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Launch date 2015

Budget 2.8 million rubles

Team 6 people


How the project started

The history of began in 2007, when Mikhail Sverdlov, a student from Nizhny Novgorod, his grandmother came and said she couldn't find her aunt's grave. Mikhail tried to find the burial himself, but he failed. He turned to the cemetery staff for help, but it turned out that the records they kept hardly correlated with the real plan of the area. Then Mikhail had the idea to create a catalog of graves and give users Free access to him.

Together with a group of like-minded people, he toured the Jewish cemeteries of Nizhny Novgorod, and a year later there were 7,500 graves in the database. Mikhail launched a website with the help of which it was possible to find out for free where this or that person was buried. The project was called "Le Dor Va Dor", which is translated from Hebrew as "from generation to generation."

To develop the service, funds were required, but Mikhail did not want to attract sponsors, so he began offering grave care services to site users. It turned out that this works: the visitor finds the desired burial for free, and then for the money he can order cleaning, painting the fence or repairing the monument. Two months later, the project, in which 20 thousand rubles were invested, reached self-sufficiency and recouped all the start-up costs.

By 2014, the Le Dor Va Dor database contained hundreds of thousands of records of Jewish burials in 44 CIS cemeteries, and Mikhail received several hundred orders every month. The founder of the service decided that it was time to cover all cemeteries without confessional affiliation. It was then that he met Alexei Volodeev, who at that time was hatching the idea of ​​the Rip 24 website, an aggregator of reviews on ritual goods and services. Two entrepreneurs teamed up and in 2015 launched the service - "Uber" for cemeteries, as they themselves call it.

© Roman Savenko

How does it work

The basis of the project is the burial base, which is open to all site visitors. During the winter of 2015/2016, Mikhail's team cataloged three large metropolitan cemeteries: Vostryakovskoye, Kuzminskoye and Lublinskoye. (Another 10 cemeteries in Moscow will be available on the site by the end of 2016.) Graves in million-plus cities of Russia, as well as cemeteries in Belarus and Ukraine, are partially included in the database. In addition, the project is now starting to work in Hungary and Latvia.

The founders of claim that they publish information on the site legally, since the inscriptions on the grave monuments are public information. As for the ethical side of the issue, Mikhail is sure that his website only helps people to get to know their roots better.

Having found the desired grave in the database, the user can order care for it. However, if the burial is not listed in the catalog, but you still know where your relative is buried, the service staff will be able to find the grave. According to Mikhail, they work throughout Russia, where there is access to the Internet.

The service offers several service packages. One-time cleaning in Moscow costs 2,900 rubles: for this money, employees will water the flowers, wash the fence, clear the area of ​​debris and leaves, and give you recommendations for further care. In the most expensive set (9,900 rubles), planting flowers and painting or polishing the fence are added to all this.
In addition, some services can be ordered separately. As practice shows, the greatest demand is for a subscription for several cleanings, restoration of letters on the monument, painting the fence, ordering a memorial prayer and laying flowers. If the client is not interested in caring for the grave, but in the installation of a monument or a fence, employees turn to service partners for help.

The company promises that the order will be completed in 14 days, although it usually takes less than a week to work. In order for the client to be able to control the process, he receives an email with photos and a report with comments and tips for further care.

Now the creators of the project receive several hundred orders per month. They are often approached by those who live in other cities or countries and cannot come to take care of the graves. About 30% of users are people who do not have enough time to follow the burials of relatives. In addition, the company receives orders from older clients who find it difficult to come to the cemetery.

The team hires performers on a piece-work basis. As a rule, students, pensioners and freelancers are engaged in cleaning. The project has already formed the backbone of workers in cities where there is always a large flow of orders. Elsewhere in Russia, graves are looked after by partner services or people found through bulletin boards, YouDo, and social media ads.

