interpreter, communication skills and the development of such a skill as probable forecasting are needed - a person is just starting to speak, and the interpreter has already understood what will be discussed. It is important for an interpreter participating in business negotiations to be a diplomat, and in the event of a confrontation between the parties, it is sometimes good to soften the general tone of the negotiations.

INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATOR'S DAY International Translator's Day is a professional holiday of interpreters and translators. It is celebrated on September 30, in honor of St. Jerome, who translated the Bible (Vulgate) into Latin and is traditionally considered the patron saint of translators. The holiday was established by the International Federation of Translators in 1991.

Choosing a profession is a very responsible step, on which your further fate. The profession should, firstly, be to your liking, and, secondly, provide you with a decent life.

For myself, I have already decided that I will become a linguist translator, and the specific language is Chinese. Every day I give him 3-5 hours. Yes, it is heavy, but so interesting. Sometimes it seems that he does not want to open the door for me, but thanks to perseverance, patience and faith in myself, I achieve my goal step by step. I try to take Chinese from all sides - it's not only textbooks, grammar, it's also culture, communication.

I try to create a language environment around me as best I can in everyday life, at least for a couple of hours a day. If I meet a Chinese on the street, I will definitely go up to him and ask him something or offer my help. It's so nice when you are understood, and you understand a native speaker. The most important thing in learning a foreign language is a great love for it, as well as respect.

My acquaintance with the Chinese language happened when I was in elementary school, then I got to the performance of the Peking Opera, which made an indelible impression on me. For a long time I asked my parents to tell me where these actors came from, what kind of language they were, and why there were no letters on the poster, only drawings (at that time I did not know anything about hieroglyphs). Seeing my great interest, my parents sent me to a language school, where I opened new horizons of the Chinese language with great zeal.

I think the translator is very the right profession in our time. Even if scientists continue to come up with ways to translate by machine, a live translator is much better. A translator is someone who is a bridge between two sometimes completely different cultures and people, someone who creates an atmosphere of mutual understanding, friendship and intercultural communication.

I want to become a translator

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