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The process of attestation for compliance with the position occupied can be called a multi-level combination, which is fixed not only in a number of local acts, but also fixed in the final document, namely the protocol.

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And since the results of the assessment have a direct impact on many aspects of the employee's work - from an increase in wages to prospects career development- the specified document must be correctly drawn up. Subsequently, it may be needed during the court session.

Functions performed

The protocol of the attestation commission for compliance with the position held acts as the final document. It reflects not only the conclusion itself, but also the process of conducting the assessment, from the members of the commission and others present to the questions asked and decision.

Based on the previous actions, as well as a number of studied documents, a decision will be made by the direct head of the company about future fate employee.

According to the results of the assessment, he can either acquire a number of preferences or lose his job.

Also, this document will be important later, if the result is disputed by the employee himself.

So, it is in court or in case of a complaint to other regulatory authorities that the protocol will be the main evidence of the correct conduct of the attestation procedure.

And you will need a protocol during the assessment next time, for example, in three or five years, since the members of the commission in without fail take into account the process of execution by employees of their previous decision.

Who is cooking?

Even at the stage of creating an attestation commission, its composition necessarily includes a secretary, whose main function is to document the entire procedure - from preparing forms to filling them out, not to mention notification or collection of signatures. The specified member of the commission is also responsible for keeping the protocol, carefully recording all the moments of the employee's assessment in accordance with the existing form of the protocol form.

How to draw up a protocol of the attestation commission for compliance with the position held?

In case of any disputable issues on the decision taken, all local acts regulating the certification process are important. But it is the protocol that will serve as the basis for subsequent sanctions against the assessed employee. There are special requirements for the document.

General requirements and registration rules

One of the main difficulties during the certification of employees is the lack of legislative regulation of the procedure itself, as well as the forms that must be drawn up in the process.

For this reason, the survey must necessarily be fixed in local acts, namely, in the same Regulations and in the order approving all the forms - from the attestation sheet to the protocol.

The regulation should also include the rules for filling out the protocol, as well as the procedure for the formation of information entered subsequently: the process of voting reflection, and general data, and other Additional information about the questions asked, not to mention the final decision and the presence of signatures of all persons involved in the evaluation process.

Structure and content

For most companies, periodic certification is not a mandatory procedure, therefore, there are no special requirements for a correct assessment and preparation of a protocol.

However, if the institution does use this form of personnel assessment, the protocol should include a number of mandatory information and also have a certain structure.

The document should be generated in the following order:

  • Title of the document, namely the minutes of the meeting;
  • Name of the organization;
  • date and place of creation of the act;
  • full data of the entire certification commission of those present (this important point to determine the quorum subsequently);
  • information about persons who are invited as experts, if the specifics of the assessment of the employee's performance require the opinion of a specialist from an identical field;
  • details of the employee being assessed, from full name, to position and structural unit;
  • agenda - certification for compliance with the position held;
  • submitted documents, namely an official review, a description and a brief meaning of the information reflected in these documents;
  • commission issues to the certified employee and the answers provided;
  • speech by the immediate supervisor of the assessed employee if he is invited and wishes to express his opinion in support of the employee or in confirmation of the violations committed;
  • assessment of the employee's performance, that is, a generalized result of his merits or misses;
  • recommendations, which can be expressed in the same direction for retraining or an increase in the allowance in case of a positive result;
  • vote in the context of "for", "against", "abstained";
  • conclusion - whether the worker corresponds to his position or not, and perhaps his compliance is partial without the same advanced training;
  • signatures of all members of the commission;
  • the signature of the assessed employee indicating the date of familiarization with the agreed document.

It should be noted that the rules for the form of record keeping are also not approved. This document can be filled out by hand, that is, by filling out an existing form, or in in electronic format with obligatory affixing of living signatures.

Also, this document can be certified with the seal of the institution, but not the main one, but the auxiliary one.