The founders of the service position it as a project that primarily helps to preserve the memory of relatives and friends. In addition, part of the profits is spent on caring for abandoned graves and socially significant initiatives. This year, launched a campaign to clean up the graves of veterans and home front workers. On the site, it was possible to select a grave that needs care, and then publish a report. Mikhail hopes that in this way the project volunteers will be able to save the abandoned burial places from destruction.
As for the b2b sector, the team has developed the Open Cemetery system, which allows ritual organizations to automate their business processes. In addition, the service team is engaged in the inventory of cemeteries for municipalities.

© Roman Savenko

Income and expenses

2 million rubles of own funds and 800 thousand received from the Internet Initiatives Development Fund were invested in the project. Now Mikhail and his partner are completing a deal to attract investments, but the details have not yet been disclosed.

As a rule, the company receives about 70% of the profit from the amount of the check. The remaining 30% is spent on attracting a client, paying for the office and directly paying for cleaning. If the client contacts not for the first time, then the profit is 85–90% of the check amount. The service has not yet reached self-sufficiency: according to the founder of the project, this should happen at the beginning of next year.


The creators of the service hope that by 2018 the database will be replenished with data on all cemeteries within the Moscow Ring Road, and by 2020 the project will cover the entire Moscow region. As for the provision of services for the care of graves, by the end of the year the company plans to receive 3,000 orders per month.
In addition, the team is going to open offices in Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Belarus and expand through a franchise.

Business rules of Mikhail Sverdlov

Money spoils

“You don’t need money to test an idea, make a minimal product that can be sold, and set up channels. You do not need to hire a crowd of developers, sales staff, pay yourself hundreds of thousands of salaries. It is enough to go outside and talk to someone you consider your client. If you sell the idea, understand who your buyer is, then the product will go when you make it.

Now in Russia , alas, often there are problems with burial. Namely, it is not easy to bury our loved ones the way we want it. And the point here is not only in material possibilities (although this is also), but also in the fact that in our great and really huge country, there is a catastrophic shortage of convenient areas for cemeteries. It started yet in middle of the last century. By the way, it was then, because of problems with good places for burial, that a now very persistent tradition arose to enclose allocated family plots. So they began to visually separate "ours" from "theirs", thus saving the issued land from someone else's claims to it.

The problem of the lack of good (and convenient) areas for burial was and is especially acute in cities, even relatively small ones. That's quite real example. Some of my relatives, according to one of the late grandmothers, live in a small town in the Voronezh province. They have 2 there cemeteries both out of town but in relative accessibility. The old one, located next to a residential area, is already closed for new burials. They bury only on existing family plots. A new, operating one was opened further away - near the landfill for the processing of household waste. The place, frankly, is not trump at all. But now the townspeople are glad that there are still places on it. However, they fill up at an alarming rate.

Private cemeteries in Russiaand other countries.

My brother told me that he had recently buried a friend. Just six months ago, there was emptiness around the fresh grave - only a dirt road passed there. A week ago, my brother visited the grave and was amazed: a densely “populated” area literally spread around it. Apparently-invisibly fresh graves. They say that literally in a year the territory for new burials will be completely closed, and the next cemetery will be opened very far away - 28 kilometers from the city. Horror, but nothing can be done: there are simply no lands suitable for sanitary standards. How do you get there if you don't have a car? How much time and effort will people have to spend visiting and caring for expensive graves?

And this is the story of a small town. BUT in regional centers, and even more so in megacities, the old prestigious cemeteries located within the city are generally overcrowded a long time ago and are considered closed. That is you can bury there, but only very close relatives inold family graves, and even with special permission. Or for a lot of money moreover, the amount is established (legally or not) by financially interested persons from the administration cemeteries . It is often determined quite arbitrarily, so it is difficult to calculate and plan in advance. AT In Moscow, the cost of a place in a prestigious churchyard generally starts from 150 thousand rubles. These circumstances explain the great interest of Russians in the idea private cemeteries which could solve at least some of the emerging problems.

