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Today, Russians operate predominantly used vehicles that need regular repairs. As a rule, it is carried out in specialized workshops. A detailed business plan for a car service center will help an entrepreneur open his own business, calculate expenses and income, performance indicators, and determine the approximate opening time.

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Business Relevance

The business idea of ​​opening a car service is promising, since the vast majority of car owners prefer to use the services of organizations that carry out their repair and maintenance. People who bought new car, often turn to private workshops, and not to an official dealer. To a greater extent, this is due to the fact that the service centers of car dealerships have unreasonably high price tags.


Car services are of several types:

  1. Repair services provided by individual craftsmen. Car maintenance takes place in a garage or in a private house. There are a huge number of such specialists and their services for the consumer will be the least expensive. The quality of the work performed will not always be high, due to the lack of necessary conditions to perform a number of operations and the necessary equipment.
  2. Single car service. This is the most popular market segment. Main advantage this format business is an ideal combination of service price and quality. As a result, the demand for their services is quite high.
  3. Specialized car services. Such establishments work with a focus on a particular brand of vehicle, which significantly reduces the number of their customers. The services provided are characterized high quality and focused on clear target group motorists. The cost of the work performed is approximately 25 percent higher than that of single car services. Authorized repair shops are usually owned by car manufacturers or major authorized dealers.
  4. Network service stations. They have a branch network in certain regions or cover the entire territory of the country. On the this moment network car repair shops are not very common in Russia. The most famous are: “White Service”, “On Wheels. RU", "Bosch Auto Service", "Fit automaster", "TRAK CENTER", "Tuning & Service".
  5. Ready-made franchise business. You can take advantage of a franchise offer from FitService, BoschService or Wilgud.

The first two options for organizing a service require a smaller initial investment. However, they are experiencing serious competition from larger market players. This problem is especially acute in large cities.

Choice of field of activity

The scope of activity of a car service may affect the repair of:

  • motorcycle equipment;
  • passenger cars;
  • minibuses;
  • trucks up to 30 tons;
  • agricultural machinery.

The entrepreneur will have to decide on the repair of which cars the service will specialize in. These can be vehicles from foreign manufacturers, domestic or both. According to statistics, the probability of breakdown of both types of machines is approximately the same.

Additional services

The main and additional areas of work of a car service:

  • carwash;
  • diagnostics;
  • refueling and lubricating types of work;
  • installation of alarms and other protective systems;
  • repair of the motor, gearbox, power windows, bodywork, battery;
  • tuning;
  • clutch adjustment;
  • car glass installation, tinting;
  • painting;
  • welding work;
  • installation and dismantling of vehicle units;
  • troubleshooting in steering;
  • installation of musical equipment;
  • balancing, tire fitting and wheel alignment.

Covering one hundred percent of services in one workshop is almost impossible and irrational. Service owners recommend initial stage the formation of a business, take several areas of activity as a basis and not get hung up on a particular brand of car. In most cases, the highest profits are received by those car services that have chosen a narrow specialization, compared with station wagons.

Market analysis and target audience

After analyzing the market, several trends can be identified:

  1. There are more than 50 thousand companies in Russia that provide services for the maintenance and repair of machines.
  2. Most of the Russian market (65%) is occupied by authorized services, followed by network, single and self-employed entrepreneurs have the smallest share (10%).
  3. According to Avstostat estimates, the vast majority of car repair shops are highly specialized enterprises (58%). Mostly these are tuning studios, car washes, body repair stations, engine repairs, electricians, etc.
  4. The growth in demand for car service is confirmed by statistics. In 2012, the market capacity was about 300 billion rubles, and in 2016 the milestone of 500 billion rubles was overcome. Demand is growing even in times of economic crisis, it is more profitable for consumers to fix an old car rather than buy a new one.
  5. The target audience is predominantly car owners. Vehicle. However, the business can be focused on the repair of trucks and large special equipment. Approximately 60% of consumers are men between the ages of 18 and 60.
  6. The target audience for which the workshop will be oriented depends on its specialization.

Competitive advantages

The strengths of the opened car repair shop should be the following points:

  • high quality of services provided;
  • operational diagnostics and repair;
  • availability of specialized equipment;
  • attractive pricing policy;
  • providing a guarantee for the work performed;
  • the possibility of ordering auto parts through the service;
  • high qualification of masters;
  • performance of narrow-profile work;
  • advanced training of key workers;
  • respectful and friendly attitude towards customers;
  • providing the client with the possibility of personal presence during car repair or waiting for the completion of operations performed in a specially equipped room;
  • pre-registration.

