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Presentation on the topic: Profession cook, pastry chef.

9th grade students Valeria Dvinova.

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The history of the profession cook, confectioner From generation to generation, people passed on the experience of cooking. They carefully kept all the traditions associated with food, understanding that food is the basis of life, health and well-being. Even in ancient Greece, the cult of Asclepius arose, a mythical healer who received the name Aesculapius in Rome. His daughter Ginea was considered the patroness of the science of health, and their faithful assistant was the cook Kulina. She became the patroness of the culinary arts, called "cooking" (from the Latin culina - kitchen).

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Cooking as a science arose in Russia only at the end of the 18th century. The development of professional cooking is associated with the emergence of out-of-home catering enterprises. They arose in Ancient Russia. Initially, these were taverns (from the Slavic root "fodder"), in which travelers could find shelter and food. Then there were roadside taverns (from the Latin "trakt" - a path, a stream) - hotels with a dining room and a kitchen. At the same time, along with taverns in major cities restaurants began to appear in Russia (from the French "restauration" - restoration).

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By the end of the 18th century, the process of one-sided integration of Western European dishes, utensils and technology (on-the-stove, not oven cooking) was completed in Russia, and their development and adaptation of these “innovations” to Russian conditions began. At the same time, everything new from the court table first falls on the capital's noble-bureaucratic table, then into the provincial noble-landlord environment, and from there to other estates. This process is especially noticeable in the capital of the empire, in St. Petersburg, which, from the last quarter of the 18th century, finally becomes a trendsetter in the field of cooking. Since the 90s of the 18th century, numerous cookbooks have appeared, translated from German and French, in which recipes for Russian dishes are drowned in a mass of foreign ones.

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An important contribution of French culinary specialists to the development of Russian cuisine was the fact that they prepared a galaxy of brilliant Russian chefs. Mikhail and Gerasim Stepanov, G. Dobrovolsky, V. Bestuzhev, I. M. Radetsky, P. Grigoriev, I. Antonov, 3. Eremeev, N. Khodeev, P. Vikentiev and others supported and spread the best traditions of Russian cuisine throughout throughout the 19th century Such outstanding practitioners as I. Radetsky and G. Stepanov left behind extensive manuals on Russian culinary

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Mainly in educational institutions confectioners receive universal training, which provides the opportunity to perform almost all the basic work required in production factories and organizations Catering. However, in some cases, confectioners specialize in the manufacture of a particular product, for example, chocolate - they are professionals in the preparation of chocolate and chocolate products.

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Confectioner is preparing various kinds dough, fillings, creams according to a given recipe, bakes and decorates products. These are high-quality, diverse in appearance, taste and aroma. food products. Most of the work is done manually with the help of special tools, turning the pastry chef into an art.

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The skill level of confectioners is determined by categories. There are only 6 of them. Immediately after graduating from college, the pastry chef receives the 3rd or 4th category. But in the process of work it can be increased. 6th grade is the highest. To work in prestigious restaurants or in the workshops of large confectionery factories, the 6th category is a prerequisite.

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Cooking begins with preparatory operations. The cook sorts, washes food, cuts, etc. And then prepares the dish in accordance with the recipe. When the dish is ready (this is determined not only by the appearance and smell, but also with the help of instrumentation), the chef lays it out in portions, arranges it for serving.

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You can just be a cook, a technologist and a chef. A cook-technologist is a specialist who not only knows how to cook, but also draws up calculation cards. That is, it distributes dishes into categories (here we are talking about quality and compliance with certain standards), by output (that is, the mass of the finished product). The chef-technologist also calculates the energy value of the dish, the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it.

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All these confectionery products are baked both in large confectionery factories and in small private and state confectionery shops. People working in these workshops and engaged in baking and decorating ready-made confectionery are called confectioners. The work of confectioners is very interesting and creative, because you need to bake a cake in such a way, and even more so decorate it, so that a person really wants to try it. That is precisely why every good confectioner must have imagination and artistic taste, and even more so if he works in those confectionery shops that are more specialized in the production of cakes to order.