What is calledprivate cemeteryand what it might look like.

In fact, uh that's quite normal cemetery, but much more civilized and well-groomed than most municipal. At private churchyards often build crematoriums, columbariums, complexes for funeral ceremonies, be sure to put chapels and other temples, in which you can sing to the deceased and pray for his soul, put candles, order a liturgy. Such cemeteries in accordance with the burial legislation and other norms of the state in whose territory they were established.

From neighboring countriesprivate cemeteries

is on Ukraine and inKazakhstan, but they not quite traditional. I mean, their existence and work cannot be said to be completely legal. This is especially true of Ukraine, where such graveyards appear spontaneously. There are they near Kyiv, Zaporozhye, in the west of the country. But in Their presence and work are not regulated in any way by the legislation of the state. The Rada (Ukrainian legislative body) is only going to adopt private cemetery law. However, this does not prevent these Ukrainian necropolises from looking chic, since only wealthy people can buy places on them from the owners of the territory. Such a pleasure is very expensive, and an annual fee for landscaping also relies. But the graves are provided with year-round care, they are guarded, you can buy a place for a family tomb and even a ready-made crypt.

AT Kazakhstan in last years state cemeteries are transferred to privatehands - to companies that won the corresponding tender. Of course, businessmen are not interested in mazars (graves), which are located in bare steppe (such cemeteries in majority in the country), and city graveyards in Almaty, Aktobe and so on. New owners lead the territory in order, set prices for renting plots and for all kinds of services - organizing funerals, arranging and cleaning the territory, ensuring security and other benefits. By the way, prices are rolling out significant, which causes in Kazakh society outrage. After all former city cemeteries become privatewhere everyone used to be buried - both rich and poor. Now people with low incomes are suffering because of the exorbitant cost of maintaining the graves.

AT European Union sameprivate cemeteries- it's quite common. There, the municipalities make sure that a certain social justice reigns in their territories. Here, for example, my second cousin aunt from Latvian Riga recently buried her husband just on the first in Latvia private churchyard. It was opened there in the early 2000s. So it has areas of premium and VIP classes with chic monuments, crypts, even lawns and plants from the botanical garden. And there are economical territories where standard steles stand, but the same cleanliness and grooming reigns. You can even buy expensive seats in installment for 2 years. Payment for the maintenance of the grave is made every year. But if in For 5 years, money for the site is not received, then the monument is removed, and the mound is leveled. Business and nothing personal.

AT Russia

unfortunately so far legally and officially open such cemeteryit is forbidden. This no concept at all in federal law “On burial and funeral business” (No. 8-FZ of January 12, 1996), which today regulates everything. But it is known that the Duma has long been discussing (with varying success) a new draft law "On Burial and Funeral Business." It suggests the possibility of opening private cemeteries . This initiative is also in In 2003, submitted to the Antimonopoly Committee, concerned about the poor state of affairs in ritual Russian business.

However, the adoption of the law is constantly delayed due to all sorts of disagreements and contradictions that arise. For example, legislators fear that graves located on private lands, may actually become the property of the owners or tenants of such cemeteries . In addition, a lot of adjustments need to be made at the same time. in Land Code of the Russian Federation and many other legislative acts. So that in at best funeral licensing and the ability to invest to cemeteries can get (and then not soon) some IP in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It will be like pilot project which will show in practice all the pros and cons of existence private cemeteries in Russia.

About rumors.

From different sources known that, according to the new bill, to open private cemetery in Russia it will be necessary not only to obtain a license and win an auction for a land plot suitable for a churchyard. Besides, you will need to sign a number of contracts: With environmental services, with sanitary and epidemiological supervision, with morgues and municipal ritual services. AT in general, to collect a huge package of documents and approvals.

