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Character types can be seen not as meaningless labels, but as road signs suggesting how to properly behave with those who are in trouble. This can be especially important for those who work with the homeless, prisoners, alcoholics and drug addicts, people with disabilities, the elderly, abandoned mothers…

H. Bidstrup, cartoon "Temperament".

Black bile and others

What to do - we are all different. But at the same time they are similar to each other. Accurate and brawlers, lazy and sluggish, silent and chatterboxes - who is not among us! Psychologists have been trying for centuries to divide the diversity of human characters into groups.

The author of the first classification is traditionally considered to be Hippocrates, who defined the different types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic… The basis for the division was… fluids prevailing in the human body. For example, "melancholy" in Greek is "black bile".

Whatever the researchers of the human soul subsequently relied on to divide us all into groups! Be that as it may, over the centuries, a dozen and a half main types of characters have crystallized, which - with one variation or another - are present in all classifications. Epileptoid, schizoid, hysterical, anxious and suspicious ...

Sign or label?

Temperament types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic. Statues decorating the palace at Versailles, drawing from the 17th century.

Why do we need to know about these types? Why fall into the temptation of sticking labels, and therefore, voluntary or involuntary condemnation? To place stigma on living people (which, by the way, many psychologists sin) is certainly bad. But to strive to understand a person, and, perhaps, to acquire a tool of help is both good and useful. One very wise and middle-aged woman said: "If I had got acquainted with the typology of characters earlier, there would have been much less problems in my life." And in the lives of others, perhaps, too.

Knowledge of character traits can become not a meaningless label, but road sign, suggesting how to behave correctly on the way. This can be especially important for people in helping professions, for volunteers working with the homeless, prisoners, alcoholics, people with disabilities, the elderly, abandoned mothers ... Perhaps these tears are not real, and it is useless to fight this painful accuracy, and with Should I put up with this constant anxiety? Of course, only a professional can give accurate advice, but knowledge will help you think and often remain calm in situations where this is not easy to do.

By the way, acquaintance with the typology of characters can, instead of leading to condemnation (“hysterical, what to take from her!”), Help to avoid it, understanding and accepting the weakness of another or his uniqueness. What is the difference?


Fragment of stucco decoration of the house wall. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 20th century. Image from

Everyone has character. And each of us has one or another "characterological radical" - that is, a set of features that allow us to attribute a person to one or another group.

Sometimes it is not easy, if not impossible, to determine what type a person belongs to - his character is so “smooth”. As you approach holiness, the acquisition of virtues, unique features are smoothed out, any attempts at classification are doomed to failure.

More often, character traits are immediately evident and make communication with such a person very difficult. It is the expressiveness of quality that makes it possible to draw a line between uniqueness and infirmity, norm and pathology. Accentuation is the extreme degree of the norm. The author of the term, Karl Leonhard, believed that half of us were accentuated.

If the features are sharpened even more, we are talking about a disease. Character diseases were formerly called psychopathy, now the rude and unpleasant word has been canceled and specialists speak of "personality disorders."

How can illness be distinguished from health? There are three criteria that Professor Gannushkin developed in his time. Firstly, the entire personality warehouse is permeated with these qualities, secondly, these traits almost do not change - neither over time, nor depending on the situation, and thirdly, they already interfere not just with communication, but with the adaptation of a person in society.

Without pretending to a complete classification, we list some types of characters and personality disorders.

Glass and wood

A schizoid is not a schizophrenic. This is a character type. Such a person is closed, unsociable, shy. He is really good only with himself. He rarely starts a family and tends to be single in old age.

You should not impose a society on a schizoid, try to dispel his “despondency” with happy holidays, and even more so try to talk and make you cry in your vest. What we take for despondency is the normal state of a schizoid, and having fun in a crowded crowd and even more so pouring out his soul to someone is a martyr's torment. For all that, he is a very sensitive nature, fragile as glass when it comes to his own feelings. As for the rest, here it is difficult, almost impossible to touch him, he remains deaf to their suffering, like a piece of wood, and you can’t be offended by this, that’s how he works. The schizoid does not care about appearance and domestic amenities. He may well be satisfied with life on the street, away from annoying people.

Not only tears

"Let's do without tantrums!" - this is the first thing that comes to mind when talking about a hysterical radical character. However, its owners not only cry violently. They laugh, they sing, they talk interesting stories, love and dream ... Everything they do is always loud, bright and, most importantly, for show. You ask: "How are you?" You will receive in response either a resounding “Fantastic!” or a strangled "Catastrophe ..." There are no halftones here. Tantrums are often referred to as "one-man theatre". However, the word "hysterical" has fallen out of use, and in modern reference books you will find a mention of a "histrionic" type of character or personality disorder. Working with such people, most of whom are women, is not easy, trying to correct them, re-educate them is useless. In one psychological article on hysterical psychopathy, I read that the only thing that can help them is the Church, confession, the gradual acquisition of humility. And so they suffer themselves, they torture others. It is difficult to feel sorry for them, but how without it? It’s only better to do it in such a way that the hysterics themselves do not know about it, showing calm firmness in communication. If we talk about social work, then those who are engaged in the rehabilitation of alcoholics or drug addicts are most likely to encounter them.

He does not have epilepsy

One can write about epileptoids for a long time and sobbing. So much is mixed in this character that many researchers divide it into several different types. He is power-hungry, "intensely authoritarian", petty, jealous, painfully accurate and pedantic, superstitious, stubborn, prone to outbursts of anger ... In my opinion, he most of all looks like a steam locomotive: powerful, strong, not able to deviate from the path, does not tolerate strangers on its route, requiring order in all its internal details, arriving right on schedule, capable of exploding without letting off steam. Having fallen ill and becoming (albeit temporarily) helpless, he experiences terrible moral agony. Indeed, among epileptoids there are many bosses (however sad for their subordinates) - workaholics, perfectionists, for whom idleness is like death. But in old age, many of the character traits of these people are smoothed out, and they no longer suppress others by themselves, limiting themselves to grumbling at “non-current morals” and youth.