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Most cakes are ordered for anniversaries, weddings or children's birthdays, and it is natural that the decoration of such a cake can only be entrusted to a true master of his craft. And the best gift, for the confectioner himself, would be such a thing as a silver jug, and do not hesitate, he will appreciate such a gift.

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Also, good hand coordination is required to decorate cakes. The work of a confectioner also includes kneading various doughs, baking them and preparing various creams. The dough is often kneaded by hand, and it is baked at high temperatures, so the work of a pastry chef is not easy. It is especially hot in confectionery shops in summer time of the year.

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The confectioner must be physically fit because he works standing up all day. He must also have a certain talent in preparing products according to the recipe, because everyone knows that from the same set of products two different housewives will prepare the same dish with different tastes. The confectioner must have a fine taste and sense of smell, as well as taste memory. The confectioner must have a good eye, because usually cakes are cut from one large layer of dough by eye and only then weighed.

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The profession of a cook is one of the oldest in the world, always and everywhere people use the results of the work of cooks. From what a person eats, his health, and mood, and the quality of work depend. Cooking is a real science that has developed along with humanity, so every nation has its own National cuisine with special recipes. Cooking is also a real art that requires creativity, imagination, ingenuity.

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A cook is one of the few professions where the senses are very important. After all, the cook determines the degree of readiness of the dish and its quality by appearance and color, smell, taste. In addition, a cook needs a good memory to memorize recipes for different dishes. A cook must know a lot about food: how to choose the best products, how to store them properly, how to determine their freshness. Different foods are prepared in different ways and the chef needs to know the specifics of their preparation. It is very important to be able to decorate and serve the prepared dish beautifully.

The chef's profession is unique in its own way. As practice shows and the chefs themselves say, the knowledge and skills acquired in the culinary school play a very insignificant role in the formation of professional skills. The skill of a cook is honed only in the process of work, with the daily development of techniques and the parallel development of professional qualities.

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. the speaker's clothes also play big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

and Dvinova Valeria.

The history of the profession cook, confectioner From generation to generation, people passed on the experience of cooking. They carefully kept all the traditions associated with food, understanding that food is the basis of life, health and well-being. Even in ancient Greece, the cult of Asclepius arose, a mythical healer who received the name Aesculapius in Rome. His daughter Ginea was considered the patroness of the science of health, and their faithful assistant was the cook Kulina. She became the patroness of the culinary arts, called "cooking" (from the Latin culina - kitchen).

Cooking as a science arose in Russia only at the end of the 18th century. The development of professional cooking is associated with the emergence of out-of-home catering enterprises. They originated in ancient Russia. Initially, these were taverns (from the Slavic root "fodder"), in which travelers could find shelter and food. Then there were roadside taverns (from the Latin "trakt" - a path, a stream) - hotels with a dining room and a kitchen. At the same time, along with taverns, restaurants began to appear in large cities of Russia (from the French "restauration" - restoration).

By the end of the 18th century, the process of one-sided integration of Western European dishes, utensils and technology (on-the-stove, not oven cooking) was completed in Russia, and their development and adaptation of these “innovations” to Russian conditions began. At the same time, everything new from the court table first falls on the capital's noble-bureaucratic table, then into the provincial noble-landlord environment, and from there to other estates. This process is especially noticeable in the capital of the empire, in St. Petersburg, which, from the last quarter of the 18th century, finally becomes a trendsetter in the field of cooking. Since the 90s of the 18th century, numerous cookbooks have appeared, translated from German and French, in which recipes for Russian dishes are drowned in a mass of foreign ones.