These graveyards will be located on lands specially designated for burial. Them the arrangement must also comply with the specified standards. There it is necessary to provide economical and expensive sites for people with different financial capabilities, as well as places for burying ashes in the urn (including columbar wall), and for traditional burials. Mandatory criteria for opening such cemeteries there will be a ritual hall and appropriate landscaping (paved and landscaped alleys, plumbing systems, lighting, and so on). themselves burial plots are supposed to be given to those who wish inlease for a period of 25 years with the possibility of subsequent renewal. For rent, a certain amount of money will be charged - a one-time fee. And for the care of the territory - another annual one. And, of course, such cemeteries will offer all kinds of ritual services: burial, making and installation of a monument, additional improvement of the grave, and others.

Despite the absence of the necessary law, in Russia still has several small cemeteries, which can also be called private in a certain sense.. Although they are presented as municipal enterprises. One of them is located in Kostroma region. It was still open in 2004 the owner of a ritual office. He got the land in lease for 49 years from the local municipality and works in coordination with all city authorities. Second private cemetery in Tolyatti is part of the city churchyard, given individual entrepreneur. He invested significant funds, as it were, on the terms of a public-private partnership. AT as a result, the businessman gained control of the old territory the graveyard that was brought in order, partially re-planned and equipped there generic sites of the VIP category. Not free, of course. However, those who wish to put the remains of their relatives there are not transferred.

AT In general, we have the horse (as usual, when it comes to entrepreneurship) ahead of the cart. But what if the cart slows down, and the demand is not just there - it is literally huge? Of course, different opinions can be expressed on this topic. On the one hand, illegal business is bad and leads to chaos and corruption. On the other hand, we already have enough corruption in this area. It simply cannot but be with a severe shortage of good cemeteries and places on them. Representatives of all municipal unitary enterprises and state unitary enterprises take advantage of these circumstances and pump money out of them. Bribes, bribes, bribes. So I'm in favor of private cemeteries appeared with us as quickly as possible, and I consider the already existing options for their work to be a good thing.

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Cemetery business or investment in the afterlife

It seems to me, or have lately the topics of articles on a lazy blog become too predictable?! I really don't want a lazy blog to turn into a narrowly thematic platform (about PAMM accounts, etc.). So today I propose to digress a little from financial markets and talk about one thing unusual form an investment that is flourishing all over the world and gives very good returns. It's about investing in... cemeteries.

In our country, the problem of lack of space in cemeteries is especially relevant for Moscow, so I will analyze the topic using the example of our capital. In a multi-million metropolis, 100-120 thousand people die every year, and all of them need to be buried somewhere. However, no new cemeteries are being built in Moscow, and the old ones are overcrowded and officially closed. Most of the remains, of course, are burned, but at the same time, famous and wealthy people continue to be buried in Moscow. How does it happen?

How are they buried in Moscow?

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Let's say one of the numerous businessmen of the capital died one of the relatives, he must be buried as expected and of course in Moscow. The businessman gets into the car and drives around all the Moscow cemeteries in search of a suitable place. There are no official vacancies, but the heartbroken rich man is promised to "help solve the problem" for a certain amount. The cost of the so-called assistance ranges from 65 to 140 thousand euros, and depending on the amount, the place is located in any of the capital's cemeteries. Not bad)

Where do these rates come from? It's very simple - a crazy price is provoked by great demand. In Moscow, there are more than a hundred billionaires alone, and there are several thousand millionaires. In addition, a lot of famous public people live in the capital, who are also buried in local cemeteries, some large companies at corporate expense they pay for the funeral of their leading specialists. Bandits are a separate story, they are buried at the expense of the "common fund", because the amount for good places cemeteries offer considerable.

You can find cheaper graves if you turn to private traders. On the Internet, you can often find ads for the sale of plots in the capital's cemeteries. The cost of such proposals is an order of magnitude less than the amounts that the administration of cemeteries names. For 20 thousand euros, you can find a grave even for tomorrow, and if we are talking about an advance purchase, then the price can become even lower. However, there are certain risks of problems with the law in such transactions.

