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How it works

You indicate your gender We have selected pictures for the types of activities. Sets of pictures are different for girls and boys. So it will be easier for you to understand whether this or that type of activity is right for you. Gender is also taken into account in the sets of professions in the test results.

You choose your preferred activity from 20 pairs You need to choose your preferred activity from 20 pairs of activities. Performance online test will take no more than 4 - 5 minutes.

We will show you the test results In the test results, we will determine your predominant type of profession and introduce you to its description. Also in the test results you will find a list of suitable professions.

You choose professions You will receive your personal list of professions. For the convenience of choosing professions, we will offer you filters by subjects, USE exams, areas of study, profession prospects, etc. Interesting professions you can save in Personal account, add to compare.

We will show you where you can get a profession We will show you where you can get a profession. If you want to choose an educational institution where to get the chosen profession, we will show you universities, colleges, their specific education programs, where you can get a base for a career in the profession.

We will show the labor market of the profession in Russia and in your city We selected real positions of companies for each profession and integrated the capabilities of the Yandex Jobs aggregator into our service. As a result, you can see up-to-date information on the current state of the labor market of the profession: the number of vacancies, wages, make slices of information by city.

What is this test and can it be trusted

This test is designed to identify a person's predisposition to a certain type of profession. The test is used for selection for various types of professions in accordance with the classification of types of professions by E.A. Klimova. This is a classic career guidance test "Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire (DDO)", which is used in career guidance and professional selection of adolescents and adults. According to the results of the survey, a person’s orientation to 5 types of professions is revealed, according to the classification of E.A. Klimov:

  • man is nature;
  • man - technology;
  • man - man;
  • a person is a symbolic technique, a symbolic image;
  • man is a work of art.

What are the benefits of testing on our site
Our test has a number of advantages over the original test. We have added visual images of activity to the test, which allow us to more accurately understand what type of activity we are talking about, to imagine ourselves in a certain role. In order to achieve the maximum effect, we have created two sets of visual images for women and men. As a result, the test turned out not so boring and is performed easier and faster.
The test result contains not only the appropriate type of activity and its description. The uniqueness of our test is that as a result of the test you will see very specific professions from our atlas of professions, which contains more than 1100 professions.

And this is not all the possibilities of our test version. Professions can be filtered by areas, prospects, USE exams! On the page of each profession, you will find specific programs of universities where you can get it, see a list of universities where this profession is taught. University programs have information about passing scores, the competition, the number of places, the cost of paid education. We provide the most complete range of information to make a decision about future profession and university admissions.

Take the Klimov test on our website and make the right decision about your future profession, education program and university!

VISION(English) vision) - the ability to receive and extract information about the world from the energy of electromagnetic radiation in the light range; a complex set of processes in the visual system, starting with the transformation of light energy into photoreceptors and ending with visual sensations and perceptions. The visible part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation is considered to be a band with wavelengths approximately in the range from 380 to 760 nm. Z.'s development is closely connected with improvement of functions of c. n. With. As a means of cognition, Z. has reached the greatest development in humans, where it provides more than 90% of all information about the world around.

In the human visual system, there are: 1) peripheral department- eye (pair of eyes), with its optical system, external eye muscles and receptor apparatus - the retina (retina, retina); 2) afferent pathways(optic nerves and tracts, Graziole's radiance), 3) subcortical centers(lateral geniculate bodies, superior tubercles of the quadrigemina, etc.); four) visual centers cerebral cortex (17th, 18th and 19th Brodmann fields). The visual system includes efferent visual pathways providing eye movements. The visual system is under the activating influence of the reticular formation of the brain. Important for Z. have optical system eyes(cornea, or cornea, pupil and iris, lens, vitreous body), which forms an image of objects of the outside world on the retina, as well as auxiliary and protective apparatus of the eye: eyelids, eyelashes, orbits, lacrimal apparatus, blood supply system, etc.