An important contribution of French culinary specialists to the development of Russian cuisine was the fact that they prepared a galaxy of brilliant Russian chefs. Mikhail and Gerasim Stepanov, G. Dobrovolsky, V. Bestuzhev, I. M. Radetsky, P. Grigoriev, I. Antonov, 3. Eremeev, N. Khodeev, P. Vikentiev and others supported and spread the best traditions of Russian cuisine throughout throughout the 19th century Such outstanding practitioners as I. Radetsky and G. Stepanov left behind extensive manuals on Russian culinary

Confectioner - a chef specializing in the manufacture of confectionery (pastries, desserts, sweets, etc.)

Basically, in educational institutions, confectioners receive universal training, which provides an opportunity to perform almost all the basic work required in production factories and catering organizations. However, in some cases, confectioners specialize in the manufacture of a particular product, for example, chocolate - they are professionals in the preparation of chocolate and chocolate products.

A confectioner is a professional chef who creates pastries, desserts, and other baked foods. Representatives of this profession can be found in large hotels, restaurants and bakeries. Less commonly, a confectioner is a person whose business is related to the sale of confectionery.

The confectioner is engaged in the preparation of various types of dough, fillings, creams according to a given recipe, bakes and decorates products. These are high-quality, various type, taste and aroma food products. Most of the work is done manually with the help of special tools, turning the pastry chef into an art.

The skill level of confectioners is determined by categories. There are only 6 of them. Immediately after graduating from college, the pastry chef receives the 3rd or 4th category. But in the process of work it can be increased. 6th grade is the highest. To work in prestigious restaurants or in the workshops of large confectionery factories, the 6th category is a prerequisite.

A cook is a person whose profession is cooking; now, as a rule, in catering establishments.

Cook Most likely, the word "cook" comes from the East Slavic "var", meaning boiling water and heat. In the Navy, the position of a cook is called a cook.

The chef prepares and designs culinary products for mass demand and to order. However, his duties are much wider. The chef draws up a menu, calculates the required amount of raw materials, makes requests for necessary products.

Cooking begins with preparatory operations. The cook sorts, washes food, cuts, etc. And then prepares the dish in accordance with the recipe. When the dish is ready (this is determined not only by the appearance and smell, but also with the help of instrumentation), the chef lays it out in portions, arranges it for serving.

You can just be a cook, a technologist and a chef. A cook-technologist is a specialist who not only knows how to cook, but also draws up calculation cards. That is, it distributes dishes into categories (here we are talking about quality and compliance with certain standards), by output (that is, the mass of the finished product). The chef-technologist also calculates the energy value of the dish, the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it.

Chef is a creative profession. The chef determines the menu, he can make recipes for dishes, improve existing ones.

Who among us does not like sweets? Any festive table is never complete without a cake or some kind of pastry. Such outwardly appetizing confectionery flaunts on the shelves of confectionery stores that even if a person is not hungry, he has a desire to try this beauty

All these confectionery products are baked both in large confectionery factories and in small private and state confectionery shops. People working in these workshops and engaged in baking and decorating ready-made confectionery products are called confectioners. The work of confectioners is very interesting and creative, because you need to bake a cake in such a way, and even more so decorate it, so that a person really wants to try it. That is precisely why every good confectioner must have imagination and artistic taste, and even more so if he works in those confectionery shops that are more specialized in the production of cakes to order.

Most cakes are ordered for anniversaries, weddings or children's birthdays, and it is natural that the decoration of such a cake can only be entrusted to a true master of his craft. And the best gift, for the confectioner himself, would be such a thing as a silver jug, and do not hesitate, he will appreciate such a gift.

Also, good hand coordination is required to decorate cakes. The work of a confectioner also includes kneading various doughs, baking them and preparing various creams. The dough is often kneaded by hand, and it is baked at high temperatures, so the work of a pastry chef is not easy. It is especially hot in confectionery shops in the summer.

The confectioner must be physically fit because he works standing up all day. He must also have a certain talent in preparing products according to the recipe, because everyone knows that from the same set of products two different housewives will prepare the same dish with different tastes. The confectioner must have a fine taste and sense of smell, as well as taste memory. The confectioner must have a good eye, because usually cakes are cut from one large layer of dough by eye and only then weighed.