The trends in the “cemetery business” are such that the prices for burial sites are steadily and continuously increasing. Even during the global financial crisis, the cost of cemeteries was on the rise.

Investing in graves in Russia and abroad?

As a rule, all the "organizers" of transactions about places of rest insist on properly executed documents and the full legality of the sale. But in reality they are lying Russian legislation does not allow the sale of plots in cemeteries. In Europe and America, the situation is different: cemetery lands bring fabulous profits to their owners, since all transactions with them are permitted by law. Such types of investment attract not only private investors, but also large investment funds, and the profitability of such investments is approximately 100%.

It must be said that population growth inevitably leads to an increase in the need for burial sites. And taking into account the fact that cemeteries within the boundaries of large cities overflow very quickly, it is safe to predict further growth profitability of such investments. In the US and UK, the payback period for investing in cemeteries ranges from 1 to 5 years (data taken from the network).

In Russia, it is impossible to privatize a place in a cemetery. The activity of selling graves is officially considered illegal and is strongly discouraged by the authorities. Some cemeteries even posted announcements stating that any proposals for the sale of plots in the cemetery are an ordinary fraud, since there are simply no places physically in the capital's cemeteries. All plots are included in the general cadastre and belong to municipal property. However, the Moscow Consumer Market Department reports that every year 1,500-1,600 people find their last refuge in the overcrowded cemeteries of the capital.

Unfortunately, modern Russian legislation does not officially allow making money on speculation with graves. But unofficially, a number of people, from the administration of cemeteries to enterprising private individuals, have good money from this business. Some private traders are even ready to dig up the remains of their relatives and transfer them to distant cemeteries near Moscow, just to profitably sell the grave. Horror.

Cemetery business and investments

In this article, I have collected quite general information on investing in the cemetery business, which I managed to collect from various sources on the Internet. It is clear that for ethical reasons this species investment is suitable only for a few. But perhaps that is why this way of earning is so profitable for the people who are engaged in it.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

The death of a beloved pet is a tragic event for a family. The two most common companion animals - cats and dogs - live an order of magnitude less than a person, which leads to bereavement. A pet that has become a native is usually buried in spontaneous cemeteries or simply taken out of the city to find the last refuge there. Throwing a pet into a landfill is decided by a few who are not strongly attached to the animal or simply do not love animals very much. But such people almost never get them, so pet owners for the most part ask themselves the question of burying a dead cat, dog or other animal.

The family will always remember the animal if it has become a kind of part of this family, does not forget about it for years and even honors the memory. Therefore, the owners need not only to bury the body, but also to know where it is, to visit the burial place. Someone considers it unworthy to simply cover the dead pet with earth somewhere in the forest belt. In general, love and respect for one's animals creates a demand for the sad service of an organized pet cemetery. There are practically no competitors in such an undertaking, and the entrepreneur opens up prospects for running a profitable and even noble business, even if built on a loss, but even to some extent.

Current legislation does not allow the maintenance of private cemeteries for people, placing this obligation in the hands of municipal services. The law is generally ambiguous on this issue, indirectly banning private cemeteries, while bills are being developed today that should allow entrepreneurs to engage in such a business. However, we are talking specifically about the burial of people, but not animals, so the principle “everything is allowed that is not prohibited” applies here. Animal carcasses are generally classified as other biological waste, so their disposal (if we continue to follow the definitions normative documents) can be transferred to private entrepreneurs who perform these works for a fee. But the burial itself can generally be made only if the animal cannot be processed into bone meal(yes, the law provides for non-waste disposal of animals), so you will probably have to fight for a very long time with veterinary services for the right to bury animals on your land.

