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Olga Ilyinskaya
Abstract of the GCD on the topic "Introduction to the profession of ecologist" for children 5–6 years old

Target: Form ideas about profession ecologist


1. Give ideas about profession ecologist.

2. Give knowledge about what profession ecologist affects all spheres of life


3. Raise interest in this professions desire to change something.

4. Feel the involvement of each person in what is happening on Earth.

5. To form the ability to clearly answer the questions.

6. Activate dictionary: ecologist. ecological problem, catastrophe, international, experiment.

Equipment: globe, easel, emblems international organization for protection environment "Greenpeace", funnels, plastic cups, jars of contaminated water, filters, watering cans.

Use of ICT: Notebook with presentation "The earth is our home, we are all masters in it"

preliminary work: View m/f "Wally", Conversations about nature, excursion to the zoo.

Organizing time

Target: Activate auditory attention.

V. - Guys, today we will talk about the beautiful planet on which we live. What is it called?

D. - Earth!

the teacher shows the globe

V. - What is it?

D. - This is the Earth!

V. - No, this is not the earth, it is a globe-model of the earth. If you look at our planet from space, then it looks exactly like this!

Q. - What color is the most on the globe?

D. - Blue!

Q. - What does the color blue mean?

D. - It's water!

Q. - What does the color green mean?

D. - It's grass!

V. - It's not only grass, it's forests, fields, meadows.

Q. - What other color is there on the globe? What do these colors mean?

D. - Sand!

V. - These are deserts, mountains.

V. - Our planet is very beautiful, there are many amazing places on it, different animals and plants inhabit our planet.

Let's watch a short film about the nature of our Earth.

Presentation demonstration "The earth is our home - we are all masters in it".The teacher comments on the slides.

V. - Very nice!

V. - However, there are people who have ceased to appreciate the beauty and purity that nature gave us a hundred.

Many factories pollute the air, forests are cut down and burned, thousands of tons of dirty water are poured into rivers. Plants and animals die, people get sick from smoke and dirty air, and if this is not stopped, it can happen ecological catastrophe and our beautiful planet will turn into a lifeless desert.

Demonstration of shots environmental disasters.

B- To prevent this from happening, people from many countries created a special organization "Greenpeace"- green World. What do you think this means?

listen to suggestions children.

V. - The members of this organization make sure that everyone follows the rules of the hostel on earth. In the organisation "Greenpeace" specialists are working ecologists. Ecologists monitor the preservation of plants, animals, purity of water and air. And if something happens ecological catastrophy, they are the first to arrive ecologists.

V. - To help nature, ecologists must have different knowledge of chemistry, biology, medicine, geography.

Q. - And what qualities should ecologists? What kind of people should they be?

D. - Kind, brave, love animals!

Q. - Do you want to be environmentalists?

Children go to the easel with the emblem "Greenpeace"

B. Shows a picture of a panda. Who is it?

D. - It's a panda!

Q. - Panda is a bamboo bear, which hunters almost all exterminated. But thanks environmentalists, the number of these bears has increased and the image of the panda has become the emblem of the international organization for the protection of the environment "Greenpeace"

V. - And today I will also give you such emblems and we will become young environmentalists, conservationists.

Presentation of emblems.

V. - I congratulate you. now we are helpers ecologists and let's do a little water purification experiment.

The children move to the tables. where there are plastic glasses with contaminated water, funnels with filters and clean jars.

V. - Pay attention to the water. Can this water be drunk?

V. - Now we will clean it. There is a filter in the funnels, it consists of gauze and cotton wool, this filter will trap particles of dirt. Try pouring some water into the funnel and watch the water clear up.

Children are experimenting with water purification.

Q. - Can we say that water in a jar is cleaner than in a glass?

D. - Yes, you can!

Q. - Can we say that the filter helps to purify water?

D. - You can.

Q. - Guys, is the water that we cleaned now drinkable?

D. - No, it's not quite clean yet!

V. - Yes! Correctly. this water is not yet clean enough to drink, but it is quite suitable for watering flowers. We will pour it into watering cans and then we will water our flowers.

V. - And so that the water can be eaten, huge filters are installed at special treatment facilities and they purify the water, as well as so that dirty water does not fall into the river.

V. - Guys. let's make some rules for the young ecologists in our kindergarten.

To save nature need:

1. Do not litter!

2. Do not tear plants!

3. Do not break trees and branches!

4. Do not crush insects!

5. Plant flowers in the spring and take care of them

6. In winter, make bird feeders and feed the birds!

7. Close the faucet and save water!

V. - We will print these rules in our corner and you will tell moms and dads how to protect nature.

Game for coordination of speech and movement "Among the White Doves"

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Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………… .. ............................................. 2
1. Historical background environmental education …......... 4
2. Environmental activities in kindergarten as
an effective form of education of ecological consciousness
and moral culture of preschool children. …................................. .......... 6
Conclusion ….................. .............................. .............................. .......... fourteen
Bibliography …............................. .................. ............ ................ fifteen
Application ….................. .............................. .............................. ......... 16

She spares nothing for us.
Giving your priceless gifts
And he only wants one thing in return:
For people to be kind to her.
E. Fireflower