The profession of a cook is one of the oldest in the world, always and everywhere people use the results of the work of cooks. From what a person eats, his health, and mood, and the quality of work depend. Cooking is a real science that has developed along with humanity, so each nation has its own national cuisine with special recipes. Cooking is also a real art that requires creativity, imagination, ingenuity.

A cook is one of the few professions where the senses are very important. After all, the cook determines the degree of readiness of the dish and its quality by appearance and color, smell, taste. In addition, a cook needs a good memory to memorize recipes for different dishes. A cook must know a lot about food: how to choose the best products, how to store them properly, how to determine their freshness. Different foods are prepared in different ways and the chef needs to know the specifics of their preparation. It is very important to be able to decorate and serve the prepared dish beautifully.

To teach these wisdoms in the 19th century, the First Practical School of Cooking Art was opened in Russia. Now cooks are trained in many educational institutions.

The chef's profession is unique in its own way. As practice shows and the chefs themselves say, the knowledge and skills acquired in the culinary school play a very insignificant role in the formation of professional skills. The skill of a cook is honed only in the process of work, with the daily development of techniques and the parallel development of professional qualities.

In general, if you are fascinated by the process of cooking, if you sometimes like to conjure over the ingredients and cook up something like that, but you still do not know what to devote your life to, try to work as a cook - it may very well be that you will like it.

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Who is a cook and his varieties! 

A cook is a food preparation specialist. A good cook is sometimes called a magician, because he can cook a real masterpiece from the most ordinary products, which will bring joy and delight to people.
“A good cook is a lot of character,
fantasies and feelings" - EMIL YUN, chef
Strasbourg restaurant "Au Crocodile"
“Even culinary masterpieces cannot be preserved in any museums. They are eaten the faster, the more beautiful they are ”- V. Pokhlebkin.
Short description
The chef prepares dishes according to special recipes, but can modify them to his liking, that is, approach the process creatively.

The specifics of the profession
The work of a cook consists of several stages:
receiving initial products;
maintenance of technology and recipes for cooking;
ensuring the cooking process: preparation necessary equipment, preparation of semi-finished products;
proper operation of kitchen equipment;
ensuring proper accounting and storage of products in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
product sales.

In Russia, there is a classification of the profession of a cook, which differs from European and American:
The chef is the highest level in the profession. He draws up applications for the necessary products, ensures their timely receipt from the warehouse, controls the timing, assortment, quantity and quality of their receipt and sale. Studying the demand of customers, forms an assortment of dishes and culinary products, composes a daily menu. Controls the technology of cooking and compliance by employees sanitary requirements and hygiene rules. Organizes accounting and reporting on the activities of the enterprise.
A pastry chef specializes in the manufacture of confectionery, which requires exquisite taste, imagination and ingenuity.
The cook-technologist organizes the process of food preparation. Determines the quality of raw materials, calculates its quantity to obtain portions of finished products, the calorie content of the daily diet. Develops recipes for new signature dishes and composes on them technological maps. Prepares necessary documentation, instructs cooks.
The culinary chef calculates the raw materials and the yield of finished products, prepares dishes, performs straining, kneading, grinding, shaping, stuffing, stuffing products, regulates the temperature regime, determines the readiness of dishes, products using instrumentation, as well as appearance, smell, color, taste, produces artistic decoration of dishes and confectionery, divides them into portions.

Pros and cons of the profession!

"+" The profession of a cook is in demand and creative, it has a place for fantasy and ingenuity. Good cooks high level wages.

«-» Work requires great physical endurance and responsibility. stand by hot plate Not everyone can handle full time work. At the same time, there is a constant tension of attention, when you need to monitor the preparation of many dishes and there is no way to relax or be distracted.

What qualities should a chef have? 