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In any case, this will only be allowed to be done under the supervision of the veterinary service, with constant disinfection of everything related to the deceased pet, and it will even be necessary to fill the grave with substances containing chlorine - all for the same disinfection. The graves themselves must be at least 2 meters deep to prevent ptomaine from entering the soil. Russian veterinary medicine, and legislation in general, have not yet encountered the creation of private cemeteries for animals, so there are no prohibitions on such activities, but there are also no regulatory legal documents, which confuses the authorities, to which an entrepreneur comes with a desire to produce funeral services. for the burial of pets. Therefore, you need to immediately understand that you may even have to spend more than one year obtaining all kinds of permits, certificates, confirmations and other paperwork. There are no serious precedents for such organized activity. But they can be created.

In any case, first you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. The type of business best falls under the definition of code (OKPD 2) 96.03 Funeral services and related services.

After that, you need to start looking for a place for the future cemetery. Usually, such territories are allocated by the state itself, that is, local administration. The main requirement for the future churchyard is the absence of clusters of residential buildings nearby; in general, the location on the outskirts of the city is optimal. It is easy to guess that the territory should be sufficient, so at least 10 hectares will be needed, because the land is allocated for a cemetery for 49 years; a quickly filled cemetery will no longer be profitable for the owner. It is unlikely that it will be possible to buy land, and even this is impractical - it is quite possible to pay an acceptable rent to the state for the right to use the land without investing serious funds in the purchase of territory. Moreover, funds will be needed for landscaping, because a lifeless field will not be considered by future clients as a functioning cemetery.

It is very difficult to name the rental price, it will depend on many factors, and not least on the personal decision of the administration staff.

But construction works can be calculated in advance if you know exactly what is planned to be built. A sign, a fence, an administrative building will be needed - all this can cost several million rubles, depending on the size and quality of the buildings, but since the business will be conducted year-round, capital buildings are needed. In addition to the administrative building, a crematorium, a mausoleum, memorial walls, monuments, and even small religious institutions can be built. The territory of the cemetery should not be deserted at all, it can be planted with trees, well-groomed grass and other plantings, and all structures and structures must be constantly maintained and kept in order. Here you can also place masters for the manufacture of monuments, the sale of artificial flowers and wreaths, and other service buildings.

Ready-made ideas for your business

People will always strive to conduct a funeral ritual in the usual way, animals are buried in the same way as a person, without inventing complex or different rites, so a pet cemetery will not differ much from a regular cemetery, and clients will need the same services. You can, however, limit yourself to simply fencing the territory and small monuments on it, so that the cemetery does not look like an open field (this scares away customers who, without paying money, can bury their pet themselves); but at the same time find organizations or businessmen who can provide related services. That is, other organizations will make monuments, sell flowers, and transport animals, while those who will be located on the territory will also pay, perhaps, the rent to the cemetery organizer. It all depends on the initial capital and the desire to take on absolutely all obligations or cooperate with other businessmen. But when organizing a churchyard, it is desirable to have several graves with monuments before opening. You will have to pay for them out of your own pocket (while you can bury dead animals from the shelter), but the first client will see that the cemetery is functioning.

In an attempt to provide the population with all possible services, you can also open a small veterinary service on the territory of the cemetery, which will euthanize old and hopelessly sick animals (for an entrepreneur, this will eliminate the need to transport the animal’s corpse, that is, in some cases, you won’t have to drive an ambulance and deal with its subsequent disinfection). The veterinary clinic will also bring a small income, however, and it can be opened by a third-party company.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The organization of the funeral also falls on the owner of the cemetery. Of course, the owners of the deceased pet can bring his body on their own, but the possibility of transportation by the company must also be present. A large hearse is not needed, a gazelle is enough, but equipped for the transport of biological waste (the main condition is a waterproof closed body). Such a car can cost up to a million rubles, so it’s easier to find a veterinary service that can provide a specialized car for a moderate fee. If you have your own transport, then it will have to be disinfected after each transportation and monthly provided for inspection by a veterinarian. In formaldehyde, the clothes of employees will also have to be disinfected. You will also need a stationary or for each case of burial a visiting veterinarian who, before burial, will check the carcass of the deceased animal, give a conclusion, and in case of doubt, even conduct an examination. You can make it a condition to have a veterinarian's opinion before burial, which will force clients to take the dead animal first to the clinic, and from there to the cemetery. But it is best to take over all the difficulties, checks and transportation, because the client always has the opportunity to bury the animal without paying money. Service is very important in this type of business. It can be organized in different ways, but there should be maximum consumer orientation. Moreover, the client obviously does not receive positive emotions from this whole process.