By the way, it is not necessary to draw up a separate protocol for each employee, especially when it comes to a small staff. However, if the evaluation process takes several days, the protocol must be started daily, indicating information about the employees being evaluated and the decision made in stages, indicating also the time of the certification.

Who is signing?

At the bottom of the protocol, the secretary is obliged to list all members of the commission who were present at the meeting, and also took part in the decision, including his own person.

At the same time, the list of surnames is formed not in a chaotic manner, but in compliance with the hierarchical affiliation, that is, the chairman is indicated first, then the secretary, and then the members of the commission.

Naturally, a place should be allotted for affixing a list and a certified employee who familiarizes himself with this document within the time limits established by the Regulations.

Number of copies

There is an opinion that the attestation protocol for compliance with the position held should be formed in several copies. They will be stored directly in the certification file, as well as in the employee's personal file and with the members of the commission.

However, this view is not correct:

  • The personal card already contains a separate paragraph on certification, which indicates the date of the procedure, the protocol number, as well as the results. There is no need to reflect other information, how to actually include applications.
  • Also, additional copies are not required for members of the commission, who are vested with certain powers only for the duration of the meeting.

Thus, the protocol is drawn up only in a single copy and is usually stored in the personnel department with all the documents on the assessment.

At the same time, if information about the results obtained is needed by the same employee or the court, the secretary of the commission is authorized to draw up an extract from the specified document.

Sample (example)

Document example:

The protocol form can be downloaded from our website:

Do you need to introduce employees?

All documents that directly affect labor activity staff member, the company is obliged to submit to him for review.

And since, according to the results of the assessment, the employee may lose his job or may be transferred to another position with a lower qualification, he must be familiarized with the protocol without fail with a live signature and the date the document was read.

To whom and for what purpose can an extract from the document be provided?

The data from the document for a single employee may be required for the same challenge of the decision in court or for upgrading the category, which is relevant for teachers. And since it is not advisable to provide the entire protocol in its entirety, and the law on the dissemination of personal data does not allow, an extract is generated that reflects information for only one employee.


Full name - Deputy Director for BP;

Full name - teacher primary school, Head of the Ministry of Defense of Primary School Teachers;

Full name - teacher of the Russian language and literature, head of the MO of teachers of the philological cycle;

Full name - teacher of English language, head of the ShMO class teachers.


    Responsibilities of the members of the evaluation committee.

    Approval of the work plan and topics of the commission's meetings.

HEARD: Chairman of the FI Attestation Commission. about the duties of the members of the attestation commission.

DECIDED: Impose the following duties on the members of the attestation commission:

Maintenance of attestation documentation - full name, secretary of the attestation commission;

Control and assistance on issues of professional discipline - full name, chairman of the PC, deputy chairman of the attestation commission;

Control and assistance to teachers on educational work - full name;

Control and assistance to primary school teachers - full name;

Control and assistance in working with gifted children - full name;

Control and assistance in extracurricular activities - full name;

HEARD: Secretary of the Attestation Commission Full Name on the approval of the plan and topics of the meetings.

SPEAKER: Name with a proposal to make adjustments to the work plan as necessary.

RESOLVED: To approve the work plan of the attestation commission for 2016-2017 this year.

Commission members:


05.10.2016 No. 2


Chairman of the attestation commission - full name, director of the school

Deputy chairman of the attestation commission - full name, chairman of the PC, teacher of mathematics, computer science.

Secretary of the attestation commission - full name, deputy director for water resources management

Members of the certification committee:

Full name. - primary school teacher, head of the MO of primary school teachers;

Full name. - teacher of the Russian language and literature, head of the MO of teachers of the philological cycle;


    On the certification of school teachers in the 2016/2017 academic year.

Full nameon certification of teaching staff of the school in the 2016/2017 academic year.