Personal qualities
olfactory and tactile sensitivity, olfactory memory;
good taste and color perception, taste memory;
good eye;
exquisite taste, fantasy, a penchant for creativity;
ability to recognize small parameter deviations technological processes from the given values ​​by visual features;
the ability to simultaneously perceive several objects;

well-developed sense of timing;
dynamic thinking;
knowledge of measures, the ability to quickly and accurately determine the right amount of liquid, bulk products, spices by eye
ability to understand the quality and freshness of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits
knowledge of fast food technologies
good coordination of movements of both hands, firmness of the hand, stability of the hands;
ability to perform small precise movements;
physical endurance: the ability to work intensively for a long time without reducing performance;
the ability to improvise;
punctuality, pedantry;
the ability to switch from one activity to another;
striving for professional excellence.

Cooking History!

The ancient world knew cooks as people capable of delivering the pleasure that was so valued by the extravagant Romans and the intemperate Greeks. At first, cooks in Roman homes were mistresses or slaves. Subsequently, the Romans increasingly began to hire cooks for this or that occasion, and later permanent cooks appeared. The first cooking schools were organized in Ancient Rome, their father was the then-famous cook and gourmet Apticius. In ancient Persia, the inventors of new unusual dishes were generously rewarded by the king. There were, of course, exceptions - for example, the Spartans, accustomed to the harsh conditions of life, did not at all recognize the pleasures of culinary delights, and treated the profession of a cook with contempt.
Over time, cooks have improved more and more in their art. They began to exchange recipes among themselves, went on trips.

In Russia, the first professional chefs appeared at the courts of the Kievan princes. Already in the 17th century, during the reign of Peter I, not only new unusual products were brought to Russia, but also skilled chefs from different countries. At the end of the 19th century, culinary schools began to open one after another in Russia, where professional chefs were trained.
The first cooking school in Europe appeared in the 19th century in England, then culinary schools began to appear in other countries. In France, it was believed that it was necessary to learn cooking from the age of 6-7, otherwise the cook would not be able to be truly skillful.
The mood of their master, for example, depended on the cooks who served at the court of one or another prince. Chefs could create the reputation of noble houses and even entire states.
In Russia, the chief cook was called ARCHIMAGIRUS

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Cuisine in Russia

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History of the chef's hat

Even in ancient Rome, in the homes of the rich, there was a whole hierarchy of kitchen attendants:
chief cooks, just cooks and assistant cooks; slaves supporting the fire; bakers and many masters in the confectionery then went slaves who were entrusted with inviting guests; head of the banquet hall; slaves who arranged the bed, laid the table, arranged a feast; kravchy; slaves who carried bread and meat, tasting the dishes before serving them to the table;
young slaves who sat at the feet of their master to do his bidding and also to amuse him with jokes.

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Antonio Latini achieved great fame in 1692 with his book The Modern Butler, which was the first work in European history devoted to the daunting task of conveying in every minute detail the customs of the court and the arrangement of a noble house, which was nothing more than a “reduced and simplified" copy of the royal palace.
It has the following hierarchy:
errand boys
assistant cook
cook ("soup-maker", "pie-maker" and "responsible for the entremet")
senior chef
the Butler

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The hierarchy currently looks like this:
service personnel (administrators, waiters, bartenders),
cook assistant, cook, sous chef, head chef
As already mentioned, the history of the chef's headdress began in England.
The uniforms of the chef and sous chef (assistant chef) differ only in the height of the cap. The chef's hat is 20 cm higher.
According to French tradition, a chef's hat must have exactly 100 folds - the number of ways to prepare egg dishes that a good cook knows.
The traditional headdress of the head of the cook caste in India is a pan. She usually dressed under a turban and served as a disguised defense against a sudden attack by unfriendly catering visitors. Perfectly protected the owner from being hit with a ladle, a bowl, and even from trying to hit the head with a FORK or SPOON. Later, European cooks adopted the practice of wearing a PAN under a chef's hat, as they had the same problems with poisoned eaters and their inconsolable relatives.