The poet dedicated these beautiful lines to our one, inimitable, beautiful planet Earth. A planet that is the cradle of all mankind. A planet that is so kind and generous. The planet that we humans have been undeservedly offending, humiliating and destroying lately...
Ecological education is the education of morality, spirituality, intelligence. Philosophers, poets, artists of all times and peoples have paid tribute to this eternal and always relevant topic. But, perhaps, it has never been as acute as in our days, when the threat of an ecological crisis, and perhaps a catastrophe, hangs over humanity and the problem of greening the material and spiritual activity of man has become a vital necessity, one of the conditions for preserving the common for all.
Nature reacts in a peculiar way to the forcible intrusion of man into its territory: various species of animals and plants are rapidly disappearing on the planet, and the vacated places are filled with harmful and dangerous organisms, including pathogens; Recently, an increase in allergic and neuropsychiatric diseases has been characteristic, and the number of children with congenital anomalies is growing.
For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and used its gifts without thinking about the consequences. And so now there is an urgent need to protect nature from its unjustifiably barbarous destruction and pollution, to educate people in a caring attitude towards it. And you need to start with the smallest. It is at preschool age that the assimilation of the basics of environmental knowledge is most productive, since the baby perceives nature very emotionally, as something alive. The influence of nature on the child is enormous: it meets the baby with a sea of ​​sounds and smells, secrets and riddles, makes you stop, look, think. The beauty of the surrounding world gives rise to a feeling of attachment to the place where you were born and live, and, ultimately, love for the Fatherland.
"A fish is water, a bird is air, a beast is a forest, steppes, mountains. And a person needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland." So said the Russian writer Mikhail Prishvin.
Ecological education of children preschool age suggests:
- education of a humane attitude towards nature (moral education);
-formation of a system of environmental knowledge and ideas (intellectual development);
-development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, to admire it, the desire to preserve it).
-participation of children in activities that are feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to protect and protect nature.
To reveal the beauty of nature to the child and teach him to see her is a difficult task. To do this, the teacher himself must be able to live in harmony with nature, and the children must be ready to imitate his every movement. Children are very observant and attentive to the words of the teacher, they distinguish well between positive and negative in the actions of adults. Ecological education, sincere love for nature means not only a certain state of mind, the perception of its beauty, but also its understanding and knowledge.
Thus, the most important condition for the successful implementation of an integrated approach is the creation of an environment in which adults, by personal example, demonstrate to children the right attitude towards nature and actively, to the extent possible, participate in nature protection activities together with children.

1. Historical background of environmental education

All outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past attached great importance to nature as a means of raising children. Ya.A.Komensky saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will.
KD Ushinsky was in favor of "leading children into nature" in order to tell them everything that was accessible and useful for their mental and verbal development.
The ideas of familiarizing preschoolers with nature were further developed in the theory and practice of Soviet preschool education in articles, methodological works (O. Ioganson, A.A. Bystrov, R.M. Bass, A.M. Stepanova, E.I. Zalkind, E. .I.Volkova, E.Gennings and others). For a long time a great help for practitioners of preschool education were the methodological manuals of M.V. Luchich, M.M. Markovskaya, recommendations of Z.D. Sizenko; more than one generation of educators studied according to the textbook by S.A. Veretennikova. An important role was played by the work of leading teachers and methodologists, whose focus was the formation of observation as the main method of getting acquainted with the environment, accumulating, clarifying and expanding reliable information about nature (Z.D. Sizenko, S.A. Veretennikova, A.M. Nizova , L.I. Pushnina, M.V. Luchich, A.F. Mazurin and others).
Of great importance in the scientific substantiation of the method of familiarization with nature was the research that began to be carried out in the 1950s at the departments of preschool pedagogy of pedagogical institutes. One of the first - a study by E.I. Zalkind, devoted to familiarizing preschoolers with birds - showed how important the correct organization of sensory perception of natural objects is: thoughtful guidance of observations gives children many impressions that are converted into specific and generalized ideas, contribute to the development of speech.
In the early 1970s, pedagogical research began to be carried out, which later became the core of the theoretical and experimental substantiation of the methodology for the ecological education of preschool children. This was due to new ideas initiated by the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Child psychologists (V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin and others) proclaimed the need to: 1) complicate the content of education - introducing theoretical knowledge into it, reflecting the laws of the surrounding reality; 2) building a system of knowledge, the assimilation of which would ensure the effective mental development of children.
The implementation of this idea in the field of preschool education, which was supposed to ensure good preparation of children for school, was carried out by A.V. Zaporozhets, N.N. Poddyakov, L.A. Psychologists substantiated the proposition that preschool children can learn a system of interrelated knowledge that reflects the patterns of one or another area of ​​reality, if this system is accessible to visual-figurative thinking that prevails at this age.
In preschool pedagogy, research began on the selection and systematization of natural history knowledge, reflecting the leading patterns of living (I.A. Khaidurova, S.N. Nikolaeva, E.F. Terentyeva and others) and inanimate nature (I.S. Freidkin and others. ). In studies devoted to living nature, the pattern was chosen as the leading one, to which the life of any organism is subject, namely, the dependence of the existence of plants and animals on the external environment. These works marked the beginning of an ecological approach in familiarizing children with nature.
The last decade of the 20th century can be called the time of development of two ecologically significant processes: environmental issues planets to a crisis state and their comprehension by mankind. Abroad and in Russia during this period, a new educational space was emerging - a system of continuous environmental education: conferences, congresses, seminars were held, programs, technologies, educational and methodological manuals were created for various categories of students.
In our country, a general concept of continuous environmental education was being formed, the initial link of which is the sphere of preschool education.
It is at the stage of preschool childhood that the child receives emotional impressions of nature, accumulates ideas about different forms of life, i.e. he formed the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, laid the initial elements of ecological culture. But this happens only under one condition: if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture - they understand the problems common to all people and worry about them, they show the little person beautiful world nature, help to establish relationships with him.

2. Environmental activities in kindergarten as an effective form of education of environmental awareness and moral culture of preschoolers.