Step-by-step instructions for starting a business

To properly organize a profitable auto technical center, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. We carry out market analysis.
  2. We determine the business format and the range of services provided.
  3. We develop a detailed business plan.
  4. We open a company.
  5. We choose a room or place for its construction.
  6. In the case of a lease, we conclude a long-term lease of premises or land.
  7. We repair the premises, if necessary, we carry out redevelopment.
  8. We buy equipment, inventory and expendable materials.
  9. We select staff.
  10. We carry out activities to promote the service.

Business registration

For a workshop created "in the garage", an organizational form is suitable individual entrepreneur. And for a single, network or authorized service - the LLC form.

For the work of the company in the field of providing services for the diagnosis and repair of vehicles, the sale of spare parts, the following activity codes are indicated during registration:

  • 50.2 - "Maintenance and repair of vehicles";
  • 50.3 - "Trade in automotive parts, assemblies and accessories";
  • 52.1 - " Retail in non-specialized stores;
  • 50.20.3 - "Provision of other types of vehicle maintenance services."

To open a service station from scratch, you must apply to tax office the following package of documents:

  • statement;
  • company registration certificate;
  • documents confirming the compliance of the premises with fire and sanitary standards;
  • contract for the provision of heating, water supply and garbage disposal services;
  • a lease agreement for premises or a document confirming the entrepreneur's ownership of it;
  • a document confirming the compliance of the services provided with current standards;
  • at the next stage, the company must be registered with extra-budgetary funds and statistical bodies;

Room and location

Service space requirements:

  • availability of central water supply;
  • availability of central sewerage;
  • distance from residential buildings and reservoirs - at least 50 meters;
  • availability of electricity and heating;
  • inspection pit or the possibility of arranging it (otherwise, the purchase of lifting equipment will be required);
  • the area is calculated based on the standard: 5 square meters per worker (excluding space for equipment);
  • appearance;
  • availability of parking.

To open the most profitable and functional service, it is better to build the building yourself. In this case, the entrepreneur will have to find a suitable land plot that can be rented or bought. The latter option is more preferable, since in this case you can be sure that the landlord will not drive the entrepreneur out of the area.

Requirements for the location of the auto repair shop:

  • convenient access roads;
  • high permeability;
  • the presence of a gas station nearby, garage cooperative, roads, car washes;
  • lack of direct competitors nearby.

The profitability of the business largely depends on the competent choice of the location of the car service station.

The area of ​​the building of a full-fledged car service is divided into the following zones:

  • reception;
  • room for customers to wait for their cars;
  • bathroom for clients;
  • office rooms;
  • workshops for maintenance, diagnostics and repair;
  • car wash area
  • tire fitting area;
  • tool warehouse;
  • warehouse of spare parts;
  • staff room (with shower and toilet).

Supplier selection

The activity of a vehicle service station is associated with the replacement of old parts and assemblies with new ones. Most services sell them, so the entrepreneur must carefully consider the process of choosing a reliable supplier of spare parts. They are pretty easy to find online. The use of specialized Internet services will save time on finding the required object and protect against the provision of irrelevant data.

Key criteria for choosing a supplier of automotive spare parts:

  • price;
  • delivery time;
  • product quality;
  • reputation of the supplier;
  • range.

Necessary equipment and furniture

Depending on the range of work performed by the auto repair shop, its equipment depends.

To succeed, at the initial stage of organizing a car service, you will need to invest from two to five million rubles. A well-equipped workshop inspires more trust among customers.

Required repair equipment:

Necessary office equipment, intangible assets and promotional materials:

Necessary furniture:

Lift for cars– 250,000 rubles Spray booth - 500,000 rubles Tire fitting equipment - 250,000 rubles Oil collection unit - 20,000 rubles Oil dispensing unit - 35,000 rubles Welding machine - 20,000 rubles

The video is devoted to an overview of modern equipment for equipping a car service. Filmed by the Tandem + channel, Car service equipment.