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Chef uniforms have changed relatively little over the past two hundred years. The most characteristic part of it is the chef's cap; according to tradition, it has from 48 to 100 folds, depending on the height of the cap. Of course, the highest cap is worn by the most important chef. The chef's hat appeared in the 16th century (some, however, believe that it originated in Byzantium), when unsuccessful cooks were often persecuted and found refuge in monasteries. There, in order to hide, they dressed in the same way as the clergy.

Chef. Cook. My own chef. The work of a cook. Brewer. Profession cook. My profession is a cook. Profession Confectioner. Cooking training. Organization of accounting production costs. The history of the profession of a cook. The image of the chef. “We are pastry bakers” (Introduction to the profession of pastry baker). Topic: "Acquaintance with the work of a cook." The cook is a collector.

Profession: cook, confectioner. Cooking school cafeteria cooks hot breakfast. What professions are not there Artist, cook and poet, Teacher, doctor and pharmacist But there is also a librarian. A good cook is a doctor's assistant. Media projects in education German. Industrial practice for students of KhMGMA. The main ideas of the Cambridge approach to teaching.

Multi-level reader education program at SSAU. The practice of solutions of the company "1C" in production holdings. Application of modular learning technology in OSED classes. Modeling of devices, systems and production processes. What is the profile training of a foreign language in the most general terms. Distance learning in specialized classes of a general education school.

METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for keeping a log of theoretical training. Teaching is a craft that uses an infinite number of little tricks. Active Methods socio-psychological education of students in institutions of NGOs, SPO. Research activities in the formation of the structure of profile education at SUTur.

Modern lesson - methods and forms of teaching that motivate the cognitive activity of students. Implementation of results scientific research in production activities Centers of the West Siberian UGMS. Professional activity Vilchika A.I. master of industrial training of the profession "Electric and gas welder".

COOK - An ancient profession A cook is a person whose profession is cooking. Most likely the word Cook comes from the East Slavic "Var" meaning boiling water and heat.

The Parable of the Cook's Profession Why the Apprentice Returned Philosophers once got together and argued about which profession is more important. One said: “A teacher is most needed. Without education, progress will stop. “Without builders, man will have nowhere to hide, and mankind will lose beautiful buildings,” said the second philosopher. – Musicians, artists and poets make our life special. Art distinguishes man from animals, exclaimed the third philosopher. Then the student and at the same time the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation. - Dear scientists, you forgot about the profession of a cook. You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not an art. Go cook dinner, - the owner got angry. The student silently left the room. On this day, the philosophers did not wait for lunch, the student disappeared. The owner had to cook dinner himself. Unfortunately, after eating the philosophers felt bad and went home. The master found another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher - the owner of the house, noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was not able to think after eating. The philosopher thought, and then he fired the new cook and sent a note to the former student with one phrase: “Cooking is not a craft, but an art.” Soon learned men again began to gather in the house of the philosopher. The discussion was interrupted only by a delicious dinner prepared by the student. “Cooking is not a trade, but an art,” the host said after dinner.

It is difficult to answer when the first cook appeared on earth. Man always ate, but when the caveman got the fire, things went uphill, so the profession of a cook can be considered the oldest. It would seem that frying meat is a matter of minutes. But some of the tribesmen made the meat tastier, juicier and more tender. It was him who began to trust cooking. So the first cooks appeared on earth.

For a long time, cooking was a purely family affair. They were in charge, as a rule, of the oldest woman in the princely family. Professional cooks first appeared at the courts, and then in the monastery refectories. Cooking in Russia stood out as a specialty only in the 11th century, although the mention of professional chefs is found in chronicles as early as the 10th century. The Laurentian Chronicle (1074) says that in the Kiev Caves Monastery there was a whole kitchen with a large staff of monks-cooks. During the time of Kievan Rus, cooks were in the service of princely courts and rich houses. Some of them even had several chefs. This is evidenced by the description of one of the houses of the rich man of the 12th century, where many “sokachi”, i.e. cooks, are mentioned.


The first cooking school in Europe appeared in the 19th century in England, then culinary schools began to appear in other countries. In France, it was believed that it was necessary to learn cooking from the age of 6-7, otherwise the cook would not be able to be truly skillful.

