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Parcels in the customs legislation refers to international mail.

Currently, the Russian Federation is a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), on the territory of which the same customs rules apply. The member states of the EAEU are the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation.

What is MPO

The concept of IGOs ​​(or “international postal items”), applied in the customs legislation, is enshrined in the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

International mail (IGO) - these are parcels and letter-post items that are objects of postal exchange in accordance with the acts of the Universal Postal Union, are accompanied by documents provided for by the acts of the Universal Postal Union, are sent outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union or arrive at places (institutions) through the places of the international postal exchange, or follow in transit through the customs territory of the EAEU.

Types of IGOs

  • postal items in the form of written messages on a special form, sent in an open form (simple, registered) (hereinafter referred to as postcards);
  • postal items with a written message, including in the form electronic document(simple, including those sent in the form of an electronic document, registered, including those sent in the form of an electronic document, with declared value) (hereinafter referred to as letters);
  • mailings from print media, manuscripts, business papers, photographs (simple, custom-made, with declared value) (hereinafter referred to as parcels);
  • postal items submitted in the clear, with an attachment intended exclusively for the blind (simple, registered) (hereinafter referred to as secograms);
  • postal items with a commodity attachment (ordinary, with declared value) (hereinafter referred to as parcels);
  • postal items with goods and other material values sent to the destination (ordinary, with declared value) (hereinafter referred to as direct mail containers).

New rules for duty-free movement of parcels to Russia

Parcels from abroad are subject to customs clearance. At the same time, customs legislation establishes limits on duty-free shipment of parcels from abroad. Since 2020, the allowed rates for duty-free import of parcels from abroad have been significantly reduced.

Moving without customs declaration:

  • airgrams;
  • letters;
  • postal cards;
  • departures for the blind.

The new norms of restrictions on the forwarding of parcels (applied since July 2017 after the entry into force of the Customs Code of the Eurasian Customs Union) provide for a gradual reduction in the cost of goods that can be imported into Russia duty-free. If the allowed import limits are exceeded, you will have to pay a tax in the form of a customs duty.

Such norms apply to parcels sent to Russia from all foreign countries (USA, Canada, Ukraine, Western and Eastern Europe, Lithuania, Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, China, Korea, India, Israel, Vietnam, etc.).

Parcels arriving from abroad are processed without paying customs duties:

  • in the period from 2017 to December 31, 2018 inclusive - goods, the value of which does not exceed the amount equivalent to 1000 euros, and (or) the gross weight of the IGO does not exceed 31 kg when imported within a calendar month to the address of one individual;
  • from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 inclusive - goods, the value of which does not exceed the amount equivalent to 500 euros, and (or) the gross weight of the IGO does not exceed 31 kg during a calendar month to the address of one individual;
  • after January 1, 2020 - goods, the value of which does not exceed the amount, equivalent to 200 euros and (or) the gross weight of the IGO does not exceed 31 kg.

If the allowed import norms are exceeded, customs payments are subject to payment at a rate of 30% of their value, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg.

The procedure for passing the customs declaration of parcels

Goods sent to the IGOs ​​arrive in the customs territory of the EAEU and depart from such territory at the places (institutions) of international postal exchange determined by the legislation of the state of the Party.

Shipment across the customs border Russian Federation MPO is carried out using the following postal documents:

  • label "Customs" CN 22;
  • customs declaration CN 23 and the accompanying address СР 71 or a bundle form СР 72;
  • delivery note for surface mails CN 37 or delivery note for airmails CN 38;
  • parcel card. Ground parcels and S.A.L. SR 86 or air parcel card. Air parcels. SR 87;
  • letter bill for the exchange of mails CN 31 or letter bill for bulk mails CN 32;
  • special list of registered items CN 33;
  • replacement delivery note CN 46;
  • delivery note for dispatches with empty bags CN 47.

The label "Customs" CN 22, the customs declaration CN 23 and the accompanying address SR 71 or the form-pack SR 72, filled in by the sender, are pasted or attached to the IGO shell in a way that excludes their loss.