Suspicious type

Paranoid is not synonymous with schizophrenic. The paranoid radical of character, just like any other, is simply a personality trait. Its main features are perseverance, purposefulness, self-confidence. Another thing is when the suspicion inherent in him becomes all-encompassing, when in everyone he meets - near or far - he sees an enemy and a traitor. Then we are talking about paranoid personality disorder. Dealing with such a person, caring for him, trying to help in some way is very difficult, and sometimes impossible. Even changing a diaper for someone who sees a villain in everyone is an almost impossible mission.

No - norms

“You cannot live in society and be free from society,” said one revolutionary-minded classic. People with antisocial personality disorder would not agree with him - and not only because his ideas are not very popular today. These people do not want (can not) have anything to do with the rules and norms established by society. Work, family, friendship, the rules of decency - all this is not for them. They accept punishment with the same disgust as the rest of the world and, most importantly, they do not learn any lesson from them. Of course, most of these people are among the prisoners.

Not at all lazy

Those who suffer from passive-aggressive personality disorder are often seen as just quitters. But it is not so. They, like the sociopaths described above, tend to contempt for social norms, only they express it somewhat more passively. They are always late, play for time, do not hand over work on time, put everything off until later, do not pay the slightest attention to the demands and criticism of their superiors. Forcing them to do something against their will is very difficult. If you insist too much, aggression can cease to be passive. It is clear that they often belong to the category of low-income citizens who need material assistance and all kinds of support.

They only dream of peace

People of an anxious and suspicious type are afraid of everything in the world: medical examinations, airplane flights, subway trips, evening walks, exams, dietary supplements, illegal migrants ... If in this moment nothing threatens their life and tranquility, the anxiety living in such a person, like an octopus, will release a tentacle and find something to cling to. They constantly doubt themselves and therefore are often incapable of quick and decisive action. Such a person, as noted by the well-known psychotherapist M. Burno, “won’t offer help to a familiar woman with a heavy bag in time, won’t think to say in time good word needing it - with subsequent internal repentance. And here he also has no choice but to train in himself the readiness to act in advance, so as not to be tormented later by remorse.”


    On average, defectologists, like psychologists, receive 30,000 rubles, but the maximum income can be about 200,000 rubles.

    Social worker

    Provides assistance to people with disabilities, orphans, pensioners and other people who need support. The main task of such a specialist is to improve the material and living conditions of his wards, to ensure their social and legal protection. Social workers organize home care for patients, are responsible for the delivery of medicines and products, work in dysfunctional families, and provide consultations. Such professionals can work in institutions social service, organs social protection and public organizations.

    Salary social worker depends on the region in which he lives. On average, it ranges from 30,000 to 35,000 rubles.


    - a specialist in the legal protection of citizens or organizations. It represents and defends the interests and rights of individuals or organizations in court. This is an independent professional advisor for legal matters. To work in the legal profession, you need to graduate from a university with a degree in >, undergo an internship and become a member of the bar.

    The profession of a lawyer is not easy, it requires constant self-improvement, monitoring of old and careful study of new legislative acts. However, this profession is considered to be highly paid. The income of a lawyer can range from 55,000 to 200,000 rubles and more.

Psychology of help [Altruism, egoism, empathy] Ilyin Evgeny Pavlovich

9.4. Psychological health of workers in helping professions

Helping activity is included in the group of professions with a large presence of factors of mental tension. It is replete with many not only positive, but also negative emotions when employees communicate with customers. This is also due to the fact that women are mainly engaged in helping activities, and therefore they have increased emotional excitability, infection with emotions from each other, including negative ones. In addition, the mental makeup of people who have chosen helping professions - a weak nervous system, low emotional stability, a tendency to feel guilty, anxiety, low stress resistance - contributes to the emergence of psychosomatic diseases in them.

This is clearly manifested in teachers (Smolova L.V., 1999; Turenko E.A., 2011), medical workers(Koshcheeva N.A., 2010).

The dynamics of changes in the integral characteristics of the personality of teachers with different work experience at school is as follows: in the first 10–15 years of work, there is an increase in indicators of competence, focus, flexibility, then the trend changes to the opposite: teachers with work experience of 15–20 years or more are characterized by a sharp decrease all indicators. The period of stagnation is determined by the decrease in the exponent social adaptation in a third of teachers to the level of patients with neuroses. Therefore, one of the central tasks of the education system is to preserve the professional health of the teacher.

Mitina L. M., 2008

According to G. A. Vinogradova (1999), 97% of teachers, regardless of age, suffer from various psychosomatic diseases. Among them, hypertension and hypotension (two people out of every three), neuroses, osteochondrosis (every second) and stomach ulcers (one out of every fifteen) are “leading”. The peak of the disease falls on the age of 30 years.

The occurrence of these diseases leads to changes in the psyche, in behavior and affects the effectiveness of pedagogical activity. For example, mental disorders associated with hypertension (memory disorders, mood swings, fatigue) can lead to difficulties in relationships and conflicts with students, their parents, and work colleagues.

As R. M. Khusainov (2006) revealed, more than 80% of teachers at the stage of professional maturity experience constant fear of possible troubles. At the same time, depending on age, a certain specificity is manifested in negative experiences.

Teachers aged 31–40 are acutely dissatisfied and often complain of fatigue. At the age of 41-50, teachers are acutely aware of the daily costs of the profession, they are deeply disappointed by the results of their activities, and cannot move away from them for a long time. There is a growing feeling that others are happier than they are. Teachers over 50 have the highest anxiety.