The natural world is the human habitat. He is interested in maintaining integrity, purity, harmony in nature and preventing violations of biological interaction and balance.
Nature is an object of knowledge and aesthetic attitude for people. Its manifestations are aesthetically perfect and deliver a deep spiritual pleasure to an aesthetically developed person. Penetration into its secrets contributes to the formation of a scientific worldview. This necessitates the implementation of universal, mandatory, primary environmental education, which lays the foundations of human ecological culture.
Ecological consciousness includes ecological knowledge: facts, information, conclusions, generalizations about the relationships and exchanges taking place in the world of animals and plants, as well as in their habitat and in the environment as a whole. Its components are aesthetic feelings and environmental responsibility. The structure of ecological consciousness includes the strong-willed aspirations of a person aimed at protecting nature, actively fighting violators of environmental protection legislation.
Ecological consciousness performs important functions. The educational function helps children to realize nature as a human habitat and as an aesthetic perfection. The younger generation is instilled with the idea of ​​the need to use environmental knowledge in order to preserve nature, to prevent a dangerous and irreversible violation of the ecological balance. The developmental function is realized in the process of developing in children the ability to comprehend environmental phenomena, to establish connections and dependencies that exist in the world of plants and animals; draw conclusions, generalizations and conclusions regarding the state of nature; make recommendations for reasonable interaction with her. The educational function of ecological consciousness is manifested in the formation of a moral and aesthetic attitude towards nature in preschoolers. A sense of duty and responsibility organically merges with a sense of admiration and beauty of the real world. This encourages children to be environmentally friendly. The organizing function is to stimulate the active environmental activities of preschool children. The development of ecological culture, ecological consciousness helps children to understand and realize what the violation of ecological processes leads to; what actions are environmentally neutral, and what activities need to be carried out for the benefit of nature.
Effective implementation of the function of ecological consciousness leads to the formation of ecological culture among preschoolers. It includes environmental knowledge, a deep interest in environmental protection, its competent implementation, the wealth of moral and aesthetic feelings and experiences generated by communication with nature.
Environmental consciousness as an important part of the worldview of schoolchildren is formed in the process of environmental education. It is a systematic pedagogical activity aimed at the development of environmental education and upbringing of children; accumulation of environmental knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities of activities in nature, the awakening of high moral and aesthetic feelings, the acquisition of highly moral personal qualities and a strong will in the implementation of environmental work. Environmental education is carried out as a result of targeted training. Preschoolers in the process of carrying out various activities are enriched with environmental knowledge. Moral and aesthetic education focuses the attention of children on respect for nature, love for it, the ability to enjoy its beauty. Socially useful work accustoms kids to environmental work. This interrelation and conditionality is diverse. different types activities determine the system of environmental education. The purpose of the system is to develop the ecological consciousness of children as a set of knowledge, thinking, feelings and will; in the formation of their ecological culture; readiness for active environmental protection activities.
In the formation of the ecological consciousness of schoolchildren big role plays them socially useful environmental work: caring for pets and plants in a living corner, working together with the teacher in the kindergarten garden, cleaning the territory during subbotniks in spring and autumn, caring for birds in the cold season. The nature protection activities of children are inextricably linked with the tourist-excursion form of environmental activities (field trips, nature reserves, parks, excursions to the botanical garden, etc.). These trips teach children to observe the rules of conduct in places of recreation, in forests and on rivers, to observe the state of nature, to accumulate impressions for artistic expression in their own literary, musical, and visual arts.
Thus, we can conclude that environmental activities play a huge role in the environmental education of the child. One of the most important human qualities that environmental protection develops is formation of a caring attitude towards nature.
Scientists note that already at the age of three, a child begins to develop his own attitude to various aspects of the surrounding reality, which is based mainly on the knowledge gained from interaction with adults. This attitude is expressed primarily through the manifestation of concern for people and nature. It should be taken into account that moral patterns of attitude towards nature should be presented to the child not only in the form of ready-made knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior, but also through practical forms of interaction with the natural environment (B.T. Likhachev). Preschoolers are able to verbally express their attitude to the world around them, are able to verbalize the desires, needs, state and mood of natural objects, and also show a caring attitude in action. For example, seeing the need of a living organism for something, the child seeks to satisfy it, i.e. Show care in action (change the bedding of the animal, pour water, pour food). In addition, turning to the animal, the child affectionately talks to him.
Caring is an integrative quality. It depends on many components: diligence, altruism, responsibility, perseverance, efficiency, empathy. All these qualities are developed in children during practical environmental activities. With the help of various forms and methods of nature protection activities, children imperceptibly join this activity, develop in themselves the need for its implementation. What forms of environmental protection activities can be carried out in kindergarten? Studying the experience of kindergartens actively working on environmental education programs, the author singled out several effective, interesting for both children and adults themselves forms of environmental protection.
Arouses considerable interest and desire in children work in nature for the care of indoor plants, fish, parrot, turtle, which contributes to the education of kindness, a sense of constant concern for those who live next to them. Starting on duty, preschoolers inspect a corner of nature, determine which of its inhabitants needs help. With the same attention they treat both animals and plants. In the process of labor, they reason: “A hamster, like us, likes to be taken care of. The parrot is bored, he wants to talk to us. The canary has run out of water, we must give it a drink ”(from the experience of a kindergarten). Communication with animals, plants (any living organisms of nature) is very useful for children in terms of emotional and ecological development. Even episodic, but emotional contact with animals has a beneficial effect on the child, shaping his attitude towards the inhabitants of nature.
Already traditional, but no less interesting and effective, are the works carried out on the site of the kindergarten, where the garden, flower garden, and berry garden are located. On the sites, you can grow various types of trees, including fruit trees. With pleasure, children work in the garden: they dig up beds, loosen, plant potatoes, onions, carrots, cereals, flowers and willingly look after them. In autumn, they can harvest their own crops. Vegetables. greens can be used for pet food. This helps to bring up kindness in children, teaches them to take care of pets. No one will deny that such a “children's gardening” develops both a love for nature and work.
To cultivate caring, it is good to organize collective work. For example, making bird feeders, updating birdhouses by spring. Collective work unites the guys in their desire to take care of living beings, unites them with a single motivation to help, take care of something else.
One of the most effective forms of environmental work is participation in environmental events that have a great educational impact on children. For example, "March of Parks", "Earth Day", "Clean", "Feed the Birds", "Plant a Tree", "Herringbone" and others (from the experience of kindergartens). The purpose of these actions is to draw the attention of young citizens to the problem of wildlife conservation by the example of providing assistance to protected areas (for example, nature reserves, parks), birds, animals, plants in nearby natural areas. During these actions, children, together with adults, participate in spring/autumn cleaning, beautification of the territory, and care for birds. If it is not possible to hold such events at the city, district levels, then with no less efficiency such environmental holidays can be held on the territory of a kindergarten, in adjacent residential yards. You can also provide for various prizes, badges with thematic emblems - this is a kind of gratitude for a job well done. This makes children feel a joyful sense of celebration, a sense of self-worth and pride in the work done. After all, they participate in real adult affairs!
A very interesting, impressive and effective way of environmental protection is visiting nature reserves, parks, botanical gardens. When conducting excursions, one should always pay special attention to the environmental aspect, note the positive and negative impact of man on nature, and together with the children try to find ways to solve the problem. During these excursions, children learn to see, understand nature, begin to realize what danger animals and plants can face in the modern world, why it is necessary to protect and protect them. Children learn how a person can influence the state of nature, how and with what he can help her, protect. In addition to traditional excursions around the territory of the kindergarten, to the forest, to the park, you can, of course, with parental or sponsorship help, visit a household waste disposal plant (if there is one in the city), where children will have the opportunity to see what can be made from ordinary plastic bottles and other household waste. During a visit to the botanical garden, you can (by agreement with the leader) conduct thematic classes there: for example, “Northern nature”, “Plants of hot countries”, “Cacti”, “Plants - predators”. Children will have the opportunity to participate in ecology classes directly in the greenhouse, to master theoretical knowledge and practical skills of communicating with nature directly in one of the main objects of human environmental protection.
To attract the attention of the population to environmental problems, you can arrange a campaign: together with parents and children, develop and distribute memos and campaign leaflets in the microdistrict. Adults can develop leaflet texts. and the guys will make pictures for them.
You can arrange an environmental competition-exhibition "Clean city through the eyes of children." Posters, drawings, crafts from waste material can be made for the competition, poems, fairy tales, leaflets on environmental topics can be composed. This can be organized as homework for the family followed by a holiday in kindergarten. Competitions on the topics “The second life of a plastic bottle”, “Competition of ecological ditties”, “Autumn bouquet” and others will be interesting. The value of such competitions lies in the fact that parents and children are united by one idea, become like-minded people in the protection and conservation of nature.
Another form of environmental education and promotion of environmental knowledge is ecological theater. An agitation team is organized, costumes are sewn, thematic sketches and scenarios are compiled. Such an agitation team can speak at parent-teacher meetings, and in other kindergartens, schools, boarding schools, and children's centers. This work has a great influence both on the participants themselves and on their viewers. They are motivated to actively participate in the process of protecting nature and improving the environmental situation, there is a sense of concern for the state of the environment.
Summing up, we can say that environmental activities can be very diverse, entertaining, exciting. Everything largely depends on the readiness and environmental education of the teacher himself (teaching staff of the kindergarten). For children of school age, a role model, a worthy example, is very important. One of the components of success is the establishment of a relationship of trust and cooperation between educators and pupils, which, without tiring children with excessive information, can effectively influence the improvement of their environmental culture and morality. The family also plays a huge role in the process of ecological perception, as a primary source of formation and consolidation of all the skills of cultural and moral education. Only a benevolent, attentive attitude of parents and those close to the concepts and feelings acquired by the child, their positive example and active participation in his environmental activities will give the child confidence, a sense of significance and the correctness of his actions. This means that they will consolidate and strengthen his nurturing love for the world around him, his nascent desire to protect nature, his native land, humanity, planet Earth.