    In accordance with federal law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation”, guided by clauses 5-23 of section 2 of the Procedure for attestation of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 07, 2014. No. 276 “On approval of the Procedure for attestation of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities”, in pursuance of the order of the Ministry of Education of Crimea dated November 24, 2014 No. 01-14 / 1884 “On guidelines for the certification of teaching staff, in order to confirm the compliance with the position held "in order to legally regulate relations in the field of education and stimulate targeted, continuous improvement of the qualifications of teaching staff, their methodological culture, approve the list of teachers subject to certification in the 2016/2017 academic year:

    1. Full name - chemistry teacher;

      Full name - English teacher;

      Full name - primary school teacher.

Chairman of the attestation commission: full name

Secretary of the attestation commission: full name

Commission members:


meetings of the attestation commission

03/17/2017 Number 3


Chairman of the attestation commission - full name, director of the school

Deputy Chairman of the Attestation Commission-TFIO, Chairman of the PC, teacher of mathematics, computer science.

Secretary of the attestation commission - full name, deputy director for water resources management

Members of the certification committee:

Full name - Deputy Director for BP;

Mironova E. N. - primary school teacher, head of the MO of primary school teachers;

Full name - teacher of the Russian language and literature, head of the Ministry of Defense of teachers of the philological cycle;

Full name - English teacher, head of the ShMO class teachers.

Certified teaching staff -Full namechemistry teacher;


Certification of teaching staff of the MOU "Medvedev School" in order to

confirmation of the compliance of teachers with the positions they hold based on an assessment of their professional activity:

Full name. - teacher of chemistry;

Full name - English teacher;

Full name - primary school teacher

HEARD: Chairman of the Attestation Commission, School PrincipalFull nameabout the results of certification of an English teacherFull name

Full name.,

Full name- Member of the certification committee. In her speech, she stated thatFull nameconstantly working to improve its professional level. Lessons are conducted at a good organizational and pedagogical level. Works in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation.

Abibullaev A.Sh.Full name - Deputy Chairman of the Attestation Commission. In his speech, he pointed out that the full name in his lessons actively uses innovative methods learning.

DECIDED:Full nameEnglish teacher corresponds to the position.

HEARD: Chairman of the Attestation Commission, School PrincipalFull nameon the results of certification of primary school teachersFull name

SPEAKER: Secretary of the Attestation CommissionFull namewhich acquainted the members of the commission with the course of attestation.

Full name- Member of the certification committee. In her speech, she pointed out what a teacher carries out a differentiated approach in the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics. Half

the students it teaches have sufficient and high level educational achievements.

Full nameFull nameorganizes extra-curricular work in subjects: olympiads, subject weeks.

DECIDED:Full namePrimary school teacher, appropriate position.

HEARD: Deputy Chairman of the Attestation Commission, teacher of mathematics, computer scienceFull nameabout the results of certification of a teacher of chemistryFull name

SPEAKER: Secretary of the Attestation CommissionFull namewhich acquainted the members of the commission with the course of attestation.

Full name- Member of the certification committee. In her speech, she spoke aboutFull nameperfectly masters the methodology of the modern lesson. Skillfully combines traditional and innovative educational technologies. When conducting lessons, it takes into account the peculiarities of the educational material and the abilities of students.

Full name- member of the certification committee. In her presentation, she pointed out thatFull nameprovides practical assistance to colleagues. Makes proposals to improve the educational process at school.

DECIDED:Full nameteacher of chemistry, corresponds to the position held.

Chairman of the attestation commission: full name

Secretary of the attestation commission: full name

Commission members:




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Document text:


responsibility "Plus"


meetings of the attestation


Chairman - I.I. Kukharevich.

Secretary - O.S. Timovets.

There are 6 members of the commission in total.

Present - A.V. Zakrevsky, I.I. Kukharevich, N.I. Kuchura, P.P. Nikolaev, O.S. Timovets.

Invitees - head of the sector of contractual and claims work Vatrushkin G.V., legal adviser of the II category Odintsov Yu.V.


On the compliance with the position held by Yury Vyacheslavovich Odintsov, legal adviser of the II category.

Message from the head of the sector of contractual and claim work Vatrushkin G.V. about the evaluation practical activities Odintsov Yu.V., his professional, business and personal qualities.