Visual processes arise as a result of the action of visible light on the photoreceptors of the retina (rods and cones). The human retina contains approx. 120 million rods and 7 million cones (approx. 160,000 receptors per 1 mm 2). The rod-free foveal region (foveola) contains approximately 25,000 cones. Photoreceptors were discovered by Treviranus (1835), but the idea of ​​2 types of photoreceptors was substantiated by Max Schulze (1866), who put forward dual vision theory. According to this theory, rods and cones have different functions: the rods are the apparatus of the night achromatic vision, cones - day color vision. For the occurrence of excitation in the neurons of the retina, it is necessary that the energy that enters the retina in the form of light quanta (photons) be absorbed by the visual pigments of the photoreceptors: the rod pigment rhodopsin, or otherwise, visual purple, and cone pigments (iodopsin, etc.). Photochemical changes in these pigments give rise to the visual process, which manifests itself in the form of electrical potentials at all levels of the visual system (see Fig. Electroretinography,Electrooculography,Electroencephalography.)

Retina- this is a complex shell, in which 10 layers are distinguished; its main elements are nerve cells. Primary processing of visual information is already carried out in the retina. In addition to receptors, there are several types of neurons in the retina - these are horizontal, bipolar, amacrine (they are included in the 6th layer, which is called the "inner nuclear layer") and ganglion cells (8th layer). Axons of the last in quantity apprx. 1 million form the optic (optic) nerve; the place in the retina where the fibers of the optic nerve gather and leave the eye is called optical disc, there are no photoreceptors, and in line of sight it corresponds to the area called blind spot(natural scotoma).

Mechanisms of transformation of neurophysiological processes into light ones Feel and visual perceptions are unknown. The visual sensations of a person, as a rule, are included in the context of objective perception and do not arise in a pure, isolated form (still Wundt called pure feeling abstraction); they are almost always mediated by mental processes of a higher level of development, the unity of which with visual sensations in human activity forms visual perception.

The main visual function is light sensitivity. Absolute light sensitivity is defined as the value reciprocal absolute threshold, i.e., the smallest amount of light stimulus at which a sensation already arises. Absolute light sensitivity is very high: it is enough for the retina to absorb only a few quanta of light in order for a visual sensation to arise; its measurements are carried out in complete darkness, when the process is over dark adaptation(cm. Visual adaptation,Sensory adaptation).

Dr. important indicator Z. - the minimum visible difference between 2 stimuli (according to their c.-l. properties); it characterizes the differential (difference) sensitivity (see. Differential Threshold). The relative difference threshold in brightness is approximately equal to 1% (see Fig. Luminance contrast).

Visual thresholds are variable values, depending on the action of many internal and external conditions, in particular, on the adaptation of the simultaneous action of several light stimuli on the retina (see Fig. Visual disguise), aftereffects of light stimuli ( successive images), sensory interactions. Visual thresholds also depend on age, the general state of the body, the normal or pathological state of the organ Z.

There are 3 main types of Z.: photopic, or day; mesopic, or twilight; scotopic, or night. Photopic z. is carried out with the help of a cone apparatus, with complete light adaptation to the background brightness exceeding 10 nits. It is characterized by the relative visibility of monochromatic radiations (in other words, the normalized curve of spectral sensitivity) for daytime zoning adopted by the CIE (1924). Scotopic Z. is carried out using a rod apparatus, with full adaptation to darkness or background brightness not exceeding 0.01 nits. It is characterized by the relative visibility of monochromatic radiation for night sky, adopted by the CIE (1951). Mesopic Z. - intermediate between day and night, when both types of receptors function.

With photopic Z., the greatest visual acuity available in the central field Z., corresponding to the foveal region of the retina; towards the periphery it decreases rapidly. At scotopic Z. the central physiological scotoma is formed, and the maximum light sensitivity is observed in the parafoveal departments corresponding to the maximum density of rods. Under conditions of photopic vision, a person distinguishes colors; in conditions of scotopic vision, sensations are achromatic in nature, but light sensitivity is very high.

For Z., the correct functioning of the motor apparatus of the eye is important. Movements are carried out by the muscles of the eye: external (see. eye movements) and internal (cf. Eye accommodation,Pupillary reflex). Although the emergence of individual sensations and perceptions can occur without eye movements (for example, during a flash of lightning lasting a microsecond, when no eye movement is possible), eye movements are necessary in the integral process of visual perception (reading, looking at a picture, etc.). When artificially still images are projected onto the retina, the image of the object fades and disappears after a few seconds (see Fig. Sensory adaptation,Purkinje tree). see also binocular vision,deep vision,line of sight,monocular vision,Neuron detector,peripheral vision,color vision,central vision.