Waybills of delivery of mails CN 37, CN 38, CN 41, CN 47 are filled in by employees of international mail exchange places.


Name of the place of international postal exchange

Address of the place of international postal exchange

Blagoveshchensk MSC

st. Pionerskaya, 27, Blagoveshchensk, 675000

Bryansk MSC

st. River, 1, Bryansk, 241960

Vladivostok AOPP

st. Portovaya, 41, Artem, Primorsky Territory, 692760

Vladikavkaz post office

Ave. Kosta, 134, Vladikavkaz, 362000

Yekaterinburg MMPO

st. Bakhchivandzhi, d. 63, letter A, Yekaterinburg, 620025

Kazan logistics postal center

st. Pochtovaya, d. 1, Kazan International Airport, Stolbischenskoe rural settlement, Laishevsky municipal district, Republic of Tatarstan, 442624

Kaliningrad MSC

st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, 29, Kaliningrad, 236015

Peaceful MMPO

st. Lenina, d. 5, Mirny, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 678174

Moscow - Vnukovo AOPP

2nd Reisovaya, 2a, building 1, Moscow, 119027

Moscow - Vnukovo MMPO

p. Marushkinskoe, near the village. Sharapovo, Moscow, 108809

Moscow - Domodedovo AOPP

territory of "Domodedovo Airport", Domodedovo, letter 1B1, 1B2, Moscow region, 142015

Moscow - Sheremetyevo AOPP

ow. Sheremetyevo-1 Airport, Khimki, Moscow Region, 141400

Orenburg MSC

Privokzalnaya sq., 1a, Orenburg, 460960

MMPO Railway post office at Kazansky railway station

Krasnoprudny per., 7, building 1, Moscow, 107140

St. Petersburg - Pulkovo AOPP

Pulkovo Airport, St. Petersburg, 196210

Tolmachevo MMPO

Mozzherin Avenue, building 20, Ob-2, Novosibirsk region, 633102

List of abbreviations:

  • MMPO - place of international postal exchange;
  • MSC - main sorting center;
  • AOPP - aviation branch of mail transportation.

Goods sent to the Russian Federation in the MPO, if it is impossible to deliver them to the addressees (their legal representatives), including in the absence of permission from the customs authority to issue the MPO, are stored in postal facilities in accordance with the Rules for the provision of postal services for a month. The storage period of the IGO can be extended at the request of the sender or the addressee (his legal representative).

Features of registration of IGOs ​​arriving in Russia from abroad

As a general rule, dispatches, postal and accompanying documents on them, arriving at the places of international postal exchange (IMPO), are presented by employees of these places to officials of the customs authority located in these places of exchange, for customs control and customs clearance.

Mails with MPS, with the exception of mails with empty containers, are opened by MMPO employees in the presence of officials customs authorities. At the same time, places of international postal exchange that use computer technology for processing IGOs ​​register received and are subject to submission to the customs authority IGOs ​​in the database marked "Subject to customs control."

Written correspondence, literature for the blind and IGOs ​​containing goods worth less than 5,000 rubles are sent by employees of international postal exchange places to addressees without additional presentation to customs authorities.

If it is established that the parcel contains goods prohibited for movement, then the IGO containing such goods must be returned to the sender.

The purpose of the goods sent to the MGO to the address of an individual is established by the official of the customs authority based on the nature of the goods, their quantity and frequency of shipment.

Whether it is necessary to pay customs payments depends on the cost of the parcel.

The value is accepted by the customs authority, in the region of activity of which there are places of international postal exchange, on the basis of the value indicators indicated in the column "Value (customs)" of the customs declaration CN 23 or in the column "Declared value" in the form-pack SR 72, and in the case the absence of this information - on the basis of the declared value indicated in the column "Declared value" of the accompanying address CP 71 when sending goods in parcels or in the column "Value (customs)" of the customs declaration CN 23 or the label "Customs" when sending goods to small packages and international express mail, or on the envelope of an insured letter.