The high quality of pedagogical work is achieved, as a rule, by increasing working hours. With such an intensification of labor, the best teachers who have achieved mastery in their field are most of all overloaded. In his work, the teacher must perform more than one hundred functional duties. Pedagogical activity is closely connected with communicative overloads. Only with students of different ages the teacher speaks for 6-10 hours a day. For 45 minutes of working time, the teacher, on average, makes more than a hundred requirements to students. Studies have shown the dependence of the influence of teachers' communicative overload on their age and length of service. Thus, among teachers with an experience of up to three years, 8.3% suffer from overload, and with an experience of more than eighteen years - three times more - 24.2%. The resulting deficit of energy resources leads to the disruption of the adaptive processes of the individual and contributes to the emergence of persistent states of maladaptation, as in professional activity, and outside of working life; 73.6% of teachers report disorders in their emotional sphere, manifested in a decrease in mood, irritability, anxiety, increased resentment; 91.1% of teachers note the presence of diseases or disorders of various organs or systems of the body. More than 80% of teachers at the stage of professional maturity experience fear of possible troubles.

OsnitskyA. V., 2001

Teachers with 10–15 years of experience experience neuroticism, a decrease in empathy (it becomes equal to the norm for men), dominance increases, as a result of which they become authoritarians (Alekseeva E. E., 2000).

This text is an introductory piece. author Ilyin Evgeny Pavlovich

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The list of professions related to communication with people can include hundreds of the most different specialties– from doctors and teachers to waiters and managers.

Medium wage: 20000 rubles per month




entry barrier


Professions related to communication with people, many experts consider the most difficult. In them, far from everything depends on the knowledge and qualifications of a specialist - a lot is decided by the ability to find an approach to a person and choose the right strategy behavior to achieve a positive outcome.

Professions requiring special education

Professions that, according to the classification of academician E. A. Klimov, belong to the category of “person - person”, involve direct communication between those who provide any kind of service and those who receive them. The specialties of this category are very diverse, their representatives work in all spheres of our life. They can be classified according to different criteria, but we will focus on the indicator of the mandatory availability of special education.

So, professions related to communication with people, requiring a diploma from a university or a specialized college (the list is in no particular order):

  • The main task of the huge army of professionals in this specialty is to transfer certain knowledge and skills. And we are talking not only about school teachers, but also about kindergarten teachers, university and college teachers, sports coaches, speech therapists, defectologists. In this area, people who sincerely love their work most often work, because they financial reward usually leaves much to be desired.
  • . The staff of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums and health centers is constantly in contact with their patients. The main role in health care institutions belongs to doctors, although a huge amount of work is done by nurses. Good doctors do not treat diseases, but the patient, so they pay attention to his problems and lifestyle. The number of contacts during the day depends on the specialization of the doctor and the place of his work. Thus, a surgeon in a hospital mainly communicates only with those patients who are in his hospital and their relatives, while a therapist in a polyclinic has to deal with a much larger flow of those who seek medical help.
  • Since the early 2000s, the science of higher nervous activity in Russia has been developing especially rapidly, and after decades of non-recognition of this profession in Soviet times professionals have the opportunity to realize their talents. People are still largely distrustful of psychologists, being afraid to share their problems and preferring to solve them in folk ways. However, the ice is gradually melting, and now going to a family psychologist is no longer considered something shameful, and most large schools have specialists in working with children.
  • The ability to find necessary information, get expert comments, get a point of view ordinary people, the ability to quickly and efficiently process all this and present it to the audience, readers, listeners - these are the main tasks of reporters. It is believed that this is a job for young people, and it is not at all necessary to have a diploma in journalism, any higher education, knowledge in any field and the ability to communicate are enough. Radio journalists are required to have clear diction, and TV reporters cannot do without an attractive appearance. In print media, it is important to be able to express your thoughts in an interesting and competent way.
  • . Knowledge of foreign languages ​​has not yet become widespread, so the profession of a translator remains in great demand. Servicing political and business delegations, working in companies with foreign partners, and consecutive translation at various events - this is an incomplete list of specialist duties. Many language experts work as guides for foreign tourists in Russia or Russian travelers in other countries.
  • Manager. Leading a team, regardless of its size, is a special skill. The work of the manager is aimed at organizing the activities of each employee in order to achieve his maximum productivity, taking into account professional and personal qualities. If the manager simply distributes "valuable instructions" without listening to the opinion of employees, then over time the enterprise will have a problem with qualified personnel, which even a salary increase will not help to solve.
  • . This is a specialist in human resources, or simply . Any more or less big company or the organization has its own HR department, where professionals work, whose main task is to select the right employee for vacancy. In addition, they are teaching regular staff develop a system of rewards and penalties. Many firms, when looking for the necessary employee, turn to specialized HR agencies that have a database of candidates for various positions.
  • . Such a person goes to people who are in difficult life circumstances (illness, lonely old age, inability to live, lack of necessary skills), and helps them in word and deed. Often, social workers have to find contact with people who do not want this at all (drug addicts, alcoholics, other antisocial elements).

Representatives of all these professions, with rare exceptions, have higher education, most often in the humanities, although in the case of managers and some journalists, a technical one is also suitable. As for teachers and doctors, they are required to graduate from a specialized university or college, other options are not considered.

Professions without higher education

There are other professions on the labor market that are related to communication with people, and in order to get them, you do not need to go to universities. Many specialties can be mastered on their own right at the workplace, or by taking short courses at a training center.