The staff of a full-fledged car service includes the following specialists:

  • director;
  • account Manager;
  • Auto Mechanic;
  • an electrician;
  • welder;
  • painter;
  • locksmith;
  • a person engaged in tire fitting;
  • bodybuilder;
  • receptionist;
  • several people engaged in car washing;
  • cleaning woman.

In a small auto repair shop, it is better to hire universal workers who can perform various jobs for enough good level. The functions of an accountant can be performed by the entrepreneur himself or by a specialized firm.

Promotion and advertising

For auto repair shop the best advertisement is word of mouth marketing. It is an informal way of conveying verbal information about a service's service between consumers. But in order for this method of promotion to work, it is necessary to promote the business and build a good reputation.

An entrepreneur can monitor the wishes and preferences of consumers. And on the basis of the information received, try to improve and improve the work of the service.

It is also necessary to constantly monitor your competitors according to the following criteria:

  • service quality;
  • the range of services provided;
  • prices;
  • advantages and disadvantages.
  • banner;
  • signboard;
  • stretching;
  • portable advertising structure;
  • stand.

In addition, to promote the service, you should use:

  • Internet space;
  • radio;
  • newspapers;
  • magazines;
  • flyer;
  • leaflets.

On the Internet, a corporate website should be created, pages in in social networks and run your own YouTube channel.

To turn one-time customers into regular customers, you should introduce a loyalty program that provides discounts:

  • for future repairs
  • when applying on a birthday;
  • free car wash
  • bonus system, etc.

Key factors for customer retention:

  • modern equipment;
  • operational performance of work, on time;
  • high quality;
  • attentive attitude towards customers.


Private car service is controlled by:

  • Federal Tax Service (once a year);
  • the fire department;
  • environmental service (twice a year);
  • local administration(in case of lease of municipal land);
  • Police.

The service can be located municipal territory or to have land adjacent to the building of the workshop, owned by the city. Thus, the administration has the right to exercise control over this site and conduct inspections.

The Ecology Service checks:

  • how waste is disposed of;
  • how used fuels and lubricants are stored;
  • cleanliness of clothes for locksmiths;
  • the presence of oil stains on the floor, etc.

Financial plan

All items of expenditure should be taken into account and their cost should be determined as accurately as possible. Samples with calculations can be found and downloaded free of charge on the Internet.

Car service business plan includes the following costs to organize your business.

The initial investment in the vehicle repair business will be about 4 million rubles. This example of start-up costs is designed for the organization of a medium-sized car service.

Regular investments

Monthly car repair expenses.

Approximate opening times

It will take about five months to open a car repair station, provided that the premises are rented. In the case of construction, the opening date of the service will be delayed by about a year.

It will take about three months to resolve organizational issues, including:

  • company registration;
  • selection of premises and conclusion of a lease agreement;
  • preparation of the project of the premises;
  • obtaining permits from regulatory authorities.

While deciding organizational issues, you should simultaneously do the preparation of the room.


  • building renovation;
  • ordering and installation of equipment;
  • hiring employees;
  • purchase of consumables, inventory, tools, furniture and office equipment.

Marketing activities should begin two months before the date of the proposed opening of the service.

Pros and cons

Strengths of the auto repair business:

  • stable and high demand;
  • promising market;
  • high profitability;
  • a wide range of service areas.

Weaknesses of the auto repair business:

  • high competition;
  • to get started, you need a serious start-up capital;
  • paperwork during registration;
  • numerous checks.

Risks and payback

The main risks affecting the operating activities of a car repair shop:

  • the risk of hiring low-skilled personnel;
  • risk of loss professional specialists due to their departure to work for competitors;
  • increased competition from large networks having great financial opportunities and aimed at the same target audience;
  • a decrease in demand due to a decrease in incomes of the population.

Due to the large initial investment, their payback will take about three years. The actual return on investment depends on the accuracy of planning and implementation of business project activities.

The first types of garage business that come to mind are the deployment of your own car service (SRT) or renting out a garage. Here are just a car service or tire fitting that will require the abilities of an auto mechanic from the owner of the garage, of course, the competition in this area is quite high, and elementary rent is full profitable business It's hard to describe, it's more like extra income.

But what if there is a garage business that combines the excellence of leasing and car service? The conversation is about the so-called garage for an hour. What does this business entail? You provide a well-equipped garage to people who seek to carry out restoration (minor repairs) of their personal car without the help of others, in exchange for a fee, for each hour spent in the garage.