Evgeny Alexandrovich Klimov (1930-2014) - Doctor of Psychology, Professor, developer of the system-genetic psychophysiology of style professional activity. The most famous in domestic psychology was the classification of professions developed by him according to the subject of labor, which distinguishes five types of modern professions: a person - Live nature, man-technique, man-man, man-sign system, man-artistic image.

The technique is designed to identify the inclination (predisposition) of a high school student to certain types of professions. It is a fairly short questionnaire consisting of 20 alternative judgments.

The technique can be used both individually and in a group. Questions should not be pondered for a long time.

The test subject must choose the most preferable in each of the 20 pairs of proposed activities.

The numbers and letter designations in the cells of the answer sheet correspond to the numbers and designations of the questions. Each question has, as it were, two parts connected by the union “or”. Depending on whether you like the activity mentioned in the first part of the question, put the sign “+” or “-” in the answer sheet. The same should be done with the second half of the question. One of the halves should definitely be preferred - it should have more pluses.

Suppose that after proper training you will be able to do any job. However, if you had to choose between only two possibilities, which would you prefer?


Take care of animals.

Serve machines, devices (monitor, regulate).

Help sick people, treat them

Create tables, diagrams, programs for computers

Monitor the quality of book illustrations, posters, art postcards, records

Monitor the condition and development of plants

Process materials (wood, fabric, plastic, metal, etc.)

Discuss popular science books, articles

Discuss fiction books (or plays, concerts)

Raise young animals (animals of any breed)

Train comrades (or juniors) in performing any actions (labor, training, sports).

Copy drawings, images (or tune musical instruments).

Drive any cargo (lifting or vehicle) means: crane, tractor, diesel locomotive, etc.

Artistically decorate exhibitions, showcases (or participate in the preparation of plays, concerts)

Repair things, products (clothing, equipment), housing

Search and correct errors in texts, tables, figures

To treat animals

Perform calculations and calculations.

Breeding new varieties of plants

Design, design new types of industrial products (cars or clothes, houses, food, etc.)

To sort out disputes, quarrels between people, to convince, to explain, to encourage, to punish.

Understand drawings, diagrams, tables (check, clarify, put in order).

Observe, study the work of amateur art circles

Observe, study the life of microbes.

Discuss, adjust medical devices, devices

Render to people medical care with injuries, bruises, burns, etc.

Compile accurate descriptions - reports on observed phenomena, events, measured objects, etc.

Artistically describe, depict events (observed or represented)

Do laboratory tests in the hospital

Receiving, examining patients, talking with them, prescribing treatment.

Paint or paint the walls of rooms, the surface of products.

To carry out the installation of buildings or the assembly of machines, devices.

Play on stage, take part in concerts

Produce parts, products (machines, clothes) according to the drawings, build buildings

Engage in drawing, copying drawings, maps

To fight plant diseases, forest and garden pests.

Work on keyboards

Analysis of results

The greatest number of pluses and the smallest number of minuses are symptoms of preference, inclinations of the optant. Very often they indirectly speak about the abilities of the subject.

This questionnaire helps to at least partially limit the scope of choosing a profession, to prefer certain zones of the world map of professions. The accuracy of measured preferences should not be exaggerated. According to the results of the questionnaire, you can find out which area of ​​activity a person is more inclined to, which one is less. Points indicate only the direction, and not the magnitude of the change in the assessed attribute. That is why it is illegal, strictly speaking, to mutually cancel the pluses and minuses obtained in the processing of each column. It is also impossible to attach importance to differences in the magnitude of the total (in columns) numbers when comparing the results of diagnostics of two different people. For example, if one optant has a score of 11 on any column (scale), and the other has a score of 15, it is unreasonable to conclude that in the second case the preference is “stronger”. It is legitimate to draw conclusions about the differences in the preference for professions of a certain type. So, DDO allows you to determine which professions a person prefers (but not by how much).