Among the professions available to many are the following:

  • . Hundreds of thousands of young people, primarily girls, are starting their labor activity in shops. Charm, a smile, the ability to find an approach to a potential buyer, to win his trust - all this contributes to an increase in sales, and the salary of an employee depends on their volume. The consultant is obliged to know by heart the assortment sold, all the smallest properties of the proposed product, its advantages and disadvantages.

These are not all professions associated with the duty to communicate with people. The list can be continued by a lifeguard, a librarian, a travel agent, a postman, a consultant, a guide, an advertiser. The list of specialties is very large, and it continues to expand.

Where is the best place to study

Higher education in professions that involve working with people can be obtained at classical and humanitarian universities. Now many universities, even technical ones, are striving to introduce into their learning programs specialties for a wide range of applicants to attract young people with different abilities. The competition directly depends on the prestige of the university and the specific profile of education. So, it is difficult to become a translator or a doctor, it is much easier to become a teacher or a lawyer.

Faster entry into the profession is provided by secondary special educational establishments. Those who want to start working early apply to colleges that specialize in different training profiles. Medical and pedagogical schools, service industry colleges are never empty. And for activities that require a minimum of special knowledge, employers organize training directly at the workplace under the guidance of experienced employees or send newcomers to training centers for staff training.

Who suits

Working with people is suitable for those who are open to the outside world, that is. They easily get in touch, empathize, seek to help and look for options on how to do it better in such professions it will be difficult, they will always feel out of place and doubt their own choice.

To work with people, you must have the following qualities:

  • sociability;
  • patience and self-control;
  • politeness and tolerance;
  • the ability to listen to another person and understand his problems;
  • kindness and willingness to help;
  • emotional stability;
  • the ability to defend one's position with reason;
  • initiative and responsibility.

The advantages of professions related to communication are the opportunity to realize one's potential, gratitude from the consumers of services. Cons - stress and psychological overload, high level responsibility and not always high salaries.

How much do they get

Most representatives of "sociable" professions have low incomes. Their value is influenced by a number of factors: place of residence, specialty, position, work experience. For example, teachers in Moscow earn on average about 70 thousand rubles a month, in St. Petersburg - 65 thousand, and in small towns they have to be content with 15-20 thousand rubles. Among doctors, the situation is similar: in the capitals they pay 60-70 thousand rubles, in the provinces - from 20 to 30 thousand.

Some professions related to working with people are paid better. First of all, we can talk about managers whose salaries are higher. In the private sector, the services of managers are evaluated by agreement, in addition, under the contract, they are entitled to additional bonuses for increasing the company's profits. The services of translators are also in demand, and they can receive from 40,000 to 80,000 rubles, depending on the foreign language they speak.

Prospects for the profession

The modern economy is acquiring more and more signs of a post-industrial model. New technologies, computer systems and the Internet occupy an increasing share in national GDP, and soon this list will be added artificial intelligence. The number of services that involve the interaction of people with each other is growing. According to experts, the spheres of education, healthcare, recreation and entertainment will actively develop in the coming decades.

Chernikova T.V.


AT modern conditions domestic reality, the general social well-being of specialists whose professional duty is to strengthen the adaptive capabilities of another person, becomes a significant condition for maintaining the socio-psychological health of Russian citizens.

The unfavorable situation in the country led to a crisis in the system of professional training and advanced training of personnel for education and social work. The knowledge and work technologies acquired by specialists are often unsuitable for specific conditions professional activity. University "blanks" - recommendations for working with people do not guarantee successful interaction with manifestations of disadaptation and destructive behavior on the part of the population. The acquisition of spontaneous experience in the process of work is inevitably associated with serious professional mistakes and is fraught with emotional costs for both parties. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the consequence of the socio-economic difficulties of the everyday life of a specialist - a teacher, a social worker, an employee of a cultural institution, socio-legal and medical prevention - are various forms of subjective experience of their own personal and interpersonal problems.

Difficulties of professional and personal realization of specialists social sphere especially noticeable against the backdrop of a general existential decline. Penetration of cruelty and destruction in all spheres social life, reassessment of traditional values, authorities, life meanings, violations and inversions of identity and ties between people - this is the general picture of the existential crisis that befell our country after its passage through Western countries after the Second World War.

In the education system, the lack of an effectively working concept of training and advanced training of specialists working with people is currently particularly acute, which is caused, in our opinion, by two main reasons.

On the one hand, the exhaustion of previous approaches to education related to the transfer of knowledge or technologies of professional activity is clearly manifested. It is difficult to say, for example, what kind of academic knowledge and what kind of educational technology can be useful to a teacher who witnesses a child fainting from hunger at school. For reasons of a financial nature, high-quality professional retraining becomes inaccessible to the majority of specialists in educational, social, cultural, or rehabilitation institutions.

On the other hand, the development of new scientific and practical approaches in education is difficult due to the uncertainty of state policy, which previously set the content and general line of educational work. The declared demand for the humanization of education runs counter to the real attitude of the state to the social position of a teacher, doctor, scientist, lawyer, cultural worker and social protection of the population. Complicated by everyday worries and everyday conflicts, the reduced social well-being of specialists is manifested in a drop in interest and a responsible attitude to work, as well as in increased criticality and intolerance in assessments and judgments. This inevitably affects the general level of professional work, the psychological climate of educational institutions and social protection, and, ultimately, the social health of the population.

In connection with the foregoing, it seems to us especially timely to work on defining a conceptual approach to the practice of professional training of specialists working with people. This approach in educational work with specialists, psychological support for positive professional and personal aspirations of a specialist in the social sphere can become. Psychological support is understood by us as a practical equivalent of co-existence, considered from the standpoint of the anthropological approach (V.I. Slobodchikov, E.I. Isaev).