Such self-service garages are quite popular in Europe. They are very popular among residents of apartment buildings, where there are practically no garages at all.

AT Russian Federation such a business may well bear fruit. There are not enough garages for everyone, but there are more than enough drivers who can independently carry out minor repairs to their own car.

But in order for your garage to become sufficiently efficient and profitable for an hour, it must meet several essential requirements. The first of these is successful placement. A garage hidden in the depths of a garage cooperative is not suitable for such a business. In order to guarantee an abundance of customers, you need a place with excellent car and through traffic.

The second important requirement is the garage itself (a good area), or rather the special equipment in it. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Equipment needed for a self-service garage

It's hard to imagine beautiful self-service garage no lift or pit. Specifically, this mechanism is able to provide an opportunity to guarantee quite comfortable conditions for customers, and in addition, their security. In particular, if the lift is not personally controlled by the client, but by a specialized dispatcher or workshop manager. This will ensure long equipment life and customer safety.

In addition, other tools should be in the garage, which may be required when repairing the car. These include: Hydraulic Press, pneumatic wrenches, an electric welding machine, a cutting tool (grinder), containers for collecting oils, various pullers and an abundance of all kinds of sets of keys (FORCE). The fact that the garage must be heated and well lit, probably, does not need to be discussed separately. This is an essential requirement for any garage.

One scissor lift alone will cost you around 200 thousand rubles, but be that as it may, it is preferable to buy several of them. Add here the cost of all other tools, and in addition, the decoration of the premises outside, repairs inside, development project documentation, Fire Fighting And Video Surveillance Concepts. In addition, the garage will need certain furniture, shelving. It is possible to reduce costs, for example, to buy everything necessary equipment past in usage.

Business customers garage for an hour

It is worth noting that your customers can be both car owners and those who drive vehicles, for example, bikes, scooters and even bicycles. In addition, it is possible to provide a garage for the restoration (repair) of garden equipment. Among your clients there may be both auto mechanics, with their personal clientele, who decided to take additional income or leave the service station for "free bread", and, mainly, ordinary motorists who take care of their car.

The price of an hour of rent may depend on who exactly and for what purpose will rent your garage. For example, the price of renting tools for repairing bicycles or gardening equipment can be set at 100 rubles per hour, renting a garage for the purpose of repairing motorcycles - 150 rubles, renting a lift - 250 rubles, and renting a garage without using a lift using a pit - 200 rub. in hour. Don't overprice! Car enthusiasts will come to you only when they see savings between you and a trip to a car service.

Attracting customers to a self-service car service

Even self-service garage will be placed successfully, without advertising can not do. Today, over 80% of absolutely all products are sold via the Internet, which means that the primary emphasis should be placed on the Internet, promotion and development in social networks. Don't ignore car clubs, forums, drive2 community, that's where your customers are.

In addition, you should not ignore all kinds of automotive events where it is possible to present your own project. A good advertising method is a branded car.

An important part of the work is to organize the reception of orders for rent. The live queue has become irrelevant for a long time. Make it possible to record through the site and by call for a specific day and time.

In this process, the customer service itself is also important. Before opening a self-service garage, pay attention to your administrators, teach them the basic concepts, teach them how to talk to customers. This will increase the loyalty of customers who will definitely come to you again.

Own self-service car service can become profitable business. This line of work is in high demand. Any car needs regular inspection, minor repairs, oil or tire changes. Carry out service in service center expensive, and at home - impossible due to lack of space and equipment. The self-service station solves these problems by optimally combining a wide range of services with low cost.

What is a self-service station

A service station - a service station for cars - is a place where you can check the condition of the car, change parts, oil, tires. In Russia, such services are quite common, but most stations work with employees. The direction of self-service is quite new and most cities are just starting to fight for the market.

In fact, the owner of a self-service service station offers his customers a garage rental with all necessary tools and equipment. All work is carried out by the driver himself. This saves the car owner a lot of money. An additional plus is that the client takes full responsibility for the quality of the repair. This means that the owner of the point is not responsible for poor quality service, will not return the money due to poor repair and is spared from litigation in the event of an accident.