In accordance with the object of labor, five types of professions are distinguished:

1. "Man-nature" (P).

Representatives of these professions are united by one very important quality- love for nature. But love is not contemplative. Which almost all people possess, considering nature the most favorable environment for recreation, and active associated with the knowledge of its laws and their application. It is one thing to love animals and plants, to play with them, to enjoy them. And it’s quite another thing to take care of them regularly, day after day, to observe, treat, walk, regardless of personal time and plans. A specialist should not only know everything about living organisms, but also predict possible changes in them and take measures. A person needs initiative and independence in solving specific problems, caring, patience and foresight. A person working in the “man-nature” sphere must be calm and balanced.

2. "Man-technique" (T).

The peculiarity of technical objects is that, as a rule, they can be accurately measured in many ways. When processing, transforming, moving or evaluating the worker, accuracy and certainty of actions are required. Technique as an object of ore provides ample opportunities for innovation, invention, creativity, therefore, such a quality as practical thinking is of great importance. Technical fantasy, the ability to mentally connect and disconnect technical objects and their parts are important conditions for success in this field.

3. "Man-sign system" (Z).

We meet with signs much more often than we usually imagine. These are numbers. Codes, symbols, natural or artificial languages, drawings, formula tables. In any case, a person perceives a sign as a symbol of a real object or phenomenon. Therefore, it is important for a specialist who works with signs to be able, on the one hand, to abstract from real physical, chemical, mechanical properties objects, and on the other hand, to represent and perceive the characteristics of real phenomena or objects behind the signs. In order to work successfully in any profession of this type, it is necessary to be able to mentally immerse yourself in the world of seemingly dry designations and focus on the information that they carry. The special requirements of this type of profession are brought to attention.

4. "Man-artistic image" (X).

The most important requirements for professions related to the visual, musical, literary, artistic, acting and stage activities of a person are the ability for the arts, creative imagination, imaginative thinking, talent, diligence.

5. "Man-man" (H).

The main content of labor in professions of the "man-to-man" type is reduced to the interaction between people. If this interaction does not improve, then the work will not improve either. Qualities required for working with people: stable, good mood in the process of working with people, the need for communication, the ability to mentally put yourself in the place of another person, quickly understand the intentions, thoughts, mood of people, the ability to understand human relationships, good memory (the ability to keep in mind the names and characteristics of many people), patience.

Examples of professions in accordance with the presented types of human relations to the world around

Occupation type

Profession examples

Man - nature (P)

Gardener, livestock specialist, veterinarian, livestock breeder, geologist, agronomist, biologist, forester, beekeeper, soil scientist, etc.

Man - technique (T)

Locksmith, turner, radio technician, signalman, seamstress, driver, electrician, engineer, installer, etc.

Man - sign system (3)

Draftsman, typist and computer operator, radio operator, planner, economist, proofreader, programmer, telegrapher, typesetter, etc.

Man - artistic image (X)

Painter, engraver, architect, photographer, actor, stone grinder, painter, musician, fashion designer, glass blower, etc.

Man - man (H)

Salesperson, teacher, educator kindergarten, nanny, teacher of a school, technical school, university; doctor; nurse, waiter, administrator, etc.

Of course, it is impossible to strictly categorize all professions into five types. This approach to the classification of professions is more correct: one must proceed from the fact that a profession can be characterized simultaneously by signs different types, but equally. Thus, a choir conductor is both a musician and an organizer of a group of people. An agronomist is a specialist in the field of crop production, and an organizer of production, and an expert in agricultural technology, and, to some extent, a cartographer (who, besides him, will make special maps of the lands of a given farm?). Therefore, when grouping such complex multi-attribute phenomena as professions, one must take into account the fact that their boundaries are vague and focus on the main, main groups of attributes. There are different groupings for different purposes.

Questionnaire data processing

In each column, the sums of pluses and sums of minuses are calculated separately. The sum of the pluses is placed in the third line from the bottom in the corresponding column, the sum of the minuses - in the second line. The algebraic sum is put down in the bottom line.