The cremation of animals deserves special mention, this will allow not to take up space in the cemetery, and avoid the danger of contamination of the soil with ptomaine, and offer customers a choice, because not everyone wants to bury an animal on the outskirts of the city, and then also take care of the grave. In general, it is likely that the cremation of the remains will become an even more popular service than a standard funeral. You can fully learn how to build a crematorium, what is needed for this, how it works and other subtleties. Just keep in mind that this article describes the work of a crematorium for burning human corpses, so you need to make adjustments for the cremation of animal remains (shorter burning time, not so complicated and costly construction, etc.). The client should be able to receive a sealed urn with the ashes (it will be kept at the owner’s home, or it will be transferred to a crypt or columbarium, which is also a good idea to build, even possibly underground) or an unsealed one in order to scatter the ashes where the owner is wishes.

For such a ritual, you can allocate a special area on the territory of the cemetery (a kind of place of sorrow). If there is not enough money to build your own crematorium, you can negotiate with already operating organizations to provide this type of service. This will bring not so significant profit, but still it will allow you to earn by giving part of the money to the performer. You can also negotiate with crematoria about transportation; as a rule, they have equipped cars. But customers do not yet trust such a service due to frequent cases of dishonest work. To agree with the crematorium means to give him a significant part of the proceeds, so some dishonest entrepreneurs take the body of the animal for general cremation, but do not take it to the crematorium, but simply throw it away. The population knows about such deception, therefore, in the case of individual cremation, it requires its presence. The crematorium will not interfere with this, so the remains of the animal are burned under the supervision of the owners and the entrepreneur who provides such a service. If a general cremation is ordered, then the owner will not receive the ashes (this allows you to save both on the cost of the procedure itself and on the cost of the urn), but people who are especially attached to pets and who want to preserve their memory require individual cremation with the placement of ashes in a container.

The urn is paid separately, as it can be made by special order from many types of material and even with images or inscriptions. However, its production is fully provided by the crematorium, and the organization takes the money for this, and the entrepreneur, who acts as an intermediary, will receive a very small percentage or nothing at all directly from the urn. But asking customers about the need to order an urn is necessary in order to transfer information to the crematorium in time.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Funeral services for animals are still an unoccupied niche, today the offer of cremation services is only to some extent developed, which is offered by some veterinary clinics (also as intermediaries). To get your client, you need to spend advertising campaign for informing the public. In general, the word advertising is somewhat inappropriate here, because for a person this is a loss and a difficult event in life. It is best to place ads on the Internet, then potential client will find information precisely in case of a tragic need.

You can also arrange with specialized animal magazines that will place information in the most appropriate place on their pages. Placing business cards and leaflets in veterinary clinics also pays well. But most the best advertisement will be precisely the “word of mouth” that does not depend on the entrepreneur. But it is worth noting that such an unusual event as the opening of a pet cemetery can be covered in the local media.

Organizing an animal funeral home may require a different amount of investment. Renting a very small plot and formal arrangement will cost several hundred thousand rubles. But further improvement may require already serious investments, and their amount can be tens of millions of rubles. But then the cemetery will be a beautifully well-groomed place, with its own crypt, mausoleum, columbarium, administrative building, workshop for the production of monuments and coffins, office for the provision of funeral services and even its own crematorium. Such investments, of course, will not pay off even in 5 years, but this option can be considered as a long-term investment. And after all, one should never forget about investors who can give large sums of money for the implementation of a project that is really interesting and promising.