Self-service car service or "garage for an hour" - a place where the car owner can repair and service the car himself

Is it profitable to open a self-service car service

Self-service car service stations are not as popular as car washes. The reason is simple - not everyone has car repair skills. However, the demand for such services is gradually growing. Having bought the equipment once and equipped the garage, the entrepreneur can work almost without expenses for quite a long time. it profitable business, which pays off in a few months of work, provided that the entrepreneur has chosen a good place and bought everything you need.

Owner rents a garage for a period of time from 60 minutes to several hours and earns money on it. All maintenance of the car is organized by the drivers themselves. Some services have masters who can advise and help with repairs. But it is not necessary to hire such employees, although assistants significantly increase the attractiveness of the point.

Potential clients

Self-service car service attracts several categories potential clients. "Garage for an hour" is visited by:

  • drivers who want to save on car service and who know how to service the car completely on their own;
  • residents of microdistricts who do not have their own garage and are deprived of the opportunity to repair “at home”;
  • car owners with an unexpected breakdown, in an emergency.

Not every driver will decide on an independent repair, besides, some operations cannot be carried out alone. If there is a master on duty at the point, there will be much more visitors. The client can rent a garage and take care of his car himself, or he can pay for the work of an assistant.

The nuances of opening a garage for an hour

At first glance, it seems that opening such a service is quite simple. In many ways, this is true: you only need to find a room and buy equipment. Difficulties begin at the stage of preparing a list of tools and equipment. It will be necessary to create the widest possible assortment in which visitors will find everything they need for repairs.

Self-service car service in Moscow is now not uncommon, but in other cities such a business is just beginning to develop.

Now there is an opportunity to occupy a niche in your region and secure a leadership position for several years to come.

Self-service car services, as a rule, work around the clock

Business registration

The activities of self-service car services are not licensed, which greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of opening. Entrepreneur requires official registration and secure premises. Since customers will be engaged in repairs themselves, there are no requirements for the qualifications of employees and the number of personnel.

Such a business can be in the format of IP and LLC. Choice organizational form businessman's right. If only 1 point with several employees is planned, you can register an individual entrepreneur and choose taxation according to UTII (if rental services are allowed for the imputed regime in the region). In a situation where it is planned to open several “garages for an hour”, and several people are invested in the initial investment, it is safer to register a legal entity.

The safety of the premises must be confirmed by the permits of the fire inspection and the sanitary and epidemiological service. The requirements depend on the list of operations that can be performed at the point (tire fitting, body work, and others). The most important rules:

  • with an area of ​​50 sq.m - supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • the hood is organized from inspection pits and rooms;
  • temperature 18–22 degrees;
  • technical plumbing;
  • air cleaning plant;
  • only artificial lighting is allowed;
  • employees pass medical checkup, work in overalls and personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles).

The best location for service stations

There are several options for where to locate a self-service car service. The best place is the one that is convenient for the maximum number of potential customers. Good choice - residential high-rise area. There are many drivers here, but in most cases there are no garages. Even experienced car enthusiasts living in apartments often do not have own place for car care. Self-service solves this problem.

Another option is in the area of ​​a busy highway. The clients of this service will mainly be drivers with unexpected breakdowns and frivolous problems that can be solved in 30 minutes on their own.

Is it worth it to have a self-service car point next to another service? Traditional car service with qualified personnel and self-service are not direct competitors. Less experienced drivers turn to the help of service station masters, and more experienced and willing to save money turn to self-repair points.

What kind of staff is needed

Self service car service chief administrator. He advises clients and accepts payment from them. Special education for such an employee is not required. Enough attentiveness, goodwill, the ability to advise and acquaint with the features of the point. He also controls the safety of the client and the careful use of equipment.

In some self-service stations, masters work. They help clients (optionally) with repairs, painting and any other operations. The client can service the car on his own, or he can pay for the services of an assistant. Such specialists should be well versed in machines, have a specialized education and work experience.

The average cost of renting a "garage for an hour" is 200 rubles

Necessary equipment

The most important step in opening a service station is the purchase of equipment. Standard kit includes:

  • car lift - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • stand for assembly and disassembly of engines - 50 thousand rubles;
  • jacks - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • grinding machine - from 2 thousand rubles;
  • drilling machine - from 7 thousand rubles;
  • welding machine - 20 thousand rubles;
  • machine for turning brake discs - 75 thousand rubles;
  • apparatus for dismantling glass - 3 thousand rubles;
  • installation for replacing brake fluid - 20 thousand rubles;
  • oil collector - 8 thousand;
  • oil supercharger - 8 thousand;
  • installation for changing oil in cars with automatic transmission - about 20 thousand;
  • a set for passenger tire fitting - 15 thousand;
  • tire changer - 60 thousand;
  • vulcanizer - 15 thousand;
  • bath for tire fitting - 6 thousand rubles;
  • compressor - 19 thousand;
  • pneumatic wrench - 9 thousand rubles.