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Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire (DDO)

1. Man-Technology (Ch-T). The work of people in this group of professions is associated with: transformation of parts, products, mechanisms (manufacturing of parts, machines, mechanisms manually, on machine tools and automatic lines, metalwork and assembly work, installation and electrical installation, construction and finishing, work on the extraction and processing of industrial raw materials, manufacturing food products); maintenance of technical objects (adjustment and maintenance of equipment, control of machines, machines, mechanisms, vehicles and construction vehicles) restoration (restoration and repair technical equipment, products); study (control and analysis of the quality of products and mechanisms, testing the quality of products). 2. Man - Man (H-H). the work of people in this group of professions is associated with: education, training, training of other people (educator preschool institutions, orphanages, teacher in schools and other educational institutions, master of industrial training, sports coach, etc.); medical care for people and care for them (doctor, dental technician, nurse); · legal assistance (judge, lawyer, legal adviser, police officer, etc.); Organization of people, leadership and management of them (administrator, manager, etc.); study, description, research of other people (sociologist, psychologist, journalist, investigator, etc.). 3. Man - sign system (W-W). The work of people in this group of professions is associated with: transformation, calculation, sorting (accountant, economist, postman, etc.); encryption, decryption, character recognition (stenographer, radio operator, linguist, philologist, historian, mathematician, librarian, etc.); traffic control (dispatcher, traffic police inspector, etc.); preparation and storage of documentation (notary, archivist, clerk, etc.); restoration, elimination of distortions (corrector, editor, etc.). 4. Man - Nature (N-P). The work of people in this group of professions is associated with: transformation, processing (gardener, food industry technologist, fish processor, etc.); maintenance, protection of flora and fauna (forestry worker, florist, poultry farmer, livestock breeder, etc.); Procurement of products, exploitation of natural resources (hunter, fisherman, lumberjack, agronomist, livestock specialist, etc.); restoration, treatment (veterinarian, ecologist, arborist, etc.); study, description, research (geneticist, geologist, botanist, zoologist, metrologist, etc.). 5. Man - Artistic image (CH). The work of people in this group of professions is associated with: transformation, creation (architect, designer, sculptor, fashion designer, artist, director, composer, etc.); · performance, production of products according to a sample in a single copy (conductor, musician, vocalist, actor, jeweler, restorer, designer, etc.); with reproduction, copying, reproduction works of art(painter, stone grinder, painter, etc.).

Study of the type of thinking

Test subject instructions:“This questionnaire will help you determine the type of your thinking. If you agree with the statement, put “+” in the form, if not “-”.

1. It is easier for me to do something myself than to explain to another.

2. I am interested in writing computer programs.

4. I like painting, sculpture, architecture.

5. Even in a well-established business, I try to improve something.

6. I understand better if they explain to me on objects or drawings.

7. I like to play chess.

8. I easily express my thoughts both orally and in writing.

9. When I read a book, I clearly see its characters and the events described.

10. I prefer to plan my own work.

11. I like to do everything with my own hands.

12. As a child, I created (a) my own cipher for correspondence with friends.

13. I attach great importance to the spoken word.

14. Familiar tunes evoke certain pictures in my head.

15. A variety of hobbies make a person's life richer and brighter.

16. When solving a problem, it is easier for me to go by trial and error.

17. I am interested in understanding the nature of physical phenomena.

18. I am interested in the work of a TV and radio program host, a journalist.

19. It is easy for me to imagine an object or animal that does not exist in nature.

20. I like the process of activity more than the result itself.

21. As a child, I liked to assemble a designer from Lego parts.

22. I prefer exact sciences (mathematics, physics).

23. I admire the accuracy and depth of some of the verses.

24. A familiar smell evokes past events in my memory.

25. I did not want (a) to subordinate my life to a certain system.

26. When I hear music, I want to dance.

27. I understand the beauty of mathematical formulas.

28. It is easy for me to speak in front of any audience.

29. I like to visit exhibitions, performances, concerts.

30. I doubt even what is obvious to others.

31. I love doing needlework, making something.

32. It would be interesting for me to decipher the ancient cryptography.

33. I easily learn the grammatical constructions of the language.

34. I agree with F.M. Dostoevsky that beauty will save the world.

35. I don't like to walk in the same way.

36. Only that which can be touched is true.

37. I easily memorize formulas, symbols, conventions.

38. Friends like to listen when I tell them something.

39. I can easily visualize the content of a story or film.

40. I cannot rest until I have perfected my work.

Results processing

Count the number of pluses in each of the five columns and write the resulting number in the empty bottom cell of the form.