A new look at the problems of modern education is due to theoretical and methodological research carried out within the framework of the humanitarian paradigm. We find its origins in American humanistic psychology and in the study of S.L. Rubinstein of human existence in the world. The domestic content of this concept was proposed by B.S. Bratus in the substantiation of humanitarian psychology, which marked a new look at a person in Russian psychological science. This approach is humanitarian and in the sense of its anthropological, according to the definition of V.I. Slobodchikov, appeal to man.

The history of the development of the psychology of the present century is, in our opinion, a step-by-step combination of various views on human nature into three main research paradigms. They were described by A. Bohner as three directions, or prospects for research in social sciences. The first of them - natural science - interprets the world as an unchanging reality of facts and phenomena subject to objective study. Another research perspective allows for subjectivity in interpreting reality from the standpoint of an expert who determines the purpose and boundaries of the impact on events and phenomena. The third direction involves a critical attitude to the observed reality and its transformation at one's own discretion. A cursory glance at the history of the psychology of the past century gives us the opportunity to notice that the main psychological theories of the past century have been transformed into three main teachings about man: the theory of social attitude, the theory of activity and humanistic psychology. We believe that the last of the directions outlined by A. Bohner unites these three theories in terms of interpreting the relationship of man with the world within the framework of the emerging humanitarian tradition of research.

A.N. Leontiev, calling activity only those processes that, by carrying out one or another relation to the world, meet a special need corresponding to them. “Both of these concepts, the concept of activity and the concept of attitude,” he wrote, “theoretically converge in two cardinal points. I mean that both of them involve overcoming the so-called postulate of immediacy and include

includes the concept of transformation of primary needs as a result of their objectification” (1982; 245). Later V.S. Magun, analyzing the ratio of a person's readiness for his own efforts and the help he expects, will draw a conclusion about the intersection of activity psychology and humanistic psychology. A kind of point of their intersection is the helping influence of another person - a facilitator or a competent adult, who sets the development space and provides psychological support to the process. personal growth another. In turn, humanistic psychology in the understanding of its founder A. Maslow is the integration of Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis and behaviorism. Humanistic psychology and attitude psychology have found their beneficial combination and continuation in the practice of Gestalt therapy.

Our hypothesis about the unification of three theories (the doctrine of social attitude, the theory of activity, humanistic psychology) into one anthropological approach makes it possible to include in it the theological view of the world (V.I. Slobodchikov). This view can be expressed in the form of a peculiar perception of the world (social attitude), ascetic activity or the deification of being. By the way, A. Maslow's observations of self-actualizing people allowed him to notice that "in a sense, only saints are humanity."

The question we have raised about the integration of the theoretical views of the humanitarian direction is also connected with the limitations of each individual approach, which inevitably manifest themselves in the implementation of educational work to train a practitioner. In such cases, the disadvantages of one approach can easily be compensated by the advantages of the other two. For example, A.N. Leontiev himself noted the limited possibilities of applying the theory of activity to the study of problems of communication and creativity. OK. Tikhomirov drew attention to the change in the functional content of activities in the context of the development of computer technologies, and V.A. Petrovsky asked if activity had disappeared altogether.

Foreign theories of humanitarian orientation also have their own problems. The well-known postulate of humanistic psychology about the initially positive nature of man and his neo-

limited opportunities has been repeatedly questioned. At the same time, the theory of social attitude, popular abroad, reveals phenomena called "Lappier's paradox", cognitive dissonance and causal attribution, which contradict the essence of the theory itself.

Comparison of the anthropological approach with the existing academic and technological ones gives us the opportunity to see the dynamics of ideas about personality in the temporal context of the last three decades of our century. This time period is characterized by the fact that the ideological and command-administrative approach in education has been replaced by the psychological approach as the only one that takes into account the specifics of " human factor» (Table 1).

So, from the standpoint of the anthropological approach to education, reflection and its supreme manifestation- spirituality - becomes a mechanism for the transformation of personal meanings, values ​​and behaviors. The development of the subject occurs in the process of interpersonal subject relationships, when a new view of the world is formed.

The last thirty years of our century, as it seems to us, have shown a consistent change of the three main scientific and practical approaches in education. They differ from each other in their different vision of goals, content, leading guidelines and the dissimilarity of theoretical views on the personality in the educational space. We will conduct a brief retrospective analysis of various approaches to the problem

Table 1. Dynamics of the development of ideas about the personality and ways to promote its development in the process of professional training of specialists in education and social work

Temporal stages Contents4^ representations

The concept of personality The system of qualities and properties Function or set of functions Subject

The mechanism of personality development Internalization Shift of motive to the goal Reflection

The process of personality development Gradual formation of qualities and properties Activity (activity, action, deed, creative process) Transcending

Strategy for training personnel for working with people Providing knowledge and monitoring its assimilation Transmitting and mastering technologies for effective professional behavior Transferring a value-based attitude to the world and oneself

me training of specialists in the social sphere, carried out in the last third of the XX century.

Scientific view of B.G. Ananiev on the age and social dynamics of the development of human mental functions influenced the formation and development of the system of continuous education. Since the 1970s, the ideological and command-administrative approaches to the training of specialists in connection with the discovery of the “human factor” in society began to give way to the academic approach. Since that time, psychological knowledge began not only to reflect, but also to determine the strategy of education. As part of this approach, inherently scientific, there was a change in the incentives for learning and an increase in socio-political and scientific-cultural awareness. However, the predominant orientation towards the development of the intellectual sphere did not meet the needs of both the organizers of education themselves and the demands of professional practice.