It is possible to educate a kind, sympathetic person only through communication with nature. The history of human development is inextricably linked with the development of nature. The fact that man is not the king of nature, people have understood for a long time. And now they are actively promoting nature protection activities.
Many issues of nature conservation, global environmental problems are attracting the attention of an increasing number of people. The upbringing of an ecologically developed and educated person must begin from preschool age. Since it is at this age that it is easiest for a child to show the need to protect the environment, to inspire hope and confidence that the future of the planet depends on his good deeds. With a purposeful psychological and pedagogical process, it is at this age that the foundations of ecological education are laid.
A very bright, impressive and self-sufficient form of educating the ecological culture of a preschooler is environmental protection. It allows children to enrich their knowledge with practical experience, broaden their horizons, develop and deepen positive feelings and emotions in relation to all living things that surround them in reality, gain confidence in their actions, a sense of their own importance and belonging to all people who care about the well-being of our common house- our Earth.


1. Aksenova P. In the reserved forest. Ecological education of preschool children. // Preschool education. No. 7, 2009, pp. 62-65
2. Vinogradova N.F. Education of a moral attitude to nature in six-year-old preschoolers. M., 1993
3. Dezhnikova N.S., Tsvetkova I.V. Ecological workshop: projects, searches, finds. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2001.
4. Likhachev B.G. Pedagogy: Course of lectures. - M .: Yurayt - M, 2001.
5. Markova T.A. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of environmental education in children of senior preschool age: Abstract of the thesis. ..candidate of pedagogical sciences. St. Petersburg, 1999
6. Nikolaeva S.N. Creation of conditions for ecological education of children. M., 1993
7. Nikolaeva S.N. Theory and methods of environmental education of children: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. - M., 2002
8. Pavlova L. Games as a means of environmental and aesthetic education // Preschool education. No. 10, 2002, pp. 40-49.
9. Prokopova A. Formation of a caring attitude to nature in children of senior preschool age. // Preschool education. No. 8, 2009, pp. 86-91
10. Sergeeva T. G. Organization of environmental work in the senior group of the preschool educational institution // article from the section "Working with preschoolers" (from the experience of the preschool educational institution)


(Scenario of ecological holiday-KVN)
Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle.
Leading. Hello dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. June 5th is World Environment Day. On the eve of this day, we are holding KVN "Our home is the Earth." Question one: what is the environment?
Everything - from the poplar at the fence
To the big dark forest
And from the lake to the pond -
And also a bear, and an elk,
And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?
Even a fly - wow! -
I love silence on the lake
And in the garden the reflection of the roofs,
I like to take blueberries in the forest,
I love the badger and the fox.
I love you forever,
L. Fadeeva
Leading. Yes, the world is big. We will talk about its diversity today. To play the game, we need to split into teams.
Children receive cards with pictures of animals. In accordance with the image in the picture (herbivore or predator), they are divided into two teams and put on emblems: "herbivores" - a medallion with a green branch, and "predators" - with the image of a bone. Teams choose captains and a jury. For each team there is an obstacle course made of sports equipment, at the end of the course there are models of continents. Teams receive a set of pictures depicting vegetables, fruits, industrial crops, etc.

From the history of the holiday

World Environment Day (Environmentalist Day) has been set December 15, 1972 initiated by the UN General Assembly to "draw public attention to the need to preserve and improve the environment."