Each column corresponds to a certain type of thinking. The number of points in each column indicates the level of development of this type of thinking (0-2 - low, 3-5 - medium, 6-8 - high).

1. Subject-effective thinking characteristic of business people. They acquire information through movement. Usually they have good coordination of movements. Their hands created everything around us object world. They drive cars, stand at machines, assemble computers. Without them, it is impossible to realize the most brilliant idea. Many outstanding athletes and dancers have this mindset as well.

2. Abstract-symbolic thinking possessed by many people of science - theoretical physicists, mathematicians, economists, programmers, analysts. People with this type of thinking can assimilate information through mathematical codes, formulas and operations that cannot be touched or imagined. Thanks to the peculiarities of such thinking, many discoveries have been made on the basis of hypotheses in all fields of science.

3. Verbal-logical thinking distinguishes people with pronounced verbal intelligence (from Latin verbalis - verbal). Thanks to the developed verbal and logical thinking, a scientist, teacher, translator, writer, philologist, journalist can formulate their thoughts and convey them to people. This skill is necessary for leaders, politicians and public figures.

4. Visual-figurative thinking possessed by people with an artistic mindset who can imagine what was, and what will be, and what never was and never will be - artists, poets, writers, directors. An architect, constructor, designer, artist, director must have a developed visual-figurative thinking.

In their pure form, these types of thinking are rare. Most people have one or two types of thinking. Many professions require a combination of different types of thinking, for example, for a psychologist. This kind of thinking is called synthetic.

5. Creativity is the ability to think creatively, to find non-standard solutions to a problem. Creativity can be possessed by a person with any type of thinking. This is a rare and irreplaceable quality that distinguishes talented and successful people in any field of activity.

Match your leading mindset to your chosen activity or study profile. How good is your choice? If your professional plans do not quite correspond to your type of thinking, think about what is easier for you to change - plans or type of thinking?

How to develop thinking.

Information for the mind is like food for the body. Sources of information - communication with people and books, excursions, travel, the Internet. Like food, information must be of high quality.

· Thinking is activated when standard solutions fail. Therefore, it is so important to develop the ability to see an object or phenomenon from different angles, to notice the unusual in the ordinary.

Thinking and speech are inseparable. Thinking develops when you talk about what you have read or seen, participate in discussions, express your own or other people's thoughts in writing.

Table of stresses and life events

One of the most famous and widespread tests in our country. Despite the venerable age, the Klimov questionnaire allows you to accurately determine the level of motivation for various types activities. Due to its simplicity, it can be used to test both adults and adolescents.

In accordance with the classification of types of professions of the Russian psychologist E.A. Klimov, each person is characterized by a more or less clearly expressed preference for activities. According to his theory, every person will cope with any job, subject to successful completion of the appropriate training. However, due to the predominance of various interests and personality traits, all possible professions were divided into 5 pairs in accordance with the predominant type of activity:

  • Man is nature
  • Man is technology
  • Man is a sign
  • Man is man
  • Man is an artistic image

The questionnaire can be used as an initial or basic questionnaire to quickly and briefly determine the desired type of activity on your own or in schools. The passage time will not take more than 10 minutes.

Instructions for the Klimov questionnaire

You will be asked to answer 20 questions like “Suppose you had the opportunity to do what you like, which of the two would you prefer?” with different pairs of answers. Only one answer can be selected for each question. Read the answers carefully and choose the most suitable one for you.

Test time: about 10 minutes.

If the scale is set 0-2 points, then interest in this area was not revealed.
When dialing 3-6 points interest and professional orientation are moderate.
7-8 points will indicate a pronounced professional orientation and interest in professions related to the scale.

Questions for the test


2. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?

3. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?

4. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?

5. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?

6. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?

7. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?

8. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?

9. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?

10. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?

11. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?

12. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?

13. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?

14. Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose only one of two options, which would you prefer?


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