This is the main equipment that is necessary for standard car maintenance. Reviews of existing self-service points show that this kit is sufficient for all required operations. It is also useful to purchase a vacuum cleaner for cleaning inside the cabin and car washing equipment, several standard tool kits. A sofa, a TV and a coffee machine in the waiting area will help make your stay in the service comfortable.

To buy everything you need, you need about 700 thousand rubles. You can reduce costs by buying used equipment, but subject to strict control of its condition. Add to this amount the rent of the premises, registration costs, advertising and staff salaries in the first months when the flow of profit is not established.

Service advertising

In order to attract more customers from the first days of work, you should invest in advertising. The service is not very popular yet. Many do not understand what “self-service car service” means. Flyers, advertisements, videos on television and on the Internet will enlighten potential visitors and attract them to the service. Advertising will help you promote your business faster and pay off your initial investment.

Budget advertising campaign depends solely on the wishes of the entrepreneur. For example, accounts in social networks can be registered and maintained completely free of charge, sometimes promoting for 2-3 thousand rubles. Commercials on television will cost more: you need to organize professional video filming and pay for the shows.

Opening hours and prices

The service should work around the clock - this will ensure the maximum flow of customers. It is more convenient for many to visit the service in the early hours before the working day or late in the evening. The flow of customers on the weekend will be much larger. During the daytime hours on weekdays, it is likely that there will be "dead hours" with low attendance. It is advisable to set a lower rental price during these hours.

Clients pay per hour to rent a workplace and equipment. The average cost is 150-200 rubles. For the use of the lift usually pay extra 100-200 rubles. Consumables are charged according to a separate price list. It is not forbidden to use your own tools and consumables, such as a paint gun and paint.

There are 2 options for receiving payment: in advance or after the fact. The second option is preferable. It is not always possible to correctly determine how long the service will take. Paying after the fact, the client is not in a hurry, feels calmer, concentrates on the car.

At night and daytime, it is advisable to slightly reduce the cost of rent -
by 30%–50%.

In such a car service, the client himself repairs the car at his own responsibility

Calculation of financial costs

The entrepreneur will spend 700 thousand rubles on the purchase of equipment. The rental price depends on the region and location (close to a busy area or far away). But on average, it will take 300 thousand rubles to rent for several months and repair a workshop with an area of ​​90-120 square meters. Registration of IP and registration of permits - another 5-6 thousand rubles.

The minimum amount to open is 1 million rubles. Add to this the cost of advertising (only at the request of the owner) and the wage fund for 1-2 months - about 60 thousand rubles.

Potential profit

When will the million rubles invested in the self-service service pay off? The answer depends entirely on the number of clients. That is why it is so important to choose the right location from the very beginning. Let's make approximate calculations in order to understand what approximate dates we are talking about.

Hour of rent - 200 rubles. This is the minimum cost of a visit. That is, if the client stayed in the salon for 40 minutes, he pays 200 rubles. At full load, working around the clock, the service will take about 20 customers. This means that approximately 4,000 rubles will earn per day. For a week - 28 thousand rubles, and for a month - approximately 112 thousand rubles.

100% utilization is unlikely, 60% is already a good indicator. Thus, in the first month it is really possible to earn 67 thousand rubles. Part of the proceeds will be used to pay salaries, rent and utilities. Working in this mode, it will be possible to recoup the investment in about 2 years.

To speed up access to net profit, there are several ways:

  • equip several work areas (often customers need different equipment, so you can service 2-3 cars at the same time, multiplying the income per hour);
  • increase the cost of rent (fraught with the loss of customers);
  • promote yourself more actively;
  • use used equipment;
  • buy equipment on lease.


Self-service car service is an opportunity to rent workplace and equipment for self-repair of the car. The service is in demand in cities where the vast majority of drivers do not have their own garage and the necessary set of tools. It will take 1 million rubles to open a business, which will pay off in 1.5 -2 years of work.