The choice of date is not accidental: on June 5, 1972, a special UN conference on the environment was held for the first time. Ecologist's Day is a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Environmental Prosecutor's Office, departments of environmental management, as well as other public and private environmental organizations.

Traditionally, many environmental events take place on this day - conferences, round tables, forums and presentations, as well as public and environmental organizations organize exhibitions of children's drawings, cleaning parks, planting trees and other events aimed at attracting public attention to environmental problems. and the preservation of our environment.

AT different years the themes of World Environment Day were: “Only one Earth”, “Water is the key resource of life”, “Only one future for our children - development without destruction”, “Managing the collection, disposal and disposal of hazardous waste: acid rain and energy”, Tree for Peace, Youth: Population and Environment, Climate Change. The Need for a Global Partnership", "Poverty and the Environment - Breaking the Vicious Circle", "One Earth - One Family", "For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas", "Enter the the world wide web Life”, “Green Cities”: A Plan for the Planet!”, “We Need Seas and Oceans! Alive, not dead”, “Forests: using the services of nature”, “Think. Eat. Save", "Raise your voice, but not the sea level!" and others.

Ecologist. Professiogram.

general characteristics professions

An ecologist is a specialist engaged in a comprehensive study of the impact of human activity on the environment and developing a set of environmental measures.

Today, one of the most powerful factors affecting nature is human activity, the consequences of various human impacts on the living world (industrial pollution, agricultural production, urbanization, tourism, etc.).

Ecology is closely related to economics, legal and moral aspects environmental management, politics.

Modern ecology- science is not only biological, but, to a certain extent, social.

On the basis of ecological laws, laws on nature protection, a system of reserves and reserves, Red Books with lists of plants and animals subject to protection are being developed.

Ecological knowledge is also necessary for the development of practical measures for the protection of the environment and human health (for example, when creating a waste-free technology, in a system for monitoring environmental quality, etc.).

All this is done by specialists - environmentalists.

The main place in their work is occupied by research activities.
The ecologist works in institutions of sanitary-hygienic, meteorological, scientific profiles, at industrial enterprises, in environmental inspections.

Ecologist Responsibilities:

Studies of the state of water, land, air, observations of the life of plants and animals;
studies of the influence of the natural environment and food products on the health and well-being of people, their genetic apparatus;
identification and classification of existing and potential sources of environmental hazard, determination of the impact of various factors on the environment of their nature, degree, scale, real and predicted consequences;
development of complexes of environmental protection measures, their implementation and control of results;
determination of the level of compliance of the state of technical facilities with environmental standards and the implementation of measures for the implementation new technology and technologies that meet environmental standards.

The main goal of the ecologist- organization of protection of life and health of people, flora and fauna from the process and consequences of irrational and uncontrolled use by people of the achievements of science and technology.

The main object of labor- nature (study, study of the state and conditions of life of a person, animals, plants), accompanying - sign systems (numbers, documents).

In his work, the ecologist uses material (tool) means of labor - manual (pen, pencil), mechanical and automatic, instrumentation (chemical and physico-chemical analysis, gas analyzers, biotesters, recording equipment).

In addition, the main ones include its non-material (functional) means - analytical thinking, long-term memory; well coordinated body, business speech, as well as the sense organs - sight, hearing, smell, touch.

The work of an ecologist has a clearly defined character and is carried out in accordance with the current:
official duties;
legislative and regulatory legal acts;
methodical, guidance materials, environmental standards;
resolutions, orders, orders, instructions relating to environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

The work of an ecologist is organized in such a way that the fulfillment of labor tasks depends on the process and result of the actions of other people (team members, specialists from other contact departments).

Functionally, the ecologist is the organizer own work- he plans it himself, distributes the load, changes the ways of performing and solving problems according to changing circumstances.

The ecologist has few contacts - with colleagues at work and representatives of related organizations who are interconnected by common labor functions.
The responsibility of the ecologist is increased - for the life and health of people, animals, plants.

The ecologist works both in comfortable conditions - indoors (a desk with a PC and communications equipment), and outdoors in constant movement - these are trips on expeditions, nature reserves, work in field teams.

The following factors can contribute to the psychophysiological tension in the work of an ecologist:
increased responsibility for the life and health of humans, animals and plants;
physical exercise;
work in hazardous conditions (air pollution, water and soil pollution, vibration, high humidity);
outdoor work.

Requirements of the profession to the individual abilities of a specialist:

Neuropsychic stability;
analytical thinking;
good long-term and short-term memory;
physical endurance.

Requirements of the profession to the personal abilities and qualities of a specialist:

Stress resistant;
personal organization;
ability to make a decision;
organizational skills.

Medical contraindications:

The work of an ecologist is not recommended for people with diseases:
musculoskeletal system;
upper respiratory tract;
digestive organs;
visual analyzer.

Pre-professional education

Knowledge of biology, chemistry, Russian language and literature is required as part of the school curriculum.

Professional education

Ecologist professions are taught in institutions of higher professional education.

Related professions

Laboratory assistant-ecologist, biologist, sanitary doctor, meteorologist.

Educational establishments in the specialty "Ecologist"

The Faculty of Natural Geography was formed in October 1932, at the same time the Department of Chemistry was created. In 1934, a joint department of botany and zoology was organized, which in 1940 was divided into departments of botany and zoology. In 1960, the Department of Geography was founded in connection with the opening of the specialty "History and Geography", and in 1963 the Faculty was named Natural Geographic. In 2012, the faculty celebrated the 80th anniversary of its activity.

At present, the faculty is a center for training specialists: biologists, geographers, teachers (teachers of biology, geography, chemistry).

There are 5 departments in the structure of the faculty (Department of Botany and Plant Ecology, Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology, Department of Geography, Department of Chemistry, Department of Life Safety and Biomedical Disciplines), problem laboratories (environmental studies, regional studies, GIS-laboratory), zoological museum , a resource center for collective use of the Herbarium of Pskov State University, a biological station - in the Gdovsky district (v. Pnevo).