We attribute the beginning of the second stage in the training of specialists in the social and educational sphere to the end of the 1980s. The sharply changed socio-economic situation demanded not just educated people. There is a need for specialists who are ready to ensure the effectiveness of professional activities and, if necessary, quickly change its content. The “technological boom” that broke out in education, which followed shortly after the appearance of the work of V.P. Bespalko "The components of pedagogical technology", coincided with the publication of the works of I.S. Yakimanskaya, revealing the applied aspect of the author's idea of ​​personality-oriented education. The technological approach became widespread due to the fact that it corresponded to the new interpretation of the personality, consonant with the time, as a systematically functioning entity. The same mechanism of development, interpreted differently by the authors (shift of the motive to the goal, supra-situational activity, the dynamics of the relationship between the dispositional structure and the situation, and others), reflected the need, characteristic of that time, to expand the sphere of activity of the individual, who had become ideologically free. .

AT education personality-oriented technologies began to be used both for training specialists and for reorganizing the processes of professional development.

activities. Without entering into a discussion about the content of the concept of "technology", we give our own interpretation of the named phenomenon. Technologies in the context of educational activity are understood by us as situational models (methods) of effective professional behavior, or, in other words, as patterns - clichéd experience of actions. The technologies of active socio-psychological education - discussion methods, business game, behavioral training - were of particular interest and wide distribution in the field of personnel training.

Despite the obvious advantages of the technological direction in education (the motivational involvement of participants in the process, the relevance and modernity of the educational material, the applicability and predictability of the learning experience gained), it also has its drawbacks. On the one hand, the specific differences in the cultural and educational environment (for example, the north of Siberia and North Caucasus). On the other hand, the probability of a strong interference of the personal characteristics of the new owner of experience, including its destructive manifestations, in the processes of interpreting and broadcasting technology is worrying. In addition, questions arise regarding the limits of application of specific technologies without prejudice to their content and essence. However, we see the main drawback in the loss of academic character in the technological approach. The lack of a unified scientific concept of education has become the reason for some of its eclecticism (mosaic).

In contrast to the previous stage of specific educational technologies, we define the current stage in the training of specialists in the social sphere as the time of humanitarian technologies. We call humanitarian technologies universal models (methods) for the implementation of positive interpersonal relationships that ensure the preservation and strengthening of psychological health and personal integrity of a person, expressed in productivity and taking responsibility for one's life. Interpersonal relationships are realized in the form of adequate perception and understanding of another person through well-established channels of communication and constructive ways of interaction. Interpersonal subject relations are considered as counter-integrated

relations of people, manifested in the group effects of cooperation, cohesion, compatibility, mutual assistance.

When saving common purpose education (the acquisition of new knowledge) and its main content (the development of the cultural experience of social behavior), the anthropological approach has a significant difference from the two previous ones. It consists in the fact that the leading way of interaction is the transfer of attitude towards another person as a value. According to the theoretical provisions of S.L. Rubinshtein, relationships are a form of communication between a person and the world. The psychological meaning of the relationship, according to V.N. Myasishchev, consists in the reflection by the personality at the conscious level of the existing relations of macro- and microexistence, which change its formation. As applied to the situation of training specialists in the social sphere, relations between the subjects of the educational process are built taking into account the maintenance of positively oriented life meanings, values ​​and forms of behavior.

The independent activity of a specialist following the learning process seems to us to be the implementation of psychological support. This concept itself includes the features of the process, strategies and means of interaction with people. Psychological support as a way of professional communication is characterized by the active involvement from outside and the helping influence of a psychologist, manager, teacher, lawyer, trainer, social worker in the process of coping with an uncertain, difficult or dangerous period in the lives of other people in order to strengthen them. life position and resilience. The unit of psychological support is the resolution of the task of restoring basic trust as a person's correspondence to the world around him based on strengthening the emotional-volitional balance, awareness and adequate social behavior of the individual.

The idea of ​​psychological support lies in the phenomenon of co-existence, which V.I. Sloboda-chikov and E.I. Isaev is defined through the concept of cohabitation, and is considered by us as its practical correlate. Co-existence - a dyadic community of joint existence - becomes a space for spiritual development and cohabitation of common human meanings. “Co-existence,” the authors point out, “is that which

develops and develops; the result of development is one form or another of subjectivity” (1995; 174). Psychological support as a humanitarian technology, equivalent to the idea of ​​co-existence, in the practice of training specialists to work with people is expressed in a system of measures. They serve: a) psychological assistance in maintaining and strengthening the positive orientation of the personality of a specialist and manager; b) strengthening their socially oriented goals, values, subjective relationships with others; c) determining the measures and forms of activity in the implementation of professional activities; d) creating conditions for personal growth and improving social competence in general.

We offer our own point of view on the structure of co-existence - a cooperative form of interaction, which has found its expression in the phenomenon of psychological support. The structure of co-existence seems to us to be three-component. Components can reflect one of the sides of the process of dialogical interaction. The sides of co-existence are considered as co-knowledge, co-experience, co-action and, in our opinion, correlate with three qualitatively different results of interaction - acquired creative knowledge in the interpretation of Ya.A. Ponomarev. The author designates them as contemplative-explanatory, empirical and effective-transformative. Contemplative-explanatory knowledge meets the human need for a detached interpretation and evaluation of life events and phenomena. Empirical knowledge is associated with the development of experience in solving specific problems. Effectively transforming (generalized and reflective) knowledge presupposes its universal application in transforming attitudes towards the surrounding world and oneself.