Message of the legal adviser of the II category Odintsov Yu.V. about his work.

Vatrushkina G.V. - Odintsov Yu.V. proved himself to be a qualified worker, performs his tasks qualitatively and in a timely manner official duties. Initiative and independent in solving problems. With his participation, new provisions on structural divisions organizations, job descriptions workers. For the period since the last certification Odintsov Yu.V. prepared documents and took part in court hearings in general and economic courts, as a result of which 108560890 rubles were recovered in favor of the organization. Activity Odintsov Yu.V. in the process of negotiating the terms of business contracts is aimed at minimizing the risks and liability of the organization. Disciplined and balanced in resolving problems conflict situations.

Odintsova Yu.V. - I fully agree with the characteristics presented to me, I consider myself worthy of promotion.


Questions to the head of the certified:

Nikolaev P.P. - Does Odintsov Yew.V. position held? What are your recommendations for this employee?

Answers of the head of the certified person:

Vatrushkin G.V. - I think that Odintsov Yu.V. fully corresponds to the position held and can be included in the personnel reserve for a higher position.

Questions to the certified:

Zakrevsky A.V. - What points do you pay attention to first of all when agreeing on the terms of business contracts? What conditions should be included in contracts to avoid negative consequences?

Nikolaev P.P. - What actions need to be taken to collect receivables?

Applicant Answers:

Odintsov Yu.V. - First of all, when agreeing on the terms of the draft agreement received from the counterparty, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the specified agreement complies with the requirements of the law, whether the conclusion of such a transaction is prohibited, whether all essential conditions of the agreement, what are the amounts of liability of the parties for violation of the terms of the agreement, is there a possibility of unilateral refusal to execute the agreement in the event of a material breach of the agreement by the counterparty. In case of disagreement with the draft agreement, a protocol of disagreements is drawn up, in which the desired conditions are specified.

The collection of receivables can be carried out in pre-trial or judicial order. Initially, the documents on the basis of which the debt arose (agreement, TTN, invoices, etc.), the causes of the debt, are studied, the possibility of collecting the debt in pre-trial order is established, a claim is drawn up indicating the amount of the principal debt and penalties. If necessary, documents are prepared for the court.

Kukharevich I.I. - I consider it necessary to recognize Odintsova Yu.V. corresponding to the position held and recommend including him in the personnel reserve for a higher position.

1. recognize Odintsova Yew.The. relevant to the position.

Voted: "corresponds to the position held" - 4 people; "does not fully correspond to the position held with re-certification after one year, subject to the recommendations of the certification committee" - no; "does not correspond to the position held" - no. Chairman Signature I.I.Kukharevich Secretary Signature O.S.Timovets I am acquainted with the voting results Signature Yu.V.Odintsov

Annexes to the document:

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What other documents do you have?

What else to download on the topic "Protocol":

  • It's no secret that a legally competent approach to drafting an agreement or contract is a guarantee of the success of the transaction, its transparency and security for counterparties. Employment law is no exception.

  • In the process economic activity many firms most commonly used supply contract. It would seem that this simple, in its essence, document should be absolutely understandable and unambiguous.

It is important not only to carry out a kind of “knowledge cross-section” for your employees, but also to properly format its results. After all, there can always be dissatisfied persons who threaten not only the labor inspectorate, but also the prosecutor's office, the court. Let us help you protect yourself from negative consequences.

Document Role

It is unlikely that any of the leaders of organizations, employees personnel services it is necessary to convince of the need for impeccable execution of attestation documents. This is required not only by periodic inspections of the labor inspectorate, but by the existing threat of conflict situations with an employee who has been subjected to disciplinary action challenging the actions of the employer. Including incorrect (from his point of view) change of rank, qualifications.

The courts, most often, take the side of the employee. To prove the legitimacy of their actions, the representative of the employer must demonstrate compliance with all existing standards. Especially often conflicts arise on the basis of the certification. Wherein big role plays, which captures all stages of the work of this body.