Teacher Education
profile "Biology and Chemistry" (full-time education, 5 years)

profile "Bioecology" (full-time education, 4 years)

Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture (full-time education, 4 years)


Teacher Education
profile "Theory and methods of teaching biology and chemistry" (full-time education, 2 years)

profile "Ecology" (full-time education, 2 years)

The Department of General Ecology is one of the youngest departments of the faculty,
It was established in mid 1999.

The department is equipped modern means training and equipment for the effective implementation of educational and research processes, a modern computer class, on the basis of which the department conducts a general faculty course "Mathematical Methods in Biology". At the department there is a permanent scientific seminar "Population and system ecology"; the staff of the department created and maintains the scientific and educational portal "Fundamental Ecology", Information system"Ecology of fresh waters in Russia and neighboring countries", site "Vasily Vasilyevich Nalimov - an outstanding scientist, mathematician and philosopher".

Professional periodicals

International Science Magazine"Ecology" (Russian Journal of Ecology)

Ecology magazine was founded in 1970.

Frequency - 6 issues per year.

Since 1973, the journal "Ecology" has been translated into English language.
The journal publishes reviews and original articles from all over the world based on completed materials. fundamental research in all areas of theoretical and experimental ecology in the classical sense of the term, i.e. sciences about the relationship of living organisms and their communities with the environment.

The journal "Ecology" is currently a recognized authoritative Russian publication that publishes original scientific articles on problems of theoretical and experimental ecology.

The most important topics:
studying the structure of populations in various environmental conditions,
homeostasis, adaptation and resistance to stress,
problems of biodiversity and stability of ecosystems,
the main types of variability of morphological and physiological characteristics of different species,
anthropogenic impact on living organisms and ecosystems, 6. radioecology,
new research methods.

The journal also publishes short reports, a chronicle of international and Russian conferences and symposiums on environmental issues, reviews and reviews of new books.

Full-text versions of articles are available by subscription on the website of the electronic scientific library

Newspaper "Society and Ecology"

The newspaper has been published since May 1999 and is published monthly.

The newspaper is distributed free of charge by delivery to administrative, informational, legislative, political, environmental and other structures, as well as at conferences, exhibitions and seminars.

Each issue of the newspaper in electronic format is sent according to the database to scientific, public, environmental organizations, administrative institutions, legislative and executive bodies authorities, in newspaper editors, magazines, TV and radio companies, Internet sites - more than 500 recipients.

Topics covered by the newspaper: environmental culture, environmental education, environmental legislation, energy, construction, protection of forests and green spaces, eco-settlements, the state of the air basin, clean water, the state of soils, soils, exploration and environmental activities, conservation, green youth issues, development of environmental journalism, household and industrial waste, Agriculture, nuclear energy, information policy, religious and ideological issues, eco-politics, eco-tourism, press tours and much more.

The site contains an archive of newspaper issues in PDF format from 2011.

Books and articles about the profession of ECOLOGIST

Klepa chooses a profession. Ecologist: almanac // Klepa. - 2001. - No. 7 (70). - S. 2-32.

What does an ecologist do? What is the biosphere? How did the greenhouse effect come about? Who is to blame for the appearance of ozone holes? Why does acid rain occur? How to keep the planet clean?
Klepa develops intelligent solutions to environmental problems.
The almanac also contains the comic strip Klepa and Ecological Balance.

Colozaridi, P. Become a professional "green" / P. Colosaridi // Entrant. - 2009 - No. 9. - S. 22-24.

In the 20th century, it became necessary to take special care of nature. An ecologist has become a specialist in demand in the most different areas. The article will tell you about how to become an ecologist and where a person with such a profession can apply himself.

Romanova E. S. 99 Popular professions: psychol. analysis and professiograms / E. S. Romanova. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2003. - 460 p.

On S. 423-426 contains a professiogram of the profession "Ecologist".

Shalaeva, G.P. Big book of professions for the smallest / G.P. Shalaeva. - M. : Slovo: Eksmo, 2005. - 239 p.

On S. 226-227 it is told about the profession of ecologist.

Books about ecology

Geography of the Pskov region: Nature, population, economy: textbook. allowance for 8-9 cells. / ed. A. G. Manakova. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - Pskov: POIPKRO, 2000. - 199 p.

P. 160-165 contains the topic “Environmental Problems”, which tells about how vegetation changes, air, water and soil in the Pskov region are polluted.

Greshnevikov A.N. Ecological primer: [for Wednesdays. and Art. school age] / Greshnevikov A.N. - M. : Ekos-inform, 1995. - 73 p.

The Environmental Primer is the first book to teach environmental literacy and help prepare conversations on ecology and conservation with middle and high school students.
The primer tells about how to preserve the native land, plants and animals, fields and forests, restore purity to the seas and rivers, land and air.
After each chapter there are practical tasks.
The purpose of the classes is to introduce children to the protection of nature and to awaken in the children a sense of responsibility for all living and non-living things on earth, to show concrete examples that the health of the planet largely depends on the interaction of man with nature.

Local history and nature conservation / Pskov. state ped. in-t; Pskov. region in-t advanced training of educators. - Pskov: [b. and.], 1993. - 217 p. - Bibliography: p. 212-215.

P. 3-36 contains the chapter "Ecology and Nature Conservation" devoted to the environmental situation in the Pskov region, the state of the Pskov-Peipsi Lake ecosystem, environmental forecasting and much more.

Molodova L.P. Game environmental activities with children: textbook.-method. allowance / L. P. Molodova. - M. : TsGL, 2003. - 128 p.

The manual offers 54 developments of game activities with children from 2 to 12 years old and older to educate children in environmental culture.
For an accessible explanation of environmental problems, the content of the classes includes a variety of games, a lot of literary and folklore material.
Many classes can be carried out not only with preschoolers and younger students, but also with children of middle school age.
The manual is intended for teachers of kindergartens, orphanages, boarding schools, groups extended day, school teachers, organizers of children's leisure, as well as students of schools and universities of a pedagogical profile.

Pryadko, K. A. Ecology: a schoolboy's dictionary / K. A. Pryadko. - St. Petersburg. : Litera, 2006. - 63 p. - (Concepts and definitions).