During customs clearance and customs control goods sent to the IGO to the address individuals intended for their personal use and subject to customs duties and taxes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, an official of the customs authority in the region of activity of which the place of international postal exchange is located, when calculating and accruing customs duties and taxes payable, uses a customs receipt order (CPO ) indicating in it the customs value adopted for calculating the payable customs duties, as well as the mass (weight) of goods sent to the IGO.

Issuance of IGOs ​​to individuals is carried out by the postal operator, in the region of activity of which the recipients of IGOs ​​are located, only after payment of customs duties and taxes.

What items can not be sent in the package

In addition to goods that cannot be transported to Russia in any way, which include hazardous waste, special technical means designed to secretly obtain information, etc. (the full list of goods prohibited for import can be viewed at the link), additional restrictions are set for parcels.

Goods prohibited for shipment to the IGO include:

  • alcoholic products, ethyl alcohol, beer;
  • any types of tobacco products and smoking mixtures;
  • any types of weapons (their parts), cartridges for them (their parts), items structurally similar to civilian and service weapons;
  • radioactive materials;
  • cultural values;
  • counterfeit goods;
  • goods subject to rapid deterioration;
  • live animals, with the exception of bees, leeches, silkworms;
  • plants in any form and condition, plant seeds;
  • precious stones in any form and condition, natural diamonds, with the exception of jewelry;
  • narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, including in the form of medicines;
  • ozone depleting substances.

Prepared by "Personal"

The Eurasian Economic Commission has approved new limits for duty-free importation of goods for personal use. These rules also apply to Russia. It is on them that you need to focus if you are going to order goods in foreign online stores or bring them from a trip.

The media write that the limits for orders with delivery have been reduced to 500 and even 200 euros. This is true, but it does not work yet - from January 1, 2018, duty-free limits have not changed.

This is very bad for the media, which needs to fulfill the traffic plan. It is very difficult to attract people to news that will only happen in a year or two. But it's good for buyers. Let's go through the documents.

Parcels from foreign online stores

Now the fee does not need to be paid if parcels for personal use from a foreign store weigh up to 31 kg and cost no more than 1,000 euros per person per month. The same limit will remain in 2018. There were rumors that he would be greatly reduced and even included such calculations in the budget, but so far the rules will not change.

Limits for ordering without duties will be reduced in stages:

Ekaterina Miroshkina


  • from January 1, 2019 - up to 500 euros;
  • from January 1, 2020 - up to 200 euros.

The weight limit for 2019 will not change and will be 31 kg - it is considered together with the packaging. But in 2020 there will be no monthly limit. The main thing is that one parcel should cost no more than 200 euros. So far so, but still can change.

What about the fees when the limit is exceeded?

Now for orders from foreign stores, the limit is calculated not for each parcel, but for a month. If it exceeds the upper limit for duty-free import, you will have to pay extra. Previously, it was difficult for customs to control the volume of orders for each person, now it is elementary - with the help of TIN.

If the limit is more than the norm, you need to pay a fee:

  • until 2019 - 30% of the cost of the parcel, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg of weight over the limit. That is, both weight and price are important for calculating the duty;
  • from 2020 - 15% of the cost, but not less than 2 euros per 1 kg of overweight.

If, when ordering in some online store or when making a delivery, you are asked to pay extra, allegedly due to a decrease in the duty-free limit, do not take our word for it - demand a document. And then check if it works.

Import of goods by any means of transport except aircraft

If you are traveling from a trip by car or train, you can also import goods duty-free within the value and weight limits. Now and throughout 2018, the duty does not need to be paid when importing goods worth up to 1,500 euros and weighing up to 50 kg.

Then the limits will be lowered:

  • from January 1, 2019 - 1000 euros or 50 kg;
  • from January 1, 2020 - 750 euros or 35 kg;
  • from January 1, 2021 - 500 euros or 25 kg.