Co-knowledge - shared knowledge - reveals one side of co-existence. As a result of this kind of coexistence, contemplative-explanatory knowledge is obtained, associated with understanding the direct experience of the participants in the interaction. Co-experience, co-feeling and co-participation as joint types of emotional experience correlate with the other side of co-existence. The empirical type of knowledge becomes the product of a joint emotional experience. It is expressed in the ability to carry out a multidirectional search for solutions to professional and

life tasks. Co-action, understood as active participation in the life of another person with the aim of facilitating, helping, supporting, results in an effectively transforming type of knowledge - a universal way of coping with life's problems. The educational strategy of psychological support combines three types of knowledge as achievements of different periods in the implementation of the educational training of specialists in the social and educational sphere. The materials (Table 2) represent our comparison of academic, technological and anthropological approaches to the educational training of specialists. Defining the educational traditions of its time, each subsequent approach not only retained the characteristics of the previous one, but also added new features and achievements characteristic of it. We compare the goals, content, teaching methods and their results, as well as the possibilities for professional creativity by specialists. The last parameter indicated by us was considered by us on the basis of the theory of D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya about intellectual activity.

As we can see, the participants in the learning process themselves become the subject of interaction in the humanitarian approach to the implementation of lifelong education of specialists: their relationships, personal opportunities and development potentials. The result of co-teaching is not only the reproduction of someone else's knowledge and experience. In the process of joint activity, a new, author's knowledge is generated. This becomes possible under conditions of maximum activity of all participants, who bring the subjective experience of their own lives into the process of educational interaction.

The anthropological approach to education we are considering is somewhat different from others that are currently being developed and actively implemented by Yu.V. Gromyko, E.I. Isaev, V.M. Rozin. The anthropological approach is a qualitatively different level of development of educational practice directions. The main distinguishing characteristic and novelty of this approach is to go beyond the consideration of education in the categories of "knowledge" and "practical development". It is not knowledge and professional skills that are formed, but the person himself as the subject of his knowledge and experience. AT real practice this is excellent

which manifests itself in the fact that after the transfer of a humanitarian attitude to another person as a subject of his intellectual and personal development, monitoring is not required practical activities which invariably accompanies the implementation of other educational approaches. An anthropologically oriented specialist is personally merged with his profession: relationships with another person are a way of life, and not a set of professional techniques. The formed attitude of a specialist to another person is a guarantee that from now on he himself will successfully cope with production problems.

we, and with ourselves, and with the definition of the prospects and pace of our development.

The anthropological approach in education, which implements the strategy of a supportive attitude, implies the observance of two mandatory requirements. The first of them is connected with the definition of the content of the attitude of the subjects of the doctrine. The second requirement relates to the construction of a model of the process of acquiring professional experience in the course of educational interaction.

Table 2. Comparative characteristics educational approaches at various stages of training and retraining of specialists in "helping" professions

Approaches Parameters Academic Technological Anthropological

Purpose Transfer of general theoretical and special knowledge Transfer of technologies and situational models of professional behavior Transfer of attitude towards another person as a subject of one's own development

Content Information of a socio-political, cultural, highly professional, and other nature New methods of professional activity, as well as fixed techniques and systematized methods Restoration and strengthening of a person’s relationship with the world based on the actualization of his intellectual, emotional and regulatory-behavioral resources

Teaching methods Interpretation of socio-political and special knowledge. Instruction. Demonstration of professional experience Educational information and transmission of effective best practices with recommendations for its implementation Transfer of ways of relating to the world around in the course of self-educational work. Promoting creativity and personal growth

Leading incentives for learning Compliance with the standard of a specialist Professional and status self-affirmation Realization of professional and personal potential

Methods of assimilation Passive perception and reproduction of information. Abstracting scientific and methodological texts according to the given topic and work plan Self-educational work on the problem under study with the participation of a competent expert. professional tests. Implementation of best practices. Training in the accuracy of interpersonal perception and emotional-volitional self-regulation. Group discussion. Creative game (business, simulation, role-playing, reflexive). Reflection of attitude to new knowledge, experience, experience

Results Increasing general intellectual and narrow professional awareness Expanding the repertoire of professional behavior Generating a new attitude to the world in the form of existential knowledge. Development of human capabilities for self-transformation

Character of creativity Stimulus-productive Heuristic Creative

The attitude towards a person will return to the educator by the events and meetings that he provided for himself in the process of educational work with specialists. On this occasion, speaking about education, A. Maslow noted that if a monkey looks into the mirror, then the apostle is unlikely to look out. The category "attitude" in the system of educational training of a specialist integrates not only the achievements of the three theories of humanitarian orientation and the three approaches to the implementation of education that we have noted. They also suggest three models of relationships that have been repeatedly described in the scientific literature.

Relationships of an academic nature (“I have information and am ready to explain to you what worries you”) are aimed at increasing the informational competence of both the other person and one’s own. Interpersonal relationships are detached. They assume that the second participant in the educational process is the object of influence. He is instructed to perform the prescribed actions to eliminate ignorance. The main means of learning is instruction (advice), and the result is the information provided and received. The advantages of this form of relationship are the focus on the value of knowledge and the responsibility of the teacher for the quality and consequences of the information provided. The main difficulties are associated with the experience of incompetence with insufficient awareness and awareness of the subjectivity and relativity of transmitted and received information.

Relationships of a technological nature are built according to the type: "I will help you change if you want it." The purpose of such relationships is to conduct educational activities in response to a request from students. The content of training is connected with the development of individual practical skills of a specialist. Compared to the first model of relations, the student is more active here, although the teacher is still the initiator and center of educational relations. As a result of the work, a particular problem is resolved - the development of a new type of professional behavior. The advantage of this type of relationship is the focus on the problem of mastering the educational material. Disadvantages are associated with the experience of powerlessness in the implementation of unsuccessful professional trials.