Every day the number of motorists is steadily growing both in large cities and in small settlements. Many of them are busy people who don't like to spend free time for self-repair of the car, even if it is simply necessary. For this reason, many drivers are willing to pay any money for service maintenance car. So why not make money on it? How to open a car service from scratch? What business plan format should I use?

The idea of ​​opening a service station is very relevant and promising, if it is carried out correctly. To do this, it is best to use a car service business plan with calculations, which we will consider today.

Service sector

At the moment, the car park in Russia has tripled, which has led to an expansion of the structure of the car service market. At the moment it includes:

    Private repair services. There are now a huge number of such individual masters; their services are the cheapest, but not always the highest quality.

    Single car service. One of the most popular segments of the market, advertising itself due to the ideal combination of "price-quality".

    Specialized car services. They work with a certain brand of car, which greatly reduces the number of potential customers, but highlights a clear target audience.

Depending on your capabilities, personal goals and market conditions, you need to choose one of these segments for work.

If commercial transportation is very popular in your city, then it is reasonable to use a business plan for a cargo car service with calculations, an example of which will help determine the average investment.

Private and solo car services are more profitable in terms of initial costs, but their payback may suffer due to serious competition from more big companies. This problem is especially acute in large cities.

Network service stations are best opened in places where there is no popular brand in this area. Here, the main costs will go to advertising promotion of the brand.

The franchise car service is advertised by itself, but for this the owner of the network imposes certain requirements on the businessman, ranging from maintaining a certain appearance office, ending with the tactics of selecting each employee. In this case, the business plan (sample with calculations) of a car service may change, since investments in advertising are reduced here.

Analysis of the market situation

A new car service has a good chance of success if it correctly assesses the environment in which it will have to work. In order to choose the right direction of activity, possible specification and territorial location, it is necessary to analyze the market situation, without which the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service will not be relevant.

To begin with, it is worth objectively assessing the number of your competitors, the range of services they provide, their cost and target audience. If you feel that your service station will not be able to win against the background of neighboring bus stations, you better choose another specialization, there are a number of jobs that you will perform for more high level or at a lower price, or focus on a specific brand of car you want to service.

Having learned all the weaknesses of competitors, you can safely use the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service for your own purposes. An approximate calculation of investments will help you navigate the possibility of organizing such a business.

Services provided

The business plan for a car service with calculations, an example of which we are considering, is designed to provide a wide range of services: overhaul of the main components of the car, diagnostics and repair of the electrical part, bodywork and locksmith work, tire fitting, painting and much more. As additional services it is worth considering work on the selection and installation of acoustics, alarms, gas equipment, airbrushing, vinyl application, interior upholstery, etc.

The most profitable from this list are repair work with gearbox, engine, clutch, steering gear. It brings less income, however, it is simply impossible to refuse it.

It is best for service stations to choose a narrow specialization, which will reduce the cost of Maintenance business. However, this tactic can greatly reduce the number of potential customers.


Once you have decided on a direction commercial activities, you need to choose the room in which you will carry it out. At the moment, rent or construction is available for a businessman.

The latter option is used extremely rarely, as it requires the execution of additional agreements with the local administration, waiting for the decision of the commissions and then buying out the rights to rent. Thus, it turns out that the construction itself requires an investment of 600-900 thousand rubles, and the lease of a land plot - about 200 thousand rubles a year for 7-9 acres.

It is cheaper to rent a room, but it is difficult to find a suitable option, since many of them either do not meet the requirements of a businessman or do not comply with fire regulations. If you're lucky, you can rent the required area for service stations for 200-300 thousand per month.

In all cases, the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service should take into account the future size of the workshops and the required area for the tire fitting and electronics departments.


In the resulting room, there will be nothing but bare walls, so the next step is the selection of equipment. The main expenses here are spent on diagnostics (90-150 thousand rubles), workbenches (from 20 thousand rubles), a lift (90-120 thousand rubles), large tools (from 140 thousand rubles). Also, do not forget that small tools are also required for work: hammers, vise, side cutters, etc., which can take up to 30 thousand rubles.

In fact, the car service business plan with calculations, the example of which is given here, includes the standard characteristics of the service station, which can be improved by investing more impressive amounts.