The dictionary contains the basic concepts and definitions for the course ecology for high school. The material is selected in accordance with the requirements curriculum and is arranged in alphabetical order in the form of dictionary entries.
Using the dictionary, you can consolidate the knowledge gained in the lessons, test yourself and prepare for tests, as well as just get interesting information.
Vocabulary designed for students general education schools, university students, as well as for everyone who is interested in ecology.

Ryanzhin S. V. Ecological primer: book. for classes with children in school. / Ryanzhin S. V. - St. Petersburg. : Pit-Tal, 1996. - 184 p. - Bibliography: p. 182 . -ISBN 5-72-61051-18

The "Primer" in a simple and accessible form sets out the basic knowledge of modern ecology.

Scenarios dedicated to world day environmental protection (Ecologist Day)

1. Peshkun, L. G. Eco rainbow: June 5 - World Environment Day: for children aged 9 / L. G. Peshkun // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2015. - No. 4. - S. 56-58.

The script of the team game contains tasks to compose a story of three sentences about the danger to nature hidden in it, name and draw the animal according to the description, write gratitude to the sun for everything that it gives to nature and man, and much more.

2. Astafieva, A. A. Nature is our home: an ecological matinee for children aged 6-7 / A. A. Astafieva // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2014. - No. 4. - S. 57-59.

This event scenario for preschoolers is dedicated to World Environment Day.

3. Yunda, N. N. Ecological Court / N. N. Yunda, M. I. Chernysh // Class teacher. - 2012. No. 7. - P. 99-102.

The proposed scenario in the form of a court session on the hearing of a case on pollution of the planet is designed to form students' ideas about the aggravation of the environmental situation and the development of students' ecological culture.

4. Loboda, O. V. Be a man, man! : June 5 - Ecologist's Day: for children 8-10 years old / O. V. Loboda // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 30-32.

The scenario of the event contains educational information about ecology, the Red Book of Russia and interactive tasks for children that help to educate the participants in the event respect and love for nature.

Poems about ecologist and ecology

green nature,
All birds and animals
Ecologist defends
Your care.

He tells the people
Excited and loving:
"Who saves nature -
He will save himself,

Let the sea be clean
Blooming - fields,
Let him not know grief
Favorite Earth.

Profession "Ecologist" on the TV channel "PROVSHCHENIE"

Protecting the environment has become fashionable in recent years. There are those who in this aspiration go much further than loud appeals and slogans - these are people who have made love for nature and a responsible attitude to its gifts their profession. forest protection engineer Portrait This profession is more about biology than engineering as such. The forest protection engineer develops and implements planned measures to control the state of forest plantations. Records the changes taking place in the territory under his control and analyzes them. For example, he considers the causes of the emergence of new populations of pests in forest plantations, qualitative and quantitative changes in the composition of trees, shrubs and plants, etc. Education Two specialties are suitable for future forest rulers: Forest Engineering and Forestry and Forest Park Management. In the universities of the metropolitan region, they rarely prepare in these areas, which is not surprising: large forest areas are concentrated mainly in the east and northeast of the country. But in Moscow there is a leading specialized university in the industry - the Moscow State Forest University. What you need to know and be able to Forest is a living organism, with its own characteristics, specifics of development and problems. To succeed in the profession, it is necessary to have both specific knowledge of botany and biology, as well as more general skills, mainly aimed at forestry management. For example, know the systems and methods government controlled forests, methods of protecting forests from pests and diseases, technologies for diagnosing the state of forest plantations, etc. Location Engineers of this profile are required in forestry, nature reserves, parks, landscape monuments. The average salary of a specialist is low: depending on the region, a forest protection engineer can count on 15-25 thousand rubles. The second option for building a career is work in various controlling and environmental state organizations. In this case, the charms of the social package help to “put up” with a relatively low salary. Cartographer Portrait Compiles maps of various purposes and scales based on the analysis of photo and video recording, measurement, graphic and text data. Geodesy technologies are constantly being improved, so the main activity of surveyors cartographers is the development of new methods of work that allow you to display the area as detailed and reliable as possible. Education In Cartography, the emphasis is on mapping. At "Applied Geodesy" - on the issues of measuring territories, land law and issuing building permits. For example, students of the Faculty of Urban Cadastre of the State University for Land Management study both ground-based methods of surveying the terrain, and computer technologies for processing aerial and space images, geomorphology and soil science. What you need to know and be able to properly collect and, most importantly, systematize geodetic information, you need knowledge from a number of natural sciences, humanities, technical and applied disciplines. Personal qualities, without which one cannot do in the profession, are observation, responsibility, interest, perseverance. Location Graduates of the State Educational Institution, MIIGAiK, Moscow State University work in the State Committee for Land Resources, Moscow and regional committees on land resources (deal with the use of land for agricultural or housing purposes), real estate agencies and technical inventory bureaus, cadastral bureaus. "According to the announcement" of specialists from state structures, they are rarely looked for: talented students are usually noticed even on the student bench. But in commercial you can get yourself. Meteorologist Portrait Engaged in the collection and systematization of data on weather changes, as a result of which a forecast is made. It often works in difficult conditions and remote regions. Education Specialties "Meteorology", "Hydrometeorology", "Meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology" are quite rare. In order to successfully master the course, the student needs knowledge in physics, chemistry, geography, drawing, and mathematics. During the training, special emphasis is placed on geodesy, topography and meteorology itself. What you need to know and be able to Future meteorologists should carefully watch the film "How I Spent This Summer". The action of the picture takes place on a certain island located in the Arctic Ocean, where two people work at the polar station - the head of the station Sergey and the trainee Pavel. The main principles of work are conveyed in the film: observations must be carried out at clearly defined time intervals, and work should be done most often at points remote from civilization. Before choosing this profession, you need to make sure that you have a certain set of personal qualities. For example, analytical skills, scrupulousness, the ability to endure loneliness, a tendency to observe, discipline and accuracy. Place of action The main places of work are meteorological stations and centers, most often state ones. There are subdivisions of the hydrometeorological center in almost every city and, according to the testimony of employees, specialists are constantly required. But the salaries of ordinary meteorologists, especially beginners, are low: 15-20 thousand rubles. In applied areas, such as television, you can earn more. Another field of activity is research centers and institutes. Ecologist Portrait The ecologist does many things: from calculations of allowable emissions of enterprises into the environment to Arctic expeditions to protect rare animals. Education Engineers-ecologists are trained on "Ecology and nature management", "Engineering environmental protection". At the Faculty of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow state university environmental management students are engaged in environmental expertise of soils, landscape planning, physical and chemical methods of water purification in order to find themselves in Rosprirodnadzor, structures of Mosvodokanal or federal agency water resources. What you need to know and be able to do Ecology is at the intersection of several sciences (physics, chemistry, geography and biology). The queen of sciences - mathematics is not ignored. Calculations, without which no industrial project is conceivable, are based on strict formulas. Important component professional success ecologist - impeccable computer literacy. Most modern equipment is high-tech, including microelectronics. Location Environmental engineers work on a staff of large and small industrial enterprises and various state controlling and certifying organizations. Ecologists are also required in environmental structures, public organizations and committees, expert companies. Level wages in all these structures is extremely heterogeneous. The work of an ecologist-expert is most highly valued: 50-70 thousand rubles a month. Environmental engineers at enterprises earn 30-40 thousand. And employees of all kinds public organizations often generally work for an idea and private grants.