Anthropological model of relations, in addition to the inclusion of the two named, suggests the possibility of participation of the teacher only as an organizer of the educational process. His task is to create conditions for updating the second subject of the teaching of his intellectual, communicative, regulatory and behavioral resources and, in general, personal potential in mastering the profession. The goal of educational relations becomes the transformation of the inner world of the participants - the transcendence of their subjectivity. The content of the relationship is the exchange of experience of knowledge. One subject knows more than another about the areas of his interest and the prospects for its development. The other has an understanding of how this can be done. The main means of relations is dialogue in its true understanding by M.M. Bakhtin and T.A. Florenskaya. In the dialogue, unstructured verbal actions that are adequate to the situation are manifested, corresponding to the needs of another person in the search for new knowledge, experience and behavior. As a result of the relationship, a new experience of self-learning appears. The difficulty for those who carry out such vocational training may consist in the need to constantly maintain professional form with the help of reflective (individual and group) work to resolve personal problems. This can greatly contribute professional communities various levels, the development of which in recent years has been advocated by leading scientists and practitioners of the country.

Considered in the context of co-existence, its technological form - the psychological support of social specialists - has as its purpose the modernization of higher and postgraduate education based on the integration of psychological science and the practice of educational activities. Synthesis of the idea of ​​co-existence and the practice of psychological support is expressed in the development and implementation of programs active learning into everyday practice from the standpoint of humanitarian psychology. We distinguish three directions for the development of such programs, which are meaningfully oriented towards one of the sides of coexistence - cooperative educational interaction.

Information support of a specialist accompanies his transition from the stage of unsystematic consumption of cultural information to

mastering the means of its search, storage and ordering, and then - to the production and transmission of professional, general cultural and spiritual experience. At each stage of the implementation of information support, various means of assistance are used: from the forms of assimilation and transmission of known material to participation in the development of author's ideas and concepts.

Emotional support of the personality of a specialist allows him to become the subject of maintaining his psychological health. He goes from diagnostics and situational correction jointly with a psychologist to self-diagnosis, emotional-volitional self-regulation and the organization of psychohygienic work to prevent the “emotional burnout syndrome”. An emotionally healthy specialist is able to work successfully in a situation of helping parents of disabled children, relatives of drug addicts, and emergency telephone service subscribers. Currently, technologies are being developed for specialists working with young people who have chosen the “helping” type of profession - a psychologist, social worker, teacher, physician, lawyer. Programs of socio-psychological education of young people will serve, on the one hand, to analyze and evaluate their altruistic capabilities, and on the other hand, to early mastery of mental hygiene means to maintain psychological health.

Organizational support and support for professional activity is carried out with the help of intensive socio-psychological methods that allow one to master new ways of constructive social behavior. Intensive humanitarian technologies being put into practice, tested and developed are aimed at supporting the professional activity of specialists working in the field of education and social protection. Some technologies help professionals to promote family self-determination and career guidance with young professionals and the unemployed, including those who have chosen professions of a socio-political and entrepreneurial orientation. Such technologies are programs of group training sessions. The solution of the problems of social rehabilitation and re-adaptation will be provided by technical

technologies of a different kind. They are maximally projective and, as a rule, contain a rethinking of the time perspective of life. Another group of technologies, in addition to issues of activation and emotional support, considers the problems of preventive information and intellectual development, which contributes to the successful overcoming of situations of conflict, public speaking, communicative, intellectual and professional competition by citizens. Other types of integrated technologies combine the scientific developments of psychologists and the practice of human life in such areas as the media, sports, literary and visual arts, and environmental activity.

Educational training is built on the principles of interpersonal interaction, which become the basic foundations for the practical work of a social specialist. We propose the following ten principles:

1. The principle of constructing work on the model of solving a creative problem in the context of a research-forming method, taking into account individual features participants.

2. The principle of proximity of the content of classes to real life: the training material includes the conditions of professional activity and the participants' own problems that affect this activity.

3. The principle of diagnostics and mandatory work with diagnostic and self-diagnosis materials.

4. The principle of reflexive succession: each new stage academic work should be based on previous meaningful achievements.

5. The principle of voluntariness of participants and openness of the group.

6. The principle of non-estimation and reduced criticality.

7. The principle of relying on social intelligence, which implies awareness of the interpersonal relations of the participants and their regulatory behavioral capabilities sufficient to ensure the activity of all with mutual responsibility of each.

8. The principle of activity: mastering the potential of one's capabilities and the embodiment of "self-obligations" - new requirements for oneself that exceed the original ones.

9. The principle of productivity, consisting in the fact that the actors carry out joint activities on the formation or change of integral semantic formations, and this is manifested in a change in the social attitudes of the individual.

10. The principle of the co-creative position of the participants, who, through their personality, create the necessary conditions for the personal growth of the other - rethinking and transforming ideas, relationships and everyday behavior.

We specifically consider the question of the components of the professional position of the organizer of training. We include here the degree of his openness in communication, the leading meaningful life orientations, the dominant ego state and communicative attitudes, the type of listening and speaking, including the features of presentation feedback and individual forms of support. Each of the components of a professional position has its own history. Preference in choosing a position is given to more than

late ontological formations, requiring, as a rule, work specially aimed at their formation. The position taken by the teacher and its variants are a special subject of discussion among the participants in the educational process.

The anthropological approach to educational work we have considered allows us to briefly summarize what has been said. The training and retraining of personnel is realized as an event-related community in the form of psychological support. Psychological support as a way of teaching adults involves the creation of humanitarian technologies - universal models of interpersonal relationships that ensure the personal integrity of a person and strengthen his psychological health. A civilized attitude - to the electorate, to a different national culture, to another person (consumer, sick, passenger, child) - can be formed in the process of educational training of personnel for working with the population.

List of used literature:

1. Chernikova T.V. Humanitarian psychology of education. Moscow: International Pedagogical Academy, 2001. 216 p.

2. Chernikova T.V. Humanitarian strategy of vocational education. Volgograd: OOO Print, 220 p.

3. Chernikova T.V. Three strategies for training specialists // Higher education today. 2003. No. 2. pp. 9-12.


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