Not only the quality of work and the number of customers, but also the image of the company itself depends on who will work at the service station. Therefore, the choice of personnel should be considered carefully. For a small car service, 2-3 masters, a manager and a customer service specialist are enough. Thus, for a staff of 5 people wage the average is from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. This amount should also be included in the initial expenses, since at the beginning the business may not bring the desired income.

If the service station will carry a different focus, then the staff should be expanded. So, a business plan for a cargo car service requires at least 10-15 people.


The law requires a clear implementation of the prescription regarding the service station. Thus, the operation of a car service should be coordinated with the fire service, traffic police and sanitary and epidemiological supervision. The room in which the work is carried out must be connected to the central sewerage system and located no closer than 50 meters from residential buildings.

Particular attention must be paid to labor protection. The service station is a place of increased danger, therefore, compliance with labor code, namely the chapters on personnel safety, is required very strictly. It is in the interests of the businessman himself to comply with fire safety rules, not to reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises in order to save money, introduce rules for the storage of combustible substances, and provide employees with uniforms and protective equipment.


If the service station does not operate under the wing of a franchise, then it is worth highlighting a separate chapter on advertising in the expense item. Promotion methods can include advertisements in newspapers and magazines, distribution of informational flyers, outdoor advertising on banners and in transport, advertising on TV and radio, design and promotion of the site. Such a complex set can cost 400 thousand rubles. However, in a small service station, you can meet 50-100 thousand rubles a month. Then the costs will gradually decrease, as their own will appear and the so-called "word of mouth" will be launched.

Final count

For those who are thinking about how to open a car service, it is better to use a business plan as a recommendation. Constant changes in the exchange rate, economic events, increased competition can affect the amount of investment required to open a business. At the moment, this is the reality.

The business plan (example with calculations) of a car service includes the following expense items:

1. Initial expenses:

    purchase and installation of specialized equipment - 1.5 million rubles;

    coordination with other authorities - 50 thousand rubles.

rent of premises - 200 thousand rubles;

salary for employees - 15 thousand rubles.

consumables - 100 thousand rubles.

So, investments in the first month of work will be about two million rubles. If done correctly, the monthly revenue of a service station can exceed 600 thousand rubles, of which about 200 thousand rubles is net profit.

Thus, I was able to answer the question of how to open a car service, even of an exemplary nature.

Probably, this thrust begins with children's designers and continues in Russian cars. Most often, one of the VAZ line becomes the first car, and, as you know, they are no less designers than children's toys.

A Russian man must not only build a house, plant a tree and raise a son, but also be able to change brake pads, dry flooded candles and install a radio tape recorder on his own. For all this, you need a garage, or at least a platform near the house, where you could, without causing inconvenience to anyone, devote yourself to your favorite car.

Unfortunately, now the resident is more or less big city, even nowhere to park the car, let alone spread out around it with tools and start repairing the chassis. And our men have to go to the service station, where their "precious" will be repaired without love and proper attention. Urbanization deprives domestic motorists of the pleasure of communicating face-to-face with their “iron horse”.

Resourceful English entrepreneurs saw a similar need in their compatriots. A huge garage for 20 boxes was opened in London, in which everyone can retire with their car and do whatever their heart desires with it. Of course, there are safety restrictions, both for motorists themselves and environment, well, and for harmless work - "you are welcome!"

A similar service could be organized in our country, especially during the notorious crisis, when people are trying to save on everything, including car repairs.

Of course, such a garage must be equipped with lifts and basic tools in the right amount. Thus, investments will be not only in the construction of a garage "like a hangar", but also in its full equipment. In addition, it is possible to create an auto library, where each car owner could find complete information on his car, and on how, what and where to repair (so that such a technician from the garage would not immediately go to a regular service station, and on a tow truck). For the same purposes, at least one experienced mechanic is needed, who could prompt, show and support at the right time.

The payment for such a garage should consist separately of rent and additional services, such as: the use of tools and the assistance of an auto mechanic. It is also necessary to organize a small cafe here so that you can have a bite to eat without being distracted from the repair.

No one will understand the soul of a car owner who does not want to trust his car to professional mechanics. Where does this need to fix numerous auto malfunctions come from, and what kind of feeling does a person take possession of who himself has done something in his car? For pedestrians, this will forever remain a mystery, and the entrepreneur does not need to understand, he just needs to create all the necessary conditions.


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