Educator: Guys, what about a policeman, a fireman, a driver, a doctor, an accountant - how can this be called in one word? What do you think a profession is? (children's answers)
Educator: Yes, every adult has a profession. A profession is a business that is done every day, which is useful to other people. Professions need to be specially trained, it is very important that the work is to your liking, only then you can become a master of your craft.

Ball game “What happens if…”

Learn to understand the importance of professions in people's lives; to teach to talk about the consequences of the termination of the activity of people of different professions.

What happens if chefs stop cooking food?

What happens if doctors stop treating people?

What happens if teachers stop teaching children?

What happens if builders stop building houses?

What happens if all drivers refuse to drive?

What happens if the road service stops monitoring the condition of the roads?

Each profession has its own tools, that is, special items that are needed to complete its professional activity. Of course, both the hairdresser and the doctor have such tools. Now I suggest you divide into two teams: Team 1 - a team of hairdressers and Team 2 - a team of doctors.

The task is as follows: from the presented tools, the guys from the first team need to select those tools that are needed for the work of a hairdresser and, if possible, explain how to use this or that device. And the guys from the second team need to choose the tools that are needed for the doctor’s work and also try to tell us what they are for.

(There are various accessories on the table, the children choose the necessary ones and explain).

5. Acquaintance with the profession of a cook.

The next riddle and our next stopping point.

Walks in a white cap

With a cook in hand.

He cooks dinner for us.

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

That's right, it's the chef. This is a very important and necessary profession. The cook knows how to cook a lot of tasty and healthy dishes, knows how to bake cakes and pies. There is a cook in kindergarten, at school, in a hospital, at a factory, in a cafe. Any chef should love his job. After all, if the chef cooks with love, with pleasure, then the food turns out to be unusually tasty, nutritious and, of course, healthy.

6. Acquaintance with the profession of the seller.

We are given the goods and a check.

Not a philosopher, not a sage

And not a superman

And the usual ... (seller).

This is very interesting job, because sellers communicate with different people every day. People in this profession should be friendly and attentive with customers. The seller must tell about the goods and help buyers choose them.

Now I suggest that each of you be in the role of a seller and help your buyer choose the right product. There are various products in front of you. I will describe to you the qualities of a certain product. You need to guess it and put it in the shopping cart.

Tasty, healthy, can be cow or goat. (Milk)

Sweet, sometimes milky, black and even white. (Chocolate)

Invigorating, fragrant, may be green or black. (Tea)

Milky, fruity, with pieces of peaches, very tasty. (Yogurt)

Red, ripe, juicy. (Apple)

Sour, yellow, oval. (Lemon)

Dental, whitening, treatment-and-prophylactic. (Toothpaste)

Orange, round shape, sweet and sour, tasty. (Orange)

Green, elongated, refreshing, juicy. (Cucumber)

Delicious, crispy, honey, with nuts. (Cookie)

7. Acquaintance with the teaching profession.

Riddle: Chalk writes and draws,

And he fights with mistakes.

Teaches to think, reflect,

What's his guys name?

That's right, it's a teacher. If there were no teachers and schools, all people would be illiterate. But teachers are not only at school. Our first teachers are Mom and Dad. They teach us the main rules in life. At school, teachers will teach us to read, write, count and much more. A good friend can also be a teacher. You need to love and respect your teachers.

Educator:- Now I suggest you play the game "Smooth Circle". You will need to name the profession that owns the tool that I will take out of the wonderful bag.

Children stand in a circle and, holding hands, say:

In an even circle one after another

We go step by step.

Stand still, stay together

Answer like this!

(The teacher takes out an instrument from the bag, calls the child who must answer).

8. Acquaintance with the profession of an artist.

Riddle: I have a close friend

Paint all around.

Rain on the window.

So, it will grow ... (artist).

An artist is a creator, he creates beautiful pictures. Artists paint landscapes, portraits, still lifes. They work in workshops or paint in nature. Artists make our life more beautiful.

3. Acquaintance with the profession of a hairdresser.

And what is the first point of our journey, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

This sorceress, this artist,

Not brushes and paints, but a comb and scissors.

She has a mysterious power:

Whoever touches, he will become beautiful.

That's right, it's a hairdresser. A hairdresser is a very interesting and creative job, because a hairdresser makes different hairstyles every day. What else do hairdressers do?

(cutting, dyeing, curling and styling hair).

In a word, they bring beauty. People of this profession must be neat, polite and hardy, because they spend the whole day on their feet.

4. Acquaintance with the medical profession.

He heals all diseases

Known to everyone since childhood.

Have fun look around

He is the best friend of the kids.

That's right, it's a doctor. This is very important and necessary work. If there were no doctors, people would often get sick and could die from various diseases. Doctors are different. What doctors do you know?

(For example, a pediatrician treats children, a surgeon performs operations, a dentist treats teeth, an ophthalmologist checks eyesight).

Doctors must be brave, determined and strong.

Ball game.

Teacher: Guys, let's play. Whom I throw the ball to will tell me what this person is doing.

Vabrite cook

teacher teaches



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