The first woman in Russia to write a work on cooking was the cook Ekaterina Avdeeva. Her Pocket Cookbook was published in 1845. Cookbook "A gift for young housewives or a means to reduce costs in household”, written by Elena Ivanovna Molokhovets, was first published in 1861. The book went through dozens of reprints and was one of the most popular books in pre-revolutionary households. It contains recipes for a vegetarian, traditional and fasting table, as well as tips for preparing, storing and preserving food at home. The book contained recipes for 4,000 dishes. She was passionate about cooking, inventing new dishes, based not only on Russian traditions, but also on Ukrainian, Polish, French, Dutch, German, Jewish, English. First book in Russia

In 1816 in Russia, in Moscow, the first national cookbook was published under the name "Russian Cookery". Previously, only translated books were published in Russia. The author of these lines owes most of all to the Russian scientist of the late 18th century V. A. Levshin, whose name is immortalized by A. S. Pushkin in Eugene Onegin, for the preservation of recipes for ancient Russian dishes.

Russian chefs sacredly kept the traditions of folk cuisine, which served as the basis for their professional excellence, as evidenced by the oldest written monuments - "Domostroy" (XVI century), "Painting for the royal dishes" (1611-1613), table books of Patriarch Filaret and boyar Boris Ivanovich Morozov, monastery account books, etc. They often folk dishes are mentioned - cabbage soup, fish soup, cereals, pies, pancakes, kulebyaki, pies, jelly, kvass, honey and others.

MANY RECIPES……………………………….. There are many recipes for dishes that are named after famous people, as well as in honor of the chefs who created them. Such dishes include, for example, béchamel, sandwich, Olivier salad or a delicious beef stroganoff meat dish.

BEEFSTROGANOV - this dish appeared at the end of the 19th century and was named after Count Alexander Grigoryevich Stroganov, Governor-General of Novorossia. One of the count's cooks invented a wonderful meat dish - small slices of meat fried with sauce. This dish can be called Russian-French, since the sauce - the invention of the French was not served separately, in French, but together with meat, like Russian gravy.

Chronology of the appearance of some dishes Approximately 10 thousand years BC. e. Beer and bread appeared in the human diet. Beer was bottled in 1568. Approximately 6 thousand years before. n. e. The appearance of cottage cheese and cheese. Approximately 3 thousand years BC. e. People have learned to cook soup. In 1500 B.C. e. Started eating chocolate. The chocolate bar appeared only in 1849, and milk chocolate - in 1875. Around 1000 BC. e. Pickled cucumbers for the first time. Around 500 B.C. e. The first sausage is cooked. In 490 BC. n. e. The first pasta is cooked. The first macaroni and cheese recipe was recorded in 1367. Spaghetti was invented in 1819. In the 4th century BC. n. e. The first salad recipe that has come down to us (white bean salad) is recorded. 2nd century AD e. Sushi (a Japanese rice and seafood dish) was made for the first time. 7th century A recipe for the famous Korean sauerkraut kim-chi has been created

15th century Pancakes are made for the first time. 1487. Invented hot dogshot dogs - buns with sausage, which have become the national dish of Americans. 1610. Bagels baked for the first time. 1621. First created production technology popcorn(popcorn). 1680s. French fried potatoes appeared. 17th century Ketchup entered the world menu in 1739. Crackers. 1756. Mayonnaise sauce invented. 1798. Lemonade appeared (that is, carbonated soft drink). 1845 Jelly is made for the first time. 1871. Recorded recipe for beef Stroganoff (beef stroganoff). 1924 Frozen food. The emergence of the semi-finished products industry

Famous and famous chefs Wolfgang Puck. Austrian chef, author of books, owner of a chain of restaurants around the world. Studied in France

Gordon Ramsay. Scottish chef, opened his own chain of restaurants. He became famous after filming in several talk shows, for example, Hell's Kitchen, Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares and others.


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