General requirements for business workflow

The requirements for the nomenclature of cases, regardless of the form of ownership and type of activity of the organization, differ little. Therefore, the standard minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission are drawn up uniformly. Its form is approved by order of the head of the enterprise. It serves as an annex to the regulation or instruction on the conduct of the commission. The same order appoints:

  • chairman;
  • vice chairman;
  • secretary;
  • members of the commission.

Mandatory details are the name of the organization, date, place of the meeting, list of those present. On the last sheet minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission for compliance with the position held signed by the chairman and the secretary.

Usually, if more than 15 people take part in the event, then their list is not given on the first sheet, but is taken out as a separate application.

Mandatory trivia and wording

To facilitate the assimilation of the essence and give a standard look certification protocol for compliance with the position held contains:

  • agenda items beginning with the words "About ..." or "About ...";
  • part of the discussion, beginning with "Listened to ..." or "Speaked ...";
  • Summing up, formulated as "Decided ..." or "Decided ...".

The first speaker is the official who prepared the testimonial for the certified employee.

Don't forget to include a list questions asked and answers to them. How much detail to state all this - decide for yourself.

Features of certification of teachers

The work of the attestation commission in pedagogical teams has its own characteristics. Based on its results, the administration may be given recommendations for appointing an employee to a position that does not correspond to his length of service or qualification level. This information contains minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission of pedagogical workers.

Certification to receive qualification category is carried out at the request of the teacher in a declarative manner, which must be documented. At the same time, the commission is appointed not by the employer, but by the authority according to the subordination of the educational institution.

In contrast to qualifications - confirmation of the position held, when protocol of the attestation commission is a secret for strangers, information about the appropriation new qualification promulgated by issuing an administrative act of the authority.

Familiarization of employees with the results of the audit

Because common protocol contains information about the certification of several employees at once, to get acquainted with individual results, they make extract from the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission. Not later than within 3 working days, a certified specialist must leave his signature on it. This document contains:

  • full name, surname, patronymic of the certified person;
  • his position, indicating the department in which he works;
  • date of certification;
  • the final result of voting by members of the commission;
  • verbatim decision of the attestation commission.

An extract confirming the fact that the employee is familiar with it is stored in a personal file.

In conclusion, we can advise you not to engage in unnecessary creativity, making out employee appraisal protocol (sample can always be found in the legal part of the Internet). This will only lead to confusion, non-compliance with standards, violations personnel office work. Such actions can even lead to the imposition of an administrative penalty and other troubles.

After the certification of employees of the organization, the commission must announce its result. The main document that reflects all the information about the person being certified, although the verification and the final result is the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission. At the same time, all those who passed the certification must be familiarized with its results personally and against signature.

certain unified form for this document is not provided, in this regard, it is developed independently, after which the form and procedure for filling it out are entered in the organization. The protocol can be drawn up on where all the necessary details are located. Keeping minutes at a meeting of the commission is provided, as a rule, to one of the members of the commission, or a secretary is appointed.

When compiling a document, it is necessary to reflect the following data in it:

  • The document must have an appropriate title.
  • Date of the meeting of the commission and the number of the minutes
  • Venue specified.
  • The list of the attestation commission is indicated, as well as the list of invited employees.
  • Personal information about the person being certified - his full name, department and position must be indicated in accordance with staffing.
  • The messages of the certified employee about his work should be reflected in a short form, as well as the answers to the questions asked of him.
  • The result of the final voting of the commission, where all the votes "for" and "against" are indicated, as well as the final decision on the compliance or non-compliance of the position held by him at the enterprise is indicated. Including the decision on the direction for additional training or retraining.

The protocol must be drawn up correctly and not allow erasures and blots, signed by all members of the commission. The head of the commission puts his signature last. Further changes or additions to an already signed document are not allowed. The results of the employee's attestation (the result of the vote and the decision made) must be entered into, after which the protocol is transferred for storage to the personnel department.

Sample and form of the protocol of the attestation commission


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