Air import

For air transport, they decided not to change the limits for the coming years at all - without duties from abroad, you can import goods worth 10 thousand euros or weighing up to 50 kg.

For the delivery of goods by car or by plane, the duty is always 30% of the cost, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg of weight over the limit. So far, it has not been reduced even for 2020.

Are these limits for all products? Even for alcohol and cigarettes?

No, these are limits for goods that are brought or ordered from abroad for personal needs. You can order as many TVs, sneakers and gadgets as you like from the online store without duties, if the cost of the parcels fits into the monthly limit for price and weight. When the weight and time limit is lifted, you will need to fit into the cost limit for one parcel.

But there are items that are not considered personal use items, even if you carry or order them for yourself. For example, more than 250 g of black caviar or 5 kg of fish, more than 200 cigarettes or 5 liters of beer are no longer personal goods. It’s definitely not possible to pass off a solarium or a hairdressing chair as a thing for personal use - you will have to pay a fee, and maybe even a tax.

Who sets these standards? What else is the EEC and what do we have to do with it?

These norms are established by a special commission for members of the EAEU - the Eurasian Economic Union. We recently ratified the common customs code. The Commission decides which certificates to issue, which general rules you need to follow how to label goods and what to charge a fee for.

The Commission sets an upper limit for duty-free importation of goods, but the government of a particular country may lower these limits. Some countries take advantage of this - for example, in Belarus, although the same EEC decision is in force, the duty-free import limit is only 22 euros. Anything more expensive is taxed. In Armenia, the limit is also less than the standard one. And in Russia, such a limit, as set by the commission, is the maximum possible.

When ordering goods from foreign online stores, the first thing the buyer should know is the customs limits of his country. Although Belarus and Russia are members of the Common Customs Union, the limits of postal items per recipient in our countries are completely different. This article presents customs restrictions for Belarus, Russia and Ukraine for postal items through state postal services and through courier services.

For Belarus

one calendar month to one recipient goods can move for personal use up to an amount equivalent to 22 euro (the limit is valid from 25.10.2014). Date X is the date of receipt of the postal item in our country (receipt at the temporary storage warehouse - a temporary storage warehouse, do not confuse it with the date the parcel was received at the post office).

Products for personal use imported into the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus through courier services (DHL, UPS, FedEx, TNT, etc.) during one calendar month to one recipient, are not subject to customs duty within the amount equivalent to 22 euro (the limit is valid from 25.10.2014). However, these shipments must be independently cleared (declared) on the territory Airport Minsk-2 , as well as pay for storage at temporary storage warehouses and customs duty for registration - 5 euros. You can also entrust the declaration procedure to licensed customs brokers, for example - (the service is provided for a fee).

ATTENTION! On February 11, the President of the Republic of Belarus signed Decree No. 40 on changing the threshold of the customs limit to 22 euro . The decree will come into force on April 14, 2016.

Goods for personal use- these are goods intended for personal, family, household and other non-exercise entrepreneurial activity, the needs of individuals.

If these limits are exceeded - 22 euros - you must pay 30%

Not limited number of parcels per calendar month, only their total cost of 22 euros is limited.

Payment of customs duty on postal items through state postal services are made at your post office, via courier - at Minsk-2 Airport.

Since the exact equivalent of the cost of the parcel is determined at the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus at the time of the customs check, which is very difficult to predict in advance, highly recommended when making a purchase and calculating the limit keep a small cash reserve to fluctuations in the exchange rate.

Link to the site of the customs committee -
Addresses and contact numbers of customs authorities -
Guidelines for determining the purpose of goods -
Restrictions on the import and export of certain types of goods for personal use -

For Russia

Duty-free from abroad for one calendar month to one recipient in international mail (state postal services and EMS) goods can move for personal use(except for indivisible goods) within the amount equivalent to 1000 euros and maximum weight 31kg. Source - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 446 dated 06/17/2010 (p. 44, paragraph 16).