The main thing is to be patient, because the bureaucracy will obviously not immediately give the green light to such activities. It is necessary to take into account not only all-Russian laws, but also local legal acts and regulations, which can greatly restrict or, conversely, favor such an undertaking. After all, if you cope with all the difficulties, you will actually become the only entrepreneur who provides funeral services for pets.

Revenues and profits are also difficult to define - there are too many factors that will affect pricing, costs and revenue. Such activities are unlikely to be profitable in small towns for obvious reasons, but even if you open a cemetery far beyond big city, it can be reported to residents of all settlements, that is, you can work for an entire region or region (or at least a district).

More or less can be said about the cost of cremation - in crematoriums, burning a human corpse costs about 4 thousand rubles, and the main costs are borne by relatives when ordering additional services or accessories. The animal is smaller, therefore, the cost of capacities is less, special supplies are not required, therefore, veterinary clinics offer their cremation for an amount of 2,500 rubles (the larger the animal, the more expensive). But what percentage will be able to take for yourself, it will be possible to find out only in the crematorium with which cooperation is planned. In any case, half of this amount is the best outcome, because the cost of cremation is also high, and they will agree to cremate under such conditions if it promises large volume work (and therefore revenue). Unfortunately, many animals die, but will there be many owners who want to cremate their pet? At first, it's unlikely.

Many businessmen, looking at the income from the cemetery for people, are thinking about how to organize such or a similar business. But organizing a cemetery for people in Russia is almost impossible, since the amount of land for cemeteries in our country is extremely limited. And so many people have the idea to organize a cemetery for pets. But even here it is not so simple! Looking ahead a bit, I’ll honestly say that it’s not possible to officially organize a cemetery for pets in Russia. We wrote about this in the article. But there is always a but!

In our country there is a cemetery for pets and not one. All of them, as mentioned earlier, are illegal or gray. Partially in other articles, we told how everything is organized, but now we would like to cover this topic in more detail.


So there are two schemes for organizing a cemetery for pets.

The first one is grey. According to this scheme, the organization of a cemetery for animals is legal in principle, but deceptive for pet owners. So let's say you buy or rent a land plot that is geographically convenient for organizing a cemetery for animals. Next, you "invest" in the infrastructure of the cemetery, paths, fences, security, etc. But in your newly organized pet cemetery, you bury the ashes for animals, both in the ground and in the columbarium. In this case, you, as the owner of the cemetery, are clear before the inspecting authorities for the non-targeted use of the land. You will also be clean in front of the employees of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology (former SES) and in front of Rospotrebnadzor. The logic is simple, the ashes of animals after are sterile and do not have a detrimental effect on environment(soil and groundwater). And if you organized only a columbarium, then there is nothing to present to you at all, since there is the preservation of ashes, and not burial. The only thing is to pay taxes.

The downside for pet owners is that this site is owned by one person or even worse, it is rented. At any moment, this businessman can sell his plot for the construction of a garage or a house ... And if this scheme has risks that the plot on which the animal cemetery is located will be resold, then the second scheme is generally illegal.

The second scheme is dark. Suppose there is a land plot, more often leased or self-capture, which is tightly fenced off from prying eyes. And on this site, under a front company, the burial of domestic animals begins. Burial in a makeshift pet cemetery takes place prior to the first check from the above structures. Further, this company disappears, and the true owners of the site on which the cemetery for animals is organized, demolishes it!!! The owners of the buried pets will not be able to present anything to anyone, since they themselves have violated the law. They buried the body of their pet (which is prohibited in Russia) on a land plot whose owner did not give permission for this!!!

These are just two schemes that are most common in Moscow and the Moscow region. But do not forget about the various interpretations and combinations of these schemes. Also in any city in Russia there are "oval" illegal cemeteries for animals.


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