If these limits are exceeded, you must pay 30% customs duty on the excess amount, but not less than 4 euros per kg.

With regard to courier services, the situation is approximately as follows (it is better to clarify additionally in the representative offices of these services in the Russian Federation):

UPS Courier Service- purchase price limit for individuals - 200 euros.
DHL Courier Service- suspended delivery for individuals, only a small list of stores remained available for private traders.
FedEx Courier Service- you can get for Moscow for up to 200 euros, and for all other cities / regions for $ 75.

Active buyers of foreign online stores should be aware of the customs limits in their country. If the total amount of goods or the total weight of the parcels exceeds the customs limits within one calendar month, then the Russian citizen will have to pay to receive the parcel. customs duty. It is the savings on the payment of customs duties that often allow you to save significantly when purchasing goods from abroad.

Customs limits should be considered by those who very often order goods from abroad or by those who order expensive or bulky goods.

Everything you need to know about customs limits in Russia.

1.) For one calendar month, you can receive parcels that do not exceed the following limits: the total amount of parcels is not more than 1000 euros. The total weight of shipments is not more than 31 kg. And regardless of postal service, which the parcels will go to: Russian Post, or EMS and DHL companies.

2.) Different courier services have their own restrictions on duty-free import. And they need to learn directly from the courier company.

3.) The limit will be calculated based on the total data of all parcels received in your name at customs during the last 30 days.

4.) Customs takes into account all postal items, even if they are delivered by different services.

5.) Accounting is carried out by the date the parcel hits customs, and not by the date of dispatch or the date of receipt of the parcel.

6.) In order to avoid exceeding the customs limits, you can send parcels to the addresses of relatives or friends. It is better to order not only to a different address, but also to the name of another person, indicating different phone numbers. Especially if the parcel goes by courier company. For courier delivery, it will be necessary to indicate passport data for customs clearance of the parcel.

7.) If you returned the parcel to the sender, then it will still be taken into account. That is, customs will not deduct its data from your limit.

8.) When you exceed the threshold of 1000 euros, you will be notified that you need to pay customs duty. The amount of duty will be 30% of the value of the excess.

For example, you package is coming worth 2000 euros. Then the excess of the limit will be 1000 euros. Accordingly, the amount of the fee is 1000*0.3=300 euros.

9.) If the parcel exceeds the weight limit, then you will pay 4 euros for each 1 kg of excess.

For example, a postal item weighs 50 kg, then the limit will be exceeded by 20 kg. 20 kg * 4 euros = 80 euros.

10.) If postal items exceed the duty-free limit simultaneously in value and weight, then the duties are calculated for both excesses, but only the amount that turns out to be greater is paid. Except for the situation with indivisible goods (furniture, appliances, etc.) weighing more than 35 kg. For which there is another calculation.

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And finally, one special category - indivisible goods- these are goods weighing more than 35 kg, which cannot be divided into smaller parts (furniture, electronics, etc.). Paying for these items "Total customs payment"— duty + excise + VAT.

For example, let's take a sofa - weight 50 kg, customs value - 400 euros.

In the calculations, we will need to determine the product code in accordance with the TNVED - you can find these codes on the website of the Eurasian Economic Commission -

In accordance with TNVED, the duty for our sofa is 15% of its customs value, but not less than 0.519 euros per 1 kg. Plus excise for sofa = 0 and VAT = 18%.

Duty = 400 * 15% = 60 euros. I did not calculate the amount of the duty for excess weight, since it will definitely be less.

VAT = (400 + 60) * 18% = 82.8 euros

Total = 60 + 82.8 = 142.8 euros

As you can see, quite a lot has dripped. So if you find some cheap furniture on Aliexpress, do not be lazy to calculate how much you will have to pay in addition to its cost. The savings may not be that significant.

If you only order goods on Aliexpress from time to time, then you should not worry about customs limits and duties.


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